User Performance in the Presence of Conflicting Depth Cues
Gustavo Rovelo
, Francisco Abad
, M.-Carmen Juan
and Emilio Camahort
Departamento de Sistemas Inform
aticos y Computaci
on, Universitat Polit
ecnica de Val
encia, Camino de Vera S/N 46022
Valencia, Spain
Instituto Universitario de Autom
atica e Inform
atica Industrial, Universitat Polit
ecnica de Val
encia, Camino de Vera S/N
46022 Valencia, Spain
Augmented Reality, Stereoscopic Vision, User Performance Assessment, Perceptual Issues.
The use of stereoscopy as a depth cue in current computer graphics technology is increasingly popular. On the
other hand, in a Desktop Augmented Reality (AR) environment, a web cam and a set of printed markers allow
the user to interact with an augmented view of the environment in the computer display. So, it seems a logical
step for Desktop Augmented Reality systems to take advantage of the available stereoscopic hardware to
improve the realism of the augmented scenes. The main problem of Desktop AR applications is that they will
be used in different and unprepared environments (wide variety of hardware, inconsistent and unpredictable
lighting conditions, etc.) Therefore, it is crucial to understand how adverse conditions affect user experience.
Furthermore, Desktop AR applications usually present conflicts in the depth cues presented to the users:
viewpoint offset and incorrect occlusions between real and virtual objects.
We use the within subjects experimental approach to evaluate user performance in an Augmented Reality
game. Our goal is to find if stereoscopic graphics help to reduce the impact of the other depth cues conflicts
inherent to Desktop AR applications.
Augmented Reality (AR) applications have become
more common beyond the research laboratory. Users
can now use AR systems at home while surfing the
web (Sony Pictures Digital Inc., 2009), using their
mobile phones (SPRX Mobile, 2010) or playing with
a video console (Sony Computer Entertainment Eu-
rope, 2009).
The use of stereoscopy as a depth cue in com-
puter graphics technology is increasingly popular too.
However, stereoscopy is not the only depth cue hu-
mans use to perceive the third dimension. Motion par-
allax, perspective, accommodation, shadows, texture
gradient and occlusion are other depth cues examples.
When implementing Desktop AR applications, it
is common to introduce conflicts in different depth
cues due to the limitation of the devices and the real-
time constraints. For example, when occlusion be-
tween virtual and real objects is not correctly solved,
virtual objects always appear on top of the real ob-
jects. The Figure 1 shows an example of this problem:
the user’s hand is occluded by the virtual object when
the hand should be visible, since it is closer to the
camera. These conflicting cues confuse the brain and
reduce the realism of the application. Another prob-
lem of AR systems, that is magnified in Desktop AR
environments is the viewing angle offset problem:
real and virtual objects are shown in the display from
the viewpoint of the web cam, that is quite different
from the user’s viewpoint (Kruijff et al., 2010). In
professional AR systems, this problem is solved us-
ing see-through or video-see-through HMDs.
In this paper we study how users react to con-
flicting depth cues when completing a spatial task in
a Desktop AR application. Particularly, we analyze if
using stereoscopic graphics to render virtual objects
increases the user’s performance. Our testbed is a
popular game for children, the Wire Loop Game. We
compare user performance using both monoscopic
and stereoscopic graphics.
We ran experiments with 32 volunteers of differ-
ent ages. For each volunteer and each game, we
collected ve performance measurements. We then
statistically analyzed the measurements to determine
user performance. Additionally, each user answered
Rovelo G., Abad F., Juan M. and Camahort E..
STEREOSCOPIC VISION IN DESKTOP AUGMENTED REALITY - User Performance in the Presence of Conflicting Depth Cues.
DOI: 10.5220/0003852304600465
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP-2012), pages 460-465
ISBN: 978-989-8565-02-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Virtual objects are always drawn in front of real
objects. This figure shows the path for the easiest level of
the game.
a questionnaire about non-quantifiable subjective is-
sues about her game experience.
The outcome of the statistical analysis shows that
using stereoscopic graphics does not benefit user per-
formance in a Desktop AR application. We found
that users performed better with monoscopic viewing.
We also found that users playing with stereoscopy
enabled first had worse results the second time they
played (with monoscopic graphics) than users play-
ing the game with a monoscopic view during the first
round. This effect is even more noticeable when the
task is more complex, as in the third (and last) level
of our game.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. First,
in Section 2 we make a brief review of related work.
Then, Section 3 describes the features of our AR
game and system. In Section 4 we explain the goal
of our research, the experimental design of our study
and the user tests. Sections 5 and 6 describe and dis-
cuss our results. Finally, in Section 7 we present our
conclusions and directions for future work.
Many authors have studied the problems that com-
monly arise in AR applications. There are surveys
that discuss perception issues in AR systems like,
for example, occlusion, stereoscopy, shadows, visuo-
haptic collocation, user viewpoint tracking and visual
angle offset between real and virtual objects (Azuma
et al., 2001; Drascic and Milgram, 1996; Kruijff et al.,
There are also more specific studies that analyze
the impact of stereoscopic depth cues in AR sys-
tems (Lawson et al., 2002; Sands et al., 2004; Shidoji
et al., 2010). Other works study the conflict of han-
dling occlusion between real and virtual objects (Hou,
2003). Ruling et al propose a new algorithm to cal-
culate the correct occlusion in unprepared scenarios
where unmodeled real objects might hide virtual ob-
jects (Ruling et al., 2008).
Researchers have also studied how shadows can
improve user’s perception of depth and virtual ob-
jects (Sugano et al., 2003), or the minimal resolution
in a light map to render perceptually correct artificial
shadows (Nakano et al., 2008).
Other studies in user-centered evaluation focus on
how improving the visualization hardware can alle-
viate AR perception issues (Cakmakci et al., 2004;
Livingston et al., 2009; Liu et al., 2008).
All of the cited works try to understand and re-
duce perceptual issues in AR. Many times the solu-
tions proposed use specialized tracking and rendering
hardware. Other times only one or a few issues are
considered instead of analyzing the whole picture. In
our study we perform a user-centered evaluation to
analyze the perceptual issues that arise in a Desktop
AR application.
Our purpose is to evaluate whether stereoscopy
helps or hinders the user’s performance, taking into
account the conflicting depth cues in this type of AR
application. We quantify the user’s performance by
taking certain measurements described later. In the
following section we describe the game we used to
run the tests.
In the Wire Loop Game, players need psychomotor
coordination and good depth perception skills. The
goal is to move a wire loop along a wire path without
the loop touching the path. If this happens, the game
provides the user with some form of feedback. The
AR Wire Loop Game we developed defines three dif-
ferent game levels. Each level has a different number
of curves in the virtual wire path: one, three and five
for the easy, intermediate and hard level, respectively.
A Wii remote (Wiimote), the computer display and
its speakers are used as the output devices to provide
tactile, visual and aural feedback, respectively.
The virtual wire path and its wooden support are
rendered on top of a real ARToolKit marker. We place
the marker on a table in front of the system’s camera
and the stereoscopic display. The user can move and
orient the virtual ring moving and orienting the Wi-
imote and its attached marker.
Two situations may arise while playing the game.
First, the user may touch the wire with the ring. We
call this situation a collision event. Second, a cross-
ing event occurs when the user completely crosses the
wire with the ring. In this case the game draws a yel-
STEREOSCOPIC VISION IN DESKTOP AUGMENTED REALITY - User Performance in the Presence of Conflicting
Depth Cues
NVidia 3D
Vision Kit
Figure 2: The components of our system: two printed mark-
ers, a PC with a NVIDIA Quadro 600 graphics card, a web
cam, a Wiimote, a 3D display and the NVIDIA GeForce 3D
Vision kit.
low virtual ring at that point (see Figure 1) and she
will not be able to finish the level unless she takes the
ring back at the point where the path was left in the
first place. In both situations, visual, aural, and tactile
stimuli are used to provide feedback to the user.
The Wiimote is connected to a PC using Blue-
tooth. We use the Wiiuse library to communicate our
application with it (Michael Laforest, 2008). Stereo-
scopic graphics is achieved using an LG Flatron
W23630 monitor and the NVIDIA GeForce 3D Vi-
sion Kit (active stereoscopic glasses and a NVIDIA
Quadro 600 graphics card). Figure 2 illustrates our
setup. We used osgART (Looser et al., 2006) to build
our game. osgART is a toolkit that offers fast integra-
tion of virtual and real-world 3D objects.
Besides stereoscopy, our system implements other
depth cues like shadows. All virtual objects, that is,
the path and the ring, cast and receive shadows. We
also use occlusion between virtual objects as a depth
cue. Normally, part of the ring occludes the wire and
vice versa (see Figure 3).
Figure 3: The ring and the path cast shadows over the virtual
board and over each other. The occlusion is also solved
between virtual objects.
We performed a study with 32 right handed volun-
teers aged 21 to 43 (27.5 on average). All of them
volunteered their time. The design of our experiment
defines two factors with two possible levels each. The
first factor is using stereoscopic graphics (enabled or
disabled). We use the Within Subjects experimen-
tal design, therefore all subjects played using stereo-
scopic and monoscopic graphics. The second fac-
tor of the experiment is the order used for each user
(stereoscopic visualization first, then monoscopic; or
the other way around). All users played the three lev-
els of the game in the same order. Half of the users
started with the monoscopic version, the other half
with the stereoscopic version.
All subjects were sitted at about 50 cm from the
monitor. The ARToolkit marker to track the wire path
location was placed in the table in front of the moni-
tor. The web cam was located on top of a tripod to the
left of the user, to avoid interferences with her arms
while playing the game. The game starts placing the
loop at the farthest end of the path with respect to the
Before playing, each participant watched an intro-
ductory 3.5 minutes video with instructions on how
to play the game. After that, a member of our team
gave the user some final instructions. Then, the sub-
ject played the three levels (with stereoscopy enabled
or disabled). After that, the subject played again the
three levels, with the other configuration.
The first time a user plays, she spends one minute
practicing with the first level of the game before run-
ning the experiments. The goal of each user is to fin-
ish each level in the shortest possible time and with
the least amount of mistakes. Mistakes, as explained
earlier, occur when the user touches the wire with the
ring, and when the user crosses the wire with the ring.
Users were allowed to take a one minute break be-
tween levels. Once all three levels were completed,
we asked the users to fill out a questionnaire. We also
gathered the user’s opinion about the game by doing
a brief interview with each one of them.
To perform our Within Subjects analysis, we
recorded the following measurements: Completion
time T (time required to complete a game level);
Number of collisions N
(number of times the user
touches the wire with the ring); Number of crossings
(number of times the user crosses the wire with the
ring); Average collision time T
(average time the user
takes to stop touching the wire after a collision) and
Average time outside the wire path T
(average time
the user takes to bring the ring back to the wire path,
after crossing it).
GRAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
The times listed above do not include the times
spent by our system generating the feedback stim-
uli. These times are negligible compared to the above
measurements. For example, aural stimuli take 0.04
seconds on average to generate, while the Wiimote
vibration requires 0.03 seconds on average to be acti-
vated. The worst-case scenario frame rate of our sys-
tem occurs when stereoscopy and all three feedback
stimuli are enabled. In that case the frame rate is 28
fps. The best-case frame rate is 36 fps.
In this section we present the outcome of the statisti-
cal analysis of the results of our experiments.
To study the data of our tests, we did a Multifactor
ANOVA analysis. We selected Fisher’s Least Square
Difference method to prove our hypothesis for all
five measurements recorded and for both monoscopic
and stereoscopic graphics. We applied the method at
the 95% confidence level. We performed the analysis
using StatGraphics
and assuming the following
null and alternative hypotheses:
: performance
= performance
: performance
6= performance
Our H
states that using stereoscopic graphics will
not improve user’s performance in our Desktop AR
Table 1 presents the Multifactor ANOVA analysis
outcomes for every one of the five measurements for
the stereoscopy factor. We find a statistically signifi-
cant difference only for T
in Level 3; so we can not
reject H
Since we use the Within Subjects design, and ev-
ery user plays each game level twice, we analyzed the
relationship between both factors: experiment order
and use of stereoscopy. We did not find any statis-
tically significant relationship between both factors
for any of the five performance measurements on any
game level.
We detected the presence of outliers in the data.
For this reason we performed a cleaning process to
remove those samples. Despite this fact we can ob-
serve that the data dispersion in some cases is not
small enough.
5.1 Questionnaires and Interviews
The tests we ran with our volunteers allowed us to
gather subjective information too. We collected it us-
ing questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaires
included yes/no questions, open questions and Likert
scale questions (from one, strongly disagree, to seven,
strongly agree).
The users’ answers showed that more than 70%
of them knew the real version of game. 56.5% of the
users who knew the real version of the game liked our
game more than the real version. Almost all users
(84.3%) enjoyed playing it.
Even though users found the game easier with-
out stereoscopy, 65.6% of them reported that stereo-
scopic graphics let them better perceive object depth.
25% reported that they perceived depth better without
stereoscopic visualization and 9.4% reported no dif-
ference. These results were confirmed using a second
question about the number of errors the users felt had
incurred while playing: 28.3% of the user said they
felt that stereoscopy had not helped them, 9.4% said
that there was no difference and 62.3% that the stere-
oscopy helped them to had less mistakes.
We also asked the users about the game. They said
that the stereoscopic version offered more informa-
tion about the depths of the ring and the path. How-
ever, they complained that it was sometimes hard to
accommodate their vision to focus on the objects, and
that they were not always able to see 3D correctly.
They also said to suffer ghosting (double images). Fi-
nally, camera and screen positions were mentioned to
cause discomfort.
Conversely, the use of shadows as a depth cue was
considered very useful. They were particularly useful
at the beginning of the game, when moving the ring
into the path for the first time.
In our experiments, each user played through the three
levels of difficulty of the game twice, with and with-
out stereoscopy. Each time we took five measure-
ments: T , N
, N
, T
and T
. The first three mea-
surements increase with the level of difficulty. This
is independent of using monoscopic or stereoscopic
graphics. This is due to the increased length of the
wire and the increased number of curves in the wire.
Regarding the two reaction times, we observe a
strange behavior for level 2. Users need more time to
correct the ring position after touching the wire than
in level 3. On the other hand, the use of monoscopic
or stereoscopic graphics does not affect on average
the times needed to correct the ring’s position. As for
user performance, we do not find statistical evidence
to reject the null hypothesis for any measurement we
took. This means that, even though on average mono-
scopic results are better than stereoscopic results, sta-
STEREOSCOPIC VISION IN DESKTOP AUGMENTED REALITY - User Performance in the Presence of Conflicting
Depth Cues
Table 1: Multifactor ANOVA analysis outcomes: stereoscopy factor.
Dependant Variable Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Completion time F(1, 58) = 0.87, p = 0.3555 F(1, 58) = 0.64, p = 0.4271 F(1, 58) = 0.91, p = 0.3446
Number of collisions F(1, 58) = 0.24, p = 0.6233 F(1, 62) = 0.87, p = 0.3561 F(1, 62) = 0.33, p = 0.5684
Number of Crossings F(1, 58) = 0.03, p = 0.8742 F(1, 58) = 0.20, p = 0.6573 F(1, 60) = 0.02, p = 0.8970
Avg. Collision time F(1, 56) = 0.45, p = 0.5044 F(1, 58) = 1.75, p = 0.1906 F(1, 60) = 0.25, p = 0.6170
Avg. Time outside the path F(1, 58) = 0.54, p = 0.4660 F(1, 60) = 2.22, p = 0.1418 F(1, 60) = 4.06, p = 0.0485
tistically using monoscopic or stereoscopic graphics
does not affect user performance while playing the
Using stereoscopy in graphics applications im-
proves depth perception, but our experiments show
that under conflicting depth cues, stereoscopic graph-
ics does not improve user performance in a position
and orientation task like the one we evaluated. One
reason is the fact that the user sees the virtual objects
(and the real scene) on the display from the point of
view of the camera, not from her own point of view
(see (Azuma et al., 2001) for a detailed description
of this problem). Another reason is that occlusion be-
tween real and virtual objects is not correctly handled.
The user’s hand and the Wiimote always appear be-
hind the virtual objects. These contradictory depth
cues confuse some users. They reported better depth
perception, but the scene looked weird to them. Users
had problems accommodating their vision to the 3D
objects. Finally, some users reported eye strain after
playing the game with stereoscopic glasses. All these
perception issues are common to other AR applica-
tions, and have also been reported by (Kruijff et al.,
Another reason why users performed better with-
out stereoscopy is probably because they had enough
information to determine the position and orientation
of the virtual objects with just one image. The use of
occlusion between virtual objects and the use of shad-
ows as depth cues reduces the impact of conflicting
depth cues. In unprepared AR environments, Sands
et al. also showed that stereoscopy did not improve
user performance in target selection tasks when there
is enough information to find the position of a 3D
cursor using a 2D visualization method (Sands et al.,
Despite the fact that there are no statistically sig-
nificant relationship between both factors, we per-
formed a second statistical analysis. We compared
user performance according to the type of visualiza-
tion used first. We classified users into two groups
(stereoscopic visualization first, monoscopic visual-
ization first). If we take into account the average
performance values, we find that in general both
groups of users got better results in their second
round. This improvement is minor for those sub-
jects that started playing with monoscopic graphics,
but is much greater for those who started playing
with stereoscopic visualization. In general, all the
measurements for the first and second rounds play-
ing stereoscopic visualization first where worse than
the first and second round playing monoscopic visu-
alization first. Finally users playing with stereoscopy
enabled first had worse results with monoscopic vi-
sualization condition in their second round than users
playing the game with monoscopic condition as the
initial round. Playing with stereoscopy enabled in
the first round seems to penalize user performance in
the second round, causing worse performance com-
pared to users playing the game first using mono-
scopic graphics with no previous experience. This
effect is more noticeable as the task complexity in-
crease, from level one to level three.
Summarizing, our system in monoscopic mode
provides in general enough cues for the user to cor-
rectly relate real and virtual objects. Consequently,
users who started in this mode performed better on
average. Also, the second time they play, using stere-
oscopy, they better interpreted the additional depth
cues. Alternatively, when the user played with stere-
oscopy enabled first, she had to deal with the added
complexity of the stereoscopy and the conflicting
depth cues. Her performance was not as good until
she played for the second time, in monoscopic mode,
where there are less conflicting depth cues and it is
easier to establish spatial relationships between real
and virtual objects. These conclusions were pointed
out by different users after completing their experi-
We think that our results are application dependent
and the lack of statistically significant difference that
let us prove our hypothesis is caused for the small set
and diversity of users that participated in our experi-
ment. Therefore we plan to extend the experiment to
include more users.
We have compared user performance when using
stereoscopy in a Desktop AR system with conflicting
GRAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
depth cues (viewpoint offset and incorrect occlusions
between real and virtual objects). We studied 32 vol-
unteers that played three different levels of an AR ver-
sion of the Wire Loop game. Each time we recorded
five performance measurements.
We did not find statistically significant differ-
ences on user performance under both tested condi-
tions. However, our results show that stereoscopy
does not improve user performance in our Desktop
AR application. Also, users playing first with stereo-
scopic graphics found the game easier after switching
to monoscopic graphics. Users starting with mono-
scopic graphics had better results in all performance
Users completed a questionnaire after playing the
AR game. They found the game easier to play with-
out stereoscopy, although they said it helped them per-
ceive the virtual objects better.
We plan to extend this study to include more users
to get more data that support the findings we have de-
scribed here. We also want to evaluate user perfor-
mance when using other AR applications. Finally, we
plan to study how different feedback channels may
provide task related information to a user of an AR
This research was partially supported by the National
Council of Science and Technology of M
exico as part
of the Special Program of Science and Technology. It
was also funded by grant ALFI-3D, TIN2009-14103-
C03-03 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Inno-
Finally, we want to thank Carlos De Jes
us De Barros
for his valuable criticism while preparing this paper.
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STEREOSCOPIC VISION IN DESKTOP AUGMENTED REALITY - User Performance in the Presence of Conflicting
Depth Cues