On Patient Empowerment and Integration of Telemedicine to
National Healthcare Services
Surayya Urazimbetova
Center for Pervasive Healthcare, Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University, Aabogade 34, Aarhus, Denmark
Keywords: Telemedicine, Integration, Security policy, Shared medicine card, National healthcare services,
Time-to-market, Small-medium size businesses, Presentation level integration, Decentralized access control.
Abstract: Patient empowerment in the digitalized healthcare can be supported by means of telemedicine. As opposed
to Electronic Patient Records developed by a few large business suppliers for healthcare professionals,
telemedical applications include innovative solutions of small-medium size suppliers and are targeted at
specific groups of patients (e.g., hip operated or dermatology patients) and their care network. Based on an
integration experiment we argue that in order to support the national visions for patient empowerment and
connectedness of healthcare at the same time, it is necessary to achieve the integration of telemedicine to the
national healthcare services on a business logic (functional) integration level. In this paper, (1) we identify
the lack of business logic (functional) level integration opportunities for patient oriented telemedical
applications with national healthcare services; (2) we summarize on processes, products and organizations
which are part of the integration procedure and provide places for shortening the time-to-market of SMBs.
(3) we identify the need of supporting telemedicine uptake by extending access rights policies of the
confidential patient data to decentralized citizens level access control.
“Telemedicine is the use of medical information
exchanged from one site to another via electronic
communications to improve patients' health status”.
(American Telemedicine Association)
There exist different telemedical applications,
those that support professionals-to-professionals
remote collaboration and those that support remote
collaboration of a patient with his care network:
family members, volunteers and professionals. We
focus on the last type of telemedicine, as it allows
patients to be proactive users of health care services
i.e. through the use of remote patient monitoring
(Wartena, 2009) and (CDH, 2007) argue that
patient monitoring systems promise to provide better
care for patients and help solving resource
challenges, such as limited human and financial
Among IT health care services, on a national
level, we take a look at Shared Medicine Card
(SMC), or Fælles Medicin Kort (FMK) (Trifork
SMC)(NSI) that allows citizens and health
professionals share the same medication prescription
of patients in Denmark.
It is important to note, that Shared Medicine
Card, fully deployed for all counties in 2012, is the
achievement of the lately established national
organization, known as National Sundheds
(Healthcare) IT (NSI), earlier known as Connected
Digital Health of Denmark.
Among telemedical systems we take a look at
stand alone Remote Rehabilitation Support (RRS)
(Aarhus, 2011) for hip operated patients. It allows
the patient and the care network: spouse,
physiotherapist and hospital staff, to control and
instruct treatment of the patient in the home. Among
other things, RRS offers the following functionality
for the patient: video conferencing, preview of
XRays, viewing medical
prescriptions, which can be
extended to remind him about the medicine intake in
time. In this paper, we focus on the integration of the
last functionality of RRS, namely the medicine
module, as it is explained below.
While RRS offers potential benefits for the hip
operated patient and the hospital (e.g., video
Urazimbetova S..
A CASE STUDY - On Patient Empowerment and Integration of Telemedicine to National Healthcare Services.
DOI: 10.5220/0003870902630269
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2012), pages 263-269
ISBN: 978-989-8425-88-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
conferencing, training and future extension to
remind on medication), it is not adopted at any
hospitals, because there is no cost-reduction
evidence and it does not integrate with hospital
EPRs. However, RRS can bring new valuable
functionality for the patient and his family i.e.,
access to prescriptions and extension to remind on
medicine intake. The interoperability of RRS with
doctors’ EPR is essential for RRS adoption. This is a
common challenge for other telemedicine adoption,
for example as pointed in a Norwegian CheckUp
Care system (Larsen, 2011).
This paper approaches the integration problem of
RRS to EPRs’s medicine module at caregiver’s site,
by assuming that an EPR at the caregiver’s site
integrates to SMC. It is therefore only needed to
integrate RRS medicine module, with SMC at
patient site. The integration scenario will make RRS
“transparent” for health professionals and allow for
patient empowerment through RRS adoption.
Our hypothesis is therefore twofold:
(H1) it is possible to achieve integration of the
patients’ site of the medicine module of RRS to SMC
in a reliable way
(H2) integration can be achieved without
unnecessary expenditure of man hours.
Following sections present methodology of
integration process in Sec 1; overview of Danish
healthcare, the relevant Danish health initiatives and
related work in Sec. 2; integration experiment and
results in Sec. 3; experimental results, constrains of
time-to-market of telemedicine in Sec. 4;
This paper is original, in the sense that there have
not been done any integration experiments of
telemedical applications to SMC. Also, SMC is the
first and so far the only representative of a family of
national services that connect clinical patient data
across Denmark. There is a plan to create “sister”
services, like SMC, in the future, for shared data
access (SDSD, 2009), e.g., to lab results.
The integration experiment is part of a larger
project, Net4Care, initiated by Caretech Innovation
(CI). The need for interoperability of telemedicine
with national healthcare services (NHS) based on an
example of RRS and SMC has already been
published in (Hansen et al., 2011). This paper
presents first results of the initiatives.
The project of integrating RRS to SMC has
started in February 2011 and lasted for more than 6
month, including two month of implementation and
experience gathering. During the project, we
attended a technical, held by NSI, and a mixed
clinical and technical organized by (AAU, 2011)
workshops on Shared Medicine Card and a
workshop on Continua Health Alliance, held at CI.
To explore the possibilities of the security policy of
healthcare services, there was held a seminar for the
security research group at Aarhus University on the
topic. Besides, several companies were contacted in
order to gain better insight into different
technologies. For example, suppliers of National
Service Platform, Security Token Service Identity
Provider, developers of SMC, Security group at
Alexandra Institute and Lægemiddelstyrelsen for
getting the permission to perform the integration
experiment. The implementation aspects of
integration were logged in a diary as follows: every
day when the integration task started or ended (not
including the breaks, meetings, emails, workshops)
there was noted the amount of hours spent. Diary
details are available in (Urazimbetova, 2011).
We start with a brief overview on facts of healthcare
in Denmark, the lack of interoperability in
healthcare, the initiatives on connecting patient data
across the systems, which resulted in Shared
Medicine Card service. We then present the related
work and argue why experiment and results of this
paper brings concrete places of improving current
state of telemedicine in Denmark.
3.1 Lack of Interoperability
Danish healthcare is a public healthcare system
primarily financed through general taxes. The
responsibility of providing healthcare services lies
usually with the county; there is free access to
healthcare services for all 5.4 million citizens.
Healthcare sector should be of high quality, efficient
and allow for free choice of provider by users. It
consists of primary care with self-employed general
practitioners (GPs) and hospital care.
Healthcare IT systems, e.g., EPRs for hospitals,
have been developed independently by different
counties, delivered by different suppliers, without
adoption of a common platform or standards, which
resulted in non-interoperability of EPRs. The same
holds for the standalone telemedical applications,
like RRS or the adopted Cure4you communication
system that integrate to some EPRs.
HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics
3.2 Connecting Digital Health
“It should be clear that integration is not only a
technical problem. Rather, it also requires a good
level of organization and management in order to be
successful.”(Ruh, 2001)
In order to develop interoperability in the public
healthcare systems, there was created a new
organization in 2007 called “Connecting Digital
Health in Denmark” (CDH) now called National
Sundheds IT (NSI), whose task was to create a new
healthcare IT strategy, for digitalization of health
services (Bruun-Rasmussen, 2008). The main
strategic goals of the IT strategy 2008-2012 (CDH,
2007) are:
(1) digitalization that directly supports staff tasks
and functions, thereby creating a basis for improving
quality and efficiency; (2) digitalization aimed at
improving the healthcare service level for citizens
and patients
Table 1: Results of NSI initiatives.
Organiz. Products
digital health
-Shared Medicine Card (SMC):SOAP based
web service and web client
-National Service Platform (NSP) (Enterprise
Service Bus, proxy to SMC, authentication
service and future services.
-Den Gode Web Service (DGWS) or the
Good Web Service Standard
- Sundhedsdatanet closed Virtual Private
Network of healthcare
Open Source
Service Oriented System Integration (Esben
Dalsgaard, 2008)(SOSI). Imple ments
DGWS & Security service STS
Some of the results of NSI are the products and
standards presented in the table 1.
With the efforts of NSI, Denmark has achieved
interoperability of citizens medicine prescriptions in
EPRs, reducing the number of medication errors. In
order to achieve the integration, with the “gluing
technology-SMC, suppliers of EPRs had to make
use of the products and technologies depicted in
table 1.
The following citation, presents strategic
perspectives of IT Strategy 2008-2012 for
In addition to shared services making data
available, it may be relevant to establish shared
services making functionality available.
For example, shared services could make certain
telemedicine solutions available to all relevant
healthcare users. Such solutions will provide a
number of opportunities for cooperation. They will
enable faster and better diagnosing, less unnecessary
transport, new
opportunities to consult experts and
support a seamless transfer of tasks and development of
shared care, etc.
The above quotation is presented to support the
hypothesis that telemedicine should be a connected
part of digitalized Danish healthcare, just as it is the
case with connected medicine prescription modules
that integrate with EPRs.
3.3 Related Work
(Wartena, 2009) presents, The Continua Health
Alliance (CHA) and guidelines. CHAs goal is to
ensure interoperability of telemedical devices as
well as interoperability of these with EPRs, by
means of guidelines for standardisation. On
international level CHA have similar visions as NSI.
(Wartena, 2009) refers to Google Health, which is
out of the market, since mid 2011 and the Microsoft
HealthVault, as places for sharing Personal Health
Records. However, telemedicine requires trusted and
available services, which is achieved by
implementation of SMC. The paper also presents the
trends of patients being able to access EPR records
(created by health professionals) from web portals,
however, it does not raise questions of how
confidential data will be accessed given their
guidelines? In this paper, we do. Furthermore,
interoperability of medication prescription, in our
experiment is not achieved by use of HL7 protocol,
as proposed by CHA, but by means of national
standards. In this paper, we work our way out from
the local to the national implementations and
standards, and point out the places for improvements
of national healthcare services to support
telemedicine in a Danish context.
Below we present definitions of integration layers;
the experimental results, which identify the
integration levels, provided by SMC; present the
technologies that integrators work with during
integration; explain why H1 is a place for
improvements of national healthcare services.
(Ruh et al., 2001) present three different layers
of integration: presentation level integration,
business logic (functional) level integration and data
level integration and argue for pros and cons of the
models quoted below:
1) “The presentation integration model is based on
the concept of accessing the legacy application
through its existing presentation logic. Each user
A CASE STUDY - On Patient Empowerment and Integration of Telemedicine to National Healthcare Services
interaction, however, must ultimately map into the
old presentations in order to integrate.”
2) “Business logic is code written to perform
required business functions in an application. It
includes the processes and workflow as well as the
data manipulation and interpretation rules. … that
are required to properly interpret or construct the
data and that are not always available through the
3) “Data integration model goes directly into the
databases bypassing the presentation and business
logic to create the integration”.
Figure 1 depicts the three horizontal layers of
integration and vertical columns for systems (from
left to right): SMC; authentication service for
citizens, known as NemID; authentication service
for employees, known as Security Token Service
(STS); National Service Provider (NSP) that acts as
proxy to SMC and STS; an example of EPR
integration for employees, and finally the RRS
integration for patients and citizens.
Shared Medicine Card, architecture details in
(Trifork SMC), consists of a database with medicine
records of all 5.4 mio. of Danish citizens on a data
level. The business logic implements the
functionalities such as: medicine prescriptions
mechanism, versioning and logging. The
presentation layer allows citizens (and health
professionals) access shared medicine card
functionality through a web client and is generated
by the business logic layer.
Figure 1: Levels of of integration for analyzed systems
SMC allows for integration of RRS at presentation level.
The horizontal connections seen in business logic
and presentation level integration show entry points
for integration. From the drawing, we can see, that
for an EPR system there is no way of establishing a
database connection to SMC therefore we do not
consider this level any further.
For example, at the business logic level, an EPR
can access shared medicine card and its functionality
by establishing SOAP based communication to its
web service interface. Hence, Shared Medicine Card
consists of a Web Service (WS) (Trifork software
pilots). However, to achieve successful integration
to SMC WS, an EPR system must be (1) part of the
closed VPN connection (Sundehedsdatanet) and (2)
the end users must be employees and own special
employee certificates, all dictated by national web
service standard, The Good Web Service (TGWS)
1.0 (MedCom, 2006). However, RRS on the
patient’s site does not fulfil these requirements and
cannot achieve business level integration, because
(1) RRS is not authorized as a member of the closed
network and (2) patients are not employees and have
no employee certificates, which TGWS asks for.
For RRS it is possible to integrate on
presentation level (once, an Open Source
Component, Smart Framing is released (Trifork
Software Pilots). The idea is based on the older idea
of web frames, where RRS can act as a host to the
guest fmk-online.dk web client. This is like a
redirect to fmk-online.dk web client from RRS.
Citizens from fmk-online.dk can authenticate with a
citizens digital signature, called NemID.
We can now argue, that given presentation level
integration possibility of SMC for patient oriented
RRS, we cannot satisfy H1, as quoted earlier in 2).
To support the argument we provide an example:
Assume, patient site RRS acts as a host application
to fmk-online.dk web client. RRS wishes to deliver
new medicine reminder functionality to the patient:
”intake 2 pills of a medicine 4 times a day” via
presentation level integration. RRS uses Smart
Framing to get PDF document of medicine
prescription of patient. The PDF document, or
(HTML of web client) does not contain the
semantics (meaning) of medicine data. Technically it
is possible that developer of RRS can guess the
meaning of values. However, the guessing of the
meaning and the fact that SMC user interface can
change with time, makes the new reminder
functionality of RRS not appropriate for ensuring
patient safety and software reliability.
This section presents the general constrains on the
time-to-market of RRS adoption on top of the NHS.
The constraints include the ones connected to the
HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics
integration process and the centralized access
control of the patient data. We start by testing the
boundaries of the integration process of H2, by
measuring the process in man-days and provide the
method used for analysis, using a tree based process
analysis. Thereafter, we summarize on other issues
that hold SMBs from creating new functionalities for
citizens and patients.
5.1 Integration Process
It is important to clarify the preconditions of the
hypothesis: assumptions made, products and
documents given to integrator; experience with
technologies. These preconditions impact the
volume (number of all paths) of integration process
tree, as described below.
The tree in figure 2 has the root, which is the
hypothesis H1, with its preconditions. The
intermediate nodes are the intermediate integration
activities that were identified as being important by
integrator. Only one integration path from the root to
the leaf is defined as a correct integration process
and results in the task completion (in our case partial
completion, details in next sec.) i.e., the correct path
for our hypothesis is the left most path that leads to
the leaf, called “Finish 1”. The tree in fig. 2 shows
all processes that integrator performed, before the
correct path towards integration completion was
discovered. The preconditions of the integration
process are lack of documentation and tutorials. For
example, integrator was given an executable
machine image, called NSP-in-a-box. The
installation guideline for installing and running the
image on a virtual machine, examples of http
requests one could execute on NSP-in-a-box; a
white-box architecture drawing with numerous
unexplained abbreviations as ones of table 1. All
these were questions to answer and things to learn
and influence the time-to-market, as argued below.
5.2 Man Days of the Integration
Process Tree
Getting back to the H2, our results show that
integration process takes 84,5 hours and could be
reduced to 43,5 hours to achieve a partial
integration. It is called partial because integration on
the business logic level cannot be achieved as stated
in sec. 4.3 (or achieved with employee signature
which patients don’t have) and RRS cannot provide
new functionality for patients in a reliable way.
Figure 3, gives an overview of the integration
subtasks. The tasks of the chart are mapped to the
tasks of the integration process tree, where (T3)
stands for a path from “Start of Task 3” in the tree to
its completion leaf, “Finish 3” and so on.
Figure 2: Execution of the “wrong” right sub tree is a
result of e.g., lack of experience with tbl. 1. Path to
“Finish 1” is partially correct.
Having got the tree and the chart it is easy to
calculate: How many man-days could be saved if the
integrator knew the right integration path? As we
can see in the chart, the activities connected to
solving the correct path problem, from bar 4 (from
left) to bar 2 (from right) would be estimated to take:
43,5 hours. Thus to achieve integration to national
health services, without unnecessary expenditure of
man hours, NSI may want to provide better
documentation, source code snippets, the right entry
points for integration, like in drawing in fig.1 and
fig. 2. Next section adds further constrains and
maybe most noticeable constraints on time-to-
market for telemedicine.
5.3 Security and Access Rights
As a result of the experiment following significant
barriers for telemedicine integration to national
healthcare services identified. First, the centralized
way of controlling access permission to the
confidential patient data of 5.4 mio. citizens of
A CASE STUDY - On Patient Empowerment and Integration of Telemedicine to National Healthcare Services
Denmark. Second, is the existence of the web
service standard that restricts the way web services
should be implemented in Danish healthcare and
includes employee signatures and excludes citizens
Figure 3: Hours spent on the integration H1.
Allowing EPR suppliers to operate on SMC data
that contain confidential medicine information of 5.4
mio. citizens in a closed healthcare network,
Sundhedsdatanet, require that EPRs systems behave
well with respect to all data. Due to the fact that
EPR systems are the main actors and contributors
and have operated on most population data before
SMC was established, MedCom has to give access
to these systems. Current solution for access rights
to national services follow the concept “all or
nothing”. Hence, RRS with current security model
may have difficulties at getting access to the
confidential data for few hip operated patients.
The access problem can be solved on the
business logic level, by extending the centralized
“all-or-nothing” policy to a decentralized on
individuals based access control. For example, by
creating an SMC web service, where individuals can
authenticate with private NemID and give
permission for telemedical applications to operate on
their confidential data. For example, RRS would
prompt a confirmation window to a patient, where
patient would permit the application to access and
operate on medicine prescriptions. This model might
in turn require that 3rd party applications, like RRS,
can not i.e., steal the data from the patient site for
evil purposes and are reviewed on a code bases by
trusted organizations and approved to behave well
with respect to the confidential data, for each new
system version.
This paper presents issues of improvements of NHS
to better support development of telemedicine:
First, national healthcare services, like SMC
should support integration of patient oriented
telemedicine on a functional integration level.
Presentation level integration is not purposed for
creating new valuable functionalities in a reliable
way, which may keep third party developers from
innovating services for patients and care network.
Second, the time-to-market will depend on the
experience of a developer with applied domain
specific technologies. Though, we demonstrate that
in theory, it is possible to reduce the integration
expanses, measured in man-hours, by factor 2 by
providing better integration documentation for SMB.
Third, to support national visions for patient
empowerment by telemedicine, the standard TGWS
should be revised to include individuals’
authentication. Security constraints in the
deployment of solutions create harsh conditions to
SMBs and long calendar time from idea to
production. Therefore the centralized access control
should be extended to decentralized access control.
It is interesting to analyze possible business and
organizational models that would best support
criteria’s for NHS and telemedicine.
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A CASE STUDY - On Patient Empowerment and Integration of Telemedicine to National Healthcare Services