The Case of Stem Cells
Vittorio Montefusco
, Elena Sini
, Michele Torresani
, Paolo Locatelli
Nicola Restifo
and Roberta Facchini
Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori di Milano, Via Venezian 1, 20133, Milano, Italy
Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, Via Durando 38/A, 20158, Milano, Italy
Keywords: AIDC technology, Mobile&wireless, RFId, Business process reengineering, Process traceability, Stem cells,
Therapy management, Process quality assurance, Transfusion safety.
Abstract: Traceability and quality assurance of bedside processes are often still manual, without the appropriate
support of information systems. Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) solutions integrated
with Mobile&Wireless devices are key solutions to meet the needs of secure identification of persons and
items and of traceability of processes in healthcare organizations. These technologies can fit a variety of
processes, like enterprise-wide person/item identification, blood transfusions, surgical samples
identification, therapy management. The challenge is to extend the use of these solutions also to other
processes like biobanking, where stem cellular products require strict procedures of collection and
manipulation, even in critical environmental conditions. Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori
in Milan (Italy) has a wide experience in RFId projects and is starting to lead a project aimed to design,
develop and implement a set of organizational models, acknowledged procedures and ICT tools in order to
improve actual support to collection and transplantation of Human Stem Cells. In this paper we present a
literature overview of cases of implementation of AIDC technology solution and of how its character of
ubiquity and versatility could fit well with process requirements, discussing the Istituto’s business case.
The volume and the complexity of clinical and
administrative information make Information and
communication Technologies (ICTs) essential for
both running and innovating healthcare
In this paper we want to focus on the use of ICTs
to face lack of process monitoring information in
healthcare, above all as regards identification, safety,
quality assurance.
The process of patient care may be a complex and
composite sequence of visit, examination, treatment
and so on. To attend the patient in a path of care
means to deal with both staff workflow activities
and direct contact with patients. Common literature
states that most of the threats to patient safety are
process-related, rather than clinical. Referring to a
literature review conducted specifically in oncology
by Schwappach and Wernli in 2010, for example,
medication errors seem to be distributed among:
41% in nurse administration (predominantly omitted
medications and wrong doses), 38% in medication
dispensing (predominantly nursing dispensing errors
such as incorrect dose or wrong medications), and
21% in order writing or transcription (predominantly
pharmacy errors). In general, processes are
characterized by inefficiency related to
organizational and procedural issues: there are
difficulties in timely accessing patient information; a
Montefusco V., Sini E., Torresani M., Locatelli P., Restifo N. and Facchini R..
Stem Cells.
DOI: 10.5220/0003875003050311
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2012), pages 305-311
ISBN: 978-989-8425-88-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
high number of actors involved in the process (e.g.
chemotherapy) makes it difficult to ensure
traceability of activities and completeness of
information; procedures are different in each ward
and also documents may differ between
departments; there is limited knowledge and
expertise sharing between professionals involved in
the same process and taking care of the same
patients. This reflects the actual situation in many
organizations, where especially bedside activities are
still manually managed, without the appropriate
support of information systems. This is crucial in
terms of patient safety. In this context the challenges
to be faced to ensure quality and safety to the
clinical process are:
- To ensure reliable patient identification
throughout all processes during his/her stay in the
healthcare organization;
- To enable process traceability, allowing clinical
staff to record activities performed both in “back
office” and involving directly the patient, increasing
the amount and the quality of stored data;
- To support clinical staff in performing activities
depending on the quality and the amount of
available data about the patient. The fewer available
data, the less decision making support for staff;
- To improve governance and cost control,
reducing inefficiencies in information sharing and
communication between practitioners involved in
same workflow.
In the scenario described above ICTs become
essential for support and governance, deeply
affecting the management of information flows,
allowing to extend and strengthen the capability to
register, consult, search, elaborate and transfer data
of very different kinds and uses. A key issue in this
effort is to reduce errors and enhance efficiency by
supporting process traceability and safe
identification of patients and items.
Automatic Identification and Data Capture
(AIDC) identifies tools for the identification and/or
direct collection of data into a computer system,
programmable logic controller (PLC), or other
microprocessor-controlled device without using a
keyboard. Many technologies that can be involved in
AIDC solution are: Bar Code and Card
Technologies, Radio Frequency Identification
(RFId), Real Time Locating Systems, etc. The most
important application areas of AIDC technology in
the healthcare sector are: identification and/or
geolocation of people or objects, operations support,
process tracking and logistics. This because
solutions based on AIDC technologies (like RFId)
can be used to ensure fast and unambiguous
identification of items and patients within the
organization, as well as they enable local storage and
update of data during activities. The same
technology can be used also for asset location and
management of maintenance activities. Another high
potential field includes applications implementing
combined identification of people and items, thus
enabling a patient-to-object cross-match.
Another relevant group of IT solutions available
and valuable for healthcare process management are
Mobile&Wireless technologies (e.g. PDAs, MCAs,
…), which enable mobile access to clinical
applications also at patient bedside, continuous
monitoring patients’ conditions, ubiquous
registration and access to clinical data when needed.
When integrated, these two innovative
technology families can provide staff with solutions
both to support care processes and to monitor them.
A survey issued in 2010 by the ICT in Health Care
Observatory of the School of Management of the
Politecnico di Milano shows that Italian CIOs are
rating Mobile&Wireless and AIDC technologies as
important to increase Electronic Patient Record
(EPR) functionalities, increasing their effectiveness
and thus care safety. Indeed Mobile&Wireless
solutions, integrated both to AIDC technology
solutions and to the Hospital Information System
(HIS), enable to close the patient safety loop
bringing EPR access to clinicians directly at bedside.
In literature we can find many organizations
having started AIDC technologies implementation
projects, in order to assure internal identification and
tracking procedures, but until now the health-care
industry has not invested systematically in
information technology and many processes still rely
on paper record-keeping and individual memory.
Summing up, literature classification models for
AIDC technology solutions distinguish between:
Patient and/or staff identification and tracking, Asset
management and tracking, Clinical process
traceability (blood, specimen and drug
management), Management of surgical instruments,
Inventory management and drug counterfeiting,
Patient documentation management and automatic
biological parameters capture.
As regards asset management, Emory
Healthcare, Georgia's largest health-care system, has
deployed an RFId-based asset-tracking system to
HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics
improve management and utilization of infusion
pumps and other high-value equipment. Here, RFId
readers installed at doorways record when pumps
enter or leave utility rooms. Location sensors are
also installed at the entrance and exit points of the
inventory areas, providing an inventory of tagged
pumps available for use.
Other operations support systems, coming from
manufacturing practice, are e.g. sample tagging for
automatic processing in the laboratory, item tagging
for blood bank or pharma cabinets control both in
the replenishment and in the picking phase, systems
for automated issue of medicine doses. For example
the Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute in the Czech
Republic is using RFId to track vials of expensive
chemotherapy medications, in an effort to better
manage the potentially dangerous process of mixing
the medication with infusion solution. Working in
chemo-hoods, technicians take an RFId-tagged bag
and fill it with the proper amount of drug. Patient's
name and other basic information are electronically
written on the label. The pharmacist wears a ring-
shaped tag on one finger and after mixing the
medication with the solution, he matches the tags on
the bag, on the drug vial, and on his ring and, using a
reader installed inside the chemo-hood. The bag is
then removed from the chemo-hood, and another
check is done when passing the output hatch. The
information collected via RFId allows the hospital to
track when, what, by whom, and how the specific
medication was prepared.
Similar systems can also be used for process
optimization, by monitoring real-time patient ows
(and thus possible bottlenecks) in First Aid Wards or
in Radiology Departments. Success examples are the
St.Vincent’s Hospital in Birmingham (UK) or
Fondazione Macchi di Varese (Italy).
But most important implementations of AIDC
technologies are for bedside support to clinical staff.
This can be done by applying bracelets to patients at
admission, and identifying all items related to a
patient (e.g. patient records face sheets, vials,
receipts, blood bags, drugs) by means of labels.
AIDC solutions can be used for example to control
drug administration, in the operating theatre and in
the transfusion area for patient-to-treatment
verification. An interesting case of study is Boston
Beth Israel Deaconess Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
(NICU), where babies are identified with RFId
wristbands. Mothers’ milk is tagged upon storage in
refrigerators and when a nurse has to feed a baby,
she first scans the milk, then the baby. A software
application ensures that the right infant receives the
right milk and automatically creates an audit trail.
Additionally, RFId scanners are fixed at door frames
to detect babies carried in and out the NICU.
Another example of this kind of applications is at the
Wisconsin Blood Centre, where tags on donation
bags are written with information on time, blood
type, identification number, and expiration date. The
center processes the blood, and when a bag of
processed blood leaves a blood center en route to a
hospital, its tag is read in order to register that bag's
departure, and the time and date of that activity.
When a hospital receives the blood bag, it utilizes a
separate section of the chip's memory to register data
on the recipient patient. When blood is administered
to the patient, the bag tag will be read again, thus
confirming that the patient is receiving the proper
unit. Thus, the systems supports on one side
shipment traceability from the Blood Centre to
patients in other hospitals, on the other side it
supports transfusion safety directly at bedside.
These few examples show how AIDC may help
healthcare workers by enabling to automatically
identify assets and patients, to track inventories, to
control accesses, to enhance equipment utilization,
to optimize staff time and to improve patient safety.
In addition, traceability data can be used to improve
business processes, from optimization of process
bottlenecks to planning of equipment maintenance.
The potential value of such technologies to
healthcare processes can vary within a wide range of
solutions and is applicable to a variety of processes,
including pharmacotherapy, chemotherapy, blood
transfusions, radiotherapy, medications, surgical
activities and so on.
Human Stem Cells (HSCs) transplantation is a life
saving therapy in the treatment of several congenital
or acquired hematologic disorders (e.g. a timely
implantation is key for patient recovery after
chemotherapy treatments). The Transfusion Service
(SIMT) collects stem cells in order to satisfy
transfusion and transplantation clinical needs. There
are two kinds of transplantation procedures:
allogenic (between family members or genetically
distinct individuals) and autologous (patient self-
Human cellular products (HSCs and Therapeutic
Cells-TCs) are transplantable products which require
strict procedures of collection, preservation and
ASSURANCE ISSUES - The Case of Stem Cells
administration in order to guarantee patient safety
and exhaustive documentation in each phase of the
process. In particular, blood transfusion and HSC
management have common needs of validated
standard procedures, effective organization models
and state-of-art ICT tools in compliance with
international standards FACT-JACIE (Joint
Accreditation Committee of ISCT-EBMT -
International Standards for Cellular Therapy Product
Collection, Processing, and Administration). Clinical
studies state how clinical outcome of cell therapy is
on average better in centres implementing FACT-
JACIE standards.
HSCs and TCs management typically involves
three actors: (i) the Transfusion Service manages
donors selection and cell collection or receiveing
from external biobanks; (ii) the Stem Cell Lab
processes, fractionates, and cryopreserves collected
units and delivers the bags for transplantation to (iii)
the Clinical Units. The most relevant steps are donor
acceptance (new or known person), blood sampling,
units labelling and processing before
cryopreservation. Very important issues of this part
of the process are donor identification and items
labelling, particularly critical phases both for
legislative and operational aspects (some possible
adverse events can be generated here).
Italian healthcare providers implement a variety
of organizational models (e.g. outsourced activities,
duties of each unit,..), supporting tools, working
procedures. Moreover, despite FACT-JACIE
qualification of centres is strongly recommended by
the Italian Ministry of Health, there is still a need for
greater efficiency in the management of the
transplantation process, as there are no standard and
validated information systems for detailed
monitoring and control of the process, neither in the
wards, nor in the Stem Cell Lab.
Some examples follow. The Transfusion Service
does not have full awareness of laboratory
processing activities and actual stocks (e.g. units
collected by the Transfusion Service get fractioned
by the Lab, but no trace is on the Transfusion
Service management system). In the lab, staff can
calculate their stock mainly by manual checks of
donors history sheets, where all information on
donated bags is registered: such a procedure does
not support an efficient management of such data.
Also bedside activities show some critical issues,
many similar to those in the transfusion process:
unambiguous patient identification, bags and vials
labelling, in the ward safe cross-matching, adverse
reaction notification, process monitoring and
traceability. The Transfusion Service often relies on
notes about performed implantations to update
patients’ transfusion record on the Blood Bank
Management software or register.
Another common aspect regards self-donation
for autologous transplantation: this particular
procedure requires to be managed in order to collect,
identify and trace for long periods of time huge
stocks of cells collected and reserved for the donor
patient. This is a very critical secondary flow which
has to be supported carefully because of potential
risks for patients in not correct identification (e.g.
mismatch between fractionated units due to different
identifiers used by the Lab and the Transfusion
Service) or mistakes between patients.
A preliminary inquiry on actual critical points in
process configuration can be summarized in some
key topics:
Absence of fast, safe and unambiguous
identification system for patients, sample tubes and
stem cell bags;
Complexity of clinical datasets on units and
Process fragmentation between different units
with different duties, low communication and poor
information record;
Paperwork and manual activities scarcely
supported by existing IT systems, which are often
just lists on files.
This is even more significant if we consider that
product quality is given for granted by the mutual
assumption made by staff, that each process step was
performed by colleagues according to established
procedures. These considerations highlight the need
of a coherent and integrated approach to innovation
through the analysis, design and introduction of
organizational models and state-of-the-art ICT
solutions to link actors and enable a safer
management of bags and clinical information on
transplantation. This is particularly challenging as it
regards process revision and technology-related
issues, because of the frailty of stem cells, of the
particular environmental conditions (e.g. deep freeze
long term storage), of the number of different
departments involved in the chain of activities.
Nevertheless, we believe that, despite many
additional challenges, the main features of ubiquity
and versatility of AIDC and M&W technology fit
stem cells process management needs, and can
improve quality, safety and efficiency.
HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Founded in 1925, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto
Nazionale dei Tumori in Milan (Italy) is recognized
as a top Scientific Research and Treatment
Institution in Oncology. In 2010, over 210 research
projects were under way and nearly 426 scientific
papers were published (IF 2274.38). Istituto cared
for about 13,700 inpatients (482 accounted by the
Regional Government), 9,600 day-hospital
admissions, 1.1 million outpatient treatments, 11,500
surgical operations. It also inspired the Lombardy
Oncology Pathology Network (ROL).
Given high needs of process reengineering and
more efficient information management, in recent
years organizational and technological changes have
been implemented, aiming at digitalizing processes
and incrementing traceability. The Istituto
collaborates with partner Fondazione Politecnico di
Milano, a research institution connected to the
Technical University in Milan with expertise both on
clinical process management and on technological
aspects. Also in this case, Fondazione supports the
implementation of project according to
methodological frameworks like the Business
Process Reengineering, to address the introduction
of innovative ICT solutions with integrated action on
three key levers: processes, organizations and skills,
technology. At the same time, internal workgroups
involving known experts analyse a variety of issues
related to clinical risk management.
Aiming at completing the ICT support to clinical
processes, the Istituto has been adopting innovative
solutions integrated to the HIS in order to avoid
errors and enhance patient safety and quality of care.
The use of mobile devices is gradually spreading
within wards thanks to the development and
evolution of the Istituto’s enterprise RFId platform
for traceability and safe identification in clinical
processes. The Istituto’s Mobile &Wireless strategy
aims at building an ICT infrastructure (hardware and
software integrated to the involved HIS modules)
which guarantees secure identification of patients,
staff, treatments, and critical items in crucial
checkpoints within the clinical pathway. Nowdays,
the Istituto’s RFId platform supports traceability and
safety needs within a growing number of clinical
activities, from general patient identification (access
to the operating room, access to radiotherapy
rooms,..) to patient-to-treatment crossmatching
(blood bags, sample tubes, surgical sampling,..).
This is done through several different WiFi devices
like handheld readers attached to standard desktop
PCs or smart PDAs with a thematic workflow
management application installed (e.g. the
transfusion safety app, the bedside radiology app,
and so on). The Istituto is also carrying on a project
about pharmacotherapy digitalization and
chemotherapy management, where also RFId
technology will be used to track drugs manufactured
in a centralized lab, sent to wards, and then
administered to patients (as regards chemotherapy,
the Istituto is leading a Strategic Program funded by
Italian Ministry of Health involving over 20 Italian
healthcare organizations to define a complete
competence framework and an integrated solution
for patient safety, process quality and overall
efficiency improvement).
Recognizing this expertise, the Regional
Government of Lombardy and the Italian Ministry of
Health have funded a research project lead by dr.
Vittorio Montefusco, a physician working at the
Istituto’s Haematology and Bone Marrow
Transplantation Unit (whose chief executive is the
renowned oncologist dr. Paolo Corradini).
The goal is to design, develop and implement a
set of organizational models, acknowledged
procedures and ICT tools in order to improve actual
support, safety, reliability and traceability in
haematopoietic stem cells (HTCs) and therapeutic
cells (TCs), in full compliance to the internationally
recognized FACT-JACIE standards. This will allow
clinicians to guarantee and trace high quality
standards in procedures and data handling, also
providing more accurate traceability data on stem
cell collection and implantation (e.g. process lead
times, haemovigilance).
A.O. Ospedale “Ca'Granda" Niguarda in Milan
(which is the largest public hospital in Milan),
Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico "Carlo
Besta" (a research and care institute for neurological
pathologies), and Fondazione Politecnico di Milano
are involved in the project, each one bringing
specific support needs. In fact, the Istituto and
Niguarda run important storage and transplantation
facilities, and Besta and Istituto are more focused on
research activities even if respectively on oncology
and neurology.
ASSURANCE ISSUES - The Case of Stem Cells
The idea is to extend the Istituto’s RFId
traceability platform in the field of HSC and TC
process management, supporting the whole process:
from cell donation, fractioning, lab processing, long-
term cryopreservation, delivery of the bag and
transplantation to receiver patient in clinical units (or
extraction for research purposes). The designed
solution will provide the Transfusion Service and the
Stem Cell Lab specific tools for up-to-date
traceability information on processes and using them
to really control the overall process. The designed
solution will raise the overall safety and
effectiveness thanks to:
Unique identification of patient and bags through
RFId tags;
Consolidated and shared information among all
involved units throughout the process;
User-friendly mobile application supporting
bedside activities (from donation to transplantation),
tracing significant steps (time, operation, user),
recording adverse reactions;
Sharing of adverse reaction digital information
between doctor and other units involved;
Integrating all traceability and stock information
to Transfusion Service and Stem Cell Lab
information systems, in order to unify information
on patients, cell units and stocks.
A model of the new process configuration, as
well as a draft architectural model for the ICT
solution will be provided soon.
The clinical relevance of the project refers to the
purpose to directly measure the impact of the
proposed solutions (methods, organization, tools) on
collection, processing and transplantation
procedures. This will regard: product quality, patient
safety, process quality assurance, traceability of
transplantation flows for clinicians and technical
staff (e.g. vigilance on hematopoietic stem cells and
therapeutic cells, traceability information, adverse
reaction, etc.). The impact on cell quality will also
be assessed analyzing vitality and other indicators,
to understand how the new procedures and e.g. radio
frequency radiation could affect their features.
In fact, the primary result will be an increase in
patient safety and in secure management of the
processes, thanks to secure and unique RFId
identification of all items and people involved.
Besides, this will be the first project able to realize a
complete RFId traceability and tracking system of
HSC and TC transplantation, transferable in order to
give coverage to an area now scarcely garrisoned.
This will also be measured concretely assessing As
Is vs To Be process risk levels using methodologies
like the Health-Care Failure Mode And Effect
Analysis (HFMEA).
The Istituto’s experience in safe transfusion
management with the RFId platform proves that the
pervasive use of AICD technologies will force to a
process review increasing its compliance to
international standards and fostering a higher level
of general accuracy in activities. Moreover, an
increase in adverse events notification will surely be
obtained by supporting bedside activities with
mobile solutions fully integrated with the Hospital
Information System. This would raise statistical
relevence of adverse events notified to the
Transfusion Service and improve process monitoring
Finally, the project approach aims at achieving a
general value model and a corresponding ICT
solution which is easily exportable to other
healthcare organizations. This will be guaranteed by
the use of recognized methodological frameworks,
recommended international guidelines (FACT-
JACIE procedures should be implemented by all
centres dealing with stem cells), international
technology standards (e.g. ISBT 128, HL7-Health
Level Seven, standard Web Services, etc.). But
above all this will be guaranteed also by tight
collaboration with physicians in designing and
developing the solution and will be validated by
other Italian hospitals collaborating with Istituto.
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ASSURANCE ISSUES - The Case of Stem Cells