Loss Concealment or Loss Awareness
Beatriz Barros
, Ana Aguiar
and Daniel E. Lucani
Instituto de Telecomunicac¸
oes, Departamento de Engenharia e Gest
ao Industrial, Faculdade de Engenharia da
Universidade do Porto, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias s/n, Porto, Portugal
Instituto de Telecomunicac¸
oes, Departamento de Engenharia Electrot
ecnica e de Computadores, Faculdade de
Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias s/n, Porto, Portugal
Biomedical signal processing, Networking, Loss concealment.
The development of biomedical signal processing algorithms typically assumes that the data can be sampled
at an uniform rate and without loss of samples. Although this is a valid assumption for Holter applications
or clinical testing, these assumptions become questionable in the presence of remote monitoring of patients
through inherently lossy communication networks. The task for the networking engineers has been to create
better, more reliable protocols to avoid packet losses from affecting the signal processing algorithms. However,
inherent constraints from resource-constrained devices and lossy networks used for remote monitoring make
this objective infeasible in many situations. Given irreparable losses due to data transmission, this paper
poses the following questions: (i) how would the current algorithms react to losses, and (ii) what alternatives
are available to still guarantee reliable monitoring and detection of emergency events. For the latter, we
consider two options: the use of current algorithms after a loss concealment stage, and the design of loss aware
algorithms. We argue that a joint design of network protocols and signal processing algorithms is instrumental
for providing reliable biomedical monitoring. We propose a simple, yet powerful model of the network under
a variety of packet loss channels as well as data packetization mechanisms. Extensive numerical results are
provided for addressing question (i), focusing on the sensitivity and positive predictivity of standard ECG
algorithms under a variety of network scenarios. We use the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database and simple loss
concealment mechanisms and show that even small percentages of packet losses can have a significant impact
on a algorithm’s performance.
Conventional wisdom for biomedical signal process-
ing algorithms says that the data, although noisy, is re-
ceived without losses and typically at an uniform sam-
pling rate. Although a valid assumption for the case
of Holter devices and clinical observation, a stronger
challenge is faced when considering transmission of
the data through inherently lossy networks. The de-
mands on the networking community have been to
provide protocols and mechanisms that support a loss-
less transmission of the data. For example, Ref. (Ale-
sanco and Garca, 2010) provides analysis and simula-
tion results using the real-time ECG protocol (RETP),
an alternative to TCP/IP for reliable transmission of
all data samples, studying networks with losses and
its effects upon delay and mean opinion score (MOS)
value for clinical assessment. In this sense, the devel-
opment of signal processing algorithms for feature ex-
traction and communication protocols for data gather-
ing are typically considered as separate tasks.
Although valid in Holter devices and during clini-
cal observation, remote and online monitoring of pa-
tients introduces new challenges and constraints to the
system. A closer inspection reveals that biomedical
devices for remote data gathering rely on resource-
constrained, bandwidth-limited, wireless devices and
unreliable connectivity, e.g., (Hu et al., 2009) (Pan-
dian et al., 2008). These limitations may prevent the
system from providing perfect reliability on the data
transmission process, which translates in samples be-
ing lost irreparably.
Although remote and automatic monitoring of pa-
tients is usually seen as a clear option to reducing
medical costs, if packet losses produce an increase of
false positives in emergency scenarios i) the econom-
ical benefits may vanish as personnel and equipment
may be mobilized unnecessarily, or ii) the system may
Barros B., Aguiar A. and E. Lucani D..
DOI: 10.5220/0003876503180325
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2012), pages 318-325
ISBN: 978-989-8425-88-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
not be deployed in practice due to lack of reliability.
Our take is that a design of signal processing algo-
rithms that are aware of lossy transmissions is funda-
mental for guaranteeing reliable monitoring and be-
come pivotal towards a joint design of network proto-
cols and processing algorithms. We propose two dif-
ferent approaches to the problem from the signal pro-
cessing viewpoint: loss concealment and loss aware-
ness. The former relies on using loss concealment
mechanisms, e.g., prediction algorithms to determine
missing samples, as well as appropriate interleaving
and packetization of the samples in order to hide the
losses from current algorithms. The benefit of this ap-
proach is that current algorithms may be kept without
change. The main drawback of this approach is that
the signal processing algorithms do not differentiate
between actual samples and predicted samples, i.e.,
they are not able to exploit this knowledge.
Although previous work has considered loss con-
cealment as an option, e.g., (Theera-Umpon et al.,
2008), (Prieto-Guerrero et al., 2007), it has done
so without exploiting additional dimensions pro-
vided by the communication architecture. For exam-
ple, (Theera-Umpon et al., 2008) considers that losses
happen during a given interval, which could be a valid
assumption considering that a data packet is likely
to carry several samples. However, interleaving the
samples prior to generating the data packets, i.e., re-
arranging the samples across several packets so that
they are non-contiguous, provides a powerful option
to spread the lost samples. This can allow the con-
cealment mechanisms to operate more efficiently as
the number of contiguous samples missing may de-
crease dramatically.
Loss awareness calls for a re-design of biomedial
signal processing algorithms to consider one or sev-
eral of the following: i) variable (and random) sam-
pling, ii) confidence values for samples providing full
confidence for actual samples and lower confidence
for predicted/estimated samples, iii) incorporate net-
work statistics as key parameters for the algorithms,
iv) control of the data source to request specific lost
samples (but possibly not all) or reduce sampling rate.
To attain optimal performance of the two ap-
proaches, a joint design of network protocols and sig-
nal processing algorithm is required. In other words, a
joint design of network protocols that can adapt to re-
quirements of the algorithms and algorithms that can
adapt to network characteristics and effectively con-
trol the protocols. This new paradigm for network-
aware biomedical algorithm design shall be instru-
mental to making effective, remote, and low cost
biomedical monitoring a reality.
Aiming at a deeper understanding of how packet
losses affect vital signs processing algorithms as well
as how concealing packet losses can improve this be-
havior, we make the following contributions:
Requirement and Challenges: We provide a dis-
cussion of requirements and challenges of remote,
online biomedical monitoring emphasizing dif-
ferent possible sources of sample losses, which
may not only be limited to network congestion or
losses in wireless channels but that can be gener-
ated due to active security attacks.
Evaluation Framework: Based on key communi-
cations, network, and loss concealment parame-
ters and building blocks, we propose a simple yet
detailed model to characterize algorithm perfor-
mance. This evaluation model is adaptive, in the
sense that different versions of the proposed build-
ing blocks can be incorporated seamlessly.
Numerical Analysis: We evaluate ECG algo-
rithms in terms of sensitivity and positive predic-
tivity under a variety of network and loss con-
cealment scenarios. The MIT-BIH data base and
the ecgpuwave algorithm are used as an interest-
ing example. The results clearly illustrate that ad-
vanced loss concealment mechanisms or, alterna-
tively, loss-aware vital signs algorithms are a must
in networks that cannot guarantee delivery of ev-
ery sample. This case is extremely relevant for re-
mote monitoring of patients using simple wireless
devices, e.g., wireless sensor networks, wireless
body-area networks. Our preliminary results con-
firm that concealment of lost samples is possible
in a limited number of scenarios (low packet loss
rates, low number of samples per packet) even
with simple loss concealment algorithms, which
implies that no modification of current algorithms
is needed after an initial loss concealment stage.
However, loss concealment becomes insufficient
in more typical wireless network scenarios.
Alternative Algorithms: We provide a discus-
sion of alternative approaches to joint network
protocol-signal processing algorithm design as
well as loss concealment mechanisms that may be
promising in our applications.
Remote and automatic monitoring of patients sets a
series of design requirements and inherent challenges
driven from them.
Data Rates. Depend considerably on the vital
signs that are being collected and linked to the
sampling rates. For example, a 3-lead ECG mon-
itor sending 2 channels sampled at 250 Hz with
8-bit samples has a raw data rate of 4 kbps. How-
ever, a 12-lead ECG monitor sending 8 channels
sampled at 1000 Hz with 12-bit samples, gener-
ates a raw data rate of 96 kbps. Although, the
former is a much more common case for remote
monitoring, we emphasize that this is the source
data rate. The actual requested data rate to the net-
work shall depend on a variety of factors, of which
packetization (i.e., how many and which samples
are sent in each packet) plays the key role. Com-
munication protocols at different layers add head-
ers to each packet traversing the network for con-
trol and identification purposes. Depending on the
protocols used, this header’s size could be signif-
icant. In many scenarios, it is in the order of tens
of bytes. Clearly, if only one 8-bit sample is sent
per packet in the 3-lead case and if overall header
is 20 bytes per packet, the rate from the perspec-
tive of the network is actually 84kbps. Sending
several samples per packet reduces the overhead,
but at the cost of i) additional delay in the trans-
mission of the samples, ii) higher impact to the
system due to a single packet loss.
Time Criticality. Remote monitoring of patients is
time critical in the sense that the samples should
be received within a certain time frame to be able
to predict, prepare, and/or react to critical situa-
tions. However, a delay of several seconds is still
acceptable from this perspective (Alesanco and
Garca, 2010).
Light-weight, Cost-effective Solutions. One of the
key arguments for remote, online monitoring is
to reduce the economical and qualified human re-
sources cost of monitoring patients. Devices and
services provided require a cost-effective design,
which may limit the storage and processing capa-
bilities of these devices. These limitations con-
stitute one of the key motivations for considering
network-aware algorithms which can leverage re-
sources in an effective fashion and where more
computationally intensive algorithms are not im-
plemented in the end devices. This requirement
also motivates the use of off-the-shelf network de-
vices with standard protocols, e.g., Bluetooth or
ZigBee, which introduce limitations of their own
in terms of maximum data rate per user, reliability,
transmission range, protocol overhead, or trans-
mission band.
Reliable Monitoring. Although the objective of
reliable monitoring of patients has been translated
thus far into providing reliable, lossless transmis-
sion of data, this need not be the case. The ulti-
mate objective of the system is to deliver a reli-
able monitoring service to patients and medical
personnel. In fact, this ultimate objective may
be compromised if the system is unable to adapt
to varying network conditions, which may ren-
der present sampling settings unserviceable, or if
the loss of samples compromises the accuracy of
event detection algorithms and/or triggers unnec-
essary alerts.
Security and Privacy. Vital signs monitoring deal
with sensitive and private information, which im-
pose stringent requirements in terms of cyber-
security and consumer privacy. However, current
network architectures consider devices with lim-
ited processing capabilities close to the individ-
ual (data source), which calls for light-weight se-
curity solutions (Stuart et al., 2008). The archi-
tecture must ensure that unauthorized agents are
unable to access the data collected and that ac-
tive attacks capable of disrupting data collection
are mitigated. From the perspective of design of
network-aware signal processing algorithms, ac-
tive attacks can become a source of packet losses
in the system and one that could be relevant even
if the architecture has enough resources to guaran-
tee delivery of data packets in normal operation.
We model the transmission of a vital signs data stream
across a network as depicted in Figure 1. The raw
data stream received from the vital signs monitor is
fed into a transmitter, which in its simplest form pre-
pares the data for sending across the network by split-
ting it into packets, containing one or more samples
each. These packets are passed through the network,
which causes some packets to be lost. At the receiver,
the stream is re-built from the data in the received
packets, whereby the samples corresponding to lost
packets are replaced. The re-built stream is then fed
into a signal processing algorithm that extracts use-
ful information from the data. For our evaluation,
we use the well-established heart beat detection al-
gorithm ecgpuwave (Pan and Tompkins, 1985). This
model enables us to assess the impact of the most rele-
vant parameters of the transmission of a signal across
a packet data network on the performance of a widely
known signal processing algorithm that assumes by
design that no data losses occur.
The packetization step plays a relevant role, since
for a same packet loss rate in the network more sam-
ples are lost when each packet carries a larger number
of samples. The drawback of transmitting a single
HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 1: System Model.
sample per packet is efficiency, since each data packet
sent on the network carries overhead due to several
layers of in-band signaling. Additionally, some net-
work may require some overhead per packet for ac-
cessing the resources. Hence, there is a trade-off be-
tween efficient network utilization and the effects of
eventual packet losses.
The pattern of network error occurrence can also
significantly influence the impact of network losses.
The packet losses may occur randomly, as in Blue-
tooth links, or correlated in time, as in WiFi or cellu-
lar links. The effects of correlated packet losses can
be more damaging than the effects of random losses,
because correlated losses can cause the deletion of a
significant part of the signal that is to be processed.
In the specific case of heart wave and heart beat de-
tection, the loss of various packets containing eventu-
ally more than one sample can cause a QRS complex
to disappear. While this may not be very serious for
heart beat detection, it may have significant impact in
subsequent algorithms, like arrhythmia detection.
Finally, the receiver must decide how to replace
the samples of the missing packets when rebuilding
the data stream, since periodic samples are expected.
The simplest approach is replacing the missing sam-
ples with zero. The research field of audio stream-
ing offers a good starting point to look for more in-
telligent ways to deal with packet losses (Perkins
et al., 1998). Several loss concealment techniques
have been studied over the years, of which we ad-
dress one sender-based technique, interleaving, and
two receiver-based techniques, sample repetition and
interpolation of transmitted state, described in detail
The trade-off for risking the loss of multiple samples
per packet is that it is more efficient to transmit mul-
tiple samples in a packet in terms of network resource
usage, with side effects on the energy required for
transmission. We define as overhead the ratio of ap-
plication data, in this case bits of ECG samples, to
the total transmitted data, i.e. including all the in-
band signaling of the various protocol layers involved
in the communication. To gain a better perception of
the values involved, Table 1 shows the overhead for
several packetizations used for transmission of MIT-
BIH 11 bit samples using UDP (8 Byte header) over
IPv4 over WiFi, or Bluetooth, both commonly used
technologies for the wireless transmission of ECG
data. For the Bluetooth calculations, we consider
SCO packet types and HV1 profile for 1 sample per
packet, and multiple HV2 packets for all other pack-
etizations. The values in the table clearly show the
advantage of transmitting multiple samples in each
network packet, and only for more than 20 samples
in each network packet does the overhead decrease
below 50%.
Table 1: Network overhead for the chosen packetizations
and commonly used network technologies.
IP over WiFi Bluetooth
1 92.6 88.8
2 86.3 87.6
5 71.5 68.9
10 55.6 67.5
20 38.5 34.9
50 20.1 16.4
The packet loss models of a network are characterized
by the average packet loss rate and the time correla-
tion between those losses. These models depend on a
variety of parameters, ranging from the medium used
(wireless vs. wired) to the topology and size of the
network. Hence different types of networks show dif-
ferent packet loss behaviours.
Two models are commonly used for the generic
characterization of network packet losses, namely the
random independent loss model and the Gilbert-Elliot
model. The first models packet losses as independent
events, and is characterized by the average packet loss
rate. The latter models packet losses as a two-state
markov chain, assuming a dependency between loss
events of consecutive packets. It is characterized by
the loss probabilities in each state and the transition
probabilities between the states.
At the receiver, the arriving packets are buffered to re-
move variations in the transmission latency across the
network (jitter in networking jargon). Then, the data
in the packets is used to rebuild a stream of periodic
heart wave samples. When packets are lost, the cor-
responding missing samples must be replaced, so that
the timing of the rebuilt stream is not disrupted and
it contains periodic samples as expected by the sub-
sequent algorithms. The approach taken to deal with
missing samples at this step is called error conceal-
ment, a name that we borrow from the vocabulary of
voice streaming. Some of these mechanisms rely on
actions on the part of the sender to better empower
the receiver at this step, and some others are purely
In sender-based techniques, the sender processes
the information to be sent such that the transmission
becomes resilient to some amount of errors. An alter-
native is that the sender re-transmits missing data trig-
gered by a request from the receiver, although this in-
volves at least one full round-trip delay and additional
buffering at the sender. The sender-based technique
that we will focus on is called interleaving, although
additional techniques can be tested in our framework.
Interleaving consists in sending non-adjacent samples
(in time) in each data packet and separating time-
adjacent samples across several data packets. On the
loss of a packet that carries more than one sample, the
missing samples are not successive, thus transforming
the loss of a large chunk of data (a packet) into the loss
of the same amount of samples but spread across the
number of packets involved in the interleaving pro-
cess. The drawback of this technique is the delay that
it introduces and the corresponding buffering require-
ments both at the sender and the receiver: enough data
must be stored at the sender before generating a batch
of packets.
As receiver-based error concealment techniques
we illustrate two insertion techniques, substitution
with ”0” and with the previous sample, and one in-
terpolation technique. In the first case, any missing
sample is replaced with a value equivalent to 0 or with
the last correctly received sample, respectively (”0” or
”Repeat Last” in Figure 1). In the case of interpola-
tion, each sample is replaced with the linear interpo-
lation between the previous and following correctly
received samples. Linear interpolation is more costly
in terms of computation than simple insertion tech-
We carried out extensive simulations to assess the im-
pact of network transmission losses on the accuracy of
the well-known heart beat detection algorithm, ecg-
puwave (Pan and Tompkins, 1985). We used various
packetizations and varied the quality of network trans-
mission, i.e., the average packet loss rate. For each
case, we used one of the three error concealment tech-
niques described above. Additionally, we used inter-
leaving with the basic error concealment case (”0”).
We set off simulating the case of uncorrelated trans-
mission losses, which is the best case scenario. That
is, correlated losses will cause more damage to the
rebuilt data stream, so that the results shown here rep-
resent the best expected performance in case of a spe-
cific amount of network losses. The parameters used
in the study are summarized in the Table 2.
We evaluated the impact on the performance of
the heart beat detection algorithm by comparing the
sensitivity and the positive predictive value (PPV)
HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics
(a) ”0”. (b) ”0” with interleaving.
(c) ”0”. (d) ”0” with interleaving.
Figure 2: Sensitivity and PPV with interleaving for random transmission losses.
Table 2: Parameter space explored for the results.
Packetization [# samples] {1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50}
Interleaving On/Off
Packet loss rate [0.1; 50]%
Error concealment ”0”, ”Last”, ”Interpolation”
obtained for an ECG stream rebuilt after suffering
packet losses with the values obtained for the same
ECG stream that did not suffer losses. The sensitiv-
ity expresses the rate of all existing QRS complexes
that are detected, whereas the PPV expresses the rate
of detected QRS complexes that do not exist in the
original ECG stream. We use the MIT-BIH arrhyth-
mia database (Moody and Mark, 1990) and the ecg-
puwave implementation in the PhisioToolkit (Moody
et al., 2000).
The reference values for comparing the impact of
samples losses are the specificity and PPV of the heart
beat detection algorithm without any losses, which
are 99.1% and 99.33%, respectively. Figure 2 shows
the specificity and PPV for simple replacement of
missing samples with ”0”, without and with interleav-
ing, in the presence of uncorrelated network errors.
Simply substituting the missing samples causes an er-
ratic behavior of the heart beat detector in terms of
sensitivity and the PPV degrades to values below 90%
even for low amount of losses. This large amount of
falsely detected beats is caused by the large amount of
steep slopes introduced when replacing missing sam-
ples with values close to 0. Spreading the missing
samples in time, achieved by interleaving samples be-
fore packetization at the sender, maintains the sensi-
tivity and PPV above 90% for random network losses
up to 1%, demonstrating the potential of this tech-
Figure 3 shows the results for insertion with pre-
vious correct sample and linear interpolation without
interleaving. Oppositely to replacing missing samples
with ”0”, replacing each sample with the last correctly
received value shows negligible performance degra-
dation (sensitivity and PPV larger than 99%) of the
heart beat detection algorithm for up to 1 sample per
packet and up to 50% network packet losses. On the
other hand, as expected, larger packetizations tolerate
less network losses, namely 2% for 10 sample pack-
etization and only 0.5% for 20 samples per packet.
Finally, replacing missing samples with a value re-
sulting from interpolation using the nearby correctly
received samples provides only 0.5% better sensitiv-
ity and PPV than insertion with ”Last” for more than
5% losses, despite the additional computational com-
plexity involved in the latter concealment technique.
Table 3 shows the maximum usable packetization
(a) ”Last”. (b) Interpolation.
(c) ”Last”. (d) Interpolation.
Figure 3: Sensitivity and PPV for random transmission losses.
Table 3: Maximum packetization to guarantee sensitivity
and PPV above 99%.
Packet Loss Rate [%] ”0” ”Last” Interpolation
0.1 - 50 50
0.2 - 20 20
0.5 - 20 10
1 - 10 10
2 - 10 5
5 - 2 5
10 - 1 2
20 - 1 2
50 - 1 1
to guarantee sensitivity and PPV above 99% for each
error concealment technique used, showing that none
of the studied techniques performs better than the
other in all situations. Specifically, using ”Last” for
error concealment is more efficient for networks with
low packet losses whereas the additional complexity
of linear interpolation pays off for less reliable net-
works. From the perspective of network efficiency,
however, the combinations of packetizations and er-
ror concealment techniques for which the well-known
ecgpuwave algorithm would perform acceptably im-
ply transmission overheads of more than 50% (see ta-
ble 1), and are extremely inefficient and energy costly.
Although our results show that it is feasible to trans-
mit ECG data across wireless links with currently
available technologies for post-processing by signal
processing algorithms, e.g., heart beat or arrhythmia
detection, they do not provide efficient and reliable
operation. Due to practical considerations, like pa-
tient comfort and usability, ECG monitoring devices
are usually resource constrained both in terms of pro-
cessing and available energy. An efficient use of these
resources is then critical in ECG monitoring system
design. Our evaluation clearly shows that this is
not possible today with state-of-the-art technologies.
Next, we describe three fields that we believe should
be explored targeting specifically the transmission of
ECG data for automatic post-processing solutions.
Firstly, the framework that we present and the as-
sociated parameter space needs to be further evalu-
ated, and the fundamental trade-offs involved in the
choice of transmission technologies, packetizations,
loss concealment techniques, etc, must be studied for
varied network scenarios. Emphasis shall be put in
a joint optimization of the parameters involved in the
transmission of ECG data to achieve highest network
and energy efficiency, conditioned on guaranteeing
minimum performance levels of the signal processing
HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Another line of research that will produce relevant
insights is the development of loss concealment tech-
niques to efficiently repair the ECG stream at the re-
ceiver, with or without the cooperation of the sender.
We specifically envision the use of linear prediction,
Kalman filters or other adaptive filters to reconstruct
the ECG signal. Although this may not provide a
strong improvement over simpler techniques for the
purpose of heart beat detection, it shall play a sig-
nificant role in the performance of subsequent, more
ellaborate algorithms, like arrhythmia detection.
Taking a holistic view of the problem, we fur-
ther propose the development of network-aware sig-
nal processing algorithms that are either resilient or
can adapt to certain levels of sample loss. We envision
the application of non-uniform sampling mechanisms
and results from the field of compressed sensing.
We address the often ignored problem of transmis-
sion of biomedical signal data across networks for re-
mote processing, proposing a framework that models
the relevant building blocks of such a system. We
use the framework to perform an initial numerical
evaluation of the impact of uncorrelated random net-
work packet losses in the performance of the well-
known heart beat detection algorithm ecgpuwave us-
ing the MIT-BIH database. Our results show that
1) packet losses cause significant degradation of the
heart beat detection algorithms; 2) simple loss con-
cealment techniques, like insertion of last known sam-
ple and linear interpolation, significantly reduce the
impact of network losses, but their performance de-
pends on the packetization used; 3) packetization con-
stitutes an important parameter to choose the trade-
off amongst network and energy efficiency and im-
pact of packet losses; 5) there is not one combination
of packetization and loss concealment technique that
performs best for all network scenarios studied.
As a consequence of these findings, we identify
the need to further research the transmission of data
from biomedical signals across networks and propose
to deepen the understanding of the applicability of
three fields of research to biomedical signal trans-
mission and processing. Namely, 1) the joint opti-
mization of transmission parameters, 2) the develop-
ment of advanced loss concealment techniques, like
Kalman filters and linear prediction, and 3) the devel-
opment of loss-resilient signal processing algorithms,
leveraging results from compressed sensing or non-
uniform sampling theory.
The authors thank Miguel Coimbra and Can Ye for
fruitful discussions.
This work was supported by FCT (Fundac¸
para a Ci
encia e a Tecnologia) through the
VR (Vital Responder) project (within the
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