Managing Data in Help4Mood
Maria K. Wolters
, Juan Mart´ınez-Miranda
, Helen F. Hastie
and Colin Matheson
School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, U.K.
IBIME, Universitat Polit´ecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, U.K.
Abstract. Help4Mood is a system that supports the treatment of people with ma-
jor depression through collecting a wealth of cognitive, psychomotor, and motor
data, which can then be summarised and analysed further. Data is stored in func-
tional units that correspond to treatment relevant entities using a custom XML
DTD. As far as possible, observations and ndings are coded using SNOMED
CT to ensure interoperability with other applications such as Electronic Health
1 Help4Mood—Avatar-Based Support for People with Major
Depression is the main cause of disability worldwide [1]. It is characterised by a persis-
tent and intense change of mood which affects behaviour, cognition, and physiology.
There are various forms of depression [2]. Here, we focus on major unipolar de-
pression, which is mostly treated in the community. The core symptoms are persistent
low mood and loss of interest. Figure 1 summarises the definitive diagnostic criteria for
an episode of major depression, which includes activity and sleep symptoms.
As the DSM-IV definition suggests, depression also greatly affects psychomotor
function [3,4]. Two types of major depression can be distinguished, a melancholic form
where patients’ movementsare significantly slowed down, and a non-melancholicform,
where movements are not affected or agitated. Slowed movements are reflected in both
gross motor function, such as gait, and fine motor function, such as movement initiation
and reaction times. They also contribute to a reduced speech rate and a flat intonation
At the moment, recovery is monitored infrequently through self-reported patient
questionnaires that require the person with depression to remember over a period of
time that can be as long as two weeks (e.g., PHQ-9 [7]). Those self-reports can be
unreliable, especially if the patient is not keeping regular notes or a diary.
The Help4Mood system is intended to support the treatment of people with ma-
jor unipolar depression in the community. In addition to monitoring through question-
naires and sensors, the patient interacts with Help4Mood through an avatar interface.
Help4Mood consists of three components, a personal monitoring system, a virtual
agent, which implements the avatar interface, and a decision support system.
K. Wolters M., Martínez-Miranda J., F. Hastie H. and Matheson C..
Managing Data in Help4Mood.
DOI: 10.5220/0003879400170024
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Computing Paradigms for Mental Health (MindCare-2012), pages 17-24
ISBN: 978-989-8425-92-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
A. Five (or more) of the following symptoms have been present during the same
2-week period and represent a change from previous functioning; at least one
of the symptoms is either (1) depressed mood or (2) loss of interest or pleasure:
(1) depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day, as indicated by either subjec-
tive report (e.g., feels sad or empty) or observation made by others (e.g., appears
(2) markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities most of
the day, nearly every day (as indicated by either subjective account or observa-
tion made by others)
(3) significant weight loss when not dieting or weight gain (e.g., a change of more
than 5% of body weight in a month), or decrease or increase in appetite nearly
every day.
(4) insomnia or hypersomnia nearly every day
(5) psychomotor agitation or retardation nearly every day (observable by others,
not merely subjective feelings of restlessness or being slowed down)
(6) fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day
(7) feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt (which may be
delusional) nearly every day (not merely self-reproach or guilt about being sick)
(8) diminished ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness, nearly every day
(either by subjective account or as observed by others)
(9) recurrent thoughts of death (not just fear of dying), recurrent suicidal ideation
without a specific plan, or a suicide attempt or a specific plan for committing
B. The symptoms do not meet criteria for a Mixed Episode.
C. The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, oc-
cupational, or other important areas of functioning.
D. The symptoms are not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance
(e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition (e.g., hy-
E. The symptoms are not better accounted for by Bereavement, i.e., after the loss
of a loved one, the symptoms persist for longer than two months or are char-
acterised by marked functional impairment, morbid preoccupation with worth-
lessness, suicidal ideation, psychotic symptoms, or psychomotor retardation.
Fig.1. DSM-IV criteria for major depressive episode.
The sensors of the personal monitoring system assess sleep and activity patterns us-
ing sleep sensors and a wrist actigraph. The virtual agent asks questions, sets tasks, and
summarises the results of each session. Some of these tasks will yield cognitive data,
such as relevant negative automatic thoughts, others are designed to capture relevant
neuropsychomotor symptoms of depression, such as speech changes and slowed reac-
tion times [3]. The decision support system plans and controls sessions with the virtual
agent and converts data about the patient’s sleep, motor, speech, and other psychomotor
patterns into graphical, textual, and conceptual summaries that can be communicated to
clinicians, patients, and electronic health records.
In this paper, we describe our approach to data management in Help4Mood. We
focus on the high-level data structures that form the basis for communicating with clin-
icians, patients, and other stakeholders; the personal monitoring system and the virtual
agent have internal structures for storing the fine-grained, detailed data which is anal-
ysed by the decision support system. The basic elements of the high-level Help4Mood
data structures are described in Section 2. Provisions for interoperability are outlined in
Section 4, and future work plans are summarised in Section 5.
2 Overview of Help4Mood
Help4Mood is structured around patients’ sessions with the Virtual Agent. Ideally, pa-
tients interact with their Virtual Agent daily. While content and length of a session
can be varied depending on the patient’s current mood and stamina, a default session
consists of ve parts: welcome and daily mood check, diary, documenting negative
thoughts, speech task / game, summary feedback and closing.
The daily mood check is a validated four-item questionnaire, the CES-VAS-VA
[8]. In the diary entries, patients reflect on a specific prompt. These entries are stored
internally in the VA; patients will be able to discard them or save them for rereading.
All that is stored for the DSS is their length. Next, patients document negative thoughts
relating to this diary entry, and Help4Mood provides guidance for challenging these
thoughts. Then, patients perform a speech task or a cognitive game. Finally, the session
is briefly summarised in a final screen, and the virtual agent bids the patient goodbye.
While sleep data is collected every night, the wrist actigraph will only be worn for
72 hours at a time. Sessions with the virtual agent can include summaries of activity and
sleep patterns. In addition to the daily mood check, patients fill in a formal screening
questionnaire, the PHQ-9 [7], every fortnight; this task is added to the session at the
appropriate time.
3 Core Data Structures
All data structures are described using XML. We chose this solution over a relational
database, because Help4Mood has a highly modular architecture, and almost all inter-
and intra-module communication is based on XML. Elements are extensively cross-
indexed to ensure flexible access to data.
The XML elements that are used to store relevant data are summarised in Table 1.
They fall into four main categories, high-level tracking of patient and Help4Mood use,
storing monitoring results, managing the interaction between patient and virtual agent,
and storing the data collected during the interaction. Each set of elements is briefly
explained below.
High Level Tracking. The three high-level tracking elements summarise relevant in-
formation about the patient and system usage and store the regular reports generated
by the system. Patient information includes basic demographics (occupation, gender,
age) as well as current depression scores. As for reports, only official reports that are
sent to the clinicians and can be discussed in patient/clinician meetings are stored. The
feedback given to the patient at the end of each session is not saved, because it can be
reconstructed deterministically from the data collected in each session.
Table 1. Basic Elements of the Help4Mood data structure. Each one is defined using XML.
Element Description
High-Level Tracking of Patient and Help4Mood Usage
User Model high-level summary of information about the patient
Adherence adherence of patient to Help4Mood; can refer to sessions, tasks, and
monitoring schedules
Report summary report generated for clinician
Managing the Results of Monitoring
Monitor Data set of measures that are collected during a session
Measure high-level measure computed from a given set of monitoring data
Score score on a standardised questionnaire
Managing the Interaction with the Virtual Agent
Session content and results of a session with the Virtual Agent
Event event triggered by the decision support system during a session
Task task that is performed by the patient during a specific session
Emotion emotion used by virtual agent while patient performs task
Storing Information Collected During Interaction with the Virtual Agent
Diary information related to diary entries
Speech changes in relevant speech parameters
Games changes in reaction times and scores
Negative Thought frequency of specific negative automatic thoughts
Monitoring. The next two elements are used to describe high-level monitoring data.
While the measure element covers specific analysis results, the monitoringdata
element collects a set of measures obtained during a given session.
Managing the Interaction with the Virtual Agent. The Decision Support System con-
trols the Virtual Agent’s interaction with the user through events (event element).
Events are triggered when their preconditions are fulfilled. They are implemented as
interaction tasks (task element). Each task is associated with an emotion (emotion
element) that controls the affective behaviour of the Virtual Agent.
The sequence of of events and task/emotion pairs that occurred during a session and
the data that was generated during a session is stored in a session element for easy
Table 2 shows the structure of an event element. Each event is linked to a session,
a patient, and a specific time within the session. A range of auxiliary elements is used
to specify events. Descriptors link Events to a formal code that describes the under-
lying procedure and can be exported to external systems (c.f. Table 3). Preconditions
and postconditions are described using condition elements that consist of hProperty,
Operator, Valuei-tuples (c.f. Table 4).
Data Collected During Interaction. During most tasks, the system collects rich in-
formation about the patient’s cognition and current psychomotor functioning. Rele-
vant high-level data is encoded in the diary, speech, games, and negative
thought elements.
Table 2. The Event class.
Attribute Value Description
hTypei {1,2,3,4} Event type as classified by data source
hSessioni timestamp Session ID
hPatienti alphanumerical code Patient ID
hDescriptioni descriptor Formal description of the event
hGeneratedi timestamp time at which the event was generated
hPreconditionsi list of conditions pre-conditions that trigger the event.
hPostconditionsi list of conditions findings or observable entities
Table 3. Structure of Descriptors.
Attribute Values Definition
hCodei 9-digit integer Numerical identifier. If the attribute is a concept taken form the
SNOMED-CT classification, the code is its corresponding ID
hSnomedi Yes/No Yes if the attribute is a SNOMED-CT concept, otherwise no
hNamei String SNOMED-CT description if attribute is a SNOMED-CT con-
cept, otherwise internal description
Table 4. Structure of Conditions.
Attribute Value Description
hPropertyi Descriptor Property or action in the VAs world that is tested in the precon-
hOperatori <, >, =, != A string that specifies the operator used to determine the truth
value of the condition. The first two operators are defined for
numerical values, the last two are defined for numerical and
strong values
hValuei descriptor Value used to compare the property to.
4 Communication and Interoperability
4.1 Clinician
Clinicians can access a patient’s history through a web interface to a special clinician-
side version of the decision support system, which generates textual and graphic sum-
maries to support treatmentplanning. In addition, Help4Moodgenerates a regular report
for each patient / clinician meeting. All relevant health care professionals as well as the
patient can see this report; clinician and patient may discuss specific findings when they
4.2 Patient
The patient receives textual and / or graphical summaries at the end of each session
that are generated dynamically. The Virtual Agent stores detailed information about
performance on speech tasks and games which can be exported for further refinement
of measures. Patients can choose to save their diary entries for later perusal. The entries
themselves are not passed on to the clinician. Patients will be made aware that diary
entries are private every time they use the system. In addition to their diary entries,
patients have access to the shared reports, which are stored patient-side.
4.3 EHR Integration
As far as possible, we use the international Core Release of SNOMED CT [9] to de-
scribe our findings and observations. SNOMED CT is a highly complex, extendable
clinical vocabulary that can be integrated with standards such as HL7 [10], which
Help4Mood will support.
Most of the SNOMED-CT concepts used in Help4Mood come from the Clinical
Finding hierarchy. Clinical findings are the outcome of assessments, observations, or
judgements. For example, if the sleep sensor data indicate that the patient tossed and
turned frequently at night, this can be encoded as the Clinical Finding “restless sleep”.
Other concepts are Procedures, i.e., activities that occur at a specific time and in-
volve the patient. Procedures include education and administration activities. For ex-
ample, showing the patient a list of activities that were identified as comforting could
be a procedure. Another example of a procedure would be guiding the patient through
a relaxation exercise.
Most of the relevant information about a patient’s social context is modelled using
concepts from the Social Context hierarchy, such as occupation.
A question or a procedure that produces a result is an Observable Entity. For exam-
ple, “gender” is an observable entity, while “female gender” is a finding. Questionnaire
scores are modelled as observable entities; the associated finding is their interpretation.
The questionnaire instruments themselves are part of yet another hierarchy, Staging and
Scales. For example, the Beck Depression Inventory [11]
When extending Help4Mood to provide medication education, we may also include
concepts from the hiearchy Pharmaceutical/biological product, which correspond to
the type of medication being given.
We defined our own codes only if the relevant findings, observable entities, or pro-
cedures were not included in SNOMED-CT. In all cases, these codes are linked to a
parent concept in SNOMED-CT. For example, unlike the Beck Depression Inventory,
neither of our depression measures are modelled explicitly in SNOMED-CT. There-
fore, we assigned the resulting scores system-specific codes and linked them to relevant
parent concepts. Hence, the PHQ-9 score is an Observable Entity which is in an is-a
relation with the SNOMED CT concept Mental state, behaviour / psychosocial function
If necessary, relevant data is mapped onto SNOMED CT categories by the Decision
Support System. While information such as questionnaire scores can be stored more or
less directly, concepts such as “restless sleep” will be derived from sensor data using
validated algorithms.
Table 5. Anchoring New Concepts in SNOMED-CT.
Concept Description is-a relation to SNOMED-CT
Code Description
Procedure 999991011 Assessment using CES-D-
445536008 Assessment using assess-
ment scale
Observable En-
999991012 CES-D-VAS-VS score 363870007 Mental state, behavior /
psychosocial function ob-
servable (observable entity)
Procedure 999991021 Assessment using PHQ-9 445536008 Assessment using assess-
ment scale
Observable En-
999991022 PHQ-9 score 363870007 Mental state, behavior /
psychosocial function ob-
servable (observable entity)
Finding 999992011 Change of Score on Cogni-
tive Game SIMON
248536006 Finding of functional per-
formance and activity
5 Future Work
The data management approach outlined here provides a detailed, systematic repre-
sentation of all of the relevant high-level information that Help4Mood collects about
a patient with major unipolar depression. It was designed for easy maintenance and
maximum interoperability with EHRs.
We are currently implementing the first version of Help4Mood based on the data
structures outlined in this paper. In future versions, we plan to add HL7 integration,
refine the elements and clinical vocabulary described here to provide a more detailed
ontology for interoperability, and extend Help4Mood with reminder functionality and
patient education through tailored health information presentation.
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