Felix Rabe and Ipke Wachsmuth
Artificial Intelligence Group, Faculty of Technology, Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany
Episodic memory, Virtual reality, Guidance, Event index, Embodied conversational agent.
This paper describes how the guiding capabilities of a virtual agent with a belief – desire – intention cognitive
architecture can be enhanced by adding an episodic memory. We describe how the theories of episodic memory
and event segmentation can be applied to the architecture of our virtual agent Max, and how to create an index
according to the event indexing model. Having memories of past experiences will enable our agent to have
improved plans how to react in future interaction.
Past experiences influence all of our actions and let
us have an expectation of what might happen next, so
that we are able to plan well. Especially in interac-
tion we rely on past episodes with other persons, we
improve our behavior based on what we experience
and store in our episodic memory. To improve the be-
havior of virtual agents in interaction with humans the
agents need episodic memory, too.
In the past we have introduced the virtual hu-
manoid agent Max (Leßmann et al., 2006) who al-
ready has lots of skills and is based on a belief
desire intention (BDI) cognitive architecture. He
has proven a helpful interaction partner, e.g. in assist-
ing a human in construction tasks. In a different sce-
nario Max is “working” as a museums guide, where
he stands in a museum, conducts small talk with vis-
itors and explains sights. But up to now Max has no
memory of his own actions and his experiences. He
can only memorize some facts about persons visiting
him. With the cognitively motivated episodic memory
this is to be changed.
We have conceived a virtual guide scenario, where
Max can utilize his new skill in interaction. We picked
a virtual reality (VR) scenario, since VR is where hu-
mans and machines meet and can interact at eye level.
The episodic memory system will be especially useful
when the agent is guiding a visitor through a virtual
environment. The main focus will be on the agent
memorizing his own actions, the interaction with the
human visitor, and the improvement of the guidance
by assisting the human.
2.1 Psychological Background
Endel Tulving suggested that there are two distinct
types of declarative long-term memory: Episodic
and semantic memory. Semantic memory is fac-
tual knowledge about the world. Episodic memory
deals with temporally dated episodes or events, and
temporal-spatial relations among these events. Every
event, or “item in episodic memory”, as it is called by
Tulving, is a more or less faithful record of a person’s
experience of an occurrence, and can include the per-
ceptible properties of that moment (Tulving, 1972).
Another theory we build on is the Event-Indexing
Model (Zwaan et al., 1995). It describes how readers
of short stories construct a model of the situation in
the text. As the readers understand what is happen-
ing in the story they update the model along five in-
dices: Time, Space, Causality, Intentionality and Pro-
tagonist. These dimensions store the answers to the
questions of what happened when, where, why and
how, and who was involved. Causality is what lead to
the current event and Intentionality are the intentions
the protagonists had during the event. Zwaan and col-
leagues suggested that events can be compared along
these indices: The more indices differ, the more dis-
tinct are the events.
In Zacks and Tversky’s Event Segmentation The-
ory (Zacks and Tversky, 2001), an event is defined
as “a segment of time at a given location that is con-
ceived by an observer to have a beginning and an
end. Second, events can be organized in partonomic
Rabe F. and Wachsmuth I..
DOI: 10.5220/0003882205240527
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2012), pages 524-527
ISBN: 978-989-8425-95-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
hierarchies, which means they may span very long
and very short periods of time. A long event can em-
brace some short events. In further work Zacks et al.
found evidence that when human perception does not
match the internal prediction, an event boundary is
perceived (Zacks et al., 2007).
Allen, Kaut, and Lord propose that emotion is an
important contextual cue for episodic memory and
provide evidence that cognition is either moderated or
mediated by basic affective processing (Allen et al.,
2.2 Computational Episodic Memory
In computer science, Ho built an autobiographic
memory system for an agent to locate resources en-
countered before and used it in further work to en-
hance virtual characters, so that they were able to talk
about personal past experiences (Ho and Dautenhahn,
Tecuci and Porter created a generic memory mod-
ule for events, where a generic episode has three di-
mensions: context, contents, and outcome. Context
is the general setting in which an episode happened,
contents is the ordered set of events, that make up the
episode, and outcome is an evaluation of the episodes
effect (Tecuci and Porter, 2007).
Nuxoll and Laird extended a cognitive architec-
ture (Soar) with episodic memory. They showed that
an autonomous agent, a virtual tank, performs better
if it can use episodic memory for reasoning (Nuxoll
and Laird, 2007).
Brom et al. proposed a that virtual characters
need a “full episodic memory” and implemented it
for a non-player character of a computer role-playing
game. The system allows the reconstruction of the
personal story of the character (Brom et al., 2007).
Sieber and Krenn proposed an episodic memory
for a companion to enhance its dialogue capabilities.
The episodes are stored as RDF triples (Sieber and
Krenn, 2010).
2.3 Applications
In the field of virtual humanoid agents, there are a few
scenarios where the agent is a guide.
Theune et al. presented a virtual tour guide with
focus on conversational interactions. Their guide
served as direction giving guide in a virtual museum.
They focused on dialogue management and how the
directions can be given with language and gesture
(Theune et al., 2007).
Jan et al. presented a virtual guide in Second Life.
Their agent can be asked about items on an island and
can navigate a user to different spots by walking in
front of him (Jan et al., 2009).
Lim and Aylett built an affective mobile guide,
which has an emotion memory. The stories the guide
tells about the environment are influenced by emo-
tions he experienced beforehand (Lim et al., 2009).
We will explain the cognitive architecture of Max and
how we extend it with memory (see fig. 1).
Beliefs Desires
Reactive Behavior
Figure 1: This figure shows the cognitive architecture of
Max, extended with memory.
In the virtual world Max perceives dialogue input
and other actions of the user, e.g. navigation to a loca-
tion and focusing on a specific virtual item. Max also
knows where he and the user are.
Due to what Max perceives he reasons and de-
liberatively chooses his actions. The perception pro-
cess also delegates the input to the memory which has
an “unconscious” mechanism that segments the in-
put into events, following the idea stated by Zacks et
al. that event segmentation is a spontaneous outcome.
During reasoning Max can choose to actively remem-
ber episodes and events from his memory. Also there
is the possibility that his memory comes up with an
episode or event that is similar to the current situa-
tion, Max then has a spontaneous inspiration.
3.1 Events and Episodes
In common language event is a board concept. To nar-
row it down for our purposes, first of all an event is
an observable occurrence, and for us any observable
occurrence is an event, not only extraordinary occur-
rences. Second, we follow the definition of Zacks and
Tversky, that an event is a segment of time, that an
event has a beginning and an end. Third, at the mo-
ment we are only considering events of equal level,
that means we don not consider events that contain
other events. So, our events are not (yet) organized
in partonomic event hierarchies, but in episodes. Fig-
ure 2 shows how we organize events and episodes.
Ep. 1
E1 E5
Ep. 2
E8 E9
Ep. 3
Figure 2: This figure shows how episodes and events are
conceptualized. From the outside of episodes only events
with a strong emotional impact are visible, e.g. event E2.
The enlarged event E11 shows the six indices. Episode Ep.
3 is the current episode to which new events can be added.
Max’s events are indexed according to Zwaan’s
event-indexing model along ve indices. But since
Allen et al. state that emotion is also an important cue
for episodic memory we extended the model with a
sixth dimension.
Time. Time is the recorded system time at the mo-
ment the event begins, at the moment the event
ends. This information can be used to get either
the length of the event and to get time of the day
the event occurred.
Space. Space is represented in the virtual world coor-
dinates. The agent can map these to named places.
Protagonist. Can be the agent (‘I’) himself and any
known and named visitor.
Intention. This is the intention the agent has in the
current event. It is a reference to the plan the agent
is currently pursuing.
Causality. This is what has lead to the event. This
can be either a named action the agent performed,
or a named percept of the agent.
Emotion. This is the current emotional state of the
agent as well as the emotional impulse the agent
Additional Payload. Furthermore we add additional
“payload” to the event. This may include percep-
tual stimuli of the agent, e.g. a snapshot of what
he heard, saw, and thought.
Events are compared along their indices, the more in-
dices are similar the more two events are alike. This is
useful in finding related events. If the agent tries to re-
member something he first will only be able to access
events with a strong emotional impact, since these are
the events which function as key events to episodes.
Should the agent not be satisfied with the recovered
memories, he tries to remember events that may be
hidden in episodes, since the emotional impact is not
that strong. But he should be able to access similar
episodes relatively fast, since the indices are similar
and therefore near.
Our scenario is accompanying and guiding a non-
local person through a large and complex virtual en-
vironment: A visitor encounters Max in a CAVE-
like virtual reality of Virtual T
ubingen, a virtual
city realistically modeled after the historic center of
ubingen. It has been originally developed at the Max
Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics as a natu-
ralistic, controllable environment for investigating hu-
man spatial cognition (van Veen et al., 1998). The
model covers an area of 500x150 m
, it has 15 streets
which are mostly curved and varying in width, and
about 200 houses with different, photorealistic tex-
tures. Max has knowledge about 25 sights and 50
additional waypoints, he uses for his orientation.
After greeting the visitor Max introduces himself
and offers to give a guided tour or to just accompany
the visitor in exploration of the town.
If the visitor chooses to explore the city on his own
Max just accompanies him and watches the visitors
actions. Should Max remember an episode which fits
to some of the visitors actions, Max will ask if he may
provide guidance to additional sights he remembers.
If the visitor chooses to be guided Max has the
goal to give a tour and takes over the steering control.
He remembers a “master” episode where he has given
a tour before, he will visit the same places and give
the same information. If he is not interrupted at all
in the end the current episode will be similar to the
master episode. But since Max can be interrupted at a
certain point he may change the tour due to the wishes
of the visitor. He will then try to adopt with the help
of different tours he has given before and with the
knowledge he has. For example, if the visitor utters
that he is very interested in seeing old churches, then
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Max tries to remember an episode where he showed
churches. If he does not remember anything he will
plan a new tour on his own, since he knows that there
are churches. In the end Max then has memorized a
new episode with lots of churches in it.
On the end of a tour Max can be asked to give
a summary of the tour. He will then remember the
whole episode and tell the visitor what places were
visited and which sights have been explained. Fur-
thermore the visitor can ask Max why he has shown
a specific sight. Due to the Causation and Intention-
ality indices of the events Max can generate adequate
We have introduced a cognitively motivated episodic
memory system to be integrated in a BDI-based agent
architecture. Future work is in evaluating the quality
and the benefit of the episodic memories with respect
to Max’s event segmentation capabilities.
One possible way would be to video tape Max
guiding a person through Virtual T
ubingen. After-
wards the recording is played back to a certain num-
ber of probands who segment the video clip into
events. These events than can be compared to the
events Max has segmented on his own and from that
we can see how human like Max event perception is.
Another possibility would be having a human
guiding a visitor through Virtual T
ubingen with Max
only watching the tour without interfering. After-
wards the visitor is asked to retell the tour in form
of events which is compared to Max’s summary.
This project is supported by the Cognitive Interaction
Technology Excellence Center (CITEC). We grate-
fully acknowledge the MPI for Biological Cybernet-
ics for providing us with Virtual T
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