Mine Berker
and Tunga Güngör
Boğaziçi University, Computer Engineering Dept., Bebek 34342, Istanbul, Turkey
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, TALP Research Center, Barcelona, Spain
Keywords: Automatic text summarization, Lexical chains, Genetic algorithms, Lexical cohesion.
Abstract: Automatic text summarization takes an input text and extracts the most important content in the text.
Determining the importance depends on several factors. In this paper, we combine two different approaches
that have been used in text summarization. The first one is using genetic algorithms to learn the patterns in
the documents that lead to the summaries. The other one is using lexical chains as a representation of the
lexical cohesion that exists in the text. We propose a novel approach that incorporates lexical chains into the
model as a feature and learns the feature weights by genetic algorithms. The experiments showed that
combining different types of features and also including lexical chains outperform the classical approaches.
With the rapid increase in the amount of online text
information, it became more important to have tools
that help users distinguish the important content.
Automatic text summarization (ATS) is a process
that addresses this need, where a computer produces
a summary of a text that contains the most important
information. Text summarization studies mostly use
sentence scoring methods (Mani, 2001). Following
the work of Edmundson (1969), several text features
were introduced in text summarization studies. Paice
and Jones (1993) used stylistic clues and constructs.
Kupiec, Pedersen and Chen (1995) checked the
presence of proper names. Statistical measures of
term prominence derived from word frequencies
were used by Brandow, Mitze and Rau (1994).
Generally, a number of features drawn from
different levels of analysis may contribute to the
salience of a sentence. A summarization system
must have an automatic way of finding out how to
combine different text features. A solution is to use
machine learning methods. In some studies, genetic
algorithms (GA) were employed to learn the
importance of different features for summarization
(Mani and Bloedorn, 1998; Kiani and Akbarzadeh,
2006; Dehkordi, Khosravi and Kumarci, 2009;
Fattah and Ren, 2009).
Barzilay and Elhadad (1997) proposed lexical
chains to identify the cohesion in the text. A lexical
chain can be defined as a sequence of words that are
related to each other (Barzilay, 1997). The semantic
relations between words were found using WordNet.
Once the chains are built, the concepts represented
by strong chains are used to select the sentences.
After this work, many researchers followed the
lexical chain approach. Silber and McCoy (2000)
proposed an algorithm to compute lexical chains that
is linear in space and time. Brunn, Chali and Pinchak
(2001) used the degree of connectiveness among the
chosen text portions to identify the most important
parts of the text which are topically more salient. Li,
Sun, Kit and Webster (2007) proposed a model for a
query-focused summarizer. Fuentes and Rodriguez
(2002) proposed a system that combined lexical
chains, coreference chains, and NamedEntity chains.
In this work, we combine the two approaches of
sentence scoring and lexical chain computing to
generate summaries by using genetic algorithms. In
addition to shallow, syntactic text features, we use
lexical chains as a feature to score sentences in a
deeper and semantic manner. One novelty of this
study is incorporating the lexical chain concept into
a sentence scoring system as a new type of feature.
These chains are expected to identify the cohesion
that exists in the text and assign higher scores to
sentences that are semantically related to each other.
Berker M. and Güngör T..
DOI: 10.5220/0003882405950600
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (SSML-2012), pages 595-600
ISBN: 978-989-8425-95-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
In this work, we use a sentence extraction approach
that makes use of different properties of the text to
weight the sentences. Each sentence is given a score
calculated using the scores of different features. The
system first goes through a training phase, where the
weights of the text features are learned using
machine learning methods. Then, in the testing
phase, the sentence score is calculated for each
sentence in a newly-introduced document using the
feature scores for that sentence and their respective
score weights. Then the sentences are sorted in
descending order of their scores and the highest
scored sentences are selected to form the summary.
2.1 Text Features
In this study, we represent each sentence as a feature
vector formed of 12 features extracted from the text.
For each sentence in a document, a sentence score is
calculated using the feature scores of these text
features. Each feature score is normalized to the
range [0,1]. We group the text features used in this
study into three classes according to their level of
text analysis. Table 1 shows the features and the
classes. The features are explained below.
Table 1: Features used by the summarizer.
Feature class
Location features
Sentence location
Sentence relative length
Thematic features
Average TF
Average TF-IDF
Similarity to title
Cue words
Named entities
Numerical data
Sentence centrality
Cohesion features
Synonym links
Co-occurrence links
Lexical chains
F1-Sentence location: Usually the initial
sentences in a document are the most important
ones. We score the first sentence of the document
with 1.0, the second sentence with 0.8, etc., and the
sentences past the fifth sentence get a score of 0.
F2Sentence relative length: We assume that
longer sentences contain more information. For a
sentence s in a document d, the feature score is
calculated as follows, where ns denotes the number
of sentences in the document:
F3Average TF: The term frequency (TF) metric
is based on two assumptions: i) The importance of a
term for a document is directly proportional to its
number of occurrences in the document, ii) The
length of the document does not affect the
importance of the terms. The TF score for a term t in
a document d is calculated as follows, where nt
denotes the number of terms in the document:
For a sentence s in the document d, the feature score
is the average of the TF scores of all the terms in s.
F4Average TF-IDF: The term frequency-
inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) metric makes
one more assumption: iii) A term in a document that
occurs rarely in the document collection is more
important than a term that occurs in most of the
documents. For a term t in a document d given a
corpus c, the TF-IDF score is calculated as follows,
where nd is the total number of documents in the
corpus and the document frequency df denotes the
number of documents in which the term occurs:
For a sentence s in document d, the feature score is
the average of TF-IDF scores of all the terms in s.
F5Similarity to title: This feature considers the
vocabulary overlap between a sentence and the
document title. It is calculated as follows:
where s-terms and t-terms are the set of terms that
occur, respectively, in sentence s and in the title.
F6Cue words: This and the next two features
assume that sentences that include some types of
special items contain salient information about the
document. Thus the scores of these sentences are
increased depending on the number of such entities.
This feature counts the number of cue words (such
as especially, certainly) in a sentence:
F7Named entities: This feature counts the number
of named entities (such as proper nouns) in a
sentence. In this work, named entities are recognized
using the University of Illinois Named Entity Tagger
( The
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
feature score is calculated as follows:
F8Numerical data: Terms that are written in
numerical form sometimes convey key information
about a document. We test the usefullness of such
terms using this feature. This feature counts the
number of numerical terms in a sentence:
F9Sentence centrality: This feature measures
the vocabulary overlap between a sentence and the
other sentences in the document. This is an
indication of the importance of a sentence for a
document. For a sentence s in the document d, the
feature score is calculated as follows:
where c-terms is the number of common terms that
occur both in s and in a sentence d other than s, and
nt is the number of terms in the document.
F10Synonym links: This feature is another form
of sentence centrality and attempts to measure the
centrality of a sentence using the number of
common synonymous words in the sentences. We
consider nouns only and we extract the nouns in
sentences using the LingPipe part-of-speech (PoS)
tagger ( The synonymy
relation between two nouns is determined by looking
whether they have a synset in common in WordNet.
The feature score is calculated as follows:
where s-links is the number of synonym links
between s and other sentences in the document, and
ns is the number of sentences in the document.
F11Co-occurrence links: The co-occurrence of
two terms signals semantic proximity between these
terms. A sentence whose terms have several co-
occurrences with terms in other sentences can be
deemed as important. To compute this feature, all
the bigrams in the document are considered and their
frequencies are calculated. If a bigram in a document
has a frequency greater than one, then this bigram is
assumed to be a collocation. Then, terms of the
given sentence s are compared to the terms in other
sentences. This comparison checks if a term in s
forms a collocation with a term in another sentence.
If so, there is a co-occurrence link between this
sentence and s. The feature is calculated as follows:
where c-links is the number of co-occurrence links
of s and ns is the number of sentences in document.
2.2 Lexical Chains
A novel aspect of the proposed approach is using the
lexical chain concept as a sentence feature in the
system. We first compute the lexical chains for the
document, give a score to each chain, and select the
strongest chains. Then, we score the sentences
according to their inclusion of strong chain words.
The lexical relations between words are extracted
using WordNet. When lexical chains are computed,
each word must belong to exactly one chain. There
are two challenges here. First, there may be more
than one sense for a word (ambiguous word) and the
correct sense must be identified. Second, a word
may be related to words in different chains. The aim
is to find the best way of grouping the words that
will result in the longest and strongest chains.
In this work, we consider only nouns as the
candidate words and first determine the nouns using
the LingPipe PoS tagger. Then, we use a novel
method to disambiguate the candidate words. The
nouns are sorted in ascending order of their number
of senses. Hence, the least ambiguous words are
treated first. For each word, we find an appropriate
chain that the word can be added according to a
relatedness criterion between the chain members and
the word. This criterion compares each member of
the chain to the candidate word to find out if
the sense of the lexical chain word belongs to
the same synset as the sense of the candidate word
the synset of the lexical chain word has a
hyponym/hypernym relation with the synset of the
candidate word
the synset of the lexical chain word shares the
same parent with the synset of the candidate word in
a hyponym/ hypernym relation.
The search process continues for every sense of
the candidate word until an appropriate chain is
found. If such a chain is found, the current sense of
the candidate word is set to be the disambiguated
sense and the word is added to the chain. Otherwise,
a new chain is formed for every sense of the word.
When a new candidate word is compared to these
chains, it will be possible to find a relation between
the new word and any of the senses of the previous
word. The problem is that there may be more than
one chain for the same word. This problem is solved
by removing the word from the other chains as soon
as a second word is related with a sense of the word
in one of the chains. This is illustrated in Figure 1
where the word flower is related to the second sense
of the word plant and thus the other two senses of
plant are deleted.
Step 1: No chains
Step 2 (processing the word plant):
Chain1 plant: buildings for carrying on industrial
Chain2 plant: a living organism lacking the power
of locomotion
Chain3 plant: something planted secretly for
discovery by another
Step 3 (processing the word flower):
Chain2 plant: a living organism lacking the power
of locomotion; flower: a plant cultivated
for its blooms or blossoms
Figure 1: Lexical chain management example.
As the lexical chains are formed, each chain is
given a score. The score of a chain depends on both
its length and its homogeneity, and is a product of
these two measures. The length is the number of
occurrences of the members of the chain. Its
homogeneity is inversely proportional to diversity:
After the chain scores are obtained, strong chains
are determined and selected. In this work, a strong
lexical chain must satisfy the following two criteria:
 
 
Finally, after the chains are constructed and
scored for a document d, the lexical chain score of a
sentence s is calculated as follows, where frequency
denotes the term frequency of a term and ns is the
number of sentences in the document:
 
 
2.3 Learning Feature Weights and
Summary Generation
The weights of the features are learned using a
genetic algorithm. The score of a sentence is a
weighted sum of the feature scores for that sentence:
where F
denotes the score of the ith feature and w
its weight. In this work, w
’s can range from 0 to 15.
During training, for each training document, first
the feature scores are computed for the sentences in
the document. At each iteration of the genetic
algorithm, feature weights are initialized randomly.
Then the sentence scores are calculated and a
summary is generated and evaluated for each
document. The process repeats and the average of
the precisions (Eqn. 15) gives the performance of
that iteration. The best of all the iterations is selected
by the genetic algorithm.
Each individual of the population is a vector of
feature weights. The vector has a length of 48 bits
since there are 12 features and each feature value
(between 0 and 15) can be represented by four bits.
There are 1000 individuals in the population. At
each generation, the mating operator selects the
fittest 50 individuals and carries them directly to the
next generation. The other 950 individuals are
produced by a selected pair of parents. Each
individual is selected to be a parent according to a
probability rate calculated from its fitness value. A
child is produced by merging the first n bits of the
vector of one parent and the last 48-n bits of the
vector of the other parent, where n is random for
each reproduction. After a child is produced, it is put
through mutation with a predetermined probability.
If it goes through mutation, one of its bits is set to a
random value. Finally, after mutation, the produced
child is added to population for the next generation.
The genetic algorithm is run for 100 generations
to obtain a steady combination of weights. The best
individual that is produced after these iterations is
selected to be the set of feature weights. During
testing, for each document, the sentence scores are
calculated using the learned feature weights.
The proposed approach was tested using the CAST
(Computer-Aided Summarization Tool) corpus
( We used
100 documents, of which 80 were used for training
and 20 for testing. We performed a five-fold cross-
validation. The results show the average of these
five runs. We used precision as the performance
measure defined as follows, where T is the manual
summary and S is the machine generated summary:
 
3.1 Performance of Single Features
Before analyzing the performance of the proposed
approach, we tested the effect of each feature on the
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
summarization task separately. For this purpose, we
used the score function (Eqn. 14) with one feature
weight being equal to 1 and the rest to 0. Table 2
shows the success rates.
We can see that using only sentence location
gives one of the best results. The leading sentences
in a document usually give a general understanding
about the topic. Sentence centrality also yields good
results. This feature favors sentences that mention
many of the topics that appear throughout the text.
Moreover, named entities feature shows high
performance. This is a sign that sentences that give
information about specific people or organizations
are likely to be selected for the summary.
Table 2: Success rates of individual features.
Average precision
Sentence location
Sentence relative length
Average TF
Average TF-IDF
Similarity to title
Cue words
Named entities
Numerical data
Sentence centrality
Synonym links
Co-occurrence links
Lexical chains
The lexical chain feature is also among the high
performance features. This can be regarded as a
quite high success rate since it corresponds to using
solely the lexical chain concept without any other
clue important for summarization. This shows that
lexical chains can be used as an intermediate
representation of lexical cohesion that exists
throughout the text to determine the importance of
sentences in that text. This feature makes better
predictions than many of the other text features.
3.2 Performance of the Proposed
In the next experiment, we measured the
performance of the proposed approach which
incorporates the lexical chain concept as a new type
of feature and integrates this with genetic algorithm
learning. Table 3 shows the weight of each feature
calculated during training and the average precision
of the documents summarized during testing.
When all the features are used in the algorithm,
the performance of the system increased to 46%,
which outperforms the success rate obtained by the
best individual feature. Moreover, the system
succeeds to distinguish the features whose effects on
the summarization task are high, and rewards them
by giving the highest weights to these features.
Sentence location and sentence centrality are two
such features that obtained the best individual
success rates and the highest feature weights. The
weight of the lexical chain feature does not seem to
be as high as the weights of features like sentence
location and sentence centrality. However, it
supports and reinforces the results of the sentence
centrality and co-occurrence link features as it
analyzes the cohesion in the text from a different
perspective. While the sentence centrality and co-
occurrence link features analyze the cohesion at the
sentence level, lexical chain feature goes deeper and
analyzes the relations among the nouns that are
spread throughout the text. Also, since the individual
performance of the lexical chain feature is among
the highest rates, it brings a valuable understanding
about the salience of the sentences in the text.
Table 3: Feature weights and success rate of the model.
Feature weight
Sentence location
Sentence relative length
Average TF
Average TF-IDF
Similarity to title
Cue words
Named entities
Numerical data
Sentence centrality
Synonym links
Co-occurrence links
Lexical chains
Average precision
The results of the experiment show that using
combination of different features increases the
performance of summarization and genetic
algorithms are successful to learn a set of weights
for those features that would result in a better output.
3.3 Alternative Models
In order to compare the results of the proposed
approach with similar methods, we built two other
models by changing some of the parameters of the
system. In the first model, we used a smaller set of
features. Instead of using a single feature or
combining all the features, we considered the first
three features that scored best on their own, together
with the lexical chain feature, and analyzed the
performance using only these four features.
The second column in Table 4 shows the weights
of the features learned during training and the
success rate of the model on the test corpus. We can
see that the result is almost the same as the
performance of the system when all the features are
Table 4: Feature weights and success rates for the
alternative models.
Feature weight
(top features)
Feature weight
(modified criterion)
Sentence location
Named entities
Sentence centrality
Lexical chains
Average precision
Another alternative model is decreasing the
threshold for determining strong lexical chains.
Assuming that an increase in the lexical chain scores
might affect the performance of the system, we
changed Eqn. 12 in such a way that chains whose
scores are more than one standard deviation from the
average are accepted as strong chains. The four
features in the previous experiment were used in this
model also. The results are shown in the last column
of Table 4. The success is a bit higher, but the
difference is not statistically significant. In order to
observe the effect of the threshold more clearly, the
experiments should be repeated with other
thresholds on corpora of different sizes.
In this work, we combined two approaches used in
automatic text summarization: lexical chains and
genetic algorithms. Different from previous works,
this paper combines information from different
levels of text analysis. The lexical chain concept is
included as a feature in the proposed model. We also
make use of machine learning to determine the
coefficients of the feature combinations. The results
showed that the combination of the features yields
better success rates than any individual feature.
Also, incorporating lexical chains into the model as
a feature increases the success of the overall model.
This work was supported by the Scientific and
Technological Research Council of Turkey
(TÜBİTAK) BİDEB under the programme 2219.
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ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence