An Event-driven Psychophysiological Assessment for
Health Care
Silvia Serino
, Pietro Cipresso
, Gennaro Tartarisco
, Giovanni Baldus
Daniele Corda
, Giovanni Pioggia
, Andrea Gaggioli
and Giuseppe Riva
Applied Technology for Neuro-Psychology Lab, Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Milan, Italy
Department of Psychology, Catholic University of Milan, Milan, Italy
National Research Council (CNR), Institute of Clinical Physiology (IFC), Pisa, Italy
Abstract. Computerized experience-sampling method comprising a mobile-
based system that collects psychophysiological data appears to be a very
promising assessment approach to investigate the real-time fluctuation of
experience in daily life in order to detect stressful events. At this purpose, we
developed PsychLog ( a free open-
source mobile experience sampling platform that allows psychophysiological
data to be collected, aggregated, visualized and collated into reports. Results
showed a good classification of relaxing and stressful events, defining the two
groups with psychological analysis and verifying the discrimination with
physiological measures. Our innovative approach offers to researchers and
clinicians new effective opportunities to assess and treat psychological stress in
daily-life environments.
1 Introduction
Assessing and monitoring emotional, cognitive and behavioral dimensions of human
experience, both in laboratory and in natural setting, has a crucial role in research and
treatment of psychological stress. According to Cohen and Colleagues [1]
“Psychological Stress” occurs when an individual perceives that environmental
demands tax his/her adaptive capacity. In this perspective, stressful daily experiences
could be conceptualized as a continuous person-environment transaction [2]; [3].
Every day, in fact, individuals are continually invited to deal with several situations or
circumstances (for example, being fired from work or having trouble with parents or
partner) that provoke anxiety and psychological discomfort. In this perspective [1-3],
a stressful event [4]; [5] occurs when a person isn’t able to effectively cope with a
challenge that is perceived to exceed his/her skills. Physiological measures can also
give further information to a psychological definition of stress, but there are still few
studies, above all in everyday situations, considering the relation between these two
dimensions. To accurately analyze real-time interaction between environmental
demands and individual adaptive capacity and to precisely detect stressful events
during the daily life situations, it is fundamental to use a real-time multimodal
assessment. As underlined by Ebner-Priemer and Trull [6], different terms have been
used to refers to real-time assessment of psychophysiological data: Ambulatory
Serino S., Cipresso P., Tartarisco G., Baldus G., Corda D., Pioggia G., Gaggioli A. and Riva G..
An Event-driven Psychophysiological Assessment for Health Care.
DOI: 10.5220/0003884200250034
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Computing Paradigms for Mental Health (MindCare-2012), pages 25-34
ISBN: 978-989-8425-92-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Assessment [7-9], Ecological Momentary Assessment [10], Experience Sampling
Method [11], Real-Time Data Capture [12], and Day Reconstruction Method [13].
These assessment methodologies, although arose from different research paradigms,
have in common the continuous recording of psychological and physiological data or
indices of behavior, cognition or emotions in the daily life of subjects. Barrett and
Barrett [14] effectively defined real-time assessment procedure as a "window into a
daily life" since participants provide self-reports of their momentary thoughts,
feelings and behavior across a wide range of daily situations in ecological contexts.
Recent progress in biosensor technology and, on the other hand, the incredible
diffusion of mobile electronic devices have lead to ubiquitous and unobtrusive
recorder systems that allow naturalistic and multimodal assessment [14-18].
Computerized experience sampling method comprising a mobile-based system
that collects psychophysiological data appears to be a very promising assessment
approach to investigate the real-time fluctuation of experience in everyday life in
order to detect stressful events. At this purpose, we developed PsychLog
( a free open-source mobile experience
sampling platform that allows psychophysiological data to be collected, aggregated,
visualized and collated into reports [19]. Our smartphone-based system collects
physiological data from a wireless wearable electrocardiogram equipped with a three-
axial accelerometer. Moreover, the application allows administering self-report
questionnaires [20] to collect and investigate participants’ feedback on their daily life
experience in its various cognitive, affective and motivational dimensions. In
particular, in this study we proposed and tested the use of PsychLog [19]: (1) to
investigate the fluctuation of experience during a week of observation; (2) to detect,
on the basis of psychophysiological real-time assessment, stressful events that
normally occur during daily activities and situations; (3) to compare the
psychophysiological data between stressful events and relaxing events occurring in
everyday contexts.
2 Materials and Methods
2.1 Tools
In our study we used PsychLog (, a mobile
experience sampling platform that allows the collection of psychological,
physiological and activity information in naturalistic settings [19]. The system
consists of three main modules. The survey manager module allows configuring,
managing and administering self-report questionnaires. The sensing/computing
module allows continuously monitoring heart rate and activity data acquired from a
wireless electrocardiogram (ECG) equipped with a three-axis accelerometer. The
wearable sensor platform (Shimmer Research™) includes a board that allows the
transduction, the amplification and the pre-processing of raw sensor signals, and a
Bluetooth transmitter to wirelessly send the processed data. Sensed data are
transmitted to the mobile phone Bluetooth receiver and gathered by the PsychLog
computing module, which stores and process the signals for the extraction of relevant
features. ECG and accelerometer sampling intervals (epochs) can be fully tailored to
the study’s design. During each epoch, signals are sampled at 250 Hz and filtered to
eliminate common noise sources using Notch filter at 0 Hz and low pass at 35 Hz and
analogue-to-digital converted with 12-bit accuracy in the ±3 V range. The application
extracts QRS peaks through a dedicated algorithm and R-R intervals [21]; [22]. The
visualization module allows plotting in real time ECG and acceleration graphs on the
mobile phone’s screen. Psychological and physiological data are stored on the mobile
phone’s internal memory, in separate files, for off-line analysis. Data are stored as .dat
(supported by most data analysis programs), .txt and .csv format.
In this study, we used standard smartphone (Samsung Omnia II i8000) equipped
with 32 bit CPU, ARM 11 RISC processor (cache 16KB) 667 MHz, RAM 256 MB,
1500 mAh Lithium ion battery, running the operative system Windows mobile 6.5
2.2 Experimental Design
Participants were six healthy subjects (2 males and 4 females, mean age 23) recruited
through opportunistic sampling. Participants filled a questionnaire assessing factors
that might interfere with the psychophysiological measures being assessed (i.e.
caffeine consumption, smoking, alcohol consumption, exercise, hours of sleep,
disease states, medications). Written informed consent was obtained from all subjects
matching inclusion criteria (age between 18-65 years, generally healthy, absence of
major medical conditions, completion of informed consent).
Participants were provided with a short briefing about the goal of the experiment
and filled the informed consent. Then, they were provided with the mobile phone with
pre-installed PsychLog application, the wearable ECG and accelerometer sensor and a
user manual including experimental instructions. Subjects were asked to wear
biosensor for one week of observation. PsychLog was pre-programmed to beep
randomly 5 times a day each day (between 10 AM and 10 PM) to elicit at least 35
experience samples over the 7-days assessment period. At the end of the experiment,
participants returned both the phone and the sensors to the laboratory staff. After
filling a short usability questionnaire, participants were debriefed and thanked for
their participation.
2.3 Psychological Assessment
Psychological stress was measured by using a digitalized version of an ESM survey
adapted from that used by Jacobs and Colleagues [19]; [20] for studying the
immediate effects of stressors on mood. The self-assessment questionnaire included
open-ended and closed-ended questions investigating thoughts, current context
(activity, people, location, etc.), appraisals of the ongoing situation, and mood. All
self-assessments were rated on 7-point Likert scales. Following the procedure
suggested by Jacobs and Colleagues [20], three different scales were computed in
order to identify the stressful qualities of daily life experiences. Ongoing Activity-
Related Stress (ARS) was defined as the mean score of the two items ‘‘I would rather
be doing something else’’ and ‘‘This activity requires effort’’ (Cronbach’s alpha =
0.699). To evaluate social stress, participants rated the social context on two 7-point
Likert scales ‘‘I don’t like the present company’’ and ‘‘I would rather be alone’’; the
Social Stress scale (SS) resulted from the mean of these ratings (Cronbach’s alpha =
0.497). For Event-Related Stress (ERS), subjects reported the most important event
that had happened since the previous beep. Subjects then rated this event on a 7-point
scale (from 3 very unpleasant to 3 very pleasant, with 0 indicating a neutral event).
All positive responses were recoded as 0, and the negative responses were recoded so
that higher scores were associated with more unpleasant and potentially stressful
events (0 neutral, 3 very unpleasant). In addition to those scales (not included in the
original survey), we introduced an item asked participant to rate the perceived level of
stress (STRESS) on a 10-point Likert scale. In particular, to rate the gap between
challenge and skills, we introduced two specific items: (1) an item assessing the
perceived level of ongoing challenge (CHALLENGE) on 7-point Likert); (2) an item
evaluating the perceived level of skills (SKILLS) on 7-point Likert.
2.4 Cardiovascular and Activity Indexes
Cardiovascular activity is monitored to evaluate both voluntary and autonomic effect
of respiration on heart rate, analyzing R-R interval from electrocardiogram.
Furthermore standard HRV spectral methods indexes and similar have been used to
evaluate the autonomic nervous system response [23].
From ECG each QRS complex is detected, and the normal-to-normal (NN)
intervals (all intervals between adjacent QRS complexes resulting from sinus node
depolarizations) are determined to derive the most common temporal measures,
including RMSSD, the square root of the mean squared differences of successive NN
intervals, and NN50, the number of interval differences of successive NN intervals
greater than 50 ms [23]. In general, RMSSD are estimate of short-term components of
heart rate variability. This experiment aimed at testing the feasibility of monitoring
concurrent stress and physiological arousal within subjects’ typical daily
environments and activities. Previous works have shown that psychological stress is
associated with an increase in sympathetic cardiac control, a decrease in
parasympathetic control, or both [21]; [22]. Associated with these reactions is a
frequently reported increase in low frequency (LF, range between 0.04-0.15 Hz) or
very low frequency (VLF, < 0.04 Hz) HRV, and decrease in high frequency (HF,
0.15–0.50 Hz) power. HF power is reported to reflect parasympathetic modulation of
RR intervals related to respiration, whereas the LF component is an index of
modulation of RR intervals by sympathetic and parasympathetic activity (in particular
baroreflex activity) [21-23]. Furthemore, stressors are often accompanied by an
increase in the LF/HF ratio (a measure used to estimate sympathovagal balance,
which is the autonomic state resulting from the sympathetic and parasympathetic
influences) [23]. Although the time domain methods, especially RMSSD method, can
be used to investigate recordings of short durations, the frequency methods are
usually able to provide results that are more easily interpretable in terms of
physiological regulations [23].
Spectral analysis has been be performed by means of autoregressive (AR) spectral
methods with custom software. The AR spectral decomposition procedure has been
applied to calculate the power of the oscillations embedded in the series. The rhythms
have been classified as very low frequency (VLF, <0.04 Hz), low-frequency (LF,
from 0.04 to 0.15 Hz) and high frequency (HF, from 0.15 to 0.5 Hz) oscillations. The
power has been expressed in absolute (LF
and HF
) and in normalized units. For
example RR series: LF
and HF
as 100 * LF
/ (σ
) and 100 * HF
/ (σ
), where σ
represents the RR variance and VLF
represents the VLF
power expressed in absolute units [21-23]. ECG biosensors used by PsychLog
application have also an integrated three-axial accelerometer. SMA index [24]; [25]
has been calculated in order to establish when subject was not in movement. In this
way we calculated ECG indexes, avoiding the periods in which the subject was
running, walking, or also moving too much. Signal-magnitude area (SMA): It is
calculated according to
 = (|()|) + (|()|) + (|()|)
where x(i), y(i), and z(i) indicate the acceleration signal along the x-axis, y-axis, and z-
axis, respectively.
Fig. 1. Mean and variance values of SMA index related to the previous five minutes of activity.
2.5 Data Analysis
In order to detect both stressful and relaxing events, Activity-Related Stress Scale
(ARS), Social Stress Scale (SS), Perceived Stress Scale (STRESS), Challenge Scale
(CHALLENGE) and Skill Scale (SKILLS) were within-subjects standardized. Event-
Related Stress Scale wasn’t standardized so it was classified as follows: 0 = no stress;
1= low stress; 2 = medium stress; 3 = high stress.
We proposed the following classification to define stressful and relaxing events:
Table 1. Classification of relaxing and stressful events.
Zscore(STRESS) > 1
Zscore(ARS) > 1
Zscore (SS) > 1
EVS > 1
Zscore(CHALLENGE) & Zscore(SKILLS)
> 1 &
< - 1
Zscore(STRESS) < - 1
Zscore(ARS) < - 1
Zscore (SS) < - 1
EVS = 0
Zscore (CHALLENGE) & Zscore (SKILLS)
< - 1 &
> 1
Hierarchical structure of the experiment data makes traditional forms of analysis
unsuitable. Subjects are measured at many time points during each day, across seven
days. Traditional repeated-measures designs require the same number of observations
for each subject and no missing data. Moreover, also other dependencies existing in
the data can be taken into account. Because the ESM entries are nested within seven
days within participants, we estimated the psychophysiological indexes on events
(Relax or Stress), with hierarchical linear analysis, an alternative to multiple
regression suitable for our nested data. We referred to two levels in the model: beep-
level and subject-level. Our model was based on binary logistic, specifying Binomial
as the distribution and Logit (f(x)=log(x / (1x)) ) as the link function. Using a mixed
hierarchical model we inferred the dichotomised event (Relax or Stress) on the basis
of physiological parameters. In this sense we used these indexes to predict relax or
stress condition indicated by subjects. The analysis aimed at finding statistically
significant parameter for the estimation of a model designed to predict relaxing and
stressful events. More, a linear discriminant analysis (LDA) has been used to verify if
a set of physiological measures (RMSSD, NN50, and HF Power) was able to
discriminate between the two groups (Relax and Stress).
3 Results
The six participants completed a total of 213 ESM reports. Aggregated over
participants’ means, mean Perceived Stress was 2.99 (S.D. = 1.50), mean Activity-
Related Stress was 3.35 (S.D. = 0.72), mean Social Stress was 3.34 (S.D. = 1.40),
mean Challenge was 2.99 (S.D. = 1.92), mean Skills was 4.58 (S.D. = 1.86), and
frequencies for Event-Related Stress was: 88% no stress, 4.2% low stress, 3.1%
medium stress, and 4.7% high stress. A total of 31 events (14.55 % of total events)
have been identified, 18 relax events (8.45 %) and 13 stress events (6.10 %) among
the six subjects. For each one of these events we calculated two temporal HRV
indexes, namely RMSSD and NN50, and one spectral HRV index, i.e. HF power.
In Table 2, means and standard deviations are reported per each index on the basis
of events' group (Relax or Stress). As explained in data analysis, we estimated the
psychophysiological indexes on events (Relax or Stress), with hierarchical logistic
analysis. Results show, a statistical significant hierarchical regression model for
RMSSD (Beta: 1.177; St. Dev.: .5839; p < .044), and a quasi statistical significant for
HF power (Beta: .888; St. Dev.: .4612; p < .055). The RMSSD method is preferred to
NN50 because it has better statistical properties [23].
Table 2. Group Statistics.
Mean Std. Deviation Valid N (listwise)
Zscore(RMSSD) .2175527 .78903922 18
Zscore(NN50) .3686125 .80597461 18
Zscore(HF_power) .4263368 .81428263 18
Zscore(RMSSD) -.4225023 .73893069 13
Zscore(NN50) -.5293378 .62354657 13
Zscore(HF_power) -.5657602 .57913531 13
Zscore(RMSSD) -.0508575 .82114721 31
Zscore(NN50) -.0079473 .85235392 31
Zscore(HF_power) .0102961 .87036922 31
A linear discriminant analysis (LDA) has been used to verify if the physiological
indexes (RMSSD, NN50, and HF Power) were able to discriminate between the two
groups (Relax and Stress) defined on the basis of the questionnaires, as above defined.
Tests of equality of group means are showed in table 3. More, results showed a 0.622
Wilks' Lambda (Chi-square: 13.070, df: 3, p < .005) with 77.4% of original grouped
cases correctly classified (see table 4).
Table 3. Tests of equality of group means.
Wilks' Lambda F df1 df2 Sig.
Zscore(RMSSD) 0.847 5.233 1 29 0.03
Zscore(NN50) 0.721 11.236 1 29 0.002
Zscore(HF_power) 0.673 14.085 1 29 0.001
Table 4. Classification Results. Overall, 77.4% of original grouped cases correctly classified.
Predicted Group Membership
Condition Relax Stress Total
Relax 72.2 % 27.8 % 100.0 %
Stress 15.4 % 84.6 % 100.0 %
4 Discussions and Conclusions
Recent progress in the sophistication and feasibility of biosensor technology and the
remarkable spread of mobile electronic devices have lead to ubiquitous and
unobtrusive recorder systems that allow naturalistic and multimodal assessment of
psychophysiological parameters [14-16]. Since psychological stress could be defined
as a continuous person-environment transaction [1-3], this integrated and mobile
assessment offers the opportunity to analyze the real-time interaction between
challenges and skills occurring in daily life situations. In this study, we proposed and
tested the use of PsychLog [19] a free open-source mobile experience sampling
platform, aggregated, visualized and collated into reports, to investigate the
fluctuation of subjects’ experience [11] and to detect, on the basis of
psychophysiological real-time assessment, stressful events that normally occur during
daily activities and situations. Analysis has been set selecting two events groups
(Relax and Stress) on the basis of psychological questionnaires. Then, a hierarchical
logistic analysis and a discriminant analysis between the two groups, showed that
physiological measures have been able to predict the groups selected on psychological
basis. These results seem to indicate that a relation between physiological patterns and
psychological behavior exists. Being true these results, we would be able to predict
particular events on physiological basis, i.e. without having to ask subjects about their
own states. Although more psychometric work is needed to validate our innovative
approach, it offers to researchers and clinicians new effective opportunities to assess
and treat psychological stress in daily-life environments. The advantages in using a
mobile psychophysiological stress assessment are potentially several: (a) it is possible
to evaluate the continuous fluctuation of the quality of experience in ecological
contexts; (b) it is possible to schedule the timing and the modality of
psychophysiological monitoring; (c) it allows a multimodal assessment; (d) it permits
the detection of stressful events in daily life; and (e) it provides the opportunity of
giving immediate, graphical and user-friendly feedback. As a consequence of the
detection of a stressful event, PsychLog will be able to give the chance to deliver real-
time and effective Ecological Momentary Interventions [26]; [27] to provide real-time
support in the natural context, when they are most needed.
The present work was supported by the European funded project "Interstress”
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