Lessons from a New Biomedical Informatics Curriculum for Medical Doctors
Ronen Tal-Botzer
, Rachel S. Levy-Drummer
, Gidi Rechavi
and Ron Unger
The Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Center for Cancer Research, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, Ramat-Gan, Israel
These authors contributed equally to this work
Keywords: Biomedical informatics, Bioinformatics, Data mining, Medical education, Curriculum.
Abstract: Recent revolutions in bioinformatics, web and smartphone apps, and the initiative to significantly increase
the implementation of electronic medical records, highlighted the need of physicians to be familiar with the
newly emerging field of Biomedical Informatics.The huge potential of the field motivated us to educate a
cadre of physicians with the required informatics skills, and consequently, improve the quality of medical
care in Israel. Here we describe the curriculum of our certification study program in Biomedical Informatics
for physicians, comprised of the following courses: Advanced Molecular Methods for Clinical Applications,
Clinical Bioinformatics, Biomathematical Modelling, Biostatistics and the Design of Clinical Trials,
Clinical Systems Biology and Medical Data Mining. We discuss the rationale of the program; explain our
considerations in designing the curriculum; describe the content of each course; highlight the Medical Data
Mining course which was specifically designed for this program; and discuss the feedback from the
students. More information is available at the website of the program:
The interface between medicine and computer
science has long been inspiring both researchers and
clinicians from the two disciplines. Nevertheless,
three recent revolutions, just from about the past five
years, have led us to realize that the time has come
to initiate a curriculum in Biomedical Informatics
dedicated to students, who already have a Medical
Doctor degree, and have worked as physicians for
several years already. These revolutions, as we see
it, are:
Bioinformatics: The recent flourish in
Bioinformatics databases and research, thanks
to next generation sequencing technologies.
Web & Mobile: The amazing popularity and
intensive usage of social networks and
smartphones in almost every aspect of our
lives, including medical treatment and
EMRs: The US health care stimulus package
and funds of 2009 for physicians to use
Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) and the
construction of the National Health
Information Network (NHIN), that will bring
enormous medical datasets together for the
first time.
The new study program, which began in 2010
and is now during its second year of operation, is a
joint venture of Bar-Ilan University and the Sheba
Medical Center in Israel. Its goal is to elucidate
medical doctors' perspectives regarding the
biomedical informatics revolution, as well as to
provide them with both the theoretical basis and
practical skills to enhance their medical practice and
research with computational tools. Since the
program is new and we consider it as a “pilot”,
during its first two years of operation we decided to
accept around one dozen students per year.
Bar-Ilan University was the first university in
Israel, and probably one of the first ones in the
world, to establish undergraduate and graduate study
programs in Computational Biology already 15
years ago. Almost all universities in Israel have
since opened similar programs, contributing to
Israel’s success in Bioinformatics.
Tal-Botzer R., Levy-Drummer R., Rechavi G. and Unger R..
Medical Doctors.
DOI: 10.5220/0003887603710377
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms (SSTB-2012), pages 371-377
ISBN: 978-989-8425-90-4
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The Sheba Medical Center is the largest hospital
and medical research facility in Israel. Both Sheba
Medical Center and Bar-Ilan University are located
in the city of Ramat-Gan, a fact that enables very
fruitful cooperation between researchers and trainers
from the two institutes, as well as convenience for
Sheba's physicians to join the study program at Bar-
Ilan's campus.
The program was approved by the Israeli
Medical Association (IMA), which accredits it as
“continuing education” for physicians. The complete
information about the program, as well as details for
prospective students, are available at its website:
When building the new study program we first tried
to understand what kind of new challenges future
physicians and researchers will be required to face.
The three above-mentioned revolutions
(Bioinformatics, Web & Mobile and EMRs) are
already changing the very basic foundations of
medical treatment and of medical research (Stead et
al., 2010). Following are just few examples.
2.1 The Change in Medical Treatment
A patient today is much more informed about his or
her health condition and treatment options than he or
she used to be just a decade ago. More and more
patients consume medical information about their
symptoms, diagnostic methods, diseases,
medications, side effects, alternative treatment
options, potential physicians, etc., from either
reliable or unreliable sources online.
Not only are health related search queries and
websites gaining more popularity than ever before
(Schmidt, 2008), but also unstructured and
uncontrolled information is exchanged through
social networks (Dreesman and Denecke, 2011; and
Roblin, 2011). The “wisdom of the crowd” is now
being formalized in web services like “Patients Like
Me”, where patients voluntarily report their health
condition on a daily basis. This information is later
being analyzed and sliced per disease per symptom
per treatment per side effect (Wicks, 2011). Whether
physicians like or dislike this phenomenon (indeed,
many of them report their frustration from that
situation) this revolution is here to stay, and
physicians should be capable to react accordingly.
In addition to just better management of the
information, smartphone apps and auxiliary gadgets
help patients monitor health related signals on a 24/7
basis (Shetty, 2011), thus collecting more data and
different kinds of data than before. For example,
many people are using apps like the “Sleep Cycle”
alarm clock, that analyzes their movements during
sleep, in order to be woken up at optimal times,
when they are not in a deep sleep mode (REM),
hence waking up is easier.
But indisputably, the more interesting data is and
will be coming very soon from the Bioinformatics
and EMRs revolutions. Next generation sequencing
technologies and patients' medical histories will
drive medical treatment to the personalization era.
Computer science plays a crucial role in combining
the various information sources and kinds regarding
an individual patient, analyzing them and outputting
personalized diagnostics and recommended
therapeutic pathways. Obviously, when combining
the “official” genomic and medical history data with
“softer” information, like patient’s behavioural data,
collected from one’s mobile device or social
network, a much deeper medical picture of the
patient can be assessed (Shah and Robinson, 2011).
Interestingly enough, it is web algorithms, such
as those that personalize feeds in social networks or
deliver personalized ads to mobile devices, which
are considered most promising in enabling better
medical personalization and recommendations. A
good example would be the Netflix movie rental
web service, which is famous for its superior
algorithmic ability to predict personal preference in
movie selection.
2.2 The Change in Medical Research
Hand in hand with the above-mentioned advances in
personalized medicine goes the need for adequate
research and skilled researchers. The three
revolutions described in the first chapter
(Bioinformatics, Web & Mobile and EMRs) bring so
many new kinds of information, at higher
resolutions and much higher volumes, that they
actually constitute a brand new platform for medical
research by their own (Stead et al., 2010). The
information is so different from what researchers
used to know and work with, that it certainly holds a
huge potential for new kind of medical discoveries
and new innovative treatment solutions.
BIOINFORMATICS 2012 - International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms
Clearly, due to this kind of revolution, it’s being
realized by many educators that there is a need to
offer suitable training programs for physicians
(Shortliffe, 2010). However, only very few medical
schools offer significant computer science and
informatics education within the course of regular
medical studies. This is understandable due to the
justified conservative nature of the medical
discipline and the heavy load of medical programs,
but also since these revolutions are quite recent. The
first personal genome (of James Watson) was
sequenced in 2007, The first iPhone being released
in 2007, Facebook being opened to the public in
2006 and the US stimulus package for EMRs being
legislated only in 2009.
Major medical schools and research institutes, like
Stanford University School of Medicine and
Columbia University Medical Center, have recently
added some mandatory and elective courses in
informatics related subjects. This is done in parallel to
dedicated programs, offered by the Stanford Center
for Biomedical Informatics Research
( and by Colombia University’s
Department of Biomedical Informatics
( Both institutes
offer large-scale dedicated programs for
undergraduate and graduate students, which cover the
full theoretical background required in computer
science, biology and medicine. A thorough database
and reviews on such programs can be obtained
through the American Medical Informatics
Association (Academic Informatics Programs, 2011).
In addition, some institutes also offer
certification study programs for professionals,
similar to our program, with differences in program
focus, length and audience type. One of the most
important programs is given by the American
Medical Informatics Association (AMIA 10x10
Courses, 2011). Another notable curriculum of a
certification study program, similar to the one
described in this paper, is the University of Texas
Certificate Program of Health Informatics. However,
it is designed mainly for professionals working in
the healthcare and information technology (IT)
fields, rather than specifically to practicing
Since Biomedical Informatics is a new emerging
field, it is not clear what should be included in the
curriculum. For an interesting discussion, see a
recent commentary in the Journal of American
Medical Association (JAMA), (Shortliffe, 2010).
Clearly, each institute has its own considerations
when setting up such programs. In many cases, these
are the result of specific fields of interest of current
faculty members and/or the attributes of the medical
services in each country. For example, Israel has
quite a unique structure of only four HMOs, which
combine the medical services together with the
medical insurances for the vast majority of the
population. The result is a relatively centralized
management system of medical information, as well
as standardized medical testing procedures and lab
equipment. This situation should facilitate the
emergence of the Biomedical Informatics field in
4.1 Guidelines
Since current curricula in medical schools are
already too condensed and, as mentioned earlier,
conservative by nature, we realized there is no
realistic option to add significant computer science
and/or informatics study units to current medical
studies. A better option is to initiate a certification
study program for young medical doctors during
their resident years or as young attendants. This
segment of prospective students enjoys the
advantage of having real life experience as
physicians, has access to clinical databases and the
ability to apply their knowledge to the benefit of
their patients. These guidelines led us to build a
program that can fit into the schedule of practicing
4.2 Program Scope
Based on a priori discussions with candidate
physicians, we understood that the way to achieve
optimal learning atmosphere with minimal
interference from other obligations physicians carry,
is to assemble the course meetings in one full day
per week. It also became clear that for practical
reasons, given the career path of young physicians,
the program duration cannot exceed the length of
one year. Thus, we ended up designing a program of
one day a week for two academic semesters. This
framework allowed us to offer six courses, three in
Biomedical Informatics Curriculum for Medical Doctors
each semester. Each meeting of each course consists
of 1.5 hours of frontal lecture, followed by an hour
of hands-on and exercise session. Each semester
lasts 14 weeks, therefore the whole curriculum spans
over 210 hours in class. Both theoretical and
programming assignments are given throughout the
semester, and exams or final projects are given by
the end of each course.
It is clear that within such limited time we cannot
train physicians to become experts in biomedical
informatics. Rather, our aim is to widen their
horizon; make them aware of the new technologies
and the new research and treatment opportunities;
make them familiar with the main concepts and tools
in the field; and enable them to collaborate
effectively with experts. These goals led us to design
a program that gives a broad perspective on the
emerging field of biomedical informatics, rather than
building a narrow program around one or two
specific topics. In this way, each student will have
enough background to continue further, if he or she
chooses to, and deepen his or her knowledge in
specific topics, if the need and opportunity arise.
It was clear that the program should start from
the body of knowledge that is by now considered
classic in the field, as a foundation to the more
advanced topics. Thus, our current curriculum
includes the following six courses: “Advanced
Molecular Methods for Clinical Applications”,
“Clinical Bioinformatics”, “Biomathematical
Modelling”, ”Biostatistics and the Design of Clinical
Trials”, “Clinical Systems Biology” and “Medical
Data Mining".
We had a dilemma whether we should include
computer programming as one of our subjects.
Clearly, mastering biomedical informatics requires
the ability to program and to grasp the fundamental
concepts of computer science. However, computer
programming is a “heavy” discipline, which requires
far more teaching and exercise time than we can
afford. Since, as we mentioned above, our goal was
to give the students a broad introduction to the field,
rather than make them practicing experts, we
decided not to devote a course to programming. In
order just to give a sense of programming, we teach
the Perl script language, as part of the exercise
sessions of the Clinical Systems Biology course.
4.3 Students’ Feedback and the
Resulting Changes in the Program
By the end of each course we asked the students to
fill a detailed questionnaire about their satisfaction
levels and asked for constructive suggestions. In
addition, by the end of the two semesters, we
gathered all students and faculty together for a joint
review of the past year.
It was not surprising to find out that some of the
topics, which we initially considered as very
relevant to physicians, easy to grasp, easy to
implement and/or just interesting, turned out to be
the opposite, and of course, vice versa. We used this
feedback, although somewhat diverse, to fine tune
the exact selection of topics in the following year.
We realized that there were opposing views
among the students themselves regarding the
balance between the theoretical/scientific elements
and the hands-on/ exercise elements. While some
students preferred the theoretical approach and said
that they can later find web resources to practice by
themselves, other students said that their main gain
was the introduction of tools that they can
implement in their own research.
As a result, we decided, first, to keep the hands-
on topics that we considered as either essential or
non-trivial. Such topics include the different
bioinformatics and systems biology algorithms and
tools, the SQL language, the Weka 3 suite; and more
(see detailed syllabus in Chapter 5). Second, we
decided to add to the existing curriculum a set of
“satellite” sessions, in which students are not
obligated to participate in. In these sessions we
included topics from the original program that we
considered as not being at the essential core of the
biomedical informatics profession. Such topics
include more challenging usage of the Perl script
language, telemedicine, text mining methods and
more. This differentiation of topics and lessons was
also positively accepted by the students of the
second class, and most of them showed interest in
taking the satellite courses.
Below is a short description and notable insights
regarding five of the courses in our curriculum,
followed by a more detailed description of a sixth
special course, “Medical Data Mining”. Courses
similar to the first courses have been given in
various versions for several years already within our
Computational Biology programs for undergraduate
and graduate students, and the challenge was to
modify them towards clinical applications such that
they will be suitable to an audience of medical
doctors. However, the “Medical Data Mining”
BIOINFORMATICS 2012 - International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms
course was built from scratch, specifically designed
to address the most recent advancements in this
5.1 Clinical Bioinformatics
This is a fundamental course in many biomedical
informatics programs. The course introduces the
students with the major bioinformatics databases for
DNA, RNA and proteins, as well as more
specialized databases of diseases, miRNA and
microarray experiments. The computational methods
described include sequence alignment, database
searches, phylogenetic analysis, genome viewers,
protein secondary and tertiary structure prediction,
etc.. The clinical aspects are emphasized by using
examples of genes and proteins involved in diseases,
as well as explaining, for example, the flow of
analysis that can lead us from a mutation in the
genome to its clinical manifestation.
5.2 Biomathematical Modeling
This field of theoretical biology, which strives to
model biological systems and their kinetic behaviour
using differential equations, is usually not covered
within classic bioinformatics programs. This field is
very applicable to describe clinical situations, like
the progression of a disease in the individual
patient’s body and the interplay between viruses and
the immune system. Since we have the local
expertise to teach such a course, we decided to
include it in the program. A gentle reminder is given
to the required mathematical knowledge; and we
select examples where the level of the required
mathematics is suitable.
5.3 Advanced Molecular Methods for
Clinical Applications
This course covers new genomic technologies. It is a
bit different from the other courses, in the sense that
its main subjects are experimental methods rather
than computational ones. However, we realized that
physicians need a refreshment of their knowledge
about the basic concepts of molecular biology; and
especially need introduction to novel genomic
technologies that emerged recently. Thus, the course
presents the technologies of micro-arrays, deep
sequencing and ncRNA analysis; and discusses their
clinical applications, especially for cancer research.
The computational aspects of the analysis of the
results are highlighted.
5.4 Biostatistics and the Design of
Clinical Trials
This course starts with a reminder on the basic tools
in statistical analysis and moves to more advanced
topics, like the proper statistical design of Clinical
Trials. A special attention is given to the statistics of
the analysis of large scale data. When data mining
algorithms scan a huge number of hypotheses to
explain the data, the issue of False Discovery Rate
becomes much more critical than in regular
statistical analyses.
5.5 Clinical Systems Biology
Systems biology deals with the organization and
control of large and complex biological systems, like
organs, diseases and genomes that consist of
thousands of genes, proteins and metabolites.
Systems biology aims to explain biological
processes by the intricate networks of interactions
between these elements. The course deals with both
the theoretical aspects of the field and the practical
tools that have been developed. A special emphasis
is given to disease pathways and the possible
implications of systems biology to clinical
5.6 Medical Data Mining
The use of computational methods to mine medical
data, information and knowledge, as it is diverse and
scattered among EMRs, medical journals, social
networks and the web in general, has long been one
of the most desired goals of Artificial Intelligence
(A.I.). The potential applications in real-life
situations and the implications to the medical
industry, if and when algorithms function as good as
we intend, are enormous and can hardly be grasped
or imagined (Kim et al., 2011). Thanks to the
growing spread of A.I. algorithms throughout the
web, and its close and quick connection to large
revenues (such as A.I. for online advertising,
ranking search results, recommendation engines in
e-commerce sites, etc.), data mining algorithms have
recently evolved, and in a tremendous scale.
More and more academic institutes, as well as
start-up companies, channel these advancements to
the benefit of the medical field. We realized that
although this subject is relatively new, and although
most of the actual tools are commercial, this
phenomenon should not be ignored by future
physicians. On the contrary, they should understand
the inherent limits and risks of such A.I. tools, as
Biomedical Informatics Curriculum for Medical Doctors
well as to be able to identify the circumstances,
where such tools could be helpful, and might deliver
intelligent and educated conclusions, even more than
expert human physicians (Korhonen et al., 2009).
Another important goal is to provide physicians the
basic skills required to implement, tune and even
participate in the development process of such tools.
The course is built as a dialog between horizontal
and vertical subjects, being the medical applications
of data mining algorithms, on one hand, and the
computational methodologies that are intertwined in
each of those applications, on the other hand. The
topics regarding medical applications are: the
automatic collection and management of medical
data, information and knowledge; the semantic
analysis of text, the individual-based vs. the
population-based analysis of EMRs; the 4-dimension
visualization of biological phenomena based on even
sparse pieces of partial knowledge; the prediction of
treatment outcome; the decentralization of medical
assessment and treatment using telemedicine aided
encounters; and the overall movement towards an
era of a much more personalized medicine, which is
based, among other types of clinical data, on the
patient’s own genome.
The other axis of topics - the computational
methodologies, is comprised of the fundamental
theories of computation and data mining, as well as
basic algorithms in this field. The ones we found as
most relevant are: data representation options,
information retrieval (IR) engines, pattern
recognition, motif discovery, clustering, classifiers,
machine learning, multi-dimensional search,
decision trees and basic graph theory. In addition to
the theoretic lectures, we hold hands-on exercise
sessions, in which we teach the SQL language and
the ‘Weka 3’ data mining suite.
Two additional special chapters are dedicated to
smartphone apps for physicians, such as:
‘ePocrates’, ‘AOTrauma’ and ‘Calculate’; and to
medicine-oriented social networks and web services,
such as: ‘Patients Like Me’, ‘23andMe’ and
‘Knome’. Since these two topics can be considered
as somewhat more “stand alone”, not tightly
connected to the other more classic data mining
topics, they are taught in the framework of special
seminar. Most of the seminar is built around real-life
examples. They are demonstrated and discussed by a
practicing physician, who uses such applications in
his day-to-day work. In addition to our students, we
invite to this special seminar other Israeli
researchers, physicians and managers from the
medical domain, who still do not practice
biomedical informatics. We do that in order to
harbour these easily explained yet impressive topics
as an introduction to the field and our study program
and encourage enrolment for the following year.
Computational Biology is a result of the marriage of
Computer Science and Biology. Now that
computational biology has come of age, the time is
ripe for the next step of integrating computational
biology with medicine. Clearly, there are many
considerations when starting such a program and
many compromises and adjustments have to be
made in order to fit the program to the needs of the
students. One of the problems we encountered is the
diverse background and interest of the students, thus,
it was not simple to come up with a program that
would appeal to all students.
The feedback we received from the participants of
the first year of the program was very encouraging.
All students mentioned that the program opened their
eyes to the new world of research and treatment
opportunities. However, we could see again the
diversity among our students. While some of the
students wanted the program to be more hands-on and
practical, others actually suggested concentrating
more on theoretical issues. While some said they
preferred to get a stronger mathematical and
computational basis (including programming), other
students complained that this material was already
excessive and too difficult for them.
For us it was amazing to see how quickly the
program paid off. One of the students, a children
neurologist, told us that being inspired by the
Systems Biology course, she changed the treatment
of one of her patients. It is a patient who suffered
from the rare Ruvalcabra syndrome, which is caused
by mutations in the PTEN gene. The patient was
treated for seizures and behavioural problems
without much success. Led by insights she gained
from the course, she tried off-label treatment with
Rapamune, a drug that is often prescribed for
Tuberous Sclerosis, which is another syndrome that
shares the same pathway with Ruvalcabra.
Surprisingly, the patient showed a significant
cognitive improvement. While additional research is
needed to follow up this and other patients, it is clear
that the program already inspired clinical innovation.
A lot of research and collaborative thinking were
put together in this initiative. Our hopes are that
other institutes in Israel and around the world will
follow with similar programs, and that together we
will influence the building of the future cadre of
BIOINFORMATICS 2012 - International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms
physicians. According to our own scientific research
experience, the exhibited emerging phenomenon in
the world and the extremely positive feedback we
received from physicians who graduated our
program, we have no doubt that this future cadre
will be much more informatics-oriented.
We thank Eran Eyal, Nineth Amariglio, Erez
Levenon, Avidan Neumann, Yanay Ofran, Ramit
Mehr, Sol Efroni, Hiba Waldman Ben-Asher and
Niv Marom for their role in designing the courses
and teaching in the program.
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Biomedical Informatics Curriculum for Medical Doctors