M. K. J. Dekker
, M. M. Sitskoorn
, A. Denissen
, M. Jager
, D. Vernon
, V. Mihajlovic
and G. J. M. van Boxtel
Department of Neuropsychology, Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands
Department of Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Brain, Body, and Behaviour Group, Philips Research Eindhoven, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Canterbury Christ Church University, Canterbury, Kent, U.K.
Keywords: Alpha Activity, Instrumental Conditioning, Neurofeedback, Random Beta Training, Relaxation, Water-
based Electrodes.
Abstract: Fifty healthy participants took part in a double-blind placebo-controlled study in which they were either
given auditory alpha brain activity (8–12 Hz) training (N=18), random beta training (N=12), or no training
at all (N=20). A novel wireless electrode system was used for training without instructions, involving water-
based electrodes mounted in an audio headset. Training was applied approximately at central positions C3
and C4. Post-training measurement using a conventional full-cap EEG system revealed an increase in alpha
activity at posterior sites compared to pre-training levels. This significant increase was present only in the
group that received alpha training, and remained evident at a 3 month follow-up session. In an exit
interview, approximately twice as many participants in the alpha training group mentioned that the training
was relaxing, compared to those in the control groups. Overall, results suggest that self-guided alpha
activity training using this novel system is feasible and represents a step forward in the ease of instrumental
conditioning of brain rhythms.
Stress and relaxation
Keeping up with the pace of modern society seems
to be increasingly difficult for many people. It has
been estimated that work-related stress negatively
affects at least 40 million workers in 15 countries of
the European Union (European Commission,
Employment & Social Affairs, 1999, cited in Mental
health policies and programmes in the workplace,
WHO, 2005). Strategies for coping with such stress
can be diverse, like getting a massage, practicing
yoga, doing mindfulness training or even going into
cognitive therapy. Here we initiated a program
which explored whether instrumental conditioning
of alpha brain activity (by neurofeedback) could
help people to relax in an easy and enjoyable way at
low cost.
Alpha brain activity and relaxation
The human brain rhythm in the alpha range (8-12
Hz) has been associated with reduced information
processing by a decrease in cortical activity (Adrian
& Matthews, 1934; Pfurtscheller, 1991) and with a
relaxed state of mind (Lindsley, 1960). Previous
attempts for increasing alpha activity by
instrumental conditioning have been reported to
increase subjective feelings of relaxation and well-
being (Hardt & Kamiya, 1978; Nowlis & Kamiya,
1970; Watson, Herder & Passini, 1978; Rice,
Blanchard & Purcell, 1993). Unfortunately, much of
the research focusing on manipulating alpha activity
has suffered from methodological difficulties such
as the absence of adequate control conditions
(Vernon et al., 2009).
The present approach
We wanted to investigate whether instrumental
conditioning of alpha activity could be applied in a
consumer product aimed at healthy everyday users.
Because we wanted to create a pleasant form of
training, auditory feedback was given by the
person’s own favourite music. Simple high-pass
filtering on the music greatly affected music quality,
K. J. Dekker M., M. Sitskoorn M., Denissen A., Jager M., Vernon D., Mihajlovic V. and J. M. van Boxtel G..
DOI: 10.5220/0003888904810486
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (BSSS-2012), pages 481-486
ISBN: 978-989-8425-88-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
which turned out to be the basis of a very intuitive
form of feedback because subjects know their
favourite music very well. Because of this, no
instructions were needed for the participant for
training to occur (self-guided training). In this way
relaxation training is easy: we pictured a person
sitting in the train, wearing a device similar to an
MP3 player, listening to his/her own favourite
music. Because listening to music might be relaxing
by itself, one group in our design served as control
and only listened to their favourite music. And
because experiencing changes in music quality alone
can already indicate that one is part of an
experimental group, a second control group, which
received random beta (random 4 Hz bins between
14-30 Hz) feedback, was added. Next to this strong
placebo-controlled experimental design, the
investigation was double-blind. Furthermore, if our
device is going to be used in real-life situations, the
measurement of alpha activity should be greatly
simplified: conductive gel or pastes are out of the
question. For this we used (tap) water-based
electrodes that were, as we can show, as reliable as
the conventional way. These electrodes, mounted in
the auditory headset, were used as an intermediate
step towards dry electrodes.
2.1 Study Design
Sixty-two healthy students were randomly assigned
to our three groups: alpha training (A), random beta
training (B), or music only group (C). Unfortunately,
twelve persons had to be excluded from our final
analysis either because they failed to complete the
training sessions or because of technical problems
during training sessions. Eventually, 50 participants
(mean age 21) were in one of the three groups: A: 6
male, 12 female; B: 3 male, 9 female; C: 5 male, 15
female. Before and after 15 training sessions on
consecutive days, a quantitative electro-
encephalograph (QEEG) using a Neuroscan system
with 26 electrodes (according 10-10 system) was
taken, together with several questionnaires. After
three months, a follow up measurement took place to
investigate possible long-term effects.
2.2 Training Sessions
One training session (of about 1 hour) contained two
baseline measurements of 5 minutes rest with eyes
open and 5 minutes rest with eyes closed. After that,
3 neurofeedback training intervals of 8 minutes were
interspersed by cognitive tasks of 5 minutes each
(Flanker, Stop-signal, Stroop, N-back). The purpose
of this sequence was fourfold: we wanted to avoid
participants falling asleep during one long relaxation
session; we wanted to assess the effects of alpha
training on simple cognitive tasks administered
longitudinally; by alternating relaxation and
cognitive work we hoped to capture details relating
to the dynamics of the alpha rhythm; and it allowed
us to match alpha levels to the audio filter. Every
participant was asked to keep their eyes open during
the neurofeedback intervals. Alpha training might be
less effective during eyes closed, where alpha power
is generally higher and may cause a ceiling effect in
2.2.1 Alpha Activity Training Tool
During training sessions each participant was seated
in a comfortable chair in front of a laptop. The
participants were given a set of headphones that they
used for listening to their favourite music (all types
of music were allowed). EEG was measured using
Ag/AgCl ring electrodes, roughly positioned over
C3 and C4, mounted at the inner side of the headset
band. Electrodes A1 and A2, mounted in the ear
covers, served as reference (C3-A1, C4-A2).
Horizontal and vertical EOG was measured from
electrodes at the outer canthi and above and below
the left eye, respectively. The quality of the data was
assessed on-line via the ratio of the power in the 49-
51 Hz (noise) range, relative to the power in the 4-35
Hz (signal) range. The signals were amplified (DC-
400 Hz) and sampled at a rate of 1024 Hz by a 24 bit
A/D converter on a Nexus-10 portable device
(MindMedia B.V., The Netherlands). The signals
were transmitted via Bluetooth to a PC that
controlled the experiment, and stored the data.
Electromagnetic influence (EMI) was eliminated in
our training via the 100 dB common-mode rejection
ratio (CMRR) of our Nexus-10 device.
2.2.2 Neurofeedback Protocol
Eight times per second (each 125 ms) a segment of
the preceding 4 seconds was filtered by a third-order
Butterworth band-pass filter from 4-35 Hz, and a
first order notch filter at 50 Hz. To be usable for a
feedback update, this segment should fulfil three
criteria: (i) no clipping or overflow of the amplifier;
(ii) peak-to-peak of at most 200 μV; (iii) the ratio
between the line noise (49-51 Hz) and EEG power
(4-35 Hz) should be smaller than 1.0. For each
channel (C3 and C4), the relative alpha power was
calculated as the sum of the power in the alpha band
HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics
(8-12 Hz), divided by the sum of total power (4-35
Hz). A low cut-off frequency of 4 Hz was used to be
relatively free of slow drift artefacts. If both
channels showed a good epoch (fulfilling the 3
criteria) of 4 seconds, then the average of the two
channels were used. If neither channels resulted in a
good epoch, then no feedback update was given. The
relative alpha measure was filtered by a first-order
IIR filter with a time constant of 4 seconds to
smoothen the speed of the changes in feedback
somewhat. The relative alpha measure was used to
drive the cut-off frequency of a first-order high-pass
filter built into the audio path of the music played
through the headphones. This cut-off frequency
equalled 2 Hz if the current alpha level was larger
than the maximum alpha level for the previous part,
and 2000 Hz if the current alpha level was lower
than the minimum alpha level for the previous part.
For intermediate levels, a linear interpolation was
done using the following formula: fc=2000–(2000-2)
* (alpha-alpha_min)/(alpha_max-alpha_min), where
fc= audio cutoff frequency, alpha =current alpha
level, min_alpha= minimum alpha level,
max_alpha= maximum alpha level. This procedure
resulted in a very intuitive feedback mechanism in
which a person’s own well-known favourite music
sounded thin and distant if alpha levels were low
because the low tones were removed. When alpha
levels were high the music sounded rich and full. In
the random beta group, similar neurofeedback was
given. Only, the EEG frequency used to drive the
audio filter was always between 14 and 30 Hz. Beta
bands (4 Hz) on different days did not overlap. The
minimum and maximum beta levels were calculated
from the first baseline (eyes open) measurement of
that day in the band that was chosen for that day. In
the music only group, no feedback was given. The
participants always listened to their favourite music
in full quality.
Importantly, all participants received no
instructions about the training. They were not told
that they were expected to increase the quality of the
music; they were only asked to 'sit back and relax'.
2.3 Pre and Post Measurement QEEG
Alpha power spectral density was estimated using
the Welch (1967) method on digitally filtered EEG.
The EEG and EOG data channels were first off-line
filtered with a 50 Hz first order (6 dB down per
octave) notch filter for removing line noise, and then
by a third-order (18 dB down per octave)
Butterworth high-pass filter at 1 Hz and low-pass at
65 Hz. EEG spectra were computed and the EEG
record was then segmented in 75% overlapping
intervals of 4 seconds. Thus, each epoch was shifted
one second forward in time, and there were 120
segments in total. Horizontal and vertical EOG
channels were used to correct the EEG signal for eye
movement artefacts using a linear regression method
with separate coefficients for horizontal and vertical
eye movements (cf. Verleger, Gasser, & Möcks,
1982). This correction was only applied if the EOG
in a particular segment exceeded 60 μV. The
segments were then transformed to the frequency
domain using a Hanning window for tapering. The
FFT power values were then transformed to a log10
scale and all frequency components (0.25 Hz
resolution) were averaged to form the frequency
bands Alpha (8-12 Hz) and Total Power (4-35 Hz).
Relative alpha power was calculated as the ratio
between alpha and total power.
2.4 Statistical Analysis
We first checked all measures for normality of the
sampling distribution, and log-transformed the data
if necessary. All calculations were done using
(autoregressive) linear mixed models (SAS PROC
MIXED 9.1), with a 0.05 level of significance. We
used between-subjects factor group and within-
subjects factor session (pre, post, follow-up). Using
young healthy participants, instead of persons with a
higher stress level, could mean that the chances of
finding strong effects are not very high. On the other
hand, we reasoned that such a situation constitutes a
powerful test, and that finding such effects would be
quite meaningful and important.
3.1 Comparison of our Water-based
Electrodes with Conventional
Figure 1 shows grand average (N= 50) power
spectra recorded from positions C3 and C4 with the
conventional full-cap QEEG on pre-measurement
and the novel system on the first training day. It
shows that the systems were remarkably alike in the
alpha frequency range; the difference at higher
frequencies arises because of the different ways in
50 Hz line noise filtering. Alpha power (8-12 Hz)
recorded with the QEEG system and with the novel
system could not be distinguished statistically
(QEEG versus headset: F(1,43) = 1.67, n.s.; Eyes
open versus eyes closed: F(1,43) = 9.87, p <0.01; C3
versus C4: F(1,43) = 0.28, n.s.). In addition,
Figure 1: power spectra from our novel system and
conventional QEEG measurements (adapted from Van
Boxtel et al., 2011).
correlations between the alpha power recorded with
the two systems were: 0.88 (C3, eyes open), 0.80
(C3, eyes closed), 0.88 (C4, eyes open) and 0.84
(C4, eyes closed) In sum, our novel system using
water-based electrodes trained alpha activity at
central sites very well.
3.2 Alpha Power in QEEG
We tested the relative alpha power (8-12 Hz / 4-35
Hz) for posterior electrodes on C3, C4, P3, P4, O1,
and O1. As expected, alpha power was larger for
eyes closed than for eyes open (F(1,47) = 491.15, p
< 0.001, power = 1.00) conditions, and larger at
occipital and parietal electrodes compared to central
electrodes (F(2,94) = 8.06, p < 0.001, power = 0.95).
In all three groups, alpha power increased over
sessions (F(2,90) = 66.96, p < 0.001, power = 1.00).
Importantly, the increase in relative alpha power was
largest for the alpha training group (F(4,90) = 20.60,
p < 0.001, power = 1.00), especially in the eyes open
condition (F(4,89) = 6.39, p < 0.001, power = 0.99).
Figure 2 provides a visual representation of this
effect. The figure not only shows the greatest alpha
power increase in the alpha training group, but also
that alpha levels, especially in the eyes open
condition, continued to increase to follow-up
measurement three months later. Apparently, the
participants in the alpha group learned how to
control their alpha level and were able to increase it
3.3 Relaxation
(For the outcome of the questionnaires, see Van
Boxtel et al., 2011). As a qualitative relaxation
Figure 2: alpha power changes over sessions in the three
groups (left: eyes closed, right: eyes open condition;
adapted from Van Boxtel et al., 2011).
measure, we examined how many participants in
each group indicated that the training sessions were
relaxing, without them being prompted. We did not
inform the participants that this study was about
relaxation, and asked them neutrally about how they
experienced the training. In the alpha training group
(A), 53% of the participants spontaneously remarked
that they experienced the training sessions as
relaxing, as opposed to 20% in the random beta
group (B) and 21% in the music only control group
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether
alpha activity training using an innovative self-
guided system with water-based electrodes mounted
in an audio headset was feasible.
There are several indications that supported the
feasibility of our relaxation tool. First, the system
with water-based electrodes was able to record EEG
in the alpha range, of which the spectral properties
correspond to what is usually reported in the
literature. Alpha power recorded with the
conventional QEEG system and with our novel
system was statistically indistinguishable. This fact
supports the use of our neurofeedback tool, which is
very easy and less time consuming to use: no pastes
or gels are required for training.
Second, alpha training using our novel system
resulted in an increase in alpha activity as recorded
using the conventional QEEG system. Even though
the alpha group significantly increased most in
alpha power, a weak point could be the fact that
alpha activity already differed between groups
during pre-measurement. Possibly, the music only
group did not increase in alpha power, because their
HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics
alpha activity already was higher at the beginning of
the experiment.
It was also found that training of alpha activity at
central sites increased alpha activity more
posteriorly. This is a quite surprising finding,
although to some extent consistent with others who
have found that neurofeedback training can lead to
changes beyond target frequency and location (e.g.,
Egner et al., 2004). In all statistical tests, alpha
activity levels were largest at the occipital
electrodes, with parietal electrodes also displaying
considerable activity. This is what is usually
reported for the classical alpha rhythm (Shaw,
2003). It is unclear how the activity in central and
posterior areas is related.
Another important result of the present study is
that the increase in alpha activity persisted, and
increased slightly, at the follow-up session three
months after the last training session. It is possible
that the participants in the alpha training group
learned to produce a solid alpha rhythm that they
could possibly evoke at will whenever needed. Such
a possibility not only supports the conclusion that
use of such an innovative self-guided system can
elicit learning, but that due to the self-guided nature
of the learning it is also more easily maintained.
However, further research is needed in order to
substantiate such a claim.
Alpha activity that can be measured over the
central scalp is called the mu or sensorimotor
rhythm (SMR). Even though this rhythm can block
in response to motor action (Pfurtscheller &
Aranibar, 1979), we wanted to know whether
training at central sites is related to subjectively
experienced relaxation and whether central training
generalises to alpha activity in other brain areas.
Namely, there is some evidence that training of brain
rhythms may generalise over the scalp (e.g., Egner,
Zech, & Gruzelier, 2004).
The inclusion of two control conditions is a
strong point of the present study, which
demonstrates trainability of alpha activity beyond
doubt. Alpha activity recorded with the eyes open
exhibited the largest increase. It is tempting to relate
these findings to the fact that the alpha training was
given with the eyes open. However, the differential
effects of training with eyes open and eyes closed on
post-training recordings of eyes open and eyes
closed activity, is not well studied (see Vernon et al.,
Using a random beta training protocol as a
control, as utilised by Hoedlmoser and colleagues
(2008), and also recently applied in the gamma
neurofeedback studies of Keizer and co-workers
(2010), seemed to work quite well. Importantly, the
random beta group did not get any adverse effects of
the random beta training. Hence, random beta might
be considered an appropriate control. For the alpha
training group, a training approach based on the
individual alpha peak frequency (IAF; Klimesch,
1996) would allow, in the future, for a more
individualised and probably more effective training
We did see that alpha activity training produced
more alpha activity along with subjective relaxation
than the control groups did. This is surprising
because listening to music by itself could be
considered to be a relaxing experience. Our research
would suggest that combining alpha activity training
with listening to music adds an extra degree of
However, using the participant’s own favourite
music for auditory feedback might have disturbed
our relaxation goal, because of the fact that music
might arouse one (Van der Zwaag et al., 2011). We
tried to filter this influence out as much as possible
by using the participant’s own favourite music they
liked to hear during training sessions. Again, any
sort of music was allowed. Maybe it would be nice
to combine studies (Van der Zwaag et al., 2011) to
create even more efficient alpha training and
optimize relaxation effects.
To sum up, we compared training of alpha
activity to training of random beta and music only
control, and found that alpha activity training at
central sites enhanced alpha activity at posterior
sites. We have demonstrated the feasibility of alpha
activity training using an easy, wireless, water-based
electrode system combined with an intuitive form of
auditory feedback based on the participant’s own
favourite music. We consider our system to be an
important step forward in the development of a
system for instrumental conditioning of brain
rhythms that can be used both in the clinic as well as
at home. In our view, the availability of such a
system would solve a number of technical
weaknesses that surround such systems currently, so
that more emphasis can be placed on factors that
really matter in these studies, such as the protocols
to be used, the number and nature of the training
sessions, the influence of different instrumental
conditioning schedules, and the transfer of the
trained brain area to other areas, to name but a few.
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