Steve Strauch
, Uwe Breitenbuecher
, Oliver Kopp
, Frank Leymann
and Tobias Unger
Institute of Architecture of Application Systems, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
GRIDSOLUT GmbH + Co. KG, Stuttgart, Germany
Patterns, Confidentiality, Database Layer, Migration, Distributed Application Architecture, Cloud Data Store.
Cloud computing enables cost-effective, self-service, and elastic hosting of applications in the Cloud. Appli-
cations may be partially or completely moved to the Cloud. When hosting or moving the database layer to
the Cloud, challenges such as avoidance of disclosure of critical data have to be faced. The main challenges
are handling different levels of confidentiality and satisfying security and privacy requirements. We provide
reusable solutions in the form of patterns.
Cloud computing has started to be applied in industry
due to the advantage of reducing capital expenditure
and transforming it into operational costs (Armbrust
et al., 2009). Therefore, applications are directly built
using Cloud service technology or existing applica-
tions are migrated to the Cloud.
Overview of Cloud Application HostingTopologies
Application Layers
Figure 1: Overview of Cloud Deployment Models and Ap-
plication Layers.
Applications are typically built using a three layer
architecture model consisting of a presentation layer,
a business logic layer, and a data layer (Dunkel et al.,
2008). The data layer is responsible for data stor-
age and is in turn subdivided into data access layer
(DAL) and database layer (DBL). The DAL is an ab-
straction layer encapsulating the data access function-
ality. The DBL is responsible for data persistence and
data manipulation. The subdivision of the data layer
finally leads to a four layer application architecture
(Figure 1). To take advantage of Cloud computing, an
application may be moved to the Cloud or designed
from the beginning to use Cloud technologies. Fig-
ure 1 shows all potential possibilities for the distribu-
tion of an application consisting of four layers. The
traditional application not using any Cloud technol-
ogy is shown on the left. Each layer can be hosted
using different Cloud deployment models. Available
Cloud deployment models are: Private Cloud, Public
Cloud, Community Cloud, and Hybrid Cloud (Mell
and Grance, 2009). In this context, “on-premise” de-
notes that the Cloud infrastructure is hosted inside the
company and “off-premise” denotes that it is hosted
outside the company. Figure 1 will be reused for pro-
viding a sketch for each Cloud Data Pattern, illustrat-
ing the solution.
This paper deals with hosting or moving the data-
base layer to the Cloud and the related challenges re-
garding data confidentiality to be faced. The contribu-
tion of the paper is the identification of these challen-
ges and the description of Cloud Data Patterns to face
these challenges. A Cloud Data Pattern describes a
reusable and implementation technology-independent
solution for a challenge related to the data layer of an
application in the Cloud for a specific context. Cloud
Data Patterns address both the migration of a data
layer hosted traditionally to the Cloud as well as en-
abling access to the data layer in the Cloud. “Tra-
ditionally” denotes not using any Cloud technology.
Confidentiality Patterns provide solutions for avoid-
ing disclosure of confidential data. Confidentiality in-
cludes security and privacy. In the context of confi-
dentiality we consider the data to be kept private and
Strauch S., Breitenbuecher U., Kopp O., Leymann F. and Unger T..
DOI: 10.5220/0003893903870394
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2012), pages 387-394
ISBN: 978-989-8565-05-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
secure as “critical data”. For instance, critical data
are business secrets of companies, personal data, and
health care data. Critical data can be categorized into
different confidentiality levels such as “NATO Secret”
or “NATO Confidential” as described in the security
classification in the security regulations of the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (Department of
Defense Security Institute, 1993).
To provide a set of Cloud Data Patterns as refer-
ence work, the description of each pattern has to be
self-contained. Thus, the concrete characteristics of
the patterns presented in Section 2 overlap. Section 3
presents related work in the field of patterns. Finally,
Section 4 concludes and presents an outlook on future
This section introduces five new Cloud Data Patterns
for confidentiality. As the data is not always catego-
rized or might be categorized using different confi-
dentiality categorizations we present two patterns for
handling these challenges: The Confidentiality Level
Data Aggregator (Section 2.1) provides one confiden-
tiality level for data from different sources with po-
tentially different confidential categorizations on dif-
ferent scales. The Confidentiality Level Data Splitter
(Section 2.2) provides different confidentiality levels
for data originally categorized into one confidential-
ity level. Both the aggregation and splitting have to
be configured, e. g., using parameterization or config-
uration files.
To protect the confidential data on the one hand
and to benefit from Cloud computing on the other
hand, we introduce three different patterns: filter-
ing, pseudonymization, and anonymization. The Fil-
ter of Critical Data (Section 2.3) ensures that no
confidential data is disclosed to the public. The
Pseudonymizer of Critical Data (Section 2.4) im-
plements pseudonymization. Pseudonymization is a
technique to provide a masked version of the data
to the public while keeping the relation to the non-
masked data (Federal Ministry of Justice, 1990). That
enables processing of non-masked data in the private
environment. The Anonymizer of Critical Data (Sec-
tion 2.5) implements anonymization. Anonymization
is a technique to provide a reduced version of the crit-
ical data to the public while it is impossible to relate
the reduced version to the critical data. A discussion
on the composition of Confidentiality Patterns is pro-
vided in Section 2.6.
2.1 Confidentiality Level Data
Context. The data formerly stored
in one traditionally hosted data store
is separated according to the different
confidentiality levels and stored in dif-
ferent locations. The business layer is
separated into the traditionally hosted part processing
the critical data and the business layer hosted in the
public Cloud processing the non-critical data. As the
application accesses data from several data sources,
the different confidentiality levels of the data items
have to be aggregated to one common confidentiality
level. This builds the basis for avoiding disclosure of
critical data by passing it to the public Cloud.
Challenge. How can data of different confiden-
tiality levels from different data sources be aggregated
to one common confidentiality level?
Forces. The data might be categorized into confi-
dentiality levels from different scales. Thus, aggrega-
tion by normalizing scales is not always possible.
Solution. An aggregator is placed within the
Cloud infrastructure of the Cloud data storage with
the highest confidentiality level. The aggregator re-
trieves data from all Cloud data stores. Thus, it es-
pecially processes data with the highest confidential-
ity level, which may not be placed where data with
a lower level resides. As a consequence, it has to be
placed in a location where the demands of the highest
confidentiality level are fulfilled.
Sketch Privacy and Security Data Level Aggregator
Data Access
Data Access
Partial Migration
Modified Component
Application Layers
Figure 2: Sketch of Confidentiality Level Data Aggregator.
Sidebars. The data stored in the different data
stores might be configured with different security lev-
els from different security domains. The aggregator
outputs data from one security domain only. The ag-
gregator has to be configured accordingly and a map-
ping between different confidentiality levels from po-
tentially different security or privacy domains has to
be provided. Finally, a procedure for determining the
final output level of the data combined by the aggre-
gation has to be given. Usually, it is the highest con-
fidentiality level. Both parts of the data access layer
hosted traditionally and in the public Cloud have to be
reconfigured to access the database layer only through
the confidentiality level data aggregator. It is assumed
that the data stores themselves have appropriate ac-
cess right configurations.
Results. For each request, several data stores are
queried. The data is routed through the aggregator,
which annotates the data with the appropriate confi-
dentiality level valid for the aggregated data set.
Example. The database layer of an application
built on Oracle Corporation MySQL (Oracle Corpo-
ration, 2011), version 5.1 is split into an Amazon
Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC (,
Inc., 2011b)) data store hosting an AMI and Amazon
Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS (Ama-, Inc., 2011a)). The AMI runs MySQL 5.1
relational database on OpenSolaris. Regarding Ama-
zon RDS, a MySQL DB instance is chosen. Thus,
the database functionality remains the same. The data
stored in the Amazon VPC is annotated with “NATO
Confidential” and the data stored in the Amazon RDS
is annotated with “NATO Restricted” (Department of
Defense Security Institute, 1993). The logic imple-
mented in the business layer is split into the one pro-
cessing critical and the one processing non-critical
data. The data access layer is also split and configured
to operate on the confidentiality level data aggregator.
The aggregator is fetching the data from the two dif-
ferent data sources. In case data is returned from the
Amazon VPC, the result set is annotated with “NATO
Confidential”, otherwise “NATO Restricted” is used.
On its own, this annotation does not prevent the dis-
closure of data. For instance, the disclosure itself may
be prevented in combination with the filter of critical
data pattern.
Next. In case the stored data should be updated,
the Confidentiality Level Data Splitter has to be con-
2.2 Confidentiality Level Data Splitter
Context. The data formerly stored in
one traditionally hosted data store is
separated according to data stores with
different confidentiality levels. As the
application writes data to several data
stores, the data has to be categorized and split accord-
ing to the different confidentiality levels. This builds
the basis for avoiding disclosure of critical data when
storing it in the public Cloud.
Challenge. How can data of one common confi-
dentiality level be categorized and split into separate
data parts belonging to different confidentiality lev-
Forces. The data has to be annotated and split
manually, in case the confidentiality level data splitter
is not used.
Solution. A splitter is placed within the Cloud
infrastructure of the data access layer. Thus, addi-
tional data movement, network traffic, and load can be
minimized. The splitter writes data to all Cloud data
stores. As the splitter processes data with the highest
confidentiality level, it has to be placed in a location
where the demands of the highest confidentiality level
are fulfilled.
Sketch Privacy and Security Data Level Splitter
Data Access
Partial Migration
Modified Component
Application Layers
Figure 3: Sketch of Confidentiality Level Data Splitter.
Sidebars. The data to be stored in the different
data stores might have to be separated and catego-
rized into different confidentiality levels from one se-
curity or privacy domain. The splitter gets input data
of a common security or privacy domain and outputs
a separation of this data according to the particular
security or privacy levels. The splitter has to be con-
figured for the mapping from one common confiden-
tiality level to different confidentiality levels from the
same security or privacy domain. The configuration
also includes a determination of the data store for each
level. It is assumed that the data stores themselves
have appropriate access right configurations. The data
access layer has to be configured to write data exclu-
sively through the Confidentiality Level Data Splitter
to the database layer. In order to avoid disclosure of
critical data, the data access layer has to be placed in a
location where the demands of highest confidentiality
level are fulfilled. Usually, this is the private Cloud.
Results. For each data write, several data stores
are used. The data is routed through the splitter, which
categorizes and separates the data of one common
confidentiality level into disjoint data sets of differ-
ent confidentiality levels. The data sets are stored in
the appropriate data store based on the corresponding
security level of each data set.
Example. The database layer of an application
used by the NATO for management of data of differ-
ent security levels consists of three data stores hosted
using different deployment models. The data store
hosted traditionally is built on Oracle Corporation
MySQL, version 5.1. The second and third parts us-
ing Amazon VPC Cloud data store hosting an AMI
and Amazon RDS. The AMI runs MySQL 5.1 rela-
tional database on OpenSolaris. Regarding Amazon
RDS, a MySQL DB instance is chosen. Thus, the
database functionality remains the same. Now sev-
eral tera bytes of new data sets have to be imported
sequentially in the data management system. This
data is neither categorized nor annotated regarding the
classification levels defined by the NATO. Therefore,
the splitter is used and configured as follows: All per-
sonal information has to be categorized as “NATO Se-
cret” and stored in the Amazon VPC Cloud data store.
All financial information have to be annotated with
“NATO Confidential” and stored in the traditionally
hosted part of the database layer. All other data is cat-
egorizes as “NATO Restricted” and stored in Amazon
Next. In case the stored data should be retrieved,
the Confidentiality Data Level Aggregator has to be
2.3 Filter of Critical Data
Context. The private Cloud data store
contains critical and non-critical data.
To prevent disclosure of the critical
data it has to be enforced that the crit-
ical data does not leave the private
Cloud. The logic implemented in the business layer
is split into the one processing critical and the one
processing non-critical data. The party implementing
or hosting the processing of the non-critical data may
not be trusted.
Challenge. How can data-access rights be kept
when moving the database layer into the private Cloud
and a part of the business layer as well as a part of the
data access layer into the public Cloud?
Forces. As the business layer in the public Cloud
needs to have access to the non-critical data, it is
no option to completely forbid access to the data-
base from the public Cloud. As the business layer
hosted traditionally might need to have access to the
complete data, the distribution of critical and non-
critical data into different databases would require ad-
justments of the corresponding business logic and the
data access layer hosted traditionally.
Solution. A Filter of Critical Data is placed
within the Cloud infrastructure of the private Cloud
data store. All requests to the private Cloud data store
have to be directed to the filter. The private Cloud data
store is only reachable by the filter of critical data.
Requests for critical data originating off-premise are
denied by the filter.
Sketch Filter for Critical Data
Data Access
Data Access
Partial Migration
Modified Component
Application Layers
Figure 4: Sketch of Filter of Critical Data.
Sidebars. The data contained in the private Cloud
data store has to be categorized into critical and non-
critical data, e. g., by applying the security classifica-
tion of the NATO (Department of Defense Security
Institute, 1993) and annotating the data accordingly.
Both parts of the data access layer hosted tradi-
tionally and in the public Cloud have to be reconfig-
ured to access the database layer only through the fil-
ter of critical data. We denote the required reconfig-
urations as “Data Access Layer*” in Figure 4. More-
over, the business layer hosted in the public Cloud
has to be enabled to deal with errors occurring when
data access to critical data is not granted, denoted by
“Business Layer*” in Figure 4.
The method for filtering, the respective granular-
ity, and the information to be filtered have to be con-
figured, e. g., by parameterization.
The application in the public Cloud has to be
aware that the data returned might be incomplete.
Thus, the application design has to consider different
availability of data. For instance, a function “write
letters to all costumers” cannot be put in the public
Cloud if the customer data must not be disclosed.
As the data access exclusively happens through
the Filter of Critical Data this pattern decreases per-
formance. Therefore, it is not applicable for dis-
tributed applications with high data traffic. Besides, it
has to be avoided that the implementation of the filter
becomes a single point of failure. To overcome that
limitation, it could be horizontally scaled on demand,
for instance.
Results. Assuming the data transfer from and
to the private database layer happens exclusively
through the Filter of Critical Data, only non-critical
data is passed to the public Cloud and critical data re-
mains private.
Example. The database layer of a task man-
agement application of a car manufacturing company
built on Oracle Corporation MySQL (Oracle Corpo-
ration, 2011), version 5.1 is moved to Amazon Vir-
tual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC (, Inc.,
2011b)) choosing an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
running MySQL 5.1 relational database on OpenSo-
laris. Thus, the database functionality remains the
same. The database contains (among others) tasks
directly related to company internal research. These
tasks are only allowed to be executed if the employee
requesting the task details is currently located within
the research technology center (cf. “Location Depen-
dent Task Visibility and Access” (Unger and Bauer,
2008)). In case the request for such a task originates
from outside the research technology center the ac-
cess is denied by providing an error message. The
location-based data filtering is IP-based and the inter-
nal IPs assigned to VPN connections are considered
Next. In case denying of access to critical data
is not acceptable, the Anonymizer of Critical Data
or Pseudonymizer of Critical Data have to be consid-
2.4 Pseudonymizer of Critical Data
Context. The private Cloud data store
contains critical and non-critical data.
The business layer is partially moved
to the public Cloud and needs access
to data. The logic implemented in the
business layer is split into one requiring critical data
and one, where critical data in pseudonymized form
is sufficient for processing. This modification of
the original business layer is denoted by “Business
Layer*” in Figure 5. The party hosting the process-
ing for which critical data in pseudonymized form is
sufficient may not be trusted. Furthermore, passing
critical data may be restricted by compliance regula-
tions. It is required to relate the pseudonymized pro-
cessing results from the public business layer to the
critical data.
Challenge. How can a private Cloud data store
ensure passing critical data in pseudonymized form
to the public Cloud?
Forces. It has to be ensured that all data clas-
sified as critical is pseudonymized in the data set
passed to the public Cloud in order to prevent that
the pseudonymization can be broken, e. g., by using
tools for data analysis and data mining. The relation
between the pseudonymized data and the critical data
has to be stored in the private Cloud and prevented to
be passed to the public Cloud. This will enable the re-
lation of the pseudonymized processing results from
the public business layer to the critical data.
Solution. A pseudonymizer of critical data is
placed within the Cloud infrastructure of the private
Cloud data storage. All requests to the private Cloud
data storage have to be directed to the pseudonymizer.
The private Cloud data storage is only reachable by
the pseudonymizer of critical data. Results of re-
quests for critical data originating off-premise are
Sketch Pseudonymizer for Personal Data
Data Access
Data Access
Partial Migration
Modified Component
Application Layers
Figure 5: Sketch of Pseudonymizer of Critical Data.
Sidebars. The data contained in the private Cloud
data store has to be categorized into critical and non-
critical data, e. g., by applying the security classifica-
tion described in the security regulations of the NATO
and annotating the data accordingly. Both parts of the
data access layer hosted traditionally and in the pub-
lic Cloud have to be reconfigured to access the data-
base layer only through the Pseudonymizer of Criti-
cal Data. We denote the required reconfigurations as
“Data Access Layer*” in Figure 5.
The method for pseudonymization has to be con-
figured and the relation has to be stored in the private
Cloud data store.
Results. Assuming the data transfer from and
to the private database layer happens exclusively
through the Pseudonymizer of Critical Data, only
non-critical data and pseudonymized data is passed
to the public Cloud.
Example. A company started an initiative to im-
prove there image with respect to Green computing.
An external partner has been contracted to continu-
ously monitor the relevant data and to report monthly
on energy savings and energy saving potentials. As
a result the external company gets access to the data.
As the company does not want to reveal its internal
secrets the data is pseudonymized.
Next. In case passing (and thus disclosing)
pseudonymized critical data is not applicable, the Fil-
ter of Critical Data or the Anonymizer for Critical
Data have to be considered.
Sketch Anonymizer for Personal Data
Data Access
Data Access
Partial Migration
Modified Component
Application Layers
Figure 6: Sketch of Anonymizer of Critical Data.
2.5 Anonymizer of Critical Data
Context. The private Cloud data store
contains critical and non-critical data.
The business layer is partially moved
to the public Cloud and needs access to
data. To prevent disclosure and misuse
the critical data is anonymized before being passed to
the public Cloud. The logic implemented in the busi-
ness layer is split into one requiring critical data and
one, where critical data in anonymized form is suffi-
cient for processing. This modification of the origi-
nal business layer is denoted by “Business Layer*” in
Figure 6. The party implementing or hosting the pro-
cessing for which critical data in anonymized form is
sufficient may not be trusted. It is not required to re-
late the anonymized processing results from the pub-
lic business layer to the critical data.
Challenge. How can a private Cloud data store
ensure passing critical data in anonymized form to the
public Cloud?
Forces. It has to be ensured, that all data classified
as critical is sufficiently anonymized in the data set
passed to the public Cloud in order to prevent that the
anonymization can be broken, e. g., by using tools for
data analysis and data mining.
Solution. An Anonymizer of Critical Data is
placed within the Cloud infrastructure of the private
Cloud data store. All requests to the private Cloud
data store have to be directed to the anonymizer.
The private Cloud data store is only reachable by the
Anonymizer of Critical Data. Results of requests for
critical data originating off-premise are anonymized.
Sidebars. The data contained in the private Cloud
data store has to be categorized into critical and non-
critical data, e. g., by applying the security classifica-
tion described in the security regulations of the NATO
and annotating the data accordingly. Both parts of the
data access layer hosted traditionally and in the public
Cloud have to be reconfigured to access the database
layer only through the Anonymizer of Critical Data.
We denote the required reconfigurations as “Data Ac-
cess Layer*” in Figure 6.
The method for anonymization and the respective
granularity have to be configured. For instance, an
off-premise application may retrieve anonymized data
for each person and another may only use data aggre-
gated for groups of 1 000 persons.
Results. Assuming the data transfer from and
to the private database layer happens exclusively
through the Anonymizer of Critical Data, only non-
critical data and anonymized data is passed to the pub-
lic Cloud.
Example. The database layer of an application for
managing the customers of a health insurance built on
Oracle Corporation MySQL, version 5.1 is moved to
Amazon VPC choosing an AMI running MySQL 5.1
relational database on OpenSolaris. Thus, the data-
base functionality remains the same. The database
contains the personal information as well as the med-
ical history of the customers. The business logic cal-
culating general statistics is outsourced to the public
Cloud. As there is no personal information of the cus-
tomers required to calculate the general statistics such
as how many people were suffering from a particular
illness in the last year, only anonymized data is passed
by the Anonymizer of Critical Data to the business
layer in the public Cloud.
Next. In case passing (and thus disclosing) anony-
mized critical data is not applicable, the Filter of Crit-
ical Data has to be considered.
2.6 Composition of Cloud Data Patterns
Patterns of a pattern language are re-
lated to each other, they have to be con-
sidered as a whole and to be compos-
able (Hohpe and Woolf, 2003). Thus,
we have chosen the form of a piece
of a puzzle for the pattern icons. We
do not claim that all Cloud Data Pat-
terns are composable with each other.
Whether two or more Cloud Data Patterns are com-
posable depends on the semantic and functionality
of each of the patterns. Moreover, the specific re-
quirements and context of the needed solution effect
whether a composition of patterns is required. A com-
position of the Confidentiality Level Data Aggregator
and the Anonymizer of Critical Data allows for the
off-premise application part to access the private data
stored in different data stores in anonymized form.
The detailed investigation of compositions of Cloud
Data Patterns is out of scope of this paper.
Pattern languages to define reusable solutions for re-
curring challenges have been first proposed in archi-
tecture by Christopher Alexander et al. (1977, 1979).
Various publications on patterns exist in computer sci-
ence that describe recommendations on how to face
recurring challenges in different domains. In the fol-
lowing selection we focus on enterprise integration,
application architecture, Cloud computing, data, se-
curity, and privacy in the order they are mentioned.
Hohpe and Woolf (2003) investigate problems de-
velopers have to solve when building and deploy-
ing messaging solutions for enterprise integration.
We reuse the pattern form introduced by Hohpe and
Woolf for describing the Cloud Data Patterns.
Fowler et al. (2002) provide forty reusable solu-
tions for developing enterprise applications. In con-
trast to our work, database hosting in the Cloud is
not considered. Similar to Fowler et al. our patterns
are independent from the concrete Cloud technology
ARISTA Networks, Inc. (2009) provides seven
patterns for Cloud computing. The only pattern deal-
ing with data in the Cloud is the Cloud Storage Pat-
tern. Fehling et al. (2011) provide architectural pat-
terns to design, build, and manage applications using
Cloud services. They focus on the general architec-
ture. Solutions for moving or building the database
layer in the Cloud are not provided. Nock (2008) pro-
vides 25 patterns for data access in enterprise appli-
cations. Nock does not treat Cloud data stores as we
Schumacher et al. (2006) present reusable solu-
tions for securing applications and to integrate se-
curity design in the broader engineering process,
but do not deal with data pseudonymization, data
anonymization, and data filtering. Hafiz (2006)
presents a privacy design pattern catalog. Hafiz
achieves anonymity by mixing data with data
from other sources instead of providing a general
pseudonymization, anonymization, or filtering pat-
The handling of personal data in the Cloud in Ger-
many is regulated by §11 of the German Federal Data
Protection Law (Federal Ministry of Justice, 1990).
The law distinguishes between pseudonymization and
anonymization, which we reuse in our confidentiality
patterns. To the best of our knowledge, the patterns
presented in this paper have not been outlined by other
This work presented ve reusable solutions to face
challenges of avoiding disclosure of confidential data
when moving the database layer to the Cloud or de-
signing an application using a database layer in the
Cloud. The list of the patterns has been harvested
during our work with industry partners and research
projects. We do not claim that the list of patterns is
The presentation of the patterns did not go into
technical details. For instance, scalability and single
point of failure has not been treated. A possible scal-
ability mechanism and a counter-measure is to imple-
ment each pattern using a hotpool in the Cloud. A
hotpool consists of multiple instances of the compo-
nent and a watchdog.
Our next step is a description of the general com-
position method and an evaluation using existing ap-
plications to be migrated to the Cloud.
This work has been funded by the EU (4CaaSt,
FP7/258862) and the BMWi (CloudCycle,
01MD11023). We thank Vasilios Andrikopoulos
(IAAS), Gerd Breiter (IBM), and Olaf Zimmermann
(IBM) for their valuable input.
Alexander, C. (1979). The Timeless Way of Building. Ox-
ford University Press.
Alexander, C. et al. (1977). A Pattern Language. Towns,
Buildings, Construction. Oxford University Press., Inc. (2011a). Amazon Relational Database
Service., Inc. (2011b). Amazon Virtual Private Cloud.
ARISTA Networks, Inc. (2009). Cloud Networking: Design
Patterns for Cloud-Centric Application Environments.
Armbrust, M. et al. (2009). Above the Clouds: A Berke-
ley View of Cloud Computing. Technical Report
UCB/EECS-2009-28, EECS Department, University
of California, Berkeley.
Department of Defense Security Institute (1993). Inter-
national Programs Security Handbook, Chapter 10:
NATO Security Procedures.
Dunkel, J. et al. (2008). Systemarchitekturen fuer Verteilte
Anwendungen. Hanser Verlag.
Federal Ministry of Justice (1990). German Federal Data
Protection Law.
Fehling, C. et al. (2011). An Architectural Pattern Language
of Cloud-based Applications. PLoP’11. ACM.
Fowler, M. et al. (2002). Patterns of Enterprise Application
Architecture. Addison-Wesley Professional.
Hafiz, M. (2006). A Collection of Privacy Design Patterns.
Hohpe, G. and Woolf, B. (2003). Enterprise Integration
Patterns: Designing, Building, and Deploying Mes-
saging Solutions. Addison-Wesley.
Mell, P. and Grance, T. (2009). Cloud Computing Defini-
tion. National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Nock, C. (2008). Data Access Patterns: Database Interac-
tions in Object Oriented Applications. Prentice Hall
Oracle Corporation (2011). MySQL.
Schumacher, M. et al. (2006). Security Patterns: Integrat-
ing Security and Systems Engineering. Wiley.
Unger, T. and Bauer, T. (2008). Towards a Standardized
Task Management. MKWI’08. GITO-Verlag, Berlin.