Nora Barroso, Karmele López de Ipiña and Aitzol Ezeiza
Polytechnic College, Department of Systems Engineering and Automation, University of the Basque Country,
Europa Plaza 1, Donostia 20018, Spain
Keywords: Multivariate Hidden Markov Models, Automatic Speech Recognition, Acoustic Modelling, Complex
Environments, Speech Processing.
Abstract: Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is one of the classical multivariate statistical modelling applications
that involves dealing with issues such as Acoustic Modelling (AM) or Language Modelling (LM). These
tasks are generally very language-dependent and require very large resources. This work is focused on the
selection of appropriate acoustic models for Speech Processing in a complex environment (a multilingual
context in under-resourced and noisy conditions) oriented to general ASR tasks. The work has been carried
out with a small trilingual speech database with very low audio quality. Thus, in order to decrease the
negative impact that the lack of resources has in this task there have been selected two techniques: In the
one hand, Hidden Markov Models have been enhanced using hybrid topologies and parameters as acoustic
models of the sublexical units. In the other hand, an optimum configuration has been developed for the
Acoustic Phonetic Decoding system, based on multivariate Gaussian numbers and the insertion penalty.
Appropriate speech signal resources are required for
multivariate statistical modelling applications, such
as Hidden Markov Models for Automatic Speech
Recognition (ASR). These applications require very
large or optimum resources for training all the
components of the system. Most of the ASR
applications have to be developed for complex
environments and in under-resourced conditions.
Therefore, the development of a robust system for
under-resourced languages, even if they are
integrated in multilingual regions or coexist
geographically with languages in best conditions
needs high inversions (Le and Besacier, 2009; Seng
et al., 2008; Barroso et al., 2007; Schultz. and
Waibel, 1998)
These languages have the required resources in a
very limited quantity and quality, and new strategies
must be explored to tackle the challenge of creating
robust systems in this area. Automatic Speech
Recognition is a broad research area that absorbs
many efforts from the research community. Indeed,
many applications related to ASR have progressed
quickly in recent years, but these applications are
generally very language-dependent. Moreover, the
creation of a robust system is a much tougher task
for under-resourced languages, even if they count
with powerful languages beside it. The development
of these systems involves issues such as Acoustic
Modelling, Language Modelling, and the
development of Language Resources.
Figure 1 shows the classical scheme of an ASR
system. During the Acoustic Phonetic Decoding
(APD) stage, the speech signal is segmented into
fundamental acoustic units that will be integrated
into other system components. Classically, words
have been considered the most natural unit for
speech recognition, but the large number of potential
words in a single language, including all inflected
and derived forms, might become intractable in
some cases for the definition of the basic
components. In these cases, smaller phonologic
recognition units like phonemes, triphonemes or
syllables are used to overcome this problem. These
recognition units, which are shorter than complete
words are the so-called sublexical units (SLU) or
sub-word units.
Multivariate Hidden Markov Models are
undoubtedly the most employed technique for ASR
construction, but when the data is affected by a high
noise level, ASR systems are sometimes far from an
Barroso N., López de Ipiña K. and Ezeiza A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003894105070516
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (MPBS-2012), pages 507-516
ISBN: 978-989-8425-89-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Scheme of the process of Speech Recognition.
acceptable performance (Le and Besacier, 2009;
Smith, 2000). Several hybrid proposals can be found
in the bibliography (Smith, 2000; Cosi, 2000,
Friedman, 1989; Martinez, 2001) dealing with this
problem based on Machine Learning paradigms such
as: Support Vector Machines or Neural Networks.
Indeed, the long term goal of this project is the
development of robust ASR systems in real and
complex environments, but this work is focused to
the selection of appropriate acoustic models with
under-resourced and noisy conditions. Specifically,
the current work is oriented to Broadcast News (BN)
in the Basque context. Thus, in order to decrease the
negative impact that the lack of resources has in this
issue several hybrid methodologies are applied for
Acoustic Modelling.
The paper is organised as follows: next section
describes the resources and the features of the
languages. Section 4 presents the used methods,
mainly oriented to the selection of appropriate
acoustic models in complex environments. Section 5
gives the experimentation results, and finally, some
conclusions are explained in section 6.
The basic audio resources used in this work have
been mainly provided by Broadcast News sources.
Specifically Infozazpi radio (Infozazpi, 2011), a
trilingual (Basque (BS), Spanish (SP), and French
(FR)) has provided audio and text data from their
news bulletins for each language (semi-parallel
corpus). The texts have been processed to create
XML files which include information of distinct
speakers, noises, and sections of the speech files and
transcriptions. The transcriptions for Basque also
include morphological information such as each
word’s lemma and Part-Of-Speech tag. The
Resources Inventory is summarised in table 1.
Table 1: Resources inventory.
BCN Audio hh:mm:ss
BS 2:55:00
FR 2:58:00
SP 3:02:00
Total 7:55:00
In the audio for French and Spanish there is a
high background noise from the signature tunes of
the programmes. For Basque, there is no signature
tune mixing with the speakers’ voices. In the other
hand, they are radio study recordings, so in
consequence there are very few instantaneous
noises. Most of the noises are common ones. In the
transcription process, there have been mainly
labelled the inspirations produced by the speakers,
the instantaneous noises from the microphone, and
the noises of the movement of papers.
Figure 2: NIST and WADA noisy level with regard to the
signal length.
The noise level and its effect over the signal is a
crucial factor. In order to measure it, the standards
NIST and WADA measures have been employed
(Ellis, 2011). Figure 2 presents the results of these
measures for Basque, Spanish, and French. It is
straightforward to infer a higher level of noise for
these last two corpora, being the French the noisiest
corpus. For Spanish and French, the cleanest
segments are those of 3 seconds. For Basque, the
longest segments have the lowest level of noise. The
two methodologies, NIST and WADA, use different
calculation methods, so the results are different in
level, but the general trends are kept similar in both.
BIOSIGNALS 2012 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
Table 2: Sound Inventories for Basque, French and Spanish in the SAMPA notation.
Sound T
pe Basque French S
b t d k g c
b t d k g
b t d k g
Affricates ts ts´ tS ts
gj jj f B T D s s´ S x G
Z v h
f v s z S Z gj jj F B T D s x G
asals m n J m n J N m n J
Liquids l L r r
l R l L r r
Vowel glides w j w H j w j
Vowels i e a o u @
i e E a A O o u y 2 9
e~ a~ o~ 9~,
i e a o u
The analysis of the features of the languages chosen
is a crucial issue because they have a clear influence
on both the performance of the APD and on the
vocabulary size of the system. In order to develop
the APD, an inventory of the sounds of each
language was necessary. Table 2 summarises the
sound inventories for the three languages expressed
in the SAMPA notation. Each sound would be taken
into account in the phonetic transcription tools used
in the training process.
In order to get an insight of the phonemes system
of these three languages, we would like to remark
some of the features mentioned above. In the one
hand, Basque and Spanish have very similar vowels
if not the same. The Basque language itself has
many odd occurrences of other vocals, but many of
them have fallen into disuse or they are used only in
very local environments.
For example, only Basque speakers from the
Northern side (bilingual Basque and French
speakers) are used to pronouncing the Basque “@”
(i.e. Sorrapürü). This vowel's pronunciation is
between the Basque vocals “u” and “i”. In
comparison to Basque or Spanish, French has a very
much richer vocal system, but it is fair to say that
some of their older forms have fallen into disuse too.
Anyway, they keep on being different to those in
Basque or Spanish, especially in the case of nasal
In the other hand, some of the consonants that
are rare in French such as “L” (i.e. Feuille) are very
common in Basque or Spanish. Therefore, a cross-
lingual Acoustic Model could be very useful in these
cases. Another special feature in this experiment is
the richness of affricates and fricatives present in
These sounds will be very difficult to differ and
the cross-lingual approach won't work for them, but
it has to be said that even some native Basque
speakers don't make differences between some
affricates and fricatives due to dialectal issues.
Consequently, the Acoustic decoder would have
difficulties in these cases and further Language
Modelling would be needed in order to get accurate
Finally, some sounds that are differentiated
theoretically are very difficult to model, and many
state-of-the-art approaches cluster these cases as the
same sound. This is the case of the plosives in the
three languages; there is little acoustic difference
between “b”, “B”, “p”, and “P” depending on the
context, and the Language Model should be able to
manage the ambiguity derived of not separating
those phonemes in this first stage.
4.1 Multivariate Hidden Markov
In ASR classical Acoustic Modelling is carried out
by Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) (Baum and
Eagon, 1967; Baum et al., 1970; Baker, 1975;
Jelinek, 1976).
The basic components of the HMMs are the
states and the transitions between states. A Markov
chain is, in short, a set of states and a set of
transitions between them. Every state has a symbol
and every transition has a probability associated to
it. In each instant t, the system is in a certain state,
and to regular intervals of time it goes on from one
state to another as the transitions indicates. Finally, a
symbol sequence is obtained from each of the states
which have been crossed. HMMs are similar to
Markov chains but, in this case, every state isn’t
associated to a fixed symbol, but the event provided
by the state forms a part of a probabilistic function.
Thus, all the symbols are possible in every state and
each one has its own probability. Consequently, an
HMM consists of a not observable "hidden" process
(Markov chain), and an observable process, which
connects the input with the state of the hidden
process. In order to do this, an HMM has to be a
process doubly stochastic since it has, on the one
hand, a set of transition probability coefficients that
determine state sequence to continue and, on the
other hand, there are defined probability functions
associated with every state that determine the output
that is observed in this state.
An HMM is defined as (Rabiner, 1989):
: state as the t time.
N: the number of states in the model. The most
used HMMs have 5 states. However both 1
state and 5 states do not generate any output.
S: The individual states,
{, ,..., }
Sss s=
M: the number of distinct observation symbols
per state, i.e., the discrete alphabet size.
V: The individual symbols,
, ,...,
Vvv v=
:The state transition probability
distribution where,
| 1 1 ,
ij t j t i
aPqsq s ijN== =
: The observation symbol
probability distribution in where,
| 1 , 1
jk k t j
bO PO q s j N k M==
is a symbol of the observation set V.
{}π= π
: The initial state distribution, where:
Pq s i Nπ= =
Thus, an HMM is described by:
, , ABλ= π
In the acoustic modelling, the likelihood of the
observed feature vectors is computed given the
linguistic units. Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)
classifiers can be used to compute for each HMM
state q, corresponding to a SLU unit, the likelihood
of a given feature vector given this phone p(o|q)
where Gaussians are multivariate. A way of thinking
about the output of this stage is as a sequence of
probability vectors, one for each time frame, and
each vector at each time frame contains the
likelihoods that each unit generated the acoustic
feature vector observation at that time. Finally, in
the APD phase, the acoustic model (AM) is
employed. The AM consists of the sequence of
acoustic likelihoods integrated in an HMM
dictionary of Lexical Unit (LU) pronunciations, and
then it is combined with the language model (LM).
The output of the APD system is the most likely
sequence of LUs. An HMM dictionary, is a list of
LUs pronunciations, each pronunciation represented
by a string of phones. Each LU can then be thought
of as an HMM, where the SLUs are states in the
HMM, and the Gaussian likelihood estimators
supply the HMM output likelihood.
4.2 Selection of Sublexical Units and
Acoustic Models
The lack of resources produces unwished effects in
SLUs with very few samples. In consequence, it is
necessary to define new HMM topologies that could
optimize the own internal structure of the different
sounds of the language. Two different HMM
structure configurations were tested:
1. The HMMs had the same state number (SN)
for all of the SLUs (EEK
2. Then it was analysed the effect of assigning
different SNs to each SLUs with regard to its
nature. For this purpose the classification was
based on (Puertas, 2000).
a. Vowels: 5 states
b. Semivowels: 4 states
c. Unvoiced plosives: 5 states
d. Voiced plosives: 3 states
e. /B/, /D/,/G/, /l/,/z_a/,/r\/: 4 states
f. /s_a/, /R\/: 5 states
Table 3 shows the defined topologies for each
language: Basque, Spanish, and French (1
In the second column the nomenclature is defined, in
the third the SN and in the last one the allophones of
each set.
Several HMM structure proposals were tested,
not only by different model topologies, but also by
the Gaussians Number (GN). In a first phase, only
one Gaussian is used. Then, a range from 1 to 50
Gaussians was explored. Finally, the unit insertion
penalty p was also adjusted implementing
experiments for a range from -1 to -60.
Usually, an expert defines the broad sub-word
classes needed during Acoustic Modelling. This
method becomes very complex in the case of
multilingual ASR tasks with incomplete or small
databases. In search of alternatives, it is interesting
to explore the data-driven methods that generate
SLUs broad classes based on the confusion matrices
of the SLUs. The similarity measure is defined using
the number of confusions between the master sub-
BIOSIGNALS 2012 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
Table 3: HMM topologies for the SLUs of the three languages with different topologies and State Number (SN).
Language Top. SN SLU
3 /b/,/d/,/g/
4 /j/,/w/,/B/,/D/,/G/,/l/,/r\/,/z_a/
5 /a/,/e/,/i/,/o/,/u/,/p/,/t/,/k/,/x/,/f/,/m/,/F/,/n/,/N/,/n_d/,/J/,/L/,/j\/,/c/,/J\/, /r/, /s_a/,/S/,/s_m/,/T/
6 /ts_a/,/ts_m/,/tS/,/INS/
4 /b/,/d/,/g/
5 /j/,/w/,/B/,/D/,/G/,/l/,/r\/,/z_a/
6 /a/,/e/,/i/,/o/,/u/,/p/,/t/,/k/,/x/,/f/,/m/,/F/,/n/,/N/,/n_d/,/J/,/L/,/j\/,/c/,/J\/, /r/, /s_a/,/S/,/s_m/,/T/
7 /ts_a/,/ts_m/,/tS/,/INS/
5 /j/,/w/,/p/,/t/,/k/,/b/,/d/,/f/,/x/,/m/,/n/,/J/,/l/,/c/,/J\/,/r\/,/s_a/,/z_a/,/s_m/, /S/
6 /a/,/e/,/i/,/o/,/u/,/B/,/D/,/g/,/G/,/F/,/N/,/n_d/,/L/,/j\/,/r/,/T/
7 /ts_a/,/ts_m/,/tS/,/INS/
5 /j/,/w/,/p/,/t/,/k/,/b/,/d/,/f/,/x/,/m/,/n/,/J/,/l/,/c/,/J\/,/r\/,/s_a/,/z_a/
6 /a/,/e/,/i/,/o/,/u/,/B/,/D/,/g/,/G/,/F/,/N/,/n_d/,/L/,/j\/,/r/
7 /s_m/,/S/,/T/,/ts_a/,/ts_m/,/tS/,/INS/
5 /j/,/w/,/p/,/t/,/b/,/f/,/m/,/n/,/J/,/l/,/c/,/J\/,/r\/,/s_a/
6 /a/,/e/,/i/,/o/,/u/,/d/,/F/,/N/,/L/,/r/
7 /k/,/B/,/D/,/g/,/G/,/x/,/n_d/,/j\/,/z_a/,/s_m/,/S/,/T/,/ts_a/,/ts_m/,/tS/, /INS/
3 /b/,/d/,/g/
4 /j/,/w/,/B/,/D/,/G/,/l/,/r\/,/z_a/
5 /a/,/e/,/i/,/o/,/u/,/y/,/p/,/t/,/k/,/x/,/f/,/m/,/F/,/n/,/N/,/n_d/,/J/,/L/,/j\/,/c/,/J\/, /r/, /s_a/,/S/,/s_m/,/T/
6 /ts_a/,/ts_m/,/tS/,/INS/
4 /b/,/d/,/g/
5 /j/,/w/,/B/,/D/,/G/,/l/,/r\/,/z_a/
6 /a/,/e/,/i/,/o/,/u/,/y,/p/,/t/,/k/,/x/,/f/,/m/,/F/,/n/,/N/,/n_d/,/J/,/L/,/j\/,/c/,/J\/, /r/, /s_a/,/S/,/s_m/,/T/
7 /ts_a/,/ts_m/,/tS/,/INS/
4 /p/,/t/,/k/,/B/,/f/
6 /ts_a/,/ts_m/,/tS/,/INS/
5 /j/,/w/,/p/,/t/,/k/,/b/,/d/,/g/
6 /a/,/e/,/i/,/o/,/u/,/y,/B/,/D/,/G/,/x/,/f/,/m/,/F/,/n/,/N/,/n_d/,/J/,/l/,/L/,/j\/,/c/,/J\/,/r\/,/r/,/z_a/,/s_a/
7 /T/,/S/,/s_m/,/ts_a/,/ts_m/,/tS/,/INS/
5 /p/,/t/,/k/
6 /a/,/e/,/i/,/o/,/u/,/j/,/w/,/b/,/d/,/g/,/B/,/D/,/G/,/x/,/f/,,/m/,/F/,/n/,/N/,/n_d/,/J/,/l/,/L/,/j\/,/c/,/J\/,/r\/,/r/,/z_a/,/s_a/
7 /T/,/S/,/s_m/,/ts_a/,/ts_m/,/tS/,/INS/
3 /b/,/d/,/g/
4 /j/,/w/,/B/,/D/,/G/,/l/,/r\/,/z_a/
J\/, /r/, /s_a/,/S/,/s_m/,/T/
6 /ts_a/,/ts_m/,/tS/,/INS/
3 /b/,/d/,/g/
4 /j/,/w/,/B/,/D/,/G/,/l/,/r\/,/z_a/
J\/, /r/, /s_a/,/S/,/s_m/,/T/
6 /ts_a/,/ts_m/,/tS/,/INS/
6 /p/,/t/,/k/,/B/,/f/
8 /9~/,/a~/,/e~/,/o~/,/ts_a/,/ts_m/,/tS/,/INS/
6 /j/,/w/,/p/,/t/,/k/,/b/,/d/,/g/
7 /a/,/e/,/i/,/o/,/u/,/y/,/A/,/E/,/O/,/@/,/B/,/D/,/G/,/x/,/f/,,/m/,/F/,/n/,/N/,/n_d/,/J/,/l/,/L/,/j\/,/c/,/J\/,/r\/,/r/,/z_a/,/s_a/
8 /2/,/9/,/9~/,/a~/,/e~/,/o~/,/T/,/S/,/s_m/,/ts_a/,/ts_m/,/tS/,/INS/
6 /p/,/t/,/k/,/m/,/n/
7 /a/,/e/,/i/,/o/,/u/,/y/,/j/,/w/,/b/,/d/,/g/,/x/,/f/,/F/,/N/,/n_d/,/J/,/l/,/L/,/j\/,/c/,/J\/,/r\/,/r/,/z_a/,/s_a/
8 /A/,/E/,/O/,/@/,/2/,/9/,/9~/,/a~/,/e~/,/o~/,/B/,/D/,/G/,/T/,/S/,/s_m/,/ts_a/,/ts_m/,/tS/,/INS/
word unit and all other units included in the set, in
this case the global Phone Error Rate (PER). In our
approach the confusion matrices were calculated by
several methods oriented to data optimization with
small databases (Barroso, 2011a). The grouping for
the three languages is summarized in the table 4.
Finally, the training and testing methodology
was K-fold Cross Validation. This is one way to
improve the results of classical train/test methods
when the data set is small. The data set is divided
into k subsets, and the training and test method is
repeated k times. Each time, one of the k subsets is
used as the test set and the other k-1 subsets are put
together to form a training set. Then the average
error across all k trials is computed. Every data point
gets to be in a test set exactly once, and gets to be in
a training set k-1 times. Leave-One-Out (LOO),
cross validation is K-fold cross validation taken to
its logical extreme, with K equal to N, the number of
data points in the set. In this work more than one
value of K has been used, but the results show the
case of K=10.
The input signal is transformed and characterized
with a set of 13 Mel Frequency Cepstral (MFCC),
energy and their dynamic components, taken into
account the high level of noise in the signal (42
features). The frame period was 10 milliseconds, the
FFT uses a Hamming window and the signal had
first order pre-emphasis applied using a coefficient
of 0.97. The filter-bank had 26 channels. Then,
automatic segmentation of the SLU units
(phonemes) is generated by Semi Continuous HMM
(SC-HMM). In a first stage, the Gaussian Number is
1 and no SLU data-driven or unit fusion is used. The
set of units is the described in the Table 2.
When the SN of the HMM (with regard to the
SLUs nature) are changed (configurations EEK1-
EEK5), it can be observed an ascending progression
in the value of Accuracy (Acc). EEK1 is the
configuration based on the proposal of (Puertas,
2000). EEK2 is similar to EEK1 adding one more
Table 4: Description of the different groups of Sublexical Unit for the three languages.
Language Group Type Description
/e/=/e/+/E/ /i/=/i/+/j/
/u/=/u/+/w/ /o/=/o/+/O/
/y/=/y/+/H/ /@/=/@/+/2/+/9/
/a/=/a/+/a~/ /i/=/i/+/j/
/o/=/o/+/O/+/o~/ /@/=/@/+/2/+/9/
BIOSIGNALS 2012 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
Figure 3: Results with different HMM topologies for Basque.
Figure 4: Results with different HMM topologies and the group type C for Basque.
stage to each SLU. Then, following stage
distributions of the SLUs were adjusting taken into
account the recognition rates and the insertion value
for every unit obtained in the previous analysis
(EEKall1 to EEKall9, EEK1 and EEK2). EEK5
configuration proposal provides the best results
(figure 3).
In this case, the weakest units have been
modelled with many states. Moreover, the unit
definition tries to support cohesion among the
articulatory characteristics of the units. EEK5 does
not overcome the recognition rate of EEKall7, but it
approaches to it very much while using less global
state numbers: Corr = 75 % and Acc = 72.85 %. The
same effect appears for all allophone groups in the
case of Basque. The best results are obtained with
the type C. In figure 4 the results obtained for this
unit grouping can be seen.
The best rates are obtained for the EEKall7
configuration: Corr =80.60 % and Acc = 75.62 %,
the next best result is obtained by EEK5 with these
rates: Corr = 79.16 % and Acc = 75.05 %. Though
the values of Corr and Acc change, the evolution of
the results with regard to the different configurations
is kept for types A and B. In the figure 5 it can see
the results for Spanish without using SLU groups.
The analysis carried out for Spanish and French is
the same. Nevertheless, because both languages are
different with regard to phonetic characteristics and
the audio signal, they have evolved towards different
topologies (figure 5).
Figure 5: Results with different HMM topologies for Spanish.
Figure 6: Results with different HMM topologies for French.
As with Basque, with regard to the evolution of
topologies in which all the SLUs have the same SN
the maximum value of Acc is obtained by 7 state:
Corr = 51.04 % and Acc =48.39 %. With (Puertas,
2000) configuration the results are very poor but
after several tests the following results are obtained
for EEK5: Corr = 50.63 % and Acc = 46.63 %. In
this case, it does not manage to overcome the rate of
EEKall7, but the configuration EEK5 has less
computational cost since fewer states are used. The
same effect appears in for the SLU groups proposed
for Spanish (table 3). Here the best result is provided
for the Type B and EEKall7: Corr = 53.33 % and
Acc = 50.58 %. For the EEK5 the following results
are obtained: Corr = 51.08 % and Acc = 49.41 %.
The French database presents the highest level of
noise among the three languages. Figure 6 shows
these results. For French, the best result with regard
to Accuracy is obtained with the EEKall8 topology:
Corr = 52.65 % and Acc =36.97 %.
Table 5: Summary of the best results obtained with regard
to the topologies and the languages.
LG Rate (%) SLU Type
EEKall7 EEK5
Corr (%) 80.60 79.16
Acc (%) 75.62 75.05
EEKall7 EEK5
Corr (%) 53.33 51.08
Acc (%) 50.58 49.41
EEKall8 EEK5
Corr (%) 58.54 50.41
Acc (%) 49.46 46.08
Under noisy conditions, the increment of SN
improves the results but anyway for French the
results are very poor due to the under-resourced
conditions. EEK5 configuration does not overcome
BIOSIGNALS 2012 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
the EEKall8 and obtains similar results: Corr =
44.75 % and Acc = 36.67 %. The SLU groups in
general provide better results. The maximum value
for French with regard to Acc is obtained for the
type C and the configuration EEKall8: Corr =
58.54 % and Acc = 49.46 %. For EEK5: Corr =
50.41 % and Acc = 46.08 %.
Then we can conclude that:
1. The best results are obtained for Basque.
2. Noise effects are better absorbed for
topologies with more states.
3. Each language has its own configuration
guided for both the phonetic features and the
noise level of the data.
4. The SLU groups provide better results for the
three languages.
5. The configurations EEK5 of each language
provides very interesting results, since the Acc
values are close to the maximum values with
fewer SN.
The most outstanding results are summarized in
table 5 with regard to the topologies and the
Finally, a new analysis has been carried out with
regard to the insertion penalty, p, the Gaussian
Number (GN), the topologies and the languages.
Table 6 presents the obtained results. The worst
results are obtained for French. In general it can be
observed that the models with high SN need a lower
GN and lower value for p because of the definition
of appropriately configurations fitted to the needs of
the system. In some cases Acc rates for APD
experiments are very small, but this weakness can be
absorbed in a later phase by a powerful LM as the
ontologies (Barroso, 2011b).
The present work is focused on the selection of
appropriate Acoustic Models for Speech Processing
in a complex environment (multilingual context and
under-resourced and noisy conditions) oriented to
general ASR tasks. The work has been carried out
with a small trilingual speech database with very
low audio quality. In order to decrease the negative
impact that the lack of resources has in this task
there were selected as acoustic models of the
sublexical units several options such as hybrid
HMM topologies and parameters, and optimum
configuration for the APD system (Multivariate
Gaussian Number or the insertion penalty). With the
new Acoustic Modelling noise effects are better
absorbed for topologies with more states. Moreover,
Table 6: Summary of the best results obtained with regard
to the topologies, languages an APD configuration.
p Corr PER
BS EEK5 Allophone 24 -20 81.50 21.10
EEK5 Type A 24 -20 78.84 24.10
EEKall7 Type B 8 -10 78.90 25.50
EEKall7 Type B 4 -25 82.10 20.20
EEKall7 Type B 4 -10 79.70 24.00
EEK5 Type B 22 -20 80.50 23.95
SP EEK5 Type A 24 -20 53.25 52.5
EEKall7 Type B 8 -10 54.33 52.80
EEKall7 Type B 4 -25 58.80 46.04
EEKall7 Type B 4 -10 62.18 42.80
EEK5 Type B 22 -20 59.90 45.94
FR EEK5 Allophone 24 -20 46.33 58.28
EEK5 Type A 24 -20 46.50 56.28
EEKall7 Type B 8 -10 50.80 50.58
EEKall7 Type B 4 -25 58.59 48.80
EEKall7 Type B 4 -10 52.86 45.94
EEK5 Type B 22 -20 81.50 21.10
each language has its own configuration guided for
both the phonetic features and the noise level of the
data. In some cases rates for APD experiments are
very poor, but this weakness can be absorbed in a
later phase by a powerful LM.
In future lines of work, non-linear approaches,
low-level ontologies and new methodologies for
automatic features selection will be developed.
This work has been partially supported by the
programmes IKERTU and SAIOTEK of the Basque
Community Government. We are also very grateful
for the collaboration of Infozazpi radio and Irunweb
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