Ari Pirkola
University of Tampere, School of Information Sciences, Tampere, Finland
Keywords: Dictionaries, Focused Crawling, Query Performance Prediction, Searching, Vertical Search Engines, Web
Search Engines.
Abstract: The contributions of this paper are twofold. First, we present a new type of dictionary that is intended as a
search assistance in topic-specific Web searching. The method to construct the dictionary is a general
method that can be applied to any reasonable topic. The first implementation deals with climate change. The
dictionary has the following new features compared to standard dictionaries and thesauri: (A) It contains
real-text phrases (e.g. rising sea levels) in addition to the standard dictionary forms (sea-level rise). The
phrases were extracted automatically from the pages dealing with climate change, and are thus known to
appear in the pages discussing climate change issues when used as search terms. (B) Synonyms, i.e., differ-
ent spelling, syntactic, and short form variants of the phrase are grouped together into the same entry (syno-
nym set) using approximate string matching. (C) Each phrase is assigned an importance score (IS) which is
calculated based on the frequencies of the phrase in relevant pages (i.e., pages on climate change) and non-
relevant pages. Second, we investigate how effective the IS is for indicating the best phrase among synony-
mous phrases and for indicating effective phrases in general from the viewpoint of search results. The ex-
perimental results showed that the best phrases have higher ISs than the other phrases of a synonym set, and
that the higher the IS is the better the search results are. This paper also describes the crawler used to fetch
the source data for the climate change dictionary and discusses the benefits of using the dictionary in Web
In a current research project, we developed a vertical
search engine (a topic-specific search engine)
(Pirkola, 2011b) and a topic-specific dictionary of
real-text phrases, that is, a dictionary of phrases that
are extracted from the Web pages discussing the
topic in question. Both are dedicated to climate
change and their focus is on scientific pages, but the
methods to implement the search engine and the
dictionary are general methods that can be applied to
other topics. The search engine and the dictionary
are at:
The proposed real-text dictionary, in short RT-
dictionary, has new features compared to the stan-
dard dictionaries and thesauri. We now discuss the
existing climate change RT-dictionary, but a similar
dictionary can be constructed for any reasonable
topic using the method presented in this paper. The
dictionary contains some 5 500 unique real-text
phrases related to climate change (keyphrases). They
were extracted from scientific Web pages discussing
climate change. Each phrase is assigned a fre-
quency-based importance score, which reflects the
significance of the phrase in the context of climate
change research. Different variant forms of the same
phrase, such as sea-level rise, sea level rising, and
rising sea level, are grouped together into the same
entry (synonym set) using approximate string match-
ing. The dictionary was developed for use as a
search assistance in our search system to support
query formulation, but it can be used as well to-
gether with the general Web search engines. The
phrases represent different aspects of the climate
change research. When used in searching the user
can browse through the dictionary to clarify his or
her information need, or select more directly appro-
priate search phrases.
The purpose of the importance score (IS) is to
provide the user with information on important and
less important phrases. Within a synonym set all
phrases are not equal from the viewpoint of the
Pirkola A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003895602890298
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 289-298
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
search results, but some yield better results than
others. It may be that one is significantly better than
the other phrases. In the experimental part of this
paper we investigate, first, how effective the IS to
indicate the best phrase within a synonym set. We
expect the phrase with the highest IS to yield the
best search results. Our second research question is:
Does high IS mean high retrieval performance in
general (i.e., when synonymy is not considered). The
expectation is that the higher the IS, the better the
search results. The results of this study guide our
further work: depending on the results we may
elaborate the calculation of the IS. The results may
also suggest a sensible lower limit of the IS to be
applied in the dictionary. The results also guide
more generally our work in the further development
of the RT-dictionary.
In summary, this paper has two contributions.
First, we describe how the RT-dictionary of climate
change was constructed (Section 4). The presented
methods and tools can be used to a construct a simi-
lar RT-dictionary for any reasonable topic. Second,
in the experimental part of this paper we investigate
how effective the proposed importance score is to
indicate the best phrase among synonymous phrases
and to indicate effective phrases in general from the
viewpoint of the search results (Sections 5 and 6).
We also review related research (Section 2) and
describe the crawler used to fetch the source data for
the climate change RT-dictionary (Section 3). Sec-
tion 7 presents the discussion, and Section 8 con-
cludes this paper.
This study is related to research on query perform-
ance prediction, which is an important research
problem in the field of information retrieval re-
search. A retrieval system that can predict the diffi-
culty of a query can adapt its parameters to the
query, or it can give feedback to the user to reformu-
late the query. Query performance prediction has
been the focus of many studies. He and Ounis
(2006) studied six methods to predict query per-
formance, e.g. average inverse collection term fre-
quency and the standard deviation of inverse docu-
ment frequency. Cronen-Townsend et al. (2002)
proposed computing divergence of the query model
from the collection model to predict the difficulty of
queries. Perez-Iglesias and Araujo (2010) proposed
the use of the maximum standard deviation in the
ranked-list as a retrieval predictor. Different from
these studies the IS ranks phrases with respect to
each other rather than tries to predict retrieval per-
formance as such.
This work is also related to research on key-
phrase extraction. Conventionally, keyphrase extrac-
tion refers to a process where phrases that describe
the contents of a document are extracted and are
assigned to the same document to facilitate e.g.
information retrieval. Our approach differs from the
conventional approach in that we do not handle
individual documents but a set of documents dis-
cussing a particular topic. Most conventional ap-
proaches are based on machine learning techniques.
KEA (Witten et al., 1999), GenEx (Turney, 2003),
and KP-Miner (El-Beltagy and Rafea, 2009) are
three keyphrase extraction systems presented in the
literature. In these systems, keyphrases are identified
and scored based on their length and their positions
in documents, and using the TF-IDF weight.
Muresan and Harper (2004) also developed a
terminological support for searchers’ query con-
struction in Web searching. However, unlike our
study they did not focus on keyphrases but proposed
an interaction model based on system-based media-
tion through structured specialized collections. The
system assists the user in investigating the terminol-
ogy and the structure of the topic of interest by al-
lowing the user to explore a specialized source col-
lection representing the problem domain. The user
may indicate relevant documents and clusters on the
basis of which the system automatically constructs a
query representing the user’s information need. The
starting point of the approach is the ASK (Anoma-
lous State of Knowledge) model where the user has
a problem to solve but does not know what informa-
tion is needed (Belkin et al., 1982). Lee (2008)
showed that the mediated system proposed by Mure-
san and Harper (2004) was better than a direct re-
trieval system not including a source collection in
terms of effectiveness, efficiency and usability. The
more search tasks the users conducted, the better
were the results of the mediated system.
The source data for the climate change RT-
dictionary were crawled from the Web sites of uni-
versities and other research organizations investigat-
ing climate change by the focused crawler described
in Section 3. Focused crawlers are programs that
fetch Web documents (pages) that are relevant to a
pre-defined domain or topic. Only documents as-
sessed to be relevant by the system are downloaded
and made accessible to the users e.g. through a digi-
tal library or a vertical search engine. During crawl-
ing link URLs are extracted from the pages and are
added into a URL queue. The queue is ordered based
on the probability of URLs (i.e., pages pointed to by
the URLs) being relevant to the topic in question.
Pages are assigned probability scores e.g. using a
topic-specific terminology, and high-score pages are
downloaded first.
Focused crawling research has focused on im-
proving crawling techniques and crawling effective-
ness (Bergmark et al., 2002; Chakrabarti et al., 1999;
Diligenti et al., 2000; Tang et al., 2005). Below we
consider these papers. We are not aware of any
study investigating the use of focused crawling for
keyphrase extraction. Perhaps the closest work to
our research is that of Talvensaari et al. (2008) who
also constructed word lists using focused crawling.
However, they used focused crawling as a means to
acquire German-English and Spanish-English com-
parable corpora in biology for statistical translation
in cross-language information retrieval.
Bergmark et al. (2002) use the term tunneling to
refer to the fact that sometimes relevant pages can be
fetched only by traversing through irrelevant pages.
A focused crawling process using the tunneling
technique does not end immediately after an irrele-
vant page is encountered, but the process continues
until a relevant page is encountered or the number of
visited irrelevant pages reaches a pre-set limit. It was
shown that a focused crawler using tunneling is able
to fetch more relevant pages than a focused crawler
that only counts relevant pages. However, efficiency
is lowered due to the downloaded irrelevant pages.
Chakrabarti et al. (1999) utilized the Document
Object Model (DOM) of Web pages in focused
crawling. The DOM is a convention for representing
and interacting with objects in HTML, XHTML and
XML documents ( Doc-
ument_Object_Model). A DOM tree represents the
hierarchical structure of a page: the root of the tree
is usually the HTML element which typically has
two children, the HEAD and BODY elements,
which further are divided into sub-elements. The
leaf nodes of the DOM tree are typically text para-
graphs, link anchor texts, or images. In addition to
the usual bag-of-words representation of Web pages,
the approach proposed by Chakrabarti et al. (1999)
represented a hyper-link as a set of features <t, d>
where t is a word appearing near the link, and d its
distance from the link. The distance is measured as
the number of DOM tree nodes that separates t from
the link node. These features were used to train a
classifier to recognize links leading to relevant
pages. The links with low distance to relevant text
are considered to be more important than links that
are far from the relevant text.
In the Context Graph approach (Diligenti et al.,
2000) a graph of several layers depth is constructed
for each page and the distance of the page to the
target pages is computed. In the beginning of crawl-
ing a set of seed URLs is entered in the focused
crawler. Pages that point to the seed URLs, i.e.,
parent pages, and their parent pages (etc.) form a
context graph. The context graphs are used to train a
classifier with features of the paths that lead to rele-
vant pages.
Tang et al. (2005) built a focused crawler for
mental health and depression. The aim was to iden-
tify high-quality information on these topics. They
found that link anchor text was a good indicator of
the page’s relevance but not of quality. They were
able to predict the quality of links using a relevance
feedback technique.
We developed a focused crawler that is used to fetch
pages both for the climate change search system and
for use as source data for the RT-dictionary of cli-
mate change. The crawler can be easily tuned to
fetch pages on other topics. In this section we de-
scribe the crawler.
The crawler determines the relevance of the
pages during crawling by matching a topic-defining
query against the retrieved pages using a search
engine. It uses the Lemur search engine
( for this purpose. The
pages on climate change were fetched using the
following search terms in the topic-defining query:
climate change, global warming, climatic change,
research. We used the core journals in the field to
find relevant start URLs. When pages on some other
topic are fetched only the search terms and the start
URL set need to be changed. So, applying the crawl-
er to a new topic is easy.
To ensure that the crawler fetches mainly schol-
arly documents its crawling scope is limited, so that
it is only allowed to visit the pages on the start URL
sites and their subdomains (for example, re- is a subdomain of, as well as sites that are one
link apart from the start domain. If needed, this re-
striction can be relaxed so that the crawling scope is
not limited to these sites.
A focused crawler does not follow all links on a
page but it will assess which links to follow to find
relevant pages. Our crawler assigns the probability
of relevance to an unseen page v using the following
formula that was developed in our previous study.
We call it N-formula:
Pr(T|v)= (α * rel(u) * (1/log(Nu))) + ((1 – α) *
rel(<u,v>)), α= 0.3
where Pr(T|v) is the probability of relevance of
the unseen page v to the topic T, α is a weighting
parameter (0 < α < 1), rel(u) is the relevance of the
seen page u, calculated by Lemur, Nu the number of
links on page u, and rel(<u,v>) the relevance of the
link between u and the unseen page v. The relevance
of the link is calculated by matching the context of
the link against the topic query. The context is the
anchor text, and the text immediately surrounding
the anchor. The context is defined with the help of
the Document Object Model: all text that is within
five DOM tree nodes of the link node is considered
belonging to the context.
As can be seen, Pr(T|v) is a sum that consists of
two terms: one that depends on the relevance of the
page, and one that depends on the relevance of the
link. The relative importance of the two terms is
determined by the parameter α. Also, the number of
links on page u inversely influences the probability.
If rel(u) is high, we can think that the page “recom-
mends” page v. However, if the page also recom-
mends lots of other pages (i.e., Nu is high), we can
rely less on the recommendation.
The N-formula gave the best results in an ex-
periment where we compared it to two reasonable
baseline methods. In the first baseline, link <u,v>
was assigned the same relevance score as page u. In
the second one, a link was assigned a relevance
score based on its context. Crawling results were
measured as the number of obtained relevant pages
when the same number of documents was
We also conducted an experiment where the
weighting parameter α was set to (A) α=0.3 and (B)
α=0.7. In (A) the crawler fetched about two times
more relevant documents than in (B). Based on this
crawling experiment we apply for the α parameter
the value of α = 0.3.
Constructing the real-text dictionary of climate
change involved two main stages: (1) extraction of
keyphrases and the calculation of importance scores
and (2) identification of synonyms. Section 4.1.
describes the first stage and Section 4.2 the second
one. Section 4.2 also describes the synonym types
contained in the dictionary.
4.1 Keyphrase Extraction
Here keyphrase of the topic means a phrase that is
often used in texts dealing with the topic and which
refers to one of its aspects. Keyphrases typically
represent different research areas of the topic (i.e.,
climate change in this study), some are more techni-
cal in nature. The keyphrase extraction method and a
climate change keyphrase list, a predecessor of the
climate change dictionary. are described in (Pirkola,
2011a). Here we describe the main features of the
extraction method, and present the importance score.
The source data for the dictionary, i.e., pages re-
lated to climate change, were crawled from the Web
sites of universities and other research organizations
investigating climate change by the crawler de-
scribed in Section 3. When the crawled data were
processed the first challenge was to determine which
sequences of words are phrases. Here we applied the
phrase identification method by Jaene and Seelbach
(1975). The main point of the technique is that a
sequence of two or more consecutive words consti-
tutes a phrase if it is surrounded by small words
(such as the, on, if) but do not include a small word
(except for of). The phrases were extracted from the
pages assigned a high relevance score by the
When constructing RT-dictionary the importance
score is needed to prune out out-of-topic phrases
from the dictionary. The most obvious out-of-topic
phrases receive a low score and are not accepted in
the dictionary. The remaining phrases are regarded
as keyphrases and are included in the dictionary.
This is the first application of the IS. The second
one, which is investigated in this paper, is to use the
IS as an indicator of the effectiveness of different
keyphrases in searching.
The IS is calculated on the basis of the frequen-
cies of the phrases in the corpora of various densities
of relevant text, and in a non-relevant corpus. We
determined the IS using four different corpora. The
relevant corpora are built on the basis of the occur-
rences of the topic title phrase (i.e., climate change)
and a few known keyphrases related to climate
change in the original corpus crawled from the Web.
Assumedly, a phrase which has a high frequency in
the relevant corpora and a low frequency in the non-
relevant corpus deserves a high score. Therefore, the
importance score is calculated as follows:
) = ln(F
( P
) * F
) * F
/ F
)); (F
> 0)
)... F
) = the frequencies of the phrase
in the four corpora.
DC(1) = Highly dense corpus
DC(2) = Very dense corpus
DC(3) = Dense corpus
DC(4) = non-relevant corpus
This method allows us to indicate the importance
of the phrase in the Web texts discussing climate
change (or any topic for which RT-dictionary is
constructed), and separate between keyphrases and
out-of-topic phrases based on the fact that the rela-
tive frequencies of the keyphrases decrease as the
density decreases.
In the dictionary, the importance scores range
from 4.7-35.8. The choice of the lower limit of 4.7
has no experimental basis. As mentioned, one pur-
pose of this study is to consider this issue.
Table 1 shows the 20 highest ranked phrases in
the dictionary and their importance scores. Many of
the phrases are well-known in the context of climate
change research. The dictionary also contains short
form phrases, i.e., phrases where one component is
omitted. Authors often use such forms. For example,
after introducing the full phrase climate change
impacts the author may refer to it by the phrase
change impacts. In searching such short forms may
strengthen the query and affect document ranking
positively when used together with their full forms.
However, the short forms are often ambiguous, and
often it does not make sense to use a short form
without at the same time using its full phrase.
4.2 Synonyms
Synonyms were identified using the digram ap-
proximate matching technique. Phrases were first
decomposed into digrams, i.e., substrings of two
adjacent characters in the phrase (for n-gram match-
ing, see Robertson and Willett, 1998). The digrams
of the phrase were matched against the digrams of
the other phrases in the phrase list generated in the
keyphrase extraction phase (Section 4.1). Similarity
between phrases was computed using the Dice for-
mula, and the phrase pairs that had the similarity
value higher than the threshold (SIM=0.75) were
regarded as synonyms. The output of the digram
matching process contained some 10% of wrong
matches which were removed manually. In the ma-
jority of cases the identification of the wrong
matches was a trivial task and it does not require any
specific expertise. Currently, we are working to
develop a more effective synonym identification
method where only a minimal manual intervention is
needed. We are testing several approximate string
matching methods in combination with stemming
and as such, as well as the use of the textual contexts
of the phrases.
Table 1: Highest ranked keyphrases in the climate change
Keyphrases IS
climate change 35.8
climate change research 28.4
global warming 26.7
impacts of climate change 26.3
sea level 26.2
global climate 25.7
greenhouse gas 25.3
sea level rise 25.2
climate change impacts 25.0
sustainable communities 25.0
environmental policy 24.9
environmental change 24.7
global climate change 24.5
sustainable energy 24.5
climate impacts 24.3
integrated assessment 24.2
water resources 24.1
gas emissions 23.9
greenhouse gases 23.9
climate changes 23.8
The dictionary contains the following types of
A. Spelling Variants. Phrases that contain the
same component pairs but are written slightly differ-
ently, e.g. climate change prediction - climate
change predictions. These kinds of variants are
mostly morphological variants.
B. Syntactic Variants. Phrases that contain the
same component pairs, but the order of the compo-
nents is different, e.g. predicted climate change -
climate change predictions. These kinds of variants
may also include type A variation, as in the example
C. Short Form Variants. A phrase that is a
subphrase of a longer phrase, e.g. change impacts -
climate change impacts.
The dictionary contains 5 507 unique phrases. Of
these, 4 769 phrases have at least one synonym.
Table 2 presents three example entries. The diction-
ary is organized alphabetically, and each phrase acts
as a head phrase in its turn.
Table 2: Three example entries in the climate change RT-
Head phrase IS Synonyms IS
hydrologic cycle 11.3 hydrological cycle 15.1
ice melt 11.5 ice melting 5.7
melting ice 11.8
melting of ice 10.3
sea level rising 5.5 rising sea level 13.0
rising sea levels 18.1
sea level 26.2
sea level rise 25.2
sea level rises 10.8
In the experiments, we selected test phrases, formu-
lated test queries based on the selected phrases, and
run the queries in two search systems. This section
describes these tasks. Section 6 presents the evalua-
tion measures and reports the findings.
We investigated spelling and syntactic variants.
As discussed above, short forms variants are often
ambiguous expressions, and often it does not make
sense to use them alone in queries. For this reason,
they were not considered in these experiments. We
may investigate them in the further research. They
may be useful in document ranking, which is one
possible application area of the RT-dictionary.
When the test phrases were selected from the
dictionary it was ordered in the decreasing order of
the ISs, so that high IS phrases were in the beginning
and low IS phrases at the end of the dictionary. For
both variant types, 25 entries were selected from the
beginning and 25 from the middle of the dictionary.
An entry contains a head phrase and its synonym(s)
(Table 2). In the selection, a candidate entry was
discarded if it did not have synonyms, then the next
one was tried until there were 50 entries both for
spelling and syntactic variants. The synonyms of the
selected head phrases varied from high IS to low IS
phrases. In the spelling variant test set, 38 head
phrases had one synonym, 10 had two, one had
three, and one had four synonyms. In the syntactic
variant set, these numbers were: 36 head phrases had
one synonym, 10 had two synonyms, and four had
three synonyms.
Basically, we formulated 50 test topics both for
spelling and syntactic variants. The test topics were
of the type climate change AND C, where C is the
concept represented by the entry selected for the
experiment. Unlike in traditional information re-
trieval experiments (see, the
relevance of the documents was not assessed by
human assessors. Instead, we performed (1) high
precision queries, that is, title queries, and high
recall queries, that is, full text queries. In (1) the
query phrase is required to appear in the title of the
document and in (2) the query phrase may appear
anywhere in the document. These two types repre-
sent a broad spectrum of search results regarding the
precision and recall of the results. It should be noted
that we are not interested in the precision and recall
as such, but the effectiveness of the IS to indicate
good query phrases in different situations.
If the phrase occurs in the title of the document,
we can be highly confident that the document deals
with the issue represented by the phrase. The title
queries do not retrieve all documents that are rele-
vant to a particular test topic. However, they retrieve
highly relevant documents which usually are the
most important for the user. The title queries are
important also in that they return a focused set of
relevant documents. Common experience suggests
that Web searchers usually only look at the top
search results. This has also been verified experi-
mentally (Jansen et al., 2000). Thus, a relatively
small set of relevant documents is more important
than high recall. The full text queries return highly
relevant, marginally relevant and irrelevant docu-
ments. They thus yield higher recall but lower preci-
sion than title queries.
We run the queries in our climate change search
system and in the Google search engine. Google is
the biggest search engine on the Web, covering
billions of pages, and it is characterized by the het-
erogeneous information. Google‘s advanced search
mode supports title queries. The climate change
search system has indexed 95 819 (public version 73
194) Web pages related to climate change. The
pages crawled for the system were indexed using the
Apache Lucene programming library
( The system supports
several types of queries based on Lucene’s query
language, e.g. queries targeted at the title of docu-
ments, and it reports the number of retrieved pages.
In the experiments, each test phrase was run as a
query in the climate change search system (in short
CCSS in tables) and in Google. All documents in-
dexed by our search system deal with climate
change and it was not explicitly expressed in que-
ries, whereas Google queries included the phrase
climate change in addition to the test phrases.
Google reports the number of retrieved pages which,
however, may vary in that the same query returns
different number of pages even during a short period
of time. However, generally the retrieval results are
consistent and meet the expectations.
Below we present some example title queries:
Climate change system - the highest IS phrase
title: "biodiversity loss" [IS=12.6]
Climate change system - other phrase
title: "loss of biodiversity" [IS=11.2]
Google - the highest IS phrase
allintitle: "biodiversity loss" "climate change"
Google - other phrase
allintitle: "loss of biodiversity " "climate change"
In the first experiment, we compared the number of
documents retrieved by the highest IS phrases to that
retrieved by the other phrases. If the IS is a good
indicator of query performance we expect the high-
est IS phrases to retrieve much larger sets of docu-
ments than the other phrases. Tables 3 and 4 report
the total number of documents retrieved by the high-
est IS phrases and the other phrases across the syno-
nym sets for title queries (Table 3) and for full text
queries (Table 4). As can be seen, in both cases the
highest IS phrases perform far better. The statistical
significance was analyzed by the paired t-test. By
conventional criteria, the results are statistically
significant except for Google / syntactic / title. In
Tables 3-4 the significance levels are indicated as
follows: *** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.005; * p < 0.05.
The second experiment considered effective phrases
in general. The test phrases were put in six catego-
ries of equal size, i.e., the same number of phrases,
based on their ISs. For spelling variants, each cate-
gory contained 19 phrases, and for syntactic variants
20 phrases. Tables 5 (title queries) and 6 (full
queries) report the average number of re trieved
documents in each category, and the average IS for
the categories. As can be seen, the trends are not
strictly linear but exhibit downward curvatures in a
few cases. However, the trends are still clear: The
higher the IS, the more documents are retrieved.
Linear regression analysis yielded the correlation
coefficients from 0.87 (Google / spelling / title, p <
0.05) to 0.92 (CCSS / spelling / title, p < 0.01).
These indicate a strong relationship between the IS
and the search results.
Table 3: Number of retrieved documents by the highest IS
phrases and other phrases. Title queries.
Variant type
Search system
Highest IS
# docs
# docs
Spelling, CCSS 3545 *** 793
Syntactic. CCSS 1163 *** 295
Spelling, Google 686 854 * 331 556
Syntactic. Google 1 374 087 748 841
Table 4: Number of retrieved documents by the highest IS
phrases and other phrases. Full text queries.
Variant type
Search system
Highest IS
# docs
# docs
Spelling, CCSS 53 839 *** 16 403
Syntactic. CCSS 49 146 *** 14 205
Spelling, Google 408 524 000 *** 133 057 300
Syntactic. Google 223 705 000 ** 94 023 730
Table 5: Average number of retrieved documents in the
six IS categories. Title queries.
Variant type.
Average IS for the
# documents
# documents
IS=24.3 134.3 22 453.5
20.1 76.9 26 923.3
15.1 6.7 3 325.8
IS=13.4 2.8 523.5
IS=11.9 6.8 296.2
IS=7.8 0.8 78.2
IS=21.8 48.4 42 925.8
IS=17.6 17.2 28 877.6
IS=14.4 3.4 31 409.5
IS=12.8 4.7 2 419.1
IS=9.9 0.2 594.1
IS=6.9 0.2 1563.3
In summary, the results of the experiments
showed that the importance score is an effective
indicator of the effectiveness of the phrases in
searching. The trends are clear:
In a synonym set, the phrase with the high-
est IS retrieves significantly more docu-
ments than the other phrases.
Table 6: Average number of retrieved documents in the
six IS categories. Full text queries.
Variant type. Av-
erage IS for the
# documents
# documents
IS=24.3 1317,8 12 071 526.3
20.1 1612,1 11 427 842.1
15.1 452,5 1 460 737.8
IS=13.4 121,5 1 482 000.0
IS=11.9 128,6 1 457 136.8
IS=7.8 64,5 605 036.8
IS=21.8 1983,4 7 620 500.0
IS=17.6 472,4 3 057 610.5
IS=14.4 347,4 1 434 650.0
IS=12.8 291,3 1 372 726.3
IS=9.9 73,4 1 265 878.9
IS=6.9 38,3 362 090.6
The higher the IS is, the more documents
are retrieved.
The IS is effective in many search situa-
Web search engines are query-based search systems.
Querying is an effective method when the informa-
tion need can be expressed using a relatively simple
query and the search term is clear, e.g. when the
searcher looks for information on the disease whose
name he or she knows. However, it is common that
the searchers do not know or remember the appro-
priate search terms. Complex information needs are
also difficult to formulate as a query. In situations
such as complex work tasks the information need
itself may be vague and ill defined (Ingwersen and
Järvelin, 2005). Obviously, a terminology tool con-
taining the most important phrases related to a par-
ticular topic would be a helpful tool for searchers
searching for information related to that topic, help-
ing to clarify the information need and find good
query terms. We developed such a tool: a new type
of dictionary that is intended as a search assistance
in topic-specific Web searching. The dictionary has
the following new features compared to standard
dictionaries and thesauri: It contains real-text
phrases and synonym groups, and each phrase is
assigned an importance score.
Real-text Phrases
. The phrases included in the real-
text dictionary of climate change were extracted
from the pages dealing with climate change, and are
thus known to appear in the pages discussing climate
change issues when used as search terms. Hence, the
proposed approach implicitly involves the idea of
reciprocity: the phrases are extracted from relevant
Web pages (i.e., pages related to some aspect of
climate change), and they in turn can be used in
queries to find relevant pages.
. It seems that Web searchers are not
aware of the effects of synonymy on the search re-
sults, because not many search systems provide the
searchers with terminology tools that support query
formulation. The proposed RT-dictionary is such a
tool that groups synonymous phrases together. The
main limitation of our approach is that it does not
find synonyms that are written completely differ-
ently. We intend to address this issue in the ongoing
project. Wei et al. (2009) applied co-click analysis
for synonym discovery for Web queries. The idea is
to identify synonymous query terms from queries
that share similar document click distribution. We
cannot use the co-click analysis because we do not
have sufficient amount of click data, but we can try a
similar kind of idea: analyzing documents that share
similar in- and out-link distribution.
Importance Score
. The importance score was de-
vised to be a measure that indicates how important
the phrase is from the viewpoint of the search re-
sults. The results showed that it works as it was
intended to work. It indicates effectively the best
phrase among synonymous phrases and effective
phrases in general. The IS is effective even in the
Google search engine that has indexed billions of
pages. Thus, the RT-dictionary provides the user
with information on which of the alternative phrases
is likely to yield the best search results. In cases
where two (or more) query terms have high IS, the
results of this study suggest that the user should use
both (all) of them (provided that the search system
supports disjunction (OR-operator) type queries).
RT-dictionary was developed for use as a search
assistance to support query formulation in Web
searching, but it could be used in document indexing
as well to improve the ranking of documents. In
Web search engines, pages are scored with respect to
the input query and ranked on the basis of the as-
signed scores. Ranking schemes typically include a
term frequency (tf) component, where term fre-
quency refers to the number of occurrences of the
query term in a document. The rationale behind the
use of tf is that the more occurrences the query term
has in a given document the more likely it is that the
document is relevant to the input query. If synonymy
is taken into account by summing up the term fre-
quencies of synonyms in a document, more accurate
relevance scores are achieved in comparison to a
conventional approach where synonymy is not taken
into account. This can be illustrated using a simple
example. Consider a page containing the following
phrases with each having one occurrence on the
page: sea level rise, rising sea level, and rising sea
levels. In the conventional situation where the user
only uses base form query term (i.e., sea level rise)
and the term frequencies of synonyms are not
summed up tf=1, whereas when the term frequencies
are summed up tf=3, which is more realistic be-
cause the concept denoted by the three phrases in-
deed appears three times on the page. Authors (of
Web pages) tend to use alternative phrases and do
not only use base form terms but also different syn-
tactic and morphological forms. This means that
many important documents are ranked lower than
they actually deserve if synonymy is not taken into
We described a method to construct a topic-specific
dictionary of real-text phrases to support query for-
mulation in Web searching, and presented the exist-
ing climate change RT-dictionary. The proposed
method is a general method and can be applied to
any reasonable topic. We argued that there is need
for such search assistances due to the difficulty to
formulate queries in particular for complex informa-
tion needs. In the experimental part of this paper we
showed that the proposed importance score is a good
indicator of search success.
The further development of RT-dictionary was
discussed in the previous sections. Our plan is also
to construct RT-dictionaries for new topics and to
add multilingual features to the RT-dictionary.
This study was funded by the Academy of Finland
(research projects 130760, 218289).
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