Main Computing Features
Vincent Soulignac
, Eva Lambert
, Catherine Roussey
, Jean-Pierre Chanet
Jean-Louis Ermine
, Jean-Luc Paris
and Olivier Devise
UR TSCF, Irstea, Aubière, France
Ecole de Management, Evry, France
CNRS, UMR 6158, Limos, Aubière, France
Keywords: Sustainable Agriculture, Knowledge, Information System.
Abstract: Agriculture must evolve into a more environmentally-friendly approach, while remaining economically
viable and socially interesting, which is necessary so that the process can be pursued in the long term, i.e
that the process is sustainable (Brundtland, 1987). Sustainable agriculture has a systemic logic and therefore
requires a strong knowledge base. In this study, we propose a knowledge management computing tool. In
the first part of our article, we discuss the potential actors of the tool and their possible implications. The
second part deals with its contents. In the third part, the main computing features of the tool are shown.
Agriculture is involved in a vast societal movement,
imposed on it by the framework and the values
associated with sustainable development. To make a
success of this transformation, agriculture will have
to become both integrated into its environment and
organic. This transformation depends largely on the
mobilization of human knowledge (all that is held
for known or known by an individual or a given
society) and know-how (Ikerd, 1993; Cerf, Gibbon
et al., 2000). But in 2011, while numerous
professional software packages are accessible to
farmers, no structured, interactive IT tool for
knowledge management is available to them. We
thus suggest developing a knowledge management
tool dedicated to organic farmers, called KOFIS:
Knowledge for Organic Farming and its Innovation
System. In the first part of our article, we study who
the actors of this tool are, and their possible roles.
The second part deals with the contents of the tool.
In the third part, the main computing features of
KOFIS are shown.
Not all the actors have the same importance.
However farmers, researchers, agricultural advisers
have not the same expectations, the same needs. The
actors have also to share the same objectives. We
distinguish various accesses to KOFIS according to
the type of actors.
Agricultural advisers or agricultural teachers can
monitor and transfer academic knowledge stemming
from research. Rooted in the institutional
environment, external actors such as cooperatives
influence farmers by their specific requirements, and
this implies a knowledge adaptations process. Their
intervention will also be important via their
contributions on innovative subjects in more open
exchange spaces. The experience and creativity of
agronomic engineers from cooperatives and traders
can be very useful here. The exchange and
innovation will be opened to all the actors to
encourage the new ideas.
We have decided to concentrate our study on arable
farming. In 2008, 19% of organic farms were
specialized in this type of agriculture.
3.1 Main Content Elements
We have noticed that most of the knowledge about
Soulignac V., Lambert E., Roussey C., Chanet J., Ermine J., Paris J. and Devise O..
DOI: 10.5220/0003896005250530
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 525-530
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
sustainable agriculture system are not generalizable
on a large scale and is, rather, contextualized.
We wish to obtain cognitive representations of
critical knowledge, particularly in order to design
Innovative Agriculture Systems (IAS) which are
effective and sustainable in their context. To do this,
we distinguish two types of mobilizable cognitive
resource: thematic knowledge and contextual
3.1.1 Thematic Knowledge
Thematic knowledge is agronomic, economic or
environmental knowledge. It is generalizable for all
types of farm. It applies only in part to any particular
3.1.2 Contextual Knowledge
On the farm level, IAS illustrates contextual
knowledge. The notion of reference introduces a
cognitive concept which is specific to agriculture. A
reference is therefore both agricultural advice and
localized facts enabling the data to be interpreted.
References which illustrate the theoretical operation
of a farm could be present in the library, as either a
typical or a concrete case.
A typical case is a “fictitious farm, constructed by
modeling, and described using concrete and coherent
data from farms using the same system” (Cerf and
Lenoir 1987). The typical case is cognitively
efficient for transmitting knowledge which is tried
and tested in a given environment to the operational
Similarly, a concrete case is "a typical case studied
because of the innovative character of some of its
features, but whose representativity is generally
minor in the local or regional territory. The main
interest of this concrete case is that it can provide
possible orientations, strategies and adaptations of
the main farming systems in the local region.”
(Chambre régionale d'agriculture de Bourgogne
3.1.3 Which Model to Use?
The tool to be constructed is first of all a
computerized book of knowledge. We selected the
Mask method (Ermine 1996, 2
edition 2000) used
in knowledge engineering to represent both thematic
knowledge and the operations of a farm. These
models are gateways to deeper forms of knowledge,
such as texts, and also perhaps images and videos
(Moity-Maïzi and Bouche 2008). Thus, the models
structure the knowledge.
3.2 Content–actor Relationship
Agricultural advisors or farmers have a role to play
in renewing knowledge, since they are continually
introducing new practices. Researchers, for their
part, make available academic knowledge.
Agricultural advisors or teachers comprise the
pedagogical interface of this empirical and academic
Finally, in the exchange and innovation space, all
the actors can exchange their ideas concerning
innovative subjects, or can react to knowledge which
has already been presented.
We will present the general specifications of KOFIS
and then, based on a list of KOFIS properties, we
will propose the general tool architecture.
4.1 KOFIS – General Specifications
In the four following sections, we will describe
successively what is globally required of the tool.
4.1.1 What are the General Expectations for
KOFIS needs to be accessible to actors of different
origins in various computing environments. In the
first two sections, we identified two expression
spaces with different logical approaches: a
knowledge capitalization space and an innovation
space. In the following, by convention, we will call
[K] the knowledge space and [I] the innovation
space. Thus, KOFIS stores operational knowledge
objects in [K] and builds interactions in [I] to
produce new knowledge.
One of the key success factors for knowledge
management (Soulignac, Chanet et al. 2009) is the
users’ appropriation of the tool. The first property
of the tool is its ergonomy.
Knowledge objects should be quick to access. In
addition, when faced with an unsolved problem, the
system rapidly provides pertinent and explicit
knowledge in the form of datasheets, images or
videos, which facilitate the solution.
Two important functional requirements emerge: the
knowledge capitalization and the organization and
structuring of explicit and tacit knowledge. We shall
see how an adaptation of the C-K theory of
(Hatchuel and Weil 1999) and the use of a semantic
web respond respectively to these two requirements.
4.1.2 Proposed Responses: Capitalization
and Innovation
The C-K design theory (Hatchuel and Weil 1999)
distinguishes two spaces, one associated with tried
and tested knowledge, the other devoted to
innovation, and it reflects human reasoning when
faced with a problem.
Like the C-K theory, KOFIS therefore has two
different spaces: an exchange space [I] where all the
actors can discuss the resolution of a problem, and a
knowledge capitalization space [K] where the
knowledge is stored in a structured way. From the
space [I] it is possible to query the closed space [K].
The discussions of the exchange space allow
enriching the knowledge of the capitalization space.
A second property of the tool is its capacity to
maintain a trace of human design reasoning.
The activity diagram in figure 1 shows the sequence
of actions and decisions within an activity of a
member of <agricultural knowledge system>.
Figure 1: Main KOFIS activities for an actor of the
agricultural knowledge system.
The actors of the <agricultural knowledge
system> are responsible for maintaining a coherent
tree structure for the innovative solutions. They also
validate knowledge coming from this innovation
space in order to publish it in the [K] space.
4.1.3 Proposed Responses: Structuring the
Most web tools have no separation between
Knowledge and data presentation language; only
human intervention can retrieve and process
knowledge. One solution is to annotate the
Social web-type annotation is based on tagging
documents. A tag is a lexical marker which is
associated with a resource. The search tool will thus
retrieve all the resources associated with the selected
A second type of annotation, associated with the
semantic web, facilitates the use of knowledge by
machines. The semantic web initiative is supported
by W3C, the international consortium which
standardizes web technologies.
The different semantic web technologies: URI
(Universal Resource Identifier) addresses locate the
resources. The XML language proposes a syntax to
structure all types of contents. RDF and RDFS
represent knowledge in triplets of resources of the
form <subject, predicate, object>. They describe
classes and properties. These triplets are the basis of
the formal description language OWL used to
describe ontology. This language has mathematical
bases, which is why OWL can be manipulated by
computers. In addition, OWL is capable of
instantiating classes, which increases its power to
describe reality. Finally, an ontology can be a
reference, which facilitates exchanges between
computers. SPARQL is a tool for querying recorded
knowledge elements. The semantic web as described
by (Berners-Lee, Hendler et al. 2001) proposes a
proof system. Encrypted blocks ensure the reliability
of the sources.
Figure 2: The multiple layers of the semantic web.
(Bernhard Haslhofer, Linked Data Tutorial, 2009).
In hypertext modeling, links are static and their
semantics are not specified. On the other hand, a
semantic annotation, thanks to semantic query,
enables the computer to retrieve the correct
knowledge element directly.
A document annotation system will therefore
facilitate their retrieval, which constitutes the
third property of KOFIS.
We propose that the system should use the
semantic content associated with the identification
of each farmer, with a view to creating the most
appropriate communities with respect to their
centers of interest. This capacity to construct a
pertinent community is our fourth property.
4.1.4 What are the Functional Requirements
of Each User Group?
KOFIS’ users have various different profiles
(farmer, advisor, teacher, researcher…). Thus, the
difficulty is to find a balance between allowing the
largest possible number of actors to publish in the
tool and maintaining control of what is published.
According to their status, the actors access the
contents with varying rights. Thus we find the five
types of actor whose rights are present below in a
hierarchical sequence.
The KOFIS <visitor> has free access; other users
are authenticated by a classic login/password
system. Apart from <visitors>, all users
communicate identity information to the system, in
order to inform the community’s creation process
later on. The ontology, once defined, is relatively
stable; only the <moderator> may change it.
Table 1: Distribution of users types in [I] and [K].
Space type
User type
[I] Innovation [K] Knowledge
Visitor Read-only
Proposes and
innovative subject
Posts comments
and annotations on
innovative subject
Opens, annotates
and modifies new
knowledge pages
Administers ontology
Manages actors
Manages architecture
Manages actor types
The analysis of functional requirements gives
rise to a fifth and a sixth property:
- The fifth resides in KOFIS’ capacity to
generate different user types.
- The sixth is its approach to collaborative
publishing and exchange.
We will add a seventh property: the capacity to
conserve a trace of modifications, which enables a
clean version to be reconstructed in the case of error
or damage.
4.2 Architecture of the KOFIS Tool
In the previous paragraph concerning the KOFIS
tool’s specifications, we identified seven main
properties of the tool summarized in table 2 below:
Table 2: KOFIS properties.
Property Description
1 Ergonomy
Trace the human reasoning associated with
the design
3 Semantic annotation
4 Construction of a pertinent community
5 Differentiated management of user types
6 Collaborative publishing and exchange
7 Traceability
4.2.1 Exploration of Different Types of Tool
First, we explored the software market (Balmisse
2006) corresponding to our need for a collaborative
and semantic knowledge management tool:
Table 3: Comparison of technical solutions.
Ergonomy Yes
No, in
particular for
discussion of
Traceability of the
human reasoning
associated with
the design
Sometimes No Yes
Sometimes Sometimes
More advanced for Wiki than
for CMS
Construction of a
No Yes Yes
management of
user types
Yes Yes Yes
publishing and
Yes (all the
Traceability No Yes Yes
CMS - Content Management System – is an IT
application which designs the contents of a web site
and manages its updates dynamically.
A wiki has a strong collaborative aspect for
elaborating documents. This co-construction leads to
a rich knowledge base, the result of combining the
knowledge and the experience of users/contributors
in a particular domain.
The choice of several pertinent frameworks also
enables the complete development of the
application, but at the cost of a considerable
development effort. We compare the three possible
options in table 3.
To produce KOFIS, we therefore chose the
following tools:
The innovation space [I] is devoted to
collaborative reflection about a new subject. We
chose the CMS tool, because of its capacity to
organize content and its popular publication system:
blogs. However, content management systems are
less developed on the semantic level.
Due to its collaborative production capacity and
its semantic dimension, we therefore chose the
semantic wiki tool for the [K] space. However, it
appears complicated to differentiate between the
user profile of these two communities in a wiki tool,
typically very liberal in terms of rights management.
4.2.2 Tool Choice
For [I], we chose Drupal. This is a high-
performance, robust, open-source tool. Drupal
includes blogs, forums, FAQs, etc. and features a
WYSIWYG interface.
Drupal proposes a tree structure “book” system
to organize its contents. For an innovative subject,
this very visual tool can represent research work as
illustrated in figure 3. The tree structure illustrates
the C-K theory. Drupal offers a classification system
based on taxonomy. This provides the vocabulary
necessary to tag each blog entry serving to support a
solution. The [I] part has a web 2 type annotation,
and thus does not yet have a semantic web
For [K], we require a semantic wiki which
combines the collaborative features of a wiki with
the resources of the semantic web (Ludwig,
O'Sullivan et al. 2004; Khun 2008; Schaffert, Eder et
al. 2009). We chose the SMW (Semantic
MediaWiki) module (Völkel, Krötzsch et al. 2006).
SMW accepts OWL and a semantic query
language, ASK. Each page (knowledge page or user
page) of SMW can be annotated by a semantic
annotation. At this stage, we can notice that the [I]
and [K] parts thus have no same type of annotation.
However these two annotation systems are
hierarchically organized in the form of taxonomies;
we have thus worked on taxonomy alignment
(Chhuo Vanna, 2011). In addition, the social
network thus created would be constructed from
ontology. Thus the system will create different
communities depending on the annotation mode. A
community created from a category will be different
if we associate a property with this category. The IT
architecture is presented in the figure below.
Figure 3: KOFIS architecture.
In the previous paragraphs we described the
specifications and the properties of KOFIS. For
every specification of the tool, for every property we
present a technological solution. So, we noticed that
Web 2, also called the social web and Web 3, also
called semantic web are a good solution for a
knowledge server. KOFIS architecture exploits the
capacities of web 2, as well as the latest
developments from the semantic web. Thus the tool
enables the collaborative construction and storage of
knowledge in the [K] space and exchanges in the [I]
Although Web 2 combined in Web 3, answers
our need. Both technologies do not collaborate still
in a satisfactory way. That is why, we work about
the taxonomy alignment, and knowledge querying of
[I] towards [K].
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