Intelligent Tutoring System in Mathematics
Piotr Brzoza
, Ewa Łobos
, Janina Macura
, Beata Sikora
and Marek
Institute of Informatics, Silesian University of Technology, Akademicka 16, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
Institute of Mathematics, Silesian University of Technology, Kaszubska 23, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
Inteligent Tutoring System, e-Learning in Mathematics, Learning for Visually Impaired People.
The paper presents main ideas, aims and implementation of ForMath — intelligent tutoring system in mathe-
matics which is a project developed at Silesian University of Technology. Up till now, the project has contained
mathematical problems for engineering students, but in the future it will be adapted to other courses. The pro-
posed platform has both the advantages of e-learning courses and innovative elements such as interactivity
(hints or theory on the user’s request, suggested individual path, remedial sessions when necessary) and the
accessibility of the system for students with disabilities.
Modern higher education requires the enrichment of
traditional forms of education by attractive, student-
friendly and custom offers, fusing and structuring
knowledge. Time limited during the course of pro-
gram studies and the growing difficulties of assimi-
lation of science, mainly mathematics, increase the
importance of students’ work to which they were not
adequately prepared by their high school. This situa-
tion raises the need for a multi-faceted tool that will
enable the furthest reaching possible contact with the
subject. Education using Web technologies allows for
greater flexibility and the individualization of teach-
ing, which is a chance to break the barriers of time
and social access to university education at the high-
est level.
In the 1990’s, dissemination of the Internet re-
sulted in a rapid development of e-learning, as well as
in the teaching of mathematics. Many e-learning plat-
forms have been created, mainly in the United States,
but also in Europe. In Poland, with some delay, e-
learning is also beginning to play a role in the edu-
cational process. Some universities have e-learning
platforms where academics place their courseware.
Still, not enough attention is given to e-learning in
mathematics, although even here the situation is be-
ginning to improve. The project Development of dis-
tance learning programs at the course - Computer Sci-
ence, funded by the European Social Fund (of the
Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources
Development 2004 - 2006) exemplifies this tendency.
Scientists from leading Polish universities (University
of Warsaw, Jagiellonian University, Poznan Univer-
sity of Technology and Warsaw University of Tech-
nology) are involved in the project. Courseware for e-
learning courses of the main branches of mathematics
have been developed by mathematicians at the Jagiel-
lonian University (Wa˙zniak, 2006). Wroclaw Univer-
sity of Technology has also been using e-learning to
complement traditional educational systems for sev-
eral years and is one of the leading universities in this
area (Eportal, 2011). Until now, theoretical materials
with a set of interactive exercises in algebra and math-
ematical analysis, as well as repertory of mathematics
were implemented.
A very serious problem that touches all techni-
cal universities is a poor background in mathemat-
ics among students beginning the engineering edu-
cation. Our experience of many years of teaching
was also confirmed by PISA (the Program for Inter-
national Student Assessment) investigations (Łobos
and Macura, 2010). In the case of Poland, there is
another factor that intensifies this poor background
problem’. A part of an adjustment of Polish Tertiary
Education System to Bologna Process was a division
of engineering studies into 2 cycles. This change
has resulted in reduction of the number of hours as-
signed for teaching mathematics with unchanged ter-
tiary curricula. In such a situation an intelligent tutor-
ing system in mathematics as a part of blended learn-
ing seems to be the best solution. Although Silesian
Brzoza P., Łobos E., Macura J., Sikora B. and Zabka M..
ForMath - Intelligent Tutoring System in Mathematics.
DOI: 10.5220/0003899901180122
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 118-122
ISBN: 978-989-8565-06-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Universityof Technology has a remote education plat-
form, it is, as majority of e-learning platforms, not in-
teractive. Therefore we have been working out a sys-
tem of remote interactive education in mathematics
and this paper describes the main ideas of our system.
The project ForMath - intelligent tutoring system in
mathematics aims to create an interactive platform
for supporting education in mathematics. It can be
used by technical students to self-study selected fields
of mathematics and expanding knowledge in these
fields. The platform is primarily a collection of exer-
cises, in which there is a possibility to appeal to the-
ory (e-books), or get hints on how to solve a specific
problem (at any stage of solving the exercise). It con-
tains exercises of varying difficulty within different
branches of mathematics. Errors and mistakes made
by students are registered, analyzed and then become
the basis for preparing individual exercise lists tai-
lored specifically to the student’s level of knowledge.
In the case of repeated difficulties the student is di-
rected to remedial exercise sessions.
The platform is aimed at different audiences: stu-
dents, candidates for college, high school students
and active engineers. It also enables competency im-
provement of the young academic teachers. The re-
mote system can be a useful tool in long term learning
programme as well. For example, it would be help-
ful for alumni of other faculties, not necessarily engi-
neering, or any person who wants to refresh or extend
his/her mathematical knowledge.
The project also considers the needs of people
learning disabilities, particularly blind and visually
impaired. One of the research tasks is to interpret
mathematical symbols and formulas allowing their
reading by blind persons. The remote teaching of
blind and visually impaired students is one of the ele-
ments of innovation in the project.
By design the platform is built simultaneously in
two languages: Polish and English. Courses taught in
English are increasingly popular in Poland, where for-
eign students study as well. An option associated with
the English language is meeting the needs of Polish-
speaking students studying in English, who have dif-
ficulty with assimilating specific concepts and terms
(including mathematical), familiarity with which is
already required during the first year of studies. This
module enables them to listen to terms, phrases and
mathematical formulas recorded by the teacher. Not
only students will benefit from this offer, but also aca-
demic staff preparing to teach in English (especially
doctoral students and young assistants).
During the project, pedagogical and cognitive re-
search are conducted, which help in choosing the best
learning solutions. This platform exploits elements of
the constructivist theory of learning that focuses on
student activation and motivation and application of
the principle ‘the more we know, the more we can
learn’ by adjusting the difficulty level to the level of
knowledgeof the learner, and gradually increasing the
difficulty subsequent exercises (ImprovingMathemat-
icsEducation, 2006; Lubina, 2005).
In the long term, the platform will be expanded
and developed to build an interdisciplinary teaching
tool. Additionally, the platform is planned to create
modules from other scientific disciplines (e.g. math-
ematics for economists, statistics, physics, chemistry
and mechanics, etc.).
There are numerous e-learning platforms relative to
(Karczy´nski,2011; Khamsi et al., 2011; Husch, 2001)
that offer well-prepared theoretical content (in the
form of e-books, presentations, animations or video
films) and exercises with ready-made solutions, how-
ever we are developing the ForMath system. ForMath
has the advantage of implementing a ‘check, correct
and learn’ as you go system. Essentially teaching
the student step by step as opposed to only recog-
nizing the end results which other popular systems
use currently. There are also systems based on some
type of interactivity they give hints or explana-
tions at some stages of the process of problem solu-
tion (Wa˙zniak, 2006; ALEKS, 2011; Bogacki, 2009;
Melis, 2011) Additionally some of them provide as-
sessment to the student which motivates him/her to
think and work.
An interesting educational software is ALEKS
(New York University and University of California)
(ALEKS, 2011) which uses flexible and easy to use
answer input tools. ALEKS contains topics in math-
ematics that are lectured at elementary, middle and
high schools. The system individually and continu-
ously assesses each student. At the beginning it as-
sesses the student’s current course knowledge by ask-
ing him/her 20-30 questions. Then the platform offers
a choice of topics that a user is ready to learn. After
the choice of topic student gets practice problems that
teach the topic. All questions are algorithmically gen-
erated (so they are unique) and require a ‘free respon-
se’. Unfortunately, the system does not recognize typ-
ical student mistakes. If a student does not under-
stand a particular problem, he/she can always access
a complete explanation. The explanation offers also
some additional theory if necessary. However, even if
ALEKS recognizes that a part of solution is correct,
it presents the same explanation as for user who does
not know how to start to solve the problem. When
the student gives sufficient amount of correct answers
to a given topic, ALEKS considers that the student
has learned the topic and the student chooses another
topic to learn.
Another example is ActiveMath (DFKI, Saarland
University) (Melis, 2011) the intelligent and in-
teractive project. It is a web-based, multi-lingual,
learner-centered system for mathematics which con-
tains different topics realized at schools, universities
and it is also a good tool for life-long learning. It helps
the student in self-regulated learning, can adapt to in-
dividual knowledge and personal interests and learn-
ing goals. The system also presents information on
student improvement. The user of this platform has
to fill in the input field with the final result of his/her
calculations. In the case of a correct answer, the sys-
tem informs the student that the answer is correct and
shows the complete solution. Otherwise it suggests to
try again or to ask for some hints. By clicking several
times on the ‘hint’ button, one may obtain the com-
plete solution.
In Poland, the platform (Wa˙zniak, 2006) is very
popular. It was built by a few leading Polish univer-
sities and it offers e-learning courses for mathematics
(among other) at the level of secondary and tertiary
education. The systems offers attractive theory (e.g.
with animations), practical tasks, and tests. There are
hints on request or, in case of more complex exercises,
the plans of solution. It is also possible to see the com-
plete solution. The student can solve the exercise on
his/her own, eventually using the hint and then com-
paring his/her solution with the one presented by the
The Infinite Series Tutorial (the part of (Bogacki,
2009) developed by Przemyslaw Bogacki from Old
Dominion University), presents a little different ap-
proach and for this reason it is remarkable. The stu-
dent has to choose the answer (i.e. converges abso-
lutely, converges conditionally, or diverges) and then
give the reason of his answer (the proper convergence
test). Then the system discusses the student’s answer,
eventually suggests the other possible solution paths.
So in the case of an incorrect answer, it is possible to
try again or to give up and see the complete solution.
The tutorial also collects information on numbers of
solved tasks.
Our platform differs from other already exploited
ones. In the described systems (Wa˙zniak, 2006;
ALEKS, 2011; Bogacki, 2009; Melis, 2011) the stu-
dent does not know what kind of error he/she has
done, only comparing his/her solution with the one
given by the system, he/she can find the mistake (only
in the case he/she has chosen the same solution path
as is given by the system ), but it is too late to con-
tinue the solution on his/her own. Let us stress the
main differences in the approach to solving exercises
that appear in our and described platforms. In our
system the two main paths are offered. The first one
is the path of checking the answer, and the second is
the path of hints. The student that needs more help
can choose this path of hints and then is lead step by
step through the solution of a problem. He/she has to
make some calculations on his/her own and then fill
in the input fields. The system verifies the correctness
of each step, recognizes typical mistakes and then in-
forms the student about his mistakes, gives more hints
or explanations. It allows the student to correct imme-
diately his/her error and continue the calculations. In
many points of this path of solution there is a possi-
bility to abandon this main path, finish the exercise on
one’s own and check the answer. In the case of check-
ing the answer, the system examines the correctness
of the solution (if possible) by giving some additional
To implement our system we use LaTeX, PHP, C and
JavaScript languages.
4.1 Main Ideas
The main idea of the system is as following: a student
logins into the system and can choose a problem to
learn. After some sessions, the system would be able
to propose some problems according to the difficulties
and errors made by the student. To make it possible
the system registers the student’s activity. One distin-
guished action is to solve one problem.
A solution of a problem is divided into pages.
Each page is presented to the student with contents
and some possible actions to be taken. He/she can
make a decision: choose some expression from a list
or write some number/text to an input field. After-
wards, the student can chooses an action to be taken
by clicking on a button, although occasionally there
will only be one button present. Each button is related
to one or more pages. If there are more pages then
the choice depends on the previous decisions made
Figure 1: Screen shot of running system.
by the student. Thusly, we can describe the solution
as a graph, and the student is moving through that
graph choosing a his/her path. Of course, there are
some terminal pages, and after reaching those pages,
the student may move to another problem or log out.
4.2 Preparing of a Problem
Each problem with its correlated solution is written in
one file in LaTeX. We use a dedicated package ‘jtr’
designed for this system by Authors. Each page is de-
scribed as an environment ‘solutionPage’. The page
contains some text with mathematical formulas and
lists of choices or input fields. Moreover, this page
has an environment ‘fieldsOfChoice’ with some but-
ton description. On the terminal pages there are no
special button descriptions although there are stan-
dard buttons on each page: ‘log out’ and new prob-
Images can be put into a page with ‘img envi-
ronment, and compiled with imLaTeX (a new spe-
cial program prepared by M.
Zabka to simplify draw-
ing function graphs in LaTeX files, now in its’ pre-
release version) concurrently. The files are loaded
into folders and compiled. The compilation uses La-
TeX, imLaTeX (with MinGW and GD) and specifi-
cally dvipng to translate mathematics to png files. It is
possible to use MathJax for equations instead dvipng
and get benefits of MathML for visually impaired per-
sons. A system that uses MathML was described in
(Tsonos et al., 2009). Eventually we get some PHP
files (one for each page) and some graphics with equa-
tions and graphs, as well as the pdf file with documen-
tation of all the system pages of the problem.
4.3 Runing the System
Let us look closer at how the system runs. Teachers
give the system access code to their students. Thusly
after logging into the system, student’s activities are
saved into data base. The student can choose a group
of problems and a new problem in the chosen group
or the system can propose a new problem to solve.
So a PHP file with the start page is presented to the
student. He/she can try to solve the problem or can
go to the hints pages which lead to the solution for
the problem. Depending on the page, the student
reads the texts and if necessary, makes choices or puts
a number or letters into the input field. Afterwards
he/she should press one of the buttons (or sometimes
only one button). The system checks the choices and
Figure 2: Screen shots, possible steps of a solution.
input fields and directs the student to an appropri-
ate PHP file with the new page according to button
descriptions on the source ‘fieldsOfChoice’ environ-
ment. Some JavaScript code controls the behavior of
the page. At the same moment, the choices are saved
to the data base. Fig.1 and Fig.2 show a sequence of
screens, chosen by a student for calculation of an in-
tegral (this shows one of the possible solution paths).
There are some standard buttons on each page:
‘log out’ button, which ends the session, ‘contents’
button, which presents contents of a problem to the
student, as well as a ‘new problem’ button, which
breaks the solution of the current problem and allows
the student to choose another one. On the terminal
page, only text is present and the student can choose
only a standard button.
Currently, there are approximately 20 thousand im-
paired students at Polish universities and over 200
mostly visually impaired at Silesian University of
Our system and mathematical e-learning con-
tent are designed conform to web content accessibil-
ity guidelines from the Web Accessibility Initiative
(WAI) of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
The ForMath will be accessible for blind and low vi-
sion people. All graphical user interface (GUI) com-
ponents will be alternativeaccessible by keyboardand
assistive devices. The mathematical content (formu-
las, graphs, etc.) will be described and accessible for
screen readers.
We plan to make system accessibility tests with
impaired students and pupils from the educational
centre for the blind in Laski near Warsaw using main-
stream accessibility tools and software like screen
readers, screen magnifiers, and Braille displays.
Research with participation of visually impaired
persons will be referred to the understanding of math-
ematical expressions according to applied methods of
interactive reading, expression of verbal descriptions
and synthetic speech parameters.
The research will be carried out with the partici-
pation of both the visually impaired and totally blind
and with the different levels of mathematics knowl-
edge. Test materials will be modified based on the
conclusions of the analysis previously performed ex-
Evaluation results will be collected using ques-
tionnaires completed both by students and teachers
assisting in the research. The conclusions of the ac-
cessibility research will be consulted with the experts
in the area of impaired persons education.
Research results will help improve the accessibil-
ity of the developed system for the needs of disabled
The ForMath project is a comprehensive, attrac-
tive and student-friendly platform for remote inter-
active education. Successes of the ALEKS platform
(ALEKS, 2011), although it covers primary and sec-
ondary education, give hope that the proposed tutor-
ing system will be useful for engineering students.
The interactive platform ForMath will cover ter-
tiary education in mathematics and will contain a rep-
etition module at the secondary level. Our years of
experience in teaching students show that such an in-
teractive tool will support the education valuably. The
ForMtah is intended to be more advanced than other
available educational platforms. The continuous anal-
ysis of errors, hints on each stage of solution, different
problem solving solutions (when possible), suggest-
ing a personal path of learning as well as the module
for blind and visually impaired users are the elements
of innovation in the project.
Proofreader: Jerome Keys.
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cies of engineering students. In ICEE'2010, Interna-
tional Conference on Engineering Education. Silesian
University of Technology.
Lubina, E. (2005). Konstruktywistyczne i behawioralne
aspekty kształcenia zdalnego. E-mentor, nr. 1(8).
Melis, E. (2011).
Tsonos, D., Kaccori, H., and Kouroupetroglou, G. (2009).
A design-for-all approach towards multimodal accesi-
bility of matematics. P.L. Emiliani et al. (Eds.) As-
sistive Technology from adapted equipment to inclu-
sive environments, Assistive Technology Reserch Se-
ries, Vol 25.
Wa˙zniak (2006).