A Hybrid Solution for Lecture Video Indexing
Haojin Yang, Franka Gruenewald and Christoph Meinel
Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI), University of Potsdam
P.O. Box 900460, D-14440 Potsdam, Germany
Recorded Lecture Videos, Tele-teaching, Video Indexing, Multimedia Retrieval.
Multimedia-based tele-teaching and lecture video portals have become more and more popular in the last few
years. The amount of multimedia data available on the WWW (World Wide Web) is rapidly growing. Thus,
finding lecture video data on the web or within a lecture video portal has become a significant and challenging
task. In this paper, we present an approach for lecture video indexing based on automated video segmentation
and extracted lecture outlines. First, we developed a novel video segmenter intended to extract the unique slide
frames from the lecture video. Then we adopted video OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology to
recognize texts in video. Finally, we developed a novel method for extracting of lecture outlines from OCR-
transcripts. Both video segments and extracted lecture outlines are further utilized for the video indexing. The
accuracy of the proposed approach is proven by evaluation.
In the last decade, more and more universities and
research-institutions recorded their lectures and pub-
lished them on the WWW, which is intended to make
them accessible for students around the world (S. Tra-
hasch, 2009). Hence, the development of a process
for automated indexing of multimedia lecture content
is highly desirable and would be especially useful for
e-learning and tele-teaching.
Since most lecturers in colleges use slide-
presentations instead of blackboard writing today,
the state-of-the-art lecture recording systems usually
record two video streams parallelly: the main scene of
lecturers which is recorded by using a video camera,
and the second which captures the computer screen
during the lecture through a frame grabber. The sec-
ond stream may include a presentation of slides as
well as demonstrations, videos and other material.
The frame grabber output stream can be synchro-
nized with the camera stream automatically during the
recording process.
Fig. 1 shows an example lecture video that con-
sists of two video streams showing the speaker and
the current slide, respectively. In such kind of videos,
each part of the video can be associated with a cor-
responding slide. Thus, the indexing task can be per-
formed by indexing the slide video only.
Content-based video gathering is usually achieved
by using textual metadata which is provided by users
(e.g, manual video tagging (F. Moritz, 2011)) or has
to be extracted by automated analysis. For this pur-
pose, we apply video OCR technology to obtain texts
from the lecture videos. In video OCR, video frames
containing visible textual information have to be iden-
tified first. Then, the text location within the video
frames has to be detected, and the text pixels have
to be separated from their background. Finally, the
common OCR algorithms are applied to recognize the
For lecture video indexing, most of the existing
OCR-based approaches only make use of the pure tex-
tual information (F. Wang, 2008; J. Waitelonis, 2010),
although the structure of lecture slides could provide
relevant information for the indexing task. In this pa-
per, we present a hybrid approach for the lecture video
indexing. First, an improved slide video segmentation
method is developed. The segmented unique video
frames can be used immediately for the video brows-
ing. Second, we applied video OCR technology to
recognize the texts from the segmented frames. The
subsequent lecture outline extraction procedure can
extract the timed lecture outlines by using geometri-
cal information of detected text lines from the video
Yang H., Gruenewald F. and Meinel C..
DOI: 10.5220/0003903700130022
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 13-22
ISBN: 978-989-8565-06-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Video 1
Video 2
Figure 1: An example lecture video from (Yang et al.,
2011). Video 2 shows the speaker giving his lecture,
whereas his presentation is played in video 1.
OCR stage.
The accuracy of proposed methods have been
evaluated by using test data.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 presents related work, whereas the sections 3,
4 and 5 describe our proposed methods in detail. The
experimental results are provided in section 6. Sec-
tion 7 concludes the paper with an outlook on future
Hunter et al. proposed a SMIL (Synchronized
Multimedia Integration Language) based framework
to build a digital archive for multimedia presenta-
tions (J. Hunter, 2001). Their recording system con-
sists of two video cameras, and they record both the
lecturer scene and the slide scene during the presen-
tation. However, they do not apply text recognition
process on the slide video. Each speaker has to pre-
pare a slide file in PDF format and is requested to up-
load it to a multimedia server after the presentation.
Then the uploaded slide files have to be synchronized
with the recorded videos. Finally, they perform the
video indexing based on the text-resources of the cor-
responding slide files. In contrast to their approach,
since our system directly analyzes the videos, we do
not need to take care of the slide format. Synchro-
nization between the slide file and the video is also
not required. In a further contrast to our approach, the
synchronization method employed by Hunter et. al
is simply based on the pixel-based differencing met-
ric of the binary image. It might not work robustly
when animated content appears in the presentation
slide. Although the OCR based approach may intro-
duce a few errors, the recognized texts are still robust
enough for the indexing task by performing a dictio-
nary based filtering.
Some other approaches e.g. Moritz et
al. (F. Moritz, 2011) and Waitelonis et al. (J. Wait-
elonis, 2010) make use of manual video tagging to
generate the indexing data. The user tagging-based
approaches work well for the recently recorded
lecture videos. However, for videos which were
created more than 10 years ago, there is no manually
generated metadata available. And it is hard to attract
the user’s interest to annotate the outdated videos.
Furthermore, regarding the quantitative aspect, the
automated analysis is more suitable than the user
annotation for large amounts of video data.
Wang et al. proposed a method for lecture video
browsing by video text analysis (F. Wang, 2008).
However, their approach does not consider the struc-
ture information of slides. Making use of the struc-
tured text lines (e.g, title, subtitle etc.) for building a
more efficient search procedure is therefore impossi-
Yang et al. (H-J. Yang, 2011) and Leeuwis et
al. (E.Leeuwis et al., 2003) use the ASR (Automatic
Speech Recognition) output for lecture video retrieval.
However, since ASR for lecture videos is still an ac-
tive research area, most of those recognition systems
have poor recognition rates in contrast with OCR re-
sults. This will lead to a degrading of the indexing
In our previous work (Yang et al., 2011), we de-
veloped a novel approach for lecture video indexing
by using video OCR technology. We develop a novel
slide segmenter that is intended to capture the slide
transitions. A two-stage (text localization and text
verification) approach is developed for the text detec-
tion within the video frames; and a multi-hypotheses
framework is adopted for the text recognition. How-
ever, the proposed video segmenter in (Yang et al.,
2011) is only defined for slide videos. It is therefore
not suitable for videos, which are embedded in a slide
with a different genre. Thus, we improve the seg-
mentation method by a using machine learning classi-
fier. The slide frames and the embedded video frames
could be classified correctly by using an image inten-
sity histogram feature and SVM (Support Vector Ma-
chine) classifier. For the embedded videos, we apply a
common video segmenter. The proposed lecture out-
line extraction algorithm in this work is also based on
the video OCR results from (Yang et al., 2011).
Fig. 2 shows the entire system workflow. The video
segmentation method is first applied on the slide
Text Detection
Text Detector
Key Frames
0 25 n50
Structured Text Transcript
Text Object
Refinement Process
[no text]
[text found]
text objects
Image Quality
Edge Enhancement
Size Adaption
Seg. 1
Seg. 3Seg. 2
Spell Checking/Results Merging
text line image
Text Recognition
Slide Structure
Title Identification
Using Text Objects
Text Object
Using SWT Maps
Lecture Outlines
Figure 2: The entire system workflow. After having segmented frame sequences, text detection is performed on every single
key frame in order to find text occurrences. The resulting text objects are then used for video OCR and slide structure analysis.
Canny Edge Map Creation
Differential Image Creation
CC Analysis
Thresholding Process
Slide Content Distribution
Key Frames
Title Region
Step 1
Step 2
extracted frames from step 1
Figure 3: Segmentation workflow (Yang et al., 2011). (Step
1) Adjacent frames are compared with each other by ap-
plying Connected Components Analysis on their differential
edge maps. (Step 2) Title and content region analysis ensure
that only actual slide transitions are captured.
videos. For reasons of efficiency, we do not perform
the analysis on every video frame. Instead, we estab-
lished a time interval of one second. Subsequently, we
adopt the text detection process on the unique frames
we obtained during the video segmentation process.
The occurrence duration of each detected text line is
determined by reading the time information of the
corresponding segment. The text recognition is ap-
plied on detected text line objects from the text detec-
tion stage. We also apply the slide structure analysis
and the lecture outline extraction procedures on the
detected text line objects.
Figure 4: Text detection results. All detected text regions
are identified by bounding boxes.
3.1 Video Segmentation
The video indexing process can be performed by
decomposing the video into a set of representative
unique frames. We call this process video segmen-
tation. In order to build a suitable segmenter for
slide videos, we have implemented a two-step anal-
ysis approach (cf. Fig 3): In the first step, we try to
capture all changes from the adjacent frames by us-
ing CCs (Connected Component) based differencing-
Figure 5: Text binarization results of our dynamic contrast-
brightness adaption method.
metric. In this way, the high frequency noises in the
video frames can be removed from the comparison by
enlarging the size of valid CCs. The segmentation re-
sults from the first step are too redundant for indexing,
since they may contain the progressive build-up of a
complete final slide over sequence of partial versions
(cf. Fig. 6). Therefore, the segmentation process con-
tinues with the second step: we first perform a statisti-
cal analysis on large amount of slide videos, intending
to find the commonly used slide content distribution
in lecture videos. Then, in the title region of the slide
we perform the same differencing-metric as in the first
step to capture the slide transition. Any change in the
title region may cause the slide transition. While in
the content region, we detect regions of the first and
the last text lines. Checking the same regions in two
adjacent frames. When the same text lines can not be
found in both of the adjacent frames, a slide transition
is then captured. More details about the algorithm can
be found in (Yang et al., 2011).
Since the proposed method in (Yang et al., 2011)
is defined for slide frames, it might be not suitable,
when videos with varying genres were embedded in
the slides and/or are played during the presentation.
To fix this issue, we have developed a SVM classi-
fier to distinguish the slide frames and the other video
frames. In order to train an efficient classifier we eval-
uate two features: HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gra-
dient) feature and image intensity histogram feature.
The detailed evaluation for both features is discussed
in Section 6.
Histogram of oriented gradient feature has been
widely used in object detection (N. Dala, 2005) and
optical character recognition fields, due to its effi-
ciency for description of the local appearance and the
shape variation of image objects. To calculate the
HOG feature, the gradient vector of each image pixel
within a predefined local region is calculated by using
Sobel operator (Sobel, 1990). All gradient vectors are
then decomposed into n directions. A histogram is
subsequently created by using accumulated gradient
vectors, and each histogram-bin is set to correspond
to a gradient direction. In order to avoid sensitivity
of the HOG feature to illumination, the feature values
are often normalized.
Observing slide frames, the major slide content,
like texts and tables, consists of many horizontal and
vertical edges. The distribution of gradients would be
distinguishable from other video genres.
We have also adopted an image intensity his-
togram feature to train the SVM classifier. Since
the complexity and the intensity distribution of slide
frames are strongly different from other video genres,
we decided to use this simple and efficient feature to
make a comparison to the HOG feature.
3.2 Video OCR
The texts in video provide a valuable source for index-
ing. Regarding lecture videos, the texts displayed on
slides are strongly related to the lecture content. Thus,
we have developed an approach for video text recog-
nition by using video OCR technology. The com-
monly used video OCR framework consists of three
Text detection is the first step of video OCR: this
process determines, whether a single frame of a video
file contains text lines, for which a tight bounding
box is returned (cf. Fig. 4). Text extraction: in this
step, the text pixels are separated from their back-
ground. This work is normally done by using a bi-
narization algorithm. Fig. 5 shows the text binariza-
tion results of our dynamic contrast-brightness adap-
tion method (Yang et al., 2011). The adapted text
line images are converted to an acceptable format for
a standard print-ocr engine. Text recognition: we
applied a multi-hypotheses framework to recognize
texts from extracted text line images. The subsequent
spell-checking process will further filter out incorrect
words from the recognition results.
The video OCR process is applied on segmented
key frames from the segmentation stage. The occur-
rence duration of each detected text line is determined
by reading the time information from the correspond-
ing segment. Our text detection method consists of
two stages: we develop an edge-based fast text detec-
tor for coarsely detection, and a SWT (Stroke Width
Transform) (B. Epshtein, 2010) based text verifica-
tion procedure is adopted to remove the false alarms
from the detection stage. The output of our text detec-
tion method is an XML-encoded list serving as input
for the text recognition and the outline extraction.
For the text recognition, we develop a multi-
hypotheses framework. Three segmentation methods
are applied for the text extraction: Otsu threshold-
ing algorithm (Otsu, 1979), Gaussian based adaptive
thresholding (R. C. Gonzalez, 2002) and our dynamic
image contrast-brightness adaption method. Then, we
apply the OCR engine on each segmentation result.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 6: Segmentation result from the first step. Adjacent frames are compared with each other by applying Connected
Components Analysis on their differential edge maps. The content build-up within the same frame can therefore not be
Thus, three text results are generated for each text line
image. Subsequently, the best OCR result is obtained
by performing spell-checking and result-merging pro-
After the text recognition process, the detected
text line objects and their texts are further utilized in
the outline extraction process—which is described in
the next section.
In this section we will describe our text line extraction
method, in detail. Regarding lecture slides, we can
realize that the content of title, subtitle and key point
have more significance than the content of the body,
because they summarize each slide. Unlike other ap-
proaches, we observe characteristics of detected text
line objects, and use geometrical information to clas-
sify the recognized OCR text resource. In this way,
a more flexible search algorithm can be implemented
based on the classified OCR texts. Meanwhile, by us-
ing these classified text lines, we have developed a
method for automatic extraction of lecture outlines.
On the one hand, the extracted outline can provide an
overview about the lecture for the students. On the
other hand, each text line has a timestamp, therefore,
they can also be used to explore the video.
4.1 Slide Structure Analysis
The process begins with a slide structure analysis pro-
cedure. We identify the title text line by applying the
following conditions:
the text line is in the upper third part of the frame,
the text line has more than three characters,
the horizontal start position of the text line is not
larger than the half of the frame width,
it is one of three highest text lines and has the up-
permost vertical position.
A title is detected when it satisfies all of the above
conditions. Then, we label this text line object as a
title line, and repeat the processes on the remaining
text line objects in order to detect the next potential
title line. The further detected title lines must have a
similar height and stroke width as the first one. We
have set the tolerance value of the height difference to
10 pixels, and the tolerance value of the stroke width
difference to 5 pixels, respectively. For our purpose,
we allow up to three title lines for each slide frame.
All of the none-title text line objects are further
classified into three classes: content text, subtitle-
key point and footline. The classification algorithm
is based on detected text line height and the average
stroke width value of the text line object. The algo-
rithm can be described as follows:
subtitle/key point if s
> s
> h
footline if s
< s
< h
y = y
normal content otherwise
where s
and h
denote the average stroke
width value and the average height of text line objects
within a slide frame. And y
denotes the maximal
vertical position of a text line object.
4.2 Lecture Outline Extraction
The workflow of the lecture outline extraction algo-
rithm is described in Fig. 7. In this step, we only con-
sider text line objects obtained from the previous pro-
cessing stage—which have a text line type of title or
subtitle-key point.
First, we perform a spell checking process to filter
out text line objects that do not satisfy the following
Figure 7: Workflow of outline extraction process.
conditions. A valid text line object will be considered
as an outline object.
a valid text line object must have more than three
a valid text line object must contain at least one
the textual character count of a valid text line ob-
ject must be more than 50% of the entire string
Then, we merge all title lines within the same slide
according to their positions. All the other text line ob-
jects from this slide will be considered as the subitems
of the title line. Subsequently, we merge all text line
objects from different frames which have a similar ti-
tle content. The similarity is determined by calculat-
ing the amount of the same characters and the same
words. During the merging process, all duplicated
subtitle-key points will be removed, since we want to
avoid the redundancy that might affect the further in-
dexing process. The final lecture outline is created by
assigning all valid text line objects into a tree structure
according to their occurrences.
The visualization methodology and the utility of
our analysis results will be discussed in the next sec-
The use case for our video slide segmenter and lecture
outline generator was implemented and evaluated in
the context of a video lecture portal used at a univer-
sity institute working with computer sciences. This
portal was developed in Python with the web frame-
work Django. The video player was developed in
OpenLaszlo. About 400 students and quite a number
of external people are using the portal on a regular
Before going into detail about the implementation
and interface design of the visualization of the seg-
mentation and the outline, the utility of those two fea-
tures for the users of the portal shall be elaborated.
5.1 Utility of Lecture Video Outline and
Extracted Slides
One of the most important functionalities of a tele-
teaching portal is the search for data. Since recording
technology has become more and more inexpensive
and easier to use, the amout of content produced for
these portals has become huge. Therefore it is nearly
impossible for students to find the required content
without a search function.
But even when the user has found the right con-
tent, he still needs to find the piece of information
he requires within the 90 minutes of a lecture. This
is where the lecture video outline and the extracted
slides come in to play. Without an outline the user
will not have any orientation about which time frame
within the video he is interested in. The outline will
thus help to guide the user with navigation within the
video. This can be both utilized by manual navigation
or with the help of a local search function that only
searches the current video.
The video slides extracted from the segementer
have a similar function. They help visually oriented
users to fulfill this task in an easier and quicker way.
Especially students repeating a lecture will benefit
from the slide visualisation as they can jump to slides
they can remember as important from the first time
they visited the lecture.
Also the slides can help for learning and repetition
tasks when used in connection with user-generated
annotations in the form of a manuscript, a function we
will further describe in the following paragraphs. This
is crucial, because it was proven that more than 80
percent of all learning tasks take place with the help
of the eye and visual memory (Addie, 2002). This
means that vision is an essential aspect of learning,
which can be supported by using the lecture slides
when repeating and studying for an exam.
5.2 Visualising the Video Outline in
Interaction with the Lecture Video
There are two options to visualise the video outline
within the tele-teaching portal. So far chapters that
Figure 8: Visualisation of the slides extracted from the seg-
mentation process underneath the video player.
have been added manually from technical personnel
were visualised within the OpenLaszlo video player.
This was done to keep all related functionality in one
spot and thereby ensure a short and easy access from
the player to the navigation.
The extracted video outline is more detailed and
provides a more finegrained navigation option, which
is, however, more space consuming. Therefore, a
separate django plugin was developed that shows all
headlines and subheadlines with their corresponding
timestamp (cf. Fig. 9). Timestamps serve as links to
jump to the associated position in the lecture video.
5.3 Using Extracted Video Slides for
Navigation within Lecture Videos
As explained in section 5.1, the slides extracted from
the segmenter serve as visual guideline for the user to
navigate through a certain lecture video.
In order to fulfil that function, the slides are visu-
alised in the form of a time bar underneath the video
(cf. Fig. 8).
When sliding a mouse over the small preview pic-
tures, they are scaled up to a larger preview of the
slide. When clicking one of the preview slides in the
time bar, the video player will jump to the correct
timestamp in the lecture video that corresponds with
the timestamp stored in the database for that slide.
Those functions are realized with Javascript trigger-
ing the action within the OpenLaszlo player.
5.4 Visualising Extracted Slides in
Connection with User-generated
Lecture Video Annotations
An important aid for students in their learning process
are manuscripts. Traditionally, those were handwrit-
ten notes the student wrote during the lecture. With
the rise of tele-teaching, digital manuscript function-
alities have become available, where notes can be
written digitally in conjunction with a timestamp that
references at what time in the video the note was writ-
ten (Zupancic, 2006).
For some people, however, there is still the need to
have printed notes available. To make both available
with a minimum effort for the students, a PDF print-
out of the manuscript can be provided. Single notes
without reference to the lecture itself can be confusing
for the students though. Therefore the PDF should be
enriched with the lecture slides etracted from the seg-
menter. With the help of the timestamp of both the
slide and the notes, the slides can be printed with si-
multaneously written notes.
We have evaluated our slide video segmentation algo-
rithm (without a consideration of embedded videos),
text detection and text recognition methods by using
20 selected lecture videos with varying layouts and
font styles (cf. Fig. 10) in (Yang et al., 2011). In this
paper, we extended our evaluation in the following
manner: a SVM classifier has been trained and eval-
uated; the outline extraction algorithm has also been
evaluated by using our test videos. The test data and
some evaluation details are available at (Yang et al.,
For analyzing a 90 minutes lecture video, the en-
tire frame extraction, video segmentation, video OCR
and lecture outline extraction processes need about
10–15 minutes.
The experiments were performed on a Mac OS
X, 2.4 GHz platform. Our system is implemented in
6.1 Evaluation of SVM Classifiers
We have used 2597 slide frames and 5224 none-slide
frames to train the SVM classifier. All slide frames
are selected from large amount of lecture videos. In
order to build a none-slide frame training set which
should have varying image genres, we collect about
3000 images from (flickr, 2011), and other as well as
over 2000 none-slide video frames from our lecture
video database.
Our test set consists of 240 slide frames and 233
none-slide frames that completely differ from the
training set.
The evaluation results for HOG and image inten-
sity histogram features are shown in Table 1. We
Figure 9: Visualization of the extracted outline of the lecture video underneath the video player.
Table 1: Slide Frame Classification Results.
Recall Precision F
HOG feature 0.996 0.648 0.785
Image intensity
histogram feature
0.98 0.85 0.91
use HOG feature with 8 gradient directions, which
have been extracted from each 64x64 local image
block. The image intensity histogram features consist
of 256 histogram bins that correspond to 256 image
grayscale values. The classification accuracy for slide
frames of both features have achieved close to 100%.
However, the HOG feature has a much worse per-
formance than intensity histogram feature for distin-
guishing images—that have varying genres—in con-
trast to slide frames. Although the recall of inten-
sity histogram feature is slightly lower than HOG fea-
ture, it could achieve a more significant improvement
in precision and processing speed (about 10 times
6.2 Evaluation of Lecture Outline
We evaluated our lecture outline extraction method
by randomly selecting 180 segmented unique slide
frames of 20 test videos. The achieved word recog-
nition rate of our text recognition algorithm is about
85%, which has been reported in (Yang et al., 2011).
To evaluate the outline extraction method, we deter-
mine not only whether the outline type is correctly
distinguished by slide structure analysis. We also cal-
culate the word accuracy for each detected outline ob-
ject. Therefore, the accuracy of our outline extraction
algorithm is based on the OCR recognition rate.
We have defined recall and precision metrics for
the evaluation as follows:
Recall =
number o f correctly retrieved outline words
number o f all outline words in ground truth
Precision =
number o f correctly retrieved outline words
number o f retrieved outline words
Table 2: Evaluation Results of Lecture Outline Extraction.
Recall Precision F
Title 0.86 0.95 0.90
key point
0.61 0.77 0.68
Table 2 shows the evaluation results for the title
and subtitle-key point extraction, respectively. Al-
though the extraction rate of subtitle-key point still has
Figure 10: Example frames of our test videos which have varying layouts and font styles for the estimation of our segmentation
algorithm (Yang et al., 2011).
a improvement space, the extracted titles are already
robust for the indexing task. Furthermore, since the
outline extraction rate depends on the OCR accuracy,
it can be further improved by achieving a better text
recognition rate.
In this paper, we have proposed a hybrid solution
for lecture video indexing: An improved slide video
segmentation algorithm has been developed by us-
ing CCs analysis and SVM classifier. We have fur-
ther implemented a novel method for the extraction
of timed lecture outlines using geometrical informa-
tion and stroke width values. The indexing can be
performed by using both, unique slide frames (visual
information) and extracted lecture outlines (textual in-
As an upcoming improvement, implementing
context- and dictionary-based post-processing will
improve the text recognition rate further.
The extracted lecture outline as well as the OCR
transcripts we obtained can be used for the develop-
ment of intelligent search algorithms and new recom-
mendation methods in the future.
Therefore we plan to further extend the pluggable
search function (Siebert and Meinel, 2010) within our
sample tele-teaching portal. An extended plugin will
be built that enables the search among the lecture out-
line globally. A marking of the searched term or the
right video sequence, where the search term can be
found within the lecture outline, is a further step.
The features involving visualisation of the results
have been built as proof of concept for the segmen-
tation and OCR processes so far. Since it is desired
that those features become frequently used function-
alities within the tele-teaching portal, their usability
and utility need to be evaluated within a user study.
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