Anna Schwanengel, Michael C. Jaeger and Uwe Hohenstein
Siemens AG, Otto-Hahn-Ring 6, Munich 81739, Germany
Monitoring of Services, Quality of Service, Service Level Agreements, Load Balancing, Cloud Architecture.
Nowadays, cloud computing promises to supply a theoretically infinite resource amount, while enabling in-
stance elasticity. However, using extra capacity requires organizational activities and leads to costs. To keep
this overhead minimal, adding and releasing resources need to be well-scheduled. Therefore, it is inevitable to
prepare an appropriate allocation automatism that considers differences in dynamics and price models of cloud
computing. We present the idea for a system that effectively manages varying loads with regard to emerging
costs, provisioning time, and customer service level agreements (SLAs). Contrary to existing, threshold-based
solutions, our approach considers system observations oft he past, domain-specific load behaviours as well as
external knowledge. That way, the system detects load patterns and adapts accordingly.
With the increasing of service variety and available
resource amount, distributed systems are expected to
handle much load. In cloud systems, almost infinite
pools of virtualized resource capacities enable appro-
priate covering of demands. When load raises, ad-
ditional instances can be added in provider clouds
by paying extra fees. Vendors predetermine different
cost models and allow paying, e.g., per hours, data
transfers or average resource quantity
At the same time, customers prefer to keep ac-
cessory costs to a minimum. Besides, provisioning
time is i.a. affected by dealing with queues, tables and
compute instances. It must not take more time to al-
locate new instances than actual load peaks last. That
raises the question when to add how many instances
to meet load appropriately. Similarly, the inverse sit-
uation requires a solution: When should unused in-
stances be released to save costs?
Challenges of load monitoring were also re-
searched in the field of grid computing since years.
However, with cloud computing some additional and
even novel aspects appear. E.g., the reaction to an
unpredictable increase of load is different with cloud
applications. Though, consequent resource allocation
can counteract a subsequent overload, it also leads de-
lays in provider cloud. With cloud applications, in-
stances are deployed at a certain cost and generate
revenue, which requires deployment decisions in ad-
vance. Herein, established solutions for distributed
system management do not offer optimal results.
We want to design a system that enables efficient
load adaptation and management, while considering
costs, provisioning time, and SLAs. With this solu-
tion, correlations through load patterns are identified,
the design of representativeload curves based on vari-
ance and slope is possible, and suitable algorithms to
observe and describe load changes are offered.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 gives
a short research overview of load behaviour. Section
3 motivates main challenges in cloud environments.
Important load influencing aspects are illustrated in
Section 4. Within Section 5, we describe a basic ap-
proach to achieve automated load adaptation. Sec-
tion 6 discusses this solution and demonstrates further
work. Finally, Section 7 concludes the paper.
Virtualization technology facilitates cloud comput-
ing’s ability to add or remove resources” (Armbrust
et al., 2009). E.g., if the current resource amount is
not sufficient to handle all requests in a home cluster,
additional VMs are instantiated at remote providers
(Assunc¸˜ao et al., 2009). Thereby, customers can offer
Schwanengel A., Jaeger M. and Hohenstein U..
DOI: 10.5220/0003904605620567
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2012), pages 562-567
ISBN: 978-989-8565-05-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
cloud services without wasting expensive resources
by over-provisioning nor missing potential profits by
under-provisioning (Armbrust et al., 2010). However,
as studied in (Lucas et al., 2011), it is difficult to fore-
cast exact resource amount a company needs to pro-
vide QoS to its clients, and ‘end-to-end fees’ are often
not considered we want to anchor this in our system.
The varying number of data and instances affect
various load patterns and models. Therefore, (Kat-
saros et al., 2011) identify characteristics of cloud
monitoring infrastructures and present an architec-
tural approach. (Paton et al., 2009) define kinds of
load in consideration of load properties, SLAs, and
competition on the shared resources. Within work-
load execution, possible system states are mapped to a
common scale, which can i.a. embody response times,
QoS goals or throughput for requests. However, in
contrast to our approach this work concentrates on
limited instances, whereas we assume hypothetically
infinite resource capacity in cloud environments.
To meet the lack of resources in case of load in-
creasing, (Moran et al., 2011) propose a rule-based
measure and control mechanism to allocate new in-
stances. Though this is a reasonable starting point,
they limit themselves on lower-level rule-mapping
and do not address scalability issues entirely.
Also (Gmach et al., 2006) present approaches to
react on load self-organizingly. Their AutoGlobe’
system reacts on detected overload by distributing
load and transferring tasks to less loaded servers. For
services with periodic patterns, they formulate short-
term load predictions and for abnormal happenings,
they deduct hints on basis of, e.g., resource utilization
(Seltzsam et al., 2006). However, they only address
a short part of IT-business fields (ERP), whereas we
want to examine a larger area of applications.
(Chen et al., 2010) propose forecasting that uses
patterns to predict load at future time. That means
trusting historical data to forecast future data values.
Though trying to detect patterns, they concentrate on
cleaning abnormal data, which is only a part of au-
tomated load adaptation in our point of view and the
presented process of load cleansing is not automatic.
Similar to our approach, (Ferrer et al., 2012) in-
vestigate challenges for adaptive service provisioning
in clouds like cost-dependences, self-preservation
and legislative issues. Unfortunately, their scenar-
ios only concentrate on infrastructure and service
providers, while ignoring the platform interlayering.
In summary, there are no clearly defined patterns
to categorize load behaviour in different domains and
parameters are not identified entirely. Aspects con-
cerning load changes are to regard and trade-off be-
tween cost savings and SLA compliance is to solve.
The problem, we want to tackle, is to handle var-
ious factors causing load changes in order to react
on extraneous circumstances. In addition, we want
to infer dynamic resource allocation in consideration
of arising costs and negotiated customer SLAs. Un-
fortunately, established load treatments are not able
to offer an optimal solution because of some facts,
which are explained in more detail in the following.
First of all, grid or high-performance computing sys-
tems and classical scheduling procedures can assume
queues for the overall system. These queues buffer
existing tasks and enable such processes to come to
a decision based on existing facts. With missing such
mechanisms in cloud offerings which aim for public
use – we need novel procedures on basis of forecasts.
Furthermore, existing algorithms for scheduling
or load control in the Internet are based on best-
effort approaches (Meddeb, 2010) or aspire guaran-
teeing service level agreements. In cloud environ-
ments, SLAs can be handled more flexible, and in
specific situations they can even be expected to get
violated because of beforehand negotiated compen-
sation strategies (Vaquero et al., 2008). Therefore,
SLAs must be adapted dynamically during actual ser-
vice provisioning or violated SLAs have to be com-
pensable. So it sometimes may be more expedient to
not react on load changes, which means neglecting
customer satisfaction for achieving cost savings.
An additional problem is the demand for an effi-
cient and automated algorithm to detect whether new
capacities are needed. Today, cloud providers only of-
fer APIs (e.g., REST or SOAP) by which customers
have to implement individual load management but
no automated solution exists. We want to understand
load characteristics, identify affecting parameters and
consider cost aspects to create an automatism for load
management and the corresponding adaptation.
With load patterns varying by different application ar-
eas and even within one single application, it is diffi-
cult to define a generalized load behaviour based on
collected observations in advance. But, as shown by
an IBM analysis about the Olympic Games of 1998,
pattern characterisation based on stored information
is possible (Iyengar et al., 1999). We demonstrate a
variety of load models by some examples and iden-
tify several load patterns and characteristics.
Figure 1: Load patterns on tax transaction (a) and photo
sharing applications (b).
4.1 Variety of Load Patterns
The first and most common load behaviour are growth
situations, where load on required instances continu-
ously increases over time. On the other hand, we find
on-off situations (e.g. in batch job execution), where
either a lot of instances are used to cover enormous
load or only few resources are required because less
load exists in the overall system.
As outlined in Figure 1 and 2, several load struc-
tures occur in everyday life with recurrent routine.
Thereby, load is mostly low in average with high
peaks in demand. Based on real life data, we assume
that load peaks on tax servers arise around May fol-
lowing an annual cycle, because of tax return dead-
lines (Figure 1a). On photo sharing platforms most
traffic is detected in March/April and September due
to Alexa the Web Information Company
1b). That fits to the surmise that people upload pic-
tures after holidays to share vacation memories with
friends. To conclude, these examples describe recur-
ring yearly patterns, and histories can be generated.
We, further, identify processes following a cycli-
cal predictable daily pattern, e.g., in use cases about
electro mobility. During rush hours, an enormous
amount of data will come up to management servers.
When people drive to work, their cars produce numer-
ous data, which are automatically transferred to a cen-
tral management – such as telemetry data about cars
technical conditions. Then, we can specify history-
based absolute load patterns, and our forecasting sys-
tem enables proactive actions to expected load in-
creases before the actual occurrence.
On the other hand, there are cases, in which it is
Figure 2: Random load models on news (a) and ticket ap-
plications (b).
difficult to extract obvious patterns e.g., predict-
ing load behaviour on news applications because
events happen rarely and by pure chance. This type
of data follows a random unpredictable scheme, as
illustrated in Figure 2a. Based on Leskovec’s state-
ment at ESWC’11 that “peak intensity from blogs
typically comes about 2.5 hours after peak intensity
from news” (Leskovec, 2011), we assume that after
relevant events awareness and further progression of-
ten behave in predictable manner with different inten-
sity. Therefore, relative models with regarding vari-
ance and slope in load curves enable short-termed pre-
diction of further progress after relevant events.
Furthermore, there exist events which though,
not following a cyclical annual model can be pre-
cisely planned, as in the case shown in Figure 2b on
servers selling tickets for concerts, football matches
or other big and rare events. To detect precise pat-
terns, information about external events are required.
We use these inputs for a prediction algorithm
based on slope and variance in load curves. Within
this model of unpredictable behaviour, the system has
to define load characteristics in order to identify less
important elements which can be ignored to give pref-
erence to more promising ones.
4.2 Load Curve Characteristics
Regardless of the domain, we determine characteristic
load curves by their amplitudes and their climb. When
such characteristics are observed in a non-recurring
or at least in a seldom manner, it may be sensible
not to react on load increases at all. If the addi-
tional machines need more time to come up than ac-
tual peaks remain, wasted over-provisioning is cre-
ated with no use and unnecessary costs. Otherwise, if
these short high amplitudes appear in a periodic man-
ner with high frequency, additional instances have to
be booted and should not be released in order to han-
dle the sum of queued requests. In highly distributed
environments often multi-dimensional SLAs exist as
requirements e.g., availability and reliability, low
costs, high throughput and bandwidth, etc. So, not
reacting must not violate predefined constraints!
Following these motivating thoughts, the problem
turns in a multi-criteria optimization mission. This is
challenging, because the parameters act in a contrar-
ian manner: when requiring constant availability, one
has to pay for permanent resource support. Further-
more, with a minimum of costs the customer calls for
a maximum of resources with abidance of different
service level agreements. Of course it is impossible
to achieve these claims in entirety, but we want to get
close to an implementation.
In the following of this section we describe how our
system (see Figure 3) acts in:
system observations
identification of specific application domains
integration of external knowledge
load pattern detection and adaptation
classification of load characteristics & parameters
consideration about costs and SLAs
reaction to load variations by different ways
Our approach intends to determine load based on do-
main specific aspects. The basic statement here is ‘de-
sign for operation’, which indicates developing appli-
cations based on different domains.
5.1 Interaction Models
As an attempt, our system takes account of the fol-
lowing specific domains. First of all, we differen-
tiate between applications with machine-to-machine
(M2M) communication and human machine interac-
tion (HMI). M2M communication means less effort
to handle protocols for consecutive operations than
in case of user involvement. Consequently, future
utilization can be predefined and pre-calculated with
statements such as ‘In x minutes the application y will
require z more resources... This performs worse with
humans being involved, because system users often
behave in a more unpredictable manner.
Another possibility is to specify categories of
communications as transactional, bi-directional or
uni-directional. This means identifying different
communication ways to build up an assumption about
load trends based on the amount of communications.
Within transactional communication there are also
differences regarding the complexity of execution. If
the application is primarily designed to perform com-
plicated business transactions, scalability and consis-
tency are more difficult to handle than in systems
based only on atomic transactions. These different in-
teraction models will end up in clear load variations.
In this context, Alam et al. classify two groups of
performance counters: one that show processing may
go wrong in near future, and one that show the system
status is already dissatisfying. The former are for ex-
ample ‘Requests Queued’, ‘Request Execution Time’,
‘CPU Usage’, and ‘Requests per Second’. “Having
high numbers in these may indicate either the system
is utilized at the most optimum level, or is really get-
ting close to deteriorate” (Alam et al., 2011). Appli-
cation Restarts’, ‘Worker Process Restarts’, and Er-
rors Total’ are illustrations for the latter set of coun-
ters, which may result in the fact that the system is
suffering from a resource scarcity.
Our assumption is that in the majority of cases the
amount of waiting requests are sufficient to make a
point about the load of the system. But we can also
imagine cases, where applications exist with several
request queues, so that one has to further observe,
e.g., ‘Request Execution Time’, ‘CPU Usage’ or Ap-
plication Restarts’ in order to detect load variations.
5.2 Data Input for the System
Our system design covers the possibility to integrate
external knowledge via stored observations. Out of
a storage filled with information of beforehand an-
nounced events, the system can extract further impor-
tant knowledge about proceeding load behaviour.
Besides external statistics, the system also consid-
ers cost parameters. Analysing the pricing models of
relevant cloud computing providers, reveals that the
monthly bill depends on various factors. Important
are the numbers of reserved CPUs and time a virtual
machine is occupied. Furthermore, one has to pay for
the size of the database, respectivelythe amount of the
used storage space. Besides, bandwidth and the sum
of transactions are considered in billing. To conclude,
there exist a lot of factors causing costs for the cus-
tomer, which are dependent on load aspects produced
by their applications in the cloud. Hence, we consider
all influencing load parameters and match them to an
entire assumption of load in order to precise state-
ments about upcoming load and costs. Thereby, it is
easier to detect a reasonable amount ‘z’ of resources.
Figure 3: Overview of the system components.
Further, the system considers service level agree-
ments and implies also modelling for the optimization
problem with diametrically opposing attributes. Low
costs and high reliability, strong consistency and per-
manent availability, high distribution and less admin-
istrative effort are only some of the contrary elements
in this setting and one has to trade off which attribute
to prefer (Das and Panigrahi, 2008).
The system identifies correlations through load
patterns and differentiates between load curves that
feature continuous increases, short high peaks in ei-
ther a frequently recurring, a one-time / seldom man-
ner or constant sinus amplitudes.
We, additionally, integrate a solution to design
a representative curve based on variance and slope.
With drawing out a pattern, which enfolds aspects
as peak intensity, time-shifting, slope of load after a
detected increase, etc., the systems succeeds in us-
ing suitable algorithms to observe and describe load
changes. If a change of the situation is detected
e.g., the storage is filled with new external knowledge
or the application does not behave as predicted the
pattern is re-defined in order to fit to load changes.
Beyond, the system defines load characteristics in
order to identify less important elements, which can
be ignored to give the preference to the more promis-
ing ones. Within these considerations, parameters in-
fluencing load curves can be identified and anchored
inside our system design.
5.3 Execution Unit
As already stated before, it is essential to define how
to react on load changes based on overall system in-
formation. If short load amplitudes are measured,
they might be ignored, because costs and adminis-
trative effort bear no relation to increased value or
higher profit. On the other hand, provided no one-
time appearance of load increasing, but cyclical load
escalations it is inevitable to act in order to preserve
customer demands. These considerations are impor-
tant for the execution unit, which merges all collected
information and decides how to (re-)act.
Handling load variations, there exist two potential
ways: foresighted acting in an absolute way based
on measured and recorded data and reacting to load
changes only afterwards. The former implies the need
for a predefined model on which a proactiveact is per-
formed already before a load increase is measured.
Presuming load to find a solution for unpredictable
behaviour, turns in the online problem. Coming up
from online-algorithms, one has to take an upfront de-
cision according to the present unprecised knowledge,
on condition of never paying more than if one would
have known the future.
We differentiate between a model based on math-
ematical analyses or simulations, and a model which
deals systems as black boxes and tries to deduct be-
haviours based in statistics or data mining (Machiraju
et al., 2004). When reacting to load changes only in
hindsight, one has to rely on measurements and ad-
hoc reactions in a quick way.
Further, we want to enter cost and SLA informa-
tion into the system. For this purpose, the system ex-
tracts the stored SLA history and takes different cost
models into account. For example, if the agreement
relating to costs provides to pay by hours, the system
will not release the booted instance too early.
Combining all these considerations, we will be
able to implement the system concept, which provides
an automated load adaptation regarding costs, provi-
sioning time and SLAs.
Load modelling based on domain analysis is a com-
plex approach. Existing various applications, the pos-
sibilities for precise load pattern detection are not re-
searched exhaustively. This raises questions concern-
ing measurement and influencing parameters on load
behaviour, on which we concentrate on in future.
We want to decide how to measure and model load
and which load characteristics should preponderate.
Furthermore, inferring from a model, how single ser-
vices influence the total load in a multi-tenant cloud
environment, implies a lot of previously collected and
detailed knowledge. Thereby, we identify as an im-
portant task to minimize the amount of resources in
order to save money without violating SLA aspects as
availability, reliability or throughput.
As future work, we want to extract precise load
patterns from cloud simulation environments, rele-
vant literature and other observations and to develop
appropriate algorithms to react adequately and au-
tomatically to load changes. The research fields of
dynamic scalability and general load monitoring and
load management will also be taken into account.
Load management is a long-standing issue in several
computing areas but cloud computing generates new
aspects. In contrast to existing grid management solu-
tions, one has to deal with infinite resources, and flex-
ibility increases because of elasticity. Furthermore,
SLAs may now be treated less strictly and a violation
can be condone in cloud environments for cost sav-
ings. The basis for solutions of ‘computing problems’
has changed and is to be redefined.
Within this paper we differentiate several contrib-
utors in the large world of load management in cloud
computing. The appropriate reaction on load vari-
ances will be essential in competition about a dom-
inate position on customer market. Handling SLAs in
a flexible and reliable manner while satisfying cus-
tomer expectations, optimizing provisioning times,
and reducing costs by responsible resource decrease
are important factors in this setting.
Proposing this, we make a step towards identify-
ing different load patterns, which will be proven by
pattern mining, and categorize their load behaviours
in a domain-specific manner.
In future, we will inventa control entity for adding
and releasing instances at an optimal compromise of
low cost and simultaneous SLA compliance with in-
cluding an algorithm for load pattern detection. Ad-
ditionally, we will implement our system design and
prove its functionality via real data concerning mini-
mal costs, high availability, and scalability.
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