Irit Hadar
, Mor Brokman
and Ethan Hadar
Department of Information System, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel
CA Technologies, Inc., Herzelia, Israel
Keywords: Software Architecture, Cloud Solutions, Private Cloud, Hybrid Cloud, Public Cloud, Survey.
Abstract: The quality of software architecture solutions is difficult to evaluate, making selection between architecture
alternatives cumbersome. The cloud offerings add alternatives, by increasing complexity and dynamic
flexibility of underlying deployment considerations. This research aims to identify the architects' main
quality concerns regarding the system in three different environments: physical (static) deployment, virtual
(private) cloud and public cloud. In this position paper, we present our evaluation of the importance
architects attribute to applications characteristics (Functionality, Availability, Usability) and infrastructure
and platform characteristics (Efficiency, Serviceability, Portability) in each of the above deployment
environments. A survey, in which 34 experienced software architects participated, reveals the differences
between quality concerns of architects and end-users, and between the different environments and system
layers. Architects consider Portability (dynamic nature of applications and systems) as more important in
private and public clouds than in static environments, while in the other quality attributes no significant
difference was observed. In addition, architects perceive that end-users do not distinguish between cloud
and non-cloud environments, and significantly consider that applications characteristics are more important
than infrastructure ones.
Over the years, the complexity and scale of software
systems have grown significantly in enterprise IT
environments. Economic and other forms of cloud
volatility require multiple solution approaches
(Howard et al., 2011). Managing multiplicity
requires versatile design; overcoming and managing
software complexity and versatility calls for
increased effort in software architecture. Many of
the difficulties in architecture decision-making stem
from the fact that architecture solutions are difficult
to evaluate and predict, in particular, the future
architecture quality of the designed system. Many
existing evaluation approaches were found to be
unsuitable for the evaluation of the quality attributes
(e.g., performance) of the software system
(Eskenazi et al., 2002). Some researches try to
predict the performance of software architecture
solutions without benchmarking them (e.g.,
Eskenazi et al., 2002; Cortellessa et al., 2007).
The cloud era has added yet more considerations
and dilemmas, as well as opportunities, to the
traditional work and decision-making of the
architect. The tasks of evaluating a software
architecture solution or selecting the best of several
architecture alternatives become increasingly
complex. As more possibilities for designing
software system architecture are available, the
architect needs to compare and examine different
values of the same software solution offered, by
different cloud vendors.
Various types of cloud computing exist and
should be taken into consideration by the IT
architect. Each type refers and is relevant to a
different layer of the system: Application, Platform,
or Infrastructure. One of the goals of this research
was to identify the relative importance of different
quality characteristics in each of the system layers.
In addition, while focusing on software architects,
we used their perspectives to understand end-users’
perspectives, in addition to their own.
The motivation for using cloud services is
influenced by the offered value and quality, such as
scalability and availability characteristics, and
accurate billing according to consumption. In order
Hadar I., Brokman M. and Hadar E..
DOI: 10.5220/0003912802750278
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2012), pages 275-278
ISBN: 978-989-8565-05-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
to be able to choose between different cloud vendors
offering similar services, on alternative
environments (physical, virtual, or cloud), there is a
need to understand the characteristics’ importance,
as architects perceive them.
This article seeks to capture the importance of
architecture quality characteristics deployed on
different cloud environments relative to regular
static ones, from the perspective of both software
architects and end-users.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 describes our research method and Section
3 presents the results obtained. We discuss the
results and conclude in Section 4.
In order to investigate architects’ perceptions and
attitudes toward different types of computing
services, via either public cloud, virtual private
cloud, or physical deployment, we conducted an
exploratory study with experienced practitioners
(software architects) at a large international IT firm.
By identifying and understanding the software
architects’ perspective, we aimed to identify best
practices for evaluating software architecture
solutions with and without the cloud, and illuminate
future research directions.
2.1 Settings
A total of 34 practitioners participated in the study,
including 24 R&D architects, 4 field architects and
6 senior software developers, with an average
experience of 7 years, all from the same large,
international IT firm. Following a short pilot study,
which included several observations of architecture
meetings and follow-up interviews, we prepared a
questionnaire for our survey. The survey was first
evaluated and validated by two experts from the
investigated firm and refined accordingly prior its
distribution. The survey focused on the importance
of each characteristic in non-cloud environments
and in two types of cloud computing: private and
2.2 Data Gathering and Analysis
The questionnaires were electronically distributed
and received via email. The data were statistically
analyzed for each question using the SPSS software
(Statistical Package for the Social Sciences; see
We created Paired Samples Correlations and Paired
Samples Tests (Paired t-tests; see http://
Missing values were treated as missing.
Statistics for each analysis were based on the cases
with no missing or out-of range data for any
variable in the analysis.
The results were considered significant at the
0.05 level, under the assumptions that the paired
differences are dependent and identically normally
distributed (or have a number of practitioners which
is higher than 30).
3.1 Non-functional Requirements
Rather than focusing on the commonly handled non-
functional requirements (NFR) of Data Recovery,
Resource Redundancy and Scalability, we aimed at
identifying the next NFR software that architects
believe should be handled by the cloud. According
to the survey, 52.9% of the architects believe that
the next NFR to become the cloud vendors’
responsibility should be Security. Moreover, many
of the architects who did not rate security as the first
NFR to move to the cloud rated it as the second or
third. In order to calculate and scale all
characteristics mentioned in all ratings, first, second
and third, we made a calculated average as follows.
The characteristics mentioned as the first NFR got
three points; the characteristics mentioned as the
second NFR got two points; and the characteristics
mentioned as the third NFR got one point.
According to this calculation, the highest rated NFR
was Security, with 67 points, followed by (with a
big difference) Performance with 12 points, and
Availability with 10 points.
3.2 The Different Layers in the
Different Environments
A proposed or existing software system is usually
evaluated using long lists of requirements,
expressed as attributes, and measures for indicating
how well they are satisfied by the system. The
system must exhibit several system-wide properties,
commonly referred to as “the ities”, such as
reliability, maintainability, usability, and portability.
Our first goal here was to find whether the
perceived relative importance of each characteristic
in each part of the system (Application / Platform /
Infrastructure) depends on the type of the system.
Accordingly, we asked the architects to consider
two types of potential application: MS-Project
application and one for CRM-SAP system, with the
percentage of importance (0-100%) of each
characteristic in each part of the system
(Application / Platform / Infrastructure). For
analyzing the results, we created a paired t-test as
follow: Given two paired sets:
for MS-Project
Y for CRM-SAP of n
34 measured values.
From these matched pairs, we compared the two
measurements by subtracting one from the other and
basing test hypotheses upon the differences. Our
null hypothesis H0 assumes that the mean of these
differences is equal to 0, while the alternative
hypothesis H1 claims that the mean of the
differences is not equal to zero (the alternative
hypothesis may be either one- or two-sided). Our
paired t-test determined there is no significant
difference between the two applications, thus
confirming H0. This illustrates that the relative
importance of each characteristic in each part of the
system (Application / Platform / Infrastructure) does
not depend on the type of the system. This
conclusion strengthens the approach to developing a
general framework for evaluating a software
architecture solution.
Our next test aimed to identify what difference,
if any, exists in the relative importance of each
characteristic between the different layers of the
system (Application / Platform / Infrastructure).
Our analysis revealed that the relative
importance of both Functionality and Usability are
significantly greater in the Application layer of the
system than in the other layers. In all other NFRs,
no significant difference between the layers of the
system was identified.
3.3 The Different Perspectives
The software architect, who is responsible for
designing the system, and the end-user, who is
intended to use the system, each has specific views
and considerations. We examined whether the
concern level (0-10) for each characteristic in the
different deployment environments differs when
examining these two points of view, as the
architects perceive them. Here, too, we used the
sensitivity to application type of MS-Project and
CRM-SAP, with regard to the results.
The architects filled four tables: for each
application, a table for the architects’ perspective
and another for the end-users’ perspective. Concern
levels (0-10) for each characteristic in the three
different deployment environments were defined:
from 0 = Irrelevant or no concern to 10 = the highest
level of concern. We created paired t-test for the two
systems, and here, too, we found no significant
difference (based on significance level of 0.05).
Analysis of the data revealed several insights with
regard to differences between the concern levels of
architects and end-users. Figure 1 highlights higher
level of concern of Portability (dynamic changes) in
private and public cloud environments, than in static
one. In general, architects exhibit higher concerns
for all other characteristics as well in both private
and public environments based applications than
static ones, yet, not significantly different.
Figure 1: Preferences of architects in static, private and
public deployment.
Figure 2: Preferences of end-users as perceived by
architects in static, private and public deployment.
Architects perceive that end-users are insensitive
to the application’s environment; most of the
concern levels are similar in each characteristic (see
Figure 2). According to the architects, end-users
consider that applications characteristics (Usability,
Availability, Functionality) are more important than
the underlying infrastructure ones (Efficiency,
Serviceability, Portability). This confirms the lack
of end-users’ sensitivity between the different
platforms. A possible conclusion is that if end-users
are not concerned with artifacts that are driven from
the underlying infrastructure, they will not be
concerned with the nature of the infrastructure
(static/physical, private or public).
Figure 3: Preferences of public cloud deployment
(architect line is dashed, end-users line is rigid).
Figure 3 shows there is no match between
architects’ levels of concerns, and their perception
on end-users’ concerns. This phenomenon is similar
in all environments. Architects consider their
responsibility to handle additional quality
characteristics that are not usually visible by end-
The results presented in this paper are part of our
ongoing research with the long-term objective of
establishing a framework for the evaluation of
architecture solutions in the cloud era.
In this paper we evaluated the importance
architects attribute to applications characteristics
(Functionality, Availability, Usability) and
infrastructure and platform characteristics
(Efficiency, Serviceability, Portability) in physical
(static), private (virtual) and public clouds. Our
survey results of 34 experienced software architects
showed that Portability (dynamic nature of
applications and systems) was considered more
important in private and public clouds than in static
environments. In addition, architects perceive that
end-users do not distinguish between cloud and non-
cloud environments, and consider applications
characteristics to be more important that
infrastructure ones.
Our future work will validate the results with
end-users as well as include software architects
from several different firms. An evaluation
framework taking these results into consideration
would be effective for evaluating an overall system
solution in the cloud era.
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Eskenazi, E. M., Fioukov, A.V., Hammer, D.K., and
Obbink, H., 2002. Performance prediction for
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