Ethan Hadar
, Amir Jerbi
and Irit Hadar
CA Technologies, Inc., Herzelia, Israel
Department of Information System, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel
Keywords: Cloud Virtualization, Infrastructure as a Service, Cloud Security Vulnerabilities, Privileged Access
Abstract: This position paper presents our approach for deployment enforcement of virtual images (VM), in order to
prevent an unauthorized usage, potential insider threat, and theft of VMs. In existing systems, regular
images in a virtual environment can be mounted and installed in a different location, while our system
prevents the intentional and unintentional roaming of these images, triggered by either humans or
automation tools. This paper proposes an approach that secures installation location according to policy in
virtualized environments, by intercepting the image installation process.
In the domain of cloud virtualization (Gurav and
Shaikh, 2010), virtual machines (VM) and
configured appliances are used to drive the dynamic
capacity of the infrastructure, facilitate
configuration, and enable the elasticity of roaming
systems that lever the abstraction of the physical
location. This abstraction enables VMs to be active
in one virtual environment, suspended, and then
roamed to another virtual environment where they
can resume the exact state. When the VM is moved,
it is handled as a regular file. These roaming
capabilities enable capacity bursting as well as
improved performance in terms of energy or
physical CPU utilization. Such value propositions
created by the VM abstraction of the physical server
layers introduce new security vulnerabilities (Blum
et al., 2011; Heiser and Nicolett, 2008; Kresimir and
Zeljko, 2010) , such as: (1) the ability of non-
privileged administrators to access data and the VM
when the image is in dormant state; (2) theft of the
VM by copying and activating it in a non-approved
environment; (3) the ability to disrupt compliance
and privacy (Pearson, 2009) regulations
unintentionally by activating the image (VM) in a
non-monitored environment.
This position paper proposes an approach that
precludes these virtual environment security
vulnerabilities (Lombardi and Pietro, 2011; Mather
et al., 2009) using a self-aware security deployment
enforcement system. The enforcement policy is
aimed primarily at the prevention of theft or
unauthorized roaming of virtualized and cloud-based
images. Moreover, this paper suggests a
combination of a centralized enforcement approach,
and the VM self-aware security capabilities of
deployable image.
The proposed system addresses several security
vulnerabilities and challenges:
Prevention of theft of images.
Governing the compliance of an authorized
deployment within the enterprise boundaries.
Rapid feedback in the case of suspected non-
authorized deployment.
Indication of and alerts of a potential insider
Optional self-protection and self-destruction of
the data and image upon detection of non-
authorized usage.
Increased efficiency of deployment of approved
images, which expedites the synchronization of
the latest policies based on level of importance.
Namely, separation of deployment enforcement
from other policies for privileged users that are
updated based on the normal security process.
The ability to certify secured locations for
images to be deployed centrally, while,
however, enforcing the actual deployment on a
standalone, self-aware mechanism.
Hadar E., Jerbi A. and Hadar I..
DOI: 10.5220/0003912906020605
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2012), pages 602-605
ISBN: 978-989-8565-05-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Conceptual architecture.
Enabling a real-time prevention and visibility
into the deployed image.
The proposed system extends existing Privileged
Access Management solutions, with additional
security enforcement capabilities. These capabilities
relate to deployment and installation of VM on top
of virtualized, such as VMware, or hosted, such as
on Amazon EC2, environments.
This section describes the fundamental
components relevant to this position paper. Yet, it
extends a basic use case of Privileged Access
Management for centralized security control. The
basic use case provides a centralized definition of
security policies according to compliance,
regulation, or any other security need of the
enterprise. The centralized system sends security
policies to security agents that are deployed on the
managed servers (VMs or physical servers). The
agents interpret every administrator command, and
either permit or deny the execution of that
command, with appropriate reporting and auditing.
2.1 System Structure
Figure 1 depicts our incremental conceptual
architecture, where components in green represent
new components and . Ccomponents in light blue
represent virtualization vendor’s and native
operating system (OS) components. Components in
blue represent the native operating system (OS)
components. The components are:
Deployment Enforcer Agent - This component
is installed on guest virtual machines (VM). The
agent validates that the guest VM is working on a
verified environment by checking the existence of a
trusted Deployment Enforcer Monitor on one of the
virtual machines running on the Virtualization
Deployment Validator - Communicates with
the Deployment Enforcer Monitor and validates
whether it is trusted. Communication with
Deployment Enforcer Monitor is through using the
virtualization product API (provided by the vendor).
The Deployment Validator uses OS native API to
shut down an image if cannot locate the trusted
Deployment Enforcer Monitor.
Deployment Enforcer Monitor - This
component is installed on a dedicated virtual
machine (Virtual Appliance) and deployed on the
Virtualization Product (such as Vmware ESXi,
Microsoft Hyper-v or other vendors). It
communicates with Deployment Enforcer Agents,
installed on guest VMs running on the same
Virtualization Product host, and provides proofs that
the environment is safe.
The Deployment Enforcer Monitor validates that
guest VMs running on the Virtualization Product are
in compliance with enterprise policies. If they are
not compliant the Deployment Enforcer Monitor
prevents a guest VM from running. The Deployment
Enforcer Monitor inner components are:
Agent Communicator – Responsible for
communicating with Deployment Enforcer
Agents, installed on guest VM running on the
same Virtualization Product host where the
Deployment Enforcer Monitor is. Agent
Communicator uses the virtualization product
API to communicate with Deployment Enforcer
Identification – Responsible for supplying
identification information of the Deployment
Enforcer Monitor to Deployment Enforcer
Deployment Verification - Verifies whether
guest VMs deployed on the Virtualization
Product are compliant with the enterprise
security policy.
Deployment Rules Cache – Maintains a local
cache of enterprise deployment policies.
Deployment Rules Fetcher - Fetches enterprise
deployment policies from the centralized
enterprise security management server. The
enterprise security management server is an
existing component that contains deployment
policies as defined by a Privileged Access
Management administrator.
Deployment Status - Sends deployment status
information of VMs running on the virtualization
product to the Access Control Enterprise
Management Server.
2.2 Prototypical Scenarios
In order to exemplify the conceptual architecture,
several scenarios (use cases) are presented.
2.2.1 Activation Scenario – Theft Prevention
Every time an administrator tries to load a guest VM
on the Virtualization Product, the Deployment
Validator (which is a component of Deployment
Enforcer Agent) sends a request for environment
verification from the Deployment Enforcer Monitor
(installed on a virtual appliance on the same
Virtualization Product). The Agent Communicator
component receives this request and passes it to the
Identification component. The Identification
component replies back through the Agent
Communicator component with information which
uniquely identifies the Deployment Enforcement
Monitor. The Deployment Validator component
receives the information and validates whether it is
trusted. When the validation fails, it will prevent the
VM from becoming active; when validation is
successful, it will allow running the virtual machine.
2.2.2 Activation Scenario – Governance and
Deployment Rules Fetcher (a component of
Deployment Enforcer Monitor) receives enterprise
deployment rules from the existing Enterprise
Management component. Enterprise deployment
rules are saved on the Deployment Rules Cache
component. Deployment Verification component
validates that the deployed VMs are compliant with
the enterprise deployment rules. In the case of
deviation, the Deployment Status component reports
to the Enterprise Management security server with
the deviation information.
2.3 Prototypical Implementation
Figure 2 describes the implementation of our
solution in a VMware environment that has several
virtualization products, such as VMware ESXi.
The ESXi virtualization product can run many
VMs on it, such as Windows and Linux VMs. The
system administrator installs Deployment Enforcer
Agents on these VM. The administrator deploys
Virtual Appliance VM with the Deployment Enforcer
Monitor on the ESXi virtualization product system.
2.3.1 Use Case 1: Theft Prevention
When a VM starts the Deployment Enforcer Agent
that is installed on it, it verifies the existence of a
trusted Deployment Enforcer Monitor on the ESXi
Virtualization Product. Different methods can be
used for verification, for example, validating that the
Deployment Enforcer Monitor passes a certificate
(token) issued by a trusted source. If the Deployment
Enforcer Agent fails to validate the Deployment
Enforcer Monitor, it will not allow the virtual
machine to be started. This act prevents theft of
virtual machines.
2.3.2 Use Case 2: Governing the Compliance
of Deployment within the Enterprise
The Deployment Enforcer Monitor receives the
enterprise’s deployment rules from the Enterprise
Management security component. The Deployment
Enforcer Monitor validates that every image
deployed on the local VMware ESXi server is
compliant with the deployment rules it fetched from
Access Control Enterprise Management. An
example of such validation is that Deployment
Enforcer Monitor can check that all VMs are
compliant with the enterprise deployment policy that
Figure 2: Deployment enforcer implementation for VMware.
requires that on same ESXi there should not be a
mixture of Windows and Linux VMs. Deployment
Enforcer Monitor can notify Access Control
Enterprise Management about deviation from this
This position paper addresses security vulnerability
issues in virtualized cloud environments, where the
scale-up, bursting scenario of virtual images (VM) is
common. In such environments, an IT management
service should provide an agile response: the
deployment of a VM by the centralized managing
tool, supporting rapid security responses. In these
virtual environments, the VM can be stored in a
managed repository, or extracted and installed in
different unauthorized location, exposing it to
intentional theft of data.
The presented approach offers a way to separate
the deployment security needs from other security
needs in order to increase efficiency of deployed
images that are controlled in terms of location only.
Furthermore, when a VM is mounted in an external
or un-authorized virtualization environment, the
system prevents the installment of the protected
image, thus, preventing theft or insider threat.
As a result, the presented system prevents the
intentional and unintentional deployment and
consequent activation of a virtual image. Our
approach secures the enterprise’s recommended pre-
built VMs that cannot be accessed except with the
approval and verification of the organization policy.
Consequently, our solution addresses a new form of
security vulnerability in the virtualization domain
according to compliance and regulations needs.
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