On-line Experiment: Monitoring Sensors
Thamiles Rodrigues de Melo
, Marcus Marinho Bezerra
Jaidilson Jó da Silva
and José Sérgio da Rocha Neto
Laboratory of Electronic Instrumentation and Control, Federal University of Campina Grande,
Aprigio Veloso 882, Campina Grande, Brazil
Department of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Campina Grande, Campina Grande, Brazil
Keywords: Hypertext, On-line Experiment, Labview, Sensors.
Abstract: In this paper the construction of hypertext which simulates a virtual laboratory (Non-Destructive
Laboratory) will be described. The hypertext was applied to on-line experiments associated to the study of
industrial automation processes, e.g., the monitoring of temperature, pressure and flow sensors. A test
platform and an HMI (Human Machine Interface), developed in the software LabVIEW, were used. The
HMI is published in the Web Server while the experiment is being executed. Thus, the students can assume
a hybrid role in the learning process, not only acquiring new knowledge in the study area, but also
producing it by means of this hypertext.
The new technologies of information and
communication are changing the process of learning
and research. The computer is the main
technological element which enables these changes.
Today, the computer is a potentially capable tool to
start and diffuse new experiences and ideas in the
education (Tinio, 2002).
Another methodological tool that facilitates the
learning process is the hypertext (web site), which
allows the user to work in an interactive way:
exploring, importing and updating the present
content in a web page. This interactivity promotes
intellectual growth opportunities. Furthermore, the
skills and competencies developed help the users
solve quotidian problems more easily (Shapiro and
Niederhauser, 2002).
Many universities and colleges, throughout the
world, that deliver undergraduate programmes in
science and engineering are currently incorporating
virtual instruments as teaching, measurement and
analysis for student learning (Tiernan, 2010).
Industrial Automation is one of the large areas in
Electrical Engineering in which undergraduate
student needs to have knowledge about development
and usage of HMI's control. LabVIEW is a graphical
programming environment which implements
interfaces based on windowing using interactive
icons to issue commands and observe the operation
of the measurement systems. This software allows
the execution of on-line experiments using HMI's
published in the Web Server. Therefore, a student,
being anywhere in the world, can track the complete
execution of experiment in real-time (Consonni et al,
The students can view the obtained data in your
computer or any electronic equipment connected in
the Internet. Simultaneously it can research another
subjects related to the experiment and contributing
for the knowledge decentralization and enhance the
learning experience of undergraduate engineering
student using a computer.
In this context, the objective of this work is
presents a hypertext which simulates a virtual
laboratory for realization of on-line experiments
associated the study of industrial automation
process, e.g., the monitoring of temperature,
pressure and flow sensors. A test platform and an
HMI, developed over LabVIEW 2009, were used.
The HMI is published in the Web Server while the
experiment is being executed.
Rodrigues de Melo T., Marinho Bezerra M., Jó da Silva J. and Sérgio da Rocha Neto J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003915003450348
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 345-348
ISBN: 978-989-8565-07-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The hypertext was developed using the technology
Google Sites, which the HTML code is specified in
link: https://sites.google.com/site/nondestructivelab/
In the Non-Destructive Laboratory web page, the
sidebar was divided in three links:
Home-page: There is a brief summary
about the purpose of creating the site.
Experiments: There are the sub-links that
allow the student perform the on-line
experiments wanted.
Comments: Is a placeholder where the
students can share another links or files
associated with the subject of the realized
One of the screens of the site Non-Destructive
Laboratory can be observed on the Figure 1.
Figure 1: The screen of link “Experiments” of the Non-
Destructive Laboratory site.
Before the realization of the on-line experiment,
the student needs to have knowledge about the
industrial automation system in study. This system,
projected and built in the Laboratory of Electronic
Instrumentation and Control (LIEC) of the Federal
University of Campina Grande, is constituted by the
following elements:
Test Platform: Set of galvanized iron tubes
interconnected, simulating a fluid transport
system. The flow and pressure sensors are
fixed in the tubes and the temperature
sensor is submerged in the fluid stored in
the tank (Figure 2, picture a).
PLC (Programmable Logic Controller):
Is a device responsible for technology
integration between sensors and computer.
The PLC chosen for the information
processing of this system was SIMATIC
S7-200 Micro PLC from Siemens (Figure
2, picture b). This Micro PLC is a reliable,
fast and flexible controller for basic
automation tasks. The PLC is constituted of
a CPU 226 and a set of optional expansion
modules such as AD converter module
EM235 – 4 analog inputs and 1 digital
output. In addition, there is a PC/PPI cable
that allows establishing the communication
between RS-232 serial port of the computer
with the S7-200 CPU (Siemens, 2000).
Computer: Device in which the PLC
programming will be realized by the
STEP7 Micro WIN software and the
monitoring of sensors using the HMI via
LabVIEW (Figure 2, picture c).
Figure 2: Industrial automation system in study. Picture a:
Experimental Test Platform; Picture b: S7-200 Siemens
PLC; Picture c: Computer with LabView.
As the main idea of the on-line experiment is the
monitoring of sensors. The main characteristics of
sensors are explained for a better understanding
about the interface exhibited in the hypertext. The
sensors used were:
The LM35 temperature sensor (Figure 3a)
is a precision sensor which has a low output
impedance and voltage linearly with the
temperature measured at the time (10mV
equals 1°C) (National Semiconductor,
The turbine flowmeter (Figure 3b), which
the frequency of pulses, generated due to
rotation of the propeller installed in the
direction of flow, is possible to measure the
speed the fluid. The sensor has a flow
transmitter to measure and a display panel
that supplies exact lectures in flow scale 3
to 38 LPM (FlowMeters.com LLC, 2003),
(Georg Fischer Signet LLC, 2011).
The pressure sensor type Strain Gauge
(Figure 3c), based on the principle of wire
resistance change. It has the pressure
variation proportional to the elastic
deformation, traction or compression,
subjected to the wire. The sensor offers
digital display in 9 pressure units: psi,
mmHg, Pol Hg, ft H
2O, MPa, KPa, kgf/c
e Bar (Ashcroft, 2006), (Wilson, 2003).
a) b) c)
Figure 3: a) LM35 temperature sensor; b) Flow sensor
(Signet, model: 8550-1); c) Pressure sensor (Ashcroft,
model: 2274 XAO).
To execute the experiment, the student accesses
the Internet at the time scheduled with the teacher
and logs into his account in the Non-Destructive
Laboratory site. At LIEC, the experimental test
platform is turned on and the HMI developed in
LabVIEW 2009 is opened in the matrix computer by
the teacher.
During the execution of the experiment, the
student clicks at the link “HMI Sensors” present in
“Experiments” to display the HMI in the Web
Server. If the student does not have this graphical
software or this version used, it is necessary to
install the plug-in LabVIEW Run-Time Engine in
his computer in accordance with the operational
system used. The plug-in download can be done in
the “Experiments” page.
When the monitoring is finished, the student
closes the browser tab, so that the control of the page
will be released another student, and views the
measurements at the link “Measured Values”. If he
wants to share another links, files or doubts
associated to the subject of the realized experiment,
the student writes in the dialog box present at the
link “Comments”.
The hypertext “Non-Destructive Laboratory” is still
in development phase. This page will be inserting in
the discipline of Electronic Instrumentation
Laboratory in the undergraduate degree in Electrical
Engineering from Federal University of Campina
Grande as e-learning. So that, the students learning
through contents is posed in the computer or Internet
and the teacher, use the Internet as means of
orientation, with intermediate classroom sessions.
The HMI presented in the site as shown in Figure
4 contains four frames: the frame at left hand side
refers to serial port configuration and the three
frames at the right hand side refer to the monitoring
of sensors, each one featuring a numeric indicator
associate the respective graphic.
Figure 4: The screen of the HMI developed at the link
“HMI Sensors”.
In addition, while the interface is running, it is
generated an n x 3 matrix, where the rows are the n
samples obtained and the 3 columns are the flow,
pressure and temperature measured, respectively.
The measurements, viewed at the link “Measured
Values”, can be used by students to make a further
analysis about experiment realized as shown in
Figure 5.
There are many advantages of deploying a
remote engineering laboratory in an educational
environment. Such a strategy provides a way to
provide more hands-on time for engineering students
in an efficient, flexible and cost effective manner. In
other words, since equipment can be used more
efficiently with a remote access strategy, fewer
instruments are required to serve the same number
of students. This is especially true for electrical
engineering departments that may have limited
access to laboratories and higher cost test equipment
in particular (Popescu and Odbert, 2011).
Figure 5: The screen of the link “Measured Values”.
In this paper are presented the advisability of using
technology tools for auxiliary the process of distance
learning, for example, a hypertext which simulates
(emulates) a virtual laboratory for realization of on-
line experiments. In this case, the use of HMI’s
connected with Web Server is a way to bring
electrical engineering students to the reality of the
labor market in industrial automation: explore the
phenomena in study, visualize expected outcomes
and search possible solutions.
Also, the flexibility of iteration between students
and teacher provided by technology tools establishes
a new dynamic of teaching. The students can better
organize your questions and subjects under study
and they have the initiative to find their answers.
The innovative use of technology applied to
education, and more specifically, the distance
education, must be supported by a philosophy of
learning which provides the students the opportunity
to interact, to develop joint projects, to recognize
and respect different cultures and to build
The authors would like to thank CNPq for financial
support and all of the members of the LIEC,
especially to Rômulo Omena, who significantly
contributed to the development of this project.
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Consonni, D. et al; “Applications of Virtual Instruments in
Electrical Engineering Education”, In International
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"Progress Through Partnership", June 2004, pp. 1075
– 1088.
FlowMeters.com LLC (2003). “Turbine Flowmeters”;
available from: <http://www.flowmeters.com/ufm/
index.cfm?task=turbine>; accessed March, 2010.
National Semiconductor (2000). “LM35 Precision
Centigrade Temperature Sensors”; available from:
<http://www.national.com/ds/LM/LM35.pdf >;
accessed September, 2010.
Popescu, D.; Odbert, B. “Advantages Of Remote Labs In
Engineering Education”, In Agilent Educator’s
Corner – Agilent Technologies, 2011.
Shapiro, A.; Niederhauser, D. (2002). “Cap 23: Learning
from hypertext: Research issues and findings”;
available from: <http://www.aect.org/edtech/ed1/23.
pdf>; accessed November, 2011.
Signet 8550-1 Flow Transmitter (Manual). Georg Fischer
Signet LLC, 2011.
SIMATIC S7-200 Programmable Controller. System
Manual (Second Edition). Siemens AG, 2000.
Tiernan, P. “Enhancing the learning experience of
undergraduate technology students with LabVIEW
software”, In Computers & Education – An
International Journal (ELSEVIER), July 2010, pp.
1579 – 1588.
Tinio, V. L. (2002). “ICT in Education”; available from:
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Wilson, Jon (2003). “Pressure Measurement: Principles
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