An Exergame using the Playstation Move Controller
Mauro F. M. Ferr
, Kelly O’Hara
and Frutuoso G. M. Silva
University of Beira Interior, Covilh
a, Portugal
Instituto de Telecomunicac¸
oes, University of Beira Interior, Covilh
a, Portugal
Gestural Interaction, Exergames, Move Motion Controller, Squash.
The exergames became very popular in last years because of the appearance of the motion controllers with
accelerometers but also because this type of games promotes the physical exercise.
Msquash is a 3D game that simulates a squash field where the player can play using the Move controller. The
game was developed with the objective to create an exergame using the Move motion controller and also to
compare the Move controller performance with Wii Remote. Thus the idea is providing a fun and engaging
experience for players while they do physical exercise also.
The Msquash game was developed using OGRE and OpenCV libraries with Playstation Move controller and
Playstation eye camera.
This paper presents a brief description of the Msquash game and some results based on tests performed with
users to evaluate the interaction method used and its gameplay.
In last years, the games consoles brought to players
several exergames (Hoysniemi, 2006) (Sinclair et al.,
2009), where Wii game console is a reference with
games like Wii Sports and Wii Fit (Wii, 2011). How-
ever, the other game consoles go in the same direction
with Playstation Move (Playstation Move, 2011) and
Microsoft Kinect (Kinect, 2011) controllers.
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) techniques
have evolved over the last years, which brought ben-
efits to the video game industry. The appearances
of motion controllers like the Wii Remote and the
Playstation Move are examples of this evolution.
These controllers allow the mapping of the player’s
gestures to the games, which is very useful and ex-
plored in several types of games. One type of video
games that benefits a lot from this evolution were the
exergames, i.e. video games that promote physical
exercise. As the name suggests, exergames are games
that motivate players to do exercise routines. They
usually require that the players perform movements,
in order to complete goals. They can also be consid-
ered Serious Games, since they use the video game
to achieve other goals than solely entertainment, i.e.
do physical exercise. For example, the Wii console is
used to augment the rehabilitation of an adolescent
with cerebral palsy (Deutsch et al., 2008).
Bailey and McInnis (Bailey and McInnis, 2011)
showed in their study that the players spend more en-
ergy in exergaming than when walking on a treadmill
at 4,8 kilometers per hour. All games used in their
study elevated energy expenditure to moderate or vig-
orous intensity. They claim that exergaming has the
potential to increase physical activity and may be a vi-
able alternative to traditional fitness activities for chil-
The exergames can have a positive effects on
health of the players, for that, this type of games
have been growing in last years and it will continue to
growing in next years. However, some of them have a
problem that can potentially can cause injury to play-
ers, because the movements of the players don’t have
an opposite force. For example, in a tennis game the
user uses a racket to play (e.g. using a Wii remote) but
it don’t have the opposite force created by the ball in
the racket. This is a problem for which current tech-
nology has no solution yet.
Several works has been developed trying to eval-
uate the virtual environments for games. Takamura
et al. (Takamura et al., 2006) showed that game con-
struction with high reality is attained by integrating
rigid body physics, haptic feedback and stereophonic
sound system. Bideau et al. (Bideau et al., 2003) show
F. M. Ferrão M., O’Hara K. and G. M. Silva F..
MSQUASH - An Exergame using the Playstation Move Controller.
DOI: 10.5220/0003916304800484
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP-2012), pages 480-484
ISBN: 978-989-8565-02-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Msquash - the two modes available.
that the virtual environment offered enough realism to
initiate natural gestures, i.e. that gestures did not dif-
fer between the real and virtual environment.
In this paper we describe the Msquash game that
is a new exergame that simulates a squash field where
the player can play using the Move controller. The
main idea was to develop an exergame using the Move
controller and compare the performance of the Move
controller and Wii Remote. Besides it allows us
evaluating the performance of the players during the
game because it produces a report with most impor-
tant events of the game for each player. This aspect is
important to analyze the performance of the players.
For example, in a recent work, Bideau et al. (Bideau
et al., 2010) used a motion capture system and a vir-
tual reality system to analyze also sports performance.
Msquash is an exergame that was created to study
the capabilities of this type of video games us-
ing the Playstation Move controller for user inter-
action. It was built using the 3D rendering en-
gine OGRE (OGRE 3D, 2001) plus the OpenCV li-
brary (Bradski, 2000) to make the tracking of the
Move command. The tracking process is based on
the color of the ball on the top of the Move command.
Currently, Msquash is composed by two modes of
game but only available for a single player yet. In
the first mode, called normal mode, the player has a
squash filed and uses the Move command to control
the racket. In the second mode, called target mode, as
the name indicates the player has to hit the target to
achieve the goal. Figure 1 shows the two modes of
the game that the player can select, in the beginning of
the game, by pressing one of the buttons of the Move
Figure 2: Msquash - normal and target modes.
command (i.e. the square or the triangle).
In the normal mode (see Figure 2 top) the player
makes points depending on the area where the ball
hits. This means that he/she achieves more points
when the ball hits between the two red lines in the
wall and achieves less points when the ball hits above
or below the area defined by two red lines. In the be-
ginning of the game the user also defines the number
of balls that want to play.
To make the game more attractive was also de-
fined a difficulty level. In this case was defined four
difficulty levels. The difficulty level is associated to
the dimension of the racket of the user. For exam-
ple, the level one corresponds to a larger racket that
in the levels two, three or four. Thus, the level four
corresponds to the smaller racket which make more
difficult to catch the ball. However the racket size
only changes for collision detection but its graphical
representation is maintained in all levels. This means
that the player needs more accuracy with the Move
controller for level four than for levels three, two or
one. For collision detection was developed a module
that calculates the ball interaction with the racket and
with the squash field. This module takes into account
the gravity force and the acceleration of the ball re-
trieved by the accelerometers of the Move controller.
During the game is created a report with several
kinds of informations, such as, the number of lost
MSQUASH - An Exergame using the Playstation Move Controller
balls, the areas where he/she lost the balls, the points
achieved, the time played per ball, the difficulty level,
etc.. This information is very useful to analyze the
player’s performance.
The target mode (see Figure 2 bottom) was devel-
oped to increase the challenge of the game. In this
case, a target appears randomly in the wall, and every
time the player hits it, it will appear in a new position.
The player makes points depending on the area where
the ball hits the target, of course that the center gives
more points than in boundary.
To evaluate the interaction method of the game
were realized tests with several players and were gen-
erated data about the players’ performance in the
game. The players also had to answer to a ques-
tionnaire, after playing the game, to obtain its opin-
ions about the game and about the interaction method
used. This questionnaire was created using Likert
scale (Likert, 1932) with five-levels. Thus, game’s
evaluation combines data from the player perfor-
mance with the questionnaire answered after playing
the game with the aim of collecting player’s opinion
about the game and its gameplay.
The tests was applied to 67 users, ages between
11 to 67 years (male = 45 and female = 22). The
sample was divided in three groups: group A - pupils
from a secondary school (32); group B - undergrad-
uate Sports Science students (23); and group C in-
cludes a wide range of people that wanted participate
in the tests (11). Note that the two main groups, A and
B, represent the target audience of this kind of games.
In tests was used two laptop computers, each one
with a Move controller and a Playstation Eye camera.
Note that the use of laptop computers in these tests
may be influenced the results due to the reduced sized
of screens. However these tests gave us the first feed-
back about the game and the interaction method used.
But we think that the user’s performance can be better
using a wide screen.
Figure 3 shows the two test sessions with two stu-
dents playing simultaneously as a way to improve the
competitiveness. The tests consisted of three sessions,
one initial of 5 minutes to training without points, and
then two sessions, one for each game mode, where
the player had available 15 balls per session. The
first session was created for the user’s adaptation. The
other two sessions were evaluated in terms of points
obtained, balls loosed, time of game, etc. After the
three sessions each player answered to the question-
naire giving their opinion about the game and its in-
teraction method.
The main positive aspects referred by users about
the game were the fact that it promotes the physical
exercise and also the interaction method used (i.e. the
Figure 3: Msquash - user tests with two main groups.
Move controller). On the other hand, the main nega-
tive aspects identified by users were some difficulty to
perceive the velocity/distance of the ball to the racket.
Based on feedback from users we can say that the
main objective of the game was obtained, although
still being a first version of the game for a single
player. The definition of a difficulty level had good
results in practice because the tests showed that users
obtain more points in first level than in other levels,
as we can see in Figure 4 (top) that presents the aver-
age points per difficulty level. Besides the difference
of points between levels is more significant in target
mode than in normal mode, as expected.
The tests showed also that the users maintain nor-
mally the ball in area above the two red lines. This
fact can be observed in Figure 4 (bottom) where is
showed the average of the points obtained for each
area of the field.
When comparing the performance of Move con-
troller in this game with Wii Remote controller, we
can say that in terms of accelerometers they are sim-
ilar. The main difference between both controllers is
the tracking method used for each one. In the case of
Move controller the tracking is based on image pro-
cessing captured from Playstation Eye camera. Our
tests showed that the tracking process is influenced by
the hardware characteristics, that means that the game
performance can be also influenced. For example, in
our tests the two laptops used were not equal and the
GRAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
Normal mode Target mode
Level 0 89,5 290
Level 1 61,03 152,2
Level 2 49,65 147,61
Level 3 32,5 37,5
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Normal mode 89,5 61,03 49,65 32,5
Target mode 290 152,2 147,61 37,5
Figure 4: Top - average points per mode and level of diffi-
culty. Bottom - average points per area in normal mode.
gameplay was not exactly the same.
We developed a 3D game using the Playstation Move
motion controller and Eye camera. The Msquash is an
exergame because it promotes the physical exercise
where the users’ gestures are used to manipulate the
racket (i.e. to play). Our game has the advantage to
give us a report for each user about its performance in
the game. Thus it is more easy evaluate the game and
at the same time develop new experiences.
The users tests showed us that in fact this type of
motion controllers is very efficient, and also that any-
one can use it independently of the age. Other in-
teresting result was that the hand, used to play, has
no influence on loose balls, i.e. the players lost balls
equally on the left and right side, independently of
the hand used to play. The level of difficulty created
for the game worked as expected, i.e., players’ scores
decrease when the difficulty level increases.
When comparing the results of the two main
groups, we seen that undergraduate students of Sports
achieved better scores than other pupils. All par-
ticipants considered that this kind of games can be
positive effects on health of the players. But only
the undergraduate students reported the problem of
the movements of the players don’t have an opposite
force, which can cause injury to players. In addition,
they mentioned a new problem that can arise for their
career. They think that exergaming can replace them
as physical trainers because the people can do the ex-
ercise alone at home.
In the future we want to extend the game for two
players, which is not a complicated task because the
Move controller can emit several colors, thus it is easy
to do the tracking for them. So, in this case each
player will have a different color and the screen will
be divided in two areas, one for each player. Other
idea for the future is develop a version of the game
using Kinect controller to evaluate the main advan-
tages and disadvantages when compared to the mo-
tion controllers with accelerometers. Besides will be
interesting make a study to evaluate the energy ex-
pended during the game, because the squash game is
considered an vigorous game.
To Instituto de Telecomunicac¸
oes (IT) for supporting
the necessary equipment for the development of this
project. Thanks to all users that participate in tests of
the game.
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GRAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications