Hans H¨uttel and Kurt Nørmark
Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University, Selma Lagerl¨ofs Vej 300, Aalborg, Denmark
Peer Assessment.
We describe experiments with a web-based system for peer assessment in a course on automata theory and
program semantics. The paper describes the web-based assessment system, and experiences from the first
round of use in 2011. We find a correlation between a high level of peer reviewing activity and a high grade
obtained at written exam.
In this paper we describe an experimental system
whose aim is to address some of the challenges that
we have found when giving undergraduate courses.
1.1 Challenges to University Teaching
The proportion of school leavers that enter higher ed-
ucation is steadily increasing, and this has led to the
emergence of a larger group of students with different
attitudes towards learning.
Biggs and Tang (Biggs and Tang, 2007) distin-
guish between the dedicated student –‘Susan’ and
the less dedicated student – ‘Robert’. ‘Susan’ is inter-
ested in her subject and what she learns is important
to her, while ‘Robert’ is not so interested in his sub-
ject, uses notably less effort and focuses on how to
be able to qualify for a job. Traditionally, university
teaching has focused exclusively on ‘Susan’; an im-
portant challenge has been to cater also to the needs
of Robert’ while keeping the focus on the needs of
the subject and of learning.
Observations suggests that whatever has been
taught in a programme tends to be forgotten by stu-
dents relatively soon. A survey by Anderson et al.
(Anderson et al., 1998) documents that a majority of
undergraduate-level mathematics were able to recall
only little or none of what was taught in their first-
year courses.
Our own experience is similar. We come across
students at masters level asking us for help because
they need to brush up their knowledge of central top-
ics from courses that they passed earlier.
Another challenge is that, because of the increas-
ing student intake, lecturers need to spend more time
evaluating students but will not have more resources
at their disposal.
Lauv˚as and Jakobsen (Lauv˚as and Jakobsen,
2002) point out both of these problems and argue that
it is due to the fact that ‘Robert’ will choose an instru-
mentalist approach to learning whose primary goal is
that of being able to pass the exam. ‘Robert’ will not
prepare for course sessions but tries to cram the mate-
rial during the last few days before the exam. This is
a hindrance to deep learning.
The challenge is then to teach such that some
‘Robert’ students will end up becoming ‘Susans’ and
in such a way that learning is improved, that deep
learning is encouraged and in such a way that the
teacher does not use more resources in this process.
1.2 Formative Evaluation through Peer
Peer assessment is a strategy that has received a great
deal attention over the past 15 years in the world of
education research. For a recent overview, see the
survey paper by Topping (Topping, 2009). It has of-
ten often been argued that peer assessment can im-
prove the reflective processes of learning, since stu-
dents through the assessment process will have to re-
flect on how their fellow students are approaching the
task of learning.
One often distinguishes between
summative evaluation, which is the assessment
whose aim is to determine if the learning goals
Hüttel H. and Nørmark K..
DOI: 10.5220/0003918401130118
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 113-118
ISBN: 978-989-8565-07-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
of a teaching activity have been reached, and
formative evaluation, which is the assessment
whose aim is to guide the students so they will
know how their learning is proceeding and what
they should do to improve it. It is through forma-
tive evaluation that reflection can happen.
Often summative evaluation will take the form of
a formal examination. On the other hand, formative
evaluation will be part of the learning process. One
can therefore seek to incorporatea notion of formative
evaluation as part of teaching activities, and this is
where peer assessment comes in.
The claims that Lauv˚as and Jakobsen make are
(Lauv˚as and Jakobsen, 2002): If formative evaluation
is thorough and if one insists that the students make a
substantial effort throughout the course, the students
will learn much more and will remember the material
much better and for a longer period of time. The exam
itself will become a different experience for students,
since they will be examined on the basis of material
with which they are already well acquainted and feel
that they master. Lauv˚as uses the analogy of athletes
that practice regularly and are told by their coach how
to improve their performance.
Lauv˚as and Maugesten have experimented with
methods for restructuring teaching via peer assess-
ment (Maugesten and Lauv˚as, 2004). The activities
have been laid out such that all students would explic-
itly need to adopt a ‘Susan’-style learning strategy.
1.3 Existing Solutions
There has already been a fair amount of work on au-
tomating the administrative aspect of the peer assess-
ment strategy.
Michael de Raadt has created a peer review mod-
ule (de Raadt, ) that can be used with Moodle (Moo-
dle, ). One limitation of this module is that peer
reviews take the form of a series of multiple-choice
questions for which boxes are to be ticked. Other
forms of assessment are not possible.
In a series of papers, Joy and Sitthiworachart have
focused on how to use web-based peer assessment to
assist deep learning in programming classes (Sitthi-
worachart and Joy, 2004; Ward et al., 2004). In this
work, they have among other things, focused on ask-
ing the students to comment on specific aspects of so-
lutions to programming exercises. Their results indi-
cate that web-based peer assessment can indeed assist
in the process of deep learning.
1.4 Our Setting
We have developed and used an experimental system
for peer assessment used in the course Syntax and Se-
mantics taught at our university. Our goal has been
to gain experience in how to increase student efforts
and improve learning through web-based methods for
peer assessment. We have based the design of our
system on previous, largely paper-based strategies for
peer assessment.
From 2004 to 2007, the first author has experimented
with methods of peer assessment in another theory
course on computability and complexity theory.
A questionnaire-based survey has shown that, in
the past, a student would spend only 30 minutes
preparing for a course session. While peer assess-
ment dramatically increased student efforts, the solu-
tion was entirely paper-based and this required a sig-
nificant effort of all involved. The incentive for stu-
dents was that the participating students would have a
reduced syllabus at the oral exam.
The assessment expected of students involved that
of reviewing the solutions to textbook-style problems
solved by their fellow students. Here, the problem
turned out to be one of greatly varying levels of un-
derstanding: students that had difficulting solving a
problem were often unable to provide meaningful re-
views. Quite often, our conversations with students
during commenting sessions revealed that the student
had not read the relevant pages of the course textbook.
Finally, some ‘Robert’-students very consistently
handed in ‘non-solutions’ in which they simply wrote
that they could not solve the problems that had been
stated. These same students would also write very
brief reviews of solutions. As they had handed in so-
lutions and participated in the commenting process
and thereby followed the formal procedures, it was
hard to argue that they should not have a reduced
exam syllabus even if they had done little actual work.
The course Syntax and Semantics is found at the
4th semester of the undergraduate programmes in
Computer Science and in Software Technology. The
course covers formal language theory and program-
ming language theory.
The course consists of 15 4-hour sessions, divided
into 15 practical sessions of 2 hours each and a 90
minute lecture. At the same semester, there were three
other courses of 3 ECTS each and an 18 ECTS stu-
dent project. As the students collaborate on projects
in groups of 5 to 7 students and are assigned a group
room, it is common practice for them to also work on
course practicals in these project groups.
For the Computer Science students, the exam in
Syntax and Semantics is a 3-hour written exam. Stu-
dents following the Software Technology programme
did not participate in the written exam. These stu-
dent had the course assessed as part of their semester
project which involves several other topics not related
to the course syllabus.
The course consisted of a variety of teaching activi-
ties, includes lectures and problem solving. However,
in this section we concentrate on the new develop-
ment, namely the approach that we have followed for
peer assessment, and how it led to the design of our
system. First, the overall approach to questioning, an-
swering, and reviewing is described. This includes the
means of incentives provided by the approach. Next,
the workflow of a single session - called an answering
session - is explained.
4.1 The Peer Assessment Approach
Our peer assessment strategy has been based on the
following principles.
Students should read the course text and reflect on
its content, so the peer assessment exercises asked
a series of questions directly related to the text.
Each student who answers the question becomes a
reviewer of another student. The student reviewer
should as their peer amend and correct the an-
swers to the text-related questions instead of try-
ing to figure out how the answer is incorrect.
Students should be encouraged to participate. The
incentive was that their answers to text questions
would be available for them to use at the written
exam. No other textual aids would be allowed at
the exam. The collection of answers was kept in
the form of a portfolio for each student. The exam
questions were the same for all students, regard-
less of their participation in peer assessment or
lack thereof.
Students should use L
X for their answers to
text-related questions, as this is a system that they
are familiar with is well-suited for technical writ-
ing. A further advantage has been that the web-
based implementation could easily handle the text
files used by L
X. To this end, the students
would be supplied with a standard preamble that
they must use.
Some examples of text-related questions (trans-
lated from Danish) can be found in Figure 1.
(From the session about regular expressions) Let
R be a regular expression. Is it always the case
that the regular expression R ε denotes the same
language as R? If the answer is yes, then explain
why. If the answer is no, then providea counterex-
(From the session about scope rules described us-
ing structural operational semantics) Here is a
big-step transition rule. Explain which kind of
scope rules are captured by this particular transi-
tion rule.
, env
hS, stoi sto
, env
p, stoi sto
where env
p = (S, env
Figure 1: Examples of text-related questions used (trans-
lated from Danish).
4.2 The Workflow of an Answering
Each of the 15 answering sessions of the course had
the following workflow:
1. After the lecture, the teacher would publish a
X file Doc
with questions about the associ-
ated part of the text to the course webpage.
2. No later than by the morning of the session, at
deadline d
, the student would then answer the
questions found in Doc
and hand the answers in
the form of Doc
, an amended version of Doc
3. Just after the deadline d
the Doc
files would be
distributed among the participating students for
commeting and reviewing. Each reviewer com-
piles Doc
, read it and amend/modify the answers.
This would then lead to a new version of the L
file, Doc
4. The students would finally get back Doc
and be
able to obtain it and either use it as their own fi-
nal version or revert to the one that they originally
wrote. The final outcome of the session is then
a file Doc
which is added to the portfolio of the
This workflow is summarized in Figure 2.
Figure 2: The workflow supported by the system, showing the documents that flow between the teacher, author, and reviewer
together with the deadlines that apply.
4.3 The Implementation
The role of the system was to support the workflow
described above, and make it possible to manage the
portfolio of each student in an easy manner.
The system allows each student to log into a sta-
tus page for each lecture in the course (with use of a
valid username and password). Until the given dead-
line d
the status page allows upload of the L
X file
. After the deadline the system appoints a re-
viewer for each student that has submitted a Doc
the current round of questions. The allocation of re-
viewers is done by computing a permutation of the
students that have submitted a Doc
for this session.
If possible, the permutation is formed in such a way
that the reviewer assigned to a given student is in an-
other project group than that of the original author.
With the reviewers appointed, the status page of
the student S is augmented with information about
the reviewer of S, R(S), and the student that will be
reviewed by S. In addition, R(S) gets access to the
material he or she is supposed to review via his or her
status page together with a new deadline d
. When a
revised Doc
is submitted by R(S), the original author
S receives an email from the system, and the review is
made available at the status page for S. If or when a
review is received, S can submit a final version Doc
which allows S to elaborate the original contribution
and/or the changes made by the reviewer R(S).
The contributionto the portfolio of student S in the
current round becomes Doc
if it exists, else Doc
if it
exists, else Doc
if it exists, else the empty document.
The system provides the course teacher with an
overview page, in terms of a table that shows the sta-
tus of all students for every answering session so far.
The teacher can activate the appointment of reviewers
(construction of the permutation mentioned above)
from the overview page. In addition, the teacher
has access to the status page of each student via the
overview page, and the individual L
X documents
submitted by authors and reviewers.
At any point in time, it is possible for a student
to construct an aggregated portfolio of answers to all
questions. Behind the scenes the web system pro-
cesses a L
X file, which is aggregated by the rele-
vant pieces submitted by the author and the reviewers
of the author. If there are problems with the process-
ing (due to errors in the L
X document), the student
is supposed to deal with these via the L
X log file,
which also is made available.
The administrative system setup was mainly done
programmatically, via Lisp text files. The system
needs information about all participating students
(full name, email address, encrypted password, and
group number id). In addition, the system needs in-
formation about deadlines for each lecture, as illus-
trated in Figure 2). The system relies on a list of all
deadlines (relative to Figure 2). The other dead-
lines are calculated by use of fixed offsets. In a future
version of the system it will be attractive to have a
web-interface to both student administration and the
temporal setup of deadlines.
The current system is implemented (by the second
author) in R5RS Scheme (Kelsey et al., 1998) with
use of LAML (Nørmark, 2005) for CGI programming
purposes. Administrative data are stored in files - one
file per student per answering session.
In this section we assess the experiences that we have
had using the system in our teaching.
No answer at all 136
Only first answer 413
First answer and review 213
First and second answer, no review 67
First answer, review, and second answer 164
Only second answer 27
Total 1020
Figure 3: Distribution of the answering sessions.
5.1 A Quantitative Analysis
We have performed a quantitative analysis of data by
using the information in the implemented web system
juxtaposed with grades obtained by the students that
attended the written exam. 68 students participated in
15 rounds of answering questions, leading to a total
of 1020 answering sessions each of which follows the
workflow shown in Figure 2. Figure 3 shows a classi-
fication of the 1020 potential answering sessions.
Of the 68 students, 26 were Computer Science
students, and as such they participated in the written
exam, where they got a grade from the Danish 7-step
Figure 4 lists the number of answers (rang-
ing from 0 to 15) and the corresponding number of
students who submitted that particular number of an-
swers. In addition, we show the list of grades obtained
by the computer science students who were required
take the exam. Thus, for instance, 15 students sub-
mitted 14 answers, and among these, 6 participated in
the exam where they obtained the grades -3, -3, 4, 4,
7, and 10, respectively. One immediately notices that
the majority of the students, who attended the writ-
ten exam, submitted answers in almost all of the 15
rounds. This is less pronounced for software students,
who did not participate in the exam.
The activity of each student can be measured in
terms of the number of answers provided in total (0
.. 15), or more fine-grained, using the total number of
answers (0, 1, or 2) and reviews (0 or 1) submitted for
each answering session.
On the other hand, Figure 3 reveals that as many
as 57 % of the answers provided were not followed
by a review. This indicates that the aspect of peer as-
sessment was not seen by the students as a necessary
component of the teaching activity.
5.2 A Qualitative Analysis
By using the system and interacting with the students,
we have made some observations of a more qualita-
The Danish 7-step grading scale is compatible with the
ECTS scale: 12 = A, 10 = B, 7 = C, 4 = D, 02 = E, 00 = Fx,
-3 = F. The grade 02 is the lowest passing grade.
Number of
Number of
List of grades obtained
(Computer Science
students only)
0 1 00
1 0 none
2 1 none
3 0 none
4 0 none
5 1 none
6 0 none
7 3 00
8 1 none
9 2 none
10 2 4
11 3 7
12 4 none
13 3 none
14 15 -3 -3 4 4 7 10
15 32 00 00 02 4 4 4 7 7 7 7 7
10 10 10 10 12
Figure 4: Exam results.
tive nature.
Unfortunately, it turned out that again, some stu-
dents spent more effort trying to circumvent the sys-
tem than in engaging in the learning process. As al-
ready noticed, some students uploaded answers but
did not comment on the answers provided by oth-
ers. This caused a considerable amount of frustra-
tion. Moreover, a couple of students discovered that
the implementation accidentally allowed them to sub-
mit Doc
without submitting Doc
. (This is the cause
of the row ‘Only second answer’ in Figure 3). This
meant that they could avoid the first deadline and also
manage to avoid being involved in the commenting
Other evidence suggests that students were not al-
ways careful in producing their answers. Before the
exam, all portfolios were generated and compiled by
the system. In some cases, the students had system-
atically modified the standard preamble, making it in-
compatible with the script for generating portfolios.
In several other cases, the L
X system was unable
to generate a portfolio due to simple L
X errors that
suggest that the author had never bothered to compile
the L
X file before submitting it.
It turned out that strict adherence to all deadlines
was difficult to accomplish. Illness and other unfore-
seen circumstances led to introduction of a period of
time, where students could submit missing contribu-
tions. It turned out that 8% of all contributions were
received during that period. 92% of the contributions
were received on schedule, relative to the deadlines of
the answering sessions.
In feedback from some of the students it is pointed
out that the many deadlines that had to be met, were
a considerable burden. The work hereby enforced on
the students took time and efforts away from other
courses, and from the group project. In addition, it
was pointed out that the students wanted to be able to
revise their contributions, even after the last deadline
of an answering sessions. All taken together, it is the
impression of the students thatthe approach taken was
We have described a web-based system for peer as-
sessment. Our analysis of the exam results indicate
that there is a statistically significant correlation be-
tween activity in the course and the result obtained at
the examination.
The connection between coursework and the exam
that follows is a powerful incentive for the students
to answer the questions and to aggregate a portfolio
that helps them during the exam. On the other hand,
the fact that more than half of the answers submitted
were not reviewed indicate that an important aspect
of the approach, namely that of peer assessment, did
not work out as planned. In order to improve the mo-
tivation for participating in the peer review work, we
consider to change the rules in the next round of use.
Our suggestion is is that a student can only have a
set of answers to text questions added to the portfolio
if the student has also submitted a review within the
same session.
Developing the administrative aspect of our sys-
tem is a topic of further work. Our system was sim-
ple in that respect; unforeseen events at student level
were dealt with on an ad hoc basis. More importantly,
the submitted files were never checked for L
X er-
rors. In a future version of the system, the day-to-
day administrative tasks and L
X issues should be
supported directly by the web-based system. An ap-
proach to this is to integrate our ideas into an exist-
ing web-based system for handling teaching activi-
ties. As Aalborg University is currently in the process
of switching its web-based course administration in-
terface to Moodle (Moodle, ), the ideas of our system
will be integrated into a plugin for Moodle.
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