A Socio-technical Model of Trust
Sónia C. Sousa
, David Lamas
and Paulo Dias
Universidade do Minho, Campus Gualtar, Braga, Portugal
Tallinn University, Narva mnt 25, 10125 Tallinn, Estonia
Trust, Socio-technical Environments, Social Interactions, Learning Online.
The main goal of this paper is to present and validate a socio-technical model of trust. This model aims to
depict the implications of trust on moderating learners online interactions.
This work main motivation is focused on design ways to promote a stronger acceptance sense of community
among learners, by giving emphasis to a more active learning through collaboration and social construction
This model aims to eventually provide the means to detect potential trust violations within an online relation-
ship, helping educators to move towards practices of reconciliation. This socio-technical trust model takes
into account individuals trust predispositions and other five trust attributes and establishes their role on build-
ing relationships, and in developing underlying attitudes, behaviours and beliefs of an learning community.
This paper starts by providing a contextualization on this research background and rationale, that leads to a
the design of the preliminary exploratory model of model of trust, describes it validation procedure by setting
results of a survey procedure.
Present times are changing our learning patterns and
those changes demands for new capabilities. This
changes represent a shift of approaches towards learn-
ing, sharing, participating and socializing. What we
saw in the beginning of the Internet era as a relevant
feature, i.e. the Internet capability for be a reposi-
tory of information and data is not longer enough, to-
day we face the new era the social web era. Where
communication is no longer just a merely information
process, and no longer occurs in spaces where usually
its members could remain relatively strangers This in-
creasing availability of user-generated content mech-
anisms and the growth of social networking services
changed society, because it allows a supplemental
form of communication, for support a variety of social
an professional goals and activities. This increased
the tendency for socialization in virtual spaces, as a
consequence new challenges and new capabilities are
emerging. People can easily become a prosumer or
can send or post opinions and messages, or can so-
cialize and create virtual social links with others, or
even can learn at a distance. This new capabilities
allow people to easily relate and interact at a dis-
tance with each other and enables new possibilities
for people with a wide range of backgrounds and with
a broad spectrum of experiences communicate and
share knowledge. What make this excellent spaces for
learning. But in order to do that we must improve our
social skills because these spaces imply that people
are willing to share, a need for seek information, and
imply as well a human capability to detect patterns or
opportunities for learning. This is the ground flour-
ishing for collaboration. All this demands for new
methods, methods formed upon shared commitments,
responsibilities, goals, loyalties. Suggests as well the
need for renew the notions that addresses the existing
duality between the human need for participate, share
and learn and their social experiences and the reuni-
fication of those experiences in such social dispersed
virtual spaces(Lave and Wenger, 1990). Is this what
motivates and supports this research efforts. We con-
sider participation as an important key for ensuring
the success this socio-technical learning spaces. We
believe that participation emerges from the individu-
als, the collective and their social situations. Scenar-
ios where trust plays foremost an important role as
C. Sousa S., Lamas D. and Dias P..
DOI: 10.5220/0003919102580264
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 258-264
ISBN: 978-989-8565-07-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
trust represents a key aspect in forming a relation and
is as well a key element to ensure that social action oc-
curs (Weber and Carter, 2003). This research aims to
understand how trust can be a prominent factor in bal-
ancing and fostering individuals participation in such
Due to the complex and dynamic nature of this re-
search settings, this research is build on an ongoing
actions research approach, which contemplates fours
distinct research stages. This research points towards
the need for: (1) contemplate the trust role in support-
ing interactions; and (2) in balancing and fostering
individual’s participation in online learning scenarios.
During phase one we decided to understand the prob-
lem and its context by identifying what is trust and
understanding how e-learning communities are devel-
oped in online distance contexts. Phase two of this
research contemplates the empirical approach to the
problem, it implementation and result analysis and re-
flection. The adopted strategy in this second phase
includes a mixed approach, which explores above ad-
dressed problem in context. More specifically it ad-
dressed two main steps: First, work towards propos-
ing a conceptual model that relates trust with learners’
predisposition interact online. Second, work towards
the design of an empirical approach which aimed to
reflect, evaluate and provide an analysis to the prob-
lem addressed above. This was due to exploring in-
dividual’s trust predisposition and other five trust at-
tributes (proposed in the conceptual model, see figure
1) and establishes their role on building relations, and
underlying attitudes, behaviours and beliefs of an ed-
ucation community.
This section, explores the theoretical underpinnings
of the structure of the constructs being measure.
It firstly addresses trust notions and then discusses
and describes relevant trust notions associations with
learning online contexts. The multidisciplinary nature
of trust provides several approaches and discussions
on what trust is and what it represents in terms of sus-
tain and support individuals’ social actions. Trust as-
sumes an important role in modern societies. Trust
can be a key factor either in influence people’s confi-
dence in a system; either in influencing the the lack of
or the success of a interpersonal relationship online
(Weber and Carter, 2003). Trust supports and sus-
tain social actions(Coleman, 1988) (Gambetta, 1998)
(Luhmann, 2000). Trust reflects the believe on each
other actions, after considering the risks involved,
even when we cannot control each other actions. Such
beliefs and moral choices shaped our perception of a
situation as "trustworthy" or not (O’Hara, 2009). It
takes into account that other’s actions will not vio-
late the moral standards of the relationship (Weber
and Carter, 2003) (Gambetta, 1998). As well can
influences (positively or not) our behaviors and atti-
tudes. Influencing for example their predisposition
to relate, cooperate, share and participate in a given
context. From a learning perspective, the increased
omnipresence of social network services and commu-
nities makes the learning process no longer seen as a
passive activity. Internet became a hub of socializa-
tion what transformed learning process. Transformed
as well the way we relate and socialize. This changes
are influenced by the perceptions of trust in this vir-
tual environments. Again, online learning driven con-
text implies a degree of self-learning, and a need to
be more prepared to participate in the learning pro-
cess by sharing, interacting, collaborate and cooper-
ate. But this socio-technical tools and services pro-
vided for learning can be perceived differently from
situation to situation and this tools and services or
learning process can no longer assume the participa-
tion is for granted, if not this can lead communities
initiatives empty and dissent. Learning must emerges
from interactions between individuals and their net-
works; between individuals and their social situa-
tion; between individuals and their physical activities
(learning instructions and media artifacts) (Swan and
Shea, 2005). In that context people learn by share
opinions, values, norms, beliefs and language. People
work together (provide collaborative actions), which
results in transference of knowledge and way of do-
ing things (Lave and Wenger, 1990) (Mishra, 1996)
(Preece and Shneiderman, 2009) (Brown, 2000). As
a consequence of this differences on personal per-
ceptions more emphasis needs to be addressed to the
course design, planning and learners guidance (Wil-
son et al., 2006) (Attwell, 2007). But we believe that
more focus should remain in attain learners needs,
rather than only on the content. Inflexible learning
scenarios could block learners from experimenting,
be creative and could lead to frustration, preventing
them to be motivated to learn. Individual and col-
lective interactions are sustained and fostered by me-
dia affordances (social media tools and social net-
work tools and services) and peoples’ social behav-
iors (providing supportive actions in those learning
spaces) (Swan and Shea, 2005). Efforts should be
addressed towards assessing what motivates people
to participate in; and what contribute to collaborative
learning processes. We should focus on understand
learners’ attitudes towards new technologies; and mo-
tivation toward learning. Emphasizing in providing
opportunities to reflect on student’s effective learning
achievements through participation. As well as pro-
viding efforts to support sustain student’s motivation
for learning, avoiding as well feelings of frustration,
confusion that could lead to poor performance. Tech-
nology enhanced Learning is highly consistent with
the ability to reach out to students throughout using
technologies, as well as in promoting a strong sense of
community among learners, with emphasis on active
learning through collaboration and social construction
of understanding (Rovai, 2002). Trust in this con-
text is developed to maintained and support individ-
ual’s beliefs in the credibility of a determined situ-
ation. Trust represents a key element to assure the
success of that relationship. Is a fundamental condi-
tions for stable concerted actions, influencing individ-
ual’s active participation; and cooperation (Coleman,
1988)(Fukuyama, 1995) (Weber and Carter, 2003)
This section addresses and provides a proposed socio-
technical model of trust. The socio-technical model
of trust herein proposed is the result of an initial re-
search effort to understand the trust-interconnection
with people’s predisposition to beliefs on human na-
ture. As well as understand the trust-interconnection
other’s ability to be competent, predictable, benevo-
lent, transparent and reliable. As a mean or results of
facilitating and influencing interactions and as an in-
dicator of people’s confidence degree towards a par-
ticular relationship and towards their predisposition
to relate online (Sousa et al., 2011). This research ef-
forts focused specially on exploring trust aspects that
eventually could affects the capabilities of individuals
to share and interact online, and included:
The elicitation of main multidisciplinary notions
and trust concepts;
The identification of trust notions and effects that
are related with online patterns and student’s atti-
tudes towards openness and sharing; and
The identification of main components of a com-
munity driven learning environment.
One of the outcomes of this research effort was
the socio-technical model of trust, (see figure 1), a
cyclic model that takes into consideration individ-
ual trust predisposition and the attributes of trust and
its role on: (1) building relationships; as well as on
(2) the underlying attitudes, behaviours and beliefs.
Reciprocity signs, those related to the presumption
Intentions to
Trust Predisposition
Figure 1: A socio-technical model of trust.
of whether he or she is trusted. the truster feels more
motivate (i.e. more disposed to trust) if think the
trustee trust him. (Bacharach et al., 2007) (Constan-
tine, 2006) (McKnight and Chervany, 2002)
Competency signs, characterized by the confi-
dence that all parts involved will act in a compe-
tently and dutifully way. Observed through peo-
ple’s online identities (background professional and
personal paths ideas, and achievements) (Giddens,
1991)(Gambetta, 1998) (Constantine, 2006)
Benevolence signs, declaration of good inten-
tions. ’kindness’ raises trustworthiness, but that it
does so only in the presence of perceived confidence.
People’s expectation on the human nature, resulting
in attitudes of caring about the benefits of others.
(Preece, 2001) (Bacharach et al., 2007)
Predictability signs, perceiving others’ intentions
in a given context, signs of interface stability, user
control, and the match between expectations and
performance. Depends on the level and capacity
of perceiving others’ intentions in a given context.
(Bacharach et al., 2007) (Constantine, 2006) (McK-
night and Chervany, 2002)
Honesty signs, is a open person. As predictability,
honesty is a belief that depends on perceiving nature
of the intentions of others. (Bacharach et al., 2007)
(Kramer, 1999) (Weber and Carter, 2003)
Further the intrinsic attribute is the individual’s
predisposition to trust, represented by his or her in-
clination to depend on another in some way, with a
felling of relative security (Bacharach et al., 2007)
(Weber and Carter, 2003). Thus, in this model’s con-
text, trust is perceived as the result of the combina-
tion of its explicit and implicit attributes. Trust is
then a key feature on predicting the individual’s in-
tentions to relate, those perceived through their atti-
tudes, behaviors and believes towards a determinate
situation; which potentially determines how he or she
establishes her or his relations.
In order to validate and refined previous proposed
trust attributes and it influence on individuals predis-
positions to relate in online contexts, a survey was de-
signed. This survey procedure was designed to iden-
tify individuals underlying attitudes, behaviours and
beliefs when build a online relationship.
Participants. This survey that was randomly con-
ducted on 480 individuals, from which three-hundred
and forty individuals were consider for analysis.
Eighty nine (89) of those 340 participants, were from
Cape Verde and two-hundred and fifty on (251) were
from Portugal. From those fifty-three percent (53.2%)
where male and forty-six percent (46.8%) where fe-
male. All participants work on education contexts and
from those forty-six percent (46.5%) where higher ed-
ucation students, forty-one percent (41.2 %) where
teachers of various levels of instruction, the remain-
ing twelve percent (12.3%) had other educate related
Procedure. This survey was conducted using a
online open-source questionnaire questionnaire tool
called Limesurvey. Most of quantitative data collected
in this survey used the means of likert scale of im-
portance, ranging from very important, important, no
opinion to not important. Survey remaining qualita-
tive data included open question that aimed to provide
additional thoughts or contributions important to be
mentioned. Overall this survey accounted for forty-
two questions and was divided in two main parts.
First part regarded, demographic and background data
questions addressing questions like: place of liv-
ing, age, gender, occupation, participants perceived
level o Internet social interaction and perceived use-
fulness of a sort of social related activities in the In-
ternet; and Second part regarded, trust related asser-
tions — on individuals’ trust expectation when inter-
act online with friends, family and work fellows; to
completely open relations like individuals’ trust ex-
pectation when interact online with a teacher or a stu-
dent, an acquaintances or a strangers. Second part
was constructed based on three main questions, see
table 1. Those question assessed individuals’ expec-
tations when interact online. Using the social, shar-
ing and commitment dimension of a relationship that
occurs in an online e-learning scenario. This survey,
Table 1: Questions addressed in the survey.
Code Questions
[Q1] What make someone trust in
a online person
[Q2] What is the important feature
for be willing to share online
[Q3] What is the important condition
for being willing to communicate online
second part was constructed toking into consideration
the trust predisposition implicit attribute as well and
the other ve explicit attributes of trust described in
the socio-technical model of trust. The nature of the
relationship that occurs online was addressed by six
relationship types, described in table 2. Those type
of online social relations ranged between more close
and intimate relations to open. This is to cross the
Table 2: Nature of the relationship.
Code Nature of online relationships
[FR] friends;
[FM] family;
[W F] work fellows;
[T S] teacher or student;
[AQ] acquaintances; and
[SR] strangers.
nature of the relationship (the social dimension) with
trust related assertions. Survey second part included
a total of 36 questions. In this part we use above three
question and repeated them to assert people’s trust to-
wards different relationship nature, see figure 2. The
Figure 2: Survey design second part.
survey collection procedure was followed by a facto-
rial analysis. Results gather from this analysis will be
addressed below.
Results from this principal components analysis vali-
dates proposed a socio-technical conceptual model of
Trust that relates trust with learners? predisposition
interact online. This principal component analysis
aimed to detect structure in the relationships between
variables.This resulted in four component rotated ma-
trix (with kaiser normalization method). This analysis
was made for each question, see table 1, and included
all relationship natures, see table 2. Further we will
analysis the results with more detail regarding results
on each of the questions.
What make Someone Trust in a Particular Person
Online. This questions analysis contributed for the
validation of trust attributes addressed by the socio-
technical Model of Trust, which regards the nature of
trust in influencing online relations. Main orientations
assume a social tendency...
to expect that working fellows or friends will act
in a friendly way;
to trust that all parts (Strangers and Family) will
act in as expected;
to assume a common related social presumptions
(a social way of doing things) on acquaintance or
family members attitudes; and
to expect that strangers will behave as predicted
(assuming existing social values in the relation-
In detail, the new trust sociability attribute 1, ad-
dresses the importance of trust related relationship at-
tributes like respect, honesty, reliability, empathy and
sympathy. This is a result of items with primary lodg-
ings over .5. The factor loading matrix for final solu-
tion is presented in table 3.
New Trust sociability attribute 2, addresses the
importance of trust related relationship attributes like
reliability, respect, be known, shared history and iden-
tity, be kind and be friendly.
New trust sociability attribute 3, addresses the
importance of trust related relationship attributes like
reciprocity, and benevolence in a form of sympathy,
emphatic feelings and reliability.
New trust sociability attribute 4, addresses the
importance of trust related relationship attributes like
reliability, honesty, respectability, shared interests,
sympathy, be a known person.
What is the most Important Feature for Be Willing
to Share Information Online. This questions anal-
ysis contributed for the development of a trust new
Table 3: Factor loadings and commonalities based on prin-
cipal Component Analysis.
Nature of the relationship WF FR
Respect me .703 .75
Have honourable intentions .732 .577
Be a reliable .69 .697
Shared history and identity .673 .613
Be a known person .705 .606
Sympathy, be a friendly person .649 .603
Nature of the relationship (SR) (FM)
Be a reliable .846 .496
Sympathy, be a friendly .641
Respect me .578 .809
Have honorable intentions .543 .803
Be a known person .433 .751
Shared history and identity .74
Nature of the relationship AQ FM
Respect me .795
Shared history and identity .791 .499
Sympathy, be a friendly .783 .456
Be a reliable friend .779
Have honorable intentions .736
Be a known person .682
Nature of the relationship SR
Be a reliable .899
Have honorable intentions .888
Respect me .876
Shared history and identity .863
Sympathy, be a friendly .837
Be a known person .754
attributes, on the nature of people’s sharing orienta-
tion in e-learning contexts. Main orientations assume
a tendency to assume on truthful nature of the shar-
ing interaction with acquaintances, working fellows,
friends, family; to expect that their shared information
and that somehow their digital identity is not threaten
in some manner when share with strangers; and to be-
lief that all parts (students or teacher) will act in as
expected. A tendency to belief that the nature of the
sharing relation is not threaten in some manner when
sharing information with teacher or with students. In
detail, the trust sharing orientation 1, address at-
tributes like honesty, respect, transparency, empathy
and reliability.
Trust sharing orientation 2, address attributes
like reliability, predisposition to share, honesty, re-
spect, transparency and empathy.
Trust sharing orientation 3, address attributes
like transparency, honesty, respect, empathy, reliabil-
ity and predisposition to share.
Trust sharing orientation 4, address attributes
like predisposition to share, empathy and reliability.
What makes an Important Condition for Commu-
nicate Online. This question analysis contributed
for the development of a trust new attributes, on the
nature of interpersonal activities in a relationship.
Table 4: Factor loadings and commonalities based on prin-
cipal Component Analysis).
Nature of the relationship AQ WF FR FM
Honesty .788 .714 .699 .619
Mutual respect .775 .703 .708 .535
Transparency .755 .677 .637 .623
Empathy .726 .506 .549
Be a reliable source .637 .598 .632
Nature of the relationship SR
Be a reliable source .899
Willingness to share .897
Honesty .885
Mutual respect .88
Transparency .87
Empathy .856
Nature of the relationship ST
Transparency .793
Honesty .791
Mutual respect .737
Empathy .736
Be a reliable source .707
Willingness to share .618
Nature of the relationship FM WF AQ FR
Willingness to share .866 .77 .599 . 627
Empathy .648
Be a reliable source .524
Main orientations assume a tendency to be willing to
develop interpersonal activities online based ona need
for support from others; a need to share similar inter-
ests in all relationship dimensions; a need to predict if
the relationship will occur in secure and trustful ex-
change environments; and a need for develop trust
bound with those we relate online. In detail,Trust In-
terpersonal activities 1, address attributes like hon-
esty, transparency, receive support, secureness and
share common interests.
Trust Interpersonal activities 2, address at-
tributes like secureness and share common inter-
ests, honesty, transparency, receive support and pre-
Trust Interpersonal activities 3, address at-
tributes like honesty, transparency, felling of secure-
ness, receive support, share similar interests and be
able to predict.
Trust Interpersonal activities 4, address at-
tributes like be able to predict, share similar interests.
The analysis showed that all five trust attributes (see
figure 1) were statistically relevant for supporting and
sustain a online relationship and commitments. Al-
though some of the attributes addressed in the socio-
technical model of trust dependent most of the nature
of the relation, e.g. an online trustful relation with
a friend, family or working fellow is diferent from
Table 5: Factor loadings and commonalities based on prin-
cipal Component Analysis.
Nature of the relationship (FR) (AQ) (WF) (FM)
Honest behaviour .803 .786 .696 .595
Transparent actions .698 .765 .676 .498
Receive support .69 .712 .668 .511
Feel secure .689 .71 .597 .506
Share similar interests .552 .512 .622
Nature of the relationship (SR)
Feel secure .902
Share similar interests .885
Honest behaviour .884
Transparent actions .878
Receive support .847
Predictability .842
Nature of the relationship ST
Honest behaviour .837
Transparent actions .835
Feel secure .828
Receive support .761
Share similar interests .735
Predictability .537
Nature of the relationship FM WF FR AQ
Predictability .866 .796 .639 .522
Share similar interests .653
establishing a relationship between a teacher or stu-
dent, or even a family relative. Mostly because the
trust believes are situation dependent, it varies from
situation to situation. Also, regarding the question of
trusting someone online, the signs of respect and hon-
orability, reliability are important. As well as sym-
pathy, known person and share some common aims
and identities. When we analysis the online shar-
ing orientations, it is noted that becomes important to
foster the honesty signs, reciprocity (mutual respect)
and benevolence (emphatic feelings). As well as re-
liability of the sharing context and sharing commit-
ment.Same regards, with the condition for commu-
nicate online. Honesty signs, felling secure, Trans-
parent actions or reciprocity signs are important at-
tributes. Another important condition mentioned is
support and predictability. This work major contribu-
tions are the intersection of areas such as trust and
the predisposition to relate online, to share and be
involved in social interpersonal exchanges situations
and activities. Achieved results enable us to support
and establish a potential interconnection of a sort of
explicit and implicit trust attributes and predisposi-
tions to relate online. Those perceived through their
individual’s or group’s assumptions through attitudes,
behaviors and beliefs towards their predisposition to
interact with others or with a specific online learning
artifact. As well affecting somehow the predisposi-
tion to participate and share in those mediums. This
works conclusions lead to the believe that trust is in-
deed a prominent factor in balancing and fostering the
individuals participation in online learning scenarios.
But, without a strategic driven analysis, and without
considering it appropriate factors, with it’s suitable
combinations of situation and time, is difficult to pro-
ceed in a deep and further analysis in how those fac-
tors can support different learning and working life
contexts. This leads to future work proposal on the
need of more clear and deeper understanding of trust
and it’s implications on people’s online learning rela-
tions. Also, stress a need for a clear understand this
trust elements as a key factor for today’s human social
development. This notion could possible be not only
serve as a benefit for each individual, but also, indi-
cate an important element for structured groups or a
community and a society. Further aim is then observe
this intersection between trust and peoples’ efforts to
interact online through time and within a specific on-
line learning situation.
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