Thomas Pellegrini
, Wang Ling
, Andr´e Silva
, Rui Correia
, Isabel Trancoso
Jorge Baptista
and Nuno Mamede
Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores - Investigac¸˜ao e Desenvolvimento, Lisbon, Portugal
Instituto Superior T´ecnico, Lisbon, Portugal
Language Technologies Institute, Carneggie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, U.S.A.
Universidade do Algarve, Faro, Portugal
CALL, Portuguese, Vocabulary Acquisition, Listening Comprehension, Serious Games, Broadcast News.
In this paper, we give an overview of our research in Computer-Assisted Language Learning for European Por-
tuguese, to show how our long-time experience in spoken language processing allowed to propose multimedia
documents as learning material. Beside a reading activity module that provides learners with individualized
readings from a digital libray, Web-based serious game were introduced to cover aspects of listening, reading,
and writing skills. One fundamental aspect of all our tools remains in the fully-automatic generation of the
curriculum. This is very valuable for teachers, saving them time in search for motivating materials of appro-
priate quality, level and topic. A Web portal was recently created to make all our tools publicly available at
Our research in Computer-Assisted Language Learn-
ing (CALL) started in 2009 in the context of a joint re-
search program between Portuguese universities and
the Carneggie Mellon University. The first effort was
to port to Portuguese the vocabulary learning tutoring
system developedat the Language TechnologiesInsti-
tute (LTI) for English
. The system initially focused
on vocabulary learning by presenting to students read-
ing material with target vocabulary words in context
(Heilman et al., 2006).
Once the text-based reading activity system was
adapted, new functionalities were included, in par-
ticular Text-To-Speech (TTS) features, rich transcrip-
tions provided by our automatic speech recognition
(ASR) engine and its post-processing modules, and
Machine Translation (MT) within a game. The basic
idea was to benefit from our long-time experience in
spoken language processing to enhance the features
of the system.
European Portuguese (EP) L2 learners often state
that their listening skills cannot cope with sponta-
neous speech. In fact, one well-known character-
http://reap.cs.cmu.edu, (last visited in February 2012)
istic of EP that distinguishes it from Brazilian Por-
tuguese in particular, is the strong use of vowel re-
duction and simplification of consonantal clusters,
both within words and across word boundaries (Cruz-
Ferreira, 2009). Hence, the practice of listening com-
prehension appeared to be a very important feature
to explore. With the growing interest in using seri-
ous games to motivate learners (Sørensen and Meyer,
2007), we decided to develop some games to be in-
cluded in the platform.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2
presents related work with some examples of CALL
interfaces and games. Section 3 describes the main
vocabulary learning platform. The introduction of
multimedia documents, in particular broadcast news
shows, is explained in Section 4, with the description
of a BN browsing tool and vocabulary perception se-
rious games. Finally, complementary serious games
are presented in Section 5.
Our CALL system is centered in Multimedia and In-
ternet, resulting from the shift to globalization, where
Pellegrini T., Ling W., Silva A., Correia R., Trancoso I., Baptista J. and Mamede N..
DOI: 10.5220/0003921505380543
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (SGoCSL-2012), pages 538-543
ISBN: 978-989-8565-07-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the teachers turn into facilitators instead of being the
source of knowledge, and the students should inter-
pret and organize the information given in an active
way. A number of recent projects have taken similar
approaches to provide language learners with authen-
tic texts. WERTi (Meurers et al., 2010) is an intel-
ligent automatic workbook that uses texts from the
Web to increase knowledge of English grammatical
forms and functions. READ-X (Miltsakaki, 2009)
is a tool for finding texts at specified reading levels
that also performs a classification per area of interest.
TAGARELA (Bailey and Meurers, 2008) is an intelli-
gent computer-assisted language learning system that
provides opportunities to practice reading, listening
and writing skills.
Beside the use of texts to develop reading skills,
multimedia documents, and videos in particular, are
a priviledged medium to practice listening compre-
hension and vocabulary acquisition. Secules et al.
(Secules et al., 1992) showed how listening compre-
hension skills improve when using video-based con-
tents on French students. In (Brett, 1995), the au-
thor showed that authentic video materials with sub-
titles can increase the students’ motivation to engage
in these types of tasks.
Recently, games have gained strong interest in the
CALL community to support L2 acquisition. These
games are referred to as serious games, being charac-
terized by an educational goal supported by entertain-
ment features (Sørensen and Meyer, 2007). Combin-
ing recent multimedia curriculum and serious games
may render the tools more appealing and learning ef-
At first login to the reading activity module, the stu-
dent is given a pre-test, in which the interface shows
a target word list extracted from the Portuguese Aca-
demic Word List (P-AWL) (Baptista et al., 2010), and
they are asked to choose the ones they know, in or-
der to assign one of the 12 school levels. The current
version of P-AWL contains the inflections of about
2K different lemmas, totaling 33.3K words. Tar-
get words are assigned to each student according to
their estimated level. Students may also define which
topics they are interested in. Student-specific target
word lists and preferred topics render the system more
student-adapted. Different students will have differ-
ent interactions with the system.
The main reading activity component of the Web
platform, which was also the first developed compo-
nent, provides the students with real texts, which were
automatically retrieved from the Web. The main doc-
ument repository is the ClueWeb09 corpus. This is
a collection of over 1 billion Web pages (5 TB com-
pressed, 25 TB uncompressed), created by LTI
. This
corpus contains texts in 10 different languages (such
as Arabic, English, Portuguese or Spanish), compiled
for research on speech and language technology. In
the specific case of the Portuguese section of this cor-
pus, it includes more than 37.5 million pages, all re-
trieved in 2009. This subset of documents (about 160
GB compressed) constitutes the corpus currently be-
ing used in our project. The average document size is
3,000 characters.
At each access to the individual reading activ-
ity platform, a list of ve texts is presented. A
search module is responsible for retrieving from the
Web-based corpus the texts satisfying particular ped-
agogical constraints such as readability level and text
length, and containing words from the target list that
students should learn. It is also responsible for match-
ing these documents with the student preferences in
terms of topic. This filtering stage is a very valuable
tool for teachers, saving them time in search for mo-
tivating materials of appropriate quality, readability
and topic.
The list of topics includes ten labels, such as Econ-
omy, Education, Health, Politics, Sports, etc. We use
the same topic indexer as the one used in our broad-
cast news processing pipeline (Amaral et al., 2007).
A topic likelihood is compared to the corresponding
non-topic likelihood, and given a threshold that was
estimated for each topic, a classification decision is
taken. With this method, several topic labels may
be assigned to a single text. Concerning the read-
ability level, Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are
used to estimate the grade level of the texts with lex-
ical features as input, such as statistics of word uni-
grams (Marujo et al., 2009).
During a reading session, the target words are
highlighted in the texts and the student can search
for the meaning of the words by clicking on them or
by using the search field of the system. The read-
ing session is followed by a series of multiple-choice
definition questions and cloze (fill-in-the-blank) sen-
tences about the words that were highlighted These
exercises are automatically generated based on a set
of 6k sentences that were selected and adapted by lin-
guists (Correia et al., 2010).
http://boston.lti.cs.cmu.edu/Data/clueweb09 (last vis-
ited in December 2010)
Our first effort to propose multimedia documents con-
sisted of including a set of audio books. Nevertheless,
the number of books we included was limited due to
author copyright restrictions. An alternativewas to in-
troduce broadcast news (BN) videos. A large repos-
itory of BN shows has been daily stored and auto-
matically transcribed since 2009. BN material allows
to provide the learners with very recent curriculum,
with a wide choice of short stories on different top-
ics and with the added value of videos. Another early
initiative consisted of integrating our real-time Text-
To-Speech engine in the reading activity module de-
scribed in the previous section. The reader may select
words from the text to listen to a synthesized audio
So far, we developed two components that use BN
shows: a listening/reading activity page, and several
vocabulary perception games providing isolated sen-
tences extracted from BN shows.
4.1 Enriched Broadcast News Videos
The BN videos need to be automatically segmented,
transcribed and indexed in order to prepare and se-
lect relevant excerpts. The processing pipeline con-
sists of removing the jingles that usually start and
end the news shows, segmenting the audio stream
into single-speaker homogeneous speech segments,
and transcribing the segments automatically with our
in-house automatic speech recognition (ASR) sys-
tem (Neto et al., 2008). Further modules are then ap-
plied to include punctuation, capitalization, and mul-
tiple topic labels. The topic classifier is the same tool
as the one used with the Web texts of the reading ac-
tivity component described in Section 3.
The output of the BN pipeline is comprised of sto-
ries with about 300 words each on average. A filter is
applied to automatically estimate the readability level
of the stories, from grade 5 to grade 12, with the same
classifier as the one described in Section 3. It was
found that the language level of the stories span over
the 7
and the 11
grades, with an average corre-
sponding to the 8
grade (Lopes et al., 2010). After
the processing pipelineand the levelclassification, the
filtered stories are displayed on a single Web page,
showing the video excerpts with their automatic tran-
4.2 Vocabulary Perception Serious
As mentioned in the introduction, EP listening per-
ception skills are hard to master for L2 learners. At-
tempting to combine the rich diversity of our BN
repository with the motivating aspects of games, we
developed “vocabulary perception games. In these
games, the learner is asked to listen to an utterance us-
ing only audio or along with a video clip, and then the
sentence should be reconstructed by choosing words
from lists containing the correct words and some dis-
tractors. Our main objective was to give realistic
speech for the learners to get used to the sounds and
the pronunciation of native speakers. Figure 1 shows
one of the game interfaces.
All the exercises are generated in a fully-
automatic way. A filtering is needed to discard sen-
tences with probably misrecognized words. A se-
quence of ve filters was designed to select the sen-
tences: sentence length smaller than 10 words, high
ASR confidence measures, syntactic completeness (at
least one verb and one common name), large signal-
to-noise ratio, descending pitch slope in the sentence
boundaries (neutral declaratives). Finally, the distrac-
tors are also automatically generated, with two com-
plementary techniques, either based on the confusion
networks produced by the recognizer, or on phonetic
distances (Pellegrini et al., 2011).
In (Correia et al., 2011), the best features for the
games were explored by submitting a set of 18 ex-
ercises ending with a questionnaire to EP L2 speak-
ers with various proficiency levels. Preference was
given to: video in all the exercises, recent content and
preferably anchor speech. A search feature was also
proposed, allowing the player to search for a phrase
into the BN repository. This feature was also appre-
ciated, but some search suggestions should be pro-
vided. A karaoke feature was well appreciated, allow-
ing the user to watch the video with the corresponding
transcription while the words are being highlighted as
they are spoken. Finally, slowing down the speech
rate was a feature used by the subjects with the lowest
5.1 Vocabulary Learning Game
Lexical Mahjong proposes a set of exercises where
the student has to establish a correspondence between
a lemma and a definition. The list of target words
Figure 1: Tick interface of the vocabulary perception game.
came from P-AWL (Baptista et al., 2010) and the def-
initions are taken from the Infop´edia
. A set of filters
selects the definitions: (1) definitions containing cog-
nates of the target word are discarded, since they are
an obvious cue to the student; (2) only definitions of
more than one word (to avoid similarities with syn-
onyms’ exercises) and less than 150 words (to avoid
very long definitions) are considered; (3) characters
that hinder the understanding of a given definition are
removed (e.g. numbering of definitions, semicolon,
cardinal, etc.); (4) the learning level of the words in
the definition must be equal to or less than the level of
the exercise and that of the target word it corresponds
to (Lopes et al., 2010).
Definitions were also classified according to their
difficulty level. Three levels were considered: begin-
ners, intermediate and advanced. As the system is
student-oriented, the word-definition pairs are chosen
according to the student profile, taking into considera-
tion: (i) the student’s level, influencing the number of
word-definition pairs that are presented to the student;
it also determines the difficulty level of the defini-
tions presented; (ii) the student’s history, determining
which words are presented to the student, by showing
words that the student probably does not know yet.
The Lexical Mahjong exercises already require
some knowledge of Portuguese as they call upon more
advanced language contents. Due to the difficulties in
gathering a test group with these features, evaluation
of the game was conducted on a group of Portuguese
native speakers in the 3rd and 4th grade (Group 1),
who, in spite of their knowledge of Portuguese as
mother language, still have limited vocabulary. The
same test was also performed with a control group,
comprised of native speakers with at least a college
degree (Group 2). Thus, 45 subjects performed this
exercise, 18 in Group 1 and 31 in Group 2. Each
http://www.infopedia.pt (last visited in December
player was given three sets of words from each dif-
ficulty level. More than 77% of the users found the
system easy to use, while only 39% needed to use the
“Help” button. Group 2 obtained better results, with
a performance of 84.0% (standard deviation = 6.6%),
while the users from Group 1 made more errors and
just attained a performance of 54.0% (sd=12.4%).
The error rate progression for each exercise showed
that in both groups the more difficult the exercises,
the more mistakes the players do. This result seems
to confirm the adequacy of the strategy here followed
for distinguishing the level of the definitions from the
dictionary entry of each target word. It may also con-
tribute to devise automatic assessment strategies for
second language learners.
5.2 Verbs and Spatial Prepositions 3D
orico is a serious game which aims at
teaching the verbs and prepositions used to describe
the spatial relation of objects. Exercises are solved
in a game environment making use of a 3D scenario
in order to further capture the student’s interest. The
Unity 3D game engine
, was chosen to implement the
game (Ribeiro et al., 2010).
In the game, the player controls an avatar through
first-person perspective mainly. The scenario consists
of an office composed of 5 different rooms, and in
each room there are several exercises to be completed.
The exercises consist in asking the student to move an
object in the scenario to new positions with the use
of the mouse, according to a given instruction. For
example: Coloque o objecto A em cima do objecto B
(Put the object A on top of the object B). Answers
given by the students are automatically evaluated by
our game (Silva et al., 2011).
When the player does not position an object in the
right place, the game describes the action that was
made and the one that should have been made. Fig-
ure 2 shows an example of informative feedback to
explain to the player that he wrongly positioned the
pen over the table and over the notepad instead of in-
side the pencil holder. Hence, the students may also
learn from their mistakes by reading spatial verbs and
prepositions that may be different from the ones used
in the exercise instructions.
A first evaluation of the game was conducted. A
total of 14 students from the Portuguese as Second
Language (PSL) course of the University of Algarve
played with the application and answered a survey. In
terms of the interaction with the game moving ob-
http://unity3d.com/ (last visited in November 2011)
Figure 2: Screen shot of the 3D pictorial game. The player
is asked to complete actions involving spatial verbs and
jects and controlling the avatar –, those who stated
that the control of the avatar was easy, were also
those who had less trouble moving objects around,
and vice-versa. It appeared that learning how to play
the game was not at all considered by most students
as a barrier in their learning experience. The survey
also asked the students to estimate how much they
had learned. Their answers were very encouraging.
25% stated that they might have learned more with the
game than with a traditional class, while 75% stated
they might have learned the same. In general, students
were satisfied (50%) or very satisfied (25%) with the
5.3 Translation Game
This competitive language translation game aims at
improving students vocabulary and writing skills. An
automated agent is employed as an opponent in or-
der to improve the user’s motivation and maintain the
user focused. The game can currently be played with
the language pairs English-French, English-Chinese,
and Portuguese-Chinese, but it can easily be adapted
to other language pairs for which one has a parallel
corpus and an MT engine.
The exercises were created by processing the
BTEC and DIALOG test corpus from the IWSLT
2010 evaluation. The Portuguese-Chinese language
exercises were built by using the DIALOG English-
Chinese dataset. A subset was manually translated
from English to Portuguese since the corpus does not
provide Portuguese-Chinese sentence pairs directly.
The game only allows a single translation, selected
among a set of manually created references. The
agent’s actions are based on the output of a statisti-
cal machine translation system. The agent has a rep-
resentation of its current state, and a Markov process
that determines how that state evolves for each action
the agent or the player can perform. This resembles
the process used in chess playing agents, where the
agent has to think multiple moves ahead to determine
Figure 3: Screen shot of the translation game.
the next action.
Each game is composed by a number of rounds.
In each round the system presents a sentence in
the source language (typically, the user’s native lan-
guage), and the corresponding sentence in the target
language with a number of hidden words (or charac-
ters, in the Chinese case), marked with an empty un-
derlined space. Players take turns to guess the words
that are hidden, proposing only one word at each turn.
Players are rewarded 20 points when they get the right
answer and penalized 5 points when they propose a
wrong answer. In each round, the hardest word to find
is marked in yellow, which is worth 40 points. Finally,
the player who guesses the last word completing the
sentence receives an additional 30 points.
Figure 3 shows a screen shot of this translation
game where the sentence “Que queres dizer?” is to be
translated into Mandarin. The target sentence shows
words in green (answered by the student) and in red
(answered by the agent). The bonus word has a yel-
low background.
An evaluation that was performed with 20 Por-
tuguese learners of Mandarin suggested that the sub-
jects were more focused and motivated when playing
against the agent rather than playing alone. Further-
more, the majority of students said that the system
helped them learn Mandarin and would like to use it
in the future. The system has a web-based implemen-
tation and is easily accessible by language learners.
In this paper, we presented our CALL plat-
form, publicly available at http://call.l2f.inesc-
id.pt/reap.public. The first developed tool was an in-
dividual reading activity module that gives access to a
very large Web text corpus (about 37 million pages),
presented according to automatically estimated read-
ability levels and inferred topic labels. One of the
most innovative aspects of our platform remains in
the use of our speech and natural language processing
technologies to propose real-life multimedia docu-
ments as learning material. ASR and subsequent pro-
cessing modules are used to propose broadcast news
videos together with enriched transcriptions. TTS is
used to allow the learners to listen to any text seg-
ment of interest. Finally, our serious games comple-
ment the reading component: a vocabulary perception
game, a vocabulary learning game, a game to learn
spatial verbs and prepositions, and a translation game.
Hence, the platform covers three of the four major
skills: listening, reading, and writing skills. Cur-
rent research effort is devoted to further enhance our
tools with pronunciation aid modules to also cover the
speaking skill.
Evaluations were carried out with EP L2 learners.
These evaluations mainly concerned the features of
the modules and the games, in order to help choosing
the best ones. The user interest and satisfaction were
also evaluated, and very positive feedback was given
in general.
Further evaluations of learner performance are
needed to establish whether our modules and games
are conducive to actual learning. In particular, pre-
and post-tests are envisaged to study the impact of
our tools on the user’s learning experience. Further-
more, future work will include the testing of new fea-
tures in our modules and games, such as a synthesized
voice with control on the co-articulation effects and
the speech rate.
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