Systematization of the Experience
María Frenanda Aldana Vargas, Gerardo Rey Arévalo and Inéride Álvarez Suescún
Center of Research and Education Training [CIFE], The Andes University, Street 18 A # 0-19 Bogotá D.C.,Colombia
Keywords: Interaction, Educational Technology Design, Blended Learning.
Abstract: In this paper the authors present the results of an ongoing process of systematization of the experience of the
construction of blended learning mode in a postgraduate program at the Andes University. In this process
the authors tried to solve how the process of construction and implementation of a blended learning mode in
the design of a postgraduate courses program? In order to answer this question, we defined three principal
categories, based on the systematizer team’s participation in this experience, as well as on its trajectory in
the incorporation of IT in educational processes. These categories are: Interaction, Technopedagogical
Design and Blended Mode.
Below is the systematization of the experience of
creating blended learning mode, a master's program,
accompanied from the Laboratory of Computer
Research and Development and Education [LIDIE],
belonging to the Centre for Educational Research
and Training [CIFE] of the Universidad de los
The central question was to systematize how did
the process of construction and implementation of a
Blended learning method in the design of the
courses of a graduate program? To answer this
question, we defined three main categories, which
would allow us to identify those aspects that can
contribute to the construction of a methodology for
the design of programs in this mode. Interaction,
Educational technology design and Blended learning
We understood it, as the process by which an
educational community, in this case those involved
in the teaching-learning process of the graduate
program, build relationships and knowledge from
the sharing of understandings, paradigms, models
and other ways of knowing (Scardamalia & Bereiter,
2003 cited by Osorio, 2008). This definition includes
the interaction generated between teachers and
students, between the monitors and students and,
finally, the ones that took place among students.
2.1 Interaction between Teachers and
This type of interaction met three main functions,
first, to support the process of appropriation of
theoretical concepts in the subjects treated by the
students, the second type, of organization, which
aims to maintain the clarity of the activities in each
courses, and finally, we present the interactions of
social and / or motivational, which were designed to
engage students with activities in the courses
(Barbera, Badia & Mominó, 2004, cited by Osorio,
The type of interaction between teachers and
students who fulfills the function of supporting the
conceptual appropriation process is complemented
by the principles of Onrubia (2005) referred to the
"joint activity", for which the learning process,
especially in the virtual learning environments,
occur due to the interplay of three fundamental
elements: the student mental activity, the content (or
learning materials) and the teacher. In this triad of
elements -help set-, the constant and significant
accompaniment from the teacher to learning
activities of students, -joint activity- is a key element
Fernanda Aldana Vargas M., Rey Arévalo G. and Álvarez Suescún I..
DOI: 10.5220/0003922201700174
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 170-174
ISBN: 978-989-8565-07-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
to facilitate student learning.
2.1.1 Factors that Enable the Joint Activity
Among the aspects that allowed the joint activity it
was possible to establish the position of some
teachers as facilitators of the learning process, was
crucial to create an environment that allowed
students to lay the foundation for knowledge
sharing, discussion and reinterpret them in learning
that were building in the course of graduate school.
During the course accompanying the program,
from the interaction of students with reading and
concepts that they had, a vacuum was present by the
inexperience of them on the issues and their
complexity. These gaps were trenching through
meetings with teachers, in this way, the readings met
the first level of conceptual appropriation, and
thereafter, with a first level of understanding in the
classroom sessions and even some virtual spaces,
interaction with teachers allowed the understanding
of the concepts that were unclear. Thus, the joint
activity (Onrubia, 2005) allowed teachers to
strengthen student learning, through fulfilling the
role of conceptual facilitators.
As seen, when a teacher assumes a position of
conceptual facilitator opens the door to initiate a
fundamental process that was highly valued by
students on several occasions in this program: the
possibility of linking the theoretical with the daily
life facilitated the understanding of the concepts
explained in face to face meetings, in the reference
materials such as texts, videos and sound files. This
linkage was enriched further more when teachers
were able to link aspects of professional
experiences from students. This fact allowed a
further commitment to the implementation of
planned activities, giving the students the possibility
of applying direct the learning acquired in the
courses, to their professional practices.
Another factor that facilitated students'
conceptual appropriation was timely feedback
provided by some teachers of the virtual activities.
Thanks to feedback from the work, tests, reading
tests and discussions, the students found
opportunities to recognize their faults and,
especially, to identify ways to improve their
performance in the course content.
2.1.2 Factors that Hinder the Joint Activity
Delayed feedback of learning activities, the absence
of some teachers in virtual spaces and the lack of
communication channels between teachers and
students, a high workload and the failure of some
students were other aspects that also limited the
student’s performance and their learning processes.
2.1.3 Organizational Interaction
The organizational interactions between teachers and
students, "designed to maintain the clarity of the
activities and shared understanding of those who
develop" (Barbera, Badia & Mominó, 2004, cited by
Osorio, 2008), were presented permanently in the
different face to face and virtual spaces of the
courses of the program, mainly, this type of
relationship was oriented in the first meetings of the
courses to present the programs, evaluation criteria
and ways of proceeding during the duration of the
Despite the presentation of programs and
evaluation criteria at the beginning of the courses,
we found that in some, the rules were not entirely
clear, this fact highlights the need for constant
communication between teachers, instructors and
students that allows specifying the objectives of the
activities, criteria for evaluating them and the rules
to deliver the work.
2.1.4 Social Interaction and Motivational
It was found that they took place in both face to face
and virtual spaces, but it was in the classroom spaces
in which they occurred to a greater extent. In this
context, teachers permanently motivated student
participation and managed to get their attention.
With regard to virtual spaces, social and
motivational interactions were aimed at getting
students to commit to the core activities of the
2.2 Interaction between Students
The first type of interaction between students
presented in the program was organizational, this
was directed to establish agreements between groups
of students to coordinate actions of consultation of
literature, drafting of documents and, sometimes, to
guide other students in the individual tasks. This
type of interaction, although it was present
sometimes at face to face sessions, was particularly
evident in the virtual spaces made for group work or
solving logistical difficulties. Through this kind of
tools offered in the virtual classroom courses,
students were able to communicate with their peers
to achieve different objectives.
The second type of interaction between students
evidenced was the one mediated by collaborative
work. These interactions were oriented to get
students got common goals in which dialogue,
confrontation of academic or professional ideas and
experiences were shared to generate learning
through virtual forums, open to all courses in online
forums or the ones that were only to group
discussions held in face to face moments from work
done in the weeks of independent work and virtual.
Interactions aimed at achieving a collaborative work,
were evident mostly in face to face sessions.
In the understanding of the construction, dynamics
and implementation of courses in blended learning
mode, is essential to recognize as central line, the
educational treatment linked to the use of
information and communication technology (ICT) to
enhance the teaching and learning. This demand led
us to recognize a category also called for Onrubia
Educational Technology Design (Diseño
tecnopedagógico) (2005) "inter-activity and
technological potential."
The initial definition of this category, is based on
the distinction offered by Javier Onrubia in his
article Learning and teaching in virtual
environments: joint activity, learning support and
knowledge construction (2005), - understood as the
potential restrictions or derived from two converging
factors, instructional design and technological
resources of the virtual environment. According to
the above, we address this category from the
following subcategories: Instructional design,
characteristics of the materials, and distance between
design and use as a category that can recognize
contingent factors that arise in the implementation of
a blended experience.
3.1 Instructional Design (Design of the
3.1.1 Pedagogical Principles
An analysis of the characteristics of the activities,
leads us to recognize some components that we
named as principles that define the intent of the
activities. This analysis is performed from the
paradigm of situated cognition, which is part of the
"premise that knowledge is located, is part and
parcel of the activity, context and culture that
developed and used" (Diaz Barriga 2003, p.3),
which leads us to identify the following principles:
Learning with others.
Learning from student activity or learning by
Learning from authentic activities. The data
analysis led us to identify three conditions that
are associated with this principle: (a)
Recognize the student's individual process, (b)
Recognize the context and meaning as a
means of new information, and (c) Teacher
Facilitator learning.
3.1.2 Types of Strategies and Techniques
The pedagogical principles are visible in the
strategies and techniques used by the teacher to
promote learning, in line with this, it is assumed the
teaching strategy as those "... procedures that the
teacher or teaching agent use in a flexible, adaptive,
and reflective self-regulated to promote the
achievement of meaningful learning in students
"(Diaz Barriga, 2003, p.8). Every strategy and
technique, according with it´s orientation, may be
established to more than one type of pedagogical
Table 1: Pedagogical principles and pedagogical
Learning with others
Work in small groups.
Conceptual forums.
General discussions.
Learning from student
activity or learning by
Case Studies.
Analysis of problems.
Conceptual forums.
Case Studies.
Formative assessment
the context
meaning as
a means of
Problem analysis. Projects.
(c) Teacher
as a
Problem analysis. Projects.
Traditional class supported
by various materials and
linked to other strategies.
Conceptual forums.
* Considered as evaluation techniques for learning.
It is possible to affirm that the following strategies
found are characteristic of meaningful learning, ie,
those "... focused on experiential learning and
situated, that focus on the construction of knowledge
in real contexts, in the development of reflective
skills, critical and the higher-level thinking and
participation in authentic social practices of the
community "(Diaz Barriga, 2003, p.8). The table
below shows the strategies and techniques found in
the teaching and learning experiences generated.
3.2 Use and Guidance of Technology
Analyze the principles, strategies and teaching
techniques used, required to describe the use and
direction of technological tools to support their
development in virtual spaces, in this way is to
recognize the contribution of virtual media such
3.2.1 Integration between Virtual and Face
to Face Spaces
It is possible to identify three main types of
relationship-level, subject preparation and
development issues.
About the leveling we identified orientations
focused in two aspects: initiate a course through
participation in discussion forums and prior
knowledge to clarify which raised challenges to be
solved with the help of a tutorial.
As regards the preparation of the subject is
possible to recognize: individual preparation based
on previous readings, accompanied at times of jobs
that should advance the student as essays, reviews
and concept maps. Review of videos that lead to
discussion forums. Chats and Forums, that although
not explicitly articulated to the physical, they helped
to prepare a dip in the treatment of the subject, by
the students. Input tests in which the student
received information about their performance.
Preparation of the topic in small groups, through
activities that focus on applied studies, exercises and
workshops that were presented at the sessions.
The performances of the students are analyzed
by teachers previously to face to face meetings,
which gives useful information to consider possible
adjustments to classroom activities.
The development of issues has been exclusively
through discussion forums: collaborative activities,
based on the exchange of experiences and
knowledge. The exchange
potentiated by forums it´s
enriching given the diversity of experiences and
knowledge; is possible to say that the use of
asynchronous communication tools powers a
characteristic of teaching-learning process.
3.2.2 Educational Purpose
Another aspect to consider in understanding the
contribution of technological tools, is the
educational purpose that leads them. The following
table summarizes the findings of the cohort
Table 2: Pedagogical uses of ILT
Educational aid Activity Tool
Concept mapping for
the understanding of
communication for
the development of
joint activities
between participants
Skype and chat
between students and
teacher in deferred
time for analysis and
discussion of issues
Portfolio to monitor
the process of student
Areas of work
on the platform
(Black board).
Information about
knowledge and
practices of students
Online surveys
or links to the
Reading control,
online surveys and
perception surveys,
input and output tests
Synchronic tutorials
to small groups
Tutorial for exercising
and strengthening of
basic skills
Provision of
Videos and recordings
used to introduce or to
delve into topics.
Delivery of progress
on individual and
group work including
teacher feedback on
Areas of work
on the platform
(Black board).
The importance of the teacher's role as an enhancer
of student learning through their continuous support
and sustained learning activities, confirms then the
Onrubia´s (2005) proposal on the centrality of the
role of teachers in the process of helping set through
joint activity.
The factors such as the role of teacher as a
conceptual facilitator, linking theoretical concepts
with everyday life, the inclusion of students with
professional knowledge in the explanation of the
theoretical and timely feedback are key elements to
facilitate learning in such environments.
The interaction between students is a way to
enhance their learning, but this interaction must be
framed within meaningful activities for them. When
this happens, it raises the possibility that peer
knowledge sharing, generated significant discussion
and succeeds in building useful knowledge to apply
in a given professional context.
Moreover, in the category of Educational
Technology Design emerged great importance for
the orientation of learning environments that
integrate virtual and face to face. The analysis of this
category shows that in these types of environment,
the issue is essentially pedagogical questions to be
addressed early in the design of this type of
experience should be focused on the purpose of
learning and ways to reach them.
The need to address the design of the
environment from an integrated scope that links
pedagogical principles, strategies and techniques, the
use of technological tools.
Alternatives are evident on the integration
between virtual and spaces, so that learning can be
enhanced from both kinds of space, so show the
courses analyzed in this study, where the virtuality
had different emphases: leveling very heterogeneous
group, preparation of new issues by students and
thematic development of the course.
While careful design is essential, not in itself is
the guarantee of the effectiveness of planned
environment, a closer look on the implementation of
the courses, we showed the diversity of factors that
must be addressed throughout the course: the
appropriation of technology by the user, which
means recognizing the conditions for using the tools,
the precise handling of the information demanded by
virtual spaces, the importance of tracking changes in
these types of spaces.
A central contribution of this study was to
recognize alternatives to absorb, in a blended
learning mode, a pedagogical approach that part of
the active role of students and reflective capacity,
and the feasibility to mobilize significant learning,
applied to the contexts of performance of trainees.
We understand the blended learning modality as
one in which there is a link between real and virtual
environments, with the aim of harnessing the
potential of each to promote quality learning. This
interaction involves thinking about how to address
the dimensions "space, time, fidelity of the
experience and human interaction" (Graham, 2006).
It is the purpose of a blended mode on strengthening
teaching experience from the strategies of
interaction, active learning and student centered. In
line with this, the characteristics of a blended
learning environment provide a flexible approach to
teaching and learning more personalized experience.
It is not possible to speak of blended mode in a
unified way; different levels of coverage depending
on their purpose either facilitate, enhance or
transform the learning experience (Graham, 2006).
This intentionality is linked to conditions that shape
the institutional culture.
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