The Interface for Searching and Visualizing Videos based on Feelings of
Distance and Direction
Takeru Yoshihara
Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University, 5322 Endo, Fujisawa, 252-8520, Kanagawa, Japan
Michiaki Yasumura
Faculty of Enviroment and Information Studies, Keio University, 5322 Endo, Fujisawa, 252-8520, Kanagawa, Japan
Keywords: Video, Feeling of Distance, Feeling of Direction, Ubiquitous Computing.
Abstract: In consequence of the progress of globalization in information technology, all information have been
uniformized without any attention to the place the contents were made. For example, we search for videos
and watch them in the same way on PC, even if some of them were made in our home cities, while others
were made abroad. Therefore, users can not feel the background of the contents, and they can not realize
essence of contents. In this research, we developed CQ Submarine which is the system for searching videos
based on feelings of distance and direction. In this system, users set the distance and direction from
themselves, then they can watch the videos which were made in the area where users set. This searching
process allow users to have imagination, aspiration, amazement, and discovery about that area. We also
made a demo of CQ Submarine at an exhibition on travel applications that was held in Tokyo in 2011, and
got a lot of feed backs from initial users.
As a result of the progress of globalization in
information technology, a variety of video data have
been possible for us to get. Some people enjoy
entertaining contents such as movies and TV shows,
while others attend lectures of university by e-
learning. These services enable us to look into what
happens in the world sooner and closer.
However, on the other side of the coin, we
consider that these information are uniformized in
PC. For example, all videos are gathered and
displayed in the same way although one video was
recorded at our city, while another one was recorded
at a place 10000km from our cities. A couple of
decades ago, we had to spend time, money and some
efforts in order to look what happens in the world
and experience them. In this process, people could
have a variety of imagination, about each place.
Therefore, they could realize how far the places are
from their city, and how different the cultures are in
those places. We believe that contents should
contain the elements which we can get in searching
process such as imagination, aspiration, and
discoveries. In current process, as people normally
get contents directly on shortest path, they are not
allowed to have any imagination and aspiration
about unknown places. In fact, the number of young
Japanese people who travel abroad is decreasing
significantly in this decade.
In this research, we developed the searching
system for video and sounds which allows users to
have imagination, aspiration, amazement, and
discovery in the process of searching
CQ Submarine is the system for obtaining the
information such as videos and sounds by setting the
distance and direction from the place where the user
is (Figure.1). Users set the distance from the place
where they are by the dial which is set on the upper
part of the device (Figure.2). Then, users set the
direction by rotating the device. After that, users can
watch the videos and listen to the sounds which are
Yoshihara T. and Yasumura M..
CQ SUBMARINE - The Interface for Searching and Visualizing Videos based on Feelings of Distance and Direction.
DOI: 10.5220/0003927107950798
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (IVAPP-2012), pages 795-798
ISBN: 978-989-8565-02-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
recorded at that place. A maximum of 9 videos are
selected randomly from the area by the distance of
50km from the place where the user set, and play
inside of the chassis of the system (Figure.3). In
order to let the users feel the shift of the contents for
real, we adopt the metaphor of submarine's
periscope in which users look in the chassis. The
phrase of "CQ" which stands for "seek you" or "Call
for Quarters" came from the technical word of ham
radio. It is reflected in my own experience of
childhood in that I often heard my father's ham. I
always tune the frequency and could imagine how
the world is and have aspiration or amazement by
listening to the voice which came from abroad.
As getting a hint from my experience, in CQ
Submarine, users select the videos not actively and
directly but only vaguely by tuning the distance and
direction, therefore they are able to allow to prompt
speculation about how that place looks like.
Figure 1: The aspect of the system.
Figure 2: The dial for setting distance.
Figure 3: The videos playing inside the chassis.
CQ submarine is comprised of three functions. The
first one is the device for setting direction and
distance, and we set an iPad on the top of the chassis
for this function. The second one is the device for
showing the videos, and we set a Mac Book Pro in
the chassis for this function. The last one is CQ
Submarine software which gathers geo-tagged
videos from YouTube API(Figure.4). CQ Submarine
software is running on Google App Engine.
Figure 4: The system configuration diagram.
There are two patterns of use cases. Firstly, users fix
the distance, and then control the direction with
watching videos. In this case, users can watch the
videos which are recorded in limited areas. For
example, it is expected that users can expand their
IVAPP 2012 - International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
knowledge about the region and discover something
by watching the videos recorded in the area just
nearby their homes. A lot of people treat the place as
dots, because they normally move by means of
transportation such as car, train, and bus in their city.
But this use case enables users to realize what
happens in several directions spatially. Secondly,
users fix the direction, and then change distance with
watching movies. In this case, users can realize the
transition of culture by expanding the distance. For
example, if Japanese users expand the distance
toward west, they can watch Japanese contents,
Chinese contents, European contents and so on in
sequence. As just described in these use cases, users
can obtain information with recognizing the space
around the world.
Figure 5: A use case at exhibition.
In order to get some initial user feedback, we made a
demo of CQ Submarine at an exhibition on travel
applications that was held in Tokyo in September
2011. In that exhibition, we received a variety of
opinions with some visitors using CQ Submarine
after that event. When users set the distance and
direction, most of them tend to decide the place such
as the their home city, the place where they travelled
before and so on in advance. Of course they missed
the point at first, however, they guessed which
country the current places were from the information
in the videos such as the look of people, buildings
and character. In this process, especially, users were
amazed when Japanese language changed to
Chinese, Turkish, and French by expanding the
distance from Japan to west. At last some users
reached the videos recoded at the place where they
intended at first. A lot of users were surprised that
their sense of distance and direction missed the
points of real.
As a research which relates image browsing and
spatial location information, Snavery, Seitz, and
Szeliski presented “Photo Tourism “. This system
enables users to browse through Internet snap shots
that have been arranged into virtual 3D space by
finding similarities between the images. There are
also some web services such as “flickr” or
“panoramio” and “google maps” in which users can
browse pictures or videos on maps. These ideas
shows the value of browsing contents by relating
them to location information, however there are no
case which use distance and direction as an interface.
Some AR applications such as “Sekai Camera” or
“Layer” presents interface which uses real-world
experience, but they are different in that the area is
extremely small from our research.
Initial feed back from users indicates CQ Submarine
is useful to provide imagination, amazement and
discovery in searching process. This results indicate
that the concept of CQ Submarine is expected to
work for a variety of areas such as education,
tourism, and culturology. We believe that making
scope for imagination in searching process is a
useful activity that may lead to a variety of
innovative applications.
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IVAPP 2012 - International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications