Rodrigo García-Carmona
, Félix Cuadrado
, Álvaro Navas
and Juan Carlos Dueñas
Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas Telemáticos, ETSI Telecomunicación,
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary University of London, London, U.K.
Keywords: Platform as a Service, Service Repository, Dependency Resolution, Federation, OSGi.
Abstract: Cloud computing has seen an impressive growth in recent years, with virtualization technologies being
massively adopted to create IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) public and private solutions. Today, the
interest is shifting towards the PaaS (Platform as a Service) model, which allows developers to abstract from
the execution platform and focus only on the functionality. There are several public PaaS offerings
available, but currently no private PaaS solution is ready for production environments. To fill this gap a new
solution must be developed. In this paper we present a key element for enabling this model: a cloud
repository based on the OSGi component model. The repository stores, manages, provisions and resolves
the dependencies of PaaS software components and services. This repository can federate with other
repositories located in the same or different clouds, both private and public. This way, dependencies can be
fulfilled collaboratively, and new business models can be implemented.
Cloud computing has completely changed the
perspectives of the execution infrastructure, enabling
an unparalleled level of abstraction, as well as the
ability to dynamically adapt the system capabilities
in response to the perceived demand. This has been
promoted by the massive adoption of virtualization
technologies, with the leading cloud model being
IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service).
However, IaaS offers a low-level approach for
cloud developers, which must still manage execution
nodes (even if they are virtual), and be concerned
with the operation and configuration of lower layers,
such as operating systems and application servers.
On the other hand, PaaS (Platform as a Service)
solutions promise to allow developers to abstract
from the IT infrastructure details and work at
application level. Nonetheless, this model is still at
its infancy stage, with multiple incompatible
solutions being offered, most of them propietary. On
top of that, in exchange for the provided abstraction,
most of them lock applications into their propietary
OSGi (OSGi Alliance, 2011) is a component
model with ideal characteristics for the development
of a private PaaS solution. However, while the
specification is mature and has been used for several
years in the enterprise application server market,
some components and capabilities still need to be
developed for its transition to the cloud.
One of them is a component repository that
works in a multi-cloud environment. This repository
will manage the PaaS software components, store
them and enable their correct provisioning through
automatic dependency resolution, helped by its
capability to federate with other repositories of the
same kind..
This paper presents an initial implementation of
this repository, detailing its distinctive
characteristics. The structure of the article is as
follows. Section 2 presents existing PaaS solutions
and introduces OSGi as an alternative to them.
Section 3 explains what characteristics a cloud
repository needs and briefly shows the architecture
of our contribution, while section 4 provides more
detail over the dependency resolution and federation
mechanism. Finally, section 5 closes this paper with
a summary of our contributions, and a suggestions of
several future lines of work that could be followed.
García-Carmona R., Cuadrado F., Navas Á. and Carlos Dueñas J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003928004190425
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2012), pages 419-425
ISBN: 978-989-8565-05-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.1 PaaS Solutions
The US National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) defines PaaS as a cloud
computer model where “the capability provided to
the consumer is to deploy onto the cloud
infrastructure consumer-created or acquired
applications, created using programming languages,
libraries, services, and tools supported by the
provider” (Mell and Grance, 2011). In a PaaS a user
can only control what the provider allows him to.
Although this limitation could be considered a step
back, in reality it enables the user to abstract from
unnecessary details, creating an environment where
rapid development is a given, as the users’ only
concern is developing the application.
Most PaaS solutions are public clouds. These are
clouds whose infrastructure is open for the general
public. Google AppEngine (Zahariev, 2009),
Microsoft Windows Azure (Hill et al., 2010) and
Amazon’s Beanstalk (van Vliet, Paganelli, van Wel
and Dowd, 2011) are the most well-known and used
representatives of this kind of PaaS. Although public
clouds are widely used, they present some
drawbacks: the developer must adapt every
application deployed onto them to their APIs and
special requirements, and security and privacy data
concerns can render those solutions unfeasible in
some contexts.
On the other hand, private clouds are restricted
to the use of selected individuals, normally the same
entity that hosts them. Even considering that recent
reports (Natis, 2011) see private PaaS as the most
interesting future development for clouds, almost
every private PaaS cloud project is still in the early
beta stage. Cloudfoundry (Wolff, 2011) is the most
notorious project. It supports a big array of
languages (like Java, Ruby and Scala) and
frameworks (like Spring and Lift). However, it is
still under development and the support for building
private clouds is not complete.
As of this moment, there are no solutions for
private PaaS clouds mature enough for being used in
production environments.
2.2 OSGi as a PaaS Solution
The OSGi Alliance (Kriens et al., 2011) has already
stated why OSGi could be a good addition to the
cloud technologies ecosystem. Its modularity and
dynamic nature is perfectly suited to the ever
changing cloud environments. And in particular, the
PaaS paradigm and OSGi look like the perfect fit. A
PaaS cloud built upon OSGi does not exist yet, but it
has already been proposed, and it should offer the
following advantages.
The first advantage is the minor changes that
OSGi requires for standard Java applications to work
with it. In a PaaS solution the developer usually has
to perform extensive modifications in order to make
an application work in the new environment.
However, a Java application deployed in an OSGi
PaaS would require only slight changes. Any
framework already supported by OSGi can be used.
Moreover, the enforced modularity simplifies the
extension of an application in the form of new
services, since modules can be easily reused.
Another advantage is that, in an OSGi PaaS, the
developer would not have to worry about
dependencies. He is expected to only define them,
and a cloud repository will resolve and find them,
provisioning them to the node in which the
application is running transparently. Moreover,
available nodes can be used by different
applications, significantly lessening the stress on the
underlying infrastructure. On top of that, while
applying upgrades and roll-backs in a PaaS often
requires reboots, an OSGi cloud can be updated on
the fly.
All in all, there are several reasons to use an
OSGi-powered PaaS cloud, but as this solution is
still a work in progress, there are challenges that
must be overcome first. Many are directly derived
from adapting OSGI to the cloud environment and
are common to any platform that wants to act as a
PaaS. Provisioning is one of these problems.
Bundles are, in fact, the OSGi components, and they
enable one of the main advantages of an OSGi
environment; its powerful dependency management.
Therefore, a cloud bundle repository is a central
piece for this model, since it is in charge of resolving
dependencies, finding needed components,
provisioning them and, in short, enabling the
deployment of any application into the cloud.
3.1 Requirements
After having explained how OSGi can serve as the
basis of a PaaS cloud, we can now define what
requirements a repository should suffice to manage
provisioning in the cloud.
First of all, the repository must be able to
manage components, not just store them. Distributed
services rely heavily on external dependencies, so
dependency management is a core requirement. It is
also important that the resolution incorporates
multiple compatibility criteria, since an incorrect
component closure could leave the system in an
unstable state.
As the main source of provisioning in the cloud,
the repository must be always on, implementing
high availability. Additionally, the repository has to
support high scalability, as it must keep working
even under great demand. With no repository
working no new applications can be deployed.
Finally, the last requirement is derived from the
OSGi vision of a PaaS cloud. The cloud provider
should be able to offer private repositories to their
clients. Each of these repositories can be accessed
only by certain users. They must hold any
application provided by the specific user, or
supposed to be accessible only to him. Additionally,
these repositories should also be able to
communicate to other repositories to make queries
or resolve dependencies. These other repositories
provide openly available components (like open
source software), which could be used by different
users. Hence, the repository must be able to federate
with other instances of itself, each one managing a
different set of components. Additionally, the
repository should be able to federate with other kind
of repositories in other clouds. This could be a huge
enabler due to the extended service catalogue.
However, at this stage of development, it is still an
optional requirement.
3.2 Component Repository
At this moment there are several available
component repository technologies. Every one of
them has its own component model and capabilities.
The most popular ones are detailed in this section.
We have put a special focus in their support of OSGi
bundles and their federation capabilities, since these
are the basic elements needed to fulfil the desired
Maven (O’Brien, 2008) is one of these solutions,
a software project management and comprehension
tool. Maven has become the de facto standard for
managing Java projects, thanks mainly to the
support and its extended use inside the Apache
community. However, such a big scope comes with
a price, as Maven cannot accurately express the
special relationships between OSGi Bundles.
Another model used to describe bundles is the
OBR (OSGi Bundle Repository) specification. This
model was proposed as the draft OSGi RFC 112
(Kriens and Hall, 2006). Although OBR is the
official OSGi solution for the cloud, it is still in a
draft stage. There is no OBR client specification and
the federation between OBR servers is not well
defined either, making OBR a poor solution for the
In the 3.0 version of Eclipse, the Eclipse
architecture was changed to use OSGi as the project
core. This change pushed the Eclipse community to
develop their own bundle repository, named P2 (Le
Berre and Rapicault, 2009). The P2 repository is
widely used, as version 3.4 of the Eclipse Platform
employs it as the management mechanism for its
components (which are, in fact, OSGi bundles).
However, this solution has an important drawback:
Its component model is concerned only with
software direct dependencies, being oblivious to
other constraints that could affect artefacts. Since
one of the requirements was precisely this, P2
cannot be used as the repository solution. On top of
that, P2 needs the Eclipse Extension Registry,
making it incompatible with other OSGi
Finally, there is the OSAmI bundle repository
(García-Carmona, Cuadrado, Dueñas and Navas,
2011), which was design keeping in mind concerns
similar to the ones exposed before. It offers a
software model that captures all the relevant
information, a dependency resolution system that is
built upon it, and an architecture that can be
extended to support multi-cloud federation.
There are a lot of existing solutions for a bundle
repository, but this survey shows that no actual
repository technology completely fulfils the set of
requirements imposed for the implementation of the
cloud bundle repository. The one that can be more
easily extended is the OSAmI bundle repository.
Our cloud bundle repository is built upon its
3.3 Repository Architecture
In this section we present the architecture for the
cloud bundle repository. For its creation we have
taken as reference the previously presented OSAmI
bundle repository, reengineering it in order to
accommodate the requirements emerging from the
PaaS cloud, as presented before. For a complete
view of the repository architecture we recommend
the previous reference and Figure 1, as we will only
address the changes to the architecture in this
Figure 1: Repository architecture.
The shift from a traditional infrastructure to a
private cloud environment does not affect the logical
view of the architecture. Instead, it is more
interesting to discuss the physical view [4+1]
(Kruchten, 1995) of the repository architecture to
detail the decisions taken on migrating the service to
a private cloud platform. As there are currently no
widely available implementations of a private Java
PaaS cloud, we chose to deploy the repository on top
of a private IaaS. We selected Eucalyptus (Nurmi et
al., 2009), an Open Source IaaS technology, as the
base cloud. Eucalyptus is a mature infrastructure
platform that implements management interfaces
compatible with the defacto standard in IaaS clouds
(Amazon Web Services). This allows us to benefit
from the already available third-party management
For the logical components (following the OSGi
and Spring DM (Rubio, 2009) specifications) we
have defined a virtual appliance containing the JVM
(Java Virtual Machine), the OSGi framework and all
required libraries. The repository components can be
directly deployed on top of this platform. The
architecture design follows the stateless fundamental
principle of SOA systems (Erl, 2005), greatly
simplifying the scaling up of the repository through
the launch of additional instances. Additionally, a
load balancing virtual appliance (composed by a
Linux-powered system) spreads the requests
between the cloud repository instances.
The shift to a cloud environment impacts
persistent data storage the most. However, we have
chosen to keep a MySQL database to store metadata
as most cloud solutions support the use of relational
databases and the expressivity of the SQL language
is best suited to perform dependency matching
Finally, the physical storage of the deployable
artefacts can take advantage of the scalability and
reliability capabilities of cloud storage solutions. We
have selected Walrus (An S3-compatible storage
cloud, which is part of Eucalyptus), to physically
store the files.
The scenario we have shown in the previous section
corresponds to the repository working inside a
cloud. But that by itself does not fulfil the
requirements specified before. Private clouds must
be able to cooperate among themselves, and the
PaaS federation level requires as a first step a
repository federation network, with the
representatives of each cloud cooperating with each
It is no longer feasible for a single entity to hold
all the required information, all the components
needed for a non-trivial application to work. Instead,
repositories must be able to federate, relying on each
other in order to compose an aggregated service
space that can satisfy any requirement that appears
in the local domain. Practicality is not the only
reason behind this decision, as privacy is an
important factor. Not every stakeholder should be
able to access each other’s components.
This section explains how the repository
achieves this federation. First we explain how the
resolution mechanism, and the model upon its built,
work. Both of them are the foundations of the
federation capabilities. Finally, we show how the
repository federation mechanism itself works.
4.1 Component Model and Dependency
The dependency resolution activities performed by
the repository are executed automatically when
needed, without the human input or supervision. A
developer only needs to state the dependencies of his
components, and can rely in the repository for
finding all the other services and components
required. This is enabled by the use of the
abstractions expressed in the software model
The central element of this model is the resource.
Resources represent any manageable element that
contributes to the overall functionality of the whole
system. Typical resources include deployed web
services, software libraries, stored tables in a
database, or available TCP ports from the operating
system. A resource is described by a name, a
version, and a type. This structure implicitly defines
REST Interface
Sofware Model
Dependency Resol.
Dependency Facets
Repository Manager
Physical Storage
Web Interface
a taxonomy of managed elements. The resource is
further described by a set of properties, formed by
simple name/value pairs.
The physical artefacts that are deployed into the
system are modelled as deployment units, each a
different model instance. A deployment unit is the
equivalent of an OSGi bundle. Units provide
functionality to the system (expressed by a set of
exported resources), and also declare a set of
requirements that must be addressed for the unit to
work properly. The most typical type of requirement
are dependencies, expressing the need for another
software resource (identified by its name, type and a
range of compatible versions) to be present in the
platform in order for the unit to work correctly.
Dependencies are the elements that enable the
dependency resolution.
Dependency resolution starts with an initial unit
or resource being requested. This triggers a recursive
search algorithm where the unit dependencies are
explored, trying to find compatible units that provide
the required resources. In turn, these new units have
dependencies themselves. For them to be sorted, this
process is repeated for every unit until a complete
dependency graph has been formed.
This is a summarised view of the process, as
there are additional types of restrictions that can be
expressed, both as part of the descriptor (e.g.
hardware constraints with minimum requirements or
incompatibilities, or general constraints such as
license compatibility).
But sometimes this dependency resolution
mechanism must be expanded to include other
concerns. A dependency resolution process must be
able to match a number of criteria not known at
design-time. Therefore, the architecture of the
repository was defined with the possibility of
expanding this mechanism in mind. This is done
through components called facets. Each of them
provides specific reasoning for second-level
concerns, such as special hardware requirements,
environmental conditions or software license
4.2 Repository Federation
The core of the repository inter-cloud federation lies
in the idea of extending the dependency resolution
and artefact finding capabilities of the repository to
work with other instances running either in the same
or other clouds.
This can be seen in the following figure, which
depicts a multi-cloud environment, with several
private clouds and a public one. Each of them
contains at least one cloud bundle repository.
Every repository has a reference that points to at
least another repository, in the same cloud or in
another one. If this relationship is recursively
extended, it can be seen that most repositories are
connected to many others, even if a high number of
jumps is required. Only the truly private repositories
are isolated from the rest. This reference is not
bidirectional. This means that the fact that one
repository knows about other does not imply that the
opposite is true.
Figure 2: Repository multi-cloud federation.
These relationships represent the capability of a
repository to access the components of another,
query for its metadata, and ask that repository to
perform a dependency resolution. This way, if a
repository does not contain the necessary
components to fulfil the dependencies of a particular
bundle, it could survey other repositories, searching
for the missing elements.
To materialize this scenario, the repository needs
to be extended with the following elements:
A remote interface that could be accessed by
another repository.
A client component that uses this interface to
remotely access the repository and locally
deploy components.
A dependency resolution algorithm that takes
into account this federation.
For the remote communications needs we have
developed two modules: a client and a server. They
communicate through a remote interface defined
using REST, which contains the operations needed
for the access, modification, creation and deletion of
components, as well as an interface for querying the
repository and performing a dependency resolution.
The server is deployed as a bundle within the
repository, while the client is used both by
repositories and the nodes inside the PaaS. Inside the
repository this client serves as a communication
module that enables the federation. At the same
time, at the PaaS nodes the client acts as the
provisioning service, communicating with one of the
local repositories when an order for the deployment
of a new component is given.
But these are only enablers. The functionality
itself lies in the dependency resolution algorithm,
which considers other federated repositories and the
components managed by them.
The following picture shows a sequence diagram
representing a sample invocation of this algorithm.
The actors are the provisioning component, its local
repository (with facets), and two remote repositories
deployed in an external cloud. One directly accessed
by the local repository, and the other indirectly
through it.
On top of this algorithm, every repository
manages all interactions with other repositories,
including the access and download of components
stored in federated repositories. The provisioning
client will never know of the existence of
repositories other than the one he is configured to
OSGi can be turned into a successful private PaaS
solution, but several developments and
improvements need to be made before that. The
work presented in this article concerns what we
consider to be the fundamental one: the definition
and implementation of a cloud bundle repository.
Building upon the foundations provided by our
previous work in the OSAmI project, we have
created a component repository that can fulfil the
requirements imposed by working on a multi-cloud
environment. One of them, the federation with other
repositories running in the same or different clouds,
stands above the rest. We have described the
components needed to fulfil this requirement and
how we have implemented them, including a client
application that is responsible for the provisioning
inside the cloud.
This multi-cloud federation enables an easier and
more organized development and deployment of
components. It also opens the possibility of new
business models, in which some components are
made available only after they have been purchased,
and some of them are kept private to some
customers. Moreover, this structure enables every
stakeholder that desires to maintain their
developments private to do that, while at the same
time enabling an easy access for its developers and
allowed users to additional applications.
Concerning future developments, the work
presented in this article could be expanded following
two different routes.
Figure 3: Dependency resolution.
On the one hand, having the cloud bundle
repository already available, efforts can be directed
to the development of the rest of components and
modifications needed to truly turn OSGi into a
complete and fully functioning PaaS solution. How
to implement logging and monitoring and actual
scalability support are just some of the important
topics that could be explored.
On the other hand, the federation capabilities of
the repository could be also extended. The basic
model of the current implementation could be
expanded with an intelligent distribution of
components, with a cache and replication of the
most required bundles into the local cloud or nearest
repositories. This will need an advanced set of rules
for the distribution of components between different
repositories, keeping into account not only their
physical capabilities, but also their licensing and
distribution limits.
Finally, a set of dependency resolution facets
specially designed for cloud concerns, like intra-
cloud security, geographical location of the
machines, QoS (Quality of Service) characteristics
and billing can be integrated into the general
architecture of the repository, greatly improving its
performance in a federated PaaS environment.
The work presented in this article has been
performed in the context of the European project
ITEA-OSAMI, under grant by Spanish Ministerio de
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