Martin Pirker, Johannes Winter and Ronald Toegl
Institute for Applied Information Processing and Communications (IAIK),
Graz University of Technology, Inffeldgasse 16a, 8010 Graz, Austria
Cloud Node Security, Trusted Computing, Trusted Execution Technology.
Moving local services into a network of Cloud nodes raises security concerns, as this affects control over data
and code execution. We leverage the Trusted Platform Module and Trusted Execution Technology of modern
platforms to detect malicious Cloud nodes running untrusted software configurations. To achieve this, we
propose a node-to-Cloud join protocol that enforces remote attestation.
Running conventional, local IT services implicitly of-
fers full control over the hardware as well as the soft-
ware setup. However, the promises of more effi-
ciently utilized IT resources and reduced costs cause
more and more services to be migrated to Cloud Com-
puting providers. This leaves one with nothing but
the service level contractually agreed with the Cloud
provider. Eventually, Cloud datacenter security may
fail and expose clients’ data or code. This may hap-
pen e.g. through human error, mailicious intent, or in
lawful compelled-assistance scenarios. Such leakage
of customer sensitive data may prove fatal for a busi-
ness, or a least cause intervention by data protection
In this paper, we address the loss of control on
remote data and code execution in the Cloud be-
yond conventional measures such as automated 24x7
network monitoring, intrusion detection technologies,
defined life-cycles for storage media, physical access
restrictions with multi-factor identification, or armed
guards. To raise the challenge for attackers, our de-
sign integrates Trusted Computing technologies into
the Cloud formation phase, which enables us to re-
motely assess and report the security state of the con-
necting and running Cloud nodes. This enables a
Cloud made of nodes with known-good configura-
tions only, while keeping the protocol overhead lim-
While there is no absolute security, we believe our
proposal offers an interesting trade-off between phys-
ical control and security properties for local versus
distributed data processing.
Outline. The remainder of the paper is structured into
the following major sections. Section 1 starts with a
brief motivation of the main topic discussed in this pa-
per. Section 2 offers a brief background summary of
the capabilities of Trusted Computing technologies.
We then continue in Section 3 to present our archi-
tecture, along with the core Cloud join protocol. We
discuss additional security limitations and trade-offs
in Section 4. In Section 5 we present links to related
work. Finally, Section 6 concludes the paper.
Over the last years, mass-market consumer computer
platforms and devices were enhanced with dedicated
functions to support advanced security concepts. In
the following we give a short introduction on the fea-
tures available. We identify a set of features which
can be put to good use in the design of global trusted
infrastructures, where every computing node in the
Cloud is based on a modern security enhanced hard-
ware platform.
The ever evolving industry standard PC platform
introduced hardware features in the last years which
allow to realise enhanced security for specific scenar-
ios. The concept of Trusted Computing as promoted
by the Trusted Computing Group (TCG) extends the
industry standard PC architecture with a specialised
hardware component, the Trusted Platform Module
(TPM) (Trusted Computing Group, 2007b).
Pirker M., Winter J. and Toegl R..
DOI: 10.5220/0003929105800585
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2012), pages 580-585
ISBN: 978-989-8565-05-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
A TPM features cryptographic primitives similar
to a smartcard, but is physically bound to its host plat-
form. The tamper-resilient chip provides functions
for public-key cryptography, key generation, crypto-
graphic hashing, random-numbergeneration, and oth-
ers. With this hardware crypto support, and being a
chip operating independently from other devices, the
TPM can provide certain trusted functions.
An important concept of Trusted Computing is the
measurement, logging and reporting of the platform
state. Upon platform hardware reset a special set of
platform configuration registers (PCRs) in the TPM
are reset to a well defined start value. PCRs cannot
be directly written to. Rather, a PCR with index i,
i 0 in state t is extended with input x by setting
||x). This enables the con-
struction of a chain-of-trust. From the BIOS onwards,
every block of code is measured into a PCR before
execution control is passed to it. Thus, the current
values in the set of PCRs represent a trace of what
happened since system reboot, up to the current state
of the system.
The TPM can bind data to a platform by encrypt-
ing it with a non-migratable key, which never leaves
the TPM protection. An extension to this is sealing,
where a key may only be used with a specific, trusted
PCR configuration. Thus, decryption of sealed data
can be restricted to an expected state running soft-
ware and configuration – of the computer.
The current state may also be TPM signed with the
TPM Quote operation and reported in a so-called re-
mote attestation protocol (Coker et al., 2008; Sadeghi
and St¨uble, 2004; Trusted Computing Group, 2007a).
To protect the platform owner’s privacy, a pseudonym
identity must be used: an Attestation Identity Key
(AIK). The authenticity of an AIK can be certified
either by an on-line trusted third party, called Priva-
cyCA or by applying the group-signature-based DAA
scheme (Brickell et al., 2004). Then, a remote verifier
may analyze the Quote result and decide whether to
trust the given configuration or not.
TPMs also provide a limited amount of non-
volatile memory (NV-RAM) to store user- or owner-
supplied information. One specific piece in NV is the
TPM Endorsement Key (EK). It is a unique asym-
metric RSA keypair of which the private part never
leaves the TPM in clear. An accompanying certificate
typically signed by the manufacturer documents
the fact that the key belongs to a real hardware TPM
on a trusted computing platform. It can also serve as
a unique identification of a platform.
Recent hardware platforms from Intel, with Intel
Trusted ExecutionTechnology(TXT)
, extend the ba-
We restrict our discussion to Intel’s Trusted Execution
sic TCG model of a static chain-of-trust from hard-
ware reboot and trust rooted in early BIOS. They pro-
vide the option of a dynamic switch to a well-defined,
measured system state (Grawrock, 2009), meaning at
any point of execution after platform reboot. This
is called a dynamic root of trust for measurements
(DRTM). Consequently, this capability significantly
cuts down the complexity of the chain-of-trust mea-
surements to assess the platform state by excluding
the early, messy bootup operations.
We nowoutline the scenario we base our secure Cloud
formation approach on. The proposed architecture
takes advantage of the platform security technologies
reviewed in the previous section. First we identify the
core assumptions and properties we want to achieve,
then we show how they can be implemented with the
use of Trusted Computing features, data structures
and protocols.
3.1 Cloud Node Properties
An architecture of networked nodes necessitates
trade-offs between multiple degrees of freedom for
the design. One cannot have absolute control while
at the same time assume having no ongoing main-
tenance work. Also, uniform deployment often is
contrary to the customizability of software configura-
tions. Our architecture strives for the following prop-
Distributed. We assume that the individual nodes
in the Cloud are distributed both geographically
and organizationally. Nodes could be placed in
different countries and continents, and could be
owned and operated by diverse sets of operators.
Attested. Due to wide node distribution it is con-
sequently difficult to enforce conventional secu-
rity oversight on the nodes. Instead of absolute
physical and organizational control we use the
Trusted Computing technique of remote attesta-
tion to enforce an assessment process. The result
of this protocol is the decision whether a remote
node is in a trusted state and therefore allowed to
become part of the Cloud, or not.
Technology (TXT) as this is currently the dominant tech-
nology provider – comparable features are also available on
e.g. AMD platforms.
Lightweight. In order to enable a diverse set
of distributed stakeholders to be able to partici-
pate in the Cloud, the installation of a Cloud node
and joining the Cloud network should be a sim-
ple setup and maintenance task that does not add
significant organizational overhead.
Heterogeneous. The larger the Cloud network,
the more resources may be shared among partici-
pants. Consequently, this allows to process larger
tasks and improves the economics of scale which
reduces costs. Thus, as many different nodes as
possible should be able to join the Cloud. Conse-
quently, the Cloud node software should build on
a base or primitives which are easily portable to
different platforms.
3.2 Cloud Control
A Cloud infrastructure connects many computing
nodes. Still, for being part of one specific Cloud (net-
work) there must be a central Cloud management ser-
vice – we call this Cloud control.
In our architecture the role of the Cloud provider
is to be this centralized management. The provider’s
always-online, professionally run 24x7 datacenter
manages client profiles and runs accounting tasks. It
provides an information service on available Cloud
nodes and service capacities. However, to profit from
the economics of scale, the Cloud provider only con-
tributes a few “last resort” processing nodes to the
Cloud. The vast majority of nodes is expected to be
run distributed, at remote sites, and their operators
may not be under direct provider supervision.
3.3 Computing Nodes
To provide a certain level of security assurance, a
minimum barrier to overcome is that Cloud node
hardware platforms must offer the required Trusted
Computing security features. These are implemented
in a specific Cloud node software image which can
be downloaded from central Cloud control and then
booted at a node. If a connection to Cloud control can
be established and only if the new node’s security is
successfully attested, this node becomes available to
the Cloud.
We further expect every node to host a TPM as
specified by the TCG (see Section 2). The Cloud node
software image is booted by a trusted boot process,
meaning a mechanism exists which enforces mea-
surement of system state into the TPM PCRs, starting
from a well-defined initial platform state. The combi-
nation of well-known software images and the deter-
ministic TXT boot process allows the determination
of trusted platform configurations.
Local Storage. From a security point of view unen-
crypted temporary storage on node local mass-media
(e.g. harddisc) may not be acceptable. Consequently,
any node-local temporary data storage should be fully
encrypted, e.g. with a transparently encrypted file
system under a symmetric key. Thus, to re-access the
node storage after service interruption (e.g. reboot)
the key for the local temporary storage must only be
made available to the identical Cloud node software
image running at the same Cloud node. This chal-
lenge can be solved by encrypting the storage key
with an asymmetric TPM key sealed to a specific
Cloud node software image.
For a full automatically (re-)bootable Cloud node
we identify 3 data items to enable persistent local
Cloud node user data storage:
TPM Ownership password
For creation of the AIK keypair in the Cloud join
protocol (see Section 3.4) the TPM ownership
password must be available. Consequently, for
a new software image version to be booted at a
Cloud node the TPM owner must enter the TPM
ownership password at least once. It is a sensi-
ble policy that a platform owner consents to what
software is to be run on his machine. The owner-
ship password can then be hashed into the TCG-
compliant format and TPM-sealed to the specific
software version booted, so further reboots and
Cloud joins can be automated.
Storage – bulk encryption AES key
Upon first successful completion of the Cloud join
protocol the local encryptedstorage should be cre-
ated and initialised, and the encryption key sealed
to the current state. If the identical Cloud node
software image is rebooted at the identical plat-
form, in step 3 of the join process (see Section 3.4)
the node is able to reopen the local storage, if
available. This can yield a proof of previous state
of work performed to Cloud control and signifi-
cantly speed up reintegration into the Cloud.
Storage – image file or partition
The encrypted storage itself.
We observethat the primary data files of a Cloud node
consist of a read-only, attestable Cloud software im-
age which is booted and measured with Trusted Com-
puting, and 3 pieces of data which together enable to
keep persistent data over automated node reboots. We
suggest to integrate them into one image (file or parti-
tion): at the beginning of the storage area a few bytes
are reserved for the sealed ownership password hash
and the sealed bulk encryption key, which enable the
Cloud join process and access to the rest of the per-
sistent mass-storage area.
3.4 Core Operations
Based on the described node architecture we can now
shift our focus to the creation of a Cloud of nodes, un-
der the supervision of a Cloud service provider. Our
approach focuses on the security of the Cloud forma-
tion process of distributed remote nodes joining the
Cloud network via central Cloud control. In the fol-
lowing we give a description of the basic operations
in our architecture.
Our join protocol uses an extension of a modi-
fied AIK certification exchange. For space reasons
we cannot explain every wrinkle of the TCG-specified
AIK exchange and refer to (Pirker et al., 2009) for
an extensive presentation. The advantage of includ-
ing this mechanism into the Cloud joining phase is
that Cloud control stays very well in control of which
hardware platforms are added to the Cloud.
3.4.1 Cloud Node Joining to Cloud Control
Assume a new Cloud node wants to join the Cloud.
The Cloud software image is booted on the node. The
image which was booted is recorded into the TPM
PCRs. Further, the image contains the unique asym-
metric RSA public keyCC
and the network address
of Cloud control. Immediately after boot the node au-
tomatically wants to join the Cloud, a network con-
nection is established.
Node Cloud Control
(1) EK
, label;
encrypted with CC
decrypt request with CC
verify EK
(2) nonce+etc.,
ActivateIdentity encrypted with EK
run TPM Quote
(3) quote result,
platform info verify quoted state
(4) “ok”/“denied”
Figure 1: Join Protocol (simplified transport en-/ decryption
notation for clarity).
The join protocol is depicted in Figure 1. 4 mes-
sages are required to be exchanged between the join-
ing node and central Cloud control:
1. The first objective is to establish a secure connec-
tion to Cloud control. The first data blob sent to
CC is symmetrically encrypted with a fresh sym-
metric key K, while K itself is encrypted asym-
metrically with CC
. The data blob contains the
EK certificate (EK
) of the TPM, along with
of a newly created AIK keypair in the
TPM. The standard PCA label field is used to give
a helpful indication what platform the node is run-
Cloud control receives the blob, decrypts the pay-
load with its secret CC
. The TCG validation
process of determining a valid hardware TPM, as
represented by included EK
, is run.
2. On successful validation, Cloud control gener-
ates a random fresh nonce, and other supplemen-
tal data for querying of the remote node plat-
form state, depending on the reported platform
included in label. The return blob is again sym-
metric/asymmetrically encrypted similar to step 1,
with the asymmetric encryption key being used
the EK
contained in the certificate presented by
the node.
The node uses the standard TPM
command for decrypting the package. With the
received nonce the current system state is quoted
using the AIK previously generated. The sym-
metric key created by Cloud control is used for
encrypting all further message exchanges with
Cloud control.
3. The signed system state obtained from the TPM,
along with additional node or platform specifica-
tions (e.g. available storage or processing power)
is sent back.
Cloud control is now able to check the included
TPM signed platform state. The quote must be
signed with the AIK presented in step 1, the nonce
must be equal to the fresh random one sent back
in step 2. The reported platform state of the
node must be well-known to Cloud control and
a trusted Cloud node software image must have
been booted.
4. Cloud control welcomes or denies the node in the
The first two steps follow the standard TCG design for
AIK certification and use Trusted Computing primi-
tives to establish a secure point to point connection
from Cloud control to the hardware TPM without
man-in-the-middle. For compliance with the TCG
standards, we choose 2048-RSA as asymmetric, 128-
bit AES as symmetric and SHA-1 as hash crypto-
graphic primitives.
The node has to have faith that he possesses the
correct Cloud control public key upon first connec-
Cloud control verifies that the remote platform
hosts a real hardware TPM with the non-migratable
EK and a non-migratable AIK was created in it.
The next two steps convince through the Trusted
Computing quote operation that an up-to-date PCR
state is signed by the AIK. Thus, to Cloud control that
the node is in an eligible state and can subsequently
join the Cloud.
After this initial join protocol the desired Cloud
software platform is run and jobs are assigned to this
processing node.
3.4.2 Node Update / Cloud Rejoin
The basic case of a new node joining the Cloud net-
work presented in the previous section is sufficient to
construct a Cloud network. From a practical point of
view there are two more basic operations to consider.
In the case of an update of the node software im-
age Cloud control may refuse the old version in step 4
of the join protocol. Consequently, the Cloud node
operator must obtain an updated software image and
then try again.
If a Cloud node is rebooted and wants to rejoin
the Cloud with the identical Cloud node software im-
age, this impacts the question of persistent node data.
For instance, it may be very inefficient to resychro-
nize gigabytes of working data with the Cloud over
the Internet.
In order for the Trusted Computing attestation
process to produce the same measurement result ev-
ery time, one can only measure read-only data in al-
ways strictly the same input order. Naturally, any data
processed and code executed may affect a platforms’s
security state. Consequently, only after successful ex-
ecution of the Cloud join protocol any user related
code and data may be processed or executed. The se-
curity of data storage containing user data persisting
over reboots must be ensured.
On the PC platform the current TPM v1.2 has been
the Trusted Computing basic building block for al-
most a decade. Its design does not accomodate for all
of the demands of modern platforms today, e.g. with
virtualization scenarios (Berger et al., 2006). Also,
the current generation of TPM chips and Trusted Ex-
ecution Technology have been demonstrated to be
Actually, if the CC key in the node image was manipu-
lated CC will detect the potential man-in-the-middle attack
in step 3 later.
compromisable (Tarnovsky, 2010), (Wojtczuk and
Rutkowska, 2009), (Wojtczuk et al., 2009). However,
we expect many of these attacks to be prevented by
updated TPM revisions which have been announced
for the near future.
The singular proof that a trusted platform hosts a
real hardware TPM is embodied by the EK certificate
for the TPM. To our knowledge to date just one TPM
chip supplier, namely Infineon, includes an EK cer-
tificate with their chip.
With physical access one can also compromise the
chain-of-trust reported by a state-of-the-art Trusted
Execution technology implementation, as demon-
strated by (Winter and Dietrich, 2011). Under the as-
sumption that the physical platform is safe, this leaves
software attacks as the primary attack surface. Run-
time operating system bugs may always exist.
The Trusted Computing TPM is now becoming main-
stream enough for systems integration research and
actual prototypes. For the Cloud the TPM promises
the possibility to strongly identify a single platform
in the Cloud, to measure and report the exact software
configuration and to protect the integrity of data and
code stored in the Cloud. Especially for IaaS, this has
been studied in a number of projects and publications.
In previous work, (Podesser and Toegl, 2011)
studied the seamless integration of remote attestation
in a SaaS Cloud for Java applications.
(Santos et al., 2009) propose a basic security ar-
chitecture involving trusted virtualization and present
a few security protocols. No practical implementation
was reported.
(Krautheim et al., 2010) propose the Trusted Vir-
tual Environment Module, a software appliance that
serves as virtual security module for IaaS Cloud ap-
plications on virtualization platforms. As a crypto-
graphic module the proposal shows a potential way to
allow platform owner and Cloud user to share respon-
sibility and control over data in the Cloud.
(Brown and Chase, 2011) propose to use Remote
Attestation so that users can gain insights and trust
into SaaS service applications by leveraging trust in a
neutral third party. They assume the Cloud platform
and provider to be trustworthy, without actually rely-
ing on hardware security mechanisms.
The IBM Trusted Virtual Data center (TVDc)
(Berger et al., 2008) is designed to offer security guar-
antees in hosted data centers. It provides containment
and trust guarantees based on virtualization. Isolation
and TPM-based integrity are managed. It builds upon
a Hypervisor derived from Xen and performs TPM-
based measurements of software.
The UK myTrustedCloud (Wallom et al., 2011)
project studies the integration of an IaaS Cloud plat-
form with KVM-based virtualization and hypervisor
trust mechanisms built upon IBM IMA. Different lev-
els of attestation are provided for the different layers
in the software architecture.
Our work shows how to join Cloud nodes that are in
a specific, trusted state, into a Cloud computing net-
In our approach we assumed distributed Cloud
nodes, which raises the challenge to physically ma-
nipulate them. Based on Trusted Computing tech-
nologies we presented a protocol which ensures that
nodes joining the Cloud can only do this if they can
attest that they are in a good state. Our approach is
lightweight as it does not come with Trusted Comput-
ing complexities, a simple TXT enabled boot process
is sufficient.
In future work we will examine the modifications
required to the respective platform operating system
to provide a stable measurement chain and explore
which platforms are suited for our architecture.
We thank the anonymous reviewers for their feed-
back. This work has been supported by the Euro-
pean Commission through project FP7-ICT-SEPIA,
grant agreement number 257433, and project FP7-
SEC-SECRICOM, grant agreement number 218123.
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