Alexandre Parra Carneiro da Silva and Celso Massaki Hirata
Technological Institute of Aeronautics, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Praça Marechal
Eduardo Gomes, 50, Vila das Acácias, São José dos Campos, Brazil
Keywords: CIB, Collaborative Sensemaking, CSCW, Requirements Elicitation.
Abstract: Many approaches for requirements elicitation have been proposed to help the design of virtual collaborative
systems. The design of virtual collaborative systems with collaborative sensemaking presents a challenge
due to the needs of interaction of users with the system in order to process, interpret, and share information
collaboratively. However, most of the design approaches fail in capturing the users’ needs, because they are
not designed to capture precisely the main users’ activities interactions during the interplay between
‘collaboration’ and ‘information’ with sensemaking. Sensemaking determines the way in which people
respond to certain events and allows constructing perceptions taking into account their goals, priorities and
problems. This paper describes a requirement elicitation method that captures the interactions of potential
users in collaborative environments with collaborative sensemaking activities. The method is based on the
simulation of activities it was employed in the design of a virtual collaborative system - a collaborative
puzzle – in order to illustrate its usage.
Collaboration is an essential aspect of many types of
daily activities (Paul and Reddy 2010b). One
activity that is central to people’s personal and
professional lives is information seeking (Paul and
Reddy 2010b). An important factor of Collaborative
Information Seeking (CIS) practice is to make sense
of the information found, i.e., Collaborative
Sensemaking (CS) (Feldman and Rafaeli 2002;
Weick 1995). CS is the process whereby individuals
process information, integrate and interpret it and
through social interaction they share their
understandings (Feldman and Rafaeli 2002). The
objective of process CS is to provide a shared
understanding about information, goals, priorities
and problems that individuals face in collaborative
settings to make decisions and act effectively.
Without some shared knowledge base or an effective
interaction between team members, severe gaps are
likely to occur in the understanding of reality
(Ravied et al. 2008). The research area of
Collaborative Information Behaviour (CIB) has
received increased interest in recent years (Paul and
Reddy 2010b). The CIB area concerns about the
behaviour exhibited when people work together with
information to gain a better understanding of various
activities such as CIS, CS and others that happen at
the interplay between ‘collaboration’ and
‘information’ (Paul and Reddy 2010b). The goal of
CIB is to better translate research findings into
workable design recommendations and technical
It is hard to define requirements for an ideal
collaborative environment, because they depend on
the organization, context, problem, participants and
other factors (Baasch 2002). There are some
agreements on the characterization of a collaborative
environment. Dargan (2001) proposes seven
capabilities that a collaborative environment should
have. Baasch (2002) adds two more capabilities to
the Dargan’s list. Among the capabilities there are
some that are directly related to the interplay of
'information' and 'collaboration', such as: rapidly
find the right people with the right expertise; build,
find, and exchange information across
organizational boundaries; deliver the right
information to the right people as soon as it is
Parra Carneiro da Silva A. and Massaki Hirata C..
DOI: 10.5220/0003929700240035
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 24-35
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
available, and keep a record of all collaborations for
further reference.
A collaborative system is one where multiple
users or agents are engaged in a shared activity,
usually from remote locations. Comparing with
other distributed systems, collaborative systems are
distinguished by the fact that the agents are working
together towards a common goal and have a critical
need to interact closely with each other (Ivan et al.
2008). To achieve this distinction, collaborative
systems should have effective mechanisms for
communication, coordination, cooperation and
awareness. According to Fuks et al. (2008),
Communication consists of the exchange of
information in negotiations among people;
Coordination is related to the management of
people, their activities and resources; and
Cooperation is the production that takes place in the
shared workspace. The participants obtain feedback
from their actions and feed through from the actions
of their companions by means of awareness
information related to the interaction among
participants. The 3C collaboration model proposed
by authors is based on work of Ellis et al. (1991).
Räsänen and Nyce (2006) argue that many
systems have failed because developers have
neglected the social context where technology is
used. Social context is formed by actors and
relationships among them. The correct identification
of actors and relationships among them may help
developers to better understand how software
technology should be inserted in such context
(Martins 2007). The success of an information
system depends on the quality of the definition of
requirements (Martins 2007). The quality of the
requirements is greatly influenced by techniques
employed during requirement elicitation (Hickey
and Davis 2002). Requirements elicitation
techniques are methods used by analysts to
determine the needs of customers and users, so that
systems can be built with a high probability of
satisfying those needs (Hickey and Davis 2003).
However, consensus exists that one elicitation
technique cannot work for all situations (Macaulay
1996; Kotonya and Sommerville 1998; Glass 2002;
Hickey and Davis 2003). There are lots of
requirements elicitation techniques described in
literature (Byrd et al. 1992; Davis 1993; Hudlicka
1996; Macaulay 1996; Kotonya and Sommerville
1998; Leffingwell 2000; Glass 2002; Lauesen 2002).
In our survey of the elicitation of requirements,
we have not found techniques that take into account
the needs of users in collaborative environments
considering CS. The understanding of user needs in
such contexts is essential to provide mechanisms for
an effective cooperation. We believe that a
technique that focuses on the understanding of the
actors during their activities in a collaborative
environment in order to fully take advantage of the
synergy among stakeholders to achieve common
goals is required.
This paper presents a method for requirements
elicitation in collaborative environments with
sensemaking. The technique is focused on the
observation of actors interacting to perform
activities that occur in the interplay between
collaboration and information. The method captures
the needs of users in collaborative environments
whose collaborative activities - which are covered
by the activity CS and CS activity itself - are
investigated. The technique is based on the
simulation of the targeted collaborative system. In
the simulation, restrictions and permissions are
defined to the participating users in order to provide
a close environment of the target system whereby
the interactions among them can be monitored. The
technique aims to obtain a more effective
requirements elicitation to the stakeholders involved.
The remainder of the article is structured as
follows. Section 2 presents definitions, concepts
about CIB, the difficulty of requirements elicitation,
and the related work. Section 3 describes the
proposed method for requirements elicitation and its
application through simulation. More specifically,
we present the experimental environment wherein
the simulation carried out, results of
experimentation, and analyses of results. In section 4
we analyse the proposed method. Section 5
concludes the article and discusses future work.
In recent years, researchers from a diverse range of
disciplines conducted various studies (Poltrock et al.
2003; Foster 2006; Hertzum 2008; Ravid et al. 2008;
Paul and Reddy 2010b) within organizational and
non-organizational settings and have provided many
key insights about activities that happen at the
interplay between ‘collaboration' and 'information'
(Karunakaran 2010). To integrate the various termi-
nologies associated with Collaborative Information
Behaviour (CIB) in the studies, Karunakaran et al.
(2010) define a working definition of CIB as
“totality of behaviour exhibited when people work
together to identify
an information need, retrieve,
and share information, evaluate, synthesize and
make sense of the found information, and then
utilize the found information”.
Among the activities that comprise the
behaviours investigated in CIB, those underlined
above, the activity sensemaking is a critical element
of collaborative work (Ravid et al. 2008; Paul and
Reddy 2010b). Sensemaking is the process through
which individuals view and interpret the world and
then act accordingly (Ravied et al. 2008).
Sensemaking determines the way in which people
respond to certain events and construe their
perceptions regarding goals, priorities and problems
they face (Ravied et al. 2008). Convergent evidence
shows that Collaborative Sensemaking (CS)
crosscuts the activities within CIB (Paul and Reddy
2010b). CS occurs when multiple actors with
possibly different perspectives about the world
engage in the process of making sense of ‘messy’
information (Ntuen et al. 2006; Paul and Morris
2009) to come at shared understandings (Ravied et
al. 2008) and then to act accordingly for coming
more near their common goal. CS is an important
aspect of Collaborative Information Seeking (CIS)
(Paul and Reddy 2010b). CIS is defined as “the
study of systems and practices that enable
individuals to collaborate during the seeking,
searching, and retrieval of information” (Foster
2006, p .330). CIS occurs when “a group or team of
people undertakes to identify and resolve a shared
information need.” (Poltrock et al. 2003, p.239).
Resolving a shared information need often consists
of finding, retrieving, sharing, understanding, and
using information together (Paul and Reddy 2010a).
Reddy and colleagues in two investigations in
healthcare providers environments identify some
reasons that lead to the occurrence of CS, such as
(Reddy and Jansen 2008; Paul and Reddy 2010b):
ambiguity of available information, role-based
distribution of information, lack of domain
expertise, complexity of information need, and lack
of immediately accessible information. CS involves
tasks whereby individuals: share information and
sense, prioritize relevant information, contextualize
awareness information with respect to activities, and
create and manipulate shared representations (Paul
and Reddy 2010a).
Due to these needs of individuals or users,
building collaborative systems that take into account
sensemaking is a challenge. The construction of
software system requires a software development
process that includes the following phases:
requirements elicitation, design, implementation,
verification and maintenance. We believe that one
of main difficulties in the process development is to
elicit the requirements due to the needs of
individuals in CS.
The goal of the requirements elicitation is to
understand the real needs of the users which must be
supported by the software to be developed
(Sommerville and Ransom 2005). During the
requirement elicitation phase, the stakeholders
exchange information about the context and the
activities that will be supported by the software
under development (Laporti et al. 2009). This phase
is seldom problem free. Viewpoint, mental model
and expectation differences among users and
analysts make this task hard and conflicting. In
many cases, the clients are not completely sure about
their real needs. In other words, the current
approaches to address requirements elicitation do
not correspond to management expectations (Laporti
et al. 2009). Sommerville (2006) points out
problems in this phase are responsible for 55% of
computer systems’ troubles and that 82% of the
effort devoted to correcting mistakes is related to
this phase. Some techniques that consider social
context are proposed to elicit requirements of
collaborative systems as shown in (Hickey and
Davis 2003; Zoowghi and Coulin 2005; Broll 2007;
Machado 2009).
Machado et al. (2009) proposes a method to
support requirements elicitation in organizations
where there exists clearly demand by improve in
existing systems. Their method combines traditional
cognitive and ethnographic methods and focuses on
the capture of the actual activities being executed in
the context of the workplace, i.e., focused at work.
Their approach assumes that there is a difference
between information obtained from stakeholders
during interviews, and the rich, dynamic and
complex reality of workplaces. However, their
technique does not take into account the
collaborative interactions from the information
needs and other activities that support the needs.
These activities are main triggers of work in
collaborative settings (Poltrock et al. 2003; Reddy
and Jansen 2008; Paul and Reddy 2010b). Moreover,
ethnography research is very time intensive and it
has high costs (Myers 1999).
Simulation is a technique, not a technology, to
replace or amplify real experiences with guided
experiences that evoke or replicate substantial
aspects of the real world in a fully interactive
manner (Gaba 2007). A critical point that has often
been missed is that process of using simulators and
simulations is a "social practice" (Laucken 2003). A
social practice can be defined as a contextual event
in space and time, conducted for one or more
purposes, in which people interact in a goal-oriented
fashion with each other, with technical artefacts (the
simulator), and with the environment (including
relevant devices). To regard simulation as a social
practice puts an appropriate emphasis on the reasons
why people take part in it and how they choose to
interpret the various simulation endeavours
(Dieckmann et al. 2007).
The simulation is chosen due the following
advantages: conditions can be varied and outcomes
investigated; critical situations can be investigated
without risk; it is cost effective; simulations can be
speeded up so behaviour can be studied easily over a
long period of time, and they can be slowed down to
study behaviour more closely. The simulation of the
collaborative setting can be used to address types of
knowledge, skills, attitudes, or behaviours that
people have in specific imposed stimulus, rules or
objectives. We believe that these impositions help to
show potential problems and deficiencies that users
may face in their collaborative environments. Thus,
developers can act to solve or mitigate them through
computer systems more effective in the
environment. In addition, the collaborative
environment can be more effective with the
participation of users in the simulations because they
can recognize difficulties to collaboration in poorly
designed organizational processes.
Our proposed approach for requirements
elicitation in collaborative settings is focused on the
observation of actors interacting to perform
activities that occur in the interplay between
collaboration and information. The environment
wherein the actors interact is simulated. We believe
that this approach we provide a more effective
elicitation of requirements.
The proposed method consists of a simulation of the
activities that make up CIB. We consider the
following CIB activities: identify an information
need; search, retrieve and share information;
evaluate, synthesize and make sense of information
found, and use the information found. The
identification of information need is the main factor
that drives collaborative activities. In order to design
the collaborative environment properly, the
proposed method seeks to simulate the virtual setting
emphasizing CIB activities that are likely to occur
with emphasis on collaborative sensemaking
activity. The simulation is made in a co-located
environment with restrictions of collaborative
systems artificially enforced. The idea is to monitor
the users’ interactions in a simulated collaborative
environment, so that is possible to identify
collaborative requirements and build systems. The
simulation method consists of four activities:
Definition of the System, its Environment,
and Restrictions and Permissions of Com-
munication, Coordination, Cooperation,
and Awareness (3C+A). Define the system
and its environment by indicating the
characteristics of collaborative setting to be
simulated such as the main collaborative
activities, potential users, roles of users, and
business rules. The activities are defined based
on their importance for achieving the common
objectives pursued in a collaborative
environment. Potential users, their roles and
business rules are originated from the
definition of key collaborative activities and
the objectives to be achieved. The
collaborative activities to be investigated in
the simulation are mainly those which have
intrinsically features of the interplay between
collaboration and information. The restrictions
and permissions of 3C+A are those that the
potential users face when interacting with the
actual system. The output of this simulation
activity is a document describing the
aforementioned items, mainly the restrictions
and permissions, of the system and its
Planning the Simulation. Define the proce-
dures, techniques and tools that capture user
interactions during collaboration. Define also
the procedures, techniques, and tools to
analyse the data collected in order to identify
both the breaks of restrictions and needs of
3C+A in the interactions. Define monitors
(observers) and their role for monitoring the
simulation. The output is a list of procedures,
techniques and tools to capture and analyse
the data related to the users’ interactions. The
planning output includes the definition of
procedures to monitor and control the
Execution, Monitoring, and Control. Ex-
ecute, monitor and control the simulation, in
accordance with the plan. In this activity, the
potential users take part in the simulated
activities whereby their interactions with the
system and with other users are monitored.
The outputs are information and data collected
and a set of annotations describing changes
accomplished during simulations.
Analyses and Identification of Require-
ments: Analyses the data collected previously
according to the chosen techniques and
defined procedures. The purpose of the
analysis is both to validate the proposed
restrictions of communication, coordination,
cooperation and awareness and identify new
needs (requisites) related to restrictions and
permissions of communication, coordination,
cooperation, and awareness. The identification
of the requisites is a result of the restrictions
that were suitably proposed and proposals of
new restrictions in the collaborative
interactions that occurred in the simulations.
In order to illustrate the usage and evaluate the
proposed method, we conducted an experiment in a
simulated collaborative workplace. The aim of the
method is to find the appropriate requirements of
communication, coordination, cooperation and
awareness (3C+A) for the system or subsystem to be
developed for the targeted collaborative
environment. The (actual) collaborative environment
is a Web environment whereby participants can
work together to solve a puzzle challenge. A puzzle
is a problem or enigma that tests the ingenuity of the
solver. In a basic puzzle, one is intended to put
together pieces in a logical way in order to come up
with the desired solution. Puzzles are often contrived
as a form of entertainment, but they can also stem
from serious mathematical or logistical problems.
The type of puzzle that inspired us to create a
collaborative environment for study is Tiling
Puzzles. Tiling puzzles are two-dimensional packing
problems in which a number of flat shapes have to
be assembled into a larger given shape without
overlaps (and often without gaps) (Puzzle 2010).
Unlike tiling puzzles, the collaborative puzzle
defined is not guided by the construction of a known
image, but by a single contiguous area containing
blocks of the same cor. In our collaborative puzzle, a
piece is an arrangement of rectangle blocks of
defined shapes and the goal is to set the highest
number of pieces (or blocks) which must have
cohesion. The cohesion is characterized by absence
of gaps and pieces of the same color. The change of
colors in a contiguous is a measure of the team´s
performance. Below we apply the method proposed
to collaborative environment target.
4.1 Definition of the System, Its
Environment, and Restrictions and
Permissions of Communication,
Coordination, Cooperation and
Awareness (3C+A)
As a result of the first step we have the following
scope for the simulation. The collaborative challenge
must be resolved by four participants co-located.
The common goal of participants in the challenge is
to place the pieces on the table so that they form one
cohesive contiguous area (puzzle) with a minimum
of empty areas (gaps) inside. The pieces have
different shapes and each piece is made up of
different amount of blocks of the same color.
Fourteen or more contiguous blocks of the same
color that form a contiguous area is enough to score.
Therefore, the eleven yellow contiguous blocks
showed in Figure 1 is not considered a contiguous
area. The team earns points according to the
cohesive contiguous area formed. For achieving the
maximum degree of cohesion, it is necessary that the
area formed by the pieces covers the available space
all blocks of the same color without any gap.
Figure 1: Sample of single contiguous area formed with
three minor contiguous areas.
The simulated collaborative setting has the
following characteristics: (C1) each participant has a
number of particular pieces initially and they can be
presented to other participants when placed on the
table; (C2) the amount of private pieces is not
necessarily the same for all participants; (C3) Each
participant has a placeholder (box) wherein his/her
private pieces are; (C4) on a public area (table) some
pieces are present from the beginning of the
challenge and they are called public pieces, and any
participant can access them; (C5) particular pieces
presented on the table become public regardless of
whether they are placed in the puzzle or not; (C6) all
pieces, private or public, are made of colourful
blocks, and (C7) the pieces have different shapes
and sizes and each piece is unicolor.
Private pieces are a tentative to represent the
individual tacit information whereas public pieces
try to represent information that is shared by the
group of people. The placeholder is a simulated
space that its owner has access (knowledge). The
owner is restricted in its ability to show his pieces by
time and amount. We discuss the restrictions below.
The activities identified in the collaborative
environment are: (A1) present one particular piece
on the table; (A2) present one particular piece and
place together it with other pieces on the table; (A3)
arrange public piece(s) that are on the table; (A4)
disconnect piece(s) of puzzle; (A5) compute the
performance of the group according to the pieces
placed together; (A6) come to the consensus; (A7)
evaluate information collectively; (A8) share
information; (A9) identify information need, and
(A10) make sense collaboratively. The activities A1
- A5 were identified by the characteristics of
collaborative environment of the challenge and by
the common goal that has to be achieved. The
activities A6 - A10 come from the interactions of
participants in the challenge as actions or operations
that support the activities A1 - A5. As described, we
consider the particular pieces like information and
knowledge to each participant in the challenge. The
pieces already presented on the table are information
known to (shared by) the group of participants. Each
one can simply present his/her information on the
table (activity A1), without giving meaning to them.
On the other hand, a participant may connect his/her
information with others (activity A2) or just connect
the information that is already on the table (activity
A3), thus giving the information a particular
meaning in the context. The various possibilities for
links of information are due to different
interpretations of them. The interpretations may be
the products of both activities, make sense (activity
A10) and evaluate information (activity A7), both
executed collectively. The interpretations may also
occur during the activity disconnect pieces (activity
A4). Sharing information (activity A8) on the table
by each participant is encouraged due to information
needs that arise as the resolution of the challenge
goes on. Identifying these needs (activity A9)
depends on the interpretation and evaluation of
information available to all participants, for
example, the information from the computation of
group performance (activity A5).
Possible actions/behaviours of the participants on
some activities identified have been defined. Group
members must meet the following rules (R):
(R1) Only one group member at a time has
access to the puzzle to carry out his/her
(R2) The next member to access the table to
play is chosen by the group members
(R3) Each member to perform activities A1 -
A4 must justify the reason for his/her act.
Each group member, during his/her
participation, can act as follows:
(R4) Execute the activity A1 or A2 at most
(R5) If the results of activities A2 - A5
performed by a member, are not considered by
the group, it is the responsibility of the
member to undo the work.
(R6) The pieces that are placed on the table
must remain on it regardless they are
interlinked or not to the other pieces in the
(R7) The solution presented by the group
members as the final solution is just one single
strongly connected area, i.e., there exists a
path from each block to every other block.
Group members may use the following
permissions (P):
(P1) Perform activities A3 and A4 as many
times as necessary in each participation and
the member can be assisted by other group
members during these activities.
(P2) The group can measure their
performance, activity A5, during the challenge
at any time.
Participants are not limited to actions/behaviours
defined. In other words, they may take other
actions/behaviours, but without violating the
aforementioned restrictions.
4.2 Planning the Simulation
We propose to divide the planning into three stages:
pre-experiment, experiment and post-experiment. In
the pre-experiment stage, four participants are
informed of the details of the challenge, such as the
characteristics, rules and how the group is evaluated.
The form of evaluation of the group, in particular, is
thoroughly explained with the help of illustrations of
possible solutions. Doubts of participants should be
answered before proceeding to the next stage. Only
after the participants understand the challenge, the
challenge can be initiated.
During the challenge the participants can ask
questions to the monitors of the simulations.
However, the participants are aware that the time
spent with questions is considered as play time. The
end of the challenge occurs when the group presents
its final solution or when the challenge reaches its
limit of 30 minutes. The second stage begins at the
signal of the monitor. The monitor, turn on the video
camera to record the behaviours and actions of
group members. In other words, the stage comprises
the running of simulation to collect data from users'
interactions of interest. Before going to the last
stage, the solution presented by the group is
evaluated by the monitors and the result announced
to the group. After all members know their
performance in group, each member receives a
questionnaire to answer it. It is the final stage.
We analyse the data of questionnaires using the
method content analysis (Stemler 2001). Our
objective is to capture the perceptions of each
member about the rules imposed and collaborative
activities that they perform. With their answers, we
can know what rules, permissions and collaborative
activities are most problematic, difficult, awkward,
and challenging. With this information, we can look
for reasons for these problems. This can be achieved
through the analysis of the recorded videos of the
challenges made. The use of videos is suitable to
analyse the interactions of the actors when they
perform their activities. According to (Ruhleder and
Jordan 1997), there are several advantages of using
video for interaction analysis, and the main reason is
that video is permanent information that can be
recurrently analysed. It provides the opportunity to
several researchers to perform their own
interpretations and a collaborative multidisciplinary
analysis can create an unbiased view of the events.
Video-based Interaction Analysis (VbIA) also
avoids the say/do problem, i.e., what people say they
do and what they really do may not necessarily be
the same. VbIA exposes mechanisms and
antecedents due to the fact that the video provides
process data rather than snapshot data. Since video
records the phenomenon of interest in context, it is
possible to ask about antecedents, varieties of
solutions produced on different occasions, and
questions of what led up to any particular state. The
third source of information is the notes of the
monitors. These notes highlight the perceptions they
had of episodes that attracted their attention during
the simulations.
Twelve persons are invited to participate in the
challenge. They are chosen among the students
enrolled in the undergraduate course of engineering
at the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA).
Students are both informed about the objectives of
the experiment and asked to participate. The twelve
students faced the same challenge but in three
groups of four. The three groups are established
according to the students’ choice. Two monitors
monitor and control the three simulations to be
performed. The degree of their participation is
restricted to answer questions of participants, take
notes of the simulation, check the capture of images
by the camera and apply the questionnaire to
participants. Four sets of particular pieces were
chosen and offered to members of each group. The
pieces in these sets were chosen randomly by the
monitors, meeting the characteristics C1 and C2. For
each group, the pieces are placed in four boxes of
different colors. Before starting each experiment, the
boxes are chosen by members. Thus, each member
does not know its contents in advance and also uses
the boxes during the challenge as a placeholder.
Each member is unaware of the contents of the
boxes of the other members during the challenge,
respecting the characteristics C3 and C5. Before
each experiment, nine public pieces are already
available on the table, satisfying C4. These pieces
are also chosen randomly. Before starting each
challenge, a camera is adjusted and turned on to
capture the actions and behaviours of the group
members. The camera is placed on the table inside
the room where the simulations takes place. The
monitors observe the three groups and take notes of
events that call their attention, as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Group members collaborating in a puzzle
observed by a monitor.
4.3 Executing Simulation
The simulation of three collaborative challenges
generated the following data: video recordings of the
simulations, notes of the interactions that called
attention, the performance of groups that was
calculated according to the final solution presented
to the monitors, and the solutions that were
photographed,. All groups took the period of 30
minutes to build their solutions. The performances
of the groups were then calculated. The first, second
and third group achieved the degree of cohesion of
83.4%, 65% and 56% respectively. We stress that
the same pieces were used in three simulations, both
public and private ones.
4.4 Analysing and Identifying
As the last step of the method we analyse the
collected data to identify requirements for building
the collaborative challenge on the Web. The analysis
was conducted as planned in the second stage. Data
collected in questionnaires responded by participants
were copied into electronic form before being
analysed. Stretches of audio-visual recorded also
were copied into electronic form. First, we classify
the data collected from the open questions of the
questionnaires in the following units of content:
(Q1) How do you evaluate the rule R1 as to the
group’s performance? Justify your evaluation. (Q2)
How do you evaluate the rule R2 as to the group's
performance? Justify your evaluation. (Q3) How do
you evaluate the rule R3 as to the group’s
performance? Justify your evaluation. (Q4) How do
you evaluate the rule R4 and permission P1 as to the
group’s performance? Justify your evaluation. (Q5)
How do you evaluate the rule R5 as to the group's
performance? Justify your evaluation. (Q6) How do
you evaluate the rule R6 as to the group's
performance? Justify your evaluation. (Q7) During
the evaluation of pieces connected and disconnected
the participants had any problem? If so, describe
them. (Q8) Making sense in a group, i.e.,
participants with different perspectives and goals
engage in making sense together of how to arrange
the pieces available and interpret them, and
understand what information (pieces) are needed
and where. Did you have any problems during this
activity? If so, describe them. (Q9) There were
problems to arrive at consensus on actions taken by
the participants? If so, describe them.
After sorting the data collected from
questionnaires we analyse the data collected. The
analysis consisted of the comparisons of the
participants' perceptions with the monitors’
perceptions, i.e., notes and analysis of the videos.
In short, the group that has the best performance
was the one with better coordination, cooperation
and awareness. G1 began to address the challenge by
defining a strategy. The strategy was based mainly
on two steps: understanding (in group) what degree
of cohesion of a contiguous area is, and how to
obtain the area with the highest possible degree of
cohesion. All members of the group at the beginning
of the challenge sought to make sense of all
information presented to them. The result of this
search yielded a unique understanding of the
problem leading to better group performance. This
was not seen in the activities of the other two
groups. We note the difficulties of G2 and G3 to
coordinate their activities because the different
perceptions of members of these groups on how to
achieve the goal of the collaborative challenge. The
cooperation of members of these groups was not that
productive due to the lack of a shared understanding
among them. Shared understanding was reached by
the G1 only after making sense of the information
together. The G2 and G3 did not explicitly define a
suitable strategy as the G1, but by analysing the
video and other data sources we realize that they had
strategies, but divergent. At the start of their
challenge, each member of groups G2 and G3
seemed to be worried for creating large contiguous
sub-areas of a specific color by himself. At some
point of the challenge, the member wanted to join
his area to build a single contiguous area, satisfying
the rule R7. Of course, there were some conflicts
and time wasting. As result of the strategy, G2
handed in a puzzle with 40 pieces and G3 a puzzle
with 49 pieces. As previously reported, the degrees
of cohesion of their solutions were, respectively
65% and 56%. The G1 needed only 24 pieces for
reaching 83.4%.
By cross-analysing the data collected we realize
that some restrictions were not beneficial to the
resolution of the collaborative puzzle. The definition
of who must access the table was based on
consensus by the group members, rule R2. However,
some participants suggested another option to
determine who should access the table. They
suggested that it would be better to determine in
advance the turn of access to the table. The rule R4
was also identified as an obstacle by several
participants. The suggestion is to change R4 for the
following: the group member who is accessing the
table may display and place various pieces in the
puzzle during his/her access. The rule R5 was also
suggested to be changed: any member who is
accessing the table, can undo previously actions if
the member asks permission and justifies his/her
changes. The rule R6 that does not allow group
members to withdraw non used pieces from the table
(that are not interconnected to the puzzle) brought
problems. This restriction overloaded the group with
pieces and resulted into difficulties to the group to
make sense and decisions. The overload was
reported by the participants and was identified by
monitors. Many participants complained that the
pieces were hard to be linked, thus polluting the
public are and making the resolution of the
challenge harder.
Based on cross-analysis of data collected, we
define the following requisites of communication,
coordination, cooperation and awareness to build the
collaborative challenge for the Web:
: (a) Use synchronous
communication through speech and
handwriting. The characteristics C1 and C3
oblige a restricted communication as the
video, e.g., use a tool as video-conference.
Thus, to support coordination, cooperation and
awareness among group members they must
have a similar tool to chat, but without the
video conferencing feature. (b)
Communication must be flexible, i.e., unicast
and broadcast. This requirement is due to the
need for each group member having to report
and seek information with others in a
particular and broadcast way. For example,
when you want to know who has pieces of a
similar format and specific color, or request to
a specific member to rearrange pieces.
: (a) Allow access to the virtual
table of only one group member at a time. (b)
The next group member to access the virtual
table is determined by vote and the decision
will be by consensus (to be established
through the synchronous communication as
occurred in the simulations). Another option is
to define the order of access of all members in
advance. The group can change the form of
selection of the next member. The first option
is defined because three participants reported
that they lost time with the rule R2 and that it
should be possible to determine the order of
their moves earlier. (c) The access to the table
will have a maximum time pre-determined by
the group members. The member who is
supposed to access the table can yield the
access to the next member. If the maximum
time is reached the member loses his/her
access and the table will be available for the
next group member. The time spent in
accessing the table in the simulations by the
group members varied widely. So to avoid
that a member locks the access to the table
each member will have a time limit of access.
: (a) Allow that more than one
particular piece be presented in the table by a
group member at a time. Several participants
complained and we also observe in the videos
that the rule R4 was not helpful for the group
performance. Because of this the group
members decided to simply "circumvent" this
rule. As they could not place more than one
piece or arrange pieces on the table, the
members asked several consecutive accesses
to the table to perform the activities. (b) Pieces
that the group believes that are not useful,
should not remain on the table and should be
returned to the members who presented the
pieces. Thus, the computation of the degree of
cohesion of the solution becomes simpler. (c)
The calculation of the degree of cohesion of
contiguous areas can be made automatically if
a member requests. Although we believe that
the calculation is not difficult, in the
simulations we found that two groups have not
coordinated their activities. (d) Undo
interconnections and disconnections reverting
to the previous play can be executed by any
group member, but it should only be
performed by one group member. In practice
the participants will not recognize the rule R5.
: (a) Allow group members to
chain messages exchanged based on a specific
event and its sequences. This requirement
aims to bring understanding to group members
on decisions and their consequences. (b) Each
piece on the table must indicate to whom it
belonged. Public pieces do not have this
identification. Thus, a piece at a specific time
can be removed from table by member who
placed it. (c) The following information must
be visible to all members of the group: who is
accessing the table at a given time and how
long he/she is taking. This information can
help coordination and cooperation of the
group. (d) Each member must be notified
when the table is available to him.
The proposed method is based on simulation of
collaborative activities that are important to achieve
the objectives of stakeholders. The method allowed
us to find unexpected behaviours. The simulation
study was defined it according to the objective,
constraints, and permissions for the users. The
restrictions were validated by performing
experiments with potential users of the collaborative
environment. The result was the identification of
requirements for communication, coordination,
cooperation and awareness (3C+A) for the
development of the collaborative puzzle on Web.
The effort spent in the simulation of the
collaborative puzzle can be considered low when we
compare with other existing methods, for instance,
ethnographic investigations. This is due to the fact
that the collaborative environment simulated is less
complex, i.e., has a small number of actors involved
and the resources employed in the simulation are of
low cost. However, we consider the puzzle a
collaborative challenge which allows analysing the
behaviours and interactions in a collaborative
environment based on the concepts of CIB, in
particular the concept of collaborative sensemaking.
We believe that the simulation method can be
employed for more complex collaborative
environments where there are several roles and
artefacts. In these environments the method can be
used in the key scenarios of environments that need
research due to a poor knowledge of the interactions
of the actors.
In this method, the perspective of monitors and
developers are captured through notes during the
simulations, and the perspective of users by means
of questionnaires. The two perspectives aim to
identify common findings and discrepancies. The
discrepancies can be further investigated with the
help of the video-based analysis.
If the elicitation of requirements for 3C+A is not
made in a satisfactory manner, the collaborative
environment simulation can be performed again on
specific scenarios that presented problems.
We are aware that there are various techniques
for gathering and analysing information, but the
utilization of the questionnaire, notes of observations
and video, and content analysis and video-based
interactive analysis showed to be adequate in the
collaborative puzzle simulation. The techniques
were chosen because of the following characteristics
of the collaborative challenge: number of users
collaborating is low, number of activities performed
by users is not high, and the common goal is not
complex to understand. The choice of collection and
analysis techniques of information to be used must
consider the characteristics of the environment to be
studied - for example the context and situation - as
pointed out in (Hickey and Davis 2003; Zoowghi
and Coulin 2005; Davis 2006).
Some problems reported by participants such as:
the difficulty to physically place the pieces in the
collaborative puzzle and the complexity of
computing the performance of collaborative groups
can be readily removed when the challenge occurs in
the Web. The virtual environment to be developed
can place the pieces with a drag of mouse and make
the computation of the team's performance
automatically on each piece insertion or removal.
The method, however, is unable to capture some
requirements, for instance, those related to log and
presentation of the history of usage by the
participants. The history might be useful to roll back
(undo moves) to past configurations.
Another restriction is physical limitation of the
usage of the co-located simulation. For the
collaborative puzzle, the simulation is not adequate
if the number of users is high. If the number of users
is high, coordination requirements should be
investigated deeply and elicited.
Other limitation has to do with the synchronism
of the collaboration. Our proposed method was
effectively employed for a synchronous
collaborative puzzle. We envision that the method
can be employed to other synchronous collaborative
applications; however, it may not result in the same
success if it is applied to asynchronous collaborative
In summary, our proposed method presents the
following advantages: it allows the identification of
requirements of 3C+A in an efficient manner in
terms of time and resources; it is suitable to be used
in synchronous collaborative environments, and it
allows capturing perceptions of major actors
involved in the development of the collaborative
system. On the other hand, the method has the
following disadvantages: it does not capture/save the
history of the interactions of the users involved in
collaborative activities; and it may not allow
investigating satisfactorily collaborative
environment that has many actors, roles and
resources involved – i.e. it is physically limited to be
In this research work, we propose a method of
requirements elicitation in collaborative
environments considering activities CIB, especially
the collaborative sensemaking activity. The method
utilizes the simulation of the target environment to
capture requirements of the following aspects of
collaboration: communication, coordination,
cooperation and awareness (3C+A). The simulation
environment is defined by restrictions and
permissions of the collaborative aspects. The method
was illustrated on an environment of collaborative
puzzle. It allowed finding requirements for all
collaborative aspects considered in simulation
through verifications and inconsistency
identifications of the restrictions and permissions
assigned to the environment under study.
Some difficulties encountered in the co-located
simulations of collaborative environments can be
mitigated simply because these environments come
to be supported by computer systems. For instance,
in the collaborative puzzle two difficulties arose:
handle pieces of the puzzle and calculate the group
performance during the challenge. The difficulties
can be solved easily in a virtual version of the
challenge on the Web, as described in the previous
session. On the other hand, the support of computer
systems can bring new problems that are not
necessarily perceived during the simulation of
collaborative environments, for instance the
feedback from actors can be inefficient because the
computer system may have restrictions on capturing
and presenting interaction information – e.g.
gestures, expressions, tone of voice, etc., and the
actors may not have confidence or may not have the
knowledge to effectively use the system interfaces,
especially in critical collaborative environments, as
in air traffic control (Merlin and Hirata 2010).
As the next steps this research work, we are
developing the virtual collaborative puzzle and soon
after its development we will perform experiments
on it to evaluate the gains and the difficulties. In
addition, we are planning to expand the use of the
method in other collaborative environments, for
example in health care settings.
To CNPQ, for funding this research. To the
researcher Juliana de Melo Bezerra by help in the
design and participation in the experiments.
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