Hadi Mohammadzadeh
, Thomas Gottron
, Franz Schweiggert
and Gholamreza Nakhaeizadeh
Institute of Applied Information Processing, University of Ulm, D-89069 Ulm, Germany
Institute for Web Science and Technologies, Universit
at Koblenz-Landau, D-56070 Koblenz, Germany
Institute of Statistics, Econometrics and Mathematical Finance, University of Karlsruhe, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany
Main Content Extraction, Web Mining, HTML Web Pages, Normalization.
In this paper, we introduce AdDANAg, a language-independent approach to extract the main content of web
documents. The approach combines best-of-breed techniques from recent content extraction approaches to
yield better extraction results. This combination of techniques brings together two pre-processing steps, e.g. to
normalize the document presentation and reduce the impact of certain syntactical structures, and four phases
for the actual content extraction. We show that AdDANAg demonstrates a high performance in terms of
effectiveness and efficiency and outperforms previous approaches.
Content Extraction (CE) is defined as the task of de-
termining the main textual content of an HTML doc-
ument and/or removing the additional items, such
as navigation menus, copyright notices or advertise-
ments (Gottron, 2008).
In recent years, many algorithms and methods
have been introduced to provide solutions to this
task (Gottron, 2008; Mohammadzadeh et al., 2011a;
Moreno et al., 2009; Weninger and Hsu, 2008). How-
ever, none of these methods demonstrated perfect re-
sults on all types of web documents. A typical flaw
is a poor extraction performance on highly structured
web documents or documents containing many hyper-
links. The structure of such documents contradicts the
typical hypothesis underlying CE methods: the main
content forms a rather long and uniformly formatted
region of text. Wiki documents are a typical exam-
ple contradicting this hypothesis. To analyse the be-
haviour of CE methods in these difficult scenarios, CE
evaluation datasets typically also contain documents
from Wikipedia. Following this line of thought we
will use Wikipedia as a representative example to il-
lustrate our approach throughout the paper. Figure 1
shows an example of a Wikipedia web page with a
highlighted main content.
The challenge posed by highly structured docu-
ments has been previously addressed by the ACCB
Figure 1: An example of a web document with a highlighted
main content.
algorithm (Gottron, 2008), which coped with the
problem by introducing a dedicated pre-processing
step. ACCB achieved more accurate results com-
pared to its baseline CCB. Motivated by this success,
we introduce in this paper the AdDANAg approach,
which incorporates a pre-processing step inspired by
ACCB with the current state-of-the-art CE algorithm
DANAg (Mohammadzadeh et al., 2011a). We apply
AdDANAg to an established collection of web doc-
Mohammadzadeh H., Gottron T., Schweiggert F. and Nakhaeizadeh G..
DOI: 10.5220/0003931906770682
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 677-682
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
uments and demonstrate an overall improvement in
main content extraction performance on highly struc-
tured documents while in general maintaining its very
good performance on all other documents.
We proceed as follows: in Section 2, we briefly
review related work in the field of CE. Our novel Ad-
DANAg approach is introduced in Section 3. The data
sets and experiments are explained in Section 4. In
Section 5, we conclude the paper and outline sugges-
tions for future work.
Content extraction algorithms can be subdivided in
three families, based on the structures they analyse:
the HTML DOM tree, HTML source code elements
or the character encoding.
2.1 Methods based on DOM Tree
In this section, we list three of most outstanding
methods operating on a DOM tree. These methods
were introduced by Gupta et al. (Gupta et al., 2003),
Mantratzis et al.(Mantratzis et al., 2005), and Debnath
et al. (Debnath et al., 2005) and are called, respec-
tively, Crunch framework, Link Quota Filter(LQF),
and finally the FeatureExtractor algorithm and its ex-
tension the K-FeatureExtractor. All of these methods
first construct a DOM tree from an HTML web page
using an HTML parser.
The first method navigates the DOM tree respec-
tively and utilizes a number of heuristic filtering tech-
niques to extract the main content of an HTML web
page. The second method, LQF, determines the areas
with a high hyperlink density within a web document,
so these areas can be separated from the main con-
tent. In the last two methods, the ”primary content
blocks” are identified based on various features. In the
first step, they segment the web pages into web page
blocks and, second, they separate the primary con-
tent blocks from the non-informative content blocks
based on their compliance with desired features, such
as dominance of text or images.
2.2 Methods based on the Analysis of
HTML Source Code Elements
Methods operating on source code elements, such as
tags and words represent are the most common and ef-
fective approach for CE. In this section we highlight
five of the most prominent approaches.
Finn et al. (Finn et al., 2001) proposed ”Body Text
Extraction” (BTE). BTE identifies only a single con-
tinuous fragment of the HTML document containing
the main content. This method is based on tokeniz-
ing a web document into a binary vector of word and
tag elements. Afterwards, BTE chooses a fragment
containing a high percentage of text against low per-
centage of tags.
Pinto et al. (Pinto et al., 2002) extended this ap-
proach to the ”Document Slope Curves” algorithm
(DSC). The aim of this method is to overcome the
restriction of BTE to be capable to extract more than
one continuous block of text tokens. In doing this, in
an intermediary step, DSC generates a graph by plot-
ting the accumulated tag token count for each entry
in the vector. Then, the approach extracts long and
low sloping regions of this graph represent the main
content (text without HTML tags). By employing a
windowing technique, the approach can identify also
a main content which is fragmented into several parts
of an HTML document.
Gottron (Gottron, 2008) presented two new algo-
rithms: Content Code Blurring (CCB) and Adapted
Content Code Blurring (ACCB) are capable of work-
ing either on characters or tokens. CCB finds the re-
gions in an HTML document which contains mainly
content and little code. In order to do this, the algo-
rithm, determines a ratio of content to code for each
single element in the content code vector (CCV) by
using a Gaussian blurring filter, building a new vec-
tor, referred to as Content Code Ratio (CCR). Now a
region with high CCR values indicates the main con-
tent. In ACCB, all anchor-tags are ignored during the
creation of the CCV. Two parameters influence the be-
haviour of these two algorithms, so tuning these two
parameters is important in order to produce good re-
sults (Gottron, 2009).
Weninger et al. (Weninger and Hsu, 2008) intro-
duced CETR: CE via tag ratios. Their method com-
putes tag ratios on a line-by-line basis and, after-
wards, produces a histogram based on results. Finally,
by using the k-means clustering method, they group
the resulting histogram into the content and the non-
content area.
Finally, Moreno et al. (Moreno et al., 2009) pro-
posed Density. This approach has two phases. In the
first step, they separate texts from the HTML tags by
using an HTML parser; afterwards, the extracted texts
are saved in an array of strings L. In the second step, a
region in the array L that has the highest density will
be determined as a main content.
2.3 Methods based on Analysing
Character Encoding
The last category of CE methods operates on the char-
acter encoding of a document.
In the first, simple algorithm, R2L, was proposed
by Mohammadzadeh et al. (Mohammadzadeh et al.,
2011c). R2L is independent from the DOM tree and
HTML tags and extracts the main content of special
language web pages, such as Arabic, Farsi, Urdu,
and Pashto, written from right to left. The proposed
method relies on the simple rule: the distinction be-
tween characters which are used in English characters
and right to left language characters. The shortcom-
ing of R2L is that it is language dependent. More-
over, it loses the Non-R2L characters, for example
English characters, of the main content because when
R2L separates characters, it categorizes all Non-R2L
characters incorrectly as the English characters while
some of these Non-R2L characters are members of
the main content.
The latter flaw was overcome by DANA (Moham-
madzadeh et al., 2011b), an extended release of R2L
with considerable effectiveness. DANA like R2L ap-
proach is still language-dependent but it can cope with
Non-R2L characters in the main content.
Finally, Mohammadzadeh et al. (Moham-
madzadeh et al., 2011a) presented DANAg, a
language-independent version by incorporating an
HTML parser. DANAg shows high efficiency and a
very accurate extraction of the main content.
AdDANAg is inspired by an adaptation of the pre-
processing step of ACCB (Gottron, 2008) and the
current state-of-the-art content extraction approach
DANAg (Mohammadzadeh et al., 2011a). The pro-
cess behind AdDANAg can be divided into a pre-
processing phase and a core extraction phase. While
the core extraction phase is taken from DANAg, the
pre-processing from ACCB has been adapted and en-
hanced. Our preprocessing normalizes imbalances
in the source code structure that hinder typical CE
approaches. The imbalances can be motivated due
to technical constraints or domain specific deviations
from the typical source code patterns. Important is
to note, that they do not imply a semantic change in
the main content specifications. Below we explain the
pre-processing step of AdDANAg in detail and recall
the core extraction phase for the sake of completeness
of the paper.
3.1 Pre-processing
A common problem of CE methods based on source
code analysis is, that on hyperlink rich web docu-
ments they cannot detect the main content accurately.
This can be explained with the code for hyperlinks
prevailing over the actual content items, which contra-
dicts typical assumptions made by the content extrac-
tion methods. Illustrative examples are given in Fig-
ure 2 showing some paragraphs of a normal HTML
file while Figure 3 represents some portions of source
code with many hyperlinks. In Figure 2, there is no
hyperlink, so approaches like DANAg or CCB have
no problems in extracting the main content accurately.
In comparison, in Figure 3, there are plenty of hy-
perlinks which introduces a strong bias towards code
Therefore, in the pre-processing step of Ad-
DANAg, we normalise all HTML hyperlinks using a
fast approach based on substitution rules. For better
understanding we explain the approach using a illus-
trative example. Suppose the following hyperlink to
be contained in an HTML file:
<a h r e f =” h t t p : / / www. BBC . com/>BBC Web S i t e </a>
Here, there is only one attribute, which is
href="". Now, the length of
the anchor text (in this example: BBC Web Site) is
determined and we refer to this value by LT. Then, we
substitute the attribute part of the opening tag with a
placeholder text of length LT - 5, where the subtracted
5 comes from the length of <a></a>. So, using the
underscore sign as placeholder the new hyperlink
for our example should be as below:
<a >BBC Web S i t e </ a>
The purpose of this rule is to normalise the ratio of
content and code characters representing hyperlinks.
This counterbalances inequalities originating from the
URLs in hyperlinks.
<p id="story_continues_2">&quot;Especially the under-fives and the pregnant
women, they&#039;re suffering from malnutrition and communicable disease like the
measles, diarrhoea and pneumonia,&quot; he said.</p>
<p>Earlier this week Mark Bowden, the UN humanitarian affairs co-ordinator
for Somalia, told the BBC that the country was close to famine. </p>
<p>Last week Somalia&#039;s al-Shabab Islamist militia - which has been
fighting the Mogadishu government - said it was lifting its ban on foreign aid
agencies provided they did not show a &quot;hidden agenda&quot;. </p>
<p>Some 3,000 people flee each day for neighbouring countries such as
Ethiopia and Kenya which are struggling to cope.</p>
Figure 2: Some paragraphs of regular HTML file.
3.2 The Core Extraction Phase
AdDANAg follows the common hypothesis, that the
main content is composed of a relatively homoge-
neous region of text. For the web document in Fig-
ure 4, this hypothesis holds true for the shown text
Figure 3: Some portions of hyperlink rich HTML file.
fragment. The challenge is now to detect this rela-
tively homogeneous region of text in the source code.
The core extraction phase of AdDANAg in gen-
eral follows the process designed for DANAg (Mo-
hammadzadeh et al., 2011a). This incorporates two
additional pre-processing steps: first, to remove all
JavaScript codes, CSS style codes, and comments
from the HTML file and retain only the HTML code
as the output, and second, to normalize the distribu-
tion of newline characters in the source code as it op-
erates on the level of lines.
Figure 4: An example of Wikipedia web pages.
The actual extraction phase of AdDANAg is di-
vided into four steps. In the first step, AdDANAg
calculates the amount of content and code characters
in each line of an HTML file and stores these num-
bers in two one-dimensional arrays T and S, respec-
tively. For the web document shown in Figure 4 the
plot in Figure 5 visualizes these arrays as a plot of two
types of columns above and below the x-axis with the
length equal to the values of T and S, respectively.
The columns above the x-axis represent the amount
of content of each line in the source code, while the
columns below the x-axis represent the amount of
code characters. The normalisation of the hyperlinks
in the pre-processing phase of AdDANAg here takes
its effect, as for those lines with many hyperlinks it
equally modifies the values in T and S; this is the key
point of AdDANAg.
AdDANAg algorithm’s hypothesis of the main
content being composed of a relatively homoge-
neous region of text corresponds to a dense region of
columns positioned above the x-axis. The normalisa-
tion avoids a strong fragmentation of these areas due
to extensive hyperlink markup. In Figure 5, the actual
main content area is located in the lines 15 to 540 and
the remaining part of diagram belongs to the extrane-
ous items such as menus and advertisements. Conse-
quently on hyperlink rich web pages, combining the
algorithm DANAg with our new pre-processing phase
result in a better retention of the columns located
above x-axis representing the main content. The aim
of AdDANAg is to recognize the main content area
based on this representation. This is implemented in
the following three steps.
Main Content Area
Figure 5: A plot of the amount of content and code charac-
ters per line in the source code of the web document shown
in Figure 4.
In the next step, AdDANAg computes diff
through Formula 1 for each line i of the HTML file,
and keeps these new numbers in a one-dimensional
array D, to produce a smoothed plot which can be
seen in Figure 6. The plot in Figure 6 draws a col-
umn above the x-axis if diff
> 0. Otherwise, a line
with length |diff
| is depicted below the x-axis. Look-
ing at Figure 6, the region of the main content is now
the only part of the plot with a dense part of the plot
above the x-axis. Thus, it becomes easier to recog-
nize the main content. Considering the positive val-
ues of D, AdDANAg identifies all paragraphs of the
main content located above the x-axis and, for sim-
plicity, it defines a new set R = {r
, r
, ..., r
} of all
such paragraphs. Each element r
R denotes only
one individual paragraph and n is the total number of
recognized paragraphs above the x-axis.
Main Content Area
Figure 6: A smoothed plot of Figure 5.
= (T
) + (T
) + (T
In the third step, AdDANAg discovers all para-
graphs shaping the main content. We refer to the orig-
inal paper for the technical details (Mohammadzadeh
et al., 2011a).
Finally, AdDANAg feeds all these extracted para-
graphs to a parser (Gottron, 2008) to obtain the main
content tokens of the HTML file.
For the purpose of evaluation we use the dataset in-
troduced in (Gottron, 2008) and (Mohammadzadeh
et al., 2011c), composed of 9,101 and 2,166, respec-
tively, web pages from different web sites for which
the main content is provided as a gold standard. The
composition and size of the evaluation data sets are
presented in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively.
The F1 scores regarding the accurate extraction of
the main content are presented in Table 3 and Table 4.
A first observation is that in comparison to DANAg,
AdDANAg does not show drawbacks in general for
standard web documents. Further, AdDANAg and
DANAg for most documents deliver the best results.
When focussing on the set of Wikipedia web pages,
which have been observed to be extremely difficult for
main content, we can observe that AdDANAg clearly
outperforms DANAg and all other approaches. The
overall average F1 score for both DANAg and Ad-
DANAg in Table 3 are 0.8099 and 0.8284, respec-
Table 1: Evaluation corpus of 9101 web pages.
Web site Source Size Languages
BBC 1000 English
Economist 250 English
Golem 1000 German
Heise 1000 German
Manual several 65 German, English
Repubblica 1000 Italian
Slashdot 364 English
Spiegel 1000 German
Telepolis 1000 German
Wiki 1000 English
Yahoo 1000 English
Zdf 422 German
Table 2: Evaluation corpus of 2166 web pages.
Web site Source Size Lang.
BBC 598 Farsi
Hamshahri 375 Farsi
Jame Jam 136 Farsi
Ahram 188 Arabic
Reuters 116 Arabic
Embassy of 31 Farsi
Germany Vertretung/teheran/fa
BBC 234 Urdu
BBC 203 Pashto
BBC 252 Arabic
Wiki 33 Farsi
In this paper, we proposed AdDANAg as a combina-
tion and variation of DANAg and the pre-processing
of ACCB, with considerable effectiveness. Results
show AdDANAg determines the main content with
high accuracy on many web documents. Especially,
also on the difficult to handle hyperlink rich web
documents AdDANAg shows previously unseen good
performance. In future, we are going to extend Ad-
DANAg to propose parameter-free approach.
We would like to thank Mina Aramideh for editing
some parts of this paper.
The research leading to these results has received
funding from the European Community’s Seventh
Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant
agreement no. 257859, ROBUST.
Table 3: The Average F1 Scores of AdDANAg based on the corpus in Table 1.
Plain 0.595 0.613 0.514 0.502 0.575 0.704 0.549 0.906 0.582 0.823 0.371 0.106
LQF 0.826 0.720 0.578 0.806 0.787 0.816 0.775 0.910 0.670 0.752 0.381 0.127
Crunch 0.756 0.815 0.772 0.837 0.810 0.887 0.706 0.859 0.738 0.725 0.382 0.123
DSC 0.937 0.881 0.847 0.958 0.877 0.925 0.902 0.902 0.780 0.594 0.403 0.252
TCCB 0.914 0.903 0.745 0.947 0.821 0.918 0.910 0.913 0.758 0.660 0.404 0.269
CCB 0.923 0.914 0.929 0.935 0.841 0.964 0.858 0.908 0.742 0.403 0.420 0.160
ACCB 0.924 0.890 0.929 0.959 0.916 0.968 0.861 0.908 0.732 0.682 0.419 0.177
Density 0.575 0.874 0.708 0.873 0.906 0.344 0.761 0.804 0.886 0.708 0.354 0.362
DANAg 0.924 0.900 0.912 0.979 0.945 0.970 0.949 0.932 0.952 0.646 0.401 0.209
AdDANAg 0.922 0.900 0.911 0.994 0.931 0.970 0.951 0.932 0.950 0.840 0.404 0.236
Table 4: The Average F1 Scores of AdDANAg based on the corpus in Table 2.
Al Ahram
BBC Arabic
BBC Pashto
BBC Persian
BBC Urdu
Jame Jam
ACCB-40 0.871 0.826 0.859 0.892 0.948 0.784 0.842 0.840 0.900 0.736
BTE 0.853 0.496 0.854 0.589 0.961 0.810 0.480 0.791 0.889 0.817
DSC 0.871 0.885 0.840 0.950 0.896 0.824 0.948 0.914 0.851 0.747
FE 0.809 0.060 0.165 0.063 0.002 0.017 0.225 0.027 0.241 0.225
KFE 0.690 0.717 0.835 0.748 0.750 0.762 0.678 0.783 0.825 0.624
LQF-25 0.788 0.780 0.844 0.841 0.957 0.860 0.765 0.737 0.870 0.773
LQF-50 0.785 0.777 0.837 0.828 0.954 0.856 0.767 0.724 0.870 0.772
LQF-75 0.773 0.773 0.837 0.819 0.954 0.852 0.756 0.724 0.870 0.750
TCCB-18 0.886 0.826 0.912 0.925 0.990 0.887 0.871 0.929 0.959 0.814
TCCB-25 0.874 0.861 0.909 0.927 0.992 0.883 0.888 0.924 0.958 0.814
Density 0.879 0.202 0.908 0.741 0.958 0.882 0.920 0.907 0.934 0.665
DANAg 0.949 0.986 0.944 0.995 0.999 0.917 0.991 0.966 0.945 0.699
AdDANAg 0.949 0.985 0.944 0.996 0.999 0.917 0.991 0.973 0.945 0.852
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