Toon De Pessemier
, Laurens Van Acker
, Emilie Van Dijck
, Karin Slegers
Wout Joseph
and Luc Martens
Ghent University / IBBT, Dept. of Information Technology, Gaston Crommenlaan 8 box 201, B-9050 Ghent, Belgium
Hogeschool Gent, Dept. of Engineering, Valentin Vaerwyckweg 1, 9000 Gent, Belgium
K. U. Leuven / IBBT, Centre for User Experience Research (CUO), Parkstraat 45 box 3605, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium
Communication Assistant, Hearing-impaired, Context Clarification.
Children and young people who are deaf or have hearing impairments do not master the spoken and written
language well. Moreover, their friends and relatives do not always speak sign language. In this research, a
communication aid is developed on the Google Android mobile operating system to reduce these barriers by
converting text into relevant images and movies thereby clarifying the meaning of the text. Users can select
text from webpages, e-mail and SMS messages, or text can be generated using speech recognition or optical
character recognition as input source. The communication tool analyzes the sentences and tries to understand
the context and meaning of the text in order to select the most appropriate visual content originating from
online sources like YouTube, Flickr, Google Images, and Vimeo. User tests and focus groups with deaf
children and interviews with experts in the field of deaf and hard hearing people confirmed the need for a
communication aid and proved the utility of the proposed tool.
Communication of deaf or hearing-impaired people
with their surroundings is often not optimal. Nowa-
days, many young deaf get a cochlear implant, a sur-
gically implanted electronic device that provides a
sense of sound to a person who is profoundly deaf
or severely hard of hearing. Nevertheless, many deaf
people (particularly children) still have a language de-
lay, especially when they are born deaf. They do
not catch the spoken communications due to their
hearing impairment and their vocabulary is limited.
This makes it difficult for them to understand writ-
ten messages as well. The complex language input
from the environment is often misunderstood, which
may have a negative influence on the education and
the communication skills of the children (Fortnum
et al., 2002). Sign language is often more accessible,
but has the problem that most parents of deaf chil-
dren are not deaf and sign language is not their native
language (Johnston, 2006). These language barriers
make communication between deaf children and their
families difficult.
Although studies indicated that deaf people are
willing to use new technology to improve their com-
munication skills with hearing people (Bri
ere, 1995),
so far no fully-fledged communication tools are avail-
able to reduce these problems. Likewise, several au-
thors refer to the importance of technology to help
reduce the communication problems of deaf peo-
ple (Dubuisson and Daigle, 1998), (Hotton, 2004).
This paper presents a communication aid, devel-
oped on the Google Android mobile operating sys-
tem, that tries to reduce the communication barri-
ers for people who are deaf or hearing-impaired and
who do not master the spoken and written language
well. Because especially deaf children have difficul-
ties with communication, they constitute the target
group of the communication aid and evaluated the de-
veloped application through focus groups. The goal
of the application is to assist these people in conver-
sations with hearing people and understanding written
texts, thereby improving their skills in reading com-
prehension as well as making it more fun to learn new
words for deaf children.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 provides an overview of research
work related to conversation assistants for deaf or
De Pessemier T., Van Acker L., Van Dijck E., Slegers K., Joseph W. and Martens L..
DOI: 10.5220/0003934607750780
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 775-780
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
hearing-impaired people. In Section 3, the techni-
cal capabilities and input methods of the application
are described. A number of observations and results
based on focus groups are shared in Section 4. Fi-
nally, Section 5 is dedicated to our conclusions.
Although deaf people are a significant segment of the
population, limited research is focusing on devices or
applications designed to facilitate face-to-face com-
munication between hearing persons and deaf people
who use sign language and cannot speak. Companies
like Oralys (www.oralys.ca) are providing tools that
enable a new type of communication with symbols.
Their Communicator Mobile software for Pocket PC
is designed for direct communication, but only for
communication from the deaf person to the hear-
ing person (Oralys, 2011). The idea is to replace
mouse and keyboard or pen and paper with iconic
cards. Although the application already contains 3800
icons, users’ communication is restricted to these pre-
defined icons. The deaf person selects icons which
indicate typical objects or situations by tapping the
touch screen. Next, the series of icons is converted
into a voice message in English, French, or Spanish,
which is played aloud on the device.
The influence of such an assistive technology de-
signed to facilitate face-to-face communication be-
tween deaf and hearing persons on social participation
was evaluated by a pilot study with deaf persons (Vin-
cent et al., 2007). In this research, 15 deaf adults com-
pleted a three-month field study, with pre and post in-
tervention measures. The results showed a significant
improvement concerning the social participation and
conversation with a hearing person after using the as-
sistive technology.
Related to a conversation assistant for deaf peo-
ple is the reading assistant that supports people who
suffer from dyslexia. These reading assistants allow
users to enter phrases and click the words that are un-
clear in order to get the meaning of a word. These
explanations can be completed with pictures visualiz-
ing the meaning of the word and spelling errors can
automatically be corrected. In this research, a trend
was noted for slower readers to show an increased
reading rate as a function of computer-assisted read-
ing, with the opposite result for faster readers (Sorrell
et al., 2007).
For video conversations on desktop computers,
deaf people mainly use ‘ooVoo’, an application sim-
ilar to Skype that enables video chat in HD qual-
ity. Deaf people have already tried to converse using
sign language via the mobile application, but tech-
nical limitations of mobile devices and cellular data
networks hinder a smooth conversation. Since subtle
differences in gestures are important to interpret sign
language, fluent and high quality video is essential for
deaf people. Besides, mobile phones introduce an ad-
ditional difficulty regarding conversations using sign
language: users have to hold the device while they
make gestures to converse.
The functional requirements of the application are de-
rived from interviews with experts and teachers of
deaf children. Since deaf children have a poor knowl-
edge of grammar and experience often difficulties to
distinguish similar words, an explanatory dictionary
based on pictures and videos would be useful accord-
ing to the interviewees. These people emphasize a
healthy balance between on the one hand a simple and
easy to use application and on the other hand addi-
tional features that maybe useful for the children.
3.1 Input Methods
The developed application can assist deaf children
in interpreting sentences during daily communication
activities. Before the analyzing and interpreting pro-
cess can start, these sentences have to be entered into
the application. The first and most basic input option
is to manually enter text on the device, just like the
way users type SMS messages. After selecting the
option “Keyboard” in the main menu, users get a text
box in which they can type the sentence that needs
clarification. After tapping on “Translation”, the text
is sent to the server for analysis using the data con-
nection of the device, as discussed in Section 3.2.
The second option is to use the application as a
web aid. If the option “Internet” is chosen, an Inter-
net browser is launched in which users can navigate
and select (a part of) a sentence or a web form that is
unclear by using the “Selection” feature of the appli-
cation menu. Based on punctuation, individual sen-
tences are distinguished before the analysis starts.
Users can rely on the third option, speech recog-
nition, for conversations with hearing people. If the
speech recognition is successful, the spoken sentence
is converted into text, rendered in the interface, and
sent for analysis to the server. Our application uses
the speech recognition software of the Android Op-
erating System, which is available in different lan-
guages such as English, Japanese, Chinese, etc. Since
Dutch is the mother tongue of the children who tested
the application, the application was configured to use
the Dutch version of Android’s speech recognition.
For billboards, menus in restaurants, information
signs, and other written texts that users may encounter
during their daily-life, the fourth option may be used.
Users can take a picture of the incomprehensible text
using the camera of their mobile device. The software
automatically focusses the image and subsequently
sends it to an OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
service which converts the image into readable text.
Next, the recognized text can be sent to the server for
analysis or users can opt for taking a new picture if the
OCR was not successful due to e.g. a blurry picture.
In our application, the OCR software of WiseTrend is
used (WiseTREND, 2011), but alternative solutions
are easily to integrate. This OCR service is avail-
able for different languages (we used the Dutch ver-
sion for testing the application) and provides features
like deskewing, removing texture, automatic rotation
of the picture, and even detecting barcodes.
If deaf children are experiencing difficulties to un-
derstand a received SMS message, the fifth option can
be used. An SMS message or a part of the text of the
SMS can be selected for transmission to the server
that analyzes that piece of text. Similar, (an extract
of) an e-mail can be selected and sent for clarification
to the server via the last input option.
3.2 Sentence Analysis
An important aspect of the analysis of the sentences
that users submit is tracing the most important words,
and thereby the context of the sentence. Different
solutions are possible to detect the most important
words of a sentence: using dictionaries to get the word
class, part-of-speech taggers that get the word class
in a more intelligent way by analyzing the sentence,
frequency tables that provide information about how
many times a word is used in the language, and the-
sauri that contain a set of related words (such as syn-
onyms, hyponyms, and antonyms).
The current implementation of our conversation
assistant uses a dictionary and a part-of-speech tag-
ger. Frequency tables and a thesaurus are features for
future versions of the application to improve the text
analysis. For the English version of the conversation
assistant, the English version of WordNet can be used
(this is a lexical database developed at the University
of Princeton). However, because of the license fee of
the Dutch version, WordNet was not incorporated in
the current version of the conversation assistant that
was evaluated by potential end-users.
OpenTaal is a project about spelling, hyphenation,
thesauri, and grammar for the Dutch language (Open-
taal, 2011). By harvesting sentences from govern-
ment websites and online newspapers, the project
has gathered a database with speech information,
examples, and derivations for about 130,000 Dutch
words. Although this database is not yet publicly
available, the contributors of the OpenTaal project put
the database at our disposal for the retrieval of speech
and word information in the conversation assistant.
Based on this database, it is possible to configure
which types of words have to be retrieved from the en-
tered text (e.g., nouns and verbs can be used to search
for explanatory pictures or videos). For performance
reasons, the database is locally stored on the device of
the end-user in the current implementation, but an on-
line version is also possible. Regrettably, some words
can have a different interpretation and word class de-
pending on the sentence in which the word is men-
tioned. E.g., “minor” in the sentence “Kids under 18
are considered minors” is a noun, whereas in the sen-
tence “I had a minor accident” minor is an adjective
and has a different meaning.
This difficulty is solved by utilizing a part-of-
speech tagger, a technique which assigns attributes to
the words of a sentence and derives the word class
based on information from the entire sentence. The
part-of-speech tagger ‘Frog’, which is used for this
purpose, provides more accurate results than the anal-
ysis based on merely the database of OpenTaal. Frog
is an integration of memory-based natural language
processing (NLP) modules developed for the Dutch
language. Frog’s current version will tokenize, tag,
lemmatize, and morphologically segment word to-
kens in Dutch text files, and will assign a dependency
graph to each sentence (Frog, 2011). Because of sev-
eral software dependencies, we opted to deploy the
software on a server and send requests for analyzing
sentences from the mobile device.
3.3 Filtering and Watching Multimedia
After analyzing the text and filtering out unimportant
words, the remaining words or groups of words are
used to query various content sources via publicly-
available APIs. In the current implementation, dif-
ferent sources are used to find images and videos:
Google Image Search, Flickr, YouTube, and Vimeo.
Moreover, new content sources, filters and hint-
generating systems (which are explained later) can
easily been integrated because of the build-in plugin
structure of the application. These content sources are
evaluated and receive a rating to determine the order
of the results for subsequent queries. This rating con-
sists of two elements: an explicit score that the user
has set in the settings menu and an implicit score de-
pending on the number of times an item of that con-
tent source is marked as “an explanatory image or
The multimedia files that are most likely to give
an explanation for the entered text are displayed at
the beginning of the list. Figure 1 shows a screenshot
of the application which visualizes this list of content
items that are relevant for the user. Only one image or
video at a time has the focus and is prominently dis-
played in the user interface. Users can navigate to the
next image or video by swiping their finger from the
right to the left of the screen, or to the previous image
by swiping from the left to the right of the screen.
At the top of the screen, an overview consisting
of thumbnails of the resulting media files is visual-
ized for the end-users. At the bottom of user inter-
face, hints in text form are displayed. These provide
additional tips to understand the meaning of the sen-
tence, e.g., the infinitive of a conjugated verb. New
tips appear, until the last tip is shown. These tips can
be hidden by tapping them with your finger.
If users believe that a picture or video perfectly il-
lustrates or clarifies the text, positive feedback can be
provided by tapping the green thumb in the user inter-
face. Tapping this green thumb let it disappear from
the displayed item in the user interface and registers
a positive evaluation of the content source that pro-
vided the item. This feedback ensures that items from
this content source appear more prominent at the be-
ginning of the resulting list for future search queries.
As alternative, media sources delivering confusing or
unpopular media items can be removed to personalize
the result list.
The main advantage of the developed communi-
cation aid, is the possibility to extended and modify
the application easily. Figure 2 shows the high-level
architecture of the application and the services that
are used to process the input, analyze the texts, and
provide explanatory content. The current implemen-
tation of the conversation assistant relies on Google’s
service for the speech recognition feature. Because
of the limited computational resources of mobile de-
vices, converting pictures into text using OCR is also
done on an external server. Next, the obtained text is
analyzed by using a dictionary and a part-of-speech
tagger. In the current implementation, word informa-
tion is searched via the dictionary that is stored on
the device. Alternatively, this dictionary can be made
available as an online service to save a few megabytes
of storage capacity on the mobile device. The uti-
lized part-of-speech tagger is more resource demand-
ing than the dictionary and is therefore deployed on a
server. Based on the results of this analysis, explana-
tory information is retrieved from online video and
Figure 1: A screenshot of the application showing the sen-
tence that is unclear for the user on top, the retrieved multi-
media content in the middle, and additional tips for the user
to understand the sentence at the bottom.
Figure 2: The high-level architecture of the application and
the services that are used to process the input, analyze the
texts, and provide explanatory content.
photo services. Each of these services can simply be
replaced by an alternative service with similar func-
tionality. Additional input methods, such as a service
that can interpret sign language, text processing ser-
vices, such as thesauri, or content sources, such as
video services for deaf people, can easily be added to
the application in the future.
4.1 Setup
An informal subjective evaluation of the usefulness
of the application was performed by means of indi-
vidual interviews with experts and three focus groups
(two focus groups with deaf children and one with ex-
perts). The first focus group was organized with four
deaf pupils between 12 and 16 years old in a school
for deaf children who need a special secondary ed-
ucation. Four deaf children between 8 and 12 years
old participated in the second focus group. The third
focus group was organized for experts in the field
of deaf children such as teachers and employees of
schools for deaf children. Three people who work
with deaf children on a daily basis participated in this
focus group: the principal of the school, an occupa-
tional therapist, and a speech therapist.
Before each focus group started, the application
was introduced by a slide show with screenshots of
the applications and verbal instructions which were
translated for the deaf children by a sign language in-
terpreter. The features of the conversation assistant
were briefly discussed but not demonstrated. Next,
the children were asked where, when and with whom
they would use a conversation assistant and which
features are useful according to them. Finally, a mo-
bile device was given to each child to try the appli-
cation. During this test, we guided the children by
projecting the user interface of the application using
a pc and an Android emulator, thereby showing the
successive steps required to achieve the desired out-
put. The children were given some small assignments
to illustrate the situations in which the application can
be useful. Examples of these assignments are “search-
ing for the meaning of a word in an SMS message or
e-mail on the device”, “searching an explanation for a
word that they do not understand on a webpage” and
“searching for the meaning of a word of a recipe in a
cookbook by taking a photo of the book”.
To investigate if children are able to derive the
meaning of a phrase or a word by using the conver-
sation assistant, each assignment had the following
structure. Before using the conversation assistant, the
children were firstly asked to specify the meaning of
a difficult word (or what they think the word means)
by a short questionnaire. Then, they could use the
application to search for visual clues explaining the
word; and finally they were asked again what they
think the word means. After each assignment, the
children were asked if they could perform the task
without problems and if the application was a good
assistance for them during the search for the meaning
of the word. The last part of the experiment was the
actual focus group in which the children could discuss
if the application has met their experiences, if they
would use the application (and in which situations), if
they like the application and the input options, the us-
ability, and possible improvements of the application.
4.2 Results
The children quickly mastered the touch screen and
operation of the mobile phone and the application.
They learned even faster how to use the application
than hearing adults who used the conversation assis-
tant. They liked the application and the visual ele-
ments supporting the navigation (the icons, and the
thumbs for providing feedback). The questionnaire
showed that the pictures and videos helped the chil-
dren to understand the meaning of difficult words in
the assignment. Moreover, the application made it fun
and attractive to learn new words based on visual con-
According to the test users, the biggest advantage
of the conversation assistant is the easy input method.
Entering texts by selecting an SMS or e-mail is con-
sidered as very useful. Also the textual information
about some words (e.g., the infinitive of a verb con-
jugated in the past) is considered as useful for some
children; for other children this feature might provide
unnecessary information.
Since, many young deaf do not know which part
of the sentence they do not understand; they cannot
put their finger on the important words. Because of
this, they believe that the developed conversation as-
sistant is a more useful aid during communication
than Google’s search engine. If end-users enter a
whole sentence into Google’s search engine, they get
a lot of pictures which do not explain the context. In
contrast, the communication aid filters out the impor-
tant words and combines them. That is why it is expe-
rienced as more efficient then a regular search engine.
Furthermore, the children (and experts) identified var-
ious scenarios in which such a conversation assistant
would be useful such as shopping and studying.
In contrast to the enthusiasm of the children when
trying the application, various disadvantages were
identified by the experts and even by the children
themselves. They argued that a photo or a video is
sometimes not sufficient to understand a word or a
sentence. Irrelevant search results are still possible
and may also introduce confusion during the interpre-
tation, especially for abstract words. Moreover, it is
difficult to explain the structure of the sentence or the
syntax by means of visual content. Another disad-
vantage that was mentioned is the loading time of a
search request. A slow data connection or the file size
of visual content is responsible for a waiting time up
to about 30 seconds.
Finally, the experts provided various suggestions
to extend the current application. To eliminate irrel-
evant pictures of the traditional content sources, ex-
perts plead for a database that link each word to two
or three clarifying pictures. Such a database can be
filled by teachers before the beginning of a themed
lesson for instance. According to the experts, exam-
ples of sentences in which the difficult word is used in
different contexts might also be useful. Furthermore,
the test users would like to get a movie explaining
the word using sign language, next to the current vi-
sual content; or even a feature that translates multiple
sentences into sign language. Besides the need for
a database with explanatory videos in sign language,
this introduces the difficulty of the different dialects
of sign language that are used.
In this paper, we discussed a conversation assistant for
hearing-impaired or deaf people running on a smart
phone. Users can input texts by using the keyboard of
the device, taking a picture and using OCR, record-
ing speech and using speech recognition, or select-
ing phrases from a webpage, e-mail, or SMS mes-
sage. These texts are analyzed and the most important
words are converted into pictures and videos originat-
ing from public content sources like Google images,
Flickr and YouTube.
Focus groups with deaf children and experts in the
field revealed various scenarios in which the applica-
tion can be useful for deaf or hearing-impaired peo-
ple. Since not many similar applications exist, we re-
ceived a lot of positive reactions regarding the devel-
opment of the conversation assistant. Deaf children
who experience serious difficulties with understand-
ing texts and conversations can use the application for
filling gaps in their knowledge of vocabulary. Chil-
dren with better communication skills can use the ap-
plication to learn more difficult words or understand-
ing conjugated verbs.
Moreover, experts recognized the usefulness of
the conversation assistant for other target groups such
as people suffering from dyslexia or autism. The re-
sults of this research can help to inspire future projects
aiming to reduce the conversation barrier between
people with a disability and the society.
This work was supported by the IBBT/GR@SP
project, co-funded by the IBBT (Interdisciplinary in-
stitute for BroadBand Technology), a research insti-
tute founded by the Flemish Government. W. Joseph
is a Post-Doctoral Fellow of the FWO-V (Research
Foundation - Flanders). The authors would like to
thank the schools BuSO Sint-Gregorius and Kaster-
linden for providing the opportunity to evaluate the
application by focus groups.
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