Marc Jansen
Computer Science Institute, University of Applied Sciences Ruhr West, Tannenstr. 43, 46240 Bottrop, Germany
Keywords: Mobile Devices, Web Services, Mobile Web Service Provider.
Abstract: The role of mobile devices as Web Service consumers is widely accepted and a large number of mobile
applications already consumes Web Services in order to fullfill their task. Nevertheless, the growing number
of powerful mobile devices, e.g. mobile phones, tablets, … even raise the question whether these devices
can not only be used as Web Service consumers but at the same time also as Web Service providers.
Therefore, this paper presents an approach that allows to deploy Web Services on mobile devices by the
usage of the well-known protocols and standards, e.g. SOAP/REST and WSDL.
In recent years the number of reasonably powerful
mobile devices has increased a lot. According to
(IDC, 2011) the number of smartphones worldwide
calculates to about 300 million units.
On the other hand, these huge number of
smartphones does also provide a large number of
heterogeneous devices, with respect to the operating
system that smartphones are currently using.
According to (Tudor, Pettey, 2010), there were at
least five different operating systems for
smartphones available on the market in 2010.
Therefore, a platform independent mechanism
for the communication with services provided by
smartphones seems to be necessary in order not to
re-implement each service for each of the mentioned
operating systems.
Here, nowadays usually Web Services are used
in order to provide a standardized and widely used
methodology that is capable of achieving a platform
independent way to provide services. Unfortunately,
in contrast to consuming Web Services on mobile
devices, providing Web Services on mobile devices
is not yet standardized due to several problems that
occur if a service runs on a mobile device.
This paper presents the description of a
framework that allows to provide Web Services on
mobile devices.
Probably the first idea of providing Web Service on
mobile devices was presented by IBM (McFaddin,
Narayanaswami, Raghunath 2003). This work
presents a solution for a specific scenario were Web
Service were hosted on mobile devices. More
general approaches for providing Web Services on
mobile devices are e.g. presented in (Srirama, Jarke,
Prinz, 2006) and (AlShahwan , Moessner, 2010).
In (Li, Chou, 2010) another approach focussing
on the optimization of the HTTP protocol for mobile
Web Service provisioning is presented.
Unfortunately, none of the formerly mentioned
approaches manages to overcome certain limitations
of mobile devices, as described in the next chapter.
The major difference between the former
research and the approach presented in this paper is
that, to the best of our knowledge, the former
research focuses very much on bringing Web
Services to mobile devices by implementing server
side functionality to the mobile device in question.
The approach presented in this paper follows a
different approach: from a technical and
communication point of view, the mobile Web
Service provider communicates as a Web Service
client with a dynamically generated Web Service
This approach provides the advantage to
overcome certain problems with mobile Web
Services as described in the next chapter.
Furthermore, this approach does not rely on an
efficient server side implementation of Web
Services on the mobile device, which allows to
implement a very lightweight substitution to a usual
application server were a usual Web Service is
Jansen M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003935402680271
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 268-271
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
running in.
Since there is nothing like a free lunch, this
approach also provides some drawbacks, e.g. the
presented approach implements a polling mechanism
that permanently polls for new service requests.
Therefore, this approach provides an overhead with
respect to the network communication and the
computational power of the mobile device. At least
the part with the computational overhead can
dramatically be reduced by adjusting the priority of
the polling mechanism, according to the priority of
the provided Web Service.
Another drawback of the presented approach is
that it relies on a publicly available proxy
infrastructure for the part of the framework that
dynamically generates the Web Service proxies.
This drawback might be overcome, e.g. if mobile
telecommunication companies provide this kind of
infrastructure centrally.
In contrast to the before mentioned approaches,
the approach presented in this paper differs with
respect to one major aspect: from a network
technical point of view, there is no server instance
installed on the mobile device. Therefore, a certain
Web Service client does not call the Web Service on
the mobile device directly but calls a centrally
deployed proxy. The Web Service running on the
mobile device polls in regular intervals for any new
message requests of interest. The exact sequence of
the different messages and events are described in
more detail in section 4.1. Since especially polling
mechanisms also provide a certain drawback, one of
the major questions concerning the presented
approach is the question of benefits and drawbacks
of the polling mechanism and in particular whether
the benefits justify the drawbacks.
As already mentioned before, one of the major
problems by dealing with Web Services on mobile
devices is the fact that mobile devices usually switch
their networks pretty often. Therefore, the Web
Service running on a mobile device is usually not
available under a fixed address, which leads to a
number of problems for the consumer of a mobile
Web Service. Besides the usual network switch, also
the fact that mobile devices are usually not meant to
provide 24/7 availability, but are designed towards
providing his user with the possibility to exploit
certain service, e.g. phone calls, short messages,
writing and receiving emails, … yield to the problem
that mobile devices might get switched off by the
user. Hence, the provided Web Service might not
only be available under different network addresses
but might not be available at all.
All these drawbacks can be solved by using the
here presented approach. By using the central proxy,
the service requests of a certain Web Service client
can be stored and if the mobile Web Service is
running, he can pull for service requests that of
interest to him. Since from a technical point of view
the Web Service provider only acts as a client to the
Web Service proxy, the potentially changing
network addresses of the mobile do not provide a
problem at all.
Furthermore, one of the major drawbacks of the
described polling mechanism can be limited by
adjusting the priority of the Web Service running on
the mobile device, resulting in a lower frequency of
the polling for the service request.
The major idea for the implementation of the
middleware is to provide a Web Service proxy,
according to the proxy design pattern (Gamma et al.,
2005), in order for being able to overcome certain
problems in mobile scenarios as described by
(Svensson, 2009). One major problem here is that
mobile devices usually switch networks pretty often,
e.g. at home the mobile phone might be connected to
a WiFi network, at work the connection might be
established through another WiFi network and on
the way from work to home the mobile phone might
be connected to a GPRS/UMTS-network. Each of
these different networks, provide different IP
addresses and possibly different network
constellations, e.g. private IP addresses with network
address translation (NAT), where the Web Services
running on the device are not directly accessible
from the internet, or public IP addresses.
In order to overcome the problem of constantly
changing IP addresses, the presented approach
implements a Web Service proxy that dynamically
creates a proxy for each Web Service that gets
deployed on a mobile device. The created proxy
allows to receive service requests as a representative
to the actual service, store this service request along
with the necessary data. In the next step, the mobile
Web Service provider continuously polls for
requests to its services and sends the result back to
the dynamically generated Web Service proxy.
Afterwards the proxy send the result back to the
original client.
The major goal of the work presented here is to
provide a solution to the formerly described
scenario. Therefore, we implemented a middleware
that allows the provision of Web Services on mobile
devices. Here, the standard protocols (e.g. WSDL
for the description of the Web Service interface,
SOAP/REST as the standard network protocol and
http as the usual transport protocol) are used in order
to provide no additional effort on the client side for
requesting a mobile Web Service.
The following three sections provide a short
introduction to the services offered by the
middleware, afterwards the communication between
the mobile Web Service provider and the Web
Service client/consumer is described and last but not
least some details about the Java based
implementation for the test scenario are presented.
4.1 Communication between the
Mobile Web Service and Its Clients
In order to explain the communication that is
necessary for service request from the Web Service
client to the mobile Web Service provider, we
modelled the communication flow within the
sequence diagram shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: The UML sequence diagram for the
communication between a Web Service provider and its
First of all the mobile Web Service provider
needs to register its service with the Web Service
proxy. As part of the service registration process the
Web Service proxy creates the necessary data
structure for storing the service requests in the
After the mobile Web Service provider registered
his service, it permanently polls the Web Service
proxy for new service request. The Web Service
proxy asks the database if a new service request for
the according mobile Web Service provider is
available and if so, returns the requests metadata to
the mobile Web Service provider. After receiving
the metadata of a new service request, the mobile
Web Service provider performs the service and
sends the result of the service to the Web Service
proxy that directly stores the result in the database.
From a client point of view, the Web Service
client simply calls the service provided by the Web
Service proxy. While receiving a new service
request, the Web Service proxy stores the necessary
request metadata in the database. Afterwards the
Web Service proxy directly starts to permanently
poll the database for the result of the according
service request. Once the mobile Web Service
provider has finished performing the request and
stored the result (via the Web Service proxy) in the
database, the Web Service provider is able to send
the result of the according service request back to
the client.
4.2 An Example Implementation
In order for being able to test the described approach
according to its performance, we implemented the
Web Service proxy in Java. Additionally, the mobile
Web Service provider was implemented for
Android. Here, we focused on an intuitive and easy
way for the implementation of the Web Service.
Therefore, we oriented ourselves on the JAX-WS
(Java API for XML-Based Web Services) described
in he Java Specification Request 224 (JSR 224).
Figure 2: UML class diagram of major parts of the
example implementation.
The major idea that we used from JAX-WS was that
a Web Service can easily be implemented by the use
of two different annotations: the
@MobileWebService annotation marks a class as a
Web Service and methods within this class can be
marked as methods available through the mobile
Web Service with the help of the
@MobileWebMethod annotation.
The basic relationships between the major
classes of the example implementation are shown in.
For the sake of simplicity and transparency, less
important classes (and methods of each class) have
not been modelled.
Basically, the implementation consists of two
packages. One package that is usually deployed on a
server that is reachable from the internet via a public
IP address, this is the proxy package. Here, we find
one class that implements the necessary methods for
the registration of a new mobile Web Service, the
permanent polling from the mobile Web Service for
the service request metadata and the method that
allows to store the result of the service request in the
database. All of these methods are themselves
reachable as Web Services, so that the
communication between the instance running the
mobile Web Service and the Web Service proxy is
also completely Web Service based.
The provider package holds one of the major
classes, the MobileWebServiceRunner where the
mobile Web Service gets deployed to. This class is
comparable to an application server in usual Web
Service environments, but with a lower footprint.
This is extremely important to mobile devices due to
their limited resources. Additionally, this package
provides the two formerly mentioned annotations
allowing to make a class as a mobile Web Service
and accordingly a certain method of such a class as a
mobile Web Method. Last but not least, this package
also implements the ServiceRequestFetcher class.
This class inherits the java.lang.Thread class since
its responsibility is to permanently poll the Web
Service provider for new service requests.
The presented approach is capable of solving some
of the problems that usually occur while providing
Web Services on mobile devices, e.g. the problem of
permanently changing IP addresses. Furthermore,
the overhead that is inherent in the presented
approach does not seem to be a show stopper. As
shown, the performance in usually available mobile
networks like UMTS or GPRS, is comparable to
usual Web Service calls.
Therefore, it could be said that the presented
approach provides an interesting alternative to the
usual Web Service provisioning by mobile devices
where the mobile device acts as a server also from a
technical point of view. It eliminates certain
problems that usually occur if mobile devices
provide Web Service provider infrastructures, and
the resulting drawbacks from the performance point
of view are acceptable.
This work was partly supported by an Amazon AWS
research grant.
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