Dan Wu and Anne Håkansson
Software and Computer Systems, School of Information and Communication Technology,
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Keywords: Ontology Matching, Integration, Reasoning, Knowledge Representation, Knowledge Base, Semantic Web.
Abstract: There exist a lot of ontologies that together can enrich knowledge within one or several related domains,
thereby supporting the development of advanced services on the semantic web. This requires matching and
integrating ontologies. This paper introduces an ontology matching process that handles the heterogeneities.
The result is an intersection of the two original ontologies. An ontology repository stores the original
ontologies and the matching results. A rule base is designed to integrate stored ontologies and the matching
results with metadata, which is describing the interpretation of these ontologies and ontology matching
results. The contribution of our approach is the semantic violation check which results in an ontology
intersection that validates in the original ontologies. The metadata is applied with rules to integrate the
ontologies so that the ontology and the matching results can be reused.
When several ontologies are involved in reasoning,
e.g., querying on the semantic web and combining
ontologies to provide services on the distributed
systems, the heterogeneousness of the ontologies
becomes a problem. Ontology matching is the
process of finding the correspondences between
entities in heterogeneous ontologies (Euzenat and
Shvaiko, 2007).
The ontology definition of Sowa (Sowa, 2011)
illustrates some of the heterogeneities and the
causes, i.e., an ontology is “a catalog of the types of
things that is assumed to exist in a domain of interest
D from the perspective of a person who uses a
language L for the purpose of talking about D.”
(Sowa, 2011). To find correspondences across
ontologies, we need to overcome the ontology
heterogeneity on the syntactic, terminological,
conceptual and semiotic levels (Bouguet et al, 2005).
By applying OWL 2 (W3C, 2009), syntactic
heterogeneity is handled in this paper. The
terminological, conceptual and semiotic
heterogeneities remain. The proposed process
matches two owl ontologies and produces an
ontology intersection. The terminological
differences is handled by the entity-string
normalization and an external English lexical
database. The ontology intersections are presented in
ontology format and stored together with the original
ontologies. Metadata describing the ontology
conceptual and semiotic differences and are
presented in rules. A rule base is designed for
reusing the knowledge stored in the orignal
ontologies and the ontology intersections.
Reviews over ontology matching techniques are
found in (Euzenat and Shvaiko, 2007) .Below we
present several other works.
Dou,et al. (Dou et al, 2005) developed a semi-
automated process for semantic translations of the
ontologies handling similar domains. This process
includes developing bridging axioms to merge the
related ontologies. The result of ontology merging is
a merged ontology of the two input ontologies, and
the merged ontologies can be used for further
merging with other ontologies. This is an example of
semantic approach.
The combination of matching techniques has also
been tested in Ming Mao et al. (Mao et al, 2010). An
automatic approach of matching two ontologies is
Wu D. and Håkansson A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003937604340439
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 434-439
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
described. There are three modules in the matching
process, i.e., the IR-based similarity generator, the
adaptive similarity filter and the weighted similarity
aggregator. Linguistic and structural similarities are
considered. The result is a set of statements that
contains the semantic correspondences between
similar elements with the associated relationship and
the confidence.
In (Håkansson et al, 2010), an agent system with
a knowledge base for comparing ontologies at the
syntax level is explored. The research of this paper
is a continuous of that work, but focuses on the
semantic level.
Although the semantic ontology matching has
been explored thoroughly, the technique of reusing
the matching results by rules has been neglected.
Our research fills this gap by ontology repository
and metadata rules by describing how the ontology
is interpreted.
Only OWL 2 ontologies are handled in the process
so far. Two ontologies are input. The information of
entity labels, entity types and the expressions and
axioms are considered in the process. An ontology
intersection is produced after the matching process.
Rules are applied to integrate the ontologies.
3.1 OWL 2 Ontology Examples
OWL 2 ontology contains expressions and axioms in
the domain, which place constraints on sets of
classes and individuals. However, in this paper the
match is on the conceptual level, the information of
individuals is not considered.
The ontologies discussed in this paper follow the
W3C specification (W3C, 2009). Figure 1 shows
two ontologies that will be matched and integrated.
The signature of ontology1 is for example a list
entities that contains both classes and properties;
classes are Root, Document, Journal, Publication,
Book, Presentation, Report, Topic, Author and
Literal; properties are has-topic, has-author, name
and date-creation. The signature of ontology 2 is
Source, Document, Website, Publication, Ontology
and hasAuthor. To compare these ontologies’
signatures is the first step of the matching process.
The open world assumption (Knorr et al, 2011) is
applied for reasoning on ontologies. The open world
assumption means that an ontology reasoner will not
Figure 1: The example ontologies.
negate a statement unless it finds the explicit
information in the ontology. This reasoning strategy
is sound when several ontologies are integrated. In
this paper, it means that if no explicit information of
one ontology is found in another ontology, the
absence of information brings no false of the
statement in the other ontology.
3.2 Ontology Matching Process
Ontology matching process starts taking two
ontologies, mentioned above, as input, and extracts
the ontology signatures. The syntax comparison and
the synonym comparison are carried on each entity
of the signatures. Thereafter, entity candidates are
generated, which are used for the semantic concept
comparison. The result is an ontology also called
ontology intersection. The ontology intersection is
an ontology that is not violating with the original
ontologies. For the whole ontology matching
process, see figure 2.
Figure 2: The matching process.
The labels, used in the ontologies, should give
good index of similarities between them. Therefore;
the syntax comparison compares the label of each
entity of one ontology with the other ontology. For
example, the syntax comparison of ontology 1 and 2
generated a set of entities that were found in both
ontologies, class of “document” and “publication”
and object property of has-author (has Author). The
following normalization strategies are implemented
on syntax comparison:
1. The letter cases are ignored, i.e., “has
Author” is the same as any combination of
the upper and lower cases. For example,
“HasAuthor” and “has author” are treated
as equal;
2. Only the letters are compared, other special
characters are excluded, e.g., “hasTopic” is
the same as “has-topic” and “has_topic”;
3. Grammatical forms are ignored, i.e.,
singular and plural of nouns are equal and
all the forms of verbs are ignored.
The result of the syntax comparison is a set of
Class {document (document), publication
(publication)} and a set of ObjectProperty {has-
author (has Author)}.
Following the syntax comparison, the synonym
comparison is carried on, i.e., each entities of one
ontology is checked for synonym from the other
ontology. The synonyms are checked and fetched
from the online WordNet (Princeton University,
2011). Of the synonyms suggested by Wordnet, only
those found in the other ontology are saved. For
example, the class “document” in ontology 1,
Wordnet gives several synonyms, such as “written
document”, “papers” and “text file”. Among these
synonyms, the class “paper” is found in ontology 2.
Therefore, the “paper” is saved. After the synonyms
comparison, the entity candidates are returned as:
class {root (source), document (paper), report
(paper), author (source)} and object property {has-
author (has Author)}. The union of the results from
the syntax comparison and the synonym comparison
builds up the entity candidates: Class {root (source),
document (document), document (paper),
publication (publication), report (paper), author
(source)}; ObjectProperty {has-author (has
As shown above, the comparison is only made
within the same entity types, i.e., class is compared
with class and object property is compared with
object property.
Semantic concept comparison checks violations
of the ontology definition of the entity candidates.
For each ontology, the definitions of the entity
candidates are extracted; and the labels of the
entities are swopped, i.e., the definition in ontology
1 with labels of ontology 2 is checked in ontology 2,
as well the definition in ontology 2 with labels of
ontology 1 is checked in ontology 1. For example,
the definition of entity “root” is extracted from
ontology 1; and the label “root” is swopped for
“source”. Then, the axioms of “root” defined in
ontology 1, now labelled “source”, are checked for
violation in ontology 2. This process takes care of all
the entities in entity candidates at the same time.
In our example, the definitions of all the entity
candidates in ontology 1 are extracted. However, it
happens that the whole ontology is involved and,
then, the labels are swopped for the synonyms. The
entities that have no synonyms are excluded from
the axioms. The result is shown below:
Declare (Class (Source))
Declare (Class (Document))
Declare (Class (Publication))
Declare (Class (Paper))
Declare (Class (Source))
Declare (ObjectProperty (hasAuthor))
SubClassOf (Document, Source)
SubClassOf (Source, Document)
SubClassof (Publication, Document)
SubClassOf (Paper, Document)
ObjectPropertyDomain (hasAuthor,
ObjectPropertyRange (hasAuthor,
One violation is found directly from the above
description, i.e., two classes of Sources are found,
because both Root and Author have Source as
synonyms. Source is a more general conception than
both Root and Author, since it is synonyms to both.
The minimum action is to add Root and Author as
two subclasses, and hence, the result has reformed as
Declare (Class (Source))
Declare (Class (Root))
Declare (Class (Author))
Declare (Class (Document))
Declare (Class (Publication))
Declare (Class (Paper))
Declare (ObjectProperty (hasAuthor))
SubClassOf (Root, Source)
SubClassOf (Author, Source)
SubClassOf (Document, Root)
SubClassOf (Paper, Document)
SubClassof (Publication, Document)
ObjectPropertyDomain (hasAuthor,
ObjectPropertyRange (hasAuthor,
The open world reasoning is applied here, i.e., if
the definition is not found in ontology 2, the
statement is seen as not violating and saved in the
ontology intersection. If the violation is found in
ontology 2, the related information will be excluded
from the ontology intersection. In this example, the
violation is solved by adding two subclasses to Class
The similar violation checking runs from
ontology 2 to ontology 1. Since entity Source has
two synonyms Root and Author, the checking needs
to be done twice, Source swop for Root and Source
swop for Author. The result, below, shows the swop
of Root:
Declare (Class (Root))
Declare (Class (Document))
Declare (Class (Publication))
Declare (Class (Report))
Declare (Class (Document))
Declare (ObjectProperty (has-
SubClassOf (Document, Root)
SubClassOf (Report, Document)
SubClassof (Publication, Document)
SubClassof (Document, Document)
ObjectPropertyDomain (has-author,
ObjectPropertyRange (has-author,
The violations here are the relationship “has-
author” of Document and Root, and the hierarchy
between Document in ontology 1 and Document in
ontology 2. Therefore, these two expressions are
The result of the swopping of Source and Author
is as following:
Declare (Class (Author))
Declare (Class (Document))
Declare (Class (Publication))
Declare (Class (Report))
Declare (Class (Document))
Declare (ObjectProperty (has-
SubClassOf (Document, Author)
SubClassOf (Report, Document)
SubClassof (Publication, Document)
SubClassof (Document, Document)
ObjectPropertyDomain (has-author,
ObjectPropertyRange (has-author,
The violations here are the subsumption relations
of the Document and Author and the Document and
Document. They are, therefore, excluded. The union
of these two results return an intersection of a pre-
result as shown below:
Declare (Class (Root))
Declare (Class (Document))
Declare (Class (Publication))
Declare (Class (Report))
Declare (Class (Author))
Declare (ObjectProperty (has-author))
SubClassOf (Document, Root)
SubClassOf (Report, Document)
SubClassOf (Publication, Document)
ObjectPropertyDomain (has-author,
ObjectPropertyRange (has-author,
The conjunction of the violation checking of
these two ontolgies is the following:
Declare (Class (Source))
Declare (Class (Root))
Declare (Class (Author))
Declare (Class (Document))
Declare (Class (Publication))
Declare (Class (Paper))
Declare (Class (Report))
Declare (ObjectProperty (has-author))
Declare (ObjectProperty (hasAuthor))
SubClassOf (Root, Source)
SubClassOf (Author, Source)
SubClassOf (Document, Root)
SubClassOf (Paper, Document)
SubClassOf (Report, Document)
SubClassof (Publication, Document)
ObjectPropertyDomain (hasAuthor,
ObjectPropertyRange (hasAuthor,
ObjectPropertyDomain (has-author,
ObjectPropertyRange (has-author,
EquivalentObjectProperties (has
Author, has-author)
The axioms above are the result of the semantic
concept comparison, which is called the ontology
intersection of ontology 1 and ontology 2. It does
not conflict with the original ontologies with the
open world assumption reasoning. The intersection
of ontology is expressed in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Ontology matching result: Ontology intersection.
3.3 Ontology Integration with
Metadata and Rules
By defining metadata, the definitions from
ontologies and the ontology matching results
(ontology intersections) are expressed in rules to
enrich the knowledge based on the heterogeneous
ontologies. The metadata and rules describe the
context of these ontologies, which is the conceptual
ontology integration, see figure 4. Ontology is
composed of entities. The set of the entities of the
ontology is the signature. Each entity has an entity
type that is given according to owl 2. Ontology can
be described with its domain, purpose, creator and
date, which can usually be found in ontology
annotation. An ontology describes one domain.
Domain can contain several sub-domains. One
ontology is created for one purpose, by one creator
at one date. One domain can be described by one or
several ontologies. The ontology intersection is the
result of ontology matching and is an ontology itself.
One ontology intersection is connected with at least
two ontologies.
Figure 4: Ontology metadata model.
Often the metadata information of domain,
purpose, creator and date is available in the ontology
definitions and can be extracted automatically.
Nevertheless, it is possible to manually add these
data if they are missing from the ontology. For
example, the two example ontologies integrated
belong to the domain of university; a rule can be
expressed as
If Domain (university) Then
The identificationOfOntologyIntersection is a
link to the declarations of the result.
One creator may write several ontologies during
different time, and, then, a rule can be expressed as:
If Creator (x)
If Date (d1) Then
If Date (d2) Then
The relationship between the metadata can be
expressed in rules for reusing as well. For example,
certain entities used in a Domain are always
interpreted with an ontology definition is shown:
If Entity (x,y,.., z) and Domain (d)
One example of this is the integration done in the
previous part:
If Entity (document, publication,
paper) and Domain (university)
Another rule can be defined from the previous
example, that all the ontology definitions can be
integrated. It interprets each ontology definition is a
perspective view.
If Ontology 1 Then
If Ontology 2 Then
If Ontology 1 and 2 Then
The context for the ontologis can, together, give
more knowledge about a service and can, if
combined, provide advanced services to the users.
The context rules provide the reasoning and
integration for the heterogeneous ontologies.
With the rules, the close world assumption
(Knorr, et al, 2011) is applied, i.e., the antecedent
must be satisfied in order to conclude the
The rules should not be impeded by definitions
of ontologies. In another word, these rules have a
higher priority than individual ontologies.
To keep track of the ontologies, the ontology
metadata models and the rules, a modular
architecture is proposed, see figure 5. The ontologies
are stored in the ontology database as owl files. The
ontology repository stores the metadata models to
manage the ontologies. The rule base stores the
context integration rules that are used for context
comparison and the Owl reasoner is applied on
ontologies and for testing and querying on
ontologies, for example, for the concept violation
checking. The rule engine determines rules to be
fired and generates results according to rules.
The ontology loader load ontologies in ontology
database. It has a parser, which parses the owl files
stored in the ontology database and extracts the
signatures from the ontologies and stores them in the
ontology repository, together with the definition of
entity type and the links to the ontologies.
The ontology violation detector checks the
semantic conceptual violations between two
Figure 5: The architecture.
ontologies. The process handles semantic conceptual
comparison. The process of synonym comparison
works with synonyms which the synonym fetcher
finds by searching in the WordNet and return
entities synonyms.
The syntax matcher provides a function for
terminology syntax matching. The process is the
syntax comparison that normalizes entities and
return equal entities.
Interface handles the input from users and brings
these modules together with user-friendly interfaces.
An input is needed when conflicts have been found
by the ontology violation detector. To solve the
conflict, the users can choose to provide manual
mappings of the conflicted definitions or can
confirm or reject the suggestions of the matching
process. The users can also write rules using
metadata to integrate ontologies.
The main contribution of this paper is the conceptual
ontology intersections that generated in two steps.
The first step handles the label strings and the
ontology type and taking help from WordNet with
synonyms. Matching candidates are generated from
this step and then semantic violation checking is
performed on only the candidates. Since we believe
that the labels give quite good index to what they
mean; the similarity of label strings give good
candidates for the semantic checking. The semantic
violation checking saves lots of reasoning by
restricting to candidate checking.
The ontologies and the matching results are
stored in the repository. Repository applies metadata
not only managing the ontologies but also providing
contexts of ontologies. The rules in the rule base
apply metadata to interpret the ontology and are
reused to integrate the ontologies. With the ontology
intersections and the rules, the ontology repository is
functioning as integrated knowledge across these
However, this work is in the first stage. The
approach needs to be applied and tested with more
ontologies. The result is expected to be more
effective in restricted domains.
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