Maurizio Martinelli, Michela Serrecchia and Irma Serrecchia
Institute for Informatics and Telematics, Italian National Research Council, Via G. Moruzzi, 1, Pisa, Italy
Keywords: Diffusion of the Internet, Digital Divide, Domain Names, Registrar, ICT.
Abstract: In this paper the identification of factors contributing to the differences on Internet use (digital divide) in
Italy, during recent years, was reported, focused on the analysis of the market of “Registrars” in the domain
name registration field. In particular a comparison between the results of a similar study, done until
December 2005, and the data of domain names registered by “Registrars” up to December 2010, was carried
out. In Italy, the registration of a new Internet domain name is usually made through a service company
(Registrar) accredited by the National Registry, where all data related to such registration are managed. In
order to analyse the diffusion of the Internet in Italy, the number of Registrars and the number of registered
domains were used as indicators. To define the factors that determine the digital divide the regression
multiple model was utilized, based on the stepwise method. The dependent variable taken into consideration
was the penetration rate at the regional level and the independent variables were regional economic,
cultural, demographic and technological factors. Above all the regions with a low unemployment rate and
with high economic values, such as added value per employee and high per capita income, are more inclined
to use the network. Furthermore, the level of education resulted a decisive factor: as a matter of fact, regions
with a high number of graduates, specialized in ICT fields, are more inclined to utilize the Internet
technology than those that register a number of ICT graduates below the average. Finally, an interesting
result was that, in Italy, a few Registrars register a higher percentage of domain names under the Country
Top Level Domain ".it". The phenomenon of the registration of domain names is concentrated in the hands
of a few Registrars. This aspect was significantly evidenced in 2010.
Web has undeniably entered our everyday life
forcefully, ceasing to be an instrument used by a
limited circle of academics to become a new and
versatile example of mass media. According Rogers
(2005) there are five attributes which, on average,
are considered as the most influential for speed of
adoption of a technology across different types of
users: relative advantage, compatibility, complexity,
trialability and observability. Any increase in the
relative advantage over the previous technology, the
compatibility of the new technology with the needs
of potential adopters, the ability of adopters to
experiment with the new technology and the ability
of the users to observe the new technology, are all
attributes that will speed up the diffusion process.
Although Internet has become a worldwide
protagonist of our days, it is not geographically
uniform among countries, as well as within a
country. For example Greenstein and Price (2004)
reported that people living in rural areas might find
greater relative advantages from the use of the
Internet than people living in urban areas.
Furthermore, according to Strover (2001), low
Internet adoption is caused not only by factors such
as lower education and income levels, but also by
socio-economic factors and by low levels of
technological knowledge. Based on the above
consideration, this work wanted to verify if in Italy it
is possible to sub-divide Internet users on the basis
of the categories proposed by Rogers (1995) for the
generic diffusion theory of a technology: innovators,
early adopters, early majority, late majority, and
laggards. For this purpose, the Internet diffusion in
Italy was analyzed by using as indicator the number
of companies (Registrars) that offer, as a service, the
registration of domain names under the country code
Top Level Domain (ccTLD) “.it”. Furthermore, in
this paper the factors contributing to the differences
in Internet use (digital divide) in Italy at a regional
level were defined by verifying the effects on the
Martinelli M., Serrecchia M. and Serrecchia I..
DOI: 10.5220/0003937705930597
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 593-597
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
adoption of some local socio-economic hypotheses.
In order to analyze Internet diffusion in Italy, the
number of Registrars registered up until 31
December 2010 were used as an indicator. The data
were extracted from the databases managed by the
National Registry, at the Institute of Informatics and
Telematics of the National Research Council in Pisa
(IIT-CNR). The database managed by IIT-CNR until
the above date, counted 1,842 Italian Registrars. The
choice of using Registrars as indicators instead of,
for example, the number of domain names, which is
one of the indicators most used in the literature
(Zook, 2000; Bauer et al., 2002) together with the
hostcount (see studies published by Internet
Software Consortium or by RIPE-NCC (Réseaux IP
Européens - Network Coordination Centre) derived
from the fact that the number of Registrars is an
indicator that appears to be more effective in order
to identify the real extent of the Internet
phenomenon in Italy. In fact, Registrars, in addition
to registrating domain names, can supply other
services related to Information and Communication
Technology (ICT), such as Internet connectivity,
selling of hardware and software products, electronic
mail services, website design, and so on. This
research intended to achieve two main goals. The
first, was to analyse the extent of the Internet
phenomenon in Italy, through which it is possible to
compare the Italian situation with the international
one and, therefore, to identify the situation of Italy
within the international ranking of Internet use. The
grouping of data at regional level allows comparison
of the penetration rate of registrars in single
geographical areas and measures the possible
technological gap (the so-called digital divide).
Moreover, it defines the factors that cause the digital
divide in Italy. The second purpose of this research
was to compare the market of Registrars in the
domain name registration field until December 31,
2010, with that resulted at December 31, 2005. The
comparison was made both to verify if, in the
considered 5 years, the market situation of the
Registrar was the same, and to see if there was an
effect due to change in the system of registration of
domain names. In September 2009, the synchronous
system in the registration of domain names ".it"
entered into force. Before September 2009, the
domains were registered with an asynchronous
system. It is necessary to highlight that in this
research only data concerning the number of
registered domain names “.it” were examined. Some
Registrars, as matter of fact, focus their business on
other types of services such as the xDSL access
supply for retail customers, hardware and software
sales, VoIP (Voice over IP) services or e-commerce
and so on. The indicator used to identify in detail the
existence of the digital divide in Italy at the regional
level, was the penetration rate (PR). These entries
allowed to analyze in detail the existence of digital
divide in Italy at local level and also in macro-areas
(North, Center, South). As penetration rate, the ratio
between the number of Registrars and the number of
companies existing in Italian national territory was
PR = (number of registrars / number of
companies) x 10’000
The analysis based on the proposed methods showed
that in Italy, in the analysed period, only some
regions registered the highest penetration rates. In
particular northern and central regions registered
penetration rates greater than one (see Table 1).
Southern region, resulted all below the tenth
position, demonstrating the presence in Italy of a
digital divide.
Table 1: Internet distribution: the first ten Regions are
ordered on the basis of the number of Registrars per
10’000 firms (PR).
Region Area Registrars PR
Trentino Alto
60 5.87
2 Lombardy North 459 5.57
Friuli Venezia
45 4.57
4 Tuscany Centre 166 4.52
5 Umbria Centre 34 4.06
6 Piedmont North 170 4.03
7 Latium Centre 178 3.85
154 3.59
9 Veneto North 160 3.49
10 Liguria North 49 3.43
Italy 1,842
In order to reach the second purpose of the study,
the concentration of the number of domain names
registered by Italian Registrars in the different
regions, were identified by using two concentration
indexes: the Herfindahl-Hirschman index (HHI)
(Hirschman, 1964) and the Gini concentration index
(Gini, 1912). The HHI index, widely used in
literature, measures the degree of competition in the
market. Considering an industry with N firms it is
possible to measure the market share of each firm,
HHI is calculated by adding the square of the market
shares of each firm as:
where S
are the market share of each firm measured
in percentage terms. For example, in the case of a
market formed by four firms with shares
respectively of 30%, 30%, 20%, 20%, HHI is equal
to 2600 (30
+ 30
+ 20
+ 20
). The index is
structured in a way that it increases both when the
number of firms in the industry decreases and when
the gap between firm size widens. An HHI index
lower than 1000 indicates a market that is close to a
competitive context. The markets in which HHI
ranges from 1000 to 1800 are usually considered
moderately concentrated. If HHI is greater than
1800, the degree of monopoly power becomes more
significant.. The HHI index, calculated for
Registrars at national level at the end of 2010,
resulted in Italy 1,389.92. The index, compared with
data of 2005, resulted increased, because both the
number of Registrar decreased and the number of
registered domains increased. Therefore it is not
possible to talk about monopoly, and moreover the
number of firms at national level proves to be high
(1,842 Registrars). The Gini concentration index,
unlike HHI, is a standard index, which ranges from 0
to 1. The Gini index is equal to 1 in case of
maximum concentration (this happens when, for
example, considering income distribution in a
country, only one individual earns the entire amount
of income), while it is 0 in a situation of even
distribution (all individuals earn the same level of
national income). Given its feature, that index is
widely used in statistics literature because it renders
better the concentration measurement in concrete
situations and it is specially suitable for comparing
the degree of concentration among heterogeneous
situations. The Gini index at national level was
calculated on the basis of the number of registered
domain names, and it resulted 0.91, and so higher
than in 2005, indicating that it is not possible to state
that, in Italy, only one Registrar registers all the
domain names under the ccTLD “.it”. However, the
value 0.91 is justified by the fact that only 10
registrars out of 1,842 register 63.83% of total
domain names. In 2005, 10 registrars out of 2,552
registered 46.30% of domain names. Therefore both
the indexes show that the concentration of domain
names registered by Registrars, from 2005 to 2010,
was increased. The analysis of concentration
resulted more clear when, in particular, the three
macro-areas North, Center and South were analyzed.
In all three areas, both indexes are increased (Tables
2 and 3. However, especially in the Centre of Italy,
the Gini index and the HHI in 2010 increased
considerably. In particular, HHI increased almost
twice, comparing data of 2010 with those of 2005.
This depends on the fact that, in such period, the
number of Registrars of the Center decreased while
the number of registered domains increased, and
also because the gap among Registrars in the
registration of domain names increased. In fact, in
2010 the Range (the difference between the
minimum and maximum of domains registered by
Registrars) is higher than in 2005 (Tables 2 and 3).
The Gini index of 0.96, in 2010, indicated that only
few Registrars register the total amount of domain
names under the ccTLD .it. As a matter of fact,
analyzing the data at an individual level, in the
Center, only two Registrars out of 427 register more
than 70% of domain names, 74.17% out of the total
amount of domain names. In 2005, two Registrars
out of 561 registered more than half the domain
names, 55.10% out of the total amount of domain
names. The North, on the contrary, is the region in
which there is more competition compared to the
other macro-areas and, as resulted, the two
concentration indexes are lower than in the Center
and in the South: the Gini is 0.80 and HHI is 228.78,
Table 2: Analysis of concentration of domain names “.it”
registered by Registrars 31-12-2005.
1575 334350 14313
Centre 0.93 1838.44 561 544874 210255
South 0.83 940.84 416 155275 39747
Italy 0.87 542.75 2’552 1034499 210255
Table 3: Analysis of concentration of domain names “.it”
registered by Registrars 31-12-2010.
North 0.80 228.78 1101 486322 43183
Centre 0.96 3468.80 427 1118659 617753
South 0.86 1190.19 314 181109 42942
Italy 0.91 1389.92 1’842 1786090 617753
in 2010. Even if the HHI results to be higher than
2005, since the Registrars have registered more than
Table 4: Determinants of internet diffusion.
Models Variables Coeff
Standard error Sig. R
Economic (Model 1)
Per capita income 0.001 4.452 0.000 0.000 0.703
Total added value 1.954E-05 2.272 0.000 0.036
Cultural (Model 2)
Number of ICT graduates 0.003 3.249 0.001 0.004 0.370
Demographical (Model 3)
Unemployment rate -0.599 -5.969 0.100 0.000 0.733
Population 7.119E-07 3.768 0.000 0.002
Technological (Model 4)
Firms ICT every 1000
7.606 4.998 0.000 0.000
40% of domain names with respect to the situation
in 2005, we cannot speak of a monopoly situation as
in the Center. The data observed at an individual
level, show that the first two registrars of the North
register only 14.73% of domain names under the
ccTLD .it, while in the Centre the two first registrars
register more than 74.17% of domain names (see
Table 3). In conclusion, in Italy a few Registrars
register a higher percentage of domain names under
the ".it". The phenomenon of the registration of
domain names in Italy is concentrated in the hands
of a few Registrars, and such aspect increased
significantly in 2010.
3.1 Factors that Cause the Digital
To define the factors that cause the digital divide, a
multiple regression model was used, taking into
consideration the penetration rate as a dependent
variable (PR) at regional level, and economic,
cultural, demographic and regional technological
factors as independent variables. In this work, four
models were defined, called Model 1, Model 2,
Model 3 and Model 4, which take into consideration,
as independent variables, economic factors, cultural
factors, demographic factors and technological
factors, respectively. The variables taken into
account in this analysis were extracted from various
sources (ISTAT - Italian Statistics Institute, G.
Tagliacarne Institute and so on). The economic
factors taken into consideration in Model 1 were:
added value per employee; total added value; total
income; per capita income; total amount of tourist
businesses; firms with 250 employees or more;
patents every 100 firms; entrepreneurial density
every 100 inhabitants. In Table 4 are reported the
only two economic variables that express the linear
relation with the penetration rate: the total added
value and per capita income. The remaining
variables do not express in a significant way a linear
relation with the penetration rate). This means that
regions with a high per capita income are in the first
positions in the Internet use ranking. Model 1
explained approximately 70% of total variability (R
= 0.703). The fit to the model proved to be good and
significant. Model 2, based on the use of cultural
factors as independent variables, took into
consideration the number of ICT graduates; the
number of graduates; the number of ICT graduates
every 100 graduates; and the amount of employees
involved in research and development. At the
regional level, the only variable of Model 2 that
expresses in a significant way the linear relation
with the penetration rate resulted the number of ICT
graduates (Table 4). However, the fit to the model is
very weak and it explains approximately 37% of the
variability of Internet diffusion at a regional level
= 0.370). Demographic factors taken into
consideration in Model 3 were: population;
percentage of men and women (to verify for
example if regions with a higher percentage of men
are more inclined to use the Internet than other
regions that have a higher percentage of women);
population density per Km
; the total amount of
foreign people at regional level; and unemployment
rate. The statistical analysis showed that in Model 3,
the significant independent variables are constituted
by population and unemployment rate. The other
variables analyzed in the model have been
eliminated as scarcely significant. The results
obtained are shown in Table 4. As expected, the
β, between penetration rate and
unemployment rate proves to be negative and rather
different from zero (
β = – 0.750), in accordance with
the economic literature (Bimber, 2000). In order to
define the technological factors that cause the digital
divide in Italy, in Model 4 different indicators were
taken into consideration: the degree of digitalization
calculated as weighted average by the indexes of
territory coverage of infrastructures and connectivity
services, such as optical fibre and broadband
(ADSL, HDSL, SHDL) (Assinform, Milano); the
degree of ICT specialization measured through the
ratio between the concentration of ICT employees
and the concentration of employees of all productive
fields (Iuzzolino, 2001); the employees
concentration index measured through the ratio
between the number of ICT employees of the region
and the number of national ICT employees
(Iuzzolino, 2001); investments in information
technology (IT) made by the regions, IT expenditure
on the regional added value, IT expenditure per
employed person. As shown in Table 4, in Model 4
the only significant variable resulted to be the
“number of firms ICT every 1000 inhabitants”. Such
model expresses approximately 58% of Internet
diffusion variability.
This research identifies a crucial issue: the
continuity of a digital divide at local level. The
penetration rate, calculated in relation with the
number of Registrars, appear to confirm this trend.
As in the previous period analyzed, few regions
register the highest penetration rates. This is true,
above all, for regions with a low unemployment rate
and with high economic factors, such as high added
value per employee and per capita income.
Furthermore, regions that have a high number of
firms specialized in ICT fields in relation to the
number of inhabitants, are more inclined to use the
Internet. Therefore, regions that are in the last
positions in economic terms are also in the last
position in technological terms. This is probably due
to the fact that low economic development is also
associated with a lower interest in new technologies
and their adoption. Furthermore, our research shows
that the concentration of domain names registered
under the ccTLD “.it” is very high, in fact only few
Registrars register the total amount of domains at
national level, especially in 2010. Moreover a high
rate of registrations results in those areas where
competition is not present. The absence of
competition was measured by the portion of domain
names owned by Registrars in a given geographical
area (North, Centre, South) and by the number of
actors that supply ICT services (Registrars) in a
given geographical area. Considering the macro-area
level, the study shows that in the Centre, where the
competition level is lower than the North and South
(HHI index, the index that measures competitiveness
in a territory, is greater in the Centre than in the
North and South) the number of registered domain
names is on average greater than the national
average. These results appear not in line with
Greenstein & Prince (2004) which affirm that is
absence of competition, Internet Service Providers
are less motivated to intensify their services.
However, it is necessary to remember that, here,
only the domain name registration service were
taken into consideration. Registrars could be
specialized in other types of services, like Internet
connectivity, electronic mail services, website
design, etc. Moreover, it must be underlined that
areas that are more specialized in domain name
registration are those presenting a competitive
advantage, in terms of economics, culture and
technology, over the others.
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