Meriam Jemel, Nadia Ben Azzouna and Khaled Ghedira
Research laboratory SOIE (Strat
egies d’Optimisation et Informatique intelligentE)
41 Rue de la Libert
e, Cit
e Bouchoucha, 2000 Le Bardo, Tunis, Tunisia
Web Service’s Access Control, Context-awareness, Scalability, Multi-agent Systems, Simulation.
Web services are vulnerable to different types of security attacks. The problem of secure access to web-based
applications is becoming increasingly complex. Management complexity arises because of the scalability
considerations such as the large number of web services users and their invocations and the fact that the
access control system should take into account the context. In this paper we describe the architecture of
our TDRBAC (Trust and Dynamic Role Based Access Control) model which is implemented using agent
technology. In fact, this technology fulfills several requirements of web service’s access control by providing
both context awareness and scalability. In order to verify the scalability of the proposed solution, we expose
some experimental results from a prototype implemented using JADE (Java Agent DEvelopment) platform.
The performance tests show that our TDRBAC multi-agent based system meets the scaling requirements of
large distributed services.
Web services are intended to provide for an efficient
framework to ensure daily web transactions among
partners who may own heterogeneous environments.
Since web services are built in open distributed en-
vironment, the access control issues about web ser-
vices become the key factor which restricts their use.
Access control defends against illegal access by mali-
cious attackers and honest users. Designing web ser-
vice’s access control appropriately is a difficult prob-
lem for two reasons. First, it is important that the ac-
cess control decision takes the context into account
to make the access control system suitable for dy-
namic web services environments. In addition, the
number of web service requestors and their invoca-
tions, e.g e-voting web services, are becoming larger
than ever. Therefore, it is essential to take the scal-
ability problem into consideration. In this paper, we
present how the agent technology can offer very inter-
esting aspects that can be exploited to design web ser-
vice’s access control systems, which satisfy context-
awareness and scalability requirements. We have ap-
plied this technology in implementing our TDRBAC
(Trust and Dynamic Role Based Access Control) sys-
tem using JADE (Java Agent DEvelopment) platform.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. The second section discusses previous works
related to web service security. An overview of
TDRBAC model is presented in section 3. In sec-
tion 4, we analyze some agent and multi-agent char-
acteristics that can be useful to fulfill the web ser-
vice’s access control model requirements by provid-
ing both context-awareness and scalability. Section 5
describes the proposed TDRBAC multi-agent based
system. The TDRBAC implementation details, the
clients requests simulation and the verification of the
TDRBAC scalability are detailed in section 6. Finally,
section 7 concludes the paper and describes the future
Different models of access control have been pro-
posed to deal with the efficient management of access
rights. These models include DAC (Discretionary Ac-
cess Control), MAC (Mandatory Access Control) and
RBAC (Role Based Access Control) (Ferraiolo and
Kuhn, 1992). Comparing with other access control
models, the access permissions in RBAC model are
not assigned directly to users but to roles which cor-
respond to different job descriptions within an orga-
nization. RBAC model is widely used to facilitate
the security administration through reducing the com-
Jemel M., Ben Azzouna N. and Ghedira K..
DOI: 10.5220/0003938701610166
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 161-166
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
plexity of permissions management.
In web service environments, the subject which
submits request and the object which offers service re-
source are dynamic. Therefore, access control models
for web services must be able to adjust the access con-
trol strategy according to security-relevant contextual
information. Several context-aware models (Bhatti
et al., 2005; Li et al., 2009; Joshi et al., 2005) are ex-
tended the basic RBAC model. Notwithstanding the
success of RBAC model and the extended proposed
models, researchers have often found these models to
be inadequate for open systems where the users’ pop-
ulation is dynamic and the identities of all users are
not known in advance. Several researchers have pro-
posed credential-based access control models (Blaze
et al., 1996; Li and Mitchell, 2003) where the user has
to produce a predetermined set of credentials, such as
credit card number to gain specific access privileges.
Although, credential based models solve the problem
of access control in open systems, they do not bind
a user to its purported behavior or actions and they
do not reveal whether the credential was obtained via
deviated means. In (Bhatti et al., 2005; Chakraborty
and Ray, 2006) the access control decision is based
on the user trust level that can be determined by a set
of parameters which constitutes the user profile. In
our previous work (Jemel et al., 2010), we have pro-
posed a novel access control model named TDRBAC.
In TDRBAC model, the access decision depends on
the user trust level determined based on the diverse
session contextual information and on the occurrence
of certain events during the opened session, which en-
hances the access control level.
Despite the contributions diversity, the majority
of current solutions focuses only on the definition
of access control models and rules. In fact, there
are few works which are interested in access control
systems design (Khemakhem et al., 2008; Wang and
Wang, 2007) that can offer diverse interesting prop-
erties such as scalability (Calero et al., 2010; Ghali
et al., 2010).
The definition of TDRBAC model is based on four
main concepts :
TDRBAC captures the relevant contextual infor-
mation related to the user session environment
which imposes some contextual constraints that
should be incorporated in its access control deci-
sion. For example, in case of G2G (Government-
to-Government) interactions and collaborations,
an access request to an organization service com-
ing from a machine with an IP address different
from the IP addresses of the organizations which
it interacts with can be denied.
In TDRBAC model the trust level is based on a
set of contextual information. For example, an
access request towards an organization outside of
administration working hours can be considered
as an untrustworthy request. The session context
directly affects the user trust level, and hence the
permissions granted to him/her during this ses-
TDRBAC model is also dynamic by providing a
natural way to handle role access rights based on
the occurrence of certain events. We define an
event as any transient occurrence of a happening
of interest such as the service term expiration or a
completion of a process or a task.
Dynamic Role View
A view is a named set of access rights. Com-
paring with other access control models, the view
assignment decision, in TDRBAC model, is not
only based on the user credentials or its associated
trust level, but also on the role already assigned to
him/her, hence, the role view notion.
Agent-based system technology promises a new
paradigm for conceptualizing and implementing soft-
ware systems. In (Ferber, 1995), J. Ferber defines an
agent as an autonomous entity, real or abstract that
can act by itself, and its environment. In multi-agent
systems, it can communicate with other agents and its
behavior is the result of its observations, knowledge
and interactions with other agents. An overview of
the access control model requirements and the respec-
tive technical solutions offered by agent technology
are detailed as follow.
4.1 TDRBAC Context Awareness
In (Singh and Conway, 2006), the agent is consid-
ered as an entity that is able to keep a model of the
current context. It listens to the contextual informa-
tion and communicates changes in its own context
to other agents. Thanks to agent capabilities to per-
ceive and respond instantly to changes in its envi-
ronment, the software agents are used within many
context-aware systems (Sahli, 2008). In order to
incorporate the contextual information in TDRBAC
system access control decision, we propose to de-
fine a Context Collecting agent which is in charge of
listening, during the active session, to the environ-
mental context information and to the different events
that can occur. It communicates them to the others
TDRBAC system components.
4.2 TDRBAC Scalability
In (Burness et al., 1999), scalability is considered as
a measure of how the performance changes as the
system size is increased. The most significant per-
formance factor is the response time, as seen by a
user under normal working conditions, coupled with
the cost of the system - hardware requirements - per
user. Multi-agent systems modularity offers an im-
portant solution to satisfy the software system scal-
ability requirement. The term modular refers to the
design of any system both hardware and software,
made of separate modules that can be connected to-
gether. A multi-agent system is modular by default,
since each agent can be seen as a single module. In
addition to this, a single agent is composed of a set of
different modules or layers. The multi-agent system
modularity allows each agent to use the most appro-
priate paradigm for solving its particular problem and
to share them with other agents.
To ensure the scalability of our TDRBAC system,
we design it as a set of agents and we assign to each
one of them some sets of tasks that can be accom-
plished. This decomposition ensures the treatment of
several web service access requests in a simultaneous
way which makes our system suitable for web appli-
cations that need to address a large number of user
5.1 Architecture Components
The architecture of the TDRBAC multi-agent based
system is depicted in figure1. The client is the ser-
vice requestor, SOAP interceptor agent and web ser-
vices are the service providers. SOAP interceptor
agent parses the SOAP message delivered by the re-
questor. It extracts the user’s credentials and enforces
the TDRBAC model which carries out permission as-
signment. TDRBAC system architecture includes the
following agents :
Role Assigning Agent
It is the TDRBAC component responsible for the
role assignment to the web service requestor. The
role assignment operation is based on a set of
role assignment rules and it respects a set of con-
straints imposed by the system administrator.
Context Collecting Agent
It accomplishes the function of collecting a vari-
ety of data related to the user session environment
such as the access request time, the user location,
etc. Moreover, the Context Collecting agent re-
mains listening to every interesting event that can
occur during the user active session. It can re-
spond instantly to the different contextual changes
and notifies the others TDRBAC components of
Trust Evaluating Agent
The Trust Evaluating agent carries on evaluating
the user trust level based the collected user session
View Assigning Agent
It is designed with Prolog as the inference system
to decide the appropriate view to be assigned to
the user role. The View Assigning agent input is
its knowledge base which is made up of the facts
base and the rules base. The facts base maintains
the role already assigned to the authenticated re-
questor, the user trust level evaluated by the Trust
Evaluating agent and the events that can be oc-
curred during the lifetime session. The rules base
presents the different constraints imposed by the
system administrator on the view assignment op-
eration and a set of assignment permissions rules.
5.2 TDRBAC Architectural
Components Interactions
The TDRBAC components interactions are presented
as follow:
1. Initially, the SOAP interceptor agent intercepts
the SOAP message sent by the web service user,
extracts his credentials and sends them to the
Role Assigning agent.
2. The Role Assigning agent checks the user creden-
tials validity. If the user credentials are accepted
the Role Assigning agent assigns the appropriate
role to the web service requestor.
3. The Role Assigning agent informs the
Context Collecting agent about the role al-
Figure 1: Architecture components of the TDRBAC multi-agent based system.
ready assigned to the user. Based on the user
role, the Context Collecting agent collects the
appropriate contextual information related to
this session and it filters it. Then, it reports this
information to the Trust Evaluating agent.
4. At the reception of the contextual information,
the Trust Evaluating agent evaluates the user trust
level and reports it to the View Assigning agent.
5. Based on the user role and the evaluated trust
level, the View Assigning agent assigns to the user
the appropriate view and the session is opened
with the granted permissions.
6. During the active session, the Context Collecting
agent remains listening to every context change
and to the interesting events that occur. In the
first case, it reports the new contextual informa-
tion to the Trust Evaluating agent which evalu-
ates the new user trust level and reports it to the
View Assigning agent to change the user permis-
sions . In the second case, it informs the View
Assigning agent of the occurred events in order to
change the granted permissions.
Controlling the user access to the large-scale dis-
tributed web services should take the scalability prob-
lem into consideration. To verify the scalability of
our proposed TDRBAC multi-agent based system, a
prototype of our system is implemented and some ex-
perimentations relative to the implemented prototype
are made.
6.1 Implementation Details
The TDRBAC multi-agent based system is imple-
mented using JADE platform. In fact, JADE is
implemented with Java language which enable pro-
gramming in distributed heterogeneous environments.
Moreover, it allows to build agent-based systems in
compliance with FIPA specifications which allows the
interoperability with agents acting on different agent
platforms with the constraint that they must be FIPA-
We define 90000 different credentials associated
to the authenticated clients and 4 roles that can be as-
signed to them. We attribute for each role 10 views. In
addition, we define for each role 5 context attributes
and their associated weights that can be incorporated
in the TDRBAC access control decision.
6.2 Simulation and Performance
In order to analyze how our access control system
scales with increasing numbers of simultaneous users,
we run several performance tests. We use two differ-
ent machines for our experimental setup. The first one
is an Intel Core 2 Duo E7500 2.93GHZ with 2 Gbytes
RAM running the TDRBAC system. The application
that emulates the client requests is running in a Gen-
uine Intel T2250 1.73GHZ with 2 Gbytes RAM. Both
systems are interconnected by a crosser cable with
1-Gbit Ethernet link. To simulate a large-scale web
traffic, it is important to model the web session ar-
rivals, the session context change frequency and the
session duration which affect the TDRBAC system
Modeling Web Session Arrivals
The Poisson distribution f (k; λ) = (λ∆t
which gives probability of k arrivals to a system
fed with an arrival rate λ over a period of length
t, is a straightforward candidate for modeling
session inflow to a web site. In fact, the Pois-
son distribution has been successfully used sev-
eral times in performance analysis of systems with
Average access request duration
Figure 2: Average access request duration vs. number of
access requests.
very large population of subscribers, e.g., a tele-
phone central office, a node of packet-switched
network and also an email server (Ohri and Chle-
bus, 2005; Darryl et al., 2003). For our simu-
lation, we suppose that the web session arrivals
are modeled by applying the Poisson process with
parameter λ. As a result, the time between con-
secutive web session arrivals (called inter-arrival
times) is an independent random variable expo-
nentially distributed with parameter 1/λ.
Modeling Web Session Context Change Fre-
We suppose that, during the active session, all the
instants have the same probability to be the in-
stant of a session context change. Therefore, the
uniform distribution with parameters min=0 and
max=sessionDuration is applied to model the ses-
sion context change frequency during an active
Modeling Web Session Duration
The Pareto distribution is usually applied to model
long session durations such as a FTP session
(Goseva-Popstojanova et al., 2006). Ben Az-
zouna and al. demonstrate in (Azzouna et al.,
2004), that the request duration can be approxi-
mated by a two-parameter Weibullian distribution
f (x; η;β) = (η/β)(x/β)
where η and β
are, respectively, the scale and the skew parame-
ters. For our simulation, we use an atomic web
service i.e. the session duration is almost usu-
ally short, we apply the Weibullian distribution to
model the web sessions duration.
In order to test the TDRBAC system performance,
we stress the system with multiple requests for a long
period of time. For the simulation process, we pro-
pose to define for each opened session a lifetime av-
erage equal to 60s, therefore, we fix η=60 and β=4
for the used Weibullian distribution. Moreover, we
assume that, during the simulation process, the con-
text of 20% of the opened sessions changes during
Figure 3: Number of requests in execution/total number of
requests vs. number of access requests.
Figure 4: CPU and memory loads vs. inter-arrivals times.
their lifetime. For every single request, the process-
ing duration is logged. A value of the average ac-
cess request duration is calculated for every 1000 con-
secutive logged values. The figure 2 shows how the
average access request duration varies with the total
number of the arrived access requests in TDRBAC
system for different session inter-arrival times (10ms,
20ms and 30ms). The results demonstrate the good
performance of our system. For example, the step
from 10000 requests to 90000 requests (9 times more)
leads to an increase in the average access request du-
ration from 4.41 to 9.53ms (only 2.16 times more)
for the inter-arrival time 1/λ=10ms (100 requests/s).
Moreover, it increases from 3.68 to 6.37ms (only 1.73
times more) for the inter-arrival time 1/λ=20ms (50
requests/s). In addition, by comparing the average ac-
cess request duration for 90000 access requests for
the inter-arrival time 1/λ=20ms with that for the inter-
arrival time 1/λ=10ms (2 times more), it increases
from 6.37 to 9.53ms (only 1.49 times more). The
curve presented in figure 3 depicts the variation of the
rate of the waiting requests in the TDRBAC system
with the total number of launched requests. The wait-
ing requests are the requests under treatment and have
not yet received permissions. The results demonstrate
that our system can handle a large number of requests.
In fact, despite the increase in the total number of
launched requests, the waiting requests rate is nearly
constant. For example, the step from 30000 requests
to 90000 requests (3 times more) leads to an increase
in waiting requests rate from 0.049 to 0.056.(1.14
times more).
During every simulation process, we note both the
CPU and the memory load percentage. As shown in
figure 4, the CPU load percentage for the inter-arrival
time 1/λ=30ms is 70% and it increases only to 82%
for the inter-arrival time 1/λ=10ms. In addition, the
memory load is nearly constant for the different sim-
ulations processes which show the good performance
of our TDRBAC system.
In this work, we have presented an overview of our
access control model called TDRBAC. This model
is designed using the agent technology which satis-
fies context-awareness and scalability system require-
ments, and it is implemented using JADE platform.
The performance tests of the prototype implementa-
tion show that the system is scalable for thousands
of requests. In the future, we intend to stress the
system with more requests and to duplicate the over-
loaded TDRBAC system agents. In addition, we plan
to test our system with different system configura-
tions such as roles number, views number, context at-
tributes number, etc. Finally, we aim to test our sys-
tem efficiency by applying different attack scenarios.
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