Rafael Moreira Cunha and Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa
Informatics Department, PUC-RIO, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Keywords: Autism, Education, HCI, Computer Games.
Abstract: Autism is a global development disorder that affects children's ability to communicate, to establish
relationships and to respond appropriately to the environment. Within Computer Science, the area of
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) can assist in building high quality tools that can help the development
of children with autism. This work aims to analyze the impact of a computer game developed exclusively to
help children with autism in vocabulary acquisition. The results obtained so far show that children were able
to effectively learn new words. Evidence of generalization and retention has been shown.
Autism was first identified by (Kanner, 1943). He
described a group of seriously injured children who
had certain common characteristics. The most
noticeable was the inability to relate to people. Since
then, autism has been a subject of research in
different areas within universities.
According to the 10th International Statistical
Classification of Diseases and Related Health
Problems of 1992 (ICD-10), autism is considered a
Pervasive Developmental Disorder, which would
present a pattern of abnormal development and/or
impairment, manifested before the age of three. The
abnormal function of the child's skills can be related
to three areas: social interaction, communication and
imagination (Figure 1). This triad represents a
broader view of the autistic spectrum and forms the
basis for current diagnostic criteria, as described in
the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). The
diagnostic criteria expressed in the DSM-IV Autistic
Disorder are consistent with the criteria in the ICD-
10 for Infantile Autism, both listed under the general
heading of Pervasive Developmental Disorder. The
DSM-IV includes a diagnostic category of ‘Autistic
Disorder’ in the section titled Pervasive
Developmental Disorders. The diagnostic criteria for
the DSM-IV and the ICD-10 for autism are almost
identical, although in the ICD-10 it is known as
‘Childhood Autism’. For a diagnosis of autism, at
least two symptoms of impairment in social
interaction, one symptom of impairment in
communication, and one symptom of restricted and
repetitive behavior must be present.
characteristics should be evident until the age of
three, although diagnosis is usually done later.
Figure 1: Autistic triad.
According to the fourth edition of the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Revised
(APA, 2000) this developmental disorder affects
1:100 children, with higher incidence in males (3:1,
against 4:1 in female children). In Brazil,
epidemiological studies of the disorder have not
been done, but based on statistical studies conducted
in other countries (Fombonne, 2010), it is estimated
that in Brazil there are 500,000 people under twenty
years old with this disorder. And approximately
Moreira Cunha R. and Diniz Junqueira Barbosa S..
DOI: 10.5220/0003940403860392
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 386-392
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
115,000 of these are children aged 0 to 4 years.
Although incurable, it is possible to ameliorate the
developmental delay caused by the disorder. This is
possible through early detection of the disorder
coupled with specialized treatments (Schopler et al.,
1995). Ideally, treatment should begin preferably
even before three years of age (Robins et al., 2001;
Wetherby et al., 2004).
Treatment should be performed by a
multidisciplinary team consisting of professionals
from different areas of health. In addition, other
approaches are commonly used in treatment, such as
therapeutic horseback riding, music therapy, speech
therapy, swimming, contact with animals and,
recently, interventions using the computer.
Computers are considered promising tools to
assist people with autism. Some of the early
researches showed positive results in using the
computer to treat people with autism dates back to
1973 (Colby, 1973). Currently there are several
works that explore the use of computers to support
the development of people with autism. There are
jobs in the area of virtual reality (Charitos et al.,
2000; Kerr, 2002; Parsons and Mitchell, 2002),
robotics (Dautenhahn, 1999), face recognition
(Baron-Cohen and Golan, 2006), cooperative games
(Piper, 2006), and several others that use the
technology for this purpose.
One of the main factors that motivate the use of
computers to treat these people is that with
computers you can create controlled environments
that are interesting and without distractions. These
features are considered important for success in
treating people with autism (Dautenhahn, 2000;
Putnam and Chong, 2008).
The aim of this work is to develop and evaluate a
computer game created specifically to teach
vocabulary to children with autism aged 5 to 10
years old.
The process of language comprehension and
acquisition is complex. A person must have many
skills to be able to understand and comprehend the
meaning of the spoken words. This means
understanding the meaning and having the ability to
process the sounds of the spoken word. This process
is the basis of the language use in communication.
The acquisition of vocabulary is an important
component in this process (Gupta and Macwhinney,
1997). Studies show that the breadth and depth of
vocabulary knowledge is related to the ability of
good reading (Stanovich, 1986; Wood, 2001), and
also to academic success (Vermeer, 2001).
2.1 Game Characteristics
In designing software for children with autism it is
especially important that the interface should be
designed in a socially responsible way. Although
children with autism are a diverse group, there are
characteristics commonly found in autism (NAS,
2004) which were considered in the design of this
game. The following items summarize the design
decisions (DD) related to certain characteristics:
They are likely to prefer predictable, structured
and controlled procedures and environments
and, possibly as a consequence, they are often
attracted to inanimate objects, machines and
computers. DD: A computer version of a paper-
based vocabulary game is developed.
They may have difficulty with remote object
references (proto-imperative pointing), and may
have difficulty understanding the use of a
mouse. DD: The game is presented using a
touch sensitive screen, allowing direct
manipulation using a finger. The possible
answers in the lower part of the screen can be
draggable, giving a strong analogy with the
physical world. Mouse or touchpad can also be
They are generally highly visual. DD: Figures
can be used throughout the whole training.
They tend to focus on particular details and
prefer local than global integration (Happé,
1997). Consequently, a child with autism might
focus exclusively on some apparently irrelevant
details, e.g. great interest might be taken in the
experimenter’s glasses, or a program can be
used not for its primary purpose, but just for the
pleasure of the accompanying noises. DD:
Screen design is kept very simple with no
complex features.
They may be highly sensitive to noise, finding
intolerable noise, which is barely perceptible or
unremarkable to others (Bogdashina, 2003).
DD: Sound features can be turned off.
They may have problems with manual dexterity.
DD: A simple docking function aids the final
placement of the child’s chosen answer.
They may find failure very debilitating (Jordan
and Powell, 1995). DD: There is no penalty for
a wrong answer. The accompanying adult may
encourage another attempt if appropriate to the
particular child at the time.
Challenges, needs, and skills vary by age of a
child and severity of their diagnosis, and each case
of autism is unique. So, the game can be
personalized for each child. It is possible to change
its options and adapt them over time. Goals can be
set for each child, individually.
2.1.1 Game Procedure
The game is based on matching-to-sample
procedure, which is a form of conditional
The basic operations in the matching-to-sample
task are: first, the sample stimulus and an array of
choice stimuli are presented; second, the participant
responds by selecting a stimulus from the array
which he/she believes that corresponds to the sample
stimulus; third, informative feedback is given as to
whether the correct choice was made.
The essential components of the task consist of
the sample stimulus followed by a set of choice
stimuli, which includes a stimulus that corresponds
to the sample. Based on some rule or relationship,
the participant should respond by choosing the
correct one.
In the actual application, the sample and choice
stimuli are linguistic stimuli. Although the sample
and choice stimuli have a correspondence, they may
vary widely in terms of their actual properties. For
example, a very simple task may be matching
picture to picture, while a more complex one would
consist of matching a word to picture. Table I shows
all the existing possibilities of matching in the game.
The game proceeds in the following the sequence:
The stimulus item and the array of choice
items are presented on the screen.
The child is (verbally) asked to locate the
identical item using the touch screen, mouse
or touchpad.
If the child chooses the correct response,
there is a display congratulating him/her.
Otherwise, the incorrect item wiggles, as if
saying “No, not me”.
The trial is repeated until the child reach
2.1.2 Game Training Cycle
The game training is based on a Discrete Trial
Training (DTT) cycle. DTT is the primary teaching
method for a number of the behaviourally based
interventions used in teaching children with autism.
Table 1: Matching-to-Sample Possibilities.
Sample stimulus is a word
and the choice stimuli are a
set of pictures
Sample stimulus is a picture
and the choice stimuli are a
set of pictures
Sample stimulus is a picture
and the choice stimuli are a
set of words
Sample stimulus is a word +
picture and the choice
stimuli are a set of pictures
Sample stimulus is a word +
picture and the choice stimuli
are a set of words
Sample stimulus is a word
and the choice stimuli are a
set of words
Children with autism often face many deficits and
difficulties in learning (Schopler et al., 1995).
Discrete-trial training can help to compensate for
these difficulties.
A discrete trial is a single cycle of a behavior
based instruction routine. A particular trial may be
repeated several times in succession, several times a
day, over several days (or even longer) until the skill
is mastered. There are four parts, and an optional
fifth, to a discrete trial.
Discriminative stimulus (S
) - The instruction
or environmental cue to which the teacher
would like the child to respond.
Prompting stimulus (S
) - A prompt or cue
from the teacher to help the child respond
correctly (optional).
Response (R) - The skill or behavior that is the
target of the instruction, or a portion thereof.
Reinforcing stimulus (S
) - A reward designed
to motivate the child to respond and respond
Inter-trial interval (ITI) – A brief pause
between consecutive trials.
The parts of the discrete trial are often
represented symbolically in the following format,
adopted in the remainder of this work:
Essentially, this illustrates the order of a discrete
trial. First there is the teacher's instruction (S
). If
the teacher thinks the child may need some help
responding correctly, she will give him/her a little
prompt, cue, or model to help him/her out (S
Then, either with help or without, the child gives
some response to the instruction (R). If the child
responds incorrectly, the teacher might correct
him/her, and then give him/her another chance. If
the child responds correctly, or close to correctly,
the teacher might give him/her some reward or
praise to encourage him/her (S
). After that
sequence is completed, the teacher might want to
pause for a little while before continuing, to let the
child know that they have completed one cycle and
have moved on to the next (ITI).
The game followed the same idea behind DTT.
Initially, the main character makes a request (S
). If
there is delay in response time, the character
reinforces the request (S
). A guess (S
) can be
customized to be presented sometimes during the
game. When a correct response occurs (R), the
character congratulates the child and an animation
2.2 Game Goals
Research on treatments to help children with autism
should include the retention and generalization of
behaviors (Schreibman and Ingersoll, 2005).
Behaviors refer to any skill or knowledge gained by
an individual during treatment. Learning new words
is a behavior that can be taught and measured.
Retention and generalization can occur separately
for a behavior; however, it is desirable to ensure that
both occur (Bregman et al., 2005). This investigation
measured the retention and generalization of learned
material after a period of time.
2.2.1 Retention
Retention is the ability to remember over a period of
time (Smith, 1994). Retention of a new word would
entail remembering the word after a period of time
with no exposure or training in that word.
There is little value to learning skills that are
forgotten (Powers, 2005). Time spent teaching skills
that are not maintained is time wasted. If the skill
was worth teaching in the first place, the skill should
be either automatically maintained by the child in
the natural environment or it should be learned so
well that it is easily remembered when necessary.
Retention could include periodic review or practice
of material so that it is remembered.
2.2.2 Generalization
Generalization is the ability of an individual to
demonstrate a behavior outside the treatment
environment (Bregman et al., 2005). Behaviors that
are generalized can be used with different stimuli,
people, and situations. Generalization of new words
would be evident by the ability to recognize a word
in a different form, such as other pictures or objects,
which represent the word that was previously taught
by the computer. Other aspects of generalization
include the use of a new word that is spoken by a
different person or used in a different setting. New
knowledge must be transferred to different materials
and environments to be useful. Words learned on the
computer should be useable in the real world. This
investigation evaluated the ability of the participant
to generalize his learning from the computer game to
objects and flash cards.
3.1 Participants
The criteria for selection of participants included
prior diagnosis of autism, availability of family, and
a trained professional to mediate the search. To date,
this research involved three children aged five to
nine years. The vocabulary known by the children
was verified using receptive tests for identification
of approximately ten among 105 significant figures.
In the receptive tests, children were only asked to
point at the correct word, and they did not need to
say it aloud.
3.2 Ethical Issues
The research was carefully designed to maximize
student learning and avoid subjecting them to
situations of discomfort. Their parents have carefully
read and signed the consent form.
3.3 Procedure
The study consisted of four phases: pre-tests, pre-
training, training and post-tests.
3.3.1 Pre-Tests
This phase consisted in the identification of words
unknown to the child. 105 words were used in the
same size cutouts of small-format cards.
The words represented by the figures correspond
to nouns of different categories: fruit, transportation,
animals, insects, furniture, electronics, cooking,
music, tools, buildings, food, clothing, hygiene, and
The pictures were displayed in pairs and the
child was asked to receptively indicate (i.e., to just
point at) one of the figures through requests such as:
"Show me the apple." The criterion to consider the
word correct was the hit of at least three consecutive
times in which the same word was shown alongside
different sets of figures. Three consecutive errors
indicated otherwise. Since it was just a pre-test,
there were no scheduled consequences for hit and
miss and no help or correction procedure was used
during this phase.
This phase was considered finished when
approximately ten words were identified as
unknown to the child.
3.3.2 Pre-Training
Before starting the training, participants were taught
to use the proposed game. At this stage the
participant used only the known vocabulary. The
criterion for completion of this phase was to hit five
times the target word.
3.3.3 Training
At this stage, children trained words that were
unknown as first identified in the pre-test phase. The
training included ten sessions. Generally, sessions
took fifteen to thirty minutes each.
To teach new words, we use both an identity and
an arbitrary model. In the identity model, both the
word to be learned and the array of stimuli are in the
same type of representation, i.e., both images or both
words. In the arbitrary model, there is a combination
of words and images.
The game issued for each hit a compliment for the
participant to keep performing the activities until the
end of the training; these interventions were
contingent on successes. There were no programmed
consequences for error situations.
The criterion for completion of the task was to
correctly answer at least five consecutive attempts
involving the same word without an error. While the
criterion was not reached, the word was not
3.3.4 Post-Tests
At this stage, we verified if the retention of the
taught words, i.e., the extent to which these words
were remembered over time.
(Biemiller and Boote, 2006) tested retention after
two periods of non-exposure treatment, 2 weeks and
6 weeks. In their study, the retention period was 4
For our assessment, we used the same figures
and procedures of the pre-tests. Generalization tests
also occurred during this phase. We followed the
same procedure as the pre-tests, including physical
The game only required a receptive response, not
an expressive one. The generalization from receptive
to expressive is not guaranteed with children with
disabilities (Biemiller and Boote, 2006). Thus, the
participant was tested to determine if the words that
he could select receptively in the game could also be
labeled expressively.
To determine whether generalization occurred
also in a significant way, we conducted tests in
which a picture was presented to the child and
requests were made or questions like “What is it?”
were posed. The child should say the name of what
was presented. Objects were also used in this way.
The evaluation assessed the extent to which
developed the game contributed to the acquisition,
retention, and generalization of vocabulary, as well
as a subjective evaluation of each child's response to
the program. Data were captured and analyzed in
two distinct moments of the study: training sessions
and post-tests. The results obtained so far show that
children were able to significantly learn some
vocabulary, with retention of about 94% of new
words after 30 days. Table II provides the individual
performance of each child. As can be seen in the
table, children were also able to generalize the
acquired knowledge (M = 0.94, SD = 0.10).
The three participating children seemed to enjoy
working with the game. They came for the
evaluation sessions requesting the "squirrel", which
is the game’s main character. We have also observed
that the praises fired by the main character made the
children happy.
Table 2: Number of trained words, total number of words
retained and generalized after a period of training and total
training time for each participating child after 10 sessions.
Child Trained Retained Generalized
A 9 9 9 0:53:30
B 12 12 12 1:08:28
C 11 9 9 1:05:15
Total 32 30 30 3:07:13
Average 10.67 10.00 10.00 1:02:24
SD 1.53 1.73 1.73 0:07:53
The evaluation of the known vocabulary is an
indicator of cognitive development. Acquiring
words means not only to be able to speak, but also
understand the spoken word and look it up in
memory. There is always a need for individuals to
use their cognitive ability to understand and interact
to the world. Moreover, without a large repertoire of
words, it is difficult for children to create new
conceptual categories (Bee, 2003). Therefore, this
study aimed to analyze the impact of a computer
program developed exclusively to help children with
autism in vocabulary acquisition.
The computer program developed for this
research combined visuals, sound effects, incentives,
and reinforcements. Preliminary results showed that
children could learn at least two nouns at each
session. Generalization and retention tests also
showed that children were able to recall the nouns
trained and to apply the acquired knowledge in
novel situations. In addition, they were highly
motivated to interact with the computer.
This study is limited by the small sample and by
the potential variance in responses by children with
autism. Additional research should be conducted to
examine more children with autism with different
abilities. The effects of computer instruction, the use
of collaborative as well as individual computer
activities, and the specific visual and auditory
production techniques that promote interest and
learning should also be examined.
In conclusion, we hope that this work can
contribute to and promote other projects in the area
of information technology in special education,
especially in the education of children with autism.
We are very grateful to parents and children who
participated in the research. Special thanks to Dr.
Carolina Lampreia, from Department of Psychology
at the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-
Rio). We are also grateful to the speech therapists
Luciana de Almeida Moreira Reis e Regina de
Souza Pires.
This research was made possible by support
from (Globe Network).
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