Sita Ramakrishnan and Subramania Ramakrishnan
Clayton School of IT, Monash University, Victoria, Australia
Web of Things, Smart Appliances, Internet of Things, Energy Consumption, Sustainability, 6LoWPAN/IPv6,
With a focus on a software system that incorporates smart phones, web-enabled physical devices and RESTful
APIs, this paper explores a system strategy for monitoring, integrating and controlling electrical devices to
facilitate the management of electrical energy consumption in line with modern sustainability practices. Real-
time feedback on energy consumption and associated costs for individual appliances in a household is the
key to helping the consumers in their quest for sustainable living. The paper considers a case study of a
household in Australia, having a grid-connected solar panel installed for electricity generation. The focus of
the case study is dynamic adaptation of both grid-supplied and the solar-generated electricity for powering
heavy house hold electrical loads with a view to reduce costs and greenhouse emissions.
Modern ICT developments enable physical devices
manage their interaction with less human interven-
tion in order to avoid human bottleneck, and be more
autonomous. However there are many difficulties in
current internet architecture to accommodate various
physical data sources, actuators and distributed com-
puting elements. Autonomous networks of embedded
devices are centered around data fusion which is the
result of integrating a number of embedded devices
such as sensors with the internet (Abdelzaher, 2006).
Unlike traditional embedded systems, where the em-
phasis is more on computational elements and less on
the links between the physical and computational el-
ements, a cyber-physical system is designed as a net-
work of interacting elements with physical input and
output (Abdelzaher, 2006).
This paper considers Web of Things (WoT) and
cyber-physical systems with a case study scenario for
managing energy consumption to reduce costs and
greenhouse emissions in a household by adapting the
usage of electrical devices in the household. A lay-
ered architecture to address the distributed nature of
embedded, autonomous cyber-physical systems and
modelling cyber and physical resources in a unified
framework are considered in this paper.
Increases in recent times in costs of electricity,
gas, water etc., and the associated increases in envi-
ronmental pollution, such as greenhouse emissions,
are having an impact on lifestyles of people to adopt
lifestyle strategies for reducing cost and environmen-
tal pollution. Real-time feedback on energy consump-
tion and associated costs for individual appliances in
an easily readable format is the key to helping con-
sumers in changing their behaviour in their quest for
sustainable living. Merging physical household de-
vices with computing such as with embedded micro-
processors and wireless communication is leading to
the creation of so-called smart appliances. We explore
the way in which these smart appliances can be ad-
ministered through mobile web to facilitate the vision
of web-enabled smart home for sustainable living.
The paper is structured as follows. The next sec-
tion discusses advances in internet protocols and var-
ious home automation standards. Also discussed is
the ability of 6LoWPAN standard to make the lat-
est Internet protocol (IPv6) available to even the most
minimal embedded devices and its suitability for em-
bedding into household appliances. A system archi-
tecture for household smart appliances is then derived
by augmenting accepted protocols of WoT and an ex-
tended WoT framework after a discussion on Internet
of Things (IoT) and Web of Things (WoT). In Section
3, home requirements for managing electricity con-
sumption are described. In Section 4, a case study is
presented for a smart household energy management
for sustainable living. Section 5 provides conclusions
Ramakrishnan S. and Ramakrishnan S..
DOI: 10.5220/0003945900290036
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Pervasive Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS-2012), pages 29-36
ISBN: 978-989-8565-00-6
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
and possible future extensions.
2.1 Internet Protocols and Home
Automation Standards
The internet has been a great success over two
decades with ubiquitous use of the network by bil-
lions of people. The internet paradigm has been
very successful with heterogeneous networks, and the
www model of uniform resource locators (URLs),
the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) and hypertext
markup language (HTML). This has resulted in IT
architects, communication experts and others to in-
novate and add new protocols and uses for internet
technology. Another internet advance has been the
internet of things where the embedded devices, also
named, smart objects, are universally becoming IP-
enabled and an integral part of the internet. Examples
of IP-enabled embedded devices are mobile devices,
personal health assistance devices, home and indus-
trial automation, smart metering etc (Guinard, 2010;
Kamilaris et al., 2011).
There are many competing home automation stan-
dards such as the popular X10 in the residential
market since 1978 (www.x10.com), ZigBee standard
based on IEEE 802.15.4, and KNX, the European
standard. Currently, monitoring and controlling em-
bedded devices are predominantly done using ser-
vices built on internet technology. Internet of things
is a powerful paradigm which has combined the
internet-enabled embedded devices and web services
technology. Till recently, the complexity of commu-
nication standards, protocols and services meant that
internet enabling happened only with the most pow-
erful embedded devices.
The first global low-power radio standard was re-
leased by IEEE, which was the 802.15.4 low-power
wireless personal area network (WPAN) standard in
2003. A new paradigm was required to enable low-
power wireless devices with limited processing capa-
bilities to participate in the Internet of Things (Hui
and Culler, 2008; Shelby and Bormann, 2010). The
6LoWPAN standard makes this latest Internet proto-
col (IPv6) available to even the most minimal embed-
ded devices over low-rate wireless networks (Design,
2011), and is well suited for embedding into home
Since typical households have cable Ethernet con-
nections and Wi-Fi as the backbone network, exten-
sion via 6LoWPAN is possible without laying addi-
tional cables. Although deployment costs for both
ZigBee and 6LoWPAN (IPv6) are low, ZigBee being
a proprietary solution requires its own infrastructure
as opposed to using LANs for 6LoWPAN/IPv6 [24].
Seamless integration to the internet is the attractive
feature available with IPv6 over the other standards.
IPv6 connectivity of smart appliances integrates these
appliances to the internet network layer. Web servers
running on the appliances are required to achieve web
integration (application layer). The concept of Re-
source is a first class object in the REST (represen-
tational state transfer) style and every resource must
understand the core operations (Richardson and Ruby,
2007). A smart appliance resource is accessed in a
web-oriented manner using a lightweight REST ar-
chitectural style. Any smart appliance resource is
bound to a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), which
identifies the resource involved in an interaction be-
tween entities. It uses HTTP 1.1 as a true applica-
tion protocol and its operations, GET, PUT, POST,
DELETE. Each resource implements a set of these
well-defined operations. Applications using web-
enabled appliances can be developed using web lan-
guages such as Javascript, PHP, JSON (javascript ob-
ject notation) and toolkits such as JQuery. Android
and IPhone OS 4.0 run IPv6.
It follows from the discussion in this section that
6LoWPAN /IPv6 is suitable for smart home automa-
tion applications.
2.2 IoT, WoT and WoT Framework
The web is a very effective, user-centric, scalable, dis-
tributed platform with underlying technologies such
as TCP/IP, HTTP, HTML/XML, JSON etc. This suc-
cess has now been extended to incorporating real-
world objects into WWW using web technologies,
and this is called the Web of Things (WoT), as de-
scribed next.
The Internet of things (IoT) (Papadimitriou, 2009)
is about principles and technologies that enable the
internet to get into the real-world of physical objects.
IoT gives every device an IP address and lets it plug
into the internet. In IoT, everyday devices and objects
(objects that contain an embedded device) are con-
nected by integrating these into the web. Examples
of smart devices are sensor network, household appli-
ances etc. Web of Things (WoT) is an extension to
IoT (Zeng et al., 2011) and is about reusing the web
standards and building on the success of web 2.0.
Well-established web standards and blueprints
such as HTTP, REST, URI etc are used in WoT. This
ensures ease of development with existing web frame-
PECCS 2012 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
works in accessing the functionality of smart objects.
In WoT, real-world objects such as consumer appli-
ances are integrated into the WWW by representing
them as web resources, which can be accessed us-
ing lightweight APIs based on REST principle (Oster-
maier et al., 2010). In WoT, real-world objects includ-
ing their sensors and actuators are exposed as URLS.
End users are able to create physical mash-ups by
composing personalized services based on physical
resources. A simple WoT framework is proposed for
our case study for home automation where the com-
ponents are distributed among the devices and could
also be in the supplier grid server (e.g. electricity
In WoT, HTTP is used as an application protocol
rather than as a transport protocol, and the blueprint of
Resource-oriented architecture (Guinard et al., 2010;
Guinard, 2010) is followed for exposing the syn-
chronous functionality of smart objects through a
REST interface, known as Restful API. So, with WoT,
one should be able to use universally accepted pro-
tocols to connect a number of physical objects in a
loosely coupled, scalable manner.
A WoT framework to augment the accepted pro-
tocols to deal with some of the specific requirements
of cyber-physical systems such as information-centric
protocol, context-awareness, deterministic QOS etc
is necessary to address the grand challenge of cyber-
physical systems as envisaged by NSF (Dillon et al.,
2011). Developers would benefit from a WoT frame-
work that can hide low-level implementation de-
tails and provide an application development environ-
ment for faster system development (Kamilaris et al.,
The WoT framework proposed by Dillon et al.
(Dillon et al., 2011) consists of a number of layers
from the physical device layer to program interface
layer (Caporuscio et al., 2011). The layers are: WoT
device, WoT kernel, WoT overlay network, WoT con-
text and WoT API. The WoT framework is above the
physical interface such as sensors, actuators, which
interact with the physical environment (Dillon et al.,
2011). A WoT framework allows the web world to
control the physical world using the data to perform
smart tasks such as smart home automation for sus-
tainable living, factory automation etc. (Kamilaris
et al., 2011).
WoT device provides a resource based abstraction
for the devices. Each physical device is modeled as a
WoT resource that has a universal identifier, name and
a state. The pervasive REST architectural style pro-
motes the use of Resource as a first-class object and
entities are modeled as resources, which can act both
as clients and servers (Erenkrantz, 2009; Caporuscio
et al., 2011). WoT device interacts with smart physi-
cal appliances (resources) through their interfaces.
WoT kernel provides a low-level run-time for
communication and management of WoT resources.
WoT kernel uses the notion of continuation that has
been used in AJAX and Mashups. It is responsible
for detecting newly connected or disconnected physi-
cal devices and their resources. WoT overlay network
provides a network aware logical abstraction on top of
the current internet architecture such as TCP/IP. WoT
context discovers and constructs contextual informa-
tion from the event stream in the overlay. WoT API
provides abstractions that allow developers to inter-
act with the WoT framework. WoT resource is the
abstraction unit. Application developers can interact
with each WoT device.
2.3 System Architecture
A system architecture for a Web of Things approach
to smart household energy management for sustain-
able living is proposed in this paper by augmenting
the accepted protocols of WoT and the extended WoT
framework discussed above. The energy monitoring
and consumption system is made up of the household
energy appliances and devices with sensors for mon-
itoring the energy data from various sources, a gate-
way software layer with a web server and database for
manipulating and storing each smart appliance’s en-
ergy consumption values in a lightweight manner, and
a presentation layer with a mobile phone for showing
the various energy consumption views of the appli-
ances as per customer requirement. This four layer
architecture (see Figure 2) is expanded with a case
study scenario (see Section 4).
Figure 1 shows a typical house in Melbourne, Vic-
toria, Australia, that has solar panels installed on the
roof for local electricity generation.
3.1 Power Consumption
Electrical power is consumed by various loads used
at the household. The house in Figure 1 (a) has many
electrical loads (1 - 6) made up of light loads (lights,
computers, television etc.) and heavy loads (washing
machine, clothes dryer, dish washer etc.) The house
meets its electricity requirements from both the elec-
tricity grid as well as the grid-connected solar system.
We have assumed in this study that gas is used for
other loads for cooking, heating and hot water.
(a) (b)
Figure 1: (a): A typical house with grid-connected solar panels and several loads, (b): Energy consumed by a few household
loads in a day as a function of time
The operation of the various loads in a household
depends on the lifestyle of the people in the house,
the weather and the season. Figure 1 (b) shows an
example of the power consumption of the household
and of some loads as a function time of day over a 24-
hour period.The loads in Figure 1 (b) are those which
are mostly fixed in time most days, unlike loads such
as washing machine, dryer or air conditioner which
are ’manageable’ loads that may be operated at any
time of the day within its 24 hour period.
A typical pattern of the electrical power generated
over a 24 hour day by a grid-connected solar panel is
shown in Figure 1 (b). The pattern of solar power may
vary depending upon the weather conditions during a
day and the season in a year. It is assumed in the
figure that the solar panels and the dc to ac inverter
are rated at 1.2 kW.
Electrical power consumed by the various loads in
the house is supplied from both the utility grid and the
solar panels. This study aims to assist a person of the
household to make decisions on the time of the day at
which such manageable loads are operated for either
reducing the electricity cost for the household, or for
a reduction in the carbon pollution for the household.
3.2 Metering, Cost and Emissions
The cost of electricity to a household is based on the
energy consumed by the household from the utility
grid over a billing period, and so is the greenhouse
emission for the household. An energy meter inte-
grates over time the consumed power as a function
of time to give energy as a function of time (Figure
1). In Victoria, Australia, net metering policy is used
for houses that have grid-connected solar panels for
local electricity generation. Figure 1 shows the net
metering scheme for pricing electricity consumption
by utilities. In Net Metering, both the Grid and the
Solar are taken as sharing the connected loads at any
instant of time. Both the energy flowing into the loads
and the energy flowing into the mains from the solar
system are metered. If the solar power is less than
the connected loads at any time, any additional power
above the solar power is metered as flowing from the
mains. If solar power is greater than connected loads
at any time, additional power from solar is metered as
feeding into the mains exported to the grid.
Power utilities are not necessarily aware of spe-
cific household energy demands and sustainable liv-
ing objectives in detail of their customers. They in-
stall solar panels and associated infrastructure equip-
ment and wire the system appropriately as per reg-
ulation requirements to enable the power company
to charge the customer for their electricity consump-
tion over the billing period. Currently, the electric-
ity billing system of a power company caters for the
inclusion of the details of the solar energy exported
from the solar panels and the total energy consump-
tion by the entire household for a billing period of two
months. However the bill does not detail a breakdown
of the solar energy production and energy consump-
tion by individual devices in hourly, daily, weekly,
monthly fashion.
Currently, utilities charge a household for the net
energy consumed from the utility grid at 21.6 cents
(Australian) per kWh when the power is consumed
during peak hours of 7:00 am to 11:00 pm and at 10.8
cents per kWh for off-peak consumption. The house-
hold is compensated at 62 cents per kWh for solar
energy exported from the house to the utility. This
rate is used to reduce the customer’s bill amount for
electricity usage. This can be seen as an incentive to
promote sustainable living strategy.
A large proportion of the electricity generated in
PECCS 2012 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
Victoria is from brown coal, thus resulting in green-
house emissions. So the energy consumed by a house
hold from the utility grid has associated greenhouse
emissions. In Australia, typical values of greenhouse
emission for electricity generation from coal vary be-
tween 0.8 - 1.3 tonnes CO2 equivalent per MWh of
electrical energy generated (Talberg, 2011). We have
assumed a value of 1.2 kg CO2e per kWh for brown
3.3 Customizing Sustainable Living
The objective of this study is to assist consumers to
actively engage in a software strategy of efficient en-
ergy management by controlling and operating heavy
loads from a dynamic consideration of various fac-
tors, such as solar energy generation, energy costs,
greenhouse emissions, user requirements etc. In order
to create a sustainable household, a customer needs to
measure in real-time the power generated by the solar
system and the power consumed by various loads on
an individual basis as a function of time. The strat-
egy must use the collected real-time data as well as
past data, information on cost and greenhouse emis-
sion and, possibly, weather predictions from the web
to display relevant information to the customer so as
to enable making informed decisions on energy usage.
For example, a customer may require adapting on the
fly running of a heavy load during day time on a sum-
mer day when solar energy production is significant.
This may not be feasible because of weather condi-
tions. One may then need to calculate ahead of time
the power used by the chosen machine (say, washing
machine and dryer) and use the information to decide
if an adaptation strategy of using a mix of solar and
grid power for washing, or operate the machine dur-
ing night time when off-peak tariffs apply. One there-
fore needs to measure the power and energy usage as
a function of time and store this information for later
use. Another customer may require information based
on past data to analyze emissions and costs incurred,
and there upon decide a change in lifestyle or use of
energy-efficient technologies and appliances.
4.1 System Architecture
The architecture for our case study in smart energy
management for sustainable living is made up of four
layers as shown in Figure 2. The device layer is made
up of physical devices (solar system, appliances etc.)
that we have included in our energy management sce-
nario. The devices are plugged to the Ploggs, which
are smart meter plugs (kWh) and data loggers at the
sensing layer (www.plogginternational.com). In the
Gateway layer, these plogg nodes are discovered and
manipulated by software installed on an embedded
device with Zigbee or Bluetooth communication ca-
pabilities. The gateway includes a micro webserver
and provides RESTful API. The client layer software
enables the householders to visualize their power con-
sumptions in various formats as shown in Figures 2 on
mobile phones or on the web.
4.2 Devices and Sensing Layers
The devices and sensing layers provide an intercon-
nection to other layers by providing information back
and forth on the measured power levels of individual
physical devices as a function of time at prescribed
sampling rates so as to accurately compute energy
as a function of time from power values. The layers
also provide appropriate control information to man-
age the operation of individual devices. The physi-
cal devices consist of power generating devices (so-
lar panels) and loads or appliances in the house hold.
Regulations do not allow customers to install a sen-
sor on the metering system of the utility-grid because
the metering system is an accurately calibrated sys-
tem that is owned by the utility. On the other hand,
the utility may not be able to measure or control indi-
vidual appliances in the household because of privacy
As shown in Figure 2, each heavy load has a sen-
sor to measure the power consumed by each device as
a function of time. A few light loads may be grouped
to form a cluster that may be connected to one sensor.
A sensor is attached to the inverter connected to the
solar panels to read the power generated as a function
of time by the solar panels. Such a sensing layer en-
ables the discrimination of the power used by individ-
ual devices. As no sensor can be attached to the me-
tering system of the utility, the software system must
be able to compute the total power consumed by the
house hold, the solar power exported to the grid and
the power consumed from the grid at any instant time
from the measured values of power consumed by in-
dividual devices and the power generated by the solar
Monitoring the power consumption
of individual appliances is possible with
Ploggs, a product of Energy Optimisers Ltd
(www.energyoptimizersdirect.co.uk), as shown in
Figure 2. Ploggs may be plugged into electrical
Figure 2: Four layer system architecture for energy management.
outlet to measure the power consumption of a
connected appliance in real-time and/or monitor it
over a longer time frame. It can also control the
power consumption remotely over a network. Its
internal clock allows the computing and monitoring
of real-time energy rates as well. Time intervals can
be set from every minute to once a month. Plogg is
based on Zigbee wireless standard, which is used by
various smart meter technologies. Plogg stores the
measured electrical consumption data and wirelessly
transmits the information to a smart phone, computer
or system management software via the internet for
further manipulation.
4.3 Gateway and Applications Layers
In the Gateway layer, Plogg nodes are discovered and
manipulated by the software installed on a device with
Zigbee or Bluetooth communication capabilities as
shown in Figure 2. The Gateway software discovers
the Ploggs by scanning the environment and makes
them available as web resources. The gateway in-
cludes a micro webserver, which enables access to
Ploggs over the web, and allows the management of
Ploggs as structured URLS in a RESTful style.
The Gateway software communicates with the
Ploggs and delivers to Applications layer the results,
either as JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) docu-
ments or as HTML representation of power and en-
ergy consumption of devices. A RESTful web API is
developed as part of the Gateway layer. A RESTful
web API is a web service implemented using HTTP
and four REST principles of addressability, state-
lessness, connectedness and uniformity (Erenkrantz,
2009; Caporuscio et al., 2011). It is hypertext driven
and supports operations using HTTP methods (GET,
PUT, POST, DELETE) and supports media types
such as JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), XML
etc. REST has an important concept called Resources,
each of which is referenced with a global identifier
(e.g. URI in HTTP).
The Application layer shown in the architecture
(Figure 2) enables the user to visualize information
in various formats on mobile phones or on the web.
Modelling for context and for activity are combined
as user preference in the user interface (Romero et al.,
2010). The contexts under consideration in the energy
management system are: weather, month, time of day,
location (at home, away from home). At the request
of the user, the application may display the power
consumed by individual loads or the solar power gen-
erated over a day. It should also be able to display
historic information of power or energy over a cho-
sen period in the past, say over a month 2 years ago.
Location-related remote operations when away from
home are related to delay in coming home and may
involve lights or air-conditioning being switching on
remotely. The activities considered are: laundry,
PECCS 2012 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
(a) (b)
Figure 3: (a) - Computed results for the total power consumed and solar power. Case 1 - Use of washing machine and dryer
during daytime; (b) - Comparison of results of costs and emissions for the two cases of Washing Machine used.
reverse-cycle air-conditioning, dish washer, small ap-
pliances such as iron, lighting, computer, telephone,
vacuum cleaner, cooker etc.
An example of the power consumption and solar
power generation over a day is shown in Figure 3(a) in
which the heavy load of washing machine and dryer
is operated during the day time when the solar power
generation is high.
The lower figure in Figure 3(a) shows the com-
puted difference between the total power consump-
tion and solar generation to illustrate clearly the ex-
port of solar power to the grid. In order to make a de-
cision on the time of a similar day in the future when
the washing machine needs to be turned on, the appli-
cation may be asked to display electrical powers over
a day. A comparison of the day time and night time
scenarios considered may also need to be provided by
the applications. Such a comparison is shown in Fig-
ure 3(b).
Based on the results shown in Figure 3, the cus-
tomer may choose an option of reducing cost or
greenhouse emission.
We have presented in this paper a four-layered archi-
tecture for monitoring and control of web-enabled de-
vices. It uses the Internet of Things approach where
the focus is on interaction and interoperation between
smart devices and between devices and people. This
has been achieved through 6LoWPAN standard that
includes IP for smart devices and enables the effi-
cient use of IPv6 over low power low rate wireless
networks. Physical devices use the sensing layer to
communicate with the Ploggs, which can monitor and
control the devices. The devices and sensing layers
form the lower two levels of the architecture. The
key aspects of Web of Things are to integrate smart
devices into the web and abstract integrated smart
devices to web services. RESTful web service has
been presented as part of the architecture layer so-
lution. The Gateway layer and the application layer
interaction enable the information to be presented to
suit varying the consumer requirements. For exam-
ple, some consumers may want real-time information
whereas others may want to look at past archived data
to make decisions.
A case study of electricity management has been
considered in this paper. It allows the consumer to
use the past and predictive information of appliances
and manage the operations of appliances efficiently
to achieve cost reduction or GHG emission reduction.
The results of electricity costs and GHG emissions
are presented for operating a heavy load (washing ma-
chine and dryer) in a house in Melbourne, Victoria at
two different times of a day when solar energy pro-
duction is significant. The presentation of such re-
sults can assist the consumers in making decisions
to change their lifestyle in using electrical devices at
times of the day when cost or GHG emissions reduc-
tion can be achieved. We believe that the architecture
presented can be extended to include other energy re-
sources, such as gas, wind and stored solar energy. It
can also be extended to include water management at
household level where houses receive water from the
mains as well as from stored water from rain water
The work reported in this paper was conducted par-
tially at the Dependable Evolvable Pervasive Soft-
ware Engineering Group, Politecnico di Milano by
the lead author during her research fellowship from
May to July 2011. The author thanks Prof Carlo
Ghezzi and Dr Mauro Caporuscio for the discussions
held during her fellowship visit.
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