Afshin Tafazzoli
, Miguel Marco Fondevila
, Abel Ortego
and Sabina Scarpellini
Industrial Plant and Renewable Energy Tendering Department, ACCIONA, Avda. de Europa 16, Madrid, Spain
Energy Socioeconomics of CIRCE Foundation, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
Keywords: Smart Grid, Energy Efficiency, Socio-economic.
Abstract: The electric power grid infrastructure that has served us so well for so long is rapidly running up against its
limitations and needs to be optimized. Long-term drivers in the energy market are the cause of a current
systematic optimization of the energy system. In this article the current position of the smart grid, the issues
surrounding it, the challenges ahead, the countless opportunities it presents, and the benefits we all stand to
gain by its adoption are discussed. There is a massive challenge to put the global energy system on a
sustainable basis to offer less impact on the environment and CO
emission control. Energy networks and
grids have to become more efficient, flexible, reliable, green and decentralized. To address all these drivers,
new technologies, public policies, economic incentives and regulations are fundamental to bring the smart
grid to full implementation. The transformation from a centralized, producer-controlled network to one that
is less centralized and more consumer-interactive is proposed. This empowers consumers to become active
participants in their energy choices to a degree never before possible and offers a two-way visibility and
control of energy consumption.
It is a big task to accomplish, but it is a task that
must be done. Equally critical to the success of this
effort is the education of all interested members of
the public as to the nature, challenges and
opportunities surrounding the smart grid and its
implementation. It is intended to primarily address
to the public the existence of, and benefits derived
from, a smarter grids and what the application of
such intelligence means for the globe and citizens.
The risks associated with relying on an often
overloaded grid grow in size, scale and complexity
every day. From challenges like power system
security to those global in nature such as climate
change, the near-term agenda is formidable.
There are in fact two timelines for the grid
transformations to keep in mind:
The short-term promise – offers “a smarter grid”
for valuable technologies that can be deployed
within the very near future or are already deployed
today. A smarter grid will function more efficiently,
enabling it to deliver the level of service we have
come to expect more affordably in an era of rising
costs, while also offering considerable societal
benefits such as less impact on our environment.
The long-term promise – represents a grid
remarkable in its intelligence and impressive in its
scope, although it is universally considered to be a
decade or more from realization.
A smarter grid applies technologies, tools and
techniques available now to bring knowledge to
power – knowledge capable of making the grid work
far more efficiently by:
Ensuring its reliability and monitoring
Maintaining its affordability
Reinforcing the global competitiveness
Accommodating renewable and traditional
energy sources
Potentially reducing the carbon footprint
Allowing for best ideas and innovations.
Full implementation of the smart grid will evolve
over time. Further in future, with the appropriate
application of ingenious ideas, advanced technology,
entrepreneurial energy and political will, there will
come a time when the dream for smart grid comes
Tafazzoli A., Fondevila M., Ortego A. and Scarpellini S..
DOI: 10.5220/0003946502390242
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems (SMARTGREENS-2012), pages 239-242
ISBN: 978-989-8565-09-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The many hazards associated with operating the 20
century grid in the 21
century is of high concern.
Even as demand has skyrocketed, there has been
chronic underinvestment in getting energy where it
needs to go through transmission and distribution,
further limiting grid efficiency and reliability. As a
result, system constraints worsen at a time when
outages and power quality issues are estimated to
cost more than hundreds of million dollars each year
(Wijayatunga, 2004). In short, the grid is struggling
to keep up.
Based on 20
century design requirements and
having matured in an era when expanding the grid
has the only option and visibility within the system,
the grid has historically had a single mission, i.e.,
keeping the lights on. It was not simply a primary
concern when the existing grid was designed to
consider the energy efficiency, reliability, security,
and environmental issues (Detchon, 2009).
EFFICIENCY: If the grid were just 5% more
efficient, the energy savings would equate to
permanently eliminating the fuel and greenhouse gas
emissions from 53 million cars. Consider this,
replacing just an incandescent bulb with a compact
fluorescent bulb; the country would conserve
enough energy to light millions of homes and save a
fortune annually.
RELIABILITY: There have been few massive
blackouts over the past 40 years. More blackouts and
brownouts are occurring due to the slow response
times of mechanical switches, a lack of automated
analytics, and “poor visibility” – a “lack of
situational awareness” on the part of grid operators.
In many areas the only way a utility company knows
there is an outage is when a customer calls to report
it. This issue of blackouts has far broader
implications than simply waiting for the lights to
come on. Imagine plant production stopped,
perishable food spoiling, traffic lights dark, and
credit card transactions rendered inoperable. Such
are the effects of even a short regional blackout.
SECURITY: The grid’s centralized structure leave it
open to attack. In fact, the interdependencies of
various grid components can bring about a domino
effect – a cascading series of failures that could
bring the nation’s banking, communications, traffic,
and security systems among others to a complete
CLIMATE CHANGE: From food safety to personal
health, a compromised environment threatens us all.
To reduce the carbon footprint and stake a claim to
global environmental leadership, clean, renewable
sources of energy like solar, wind and geothermal
must be integrated into the grid. However, without
appropriate enabling technologies linking them to
the grid, their potential will not be fully realized.
Figure 1: Smart grid power system (Gellings, 2011).
This all comes in to the preparation for an
electric system that is cleaner and more efficient,
reliable, resilient and responsive – a smarter grid
(Figure 1).
The electric industry is poised to make the
transformation from a centralized, producer-
controlled network to one that is less centralized and
more consumer-interactive. The move to a smarter
grid promises a new business model and relationship
with all stakeholders, involving and affecting
utilities, regulators, energy service providers,
technology and automation vendors and all
consumers of electric power.
A smarter grid makes this transformation
possible by bringing the philosophies, concepts,
technologies and the industry’s best ideas for grid
modernization to achieve their full potential. It may
surprise you to know that many of these ideas are
already in operation.
Smart grids will increase the possibilities of
distributed generation, bringing generation closer to
those it serves (think: solar panels on your roof). The
shorter the distance from generation to consumption,
the more efficient, economical and “green” it may
be. Distributed generation is the use of small-scale
power generation technologies located close to the
load being served, capable of lowering costs,
improving reliability, reducing emissions and
expanding energy options. An automated, widely
distributed energy delivery network will be
characterized by a two-way flow of electricity and
information that will be capable of monitoring
everything from power plants to customer
preferences to individual appliances. It incorporates
into the grid the benefits of distributed computing
and communications to deliver real-time information
and enable the near-instantaneous balance of supply
and demand at the device level. It will empower
consumers to become active participants in their
energy choices to a degree never before possible and
it will offer a two-way visibility and control of
energy usage (Figure 2).
Figure 2: The smart grid in operation (Lorenz, 2010).
While supply and demand is a bedrock concept
in virtually all other industries, it is one with which
the current grid struggles mightily because, as noted,
electricity must be consumed the moment it is
generated. Without being able to ascertain demand
precisely, at a given time, having the ‘right’ supply
available to deal with every contingency is
problematic at best. This is particularly true during
episodes of peak demand, those times of greatest
need for electricity during a particular period.
In making real-time grid response a reality, a
smarter grid makes it possible to reduce the high
cost of meeting peak demand. It gives grid operators
far greater visibility into the system enabling them to
control loads in a way that minimizes the need for
traditional peak capacity that may eventually
eliminate the use of existing peaker plants or build
new ones.
3.1 A Grid Transformation and
Until relatively recently, the utility operations are
not necessarily well positioned for integrated
strategic initiatives like the smart grid although they
have collectively and forcefully advocated in the
past on issues such as security and climate change.
With growing consensus around the crucial need
for smart grid deployment, the cultures of these
entities are now changing dramatically. Thanks to
these and other efforts, many regulators are moving
toward new regulations designed to incentivize
utility investment in the smart grid. Among these are
dynamic pricing, selling energy back to the grid, and
policies that guarantee utilities cost recovery and/or
favourable depreciation on new smart grid
investments and legacy systems made obsolete by
the switch to “smart meters” and other smart grid
One of the reasons the electric industry has been
slow to take advantage of common technology
standards – which would speed smart grid adoption
– is a lack of agreement on what those standards
should be and who should issue them.
Fortunately, the agendas of utilities, regulators
and automation vendors are rapidly aligning and
movement toward identifying and adopting smart
grid standards is gaining velocity.
Figure 3: Smart grid roadmap programs (Tanaka, 2011).
It is underway to develop a common interface
between Societal, Financial, Technology, Regulatory
and policy aspects of the smart grid to further create
a basic platform and roadmap (Figure 3).
3.2 A Look at the Current and Future
A smarter grid is taking shape by bringing new
initiatives and platforms in place. At present, there
are no fully fledged smart grids anywhere in the
world, beyond small-scale pilot projects. Smart grids
will be rolled out globally over the next 20-30 years,
but rates of development will differ from region to
region, and from country to country (KEMA, 2009).
The nation of Malta (population 400,000) is
about to become the world’s first smart grid island.
IBM is building the island’s national smart grid
network, which will consist of 250,000 smart meters
placed in homes around the country. The network
will allow Malta’s national utilities to perform
remote monitoring, meter-reading, and management
of the network. Utilities can then use information
collected from these tools to adjust electricity
pricing based on the time of day. Island residents
will also have the opportunity to track their energy
usage online. The socioeconomic impacts of this
initiative, given the historical water and energy
constraints of the island, are quite obvious.
Therefore, the smart grid projects are not restricted
to technologies and the advancement of “hardware”,
but also include the socio-economic and policy
oriented aspects of the energy system.
The European Commission recently launched an
ambitious Energy Infrastructure Package that
promises to deliver the hardware aspects of a smart
grid (Giordano, 2011). In Europe, over €5.5 billion
has been invested in about 300 smart grid projects
during the last decade.
A recent report by Pike Research forecasts that
during the period from 2010 to 2020, cumulative
European investment in smart grid technologies will
reach €56.5 billion, with transmission counting for
37% of the total amount. The report also suggests
that by 2020 almost 240 million smart meters will
have been deployed in Europe.
According to the International Energy Agency
(IEA), Europe requires investments of €1.5 trillion
over 2007-2030 to renew the electrical system from
generation to transmission and distribution. This
figure includes investments for smart grid
implementation and for maintaining and expanding
the current electricity system.
The smart grid transforms the current grid to one
that functions more cooperatively, responsively and
organically that would ultimately enables:
Allowing the seamless integration of renewable
energy sources
Leading in a new era of consumer choice
Making large-scale energy storage a reality
Enabling nationwide use of plug-in hybrid
electric vehicles.
The global market for energy demand is growing
rapidly and energy production being still quite
dependent on rough materials whose price is
continuously increasing makes indispensable
development of smart grids an important element to
reduce the gap or, at least, to optimize the
production capacity.
The policy makers should allow for the best
ideas to prove themselves. Smart grid efforts are
well underway on several key fronts, from forward-
thinking utilities to decision making organizations.
New technologies and public policies, economic
incentives and regulations are aligning to bring the
smart grid to full implementation. Its success is
imperative to the economic growth and vitality of
our future. Of course, it is an ongoing attempt to
bring a clearer understanding of the need for
immediate and concerted actions in the
transformation of electrical grid working as an
enabling engine for our economy, our environment
and our future.
The authors express their ultimate gratitude and
appreciation to ACCIONA and CIRCE Foundation
for their supports and funding of the project.
Wijayatunga, P., 2004. Assessment of economic impact of
electricity supply interruptions in the Sri Lanka
industrial sector. Energy Conversion and
Detchon, R., 2009. The national clean energy smart grid:
An economic, environmental, and national security
imperative. EFC.
Gellings, C., 2011. Estimating the costs and benefits of the
smart grid. EPRI.
Lorenz, G., 2010. 10 steps to smart grids. EURELECTRIC.
Tanaka, N., 2011. Technology roadmap for smart grids.
KEMA, 2009. Smart Grid Project Evaluation Metrics.
GridWise Alliance.
Giordano, V., 2011. Smart grid projects in Europe. JRC.