Mehdi Sheikhalishahi and Lucio Grandinetti
Department of Electronics, Computer and System Sciences, University of Calabria, Rende (CS), Italy
Green Computing, Resource Management, Performance, Computing Paradigms, Scheduling, Technologies,
Resource Contention.
With the explosive growth of Internet-enabled cloud computing and HPC centers of all types, IT’s energy
consumption and sustainability impact are expected to continue climbing well into the future. Green IT recog-
nizes this problem and efforts are under way in both industry and academia to address it. In this paper, we take
into account green and performance aspects of resource management. Components of resource management
system are explored in detail to seek new developments by exploiting contemporary emerging technologies,
computing paradigms, energy efficient operations, etc. to define, design and develop new metrics, techniques,
mechanisms, models, policies, and algorithms. In addition, modeling relationships within and between various
layers are considered to present some novel approaches.
Climate Change and Global Warming are the two
most important challenging problems for the Earth.
These problems pertain to a general increase in world
temperatures caused by increased amounts of car-
bon dioxide around the Earth. Researchers in vari-
ous fields of science and technology in recent years
started to carry out research in order to address these
problems by developing environmentally friendly so-
lutions. Green IT and in particular Green Computing
are two new terms introduced in ICT community to
address the aformentioned problems in ICT.
At the first sight of exploring green technolo-
gies and capabilities, we identify power management
operations such as DVFS and IDLE-states capabili-
ties at the processor level and virtualization technol-
ogy at the middleware layer of computing systems
as immediate solutions to address energy efficiency
goals i.e. energy consumption minimization and heat-
dissipation (limitations in wasted energy-removal).
On the other hand, resource management as the
main middleware management software system plays
a central role in addressing computing system prob-
lems and issues. Energy efficient operations, new
technologies for green computing, and emerging
computing paradigms should be exploited at the re-
source management to coordinate multiple elements
within a system for manifold objectives. We be-
lieve green and performance objectives converge to
the same point. In the evolution of resource manage-
ment systems, we should take into account this note
as we demonstrate this insight in this paper. In ad-
dition, resource management design and architecture
should evolve according to the advances in contempo-
rary technologies, computing paradigms, and energy
efficient operations to provide new techniques, algo-
rithms, etc. For instance, a comparison between cloud
and other paradigms provides some guidelines and
insights in the design and development of resource
management components. Economic model and ac-
curacy of allocations’ parameters (requests’) are the
main two different characteristics of HPC and Cloud
paradigms which highly impact scheduling.
In Cloud computing, pay-as-you-go on a utility com-
puting basis is the economic model so users pay based
on how much time they used cloud resources, while
in HPC paradigm there is no general or specific eco-
nomic model. Similarly, the requested allocation time
and capacities of resources as allocation parameters
are not accurate in HPC whereas they are precise and
accurate in Cloud computing model. In fact, this is
the result of economic model.
In HPC environment, a scheduler makes decisions
and reservations according to the requested runtime
of jobs which is an estimate of the real runtime; this
means jobs might finish earlier or later than the spec-
ified requested runtime, however in Cloud the re-
Sheikhalishahi M. and Grandinetti L..
DOI: 10.5220/0003955401210126
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2012), pages 121-126
ISBN: 978-989-8565-05-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
quested runtime is the actual runtime.
Therefore, in cloud model users provide which re-
sources they need, the capacity of those resources and
precisely for how much time. We might take into ac-
count these differences in these two paradigms to de-
sign and develop resource management components.
There are many approaches, mechanisms and al-
gorithms in the literature on these problems and is-
sues; however, most of them are special purpose.
A complete approach should be a multi-level and
general-purpose (holistic) approach that is architected
over all layers of computing paradigms and systems.
For instance, in cloud paradigm from the highest
level of resource management stack i.e. Cloud pric-
ing strategies and Admission control policies to the
lower levels i.e. policies (to direct a scheduler in mak-
ing various decisions e.g. host selection for a spe-
cific job), and finally core scheduling algorithms are
some of the research work which could be carried out
in holistic scheduling approach. Such an approach
should model the relationship between these layers,
for example core scheduling information about jobs
and resources might be considered in designing Cloud
pricing strategies, Admission control policies and so
In brief, our paper lays some groundwork for fu-
ture researchers in the field of resource management
and scheduling to easily define, design and develop
new objectives and it makes the following contribu-
tions in the field:
Evolution of resource management and schedul-
ing as new technologies, paradigms, etc. emerge
Finding and establishing relationships within and
between various layers of resource management
Being general rather than special purpose solution
for all computing paradigms i.e. Cluster, Grid and
The next parts of this paper are structured as follows.
In Section 2, we describe computing system problems
from the resource management point of view. Sec-
tion 3 to Section 7 discuss and to some extent ex-
plore resource management components. Then, Sec-
tion 8 points out to some key notes. Finally, Section 9
presents our conclusions and future work.
In computing systems from resource management and
scheduling point of view in general, there are the main
problems and issues such as Low Utilization, Over-
load, Poor Performance, Resource Contention. In ad-
dition, if we consider Energy Efficient computing the
High Energy Consumption is another issue. More-
over, sustainability and reliability are other issues to
be addressed by resource management to some extent.
Figure 1 depicts the whole picture of our research
including resource management components, con-
temporary technologies, computing paradigms, Green
IT and their relationships. In this paper, in order
to address these problems components of resource
management system are explored in detail to seek
new developments and evolutions and in parallel this
process exploits contemporary emerging technolo-
gies, computing paradigms, energy efficient opera-
tions, etc. to define, design and develop new met-
rics, techniques, mechanisms, models, policies, and
algorithms. Furthermore, finding and establishing re-
lationships within and between various components is
a key consideration in this development process. For
example, a metric could be modeled as an approxi-
mate function of some other (well defined) metrics.
A model could take advantages of several techniques,
etc. A consolidation policy might exploit resource
contention and utilization metrics in order to address
Resource Contention and Utilization issues i.e. to
achieve distribution and packing at the same time, re-
spectively. Thus, in this case consolidation policy is
modeled as a function of utilization and resource con-
tention metrics.
We can enumerate many other relationships in
resource management. However, in some relation-
ships there are tradeoffs, we should model these trade-
offs as well. For example, if we improve utilization,
we might face some performance issues such as Re-
source Contention and Overload. On the other hand,
if we improve resource contention, utilization might
The solution to address the aforementioned prob-
lems and issues is all about to answer complex re-
source management questions which start by When,
Which and Where with the help of well established
relationships. For instance, Which types of appli-
cations might be consolidated together in a server?,
When some workloads should be migrated to other
servers?, Where a workload should be placed?, and
lots of other general and specific questions.
2.1 Metrics
The first step in evolving resource management sys-
tem is to define, model and develop new metrics to
address some problems in better ways than already
developed well known metrics. For example, in green
computing Energy Consumption is a good metric to
address energy related issues.
Utilization, Wait time, Slowdown, QoS, SLA
Figure 1: Resource management evolution.
are some traditional performance oriented metrics in
HPC, Grid and Cloud paradigms. Resource Con-
tention is another quasi-performance oriented metric
(Sheikhalishahi et al., 2011b) and Revenue is an eco-
nomic metric introduced by Cloud paradigm. In ad-
dition, more attention is paid to Energy Consumption
metric since the appearance of the GreenIT term.
There are many metrics to be considered in re-
source management. We seek to establish some re-
lationships between some of these metrics in order
to have a better model, understanding of system be-
haviour, manifold objectives, etc. For instance, in
(Srikantaiah et al., 2008) it is demonstrated that Uti-
lization, Poor Performance, and Resource Contention
as the main performance metrics and High Energy
Consumption as the main energy efficient metric are
directly inter-related to each other.
Resource Contention is widely recognized as hav-
ing a major impact on the performance of computing
systems, distributed algorithms, etc. Nonetheless, the
performance metrics that are commonly used to eval-
uate scheduling algorithms do not take into account
resource contention since researchers are interested in
improving the conventional well known performance
metrics such as utilization, slowdown and wait time.
On the other hand, in simple terms addressing Re-
source Contention issue will implicitly address Poor
Performance, and High Energy Consumption issues
as well as slowdown and wait time metrics; therefore
in some environments Energy Consumption optimiza-
tion and performance issues could be modeled as an
approximate function of Resource Contention resolu-
tion. In fact, the following approximate function rep-
resents some portion of energy consumption in terms
of Resource Contention and Poor Performance:
EnergyConsumption ' f (ResCont, PoorPer f ) (1)
and the following approximate equation represents
poor performance:
PoorPer f ' g(ResCont) (2)
so that, we simply model energy consumption as a
relative approximate function of resource contention:
EnergyConsumption ' f (ResCont) (3)
Therefore, we optimize resource contention metric
(Sheikhalishahi et al., 2011b) to achieve energy
2.2 Techniques
Emerging technologies, paradigms, and energy aware
actions provide various techniques to be exploited
in resource management. Virtualization technology
provides some heavyweight operations such as sus-
pend/resume/migrate and start/stop on virtual ma-
chines, these operations are used in many recent re-
search work to improve various metrics such as uti-
For example, in (Sotomayor et al., 2008), authors
demonstrated when using workloads that combine
best-effort and advance reservation requests, a VM-
based approach with suspend/resume can overcome
the utilization problems typically associated with the
use of advance reservations, even in the presence of
the runtime overhead resulting from using VMs.
A DVFS-enabled processor provides some en-
ergy aware operations i.e. decrease/increase fre-
quency/voltage, transitioning to an idle-state and tran-
sitioning to a performance-state. Time scaling is a
technique as a result of DVFS operations which might
be exploited in resource management to improve en-
ergy consumption and utilization metrics. For in-
stance, by combining energy aware operations we can
have some optimization in resource and energy usage
that is to fill out free spaces in availability window
of a scheduler by extension of or reduction of jobs’
running times with the help of increasing/decreasing
frequency of processors.
On the other hand, many devices provide the capa-
bility to transition to one or more lower-power modes
when idle. If the transition latencies into and out of
lower power modes are negligible, energy consump-
tion can be lowered simply by exploiting these states.
Transition latencies are rarely negligible and thus the
use of low-power modes impedes performance. To
minimize this impact, it is necessary to alter the work-
load so that many small idle periods can be aggregated
into fewer large ones. This is a workload batching
technique to be exploited in such cases.
In addition, techniques for dynamically balanc-
ing MPC (Memory accesses per cycle), IPC (Instruc-
tions per cycle), utilization and also dynamically scal-
ing the frequency of processors with the help of on-
line learning algorithms (Dhiman and Rosing, 2009)
or other mechanisms are among the other techniques
within this domain.
In depth study and research on scheduling strate-
gies (Shmueli and Feitelson, 2005) in particular back-
filling mechanisms, revealed that inaccurate esti-
mates generally lead to better performance (for pure
scheduling metrics) than accurate ones. This obser-
vation proposes the development of new scheduling
techniques in HPC and Cloud paradigm according to
the differences between these paradigms.
2.3 Models
A model quantifies some parameters in terms of some
other parameters such as performance, energy, power
and cost. For instance, in green computing a formal
cost model quantifies the cost of a system state in
terms of power and performance. Sleep states’ power
rate and their latency i.e. the time required to tran-
sition to and from the performance/power state, are
examples of parameters in modeling cost vs. perfor-
mance. In addition, models should specify how much
energy will be saved in state transitions and how long
it takes for state transitions.
Cost/Performance, Performance/Energy, Cost/
Energy, Cost/Power, Suspension/Resumption, Migra-
tion, Turn on/off, Energy Consumption, and Power
models are examples of some emerging models.
Some models emerge as a result of some techniques
such as Suspension/Resumption.
The models we seek to design and parameterize in
green computing should relate to power consumption
and computation rate (performance) or energy con-
sumption and completion time simultaneously. These
models are exploited by the scheduling algorithms to
select the best state of a processor, memory, disk and
Power management actions may affect perfor-
mance in complex ways because the overall computa-
tion rate is a net result of the speed and coordination
of multiple elements within the system. For example,
doubling the CPU speed may do little to increase the
computation rate if the memory transactions do not
move any faster. This indicates that models for the
study of energy-computation tradeoffs would need to
address more than just the CPU.
Models are also architecture and infrastructure de-
pendent e.g. internal of Multicore and NUMA sys-
tems have different features and characteristics to be
In addition, exploiting technology requires mod-
els. For instance, we can use the suspend/resume/
migrate capability of virtual machines to support ad-
vance reservation of resources efficiently (Sotomayor
et al., 2008), by using suspension/resumption as a pre-
emption mechanism, In (Sotomayor et al., 2009) au-
thors presented a model for predicting various run-
time overheads involved in using virtual machines in
order to support advance reservation requests. It ad-
equately models the time and resources consumed by
these operations to ensure that preemptions are com-
pleted before the start of a reservation.
2.4 Policies
We categorize policies into frontend and backend
policies. Admission control and pricing are frontend
policies whereas consolidation, host selection, map-
ping and preemption belong to backend policies.
Job requests pass through frontend policies be-
fore queueing. At the highest level in the cloud in-
terface, we have pricing strategies such as Spot Pric-
ing in Amazon (Amazon, 2010) and recent pricing ap-
proaches in Haizea (Sotomayor, 2010) or game theory
mechanisms. These mechanisms apply cloud poli-
cies that are revenue maximization or improving uti-
lization. Almost these policies have the same goals,
and they are energy efficient since they keep cloud re-
sources busy by offering various prices to attract more
cloud consumers. A dynamic pricing strategy like of-
fering cheaper prices for applications that will lead
to less energy consumption (or higher performance)
based on the current cloud status (workloads and re-
sources) compared to the others is an energy efficient
pricing schema. Pricing strategies implement cloud
administrators’ objective i.e. revenue maximization,
utilization improvement, etc.
Backend policies could be categorized into three
types: general-purpose policies (Dhiman et al., 2009),
architecture-specific (or
infrastructure-specific) policies (Hong et al., 1999)
application-specific (or workload-specific) policies
(Kim et al., 2007).
General-purpose policies are those that can be ap-
plied to most of the computing systems. For instance,
CPU/cache-intensive workloads should run at high
frequencies, since by increasing frequency the per-
formance scales linearly for a CPU/cache-intensive
workload. However, if a task is memory-intensive, the
performance improvement is relatively insensitive to
increase in frequency, so that a memory-bound work-
load favors by running at a lower frequency to reduce
energy consumption.
Architecture-specific policies are defined based on
the architecture or the infrastructure in which compu-
tation happens. Also application-specific policies are
defined around applications’ characteristic.
Technically, workload consolidation (Hermenier
et al., 2009) policy is a sort of policy at the intersec-
tion of the last two mentioned policies. Bundling var-
ious types of workloads on top of a physical machine
is called consolidation. Furthermore, consolidation-
based policies should be designed in such a way to
be an effective consolidation. In fact, effective con-
solidation (Srikantaiah et al., 2008) is not packing
the maximum workload in the smallest number of
servers, keeping each resource (CPU, disk, network
and memory) on every server at 100% utilization,
such an approach may increase the energy used per
service unit.
Placement of jobs is a critical decision to address
Resource Contention. Consolidation policies are one
of the sources of information for effective placement
of jobs in computing paradigms. In (Sheikhalishahi
et al., 2011b), we developed effective energy aware
consolidation policies. We designed consolidation
policies according to the resource contention model
(metric) and implemented them as host selection poli-
cies of a distributed system scheduler.
2.5 Algorithms
Algorithms implement techniques, models and
policies. For instance, algorithms based on
cost/performance models are part of the scheduling
to model cost vs. performance of system states. In
addition, core scheduling algorithms deal with imple-
menting various backfilling mechanisms, etc. to im-
prove utilization and other optimizations at core of a
In (Sheikhalishahi et al., 2011a) we have proposed
a novel autonomic energy efficient resource manage-
ment and scheduling algorithm (architected on differ-
ent levels of resource management stack). The pro-
posed autonomic scheduling approach answers some
When questions to improve energy consumption as
it is modeled by resource contention metric. For
that, it models interaction between queue mechanism
and core scheduler information (about jobs and re-
sources), as a result according to the system state,
jobs are reordered and those jobs which satisfy nec-
essary energy aware conditions get admitted to the
wait queue and the others are delayed for the next
scheduling cycles. From an autonomic scheduling
point of view, there are some loops between queue
mechanism, scheduling function, end of a job event
and core scheduler information. This is an example of
an multi-level algorithm over various resource man-
agement components.
In this paper, we have taken into account green and
performance aspects of resource management sys-
tems. First, we enumerated the main issues in
computing systems i.e. Low Utilization, Overload,
Poor Performance, Resource Contention, High En-
ergy Consumption. We highlight that these issues
should be addressed by the resource management
of computing systems. Then, resource management
components are explored in detail to seek new devel-
opments by exploiting contemporary emerging tech-
nologies, computing paradigms, energy efficient op-
erations, etc. to define, design and develop new met-
rics, techniques, mechanisms, models, policies, and
As an example, we reduced some problems to re-
source contention problem. In addition, we modeled
energy consumption optimization and performance
resolution as an approximate function of Resource
Contention resolution.
Modeling relationships within and between vari-
ous layers are considered to present some novel ap-
proaches such as in resource contention metric design
and autonomic energy efficient scheduling algorithm.
In particular, this paper lays some groundwork for
future researchers in the field of resource management
and scheduling, as a result, a lot of future work in the
framework of this paper could be conducted.
Of some notes, although power and energy are
often used interchangeably, there are important dis-
tinctions. Transactional applications are better de-
scribed in terms of throughput and average power,
whereas completion time and energy consumed are
more meaningful for nontransactional applications.
Power consumption can often be increased over short
periods to accelerate computation or accumulate more
data and thereby minimize overall energy consump-
tion. On the other hand, in resource management sys-
tems, we are interested in energy consumption met-
ric not power metric or power average metric (as over
time power draw is variable), since this study is over a
time horizon not one second. Power metric is not re-
vealing any information about consumption, since it
is not consumption. In fact, Watt is the rate of energy
consumption within one second. In all, energy calcu-
lations become much more practical with Joules. In
other words, since in a cloud model we pay for what
we consume, so that we pay for Joules.
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