Ben Woodcock
, Matt Armstrong
, Anne Nortcliffe
and Andrew Middleton
Department of Computing, Faculty of ACES, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, S1 1WB, U.K.
Department of Engineering and Maths, Faculty of ACES, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, S1 1WB, U.K.
Quality Enhancement & Student Success, Student and Learning Services, Sheffield Hallam University,
Sheffield, S1 1WB, U.K.
Keywords: Mobile Learning (M-learning), Technology Support for Pervasive Learning, Technology Enhanced
Learning, Student Technology Generated Learning.
Abstract: Smartphones/devices have become the ubiquitous tool of choice for professionals to support their
productivity and are increasingly becoming more common on university campuses. Many of the advantages
of these devices have the potential to support student learning engagement and provide new opportunities
for learning. This paper reports on an academic study conducted over the last two years by two final year
students, supported by two academic learning technology researchers, examining the level of student
smartphone/device ownership on campus and the extent students are harnessed the use of these devices to
support their learning. The research shows that student smartphone/device ownership is increasing;
however, how students are using the devices to support their learning appears to narrowing as the year
progresses and consequently the students are missing out on the learning opportunities these devices can
provide. The paper finally presents an analysis of smartphone/device apps that have the potential to support
student learning.
1.1 Smartphones
For many professionals ready access to data
underpins their productivity. Third Generation (3G):
smartphone devices can provide mobile access to
these resources at anytime and from any place (Lin
and Brown, 2007). The general consumption of
smartphones is also growing exponentially as
awareness of their broad functionality and
usefulness is understood (Young et al., 2011). As a
consequence, the use of devices is blurring the
distinction between home life and work, providing
benefits for both the employee and the employer
(Durbin, 2011). Potentially these devices can save
time, lead to efficiency gains and increased
productivity for professionals, (Jewell, 2011).
In a study of medical professionals the perceived
usefulness of smart-devices, and their ease of use
were influential factors in the professionals’ decision
to adopt the technology to support their practice
(Chen et al., 2010). Smartphones are also radically
changing how health professionals conduct their
practice and support patients with health
information, communication and remote monitoring
(Boulos, 2011).
1.2 M-Learning
Mobile devices are disruptive: they change the
nature of engagement, and this is true for education
and learner engagement as it is in other fields. The
devices have also altered; the who, when, where,
what and how of learner engagement as they can be
interwoven within other tasks, locations and
situations Traxler (2009). Previous research has
identified that mobile technology presents new
opportunities for expanding the learning within and
beyond the classroom (Sharples et al., 2009).
However, for
the ubiquitous smartphone device to
become the learning tool of choice, it needs to
interoperate seamlessly, display of adequate
resolution, and network services need to be
accessible, reliable and secure (Yin et al., 2011).
Camargo et al. (2011) propose that the factors
that encourage mobile learning on smartphones are:
the learner’s ability to learn anywhere and to self-
Woodcock B., Armstrong M., Nortcliffe A. and Middleton A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003956604100415
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 410-415
ISBN: 978-989-8565-07-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
direct their learning; the personalization of learning;
the capacity of the device to support human
curiosity; game-based learning. However, gaming
can be an inhibitor for some. Other inhibitors need
to be noted, including: the diversity of smartphone
devices, their costs, and technophobia. The latter
inhibitor has been shown to be resolvable when
more mature users are influenced by younger users
(Mori and Harada, 2010). Strategically therefore,
there are benefits in encouraging the more confident
users to take a leadership role in sharing their
approaches to smart-devices learning, even if this
feels counter intuitive.
The research reported in this paper examines
students' interests in, rational for and habits formed
using smart-devices for learning. The research has
been conducted over the last two years for final year
undergraduate projects. The studies have been
carried out by two students (Authors 1 and 2), being
supervised by Author 3, and sponsored by Author 4.
This relationship adds authenticity and meaning to
the research as discussed by Diamond et al. (2010).
The aims of the research were to identify which
smartphones and applications are being used by
students, at their discretion, to support their learning,
and the benefits and limitations of using the
technology in this way.
An initial small-scale questionnaire by Author 1
was distributed using Facebook, to Author 1’s
friends at Sheffield Hallam University and other
Institutions. Statistically the average Facebook user
has 120 Facebook friends, Marlow (2009). This
initial survey was to establish if students are using
smartphones to support their learning (Author 1 et
al., 2012). This survey was followed with more in
depth online surveys distributed to approximately
5,300 students via Virtual Learning Environment
(VLE) email to all students in the Faculty of Arts,
Computing, Engineering and Science, at Sheffield
Hallam University. These more in-depth surveys
were conducted in January 2011 by Author 1 and by
Author 2 in December 2011. Both of these surveys
targeted all post and undergraduate students in the
faculty. The surveys were created using Google
Forms and deployed using a link embedded in a
email distributed through the institutional VLE. Both
surveys included open and closed questions and the
form was dynamic so that questions were presented
depending on how earlier questions had been
answered; the intention was to improve the
respondent’s experience of the survey and therefore
increase their willingness to complete the
questionnaire. It also helped to avoid collecting
erroneous data by respondents filling in questions
not relevant or applicable to the respondents in light
of their previous answers; something which can be
difficult to achieve when designing paper-based
Adhering to good survey practice (Hague, 1993),
the initial section of the surveys gathered relevant
demographic and classification data on the
respondent’s gender, age, current level of study,
course of study and smartphone ownership. Author
2’s survey distinguished between ownership of
smartphones and other smart-devices. Depending on
their response to the smartphone/device questions,
the questionnaire continued by investigating
information with respect to the respondent's use of
the device for learning.
In addition the surveys conformed to the
University policy and ethical guidance for
conducting and storing survey results. The surveys
did not seek the respondent's name, and had their
permission to use the data statistical for research
purposes and reporting. The surveys received final
year project ethical approval by the Faculty.
The in depth surveys were deployed via VLE email
to approximately 5,300 students, the students were
simple asked if they would be kind enough to
complete the survey in order to assist a fellow
student's final year project research. Though the
response rate was 272 useable responses for the first
iteration of the survey by Author 1 and Author 2’s
iteration survey generated another 474 useable
responses, this response rate is comparable with the
response rate of numerous prize incentivised
University led learning, teaching and assessment
research survey that previously achieved 5%
response rate, (Holden et al, 2009). The majority of
Author 1 and Author 2 surveys were returned within
the 24 hours of deploying the surveys.
Demographically, 272 respondents to the first
survey were mostly again male (227, 83%) and were
predominantly in the 18-25 age group (231, 85%),
though 20 (7%) were in the 26-30 age range, 12
(4%) were 31-40, and 7 (3%) were older. 2 were
younger than 18. 242 (89%) were undergraduate
students, 22 (8%) were studying for a master's
degree, 3 were graduates and the remainder did not
state their level of study or occupation. 188 (69%) of
the respondents declared owning at least one
smartphone at the time of the survey. They
represented the full spectrum of disciplines within
the faculty including Computing, Art and Design,
Film and Media Production, and Mechanical
For the second survey, 474 responses, the
demographics were 287 (61%) male; 426 (90%)
aged 18-25, 28 (6%) aged 26-30, 13 (3%) aged 31-
40, with 7 (1%) older than that. 437 (92%) were
undergraduate students and 37 (8%) were
postgraduates. In December 2011 410 (87%)
declared owning a smartphone and 7 (15%) declared
owning a tablet (smartpad). Again the respondents
were from a broad range of courses in the faculty
including Aerospace Engineering, Games Software
Development, and Journalism.
Table 1: 2010-2011 Analysis of the frequency of examples
of how students are using smartphones for learning.
Category % Freq. Examples
1. Office productivity
and assignment
21% Word processing,
presentations, notes
2. Reading
8% PDF readers, newspapers
3. Searching for,
browsing information
and reference
21% Web browser, dictionary,
4. Audio, image and
video media capture
3% Camera, sketching,
graphing, voice recorders,
video camera
5. Managing learning 22% Blackboard, library, group
work, timetabling,
personal organisation
6. Social media
3% facebook, twitter, students
union app
7. Communications 8% Email, txt
8. Data manipulation 12% Calculators, convertors,
9. Subject specific
14% Periodic tables, languages,
databases, programming
tools, stock market
10. Other 9 Job sites, memory
training, puzzles, backup
and data storage
Table 1 shows the analysis of Author 1’s survey
which identified which smartphone apps were being
used to support learning, as initially reported by
(Author 1 et al., 2011). This illustrates how students
primarily use their smartphones as a substitute PC,
using the devices primarily for productivity,
managing their learning and to find information to
support their academic work.
The initial Facebook survey in December 2010
(ibid) indicated that 29 (60%) students would pay up
to £5 for apps to support their learning.
The analysis of Author 2’s survey suggests an
increasing trend student smartphone/device.
However, as Table 2 illustrates possibly that this set
of students’ perceptions of the uses of the devices
for learning appears to be narrowing, i.e. browsing
oppose to other activities. It is not clear if this is due
to respondents being different to previous survey or
their experience of the apps has resulted in a
narrower focus, i.e. browsing.
Table 2: 2011-2012 analysis of the frequency of examples
of how students are using smartphone/smartpads for
Category % Freq. Examples
1. Office productivity
and assignment
1% Word processing,
presentations, notes
2. Reading
0.6% PDF readers, newspapers
3. Searching for,
browsing information
and reference
26% Web browser, dictionary,
4. Audio, image and
video media capture
6% Camera, sketching,
graphing, voice recorders,
video camera
5. Managing learning 0.5% Blackboard, library,
group work, timetabling,
personal organisation
6. Social media
0.2% facebook, twitter,
students union app
7. Communications 1% Email, txt
8. Data manipulation Calculators, convertors,
9. Subject specific
Periodic tables,
languages, databases,
programming tools, stock
10. Other Job sites, memory
training, puzzles, backup
and data storage
In December 2011 226 (47%) students indicated
that they were prepared to pay between 59p and £5
for apps to support their learning, whilst 215 (45%)
students indicated that they typically preferred free
apps, even if the functionality is more limited. These
results are consistent with previous research, male
student are low price seeking consumers, (Bakewell
and Vincent-Wayne, 2004).
3.1 Discussion
The results suggest that student ownership of smart-
devices is possibly increasing, and the gender bias
observed in the earlier survey appears to be possibly
reducing. The initial survey data also indicated that
the students were using smartphones in a variety of
ways to support, though mainly concerned with
productivity, finding useful information and content
to support their learning. The data suggests that
though smart-device ownership has increased, the
way in which students are using them possibly
appears to be narrowing over the course of the year,
however is this question in experience or experience
resulted in narrower focus. Therefore there is need to
identify which is true, if the former is true a digital
literacy agenda needs to be developed to illustrate
the diverse ways the smart-devices can be used to
support learning.
Author 1 as part of his undergraduate research and
final year project (Author 1, 2011) identified,
researched and analysed Smartphone/pad
applications that could hypothetically be beneficial
for student learning, Table 3. These applications are
based upon the students' application needs for
learning, which have been identified from the
analysis of the 2010-2011 survey and qualitative
The suitability of the applications for learning
has been determined by a method of classification as
used by Author 3 et al. (2011) to evaluate
smartphone audio recording devices in which the
applications were categorized according to:
Usability. Simple functionality set, uncluttered
interface, consistent use of design compatible with
iOS platform.
Functionality. Connectivity via Wi-Fi and mobile
internet, added integration (e.g. integrated recorder
in application or able to distribute via email),
consistent and reliable (i.e. does not crash and works
as expected)
Interoperability. PC/MAC OS platform, integration
with other applications.
Other classifications were also noted, including
the following:
Cost. Price of application
Suitability for Student Use. Target audience
description of suitability.
General computing appears to be moving away from
fixed machines, and even specialised portable
devices like the briefly popular Flip video camera
are being superseded by equivalent smart-device
functionality (Dreir, 2011).
Research conducted during the
last two academic
ic years possibly suggests that ownership of smart-
devices is increasing, however the results suggests
only a small percentage of students are using the
devices to support their learning. Furthermore the
2011-2012 results suggest that only a 1/4 of the
students are using the devices for browsing to
support their learning, however this type of
autonomous use is rather simple and relatively
unadventurous. The research results indicate no
accounts of students managing their feedback, e-
PDP or connecting with webinar software for
example. Therefore there is need to identify if
students are aware of more adventurous applications
to support their learning and whether there is a need
for universities to develop and promote the potential
of apps for learning with and amongst students to
promote wider digital literacy in this area.
Equally the learning applications, in order to
achieve student acceptance, need to fulfill Wagner’s
(2005) attributes for satisfactory mobile internet
experience, and application design requirements as
identified by Author 1 (2011):
Ubiquity – Applications should be compatible with
appropriate smart-devices and provide the option of
internet connectivity for downloadable content if
Efficiency – Applications should install, load and
play any content within reasonable time periods,
depending on quality of internet connection
(Beckmann, 2010).
Reliability – Applications should provide the user
with predictable experiences regardless the type of
device it is being used on.
Accessibility – The user should be able to access all
relevant content the application has to offer when a
3G/WiFi internet connection is available.
Richness – Content should load quickly, animations
should be smooth and the streaming of internet
related media should flow and playback at a
sufficient rate (Wagner, 2005).
Flexibility – Designers should accommodate the va-
riety of devices (PC, MAC, smart-devices) and
operating systems when designing applications
(Beckmann, 2010).
Security – Applications should be designed with se-
curity measures in place to prevent data being
intercepted by unintended recipients.
Interactivity – User-interfaces, feedback, naviga-
tion and functionality determine the user experience
and should encourage the user to make effective use
of the application (Yu and Hu, 2010).
Table 3: Guide of Beneficial Applications, (Information regarding the Recorder Pro application has been taken directly
from Author 3 et al. (2011), an evaluation of audio recording apps for available for the iPhone and iPad.).
Application Usability Functionality Interoperability Cost (£) Platform Suitability for student use
iOS Bulk
Easy to use, simple interface
relevant buttons and
graphics. Can create events
and set reminders with alarm
Works offline, and updates
integrated networked
calendars, e.g. gmail. .
Works with windows
and Mac operating
systems and can
synchronise calendars
from these platforms.
Free Compatible
with iPhone,
iPod touch,
and iPad.
iOS 3.1.2 or
Suitable for setting reminders
and scheduling events with
lecturers. Very useful to
synchronise with Gmail
calendars, etc..
Easy to use once familiar,
intelligent simple interface,
and flowing navigation.
Create notes that can be
accompanied with photos,
voice recordings, map
locations, easy to store tags.
Numerous integrated
functions, photos and audio
recordings can be added to
notes that can be distributed
via email or cloud..
Evernote works on
nearly any smartphone
and desktop computer.
Cloud account provides
the user with ubiquitous
access to notes.
Free Compatible
with iOS,
Palm Pre,
Palm Pixi,
This is an extremely beneficial
application for students, provides
an ever present offline to on-line
note taking facility and can be
accessed from nearly any device,
anywhere, anytime via the cloud.
Easy to use and navigate
between articles, users can
bookmark recent searches.
Requires an active Internet
connection, reliable and
consistent. View search
Is not required to work
with windows or Mac
pc's as Wikipedia is
available on the internet
via standard web
Free Available on
Android and
Very suitable for students,
provides instant access to
millions of articles providing
there is an active internet
Very easy to learn and
navigate, consists of 4 large
menu options, lists all files in
one list catalogued by A-Z,
however user can create
folders. Allows for viewing
of documents via dropbox
converted formats.
Requires active internet
connection in order to upload
and to retrieve documents
from the cloud. Smartdevices
can only add photos or videos
to dropbox via smartdevice,,
but can view existing
documents in dropbox viewer.
Works on several
different smart-devices
and works with
windows and MAC
desktop PC platforms.
Any file is viewable
without preparatory
Free Available on
and Android
Suitable for any students who
spend time on the move. Files
can be accessed anywhere and at
anytime via PC or smartdevice.
Extremely easy to use,
navigation is fast and
smooth. Photo editing
facilities and including auto
adjust picture quality, zoom,
and multiple photo viewing
in ‘lightbox’
Works off-line, however
photos can be distributed via;
email, MMS, Facebook
flicker, twitter, and email.
Attached information on size
of photo, resolution, time &
date, and google maps
Photo file format JPEG,
interoperable with any
device that can read
0.59 Compatible
with iPhone,
iPod touch,
and iPad.
iOS 3.1 or
Perfect for any student requiring
photographic evidence of
anything, the quality is good
enough to capture lecture board
notes. Allows students to take
highly detailed photos and share
immediately, the perfect
companion for Evernote.
iOS Bulk
Simple interface, fast
flowing movement between
accounts and emails. Easy to
add or remove multiple mail
accounts. Can open and view
documents. Also can
show/play media attachments
via compatible apps.
Requires active internet
connection to download and
send emails from email
Integrates with any
POP3 email accounts,
Microsoft Exchange
Accounts, Yahoo,
Gmail, Hotmail, AOL,
mobile me.
Free Compatible
with iPhone,
iPod touch,
and iPad.
iOS 3.1 or
Mobile email, allows access to
any email, anywhere, anytime
when connected on-line via 3G
or wireless. Novice users may
need help with initial setting of
email, but should learn quickly
and be able to add accounts
easily in the future.
Easy to use, record, auto
pause, stop, rewrite, play,
zoom to sections to play.
Good file management
features; search, name/
rename files and organise
into pre/user defined folders.
Audio format Aiff or CAF.
Append to recording new
recording. Re-write file and
bin file.
QuickTime, RealPlayer,
8 Plus, iPhone and some
Android Phones. Share
by email, fully
integrated to email set
up on the phone and
users contact details.
0.59 Compatible
with iPhone,
iPod touch,
and iPad.
iOS 3.1 or
Audio record project supervision
formal, informal and semi-
formal, email to the student.
Audio record and re-distribute
one to one. Audio Feedback on
assessment, quick and easy to
The literature review of the field reveals that the
application of smart-devices for learning in higher
education is relatively unexplored, whilst this study
suggests it to be in a continuous state of flux in
response to the emerging nature of the technologies.
This field requires much more research and thorough
investigation to identify;
What characterises a smart-device applica-
tion for learning?
What is the teaching and learning potential
of these smart-device applications?
How can the potential of smart-device
applications be promoted to the learners?
Students would have an important role to play in
such a research study, but academics and
educational developers are equally needed to review
and assess the disruptive potential of smart learning
devices. This would lead to an informed Higher
Education sector view on smart-devices for learning
and provide the opportunity to reward academic
innovation in this area. In the long term such an
approach would support the digital literacy of
students and academics.
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