The Agora Framework
Jos´e Rangel-Garc´ıa
and Jorge Buenabad-Ch´avez
Edusistemas, D.F., Mexico City, Mexico
Departamento de Computaci´on, CINVESTAV-IPN, D.F., Mexico City, Mexico
eLearning, Modelling, Framework, Software Engineering, eLearning Engineering.
This paper introduces the Agora Framework (AF), a modelling tool to help design, evaluate and deploy eLearn-
ing models. An eLearning model in AF resembles a business model, and consists of various blocks, each block
addressing one main aspect of the eLearning business, such as: learners (consumers), eLearning types (prod-
ucts) to be delivered, pedagogical basis for course design, hardware and software resources, among others.
We describe how to use AF in designing an eLearning model, and outline the role that AF may play within an
eLearning engineering.
The benefits of eLearning go without saying. Most
potential users and deployers of eLearning are willing
to adopt it for academic or training purposes. eLearn-
ing is now being deployed in various ways, from sim-
ply sharing files in a web server to serious games on-
line, or from a single course to academic programmes
with official value. The simplest types of eLearning
are obviouly easy to deploy and practically risk-free,
but complex types may become a rather difficult and
costly project, and even unsuccessful.
Currently, most deployers of relatively complex
types of eLearning are large institutions who can
afford to take the risk. This is in contrast to the
wide adoption, proportionally, of web systems across
small, medium and large enterprises and institutions.
That is, small and medium institutions, e.g., private
schools, have not yet adopted eLearning systems as
widely as they have adopted web systems, despite the
fact that both kinds of systems can be deployed with
free open software and have many aspects in com-
mon: web (HTML) pages, multimedia content, hier-
archical menus, and on-line content delivery, among
others. We realise that not all of eLearning takes place
through the Internet and Web technologies, but most
of it does nowadays; and we assume this from now
The main reason for the less widely adoption of
eLearning systems is that they are a relatively new
class of web systems. As such, they have unique as-
pects that need to be addressed with new, tailor-made
best practices, methods and tools, i.e., an eLearning
engineering. The basic principles of an eLearning en-
gineering will be those of software engineering:
Clearly defined goals and requirements
Systematic development of the (eLearning) sys-
tem in phases
Careful planning of these phases
Continuous audit of the entire development pro-
There is a lot of published work that is related
to eLearning engineering, but most of this work is
addressed to a particular aspect of eLearning. The
term eLearning engineering is still rarely used, and
where used (eLearning Engineering, 2012; Lischka
and Karagiannis, 2004; Toval et al., 2011), no com-
prehensive view of the subject is discussed. A com-
prehensive view of eLearning engineering is clearly
essential for the wide adoption of eLearning; in order
for small and medium, and even large, deployers of
eLearning to better assess, decide and cope with the
issues they will face in adopting eLearning.
New disciplines do not emerge overnight, even in
the fast-paced field of ICT. eLearning engineering, as
a scientific discipline towards engineering-type devel-
opment of eLearning systems, will take time to ma-
ture. It is likely to develop in a similar way Web En-
gineering developed. Web engineering (Pressman and
Lowe, 2008; G. Kappel and Retschitzegger, 2006)
Rangel-Garcia J. and Buenabad-Chávez J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003956902650270
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 265-270
ISBN: 978-989-8565-06-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
was developed for the purpose of efficiently address-
ing the particular issues of web systems. It borrows
heavily from the long-standing knowledge of soft-
ware engineering (Bell, 2005). As software engineer-
ing, web engineering advocates best practices, meth-
ods and tools to develop a feasibility study, require-
ments engineering, planning, ..., and project manage-
ment, but tuned for web systems development. For in-
stance, central to web systems is the display of infor-
mation (textual and/or multimeda), and thus web en-
gineering includes methods and tools to organise, dis-
play and update the information. In particular, Press-
man and Lowe (Pressman and Lowe, 2008) advocate
the use of agile methods for web systems develop-
ment; characteristics of agile methods include: incre-
mental delivery of software functionality, customer
involvementthroughout the development process, and
embracing change.
From our experience in developing eLearning sys-
tems, we suggest that the main stumbling block to
adopt them is the great difficulty to specify “clearly
defined goals and requirements”. One factor for this
is the many concepts and issues involved. eLearn-
ing systems are a combination of education, comput-
ing, text and multimedia content, technology, soft-
ware development, and platforms. The development
of eLearning systems should therefore be perceived
as a multidisciplinary approach requiring knowledge
and expertise from different areas. Another factor is
the lack of a method and tools to specify clearly de-
fined goals and requirements.
This paper proposes the Agora Framework (AF)
to address the two factors just mentioned. AF is a tool
and a method to help generate e-learning models. An
eLearning model does not correspond to a high-level
design of an eLearning system. Rather, it is similar
to a business model (Osterwalder and Pigneur, 2010),
comprising the main elements involved in delivering
a particular type of eLearning. An eLearning model
includes a cost structure, goals, learners (consumers),
eLearning types (products) and resources, among oth-
ers. In defining an eLearning model, stake holders
implicitly arrive at “clearly defined goals and require-
AF is based on the ideas about business model
generation in (Osterwalder and Pigneur, 2010). The
rationale behind its design is that content in eLearning
systems (i.e., course content) is a product on and by
itself, as opposed to only information about a product
or service as is the case in other web systems.
Section 2 describes the elements AF. Section 3
describes how AF should be used. Section 4 outlines
its role within a tentative eLearning engineering. We
conclude in Section 5.
The Agora Framework (AF) is a diagram composed
of nine blocks/elements/modules, which represent the
main components of an eLearning model (business)
whose purpose is to deliver (sell) eLearning. The nine
blocks are shown in Figure1.
As a diagram, the AF has the purpose of helping
to: i) visualise all the elements involved in running
an eLearning model; ii) classify possible embodiment
options for each element, e.g., a particular type of
eLearning to be delivered; and iii) reason about each
element and its relationship to other elements, i.e.,
how different options of one element affect the op-
tions of other elements, e.g., how different resource
configurations affect cost. We mention below the
main issues for each element of AF, about which in-
formation must be gathered and analised in order to
make informed decisions in designing an elearning
Learners Segments
Students are the core (the clients) of an eLearning
model. Satisfying their learning needs is the pur-
pose of any eLearning system. To better analyse such
needs, it is convenient to classify the students into
segments according to some criteria, such as: com-
mon needs, per (external) company/institution, basic
skills, etc. An eLearning model can define as many
segments as needed, but must define them precisely in
order to facilitate the analysis of their needs, current
level of relevant knowledge, skills, attitudes, preju-
dices, and skills related to ICT.
As a guiding principle, a group of students should
conform a segment if their learning needs require a
particular configuration of any of the blocks in the AF,
thus giving rise to a particular eLearning model.
Once learners segments are defined, and their
needs well understood, the eLearning model can be
designed considering those needs.
e-Learning Types
We define an eLearning type as a particular organi-
sation/configuration of all Agora elements selected to
fulfill the learning objectives of a particular learners
segment. An eLearning type must be designed and
developed. It may be innovative, using new methods
and technologies; or it may be typical, using known
technologies but with new or more features and at-
tributes. The guiding principle during design is that
design makes the difference. eLearning may be as
Figure 1: The Agora Framework.
good as the best in-the-classroom (face-to-face) learn-
ing, or as bad as the worst in-the-clasroom learning.
A good design of an eLearning type starts with
a good instructional design (Dick, 1996; Clark and
Mayer, 2008; Horton, 2006). The instructional de-
sign advocates selecting, organising and specifying
the learning experiences needed to teach something
to someone. In addition, the instructional design:
drives and supports decision making in the selec-
tion of content and everything related to learning
material and technologies to use, e.g., learning
management system (LMS).
drives the development of content and media se-
determines budget decisions.
The media in the classroom used to be only symbols
in the blackboard and the voice of the teacher. Today
we must design the media: the adequate mixture of
text, graphs, voice, music, sound effects, animation
and video. Then, we must design a sequence of them
and synchronise it with the delivery medium, such
as Internet, intranet/extranet (LAN/WAN), audio- and
video-tape, satellite, interactive TV, CD-ROM, etc.
What media is best? Research comparing differ-
ent media suggests that it is not the media what brings
learning about, but the instructional methods (Clark
and Mayer, 2008). That is, if the instructional meth-
ods are essentially the same, the media does not mat-
ter. However, each media offers unique capabilities to
deliver content, and new innovative ways of deliver-
ing content should be explored to capitalise on those
capabilities (Wigdor and Wixon, 2011).
Designers should also consider technologies with
which students are familiar and feel comfortable, such
as mobile phones, PDAs, social software, email, etc.
The Goals block contains the goals of the eLearning
model, i.e.: what is to be accomplished by the organi-
sation that is developing the eLearning model. Need-
less to say how important it is to clearly define such
goals. A simple way to proceed is as follows:
1. Establish the goal of, what is most important
for, the sponsoring organisation. Is it profit, public
service, reputation, or ROI?
2. Describe how the project will contribute di-
rectly to achieve the goal of the organisation. If you
cannot convincinly and honestly describe/argue how
the project will contribute to achieve the organisation
goal, abandon the project; the organisation will not
be interested and will not support you. Otherwise you
will have resources and support. Pass to next step.
3. Define learning objectives. Describe how stu-
dents will be changed through the eLearning sys-
tem to be developed. Learning objectives may have
prerequisites, which in turn may become objectives
in themselves having prerequisites, and so on. You
should identify the basic skills of potential students.
Examples of organisation goals for eLearning
models are the following:
Reducing cost of education in 50% in one year.
Making a profit of $ 200,000.00 out of selling
Training and certifying 150 plant operators.
Increasing material covered in a course in 10%.
Deploying a platform to administer courses and
improve information exchange between teachers
and students.
Pedagogical Basis
This block contains the pedagogical principles that
should drive the design of learning content, and this
has an effect on all the other blocks in the framework.
A good pedagogical design ensures that no incon-
sistencies exist between the curriculum being taught,
the teaching methods used, and the evaluation pro-
cedures adopted. One should first clearly define the
learning results to achieve; then select the learning
activities that will offer students a good opportunity
to achieve the learning results; and finally, design the
evaluation assignments that will genuinely show that
learning results have been achieved.
Key Resources
Every eLearning model requires resources to achieve
the eLearning results expected. Resources may be
physical, content, human, owned by the organisation,
rented, or provided by third parties.
Physical resources: classrooms, technological in-
frastructure, computers, networks, learning manage-
ment systems, application software, software tools,
Content resources: text, images, audio, videos,
etc. These resources are not easy to develop, and are
costly. They are the product to sell.
Human resources. In eLearning models, human
and content resources are closely related, and both
are key factors in one of the most difficult problems
to solve: content production. Teachers may lack the
skills or the tools, or may not know how to use tech-
nology with pedagogical principles, to generate effec-
tive content.
We describe below how two courses of differ-
ent complexity are typically developed and the most
likely outcome with regard to quality and resource us-
a) Course of low complexity. A teacher creates
and formats herself content: text, figures, question-
naires and assignments. She also assembles the con-
tent, e.g., within an LMS.
b) Course of high complexity, requiring more peo-
Teachers contribute knowledge and basic mate-
Tecno-pedagogues design teaching material ac-
cording to pedagogic and didactic principles and
around available technological tools.
Producers use various applications to create the
teaching material: text, images, audio, video, an-
imations, questionnaires, assignments, etc. Then
assemble the content within an LMS.
Typically, in case (a) the content produced is of
low quality, and the eLearning resources are under-
used. Also, the content is usually boring to students.
The teacher may become overloaded during develop-
ment. In case (b), eLearning resources are better used,
but the cost and time spent is a lot more; many organ-
isations cannot afford the cost.
Using AF, these issues will be brought to light,
and in case (a) it will help determine the amount of
training required by teachers, and in case (b) to find
alternatives to reduce cost.
Key Activities
Key activities are designed to make learning happen-
ing. People learn through pondering, investigating,
analysing, evaluating, organising, synthesising, dis-
cussing, testing, deciding and applying ideas. Learn-
ing activities should promote these kind of mental
processes. Learning activities can be classified thus:
Absorption. The purpose of this type of activity is
to convey knowledge to the student, typically reading
text, watching a video or listening a narrative. The
student is mentally active but not physically.
Action. In this type of activity the student learns
while doing something: playing, answering ques-
tions, or following a procedure. The student practises,
explores and discovers.
Connection. This type of activity drives stu-
dents to relate what they are learning to their previ-
ous knowledge; it facilitates applying knowledge later
when needed.
Key Providers
It is not always possible for an organisation to acquire
all the resources or carry out all the activities involved
in an eLearning model. Working with third parties,
e.g., outsourcing, costs can be substantially reduced.
eLearning service providers offer a range services
including: serious games, consultancy, ad hoc course
development, hosting of LMS, real-time eLearning
solutions, among many others.
Cost Structure
The Cost Structure block will describe the most im-
portant costs related to the development and manage-
ment of the eLearning model. Each block of AF in-
volves a cost, which may be of one of the following
Fixed Costs: constant costs independently of the
level of operation of the eLearning system, i.e., num-
ber of students using the system.
Variable Costs:.variable costs on account of the
level of operation of the eLearning system.
Economy of Scale: cost advantages derived as the
Figure 2: AF before use and in use.
output/use of the eLearning system grows. E.g. host-
ing larger eLearning systems cost proportionally less
than smaller systems.
The cost of an eLearning model should not be
more nor less than is required to accomplish the learn-
ing objective, i.e.: that the students do what they
are expected to do. In practice, the optimum cost
is achieved gradually through successive approxima-
However, during the design of the eLearning
model, relevant cost information should be collected
and analysed so as to have a good estimate from start.
As mentioned earlier, AF has the purpose of helping
to: i) visualise all the elements involved in running
an eLearning model; ii) classify options within each
element; and iii) reason about the relationships be-
tween elements. Figure 2 shows AF before use and
in use. Legends in the figure correspond to: Learner
Segments (LS), e-Learning Types (ET), Media (MD),
Goals (GL), Pedagogical Basis (PD), Key Resources
(KR), Key Activities (KA), Key Providers (KP), and
Cost Structure (CS). AF should be drawn on a black-
board or printed large and pinned to a wall.
However, before using AF, the following activities
should be made:
Gather and analise information about each ele-
ment of AF (LS, ET, ... CS), particularly current
solutions, methods and tools, etc.
Organise various meetings inviting relevant peo-
ple, e.g., teachers, experts in education, cloud
computing solutions, eLearning platforms, etc.
The use of AF consists in discussing, analysing
and classifying the information gathered onto each el-
ement of AF
, as shown in Figure 2. These discussing
and classifying in itself generates various eLearning
models. The best one, under some criteria and con-
straints, will eventually be chosen.
Note that meetings should carry on until the par-
ticular aspects of each element of AF are well defined
and understood by the people most closely related.
For instance, it should be very clear how teachers will
participate in course content generation, and if teach-
ers themselves need training.
It is also worth noting that, if each element of
AF is sufficiently defined, then the chosen eLearning
model would comprise most of the information typi-
cally found in a Requirements Engineering document.
This information would only need to be organised and
extended as required. A Requirements Engineering
document tipically consist of: 1. Functional Require-
ments, 2. Data Requirements 3. Performance Re-
quirements 4. Constraints 5. Guidelines (Bell, 2005).
A feasibility study usually precedes the require-
ments engineering process in order to establish
whether or not the project is worth proceeding. This is
typically established through a cost-benefit analysis:
“the cost of providing the system vs the money saved
or created by using the system the benefit” (Bell,
2005). Using AF, a feasibility study is implicitly car-
ried out throughout the definition of the eLearning
model, as this includes a cost structure (CS).
In this section we outline an entire process to design
and deploy an eLearning model, and where AF fits
within this process. We believe something similar to
this process will be part of an eLearning engineering.
As a reference, we first list the typical phases found
(suggested) in a software engineering process (Bell,
2005); web engineering process are similar (Pressman
and Lowe, 2008):
Feasibility Study; Requirements Engineering;
Planning; User Interface Design; Architectural De-
sign; Detailed Design; Programming; System Integra-
tion; Validation and Verification (testing); Production
(deployment); Documentation; Maintenance. Project
management runs along the entire process after the
Planning phase.
Agora is a greek word that means forum; by the term
Agora Framework we mean: a framework to be used (to
design eLearning models) in a forum-like way.
An eLearning Engineering: eLearning Model
Design and Development
The eLearning model design and development pro-
cess we propose has five phases: Prepare, Collect, De-
sign, Develop, and Manage. The progression through
these phases is rarely lineal. In particular, the Collect
and Design phases tend to proceed in parallel. The
last phase, Manage, is about continuously managing
your deployed eLearning model.
1. Prepare: Describe the motivation behind the
project. Establish a common language to describe, de-
sign and analyze and discuss eLearning models. Se-
lect the design team. Prepare the place for discussion.
2. Collect: Research the elements for the eLearn-
ing model design: learners, technology and environ-
ment. Collect information, interview experts, and
identify needs and problems.
3. Design: Transform the information and ideas
from the previous phase into eLearning models using
the Agora Framework. After an intensive eLearning
model inquiry, select the most satisfactory eLearn-
ing model. Create the eLearning model requirements
4. Develope: Plan for developing and deploying
the project; Develop the required software; Get the
needed hardware and software; Hire the required ser-
vices, Train teachers and administrators; Produce the
content for learning; Perform the prototype phase (if
it was specified); Deploy the complete eLearning sys-
5. Manage: The deployed eLearning model
should be placed in a continuous feedback loop so
that managers can identify and change the parts of the
process that need improvement. A method such as the
Deming cycle could be used:
PLAN: Design or revise eLearning process com-
ponents to improve results.
DO: Implement the plan and measure its perfor-
CHECK: Assess the measurements and report the
results to decision makers.
ACT: Decide on changes needed to improve the
eLearning offers many benefits to users and deploy-
ers, but developing eLearning systems is currently
difficult and costly (except for simple types of eLearn-
ing) because many new issues are involved and it is
little understood how to proceed. An eLearning en-
gineering is needed to guide the adoption of eLearn-
ing without too much risk. The purpose of the Agora
Framework (AF) proposed here is to help achieve
“clearly defined goals and requirements” of eLearn-
ing models. AF helps to think of and visualise the
issues related to an eLearning project, and their re-
lationship. We believe AF will help non-technical
people to understand what is involved in an eLearn-
ing project. We have outlined its use and how it fits
within a whole process of adopting eLearning. We
are currently working on designing a methodology to
generate requirements documents out of an eLearning
Agora model.
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