Literature Review and Proposed Guidelines
Stelios Xinogalos and Theodore H. Kaskalis
Technology Management Department, University of Macedonia, Loggou-Tourpali Area, 59200 Naoussa, Greece
Keywords: Web Programming Model, Information and Communication Technologies Education, Teaching Practices.
Abstract: The main concern of this paper is the exploration of current challenges, teaching techniques, course design
methods and topics covered when attempting to teach a web programming course in technology-oriented
higher education departments. The authors attempted a literature review of the subject in order to identify,
compare and analyse the existing experience upon which one can establish solid guidelines towards a
manageable, efficient and comprehensible course model. In the paper, the presentation of the value of
teaching web programming is followed by an extensive listing of the underlying challenges. Consequently,
the various teaching approaches are presented comparatively and comments are made as regards the topics
covered and the tools used. The study and analysis of this gathered experience naturally leads to certain
outcomes. An extensive list of questions is summed in a list view and this list aims to help educators of the
field to prepare the respective structure, content, methodology and tools of a web programming course that
will serve their needs in a productive way. The authors’ intention is to build upon this knowledge towards a
web-based comprehensible web programming environment that will aid the process of teaching this
challenging subject.
It is more or less a given fact: web programming is
almost mandatory in a Computer Science or
Information Technology curriculum. The web as a
platform offers significant job opportunities and has
gathered around it a great deal of attention.
Statements such as “the web has won; it has become
the dominant programming model of our time”
(Gundotra, 2009 as cited in Hollingsworth and
Powel, 2010) and “no major desktop application has
been released since 2004” (Gundotra and Picai, 2010
as cited in Hollingsworth and Powel, 2011) are
becoming respected by the majority of the IT
Isolating job opportunities, the numbers appear
quite promising. Cloud computing is expected to add
2.4 million jobs in Europe’s biggest economies by
2015, according to a December 2010 report by the
London-based Centre for Economics and Business
Research (as cited in Patel, 2011). 10.000 jobs are
expected to appear by Facebook, Google, Twitter
and Zynga (Patel, 2011) and the title of America’s
Best Job was given to ‘Software Engineer’ for 2011
(Strieber, 2011). Programming for the web is a
rapidly growing demand in job offers and we have to
respect that. Moreover, the web as a platform
reaches more and more embedded devices which
pave the way towards facing services as cloud based
(or browser based) only. The emerging standards
and technologies strongly suggest a shift towards
internet-only based services.
It therefore comes as no surprise that computer
technology related departments increasingly orient
their course of studies towards web programming
techniques. However, is this a simple and
straightforward task? The answer cannot come that
easily. One has to identify the topics that need to be
addressed, the maturity of current web technologies,
the difficulties in learning this particular model, the
trends that seem to be formulated very fast, the
teaching methodologies that have emerged (or need
to be emerged) for this subject and the environment
that will bring everything together in a
comprehensible and manageable way. Through this
paper we attempt to analyze the many aspects that
need to be considered in a web programming course
and we wish to state certain conclusions and ideas
that will bring forward this ever-changing subject.
We attempted an extensive literature review in
the matter and the outcomes seem quite intriguing.
Web programming is a real challenge and should be
Xinogalos S. and H. Kaskalis T..
THE CHALLENGES OF TEACHING WEB PROGRAMMING - Literature Review and Proposed Guidelines.
DOI: 10.5220/0003960902070212
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 207-212
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
treated as one. In the following we present our
findings and propose our ideas in this order: first we
examine the main challenges that seem to exist in a
web programming course. Then we present various
teaching approaches and we turn our attention to the
design of a respective course. Following, we gather
a series of questions that need to be addressed in
order to proceed to certain proposals about the
structure of a potential web programming course.
Finally, we summarize our findings and conclude
with our future research in this subject.
The development of a web application demands the
combination of various technologies. Moreover, the
available choices for both client-side and server-side
web development technologies are numerous
(Chung and McLane, 2002), some of them
complementary and other competing (Treu, 2002).
Selecting the topics and the underlying web
technologies covered in a web programming course,
as well as providing the appropriate depth for each
topic is the first challenge faced by an instructor (Liu
and Phelps, 2011).
Usually, a wide range of topics is selected,
which makes it difficult to find a single textbook that
is appropriate for the course (Hollingsworth and
Powell, 2011; Yue and Ding, 2004; Noonan, 2007;
Stepp, Miller and Kirst, 2009; Treu, 2002; Wang,
2006). Some textbooks provide depth but lack
breadth, while others provide breadth and lack depth
(Noonan, 2007). Moreover, some good textbooks are
targeted to more advanced courses (Stepp et al.,
2009) or even to professionals (Yue and Ding, 2004;
Lee, 2003). Since, it is not possible to require
several textbooks – due to the economical burden it
brings on students – several instructors rely on
resources that are available through the web.
However, this is problematic too. Although, there is
an abundance of web tutorials, the vast majority are
sloppy, outdated/obsolete, and even wrong as
templates to rely on (Yue and Ding, 2004; Stepp et
al., 2009). Unfortunately, it is not easy for students
with little experience on web programming to
evaluate the timeliness, correctness and relevance of
resources available on the web (Yue and Ding,
2004). On the other hand, determining the most
appropriate web tutorials is a time-consuming task
for professors, the most difficult one according to
Treu (2002). In most cases, students are involved in
one or another way in evaluating web resources. For
example, students may be assigned to recommend
online tutorials or articles that are approved by the
instructors prior to class use (Yue and Ding, 2004).
Alternatively, students may be provided with a list
of online resources and asked to submit new links,
as well as reviews regarding the help provided by
specific resources, so as to formulate a list of
resources that are the best for students to utilize
(Treu, 2002). These web tutorials are usually utilized
in combination with material prepared by
instructors. As a matter of fact, in most cases,
instructors decide to use three different resources for
supporting students from different perspectives
(Walker and Browne, 1999; Yue and Ding, 2004):
A main textbook covering some of the topics
considered to be in the core of the course
Lecture notes and laboratory examples
developed by instructors
Freely available web resources selected by
instructors, or proposed by students and
approved by instructors.
The way that each of these resources is utilized is
different in each case. For example, Treu (2002)
used the web resources as the main resource for the
course, while Lee (2003), Walker and Browne
(1999) used a textbook along with tutorials and
references found on the Internet. Yue and Ding
(2004) consider that the best teaching materials are
written by the instructors themselves, since they are
developed for fulfilling the goals of the course. So,
Yue and Ding (2004) used their own materials as the
key resource and the main textbook was used as a
secondary resource. When it comes to textbooks the
most referenced ones are the books by Hall and
Brown (2003) and Hall, Brown and Chaikin (2007)
that refer to servlets and JSP (Hollingsworth and
Powell, 2010; Lee, 2003; Yue and Ding, 2004). The
relevant site maintained by Marty Hall
( is also one of the
most referenced ones. Useful resources for web
development technologies are available from W3C.
After selecting the course topics and preparing
the appropriate educational material the next step is
configuring and managing a web programming
environment, which is one of the most difficult
aspects of web programming (Amon, 2003). Amon
(2003) mentions that student actions, while working
on servlets and JSP, often resulted in crashing the
Tomcat server used in the course. Lee (2003) gives
emphasis on the inadequate documentation on web
servers. In some cases, dealing with a problem for
both Apache and Tomcat servers, requires reading
the source code. Hollingsworth and Powell (2010)
describe a novel approach for teaching a web
programming course and dealing with the problems
mentioned above. Specifically, they propose using
Google's App Engine (
appengine) for developing and deploying Java
servlets and JSP. Using the Google Cloud means
using Google's infrastructure – hardware, software,
storage – for deploying web applications. This
service is free and alleviates the problems related to
the acquisition, configuration and administration of a
course server, or the configuration of a server locally
at students' systems. Furthermore, the Google's
Plugin for Eclipse (
appengine/docs/java/tools/eclipse.html) that is used
as a programming environment lets students create,
test and upload App Engine applications from within
Even when the aforementioned steps have been
taken and a plan for a course has been established,
adjustments might be necessary. These adjustments
might be a side effect of the instructor's incorrect or
inadequate understanding of the various
technologies, as well as the fact that for the same
purpose a variety of unfamiliar topics/technologies
might be utilized (Lee, 2003). However, the most
common reason for adjustments or, worst, changes
to a course is the fact that web technologies change
rapidly. New technologies and standards emerge and
adopting them in an existing course is not an easy
task. The instructor has to prepare new educational
material, familiarize with new software tools and
make critical decisions regarding the appropriate
breadth and depth devoted to each technology. In
addition, problems regarding backward
incompatibility and lack of support from browsers
have to be taken into account. In order to cope with
the problem of keeping up with the large number of
continuously changing web technologies and the
aforementioned consequences, Treu (2002) has
proposed adopting a seminar format for the course.
Specifically, students have to learn and teach topics
to their classmates. As Treu (2002, p. 201) states
“students' collective expertise on web programming
is probable to supersede the instructors’ expertise”,
since “the strong appeal of Web programming
makes it a subject for many enthusiastic hobbyists
outside academia”. Other researchers, such as
Klassner (2000), have proposed focusing the course
on concepts, which means that keeping up with the
latest technologies, is not so important. It seems that
focusing a course on established web technologies,
that is technologies that are widely supported and
frequently used, is a better choice (Liu and Phelps,
Focusing on widely supported web technologies
is considered even more important, taking into
account the inconsistency between web browsers.
The inadequate integration of current web
technologies and inconsistent implementation of
standards in web browsers (Liu and Phelps, 2011),
combined with the fact that most of them produce no
output for most errors, adds complexity to the
overall design of a web programming course. In
order to make the complexity more manageable,
several instructors choose to use a single browser.
For example, Stepp et al. (2009) have chosen to use
Firefox as the target browser for their elective web
programming course. This decision has the
advantage that students can rely on published web
standards when coding, leaving aside the quirkiness
of other browsers. However, in order to support
students that are interested in running their
applications in Internet Explorer too, Stepp et al.
(2009) provide links to IE-related bugs and fixes.
No matter if the instructor decides to use a single
browser or not, errors occur and debugging
programs for the web is too challenging. Debugging
is one of the most difficult and sometimes frustrating
tasks for novice programmers. Error messages often
use codes, do not refer the actual line of the error
and use terminology that is not comprehended by
novice programmers. In web programming, things
are even worse, since: (1) students have to learn
many programming language-paradigms and
technologies in a short time and (2) many of the
most common student mistakes produce no output in
the browser (Stepp et al., 2009), while specialized
tools for debugging often do not explain errors
adequately (Liu and Phelps, 2011). Furthermore,
instructors' experience on utilizing debugging tools
is not consistent. For example, Stepp et al. (2009)
consider Firebug to be an excellent tool, while Liu
and Phelps (2011) state that errors are not explained
adequately (the element that caused an error is not
reported). However, the use of such tools is
considered necessary from some instructors. Stepp et
al. (2009) consider debugging as the most prominent
difficult aspect in a web programming course and
have reported on using various debugging tools,
such as Firebug, W3C XHTML and CSS validators,
as well as JsLint Javascript syntax checker.
Moreover, Hickey (2004) mentioned working on
building better debuggers for Scheme servlets and
applets in order to tackle with the unnecessary
frustration of some of his students. Lantis (2008),
Hu and Hu (2004) have also reported on utilizing
web-based teaching tools for supporting students in
developing programs for the web.
Teaching programming courses in general is heavily
based on programming assignments and projects.
This is usually the case for web programming
courses too. However, the type of the
assignments/projects that can be used and the
underlying merits, differ significantly in the
following sense (Yue and Ding, 2004):
A collection of unrelated assignments is used,
in order to cover more technologies and
A tightly coupled project comprising of a series
of related assignments is used, in order for
students to gain experience in building a
complete web application.
A loosely coupled project comprising of a series
of unrelated assignments is used, in order to
achieve a broad coverage of technologies in
combination with building a somewhat
complete web application.
Although gaining experience in building a
complete web application is desirable, it is not easy
to accomplish. Students have to integrate separate
technologies, which is far more difficult than just
comprehending them. Deciding what type of
assignments and projects will be utilized in a web
programming course, as well as achieving a good
balance between foundations and practice (Finkel
and Cruz, 1999), is quite challenging, while the
literature shows that all the aforementioned
approaches are applied:
Yue and Ding (2004) reported on their
experience with a tightly coupled project in the
context of their “Internet Application Development
course at Houston University. The authors
concluded that there is not a best approach and they
would apply a mixed approach on the next offering
of the course.
Noonan (2007) describes his positive experience
on a senior-level “Web Programming” course, which
is centered on a single, simplified version of a real
web site project divided into six assignments.
Overall, the course emphasizes depth over breadth
and principles over technology, choices that were
positively evaluated by students.
Liu and Phelps (2011) use a mixed approach for
their web programming course, which is offered as
an elective to junior and senior CS students at
Georgia College and State University. Specifically,
the course is based on in-class labs, web page
assignments and a real-world web project
incorporating the three common tiers (presentation,
logic and storage tier) of designing web applications
and the corresponding technologies.
Wang (2006) has designed a web programming
course for junior and senior CS students at the
University of Texas Pan American, which is highly
demanding. Specifically, students are required to
take two tests and one final exam, and also to finish
eight assignments and one final project. In order to
support both instruction and students in their final
project, the instructor has implemented a sample
web application (an online bookstore web site) that
is used for demonstrating all the fundamental
operations of such an application. The majority of
students viewed the assignments and the final
project positively and specified that they “provided a
good practice opportunity for web programming”
(Wang, 2006, p. 220).
Gousie (2006) designed an inter-departmental
“Web Programming, Graphics and Design” course
for non CS majors at Wheaton College. The first
offering of the course included five projects, with the
last one being assigned to groups of up to three
students. What was different with the
aforementioned courses is that a portion of class
time was devoted to supporting students on their
projects that were not developed from scratch –
students added or modified code to an existing web
Amon (2003), in accordance with Gousie (2006),
believes that web programming is taught more
effectively using an existing web application as the
basis for presenting web programming concepts and
devising assignments/projects
for students to solve.
Several projects of varying difficulty can be
assigned, while students clearly prefer extending or
modifying existing code according to Amon (2003).
All the aforementioned courses lie heavily on
assignments and loosely or tightly projects for
familiarizing students with web programming
languages and technologies. Treu (2002) also uses
projects, but in a novel way. He has proposed using
a graduate seminar, demand-driven and simulation-
based format for teaching the “Web-Based
Application Design” course developed and taught at
Furman University. The course has a form of a
graduate seminar, which is based on a series of real-
world case studies and teamwork simulation of real-
world development processes. Since students act as
employees working on a web development project,
the learning is demand-driven and consequently the
exact content of the course cannot be completely
decided from the beginning of the course. During the
course, three case studies take place and students
rotate, so as to work on each one of the following
teams: Design, Server-side and Database Team.
Each team gives a lecture on the technology used.
The aforementioned analysis can lead us to a series
of topics or questions that need to be addressed
when preparing a web programming course:
What is the instructors' background and
Are there any relevant courses in the
What aspects of web programming will be
covered? (client-side, server-side, databases)
What is considered more important? Covering a
limited number of topics/technologies in depth
or covering the fundamentals of a breadth of
What is the mixture of materials that will form
the reading prerequisites?
Will emphasis be given on web programming
concepts or technology?
Will the course include the latest technologies
or widely supported, stable and mature
What web development tools will be used?
Will there be a specially prepared environment
or just common tools?
What debugging tools/approaches will be
What is the available infrastructure (existing
platforms and laboratories)?
Are there any assistants for the course?
Based on the selection of topics and
technologies, what servers will be needed?
(software level)
Is there any server (hardware level) that can be
devoted to the course or students have to
configure a server locally on their computers?
Will a single target browser be used, or the web
applications developed must run correctly in
any browser?
What are the anticipated students' difficulties
based on their background?
How important is the hands-on experience in
creating real-world web applications?
Which code percentage of projects and/or
assignments will be pre-coded and filled by
Since we both teach in a Technology
Management Department and are involved in
computer programming courses, we will attempt to
address the above issues in accordance to our
specific profile. As a matter of fact, we intend to re-
shape the department’s curriculum and incorporate a
well-founded web programming oriented course of
Our department currently includes three distinct
compulsory courses and one elective that deal with
web programming technologies. The compulsory
courses appear all together in the spring semester of
the second year of studies and address (1) data
bases, (2) server-side technologies and (3) client-
side web page creation and programming,
respectively. It must be noted that, up until this 4th
semester, students have been exposed to C and Java
programming in 2 respective previous courses. The
8th semester elective course extends students’
knowledge in Java programming, with its web
programming aspect including applets and servlets.
Moreover, it must be noted that our degree title and
curriculum orientation aims towards managers of
Information Technology (IT) and not core
computers scientists or engineers. As a result, we
care more about the proper understanding of
fundamental notions and less about deep expertise in
one technology.
With these in mind and while we strive towards a
web programming course (or maybe mixture of
courses) we address the above issues for our case.
Including ourselves, we form a group of 4
instructors with experience in HTML, XHTML,
CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL and the Document
Object Model along with Ajax techniques. Relevant
courses are considered those about programming on
C and Java and our main aim is to cover all three
tiers of the web multitier architecture model in a
clear and transparent way. We want our students to
fully understand “what runs where”.
We choose depth over breadth about the
aforementioned technologies, but we will include
discussions about similar approaches. We intend to
prepare our own materials along with a special web-
based environment that will incorporate novel
methodologies borrowed from our long experience
in teaching programming classes. In fact, we intend
to conduct further research in applying the
microworld notion into web programming.
Our emphasis will equally fall between concepts
and technology and we choose the stable and mature
product adoption. The development tools will be
inside a specially prepared web-based environment
with “cut-off” versions of popular tools, in order to
raise the burden of teaching many languages in full
depth and achieve easier debugging. Our
environment will reside in one of our department
servers and will be accessible remotely, while all the
implemented code will be available as a download.
We select to fully respect the existing open
standards, as regards browser compatibility, and we
expect significant student difficulties in the matters
of problem solving abilities. This is why we intend
to “nurse” them in a controlled environment and rely
heavily on semi-complete code fragments. On the
other hand, we will include a full-scale web
application as a final project, and we intend to tempt
our students with 2 nation-wide contests about new
business ideas: the most prominent ideas will be
formulated to produce the project of the class.
As a conclusion, with this paper we wish to
communicate our findings and remarks and state our
intention in developing a new environment that will
aim in teaching web programming through new
methods. The expected discussion from the
community will help us formulate our final decisions
and open a research area in addressing web
programming models with new tools such as those
found in microworld environments.
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