A Component of Training and Talent
Yasmín Hernández
, Guillermo Rodríguez
and Israel Paredes
Gerencia de Tecnologías de la Información, Instituto de Investigaciones, Cuernavaca, México
Subdirección de Generación, Comisión Federal de Electricidad, México D.F., México
Keywords: Attitudes, Human Resources Training, Talent Management, Attitudes Measurement.
Abstract: Talent, also known as human capital, has been recognized as key component of companies’ success due to
its impact in every process of organizations. A component of talent is the attitude, which is generally known
as a disposition of the person to act in a certain way. We have worked in modelling attitudes as a component
of training and talent management. The initial version of the proposed attitudes model consists in relevant
attitudes and its relationships, attitudes classification and attitudes measurement scales. To support the
implantation model, a computer system in web has been developed. The attitudes model, a computer system
for its implementation and the results in the process to implant the attitudes model are presented.
Talent management has become an important
element in the operation of every organization
(Cunningham, 2007), as a strategy to achieve the
organization’s objectives. Talent management can
be defined as a set of actions to obtain capacities,
commitments and actions to achieve competitive
results at the present and in the future (Paredes,
Rodríguez and Molina, 2007). Main functions of
talent management are to attract, to identify and to
retain qualified employees to assure of the
achievement of organization’s objectives.
An important aspect of talent management are
attitudes due they are implicated in the personnel
behaviours and therefore in their reaction to each
situation. There are several situations in work
context where the attitudes are keys for the final
result. For example, it is desirable that workers have
a good learning attitude in order the training have
successful results and in a short period of time; and
in order to have a null or low amount of accidents it
is desirable that people have a good security attitude.
Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE), the
Mexican electrical utility, has a large and diverse
workforce with multiple functions and participating
in every process of electric power generating,
therefore it needs a way to model attitudes, and a
computer system to measure and manage attitudes is
also needed.
Human resources constitute the most valuable
ownership in every organization, since they are
related to every organization’s processes, and
therefore they have a strong influence in the final
results. Hence it is very important to have means to
manage them and especially to manage their talent.
CFE has been implemented a Talent Management
Model with four main aspects: training, working
experience, value contribution and academic
development. In Figure 1 we can see the basics of
the Talent Model.
Figure 1: Management Talent Model.
Hernández Y., Rodríguez G. and Paredes I..
SUPPORTING ATTITUDES MANAGEMENT - A Component of Training and Talent.
DOI: 10.5220/0003962705980601
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 598-601
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Some computer systems have been developed for
managing these components, such as: System for
Training Management: SIC R/1, System for Human
Capital Management: SICAPH, Repository of
learning objects: Aprend-e and System for Talent
Management: Talento (Paredes, Rodríguez and
Molina, 2007).
Perhaps the most highlighted element of talent is
the training of staff. The training is the assembly of
activities directed to provide know-how, to develop
abilities and to modify attitudes of the personnel of
all the levels for the best performance of the work
(Paredes, Rodríguez and Molina, 2007).
There are several definitions of attitudes, and
they all, or mostly, agree on the nature of them:
attitudes are setup across the individual long life,
they change continually and they are influenced by
surrounding reality. The attitudes are composed by
three elements: thinking, feeling and behaviour
(Wikipedia, 2009). And they are the result of values
and norms preceding it; it is an evaluative trend
(either positive or negative) about people, events or
things. The attitudes reflect how we feel about
something or someone and predict our tendency to
act a certain way. It is linked with our mental models
which are structured in our childhood and continue
to be strengthened in our daily lives (See figure 2).
Personality traits
Figure 2: Attitudes Setup.
A key aspect to implant an attitude management
model is to identify the relevant attitudes for the
work environment and for the processes, functions
and activities developed for the staff. Table 1 lists
some desirable attitudes at work.
Table 1: Examples of desirable attitudes at work.
Learning Flexibility
Tolerance Cooperative
Commitment Adaptation
Loyalty Perseverance
Service c Work satisfaction
Gentle Work commitment
Responsibility Organization commitment
Subsequently, we have to measure these
attitudes. There several ways to measure attitudes;
we selected to build Likert scales, since they are
relatively simple for building and answering. We
look for a simple way to measure attitudes so the
workers can feel comfortable and they can answer in
a free way.
Likert scales translated the classical
measurement of personality traits towards attitudes
measurement: the sum of a series of responses to
items measuring (or expressing) the same feature
puts the subject in the variable (attitude) that is
measured. The only basic assumption is that the
response evoked by each item is a function of the
subject's position in the continuous variable
measured: the more agreement (or disagreement),
the subject is more the trait being measured. There is
no specific number of items for a scale of
measurement, but it is common to have about 20
items (Morales Vallejo, 2009, 2006). Table 2 shows
an example of a Likert scale measuring the attitude
of learning. This scale has 3 items and 5 likely
answers; the response of the individual expresses the
degree of agreement with the views expressed in the
Table 2: Likert scale to measure learning attitude.
State your position on the
following statements:
Strongly agree
Agree on certain aspects
Disagree on certain
Strongly disagree
Knowledge achieved in
school is useless in
daily life.
To keep your job, work
experience is
I only study when I
have test.
At first glance, a scale to measure attitudes may
seem a questionnaire, but there are some differences.
The difference between a questionnaire and a scale
is that the former is made up of questions that are
analyzed independently, while a scale consists of
questions or items that express the same trait or
attitude and the answers to which are added in a total
indicates where you are or how much each
individual has the attitude to be measured.
The inter-item co-relationships have to be
positive and the shared variance between items is
related to attitude or trait to be measured. The test
theory (reliability, error, etc.) on personality tests or
on academic performance, is applicable to Likert
scales (Morales Vallejo, 2009, 2006).
To built a scale we have to conform a people
team which know the people who is supposed to
answered the scale and they have also to know the
attitude we want to measure. The process to build an
attitude scales is composed by the following steps:
1) to describe the attitude, 2) to prepare the
measurement instrument (to write items), 3) to
obtain data from a population sample, and 4)
statistical analysis.
The building process of the scale begins
establishing a common definition of the attitude to
be measured; then write the items of the pilot scale
to be applied to a sample of the population. In the
pilot study, we obtain data to carry out statistical
tests (Student t test) to determine the items of the
final scale.
We used the concepts stated above to develop an
attitudes model for CFE; in the next section we
present such an attitudes model.
CFE is concerned in having management systems
that enable to meet the staff, keep updated workers,
and thus take appropriate actions to improve the
performance of the electric power generation. For
this reason, as part of strategic planning and to
the talent management model, CFE
decide to develop a management model of attitudes.
The attitudes model consists of 11 attitudes:
learning, safety, job satisfaction, work commitment,
organizational commitment, responsibility, service,
perseverance, loyalty, leadership and ethics.
We built the model with two different
classifications: a classification is concerned with
attitudes must be acquired with respect to the
liability of these jobs (hierarchical levels) and the
other attitudes classification is concerned with
attitudes to play the activities and functions of each
job position (functional levels). In Figure 3, the
classifications of attitudes in our model are outlined.
Managerial Operational
Figure 3: Attitudes Classifications.
In the literature, we can find many examples of
scales of measurement for several attitudes, but for
our model we decided to build the measurement
scales because the instruments must be designed
specifically for individuals who answer them and
taking into account the objectives of the
Up to now, we have built seven scales to
measure attitudes. Table 3 shows for each of the
scales, the number of participants in the pilot
studies, the number of items of the final scale (after
statistical analysis), and the reliability of the scale
(coefficient α, Cronbach's alpha), which expresses
the internal consistency of the scale, i.e. how much
items are related to each other.
Table 3: Likert scales in the model.
Scale to measure attitude of: Part. Items α
Learning 960 25 0.85
Safety 1114 25 0.88
Work behaviour
(job satisfaction,
work commitment,
organizational commitment)
64 30 0.84
Service 221 26 0.94
Responsibility 218 30 0.78
Perseverance 249 25 0.89
Loyalty 233 25 0.90
The Attitudes Measurement System, SIMA (for the
Spanish, Sistema de Medición de Actitudes) was
developed to support the attitudes model
implantation and to strengthen the talent
management. SIMA provides information to talent
model; which in turn provides information to
managers to recognize the talent of the company and
to recognize the opportunity areas of the
organization and in this way take suitable actions for
the well operation of the company at the right time.
To achieve that objective, SIMA automates the
processes of construction of attitudes measurement
scales and its application to staff. Besides, SIMA
allows exploiting information.
SIMA has three main modules: construction of
attitudes measurement, attitudes assessment and
talent. In the first module: construction of attitudes
measurement scales, the user can build Likert scales
to measure attitudes. In the second module the users
can assign and answer the scales to measure
attitudes. The third module, talent, allows users to
see the information about attitudes’ organization in
the form of graphical and tabular reports, and also
queries can be made.
Given the different responsibilities in SIMA
system, there are six user’s roles: worker, evaluator,
methodologist, reviewer, manager and system
administrator. These roles take part in different
processes: 1) the worker role answer the scales; 2)
the evaluator role assigns the scales to be answer by
the worker, and also supervises the process; 3) the
methodologist role is part of the scale construction
team which build a scale; 4) the reviewer role is in
charge to supervise and approve the final scales; 5)
the manager role can consult the information yielded
by the model of attitudes, and 6) the role of
administrator is responsible for system operation.
Figure 4 shows the architecture of SIMA and the
various roles
Attitudes Management
Talent Management
Figure 4: Architecture of SIMA system.
The system was developed in Visual Studio. NET
Framework 3.5 2008 with C # programming
language. The architecture includes the LINQ
technology levels (Clark, 2011). The database was
modelled on SQL Server 2008 (Kellenberg, 2009).
Figure 5 shows a screenshot of SIMA.
Figure 5: SIMA system screenshot.
The model of attitudes was applied in a
thermoelectrical generation plant, where 300
workers answered the scales for job behaviour and
safety attitudes. These two scales were assigned to
the workers; however, 10% of participants
voluntarily answered the rest of the scales.
The model also has been used in a formative
training course for plant operators.
The plan for attitudes model implantation
involves the application of scales measuring
attitudes in two power plants in the short term while
waiting for their application in other workplaces of
CFE. Furthermore, research in the field of
management attitudes continues, we plan to include
other attitudes to the model and the construction of
new scales of attitudes.
In this paper we presented a model of attitudes
developed for CFE at México. The model of
attitudes has been built based on knowledge of the
organization and employees; the aim is to have a
stronger talent management model. We also
presented a computer system that was developed in
order to support the implementation of model
The model has been applied in a thermoelectric
generation plant and in a formative course for plant
operators of CFE with good acceptance and results.
Clark, D., 2011. The expert´s voice in SQL Server,
Beginning C# Object-Oriented Programming., New
York, Apress Editorial.
Cunningham, I., 2007. Talent management: making it real,
Development and Learning in Organizations, Vol. 21,
No. 2, pp. 4-6.
Kellenberger, K., 2009. The expert´s voice in SQL Server,
Beginning T-SQL 2009. New York: Apress Editorial.
(base de datos)Paredes Rivera, J., Rodríguez Ortiz, G.,
Molina González, R., 2007. La gestión del talento del
personal de operación de generación eléctrica.
Decimoctava Reunión de Otoño de Comunicaciones,
Computación y Electrónica ROCC 2007, 25-30
Noviembre, Acapulco, Guerrero, México
Morales Vallejo, P., 2006. Medición de actitudes en
psicología y educación, Madrid, España: UPCO.
Morales Vallejo, P., 2009. Guía para la construcción de
escalas de actitudes,
Wikipedia, 2009. Actitud,