Systematic Process of Conceptualization
For Enterprise Information System Renewal and Integration
Kenji Nishioka and Koichiro Ochimizu
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Noumi-shi, Ishikawa-prefecture, Japan
Keywords: Development Concept, Process, Requirement Analysis, Software Engineering.
Abstract: We have had not yet practical method to define development concepts in spite of its importance for cost
effectiveness of system development. In this paper, we propose a systematic process to define development
concepts focused on renewal and integration of enterprise information systems. This process practices
development concept definition as problem solving based on trouble shooting manner. So software
engineers utilize their experiences and technologies of system development for the process effectively.
Enterprise information systems (EIS) like Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship
Management (CRM), Product Data Management
(PDM), and project management are indispensable
for business works today. Each enterprise uses EIS
for business profit like productivity, cost reduction,
quality assurance, and contribution of the amount
sold every day. So owners can’t help evolving their
EIS continuously for change of their business
environment and renovation of ICT in order to keep
or enhance their business position profitably.
But it is not always easy to develop the EIS
which satisfies owner’s business expectation.
Because EIS developers like SI (System Integration)
vendors are not usually business experts. So it is not
easy for them to understand correct business
situation of EIS owners like their customers. And the
customers are not always ICT experts. So it is not
easy for them to understand real capacity of EIS
based on the ICT which is changing and evolving
continuously. Then mismatch between developers’
business knowledge and customers’ expectation
might occur easily.
One of the roles of development concepts is to
prevent from such mismatches. A development
concept is a direction of expected system effects on
starting development stage. It is based on
developers’ correct understanding of customers’
business expectation and available ICT, and its
suitable consensus between customers and
developers will bring a cost effective EIS as
customers have expected, and reasonable amount
sold for the EIS development effort of developers.
But in spite of such importance of development
concepts, currently few experts define them in
heuristic manners. And it is difficult to get not only
manuals or tools but also reliable techniques or
advices for development concept definition. This
situation means there has been no development
concept definition methods which can be used
practically in real development field, yet.
In this paper we propose a systematic method to
define development concepts for EIS renewal and
integration. We call this method Systematic Process
of Conceptualization (SPC) in this paper. Where,
“systematic process” means project independent and
well structured activity series to define development
concept with understandable output forms, support
tools, and some standards for efficient practice.
Trough remained section 2 to 6 we describe
background and basic idea of SPC, detailed process
of SPC, practical results of SPC project and evaluate
SPC, a related research, and conclusion.
2.1 Background of SPC
There are two types of technical problem for
development concept definition.
One is process problem to define development
concept systematically, and another is transition
Nishioka K. and Ochimizu K..
Systematic Process of Conceptualization - For Enterprise Information System Renewal and Integration.
DOI: 10.5220/0003968500630069
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 63-69
ISBN: 978-989-8565-11-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
problem to transfer the defined concept to analysis
and design phase of system development.
The Conceptualization method (Lockheed Martin
ACC, 1996) described in section 5 has solved the
transition problem, using context diagram as a part
of a development concept. But this method depends
on idea generation like brainstorming and
breakthrough, so there are following subjects as
process problem which SPC should resolve.
Subject 1: The definition process of development
concept is not so concrete, so we should consider
how to practice brainstorming and breakthrough
depending on each project situation.
Subject 2: There are few support tools and
manners to define development concept, so it is
difficult for developers to get outputs which are
logical and understandable for customers.
Subject 3: So it takes long time to define a
development concept consented with customers.
2.2 Basic idea of SPC
Customers usually start EIS renewal and integration
to resolve not technological problems like system
usability but business problems like cost efficiency.
So definition of development concept can be
regarded as problem solving to get customers’
business problems solutions based on EIS renewal
and integration. On this standpoint we adopted
troubleshooting (TS) approach which is familiar
with experienced software engineers, as a problem
solving manner of SPC.
Generally TS consists of 4 subtasks (Alma,
2000). The first formulate problem description
subtask is to grasp trouble contents objectively based
on related phenomena, the second generate causes is
to generate causal hypotheses based on the trouble
contents, and the third test is check the hypotheses
based on experimentation. The last subtask, repair
and evaluate is system repair based on resolution of
the causes and check of the system to work
SPC consists of 3 phases to define development
concepts as Fig.1 (IDEF0 form), and first 3 subtasks
of TS are applied to these 3 phases.
The first grasping business domain phase
corresponds to formulate problem description
subtask of TS. In this phase developers grasp
customers’ business domain and understand
customers’ business problems and expectations. The
second planning solution for current problems phase
corresponds to generate causes subtask of TS. In this
phase we extract a bottleneck which is the most
important cause among current problems, and plan
to solve it. The third verification and materialization
phase corresponds to test subtask of TS. In this
phase developers check whether the solution is a
correct answer to resolve the bottleneck and its
related main problems which prevent customers
expect directly. And based on this check result,
developers define a development concept for EIS
renewal and integration.
These 3 phases are divided 7 processes (Fig.1),
and they will be repeated at least twice to accelerate
definition of suitable development concept.
based on
of System
Business Goal
of EIS
Available ICT
Current Reality Tree
Conflict Resolution Diagram
Prototype of
Expected Effects/Solution
Correspondence Table
Inquiry Sheet
for BS
Review Joined
by Customers
Customer Consensus
Business Flow
Business Activity
Current Problems
Analyzing Causal
Planning Solution
of Bottleneck
Confirmation of
Business Goal
Definition of
EIS Scope
Phase of
Understanding Business Domain
Phase of
Planning Solution for Current Problems
Phase of
Verification and Materialization
BoxProcess Activity
Left side Arrow Input
Right side ArrowOutput
Underside arrowTool
Upside ArrowClose
Tree +
Status for
and Actual
and Actual
Solution of
Work flow form
Figure 1: Construction of SPC process.
3 Definition of SPC process
The SPC is a kind of step wise refinement process as
Fig.1, which outputs additional value (right side
arrow) based on input information (left side arrow).
Previous processes get feedback (upside arrow) from
following processes, and the close condition of each
process is consensus of customers or review joining
customers (upside arrow). There are some tools
(underside arrow) to support activities efficiently.
In this section we will describe detailed SPC
processes, using partially a concrete case study,
renewal of inventory system for sales and
development of security devices.
3.1 Definition of Development Concept
In the initial start of SPC, developers define a
prototype of development concept rapidly after first
inquiry from customers. The prototype is based on
early restricted information through SPC processes
roughly. Purpose of this activity is to get a chance to
hold a meeting with customers as soon as possible,
discussing concrete items based on the prototype.
This meeting is start line of next SPC repetition,
which represents as a feedback arrow on Fig. 1.
3.2 Grasping Business Domain Phase
Customer’s business expectation and current
problems should be understood correctly for
additional value of EIS renewal and integration. To
understand them developers should grasp current
status of customers’ business domain in both
managing and actual work aspects.
This phase consists of 3 processes. The first
process is for grasping customers’ business activities
generally, and the second process is for grasping
customers’ business work flow related current EIS.
These 2 processes work concurrently. And the third
process is for collecting customers’ current
1) Grasping Business Activity Process. In this
process developers grasp information like
customers’ business domain, business role of EIS
and customers business expectations for EIS renewal
and integration. But customers’ business information
and related information is huge to grasp generally.
So SPC provides Business Status (BS) which is a
description form and an experimental guideline to
collect minimum background information to
understand customers’ business situation. BS items
include customers’ business category, its trend,
customers’ business status or position, their business
characteristics, EIS information, and customers’
expectation. BS also prevents too much overhead to
collect information. Moreover BS items are useful as
a template of concrete questions to customers.
2) Grasping Business Flow Process. To
grasp background of EIS renewal and integration
necessity, developers need to understand current EIS
as a system with business roles. So SPC provides
tools for a business work flow to make clear
business roles of EIS.
The tool is similar to sequence chart of UML, but
it represents EIS and its actors as participants instead
of objects, so users can grasp typical business
Paper base information
management ( = Barrier
for increasing sales
Overhead of estimation
by business person
Overhead for business
person to check inventory
via an engineer
Too much overtime work
of business person
(Increasing inquiry)
Occurrwnce of miss
transformation from
order sheet to
delivery resavation
Mism atch between
order and delivery
Overhead to make inventory
list by an engineer
Too late supply
for invent ory
Difficulty of planning
manifacturing at factory
Ex tra
Diffic ulty for related
people to know
inventory status
Increase of
management cost
Overhead to input to product
resevation sheet by engineer
Too much overtime
work of engineer
(Increasing engineering
Late or incomplete
order to the factory
Mnagement by
individual person
Over capacity for
inquiry ocurances
Incomplete cross checking
of each entry sheet
Separated location among
sales office, e ngin eer
office, and factory
Extr a9
Difficulty to use
information for
customer service
Uncomplete past
sales record
BOTTLENECK candidate
BOTTLENECK candidate
n1,n2:Current problem No
Figure 2: Current reality tree of security device inventory management.
information exchange among EIS and actors
sequentially. Where, actors are both system users
and outer systems.
3) Finding Current Problems Process. Collecting
current problems are start points of consideration of
development concept on SPC. Their main
information sources are previous process activities,
so the purpose of this process is to keep quality of
collected problems, through considering them based
on collected information, and providing feedback to
previous processes if needed. Such consideration
provides chances to find extra problems and brush
up developers’ understanding.
To make smooth progress of this consideration, a
form named current problem list with consideration
column is provided by SPC.
3.3 Planning Solution for Current
Problems Phase
The first target of this section is to extract a
bottleneck among current problems prepared on the
previous phase. The bottleneck is a basic problem
which causes various problems. The next target is to
get a solution of the bottleneck. It is a concrete target
to realize customer’s business expectation.
SPC uses causal analysis for these targets, so
SPC adopts TOC as support tools, because TOC
includes various techniques based on causal
1) Analyzing Causal Relationships Process. SPC
uses current reality tree of TOC as a support tool to
extract bottlenecks candidates systematically based
on causal relationships among current problems.
Especially it analyses whole current problems
impartially without prejudice, so it is useful to get
totally optimised development concept.
SPC selects a bottleneck among the candidates as
the most important target to resolve. The manner of
its selection is to find a bottleneck which causes the
most main problems on the current reality tree.
On our case study, renewal of inventory system,
“Paper base information management” (Extra 4) is
the bottleneck. This problem had been paid attention
since the inquiry stage, so this analysis provides a
backing to it. But it should be attended that related
main problems have been made clear, and they will
be resolved by solution of the bottleneck.
2) Planning Solution of Bottleneck Process. There
may be many potential solutions for the bottleneck
itself, effective solutions not only for the bottleneck
but also for related main problems are not so many.
And limited budget and development deadline are
severe constraints for the solution.
But conflicting solutions often appear, so SPC
prepares conflict resolution diagram of TOC as a
support tool to resolve such confliction. Through
this tool, such confliction can be utilized to
sophisticate the bottleneck solution.
Basic development plan
Development period 1 for goal 1 – 3, period 2 for goal 4, period 3 for goal 5
Characteristics of new system are web base hybrid system with high security.
Business Goal of EIS Renewal and Integration
1. Block of information mismatch between order and delivery based on web system
2. Information sharing among sales division, engineering division, and factory based on
secure hybrid system
3. Fine manufacture schedule without product shortage based on real time information
sharing with factory
4. Automated generation of estimation, order, and manufacturing order sheet based on
inventory master information
5. Extension of business chances based on enhanced customer service using
accumulated information
System scope: context diagram
Period 1
(Web version
Refer inventory
Refer manufacturing reservation
Check inventory information
Manufacturing reservation
Inventory information
system check
Refer inventory
Refer schedule of
delivery/field engineering
Schedule of delivery/
field engineering
Customer Information for delivery
(based on secured means)
Delivery schedule
Refer schedule of
delivery/field engineering
Check inventory information
Check inventory
I/O data
Figure 3: Image of development concept.
3.4 Verification and Materialization
The first target of this section is to verify the
bottleneck solution using a SPC tool. The next target
is definition of development concept.
1) Confirmation of Business Goal Process. The
first purpose of this process is confirmation not to
occur communication gap between customers and
developers during previous activities. The second
purpose is definition of a business goal. SPC
provides expected effects/solution correspondence
table as a support tool for these purposes.
This table consists of 3 columns. The left column
is for customers’ business expectation described on
BS, and center column is for resolved main
problems by the bottleneck solution. IF these 2
columns contents are not consistent, feedback to
previous processes is needed. If consistent, business
effects brought by resolution of the bottleneck and
related main problems will be input on the right
column. These effects are the business goal of EIS
renewal and integration.
2) Definition of EIS Scope Process. Purpose of
this process is to complete a development concept,
making the scope of new system and basic
development plan. Fig.3 is a development concept
image of our case study.
SPC uses context diagram for the scope of EIS as
the Conceptualization method uses. Representation
of context diagram is based on information
exchanging between actors and system, so it is easy
for customers and developers to grasp outline of new
EIS generally. Moreover it is easy for analyst and
designer to understand system scope concretely as
upstream information.
Based on this system scope and the bottleneck
solution the basic development plan will be made for
limited budget and development deadline, too.
Then the development concept has been
completed. It consists of the business goal, system
scope of new EIS, and basic development plan to
realize the goal and the scope.
We will introduce following 2 practical results of
development concept definition based on SPC
(Table 1 S1, S2), and evaluate SPC based on them.
4.1 SPC Results
1) CRM, Project Management integration. This
case is CRM integration with project management
functions (S1) in SI division (Nishioka, 2003). One
of business expectations of this project is cost
reduction of SI business by communication gap
resolution between sales persons and engineers.
We collected about 60 problems on phase of
grasping business domain. For example, sales
persons had used CRM, and engineers had used
project management tools, but there had been no
ways to access the systems each other.
Through current reality tree analysis we
extracted the bottleneck, lack of collaboration
between sales persons and engineers. It caused main
problems like difference of documentation systems
between sales and engineering, and un-sharing
information like customer status on CRM and
development project status on project management
So we proposed development of new EIS
integrated CRM and project management as a
bottleneck solution. This solution also included new
product concept, so it would satisfy another business
expectation about a new sales product of SI division.
This proposal was reviewed by division
managers and directors individually, and agreed.
2) Inventory Management System Renewal. This
case is system replacement of inventory
management (S2) as SI business.
Customers usually hesitate to explain business
detail to outsiders, so it was useful to provide image
of needed information for development concept
definition through the concrete prototype, and
discussion about the prototype with customers was
useful to understand business situation of them.
Detailed information can’t be open here because
of confidential agreement with the customer, but in
this discussion we had gotten concrete information
like work flow, new original functions expected by
customers, and recent business troubles.
Especially business troubles caused by current
system are important, because trouble information,
its frequency, and damage cost are important points
to be cared for new system development. And one of
the most effective factors to get the order was a part
of the development concept not to repeat the
troubles. This part can be evaluated quantitatively as
cost effectiveness, and its effect was more practical
than abstract effect like information sharing.
Table 1: Development concept definition cases.
EIS field
Maker A
ICT vendor
Internal SI
Maker A
Internal dev.
0.6 -
SI venture
Maker B
Note) Rectangle means regularized cost rate
C1:Before SPC
Product type
concept definition
4.2 Evaluation of SPC
Before SPC we had used the Conceptualization
method. So C1 on Table 1 is a project applied the
Conceptualization method, and S1, S2 are projects
applied SPC. Cost rate means ratio of total
development man month based on C1, for example,
S1 rate is S1/C1, and C1 rate is C1/C1=1. Meeting
frequency rate is ratio of meeting times to define
development concept with customers comparing
based on C1. Where, number in bracket is
regularized by total development man month, so
regularized rate of S2 is 40% (0.24/0.6).
The followings are evaluation of SPC based on
Table 1 mainly.
i. Project independency: In C1 project we should
consider how to practice brainstorming and
breakthrough, but in S1 or S2 project we could use
SPC systematic process without worry how to
practice the development concept definition.
ii. Wide applicability: We could applied SPC to
various type of development concept definition like
internal development of company (S1), SI for
customers (S2), EIS integration (S1), EIS renewal
(S2), client/server system development (S1), and
web system development (S2) as Table 3 shows.
These facts depend on benefit of systematic and
usable definition process of SPC, which manner is
based on problem solving like TS including cause
analysis, and which activities are supported by
various tools like TOC. So outputs of this process
are logical and understandable for customers.
Moreover experienced development engineers are
familiar with TS manner, so they can apply the
process without so much stress.
iii. High productivity: Regularized frequency of
meeting for development concept definition of S2 is
40% of C1, so productivity or load of developers
and customers is improved clearly. This fact
depends on SPC benefit of quick start of information
gathering based on prototype discussion with
customers, guideline of minimum information to be
gathered based on BS, causal relationships analysis
and its support tools, and problem solving manner
with concrete target like a bottleneck of current
problems and customers expectations.
And SPC clears the transfer problem to use context
diagram as the Conceptualization method.
But SPC is not a general method like it. SPC
focuses on EIS renewal and integration, so SPC
can’t be applied to new EIS development based on
new business concept. However, almost all SI
projects are system renewal and integration or new
system development for usual business, which SPC
can be applied.
We will describe the Conceptualization method as a
research relating development concept definition.
The Conceptualization method is general method
to discuss “Is this the right system to make?” based
on business needs and available technology.
The Conceptualization method is means of idea
generation to get development concepts through
collecting target domain information, brainstorming
based on it, and breakthrough based on them. Its
characteristic is to define development concept as
business goal and system scope written in a context
diagram. Especially the context diagram is
understandable intuitively, so it is useful for team
communication and presentation to stakeholders.
ACC regards the Conceptualization method as
the top level technology of object oriented system
development. Especially they regard this method to
realize seamless transfer from development concept
definition to analysis and design phase based on
business goal and context diagram.
SPC succeeds context diagram representation
from the Conceptualization method, but SPC focuses
on EIS renewal and integration, and SPC regards
development concept definition as problem solving
based on systematic process and support tools
instead of brainstorming and breakthrough.
In this paper, we proposed SPC as a systematic
method to define development concept focused on
EIS renewal and integration.
SPC practices development concept definition as
problem solving for customers based on TS manner.
Through SPC developers grasp customers’ business
domain, activities and situation, so they can
understand customers’ business problems and
expectations correctly. And they extract a bottleneck
among the problems based on causal relationship,
get and sophisticate a bottleneck solution, and verify
the solution. Then each output is summarized as a
development concept consented by customers,
which realize seamless transfer to analysis and
design phase. SPC supports such whole activities by
the 3 phases and 7 processes systematically with
support tools like TOC.
Characteristic of SPC is to adopt TS as concrete
problem solving manner to define development
concept consistently. So each process output is
logical and understandable. Especially experienced
developers are familiar to TS, so it is easy for them
to use their practical experiences for development
concept definition based on TS manner.
Through practical results of projects applied SPC
we confirmed merit of SPC, project independency of
each process activity, wide applicability, and high
productivity of development concept definition.
On the other hand current SPC tools are useful,
but automatic supports like transformation process
output to following processes are not enough, so
current subject of SPC is to enhance tools for higher
We intend this subject to link the theme of
software development integration which includes
integrated design and programming environment
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