A Case Study on Modeling of Complex Event Processing in
Enterprise Architecture
Hyeonsook Kim and Samia Oussena
School of Computing and Technology, University of West London, St Mary’s Road, Ealing, U.K.
Keywords: Enterprise Modeling, Enterprise Architecture, Complex Event Processing, Event Driven Architecture,
Model Driven Architecture, Business Modeling.
Abstract: Over the decades, Enterprise Architecture (EA) has been researched to supply all the necessary components
for enterprise system modelling including taxonomies, meta-models, architecture development methods, and
modelling tools. The main benefits of EA are the knowledge infrastructure for analysis and reporting by all
stakeholders and the possibility of designing new conditions in an organized manner. However, EA now
faces a big challenge with the growing dynamic of market demands and the rapid changes in business
environments, which requires agile system response and self-evolutionary behaviour to support quick
decision-making. In technology side, there are already matured, promising paradigm to tackle this
challenges, which is Complex Event Processing, however it has not been fully dealt with EA. No
standardized method for applying event driven approach in business and IT systems modelling has been
developed yet. The paper investigates a possibility of integration of EDA by adding event process layer
between business operating and business process layers in the EA stack. Complex event patterns are
identified and an event meta-model extending ArchiMate is also proposed to integrate complex event
modelling to the business modelling. Using a case study, we modeled a business scenario with event driven
Over the years, model-based development has
gained rapidly increasing popularity across various
engineering disciplines. Numerous efforts have
resulted in the invention of concepts, languages, and
tools for the definition, analysis, transformation, and
extension of domain-specific modeling languages as
well as general purpose modeling language
standards. For enterprise systems, Enterprise
Architecture (EA) has been researched to supply all
the necessary components for enterprise system
modeling including taxonomies, meta-models,
architecture development methods, and modeling
tools. Main benefits of EA are the knowledge
infrastructure for reporting and analysis by all
stakeholders and the possibility of designing new
conditions in an organized manner (Lankhorst,
2004). EA is not only an instrument for strategic
planning of IS/IT but also other business functions,
such as compliance control, continuity planning and
risk management.
EA now faces a big challenge with the growing
dynamic of market demands and the rapid changes
in business environments, which requires agile
system response and self-evolutionary behaviour by
quick decision making (Kim et al., 2006). EA should
provide the requirements in architectural level with
support of precise modelling method, language,
patterns or frameworks.
Several different styles of architecture are
possible. A Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
involves the publication of logically coherent groups
of business functionality as interfaces that can be
used by components using synchronous or
asynchronous messaging. An alternative style,
argued as reducing coupling between components
and thereby increasing the scope for component
reuse, is Event Driven Architecture (EDA) that
promotes the production, detection, and
consumption of events (Engels, 2008).
An important difference between SOA and EDA
is that the latter generally provides scope for
Complex Event Processing (CEP) where the
business processes within a component are triggered
Kim H. and Oussena S..
A Case Study on Modeling of Complex Event Processing in Enterprise Architecture.
DOI: 10.5220/0003968701730180
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 173-180
ISBN: 978-989-8565-12-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
by multiple, possibly temporally related, events. In
SOA there is no notion of relating the invocation of
a single business process to a condition holding
between the data passed to a collection of calls on
one of the component's interfaces. Whilst a complex
event based approach to architectural design must
take efficiency concerns into account, the primary
concern is how to capture, represent and analyze
architectural information as an enterprise design.
This is especially useful in cases where it is had or
sometimes impossible to design business behaviour
in predefined sequence of activities, as most
environments are event driven and non-
deterministic. In multinational organisation, a single
dimension top town analysis of business activities is
unlikely to work due to the complexity of it
environment. It is also even harder for a start-up
company to identify and analyse services or business
activities that are necessary to implement it business.
Furthermore, services used from an application
or orchestration manager expose their interface
explicitly and will require changes to any services
that bind to them. Consequently, the services are
tightly linked, providing less agility and dynamic.
Business units such as component or service
consuming or producing event are by nature more
decoupled, providing the flexibility necessary to
adapt to changing circumstances.
Several efforts have been made to integrate SOA
to EA. For example, OMG published a language
specification called SoaML for SOA based business
modeling. It supports service modeling at business
level, integrating the modelled services with
business processes at IS/IT level by service
orchestration or choreography (Casanave, 2009). A
leading EA industry consortium, the Open Group,
has also published their effort on SOA driven
enterprise modeling, demonstrating fitness of their
TOGAF framework to service oriented modeling in
(The Open Group, 2011).
Very little work has been done to fully apply or
consider EDA in EA. In our view, the importance of
events has been overlooked and there is no
appropriate or standardized way to model business
and IT systems with EDA approach in a consistent
way. Our contribution in this paper is the proposal
for integrating Complex event modelling to EA
In addition to the architectural support, event
driven thinking shows a more straightforward
solution to business modelling. For example, events
can be easily identified with specific business goals,
policies and constraints that they related to. For that
reason, the business process can be defined with the
focus on ‘what’ need to be done with the relevant
events rather than imposing the details of ‘how’. Our
approach has been inspired by VPEC-T, an approach
that applies event-driven thinking to enterprise
modeling by analyzing business with five core
concepts including event (Green and Bate, 2007). In
this paper, we illustrate our approach by a case
study, where complex event modelling is integrated
to business operating model.
The remainder of the paper is structured as
follows: Section 2 introduces our approach on event
driven enterprise architecture modeling. Section 3
presents the case study. Section 4 concludes and
gives an outlook to future work.
Enterprise Architecture encompasses modelling both
business architecture and IT architecture, bridging
the gap between them. In this work we argue that
complex event modelling needs to be integrated not
only to IT systems but also to business modelling.
This will provide the consistency between EA
It is essential for business modelling to capture
business needs rather than putting constraints due to
the technology. By adopting event driven modelling
in EA, we can identify and model events at
conceptual level without concern of the technical
architecture – how to recognize the events. The
model is then gradually detailed and
comprehensively refined in the logical and physical
level with added constraints for implementation.
Events in this approach are what trigger a chain
of actions in business, for instance, serving its
customers, collecting its income, managing its staff
and generally meeting its obligations. In addition to
triggering actions, it also includes notification of
changes that leads to check of constraints of
business goal. In (Clark et al., 2011), authors have
recognized the importance of events at analyzing
business goals. The component of UML has been
extended with event concept and event patterns
(templates). However, its application only targets
simulation of compliance and consistency checking.
A number of specialised modelling notations
have been proposed for EA modelling. In most cases
these notations provide a number of views or layers
that capture the enterprise from different
perspectives. These layers provide a good
conceptual fit to the problem of representing EA
domain elements and their relationship. Although
variation of the EA stack have been proposed,
fundamentally common pattern and targets remain
the same (Banger et al., 2008). Figure 1 illustrates
the change that we are proposing to the EA stack,
i.e. adding a new layer to deal with CEP.
Figure 1: EA Stack before and after EDA integrated.
The Business Operating Model (BOM) layer
highlights both how the organization is structured,
and how it interacts to achieve its mission, goals and
objectives. The Business Process (BP) layer captures
and represents the various processes, workflows, and
collaborations, originally, both formal and informal,
which support the BOM layer. By positioning new
Event Process layer between the BOM and BP, we
believe that BOM can be enhanced with event
information while BP layer can be more dynamic
and agile. More specifically, detected events can be
fed back into business strategy models within this
EA layered implementation, which will permit the
enterprise to be implemented in a top-down
approach and evolved from bottom-up. Data
generated from enterprise system, network and
services will be stored in event clouds, in order to
filter and fire patterns of events. Event will not only
trigger business actions but also gives feedbacks on
current business assessment for better compliance
between business policies and event processing
A representative example of EA modelling
language is ArchiMate which is a standard managed
by the open group (http://www.opengroup.org
/archimate). To illustrate further our approach, we
have extended ArchiMate, by stereotyping its
graphic notations.
ArchiMate is a visual language that represents
end-to-end enterprise architecture in layers of
business processes, applications and technology. In
each layer, three aspects are considered: active
elements that exhibit behaviour (e.g. Process and
Function), an internal structure and elements that
define use or communicate information (Lankhorst
et al., 2010):
ArchiMate provides modelling concepts in each
of the three layers:
- Business: actor; role; collaboration; interface;
object; process; function; interaction; event; service;
representation; meaning; value; product; contract.
- Application: component; collaboration;
interface; object; function; interaction; service.
- Technology: node; device; network;
communication path; interface; software; service;
In this paper, we only discuss the extensions that we
propose to model the Business layer. Before
discussing the extensions, in next section, complex
event patterns are introduced, identifying possible
event correlation types that can handle various
enterprise business cases. A meta-model for
complex event representation is also proposed to
express the identified event correlation in business
2.1 Complex Events in Business
Complex Event Processing (CEP) is one of well-
known EDA implementation that supports the
architectural pattern in technology level (Luckham,
2008). CEP permits to recognize complex events
which need to track all the context of co-related
single events such as time, location, interval, repeat,
etc., enhancing situation awareness of enterprise. It
has been utilized for fraud and hacking detection at
the beginning and now expands the application to
operational intelligence which focuses on providing
real-time monitoring of business processes and
activities, and assisting in the optimization of these
activities and processes by identifying and detecting
situations that correspond to interruptions and
Example patterns of event correlation are
depicted in Table 1. These correlation types have
been classified based on two survey papers; a survey
on complex events of possible business scenarios
(Barros, 2007) and a survey on common features of
EPL languages (Bui, 2009), in order to identify the
requirements from scenario analysis in business
level and then complement it with execution power
in technology level. The correlations defined here
are categorized into three different types; co-
occurrence, time-window and data dependency, and
Table 1: Correlation types of complex events.
Category ID Name Examples
C1 Event Conjunction
AND (an order placed AND payment for the order done)
C2 Event Disjunction
OR (an order cancelled OR new stock arrived )
C3 Event Cardinality
Fixed number, range, variable (a user logged in more than 10 times)
C4 Excluding Event
NOT (an order placed AND NOT paid for the order)
C5 Event Sequence
FOLLOWS BY; -> (an order was shipped -> the order modified)
T1 Event Time Relation
WITHIN, WHILE, BEFORE, AFTER (no payment after order
placement WITHIN 24hours)
T2 Instance Time Relation
FIRST, LAST (LAST order of user A made more than 3 month before)
T3 Absolute Time Relation BEFORE, AFTER, AT (AT every Sat 0:0 am)
D1 Event Data Dependency
KEY, PROPERTY (fraudDetected.user.id = order.user.id)
Process Instance Data
ARG & PARAMETERS (same order id)
D3 Environment Data Dependency
ENVIRONMENT CONTEXT (User.failedLoginCount >=
total 11 patterns are identified for complex event
aggregation. In most cases, the assembled patterns
are observed in real business cases rather than a
single correlation.
As well identifying the correlation type in the
table, we also need to identify other types of
constraints such as “how many times does an
activity need to be notified of an event occurrence”.
The other type is related to constraints of context
2.2 Complex Event Modeling
A number of researchers have contributed in event
processing area with their outcomes such as models,
languages, and frameworks to express complex
events. Event driven Process Chain (EPC) is one of
the well-known methods that can be utilized for
event representation for business modeling (
). It supports complex event modeling in high
level, putting an emphasis on being easy to use and
providing a standardized set of visualization
elements, whereas not defining exact execution
semantics. In EPC, events are treated as first class
citizens, i.e. the occurrences of events are
fundamental elements of the business action. Each
action is always triggered by one or more events;
finishing an action again creates events to trigger
further actions (Dumas et al., 2005). EPC has several
connector types which link event and activity
including AND and OR logical operator but no
natural way to express time related and data
dependant correlations.
Another example is the BPEN (Decker, 2007)
that provides graphic notation of complex events as
an extended BPMN. The BPEN enables modeling
business process based on complex events by
representing event co-relation types such as time-
window and AND–OR, however, the approach
doesn’t provide full scope of event driven EA
modeling, concentrating on extended business
process modeling using complex event notations.
As previously mentioned ArchiMate also has
event concept but it does not have concepts for
correlation of complex event that express
composition relationship between events, or
constraints such as data dependency and time
window mentioned in previous section. These
concepts and their relationship need to be supported
in order to provide a good coverage for the event
modeling. Therefore, in order to support all the
required features for event modelling, we have
developed a meta-model of complex events that
extends the ArchiMate meta-model. Figure 2
illustrates the extended ArchiMate meta-model with
concepts of CEP.
The meta-model provides essential concepts for
complex event representation including event rules
and event information elements. Some business
cases require expressing the rules of event
aggregation explicitly from top level, so these
extended elements will reside in both business layer
and information system layer of ArchiMate.
The case study looks at implementation of a student
internship programme in the University of West
London. The objective of the programme is to
guarantee internship placement within three years of
study for undergraduate students in the school of
computing and technologies.
Figure 2: The extended archimate meta-model.
3.1 Business Analysis
To understand the business model of the
programme, different values, policies, related events,
and correspondent contents have been identified
from each stakeholder including school, career
office, marketing, and student, through interviews.
For the limited space, the paper covers a small part
of the models. Figure 3 shows example of the
classified elements that captures requirements of
TO-BE model. It is explained briefly with a set of
policies, events and contents, related to a sub goal
‘Maximize the opportunity that student find their
own placement’. The students are expected to be
active in finding places once they complete PIT5
modules. While school provides a feedback support
on student CV and application, there is a
requirement for an automated matching service that
notifies students once matching opportunity is
The identified events here are contain ‘Student
get ready for internship programme’, ‘Student
registered to internship programme’, ‘CV uploaded’,
‘Tutor’s feedback uploaded’ and etc. Some of these
events reside in very abstract layer – for example,
‘Student get ready for internship programme’, while
others are more concrete – for example, ‘CV
uploaded’. Depending on the scope and purpose of
the business case and scenario, the desired
granularity of monitoring events can be varied but it
is necessary to identify the composition rules of
events for some kinds of business activities.
In this example, we have identified an event that
triggers a support service for student. When a
student has finished PIT5 module but has not
registered to the internship programme, we require
an automated intervention to provide required
support. One of the support rules is that if student
finish PIT5 module but not registered the
programme within following 3 weeks time, notify
personal tutor and email the student with the
registration URL and guideline. This example is
modelled with event driven approach using complex
event meta-model.
3.2 Business Model without EDA
As noted previously, business analysts tend to focus
on capture of standard process for achievement of
business goals rather than real world reactions of
possible variety of events. The figure 4 illustrates the
standard process of internship programme
management without complex events.
The standard process describes the set of
sequential activities as follows. Students register to
the internship programme when they completed
PIT5 module and then search available opportunity.
Once suitable opportunity is found, they request the
authorization of the school. Tutor reviews the
application with CV and authorize it, then students
can apply for the opportunity as next step.
Employers review the application and notify the
result to applicant. If the student gets the placement,
the internship manager would gather feedbacks from
students and employer at the end of the placement.
The events and processes need access to the data
objects such as ‘Student Profile’ and ‘Application
form’. The processes are realized by services from
CRM (Customer Relationship Management system),
‘Future Skills Application’ and Mail System.
Except for the first process, all the other
processes are triggered by another process and a
change of situation. Therefore, the events not
belonging to the standard process are handled
Figure 3: Example of analyzed business model elements.
Figure 4: Example process model.
as exceptions. This makes difficult for enterprise
to adapt to a changing situation as the business
processes are quite static but need to be modified
once new situation is unveiled due to complex
3.3 Business Model with EDA
(ArchiMate Extension)
In this section, we demonstrate how the previous
example process model can be redesigned with event
driven approach. For this, we apply both event
driven process model and complex event model
using ArchiMate.
Figure 5 shows the first processe of the example
model describe in Figure 4. The business process has
input event triggering the process and out event
describing the change of state caused from executing
the process. We can also indicate which organization
unit is assigned to the process. Input and output data
objects are also can be placed together. The service
and application for realization can be described at
the same time. The difference is that the unit of
modelling. It is a process consuming an event and
producing another event. Although the same
sequence of Figure 4 can be discovered when the
processes are linked to the same input and output
events, the model itself provides more flexibility to
possible changes. As the processes are not directly
interacted to each other, adding and removing the
processes does not require unnecessary modification
of the all the related processes. New flow of
activities can be easily extended by adding new
events and handling processes, without modification
of existing ones if it is not essential.
The effects of event driven approach are more
powerfully seen with consideration of event
hierarchy and event aggregation called complex
events. The Figure 6 explains the complex situation
that requires tutor’s intervention when student does
not actively seek internship opportunity. The
complex event reflecting the situation is represented
using ArchiMate extension meta-model described in
Figure 2.
In this example, the complex event named
‘intervention required’ is detected when the event of
‘student completed PIT5 module’ is occurred but the
event of ‘student registered to the programme’ is not
happened within following three weeks time. Event
rules and event data are expressed as stereotypes
using ‘meaning’ element of ArchiMate. As
explained in section 2.3, the extended event element
is composed of event aggregation rule and event
data. This example requires ‘AND’, ‘NOT’, and
‘WITHIN’ operator to express the composition rule.
While ‘AND’ defined co-occurrence of two events,
‘NOT’ and ‘WITHIN’ filters events with referencing
id and timestamp of event data.
The aggregated complex event is placed in
higher level than the single element event of it on
the abstraction hierarchy. When the events are
aggregated and represented higher level, one the
event data belong to the each event are also
aggregated and accessed by the composited event –
the event data are implemented as parameters of
Figure 5: Event driven process models.
In this modeling, events play a major role in
business triggers for a chain of actions resulting in
the actualization of one or more business objectives.
Apparently, the business processes can be designed
simpler without concerns of how to detect the
changes – event and with more focus on ‘what’ to
do. The business function is linked by events. It is
supported by event monitoring and fire mechanism
where a monitoring agent or a middleware detects
all the changes and examine if the event rules are
satisfied and notify when all the conditions are
satisfied, hence a service or component needs a
notification with event data can register itself with
rules how to detect the event.
The event representation model we pursue needs
to cover abstraction hierarchy and multiple
dimensions in EA. Especially identifying complex
events is like defining new abstract event for
semantic shift from fine-grained simple events to
business concept. Figure 6 assumes that the
aggregation rule and data model of the complex
event are required to be expressed in the process
model to share the information at the business
modeling stage. The complex event model can be
more simplified once proper graphic notation is
developed and applied.
The paper introduces an approach for EDA
integration into EA. By using event driven thinking
framework, we analyzed a business model, focusing
on business events, which can be chained with
business policies and constraints and more
importantly to aligned to business goals. Identifying
events before business services and organization’s
behaviour are valuable in the phase of business
model development. As illustrated in Figure 3 and 5,
the extracted business events can be represented as
event correlation rules and as business processes
running based on service invocation by event
notification. By adding a layer for event handling
between business process and service, the business
process can be modelled in a more light and
dynamic way as stated in section 3.3.
In our approach, we have integrated CEP into
EA, by proposing modifications to existing models
with extended event concepts. We have not looked
at having a new EA modelling activity, such as
event-oriented activity. However, at least it is clear
that existing modeling language are lacking in the
support of complex event modelling and a good
precise model is necessary for event-driven EA
As the next step in our research, we are planning
to improve the meta-model and develop graphic
notation for complex event. Our aim is to provide
event modelling notations that helps identifying
situation related to Complex Events. By doing so,
changes in an enterprise environment and its
required response could be easily modelled,
providing agility at a strategic and business level.
We are also considering adding semantic
descriptions and annotation to event models, which
may improve situation awareness for more dynamic
decision support and autonomic behaviour systems.
Figure 6: Complex event model.
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