Towards a Semantic and Dynamic Cluster based Web Service Discovery
System for Ubiquitous Environments
Rim Helali
, Nadia Ben Azzouna
and Khaled Ghedira
Higher Institute of Management, Research Laboratory SOIE, Tunis University, Tunis, Tunisia
National School of Computer Science, Research Laboratory SOIE, Manouba University, Manouba, Tunisia
Ubiquitous Environments, Web Service Discovery, Clustered Architecture, Semantic Service Publication and
Ubiquitous computing aims to exchange and share services anywhere, anytime. However, discovering the
appropriate service in ubiquitous environments poses very specific challenges. In this paper, we propose a
new Semantic and Dynamic Cluster based Web Service Discovery System (SDC- WSDS) which deals with
dynamicity and scalability challenges. Our discovery system is based on a clustered architecture and supports
semantic publication and discovery queries. We, hence, present a new clustering algorithm for ubiquitous
environments inspired by the Weighted Clustering Algorithm (WCA) and a semantic service publication and
discovery model. This model is based on attribute value pairs and a semantic distance function.
”Ubiquitous computing is a technology in which in-
visible computers are embedded and connected with
all things so that anyone can communicate, exchange
and share information anywhere, anytime” (Kang
et al., 2007). Currently, we are surrounded by com-
puters, mobile phones and personal digital assistants
(PDA). It becomes difficult to manage these devices
heterogeneity, configure different types of applica-
tions and dynamically discover appropriate services.
Web service technologies seem to be adequate to ad-
dress the heterogeneity problem and to help imple-
menting pervasive applications. It is due to the fact
that a web service is like an abstract middleware hid-
ing the details about the application platform and pro-
gramming language (Xu et al., 2008). In addition to
devices heterogeneity, many other challenges related
to ubiquitous environments were addressed in several
articles (Estrin et al., 2002) (Satyanarayanan, 2001).
In fact, while discovering web services we are faced
to very specific ones. We focus in this paper mainly
on those that we consider the most critical for web
services discovery such as:
Dynamicity: refers to the system’s ability to man-
age the mobility of devices in the environment
and their unexpected appearance or disappear-
ance. Due to providers and directory nodes dy-
namicity (nodes that maintain descriptions of web
services), the system must be able to replace them
at any time (Abdennadher, 2008). Users mobility
must be also taken into account in order to ensure
web services availability wherever users move.
Scalability: refers to the system’s ability to main-
tain good performance with the increased num-
ber of service publication and discovery queries
(Gao and Steenkiste, 2004). In fact, the majority
of ubiquitous environments are characterized by
the abundance of users and their interactions, and
by the big number of connected devices and ser-
vices. To ensure scalability, centralized solutions
are to be avoided in order to prevent the problems
of bottleneck and Single Point Of Failure (SPOF).
Priority should also be given to localized interac-
tions; we refer here to localized scalability mean-
ing that remote queries should be eliminated. In
fact, the density of interactions should decrease as
soon as the user moves away; otherwise the net-
work will be overwhelmed by costly interactions
that are of little interest (Satyanarayanan, 2001).
In this paper, we present our Semantic and Dynamic
Cluster based Web Service Discovery System (SDC-
WSDS) which is based on a clustered architecture and
supports semantic publication and discovery queries.
Because of the abundant number of users charac-
terizing the majority of ubiquitous environments, a
clustered architecture is adopted to reduce the cost
Helali R., Ben Azzouna N. and Ghedira K..
Towards a Semantic and Dynamic Cluster based Web Service Discovery System for Ubiquitous Environments.
DOI: 10.5220/0003972902950300
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 295-300
ISBN: 978-989-8565-11-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
of searching services. Services are mapped using a
semantic distance function in order to improve the
service searching efficiency. Dynamicity of nodes,
and especially directory nodes, is managed by ap-
plying a dynamic clustering algorithm inspired from
the Weighted Clustering Algorithm (WCA) origi-
nally proposed for ad hoc mobile networks (Chatter-
jee et al., 2001). We adapted the WCA algorithm
to cope with the specificities of ubiquitous environ-
ments. Hence, we aim in this work to define a system
that manages the high dynamicity of the environment
while guaranteeing the scalability requirement.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 addresses related work and identifies some lim-
itations. Section 3 describes the SDC-WSD system.
Finally, Section 4 concludes the paper and discusses
some future directions.
Web service discovery systems proposed in the liter-
ature used a diversity of architectures ranging from
centralized systems to fully distributed systems. De-
spite the fact that availability and rapidity of access
are guaranteed with systems using centralized direc-
tories (Chen et al., 2006), (Hwang et al., 2007), these
systems suffer from problems like SPOF and bot-
tleneck as the number of registration and discovery
queries increases. To address the scalability issues
related to centralized architectures, solutions have
been proposed dealing mainly with decentralization
of directory nodes (Kang et al., 2007), (Xu et al.,
2008), (Gao and Steenkiste, 2004), (Kim et al., 2005),
(Liu et al., 2002). Kim et al. proposed a fully
distributed architecture by electing for every service
requestor or provider, K volunteer nodes (directory
nodes) to which publication and discovery queries are
sent (Kim et al., 2005). Problems of SPOF and bottle-
neck are thus avoided but this decentralization has its
cost because voluntary nodes are announced by flood-
ing the query and even in case of updating the volun-
teers list, flooding is used. To avoid the flooding prob-
lem, Xu et al. and Kang et al. proposed web service
discovery systems based on a clustered architecture
that reduces the search space and thus avoids over-
loading the network (Kang et al., 2007), (Xu et al.,
2008). To add semantic search capability, Kang et
al. proposed a clustering method based on seman-
tic similarity where each cluster contains descriptions
of the most semantically similar services. Services
are in fact, defined by attribute-value pairs (AV- Pairs)
and semantics of each attribute is described using an
ontology (Kang et al., 2007). In order to manage
nodes dynamicity characterizing ubiquitous environ-
ments, many solutions have been proposed ranging
from choosing nodes that have the highest resources
capacity and the lowest mobility to be directory server
nodes (Kim et al., 2005), to proposing a cluster forma-
tion algorithm inspired from the cluster head selection
method (Liu et al., 2002).
In our web service discovery system SDC-WSDS,
we propose 1) a clustering algorithm inspired from
the Weighted Clustering Algorithm (WCA) originally
proposed for ad hoc mobile networks and which we
adapted to meet with ubiquitous environments chal-
lenges and 2) a semantic service publication and dis-
covery model based on AV-Pairs and a semantic dis-
tance function.
In this section, we present our web service discov-
ery system SDC-WSDS which is designed to en-
hance scalability, and dynamicity while discovering
web services in ubiquitous environments. To provide
scalable web service discovery, we adopt a clustered
architecture in order to reduce the number of publi-
cation and discovery queries (the access is limited to
the directory nodes). Each cluster is organized in a
two level hierarchical architecture containing a Direc-
tory Server (DS) and a number of web service servers
(WSS) (Xu et al., 2008). Thus, the ubiquitous envi-
ronment is partitioned into dynamic clusters using a
clustering algorithm as detailed in section 3.1. In our
proposed architecture, as described in figure 1, each
node can be mobile and can take one of four roles:
A Directory Server (DS): is responsible of a cer-
tain region in the ubiquitous environment. It
maintains descriptions of all existing web services
distributed within its region (Xu et al., 2008). Dif-
ferent from those in USDM-PerCom (Xu et al.,
2008), each DS contains, in addition to the de-
scriptions of web services within its region, de-
scriptions of the most semantically similar web
services according to the AV-Pairs assigned to
each DS. In fact, in order to be able to cal-
culate the semantic distance, AV-Pairs (provided
from the first service description that a local WSS
sends) are assigned to DSs. After registering its
first service, each DS sends the AV-Pairs, that it
will be responsible of, to all other DSs. The DS
having not yet been assigned any values, when re-
ceiving a new service description, checks the val-
ues supported by the other DSs by calculating a
semantic distance between them and the received
values. If the calculated distance is lower than a
Figure 1: SDC-WSDS architecture.
predefined threshold, the DS registers the service
description without setting it as its supported val-
ues and waits for another service description.
A backup Directory Server (backup DS): main-
tains the same service descriptions as the local
DS (periodic messages are sent from the DS to
the backup DS containing a list of the new regis-
tered services). It is used to replace the DS in case
of failure in order to guarantee service availability
and to enhance stability of the discovery system.
A Web Service Server (WSS): contains a number
of web services and their descriptions. A WSS is
assigned to a DS in the ubiquitous environment.
This DS becomes its gate to the entire ubiquitous
environment (Xu et al., 2008).
A service requester: accesses to the environment
through a portal and specifies the characteristics
of the desired service (Xu et al., 2008). The portal
is responsible of articulating the request into AV-
Pairs and sends the query to the nearest DS .
To enhance the effective search capability, the most
relevant service according to the query has to be dis-
covered without visiting all the DSs in the environ-
ment. Thus, publication or discovery queries are only
sent to the most semantically similar DSs. A seman-
tic distance function is used to calculate the similarity
between registered services and publication and dis-
covery queries. The following subsections describe
in details the proposed solutions to realize our SDC-
3.1 Clustering Algorithm
To form the clusters of the environment, we defined
a clustering algorithm inspired from the WCA al-
gorithm. The choice of WCA is based on the fact
that this algorithm takes into consideration several pa-
rameters like transmission power, mobility and bat-
tery power of mobile nodes (Chatterjee et al., 2001).
These parameters are very significant for the election
of the cluster-heads (DSs in our case), especially in
ubiquitous environments where nodes are character-
ized by a high dynamicity.
3.1.1 DSs Election and Clusters Formation
Initially, there are no DSs in the environment. The
DSs list is generated for the first time by invoking the
DSs election procedure at the time of the system ac-
tivation. Each node in the environment broadcasts to
its immediate neighbors (i.e. one-hop neighbors) its
ID and chooses only the nodes with a transmission
delay lower than a predefined threshold to form its
neighbors set. This restriction on the neighbors set is
mainly motivated by reducing the distance between a
node and its neighbors. The procedure, as described
in Algorithm 1, consists of electing the DSs on the
base of a calculated value W v. In the original WCA
algorithm, the value W v calculated for every node is
a combination of components with certain weighting
factors chosen according to the system needs (Chat-
terjee et al., 2001). Due to the dynamicity of the
ubiquitous environment and in order to guarantee the
system stability, we judge, in our proposed algorithm,
that the nodes mobility and the degree of nodes (i.e.
the number of neighboring nodes dv) are more impor-
tant than battery power in the DSs election procedure.
Therefore, the value W v is calculated as :
W v =
(1 + bV + cMv)
where b and c are calibration factors. The first compo-
nent v computes the degree-difference for each node
v by calculating the difference between the ideal num-
ber of nodes a DS can support δ and the number of
neighbors dv. It helps, thus, choosing the node with
the nearest degree to the ideal degree δ as a DS. This
is to ensure that the DSs are not over-loaded and the
efficiency of the system is maintained at the expected
level. The component Mv represents the mobility of
nodes. A node with less mobility is always a better
choice to be a DS. To calculate nodes mobility, we
chose, rather than using the mobility metric proposed
in the original algorithm that is based on a localiza-
tion system, to use the mobility metric proposed in (Li
et al., 2007). The choice of this specific metric is justi-
fied by the fact that it does not depend on any location
system (e.g. GPS) and it can fully capture the rela-
tive motions between a node and its neighborhood, in
real-time, using simple triangulation (Li et al., 2007).
The last component Pv, represents the remaining bat-
Algorithm 1: Clustering algorithm proposed for the SDC-
Input : listID, n, TD, Pv, δ
Initialization : dv=0
for i = 1 to n do
for j = 1 to n 1 do
if Transmission Delay h TD then
dv = dv + 1
add(listID( j), N)
end if
end for
v = |dv-δ|
Mv(t t) =
i, jU
i j
W v =
(1 + bV + cMv)
end for
listId = list of the identifiers of one-hop neighbors, TD = a predefined transmission delay
threshold that a node cannot exceed to be considered as a neighbor, n = the total number
of one-hop neighbors, N = the set of one-hop neighbors of the node v with transmission
delay h TD, Pv = Battery power at the time t.
tery power of a node. Electing the node which has
the highest battery power is more relevant in the DSs
election than choosing the one which has consumed
the lowest amount of battery power(used in the orig-
inal algorithm). It is due to the fact that a node may
initially have limited battery power. So knowing the
consumed battery power of a node does not reflect the
time during which a node can play the role of a DS af-
ter being elected. After calculating its W v, each node
sends its value to its neighbors (nodes forming the
set N). This exchange of messages permits the nodes
to be aware of the node with the lowest W v in their
neighbors set which is elected as a DS. Non elected
nodes (i.e. WSSs) send a membership query to their
local DS. Thus, each new elected DS is aware of its
cluster members. If a node is elected as a DS (i.e.
receives at least one membership query) despite the
fact that it has not the lowest Wv in its neighbors set
(it has the lowest W v in another node neighbors set),
the elected node has to disjoin the cluster to which it
has been assigned as a WSS by sending a disjunction
query to the local DS. Each elected DS chooses from
the cluster the node that has the second lowest W v as
a backup DS. If a node has an empty neighbors set
due to transmission delay restriction, it is then elected
as a DS in its region.
3.1.2 Nodes Dynamicity Management
Due to the dynamic nature of the ubiquitous environ-
ment, the nodes as well as the DSs tend to move in
different directions. So, a node may be detached from
its local DS and looks for a new DS; a reaffiliation is
thus done. New DSs can be added to the set if a node
cannot find a DS to which it can be affiliated due to
the overload of neighboring DSs. In addition to nodes
mobility, unavailability of nodes (i.e. breakdown, bat-
tery power extinction) has to be managed especially
for DSs and backup DSs. We discuss each of these
cases in details in Table 1.
3.2 Semantic Discovery Procedure
Publication or discovery of a web service is done by
sending a query containing a description of the ser-
vice. We propose a semantic discovery procedure in
which each query is comprised of a set of AV-pairs
where service functionalities, inputs, outputs, and the
characteristics of the device containing the service are
described by pairs of attributes and values. The choice
of this type of representation is due to the fact that it
allows service providers (WSS) to precisely describe
their services and requesters to easily describe their
service requirements. The semantic of each attribute
is represented by an ontology which provides infor-
mation about the semantic relations among the con-
cepts. The ontology trees are shared by all the nodes
including DSs and WSSs. Thus, nodes are aware of
which type of ontology should be used to describe the
services to be published or discovered (Kang et al.,
2007). A semantic distance function is used to calcu-
late the distance between the AV-pairs of the service
to discover and the AV-Pairs assigned to each DS in
order to enhance the effective search capability. In
fact, each DS is responsible of the most semantically
close service descriptions to its supported AV-Pairs. It
is made possible by calculating the semantic distance
between the AV-pairs of the service to publish and the
AV-Pairs assigned to the DS. Thus, the most appro-
priate service for the considered request is discovered
without visiting all the DSs and therefore we avoid
the network overload.
3.2.1 Web Service Publication
In SDC-WSDS, we register web services not only in
the local DS but also in the K most similar DSs ac-
cording to a calculated value D which is a combina-
tion of the semantic distance and the physical dis-
tance. The duplication of service description in K
DSs is done to ensure availability of services and the
choice of the K DSs on the base of semantic simi-
larity enhances effective search capability (Liu et al.,
2002). First, each WSS which has a new web ser-
vice to publish sends a publication query to its local
DS. The DS calculates the semantic distance between
the service to publish and the AV-Pairs assigned to
the DSs. After calculating the semantic distance, we
choose K DSs to which the service description will
be sent. The parameter K as defined by Liu et al. is
Table 1: Nodes dynamicity management in SDC-WSDS.
Condition Considered action(s)
A node detecting a new DS closer than its local DS (a
higher signal strength).
The node sends a request for affiliation. The DS accepting
the request updates its list and informs the old DS.
Arrival of a new node which sends an affiliation request to
all its neighboring DSs but no response is received (due to
overloading of neighboring DSs).
The DS election procedure is invoked, but only neighbor-
ing DSs are involved. After reforming the clusters, each
old DS sends to its local DS its registered service descrip-
tions, and each new DS sends a DS replacement query to
all other DSs in the environment.
Failure of a DS (If no messages are received by the backup
DS during a specific period of time).
The backup DS initiates the DS election procedure by
sending a DS election query to the WSSs members of the
cluster. After electing the DS, the backup DS sends its reg-
istered service descriptions to the new DS which chooses
the node with the second lowest Wv as its new backup DS
and sends to the other DSs in the environment a message
informing them of its new status.
Failure of a backup DS (if no acknowledgements are re-
ceived during a specific period of time after sending mes-
sages containing the new registered services).
The DS selects the node that has the smallest Wv from its
WSSs to be the new backup DS (Nodes have to recalculate
their Wv).
Failure of both DS and backup DS (the unavailability of
the DS is detected by the WSSs).
The WSSs have to elect a new DS among them by recal-
culating their Wv and choosing the WSS with the smallest
Wv. The second WSS to have the smallest Wv is chosen
as a backup DS. The newly elected DS broadcasts its infor-
mation to all other DSs. Upon receiving the message, they
add the new DS to their list. If it is semantically and phys-
ically close; they send their registered service descriptions
to it.
equal to log
A with p is the unavailability prob-
ability of a DS and A is the availability requirement
of a DS (Liu et al., 2002). We propose to calculate a
distance D which value is given by :
D = P
× d + P
× hopcount (2)
where P
and P
are weighting factors with the sum
equal to 1, d is the semantic distance calculated ac-
cording to a semantic distance function such as the
distance function used in (Kang et al., 2007) and hop-
count is the physical distance between the local DS
and each one of the other DSs. This distance D is
used to choose the K DSs for the service publication.
It is a combination of the semantic distance and the
physical distance. The choice is justified by the fact
that the most semantically close DSs to the service
to publish could be the most distant physically to the
DS. Therefore, a compromise has to be established
between semantic and physical distance in order to
reduce the number of hops when publishing a service,
and according to the provider needs, a bigger impor-
tance can be accorded to one of the two distances by
assigning a larger weighting factor. The K DSs with
the smallest value D are chosen to publish the ser-
3.2.2 Web Service Discovery
When looking for a service, a service requester ac-
cesses to a portal in which he expresses his request
by specifying the functionalities of the required ser-
vice. The portal takes the responsibility of articu-
lating the request in the form of AV-Pairs and sends
it to the nearest DS. The DS calculates the semantic
distance between the service description and the as-
signed values of all the DSs in the environment and
sends a multicast query to the K first DSs with the
smallest semantic distance d. Each DS checks its list
of registered services to see whether there are any ser-
vices matching the query. A DS finding a matching
service sends a response to the DS originator of the
query with the service ID. After receiving all the re-
sponses, the DS proceeds to a service selection based
on contextual attributes such as the WSS status (busy
or not), the physical distance and so on. A query is
then sent to the DS responsible of the selected service
which sends a service invocation to the WSS contain-
ing the web service. The response of the WSS is then
routed to the service requestor.
In this paper, we introduced a semantic and dynamic
cluster based web service discovery system named
SDC-WSDS which is based on a clustered architec-
ture and supports semantic publication and discov-
ery queries. Therefore, we proposed a clustering al-
gorithm permitting the partition of the environment
into dynamic clusters and the management of nodes
dynamicity. Services are semantically defined us-
ing attribute-value pairs and the semantic similarity
between them is measured by a semantic distance
function. Publication and discovery queries are thus
routed only to the most semantically similar nodes in
order to reduce the number of visited nodes and to
enhance searching capability. Our future work will
first include the implementation and the evaluation
of SDC-WSDS by testing the stability of the system
in terms of number of nodes reaffiliations and DSs
set updates and by testing the scalability of SDC-
WSDS in terms of number of publication and discov-
ery queries. Second we propose the extension of the
proposed system to support quality of service during
the web service selection in order to meet with the
invisibility challenge.
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