A Tool for Enhancing Simulation TRAce FILes Processing
Christos Bouras
, Savvas Charalambides
, Georgios Kioumourtzis
and Kostas Stamos
Computer Technology Institute and Press, N. Kazantzaki Str., University Campus 26504, Rio, Greece
Computer Engineering and Informatics Dept., University of Patras, Patras, Greece
Technological Educational Institute of Patras, Patras, Greece
Center for Security Studies, P. Kanellopoulou 4, 10177, Athens, Greece
Keywords: Simulation Analysis Tool, Trace File, NS-2.
Abstract: NS-2 (Network Simulator) is one of the most popular discrete event simulators used for network simulation.
Trace files produced by NS-2 provide very useful information for post simulation analysis. This paper
presents the architecture and development considerations for a TRAce FILe analysis tool, which intends to
simplify the management of trace files generated during network simulations. The tool is focused on NS-2
trace files, but can be extended to handle a variety of simulation trace files formats. Its purpose is to make
the execution of a large number of network simulations faster, and the extraction of results from a large
amount of data more flexible and productive. TRAFIL introduces a novel way of interpreting, parsing,
reading and eventually utilizing NS-2 trace files by using "metafiles" and "sub-metafiles" during the trace
file recognition and process procedures, making the overall operations more abstract, substantially efficient
and faster than alternative approaches. Furthermore, TRAFIL facilitates the whole trace file analysis task,
offering the opportunity to store each trace file as well as every measurement produced for each trace file.
The tool aims to aid the analysis of simulation results offering features that other tools in this area have been
The simulation of networks (Breslau, 2000;
Fujimoto, 2003) in telecommunications and
computer networks is a technique where the
behaviour of a real network is modelled using
software. Often a simulation of the network’s
functionality is represented by calculating the
interaction of its pieces and then analyzing the
Network simulation tools (Weingärtner, 2009)
are widely used for simulating physical networks
with great ease. A very popular network simulation
tool is NS-2 (Breslau, 2000; Network Simulator NS-
2; Cicconetti, 2006), which is a discrete event
simulator used for research in computer networks. It
can be used for simulating a variety of protocols
such as multicast, TCP and routing in different kinds
of networks.
Trace files (NS-2 Trace Formats) are considered
some of the most valuable information a network
simulator like NS-2 has to offer, they describe all the
events that have taken place during a simulation and
based on these events users retrieve information
about the network’s behaviour.
There are similar tools to TRAFIL that produce
statistics of a simulated network’s behaviour, but
some of these projects have integrated NS-2, unlike
our tool which is capable to only use NS-2 trace files
to produce the requested measurements (Network
Simulation Cradle Homepage; NS2Measure
Homepage). There are also tools like JTrana(Qian,
2008), Trace Graph(Malek, 2003; Trace Graph
Source Code) and NS-2 Trace Analyzer (Salleh,
2006; Trace Analyzer Source Code) which offer the
opportunity to analyze NS-2 trace files and produce
numerous statistics, metrics and charts.
All of the above tools provide useful information
about a certain simulation scenario at each time and
therefore all the measurements and results refer to
only one trace file. In addition, these tools do not
provide the user with the opportunity to store the
trace file he has analyzed, for instance in a database,
so that he can reuse it without having to reopen it. In
terms of performance when it comes to loading a
Bouras C., Charalambides S., Kioumourztis G. and Stamos K..
TRAFIL - A Tool for Enhancing Simulation TRAce FILes Processing.
DOI: 10.5220/0003976300610064
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Communication Networking, e-Business and Optical Communication Systems (DCNET-2012),
pages 61-64
ISBN: 978-989-8565-23-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
trace file for analysis the earlier mentioned tools
behave well for small sized trace files. However,
when it comes to serious simulations (Ben-El-
Kezadri, 2008) that produce trace files in the orders
of MB the performance deteriorates significantly.
The motivation for writing this paper is to
present a new post simulation analysis tool that aims
to make the extraction of information from trace
files faster, productive and more flexible. This tool
named TRAFIL gives the opportunity to process as
well as store simulation trace files and then conduct
various calculations and produce measurements
based on their data.
The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows: In section 2 we describe the architecture of
TRAFIL with description of each component
individually. Section 3 presents use cases and results
of TRAFIL usage and finally Section 4 concludes
the paper.
In this section TRAFIL's architecture is presented
along with an explanation of every module that it
consists of. Figure 1 depicts the tool's architecture.
TRAFIL is the main module and it consists of 3
layers, the Presentation layer, the Business Layer
and the Database access layer.
Figure 1: TRAFIL Architecture.
MySQL is used as the local database. Every trace
file is stored in its own table depending on the
metafile and sub-metafiles it was matched to,
because the column names and data type of each
column are extracted from them.
The metafile and sub-metafile repository is the
component of TRAFIL that contains all the metafiles
and their sub-metafiles. They are stored in a
hierarchical order. Each metafile's sub-metafiles are
stored in a unique folder named after the metafile
they belong to. This way the loading of the sub-
metafiles for a specific metafile becomes simpler.
Metafiles are unique files that describe each of
the three main trace formats (NS-2 Trace Formats)
that NS-2 produces which are the Normal trace
format, the Old wireless and the New Wireless.
They are used to encode the structure of a specific
trace file format and to give information regarding
the procedure of generating the metrics for a specific
trace format, namely the names of columns whose
data will be used. Using the metafiles TRAFIL can
match any trace file that belongs to each of the 3
aforementioned categories. Furthermore, metafiles
can be easily extended in order to support any type
of trace file originating either from NS-2 or from
another simulator, thus the use of metafiles renders
TRAFIL a robust tool in regard to coping with
changes of the input’s format e.g. newer versions of
NS-2 trace files can have extra information
depending on the packet types used in the
simulation. This extra information comes in the form
of additional header fields. This way a trace file may
also contain different kinds of information in various
lines. So we could say that each of these 3 main
trace file types also has some sub types depending
on the packets that the simulation uses. Normal trace
files can log header information about TCP packets
and Satellite packets. Old Wireless trace files can
log information about ARP, CBR, TORA, AODV,
DSR, TCP, IP, IEMP and RCA packet types. New
Wireless can log information about ARP, CBR,
TORA, AODV, DSR, TCP, IP and IEMP packets.
The combinations that can appear in a trace file
cannot be known in advance since each simulation is
different from another and the traffic used in each
simulation can be anything the user wants. The
number of header fields in each line is different in
some cases from other lines in the same trace file
and in some other cases so is the order that the
header fields appear. It becomes obvious that the
trace file recognition process is a very complex one.
Each line in a trace file must be carefully examined
to establish what types of header fields are present in
order to handle the information it contains. The
solution our tool uses to tackle this task is the use of
“sub-metafiles”. Sub-metafiles are extensions of the
metafiles that were introduced earlier. For each
metafile we have additional sub-metafiles that
encode the format for every different kind of header
a trace file of a specific format can log. Therefore,
the metafile used to match Normal trace files has
two sub-metafiles, the metafile used to match an Old
wireless trace file has nine sub-metafiles and the
DCNET 2012 - International Conference on Data Communication Networking
metafile used to match a New Wireless trace file has
eight sub-metafiles.
3.1 TRAFIL Use Cases
In this section we illustrate an example usage of
TRAFIL where we open a new trace file and present
the information that the tool can extract. The
scenario that was used to create the sample trace file
involved 4 nodes connected in the topology shown
in Figure 2. The simulation lasted 80 seconds and
the communication was between nodes 0-3 and
nodes 1-3. This scenario is a small one and its sole
purpose is to present TRAFIL rather than validate or
infer conclusions about the simulation itself.
Figure 2: Sample Topology.
When the trace file has been analyzed and
processed its contents are visible via the tool from a
table, a feature that is unique in TRAFIL and its
purpose is to enable users to have all the information
they could possibly need centralized and ready to
use. The columns of the table are created based on
the metafile and sub metafiles that were used to
process the trace file. TRAFIL can also produce
specific QoS information about the simulation. The
QoS parameters are Packet Delivery Rate in
packets/second, Throughput in bits/second,
minimum End to End Delay, maximum End to End
Delay, average End to End Delay, Delay Jitter,
minimum Delay Jitter, maximum Delay Jitter,
average Delay Jitter and Packet Loss Ratio. All of
the above QoS parameters are calculated by
selecting two nodes of the simulation and the level at
which the calculation of the parameters will take
place. For a wired scenario the choices are Link
Layer or Network Layer and for Wireless scenarios
the choices depend on the trace levels present on the
trace file and are a subset of AGT, RTR or MAC
layer. The calculation of Throughput is performed
by dividing the number of bits that were successfully
sent and received between the selected nodes at the
time of the arrival of the first and last bit between
the nodes. The End to End Delay for each packet
between the two nodes is calculated by finding the
difference in the arrival time and transmission time
of every packet that was exchanged from the sender
node to the receiver node. The Jitter related
parameters are calculated based on the RFC 3550
(Schulzrinne, 2003) for RTP packets. Finally the
Packet Loss Ratio is calculated by finding all the
packets that were sent and received between the two
nodes, dividing their difference by the packets sent
and multiplying by 100. Finally, TRAFIL enables a
user to create charts regarding Packet Delivery Rate
in packets/second, Throughput in bits/second, Delay
Jitter and End to End Delay for each packet send
between two selected nodes. There are two options
for the time interval in which the sampling of values
takes place in order to create a chart and it can be set
to 1 second or 5 seconds. We believe that these two
options are adequate to create charts with an
acceptable level of detail.
3.2 Results
In this section we present some results regarding the
processing time of TRAFIL when it comes to
opening and storing new trace files of various sizes
to the local database. The results are presented in
Table 1 and they show that, even for very large scale
simulations, TRAFIL manages to minimize the
processing time. It is obvious though that the
increase of processing time is near liner to the trace
file sizes as one would expect.
Another observation extracted from the results is
that for the trace files with sizes 11,413KB and
16,724KB compared to the ones with 25,251KB and
30,774KB sizes respectively, the latter ones have
smaller processing time. This is because the first pair
of trace files have Normal trace format and the
number of sub metafiles used to process them is less
than the number of the ones that would be used if
they had Old Wireless or New Wireless trace
formats. Hence, the execution time, to some extent,
not only depends on the trace file size but also on the
trace format.
Table 1: Processing Time results.
Trace File Size(KB)
Execution Time(ms)
TRAFIL - A Tool for Enhancing Simulation TRAce FILes Processing
We presented in this work a new tool to enhance
simulations conducted with NS-2. This new tool
named TRAFIL aims at offering an easy to use
interface in which users can load and store
simulation trace files in order to facilitate the
analysis procedure. We used simulation trace files to
produce measurements, statistics and charts in an
effort to help students and researchers when running
simulations with NS-2. TRAFIL was written in the
JAVA programming language and is platform
independent. The main benefit of TRAFIL apart
from the production of ready to use metrics and
charts is the reduced time it consumes for the whole
trace file analysis procedure; firstly by minimizing
the time to open and use a trace file and secondly by
enabling the user to store each trace file in a
database for easy access and future use. That was
something that was missing all previous years in the
NS-2 simulation environment. It also gives the
opportunity to extract all the information that is
stored or produced to a text or Excel file when it
comes to the trace file, simulation metrics and
information or jpeg for the charts. Finally, TRAFIL
can be extended to support a variety of trace files
and not only NS-2 trace files with great ease due to
the use of Metafiles and Sub Metafiles.
In our future work we plan to extent TRAFIL
with useful tools for simulating video transmission
scenarios. The idea is to fully automate the whole
simulation and analysis procedure. In addition to
automating the simulation process we plan to offer
the opportunity to perform SQL queries directly to
the database and returning the results to the user.
This way a user can retrieve all the different
combinations of values contained in a trace file.
TRAFIL is publicly available at (TRAFIL
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TRAFIL download:
DCNET 2012 - International Conference on Data Communication Networking