Data Processing Modeling in Decision Support Systems
Concepción M. Gascueña
and Rafael Guadalupe
Department of Computing, Polytechnic of Madrid University, Carretera de Valencia Km7, 28031 Madrid, Spain
Department of Topographic, Polytechnic of Madrid University, Carretera de Valencia Km7, 28031 Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Multidimensional Models, Data Processing in Multidimensional Databases, Data Processing in Data
Warehouses, Data Processing in Decision Support Systems, Virtual factEntity.
Abstract: Due to the advancement of both, information technology in general, and databases in particular; data storage
devices are becoming cheaper and data processing speed is increasing. As result of this, organizations tend
to store large volumes of data holding great potential information. Decision Support Systems, DSS try to
use the stored data to obtain valuable information for organizations. In this paper, we use both data models
and use cases to represent the functionality of data processing in DSS following Software Engineering
processes. We propose a methodology to develop DSS in the Analysis phase, respective of data processing
modeling. We have used, as a starting point, a data model adapted to the semantics involved in
multidimensional databases or data warehouses, DW. Also, we have taken an algorithm that provides us
with all the possible ways to automatically cross check multidimensional model data. Using the
aforementioned, we propose diagrams and descriptions of use cases, which can be considered as patterns
representing the DSS functionality, in regard to DW data processing, DW on which DSS are based. We
highlight the reusability and automation benefits that this can be achieved, and we think this study can serve
as a guide in the development of DSS.
One of the challenges of Software Engineering (SE),
is to propose: rules, process, guidelines and models
that address Software development: quickly,
efficiently, in a specific and unambiguous manner
and resulting in a quality product. Methodologies are
proposed continually, with varying degrees of
complexity and agility; leading teams in a certain
direction during the software development process,
also referred to as software life cycle. In recent
years, SE has acquired great importance and,
increasingly, less software developments that being
undertaken without prior planning. In SE the Cases
of use (CU), are considered by most members of the
scientific community as a technique, not necessarily
object-oriented, which allows us to model the
functionality of a software system at a high level of
abstraction, and with no regard to the programming
paradigm in which the system will be implemented.
Decision Support Systems DSS, are based upon
historical databases containing large amounts of
data. They try to extract the information processing
the data in a certain way; allowing managers to
make decisions and predict future trends.
"Predicting the future by studying the past."
However, DSS are not always based on databases
built for this purpose, sometimes using transactional
databases, something we don’t consider efficient.
We believe the DSS must be based on data
warehouses (DW), or multidimensional databases
(MMDB); and following specific, multidimensional
(MM), data models; which reflect the
multidimensional semantics and lead to analysis
from the earliest stages of system development. In
this work we are using MM and CU for modeling
processing data in DSS.
This paper is structured as follows: Section 2
includes a study on related works in MMDB and on
the representation of functionality in the
development of Software Systems. In Section 3, we
present our proposal. Section 4 includes an example
using our proposal. In section 5, some conclusions
and future work are offered.
Most DSS development proposals are mainly
concerned with the database on which they are built
M. Gascueña C. and Guadalupe R..
Data Processing Modeling in Decision Support Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0003982601330138
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 133-138
ISBN: 978-989-8565-10-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
upon, (Kimball, 1996), (Imon, 2002), (Mazón,
2006). To develop this DB, data models have been
shown, as in (Tryfona, 2003), (Torlone, 2003),
(Malinowski, 2004), (Luján-Mora, 2006),
(Gascueña, 2006). There are authors that propose
using transactional database models, as
(Malinowski, 2004), (Tryfona, 2003), however other
authors propose using specific models that treat the
semantic MM in a specific manner, as (Kimball,
1996), (Torlone, 2003), (Gascueña, 2008c). In recent
years, the importance given to MM models has
increased, and there are even some proposals that try
to represent spatial-temporal data behavior within
them, as in (Malinowski, 2005), (Parent, 2006),
(Gascueña, 2008a), (Bimonte, 2008). This leads us
to stress the value that the scientific community is
giving to MM models used in the development of
the DW or MMDB. Regarding the processing of
data, there are some works as in (Gascueña, 2008b),
where an analysis is performed, while separating the
concepts of basic data and derived data. They use
models to represent both data types, and they
propose an algorithm responsible for the automatic
gathering of the data derived from the DW. However
there are few proposals regarding the data
processing functionalities of DSS.
The CU is the most widely employed technique
to model Software systems functionalities. However,
these are almost always used in a particular way for
each system; they are "tailored" by the applications
that they model. We think it would be desirable to
propose CU "patterns" that could
be reused by most
systems that need the same functionalities. There are
some initiatives that tackle generalized problems,
such as in (Guttorm, 2005) who proposes using CU
to represent the supposed potential threats that a
system could face, modeling both the functionality
and threats of systems, They name these, cases of
bad use, misuse cases. In (Kantorowitz, 2003) a
framework is proposed, oriented on CU, to build,
automatically, graphical user interfaces (GUI). They
also attempt to reuse these CU in different
applications. In (Luján-Mora, 2006) the MM
semantics are specified using class diagrams and
they propose new artifacts aimed at collecting such
semantics. They include an example of how to
specify two data requirements by two CU. But the
proposed CU, are entirely dependent upon the
discussed requirements. In this paper we propose a
general reusable CU, a “pattern”, which may be
used as a guide in the development of DSS to the
end of modeling the data processing functionality.
We are framing this paper within the Software
Engineering into the Analysis Phase of software life
cycle. We will use data models and CU to propose a
guide for development of DSS; proposing, on one
hand, appropriate conceptual MM data models that
reflect the basic starting data required to develop a
DW. And on the other hand, we will use CU to
represent the functionality of any DSS, regarding
data processing, and that will allows us to obtain,
dynamically and automatically derived data. The
MM data models used in this study were shown in
(Gascueña, 2006) and completed in (Gascueña,
2008a). To obtain dynamically derived data, we
have used the algorithm presented in (Gascueña,
3.1 Data Models
In this section we offer a brief introduction of
conceptual MM model named FactEntity (FE), to
better understand our proposal.
The MM models should represent the data
focused to analysis at the earliest stages of the DSS
development. They try to represent a fact object of
study, from different perspectives or dimensions and
with different levels of detail or granularities. Levels
are obtained by grouping basic data from different
criteria. With different criterion are formed different
hierarchies. A hierarchy contains a set of levels
grouped according to a criterion. A dimension can
have multiple hierarchies. A fact consists of a set of
fact measurements.
The FE model distinguishes between basic data
(existing data) and data obtained by processing the
basic data according to the analysis criteria, also
called derived data. Facts and dimensions are
combined to obtain the named factEntities. The
factEntities can be basic and virtual. The Basic
factEntities BfE, are obtained through the
dimensional levels of minimum granularity (leaf
levels) and basic fact measures. The named Virtual
factEntities VfE, are obtained through the processing
of basic data. The rules by which each factEntity
contains a single level of each dimension and a set
of fact measures are complied with. Though
sometimes this set could be empty. In figure 1, we
see the constructors, elements, relationships and
functions used by the FE model, representing the
MM semantics.
Hierarchies are classified according to the
involvement their “path Rollup” (moving from a
lower to a higher level) has over fact measures. Next
Figure 1: Basic FE model completed with the functions
that will apply on fact measures when the Rollup is run.
we see these:
Dynamic hierarchy (its route involves changes
in fact measures).
Static hierarchy (its route does not involve
changes in the fact measures).
Hybrid hierarchy (is a mixture of the two
previous types).
As we show in Figure 1, the Static and Hybrid
hierarchies represent spatial characteristics. We see
that the BfE counts with representatives of the
dimensional leaf levels and fact measures. Also, the
diagram represents both, the functions to be applied
to achieve higher levels in the hierarchy (this is of
specially interest in changing spatial granularities),
and the analysis functions to be applied on fact
measures, once the rollup between the dimensional
levels has been performed (this is necessary as to
perform basic data processing and obtaining derived
3.2 Cases of Use
In this proposal we present a generic CU model
aimed at picking up DSS functionalities in regard to
the processing of basic data. This intends to be a
guide for developers and analysts of these systems.
3.2.1 CU Diagram
In Figure 2 we can see the To Generate Virtual
factEntities diagram, which represents a main CU
named Generate Virtual factEntity VfE_CU, and
four associated CU: Create Table, Create
Materialized View, Create View, Other. All of them
count with the <<extend>> label. This provides the
functionality the ability to store the VfE both, inside
and outside the DW, and also in various, different,
ways, leaving the final choice up to the user (analyst
Figure 2: CU diagram: To Generate Virtual FactEntities.
This shows how the VfE storage could be chosen in the
3.2.2 CU Description
In Tables 1, 2 and 3 we can observe the VfE_CU
description. This is a generic CU that defines the
minimum functionality required in any DSS, needed
for the processing and gathering of derived data,
from a DW. To develop this CU we have used the
data model of Figures 1. Table 1 contains the
principal scenario or typical course of events,
functionalities. The head of this CU has been
omitted since it is not relevant for this work.
The VfE_CU performs the following tasks: First,
the user requests to generate VfE, the system asks
for the order in which dimensions will be crossed to
get all possible VfE. Second, the system calls the
Gascueña algorithm, which in turn obtains all the
possible forms of data crossing between dimensions
and fact measures. Third, the system presents the
Table 1: Events typical course of Generate VfE_CU.
user with a listing of the obtained VfE. Fourth, the
user chooses to generate a certain VfE (this action
obtains and process data of basic DW, respective of
the VfE structure chosen). Fifth, the system obtains
and presents the data and requests an option towards
the data treatment, as it is shown in the diagram in
figure 2. Sixth, the system allows the execution of as
many VfE as needed by the user. The system will
also allow obtaining other VfE listings, taking
dimensions in different order, and as many times as
the user wants. All this is explained in detail in
Table 1, which has 16 steps. In Tables 2 and 3 we
observe some alternatives, which we have
considered more important, to VfE_CU’s typical
Table 2: Events alternative courses contemplate various
options for storing structures and data of VfE.
Table 2 describes alternatives to the so called
“Create table CU”, (step 8 of events typical course).
There are various options: Create materialized views
CU, Create views CU and Others CU. Table 3
describes alternatives to run additional VfE (option:
Yes, step 13 of the typical course of events); and
alternatives to obtain new lists of VfE, choosing
Table 3: Events alternative courses that show the ability to
implement different VfE; and the ability to obtain new
lists of VfE choosing dimensions in different orders.
dimensions in different orders (option: Yes, step 15
of events typical course). Both, the typical course as
alternative courses may contain more options, but
here, they have not been considered since they do
not bring greater value into our discussion.
3.2.3 Gascueña Algorithm
Let’s briefly define the Gascueña algorithm, for
further details please refer to (Gascueña, 2008c). We
describe it in three stages.
First: Given a set of n dimensions, we obtain all
possible combinations, in groups of 1, 2,...,n-1 and n
dimensions. We apply the follow formula (1):
]/i[1,..,n] Λ p [i+1,...,n] Λ
(p> i OR p= Ø).
Second: The Cartesian product is applied on
each of the previous subgroups, taking into account
that in some application domains, the order in which
we choose the elements to make up the subgroup
will be significant.
Third: The Virtual factEntities are obtained by
adding to the Cartesian subgroups obtained in the
previous step the respective fact measures. We then
apply the following formula (2):
)})-(BfE). (2)
Where: (D
) represent the Cartesian
Product. And (G
) is the set of compatible
functions G
with the basic fact measure (me
). It
excludes the Basic fE).
Next we will develop a practical example in which
we will apply our proposal.
We consider it desirable to study the damage
caused by insect plagues in agriculture of certain
Earth zones over time. The spatial area is divided
into plots, and these are grouped into cities. It is
necessary to store the % of extension of each plague
on each plot in a given and determined moment of
time. The plagues are exterminated, or attempted to,
through the use of different technologies. The study
requires storing existing technologies and
effectiveness of such in the treatment of infected
plots. The effectiveness is measured by the % of
deaths caused by the treatment. The evolution of
plagues on each plot is checked weekly. The spatial
areas will be represented by spatial data with
geometric shapes, such as: surfaces, lines and points
that can be indistinctly used. The % extension of
plague and % deaths will be studied from different
perspectives and details: Time: week, year; Zones:
plot, city; Technical: technical type; Plague: plague
type, family and order.
To offer a solution to this study we propose
building a DSS, which allows us to analyze the
effectiveness of anti plague treatments, and aid us in
choosing the best decisions regarding the treatment
of new emerging plagues. The DSS will consist of a
MMDB or DW complete with spatial treatment.
Furthermore, the system allows the data processing
of DW on demand, in an easy and quick manner.
Figure 3 shows the proposed FE Basic model as a
solution for the storing of the input data.
Figure 3: Basic FE model for Plagues Study.
We have identified the following dimensions:
Time, Plague, Technique and Location Space. The
Time dimension has two granularities: week, year.
The Plague dimension has three granularities: type
plague, family and order. The Location Space
dimension has two semantic granularities: plot and
city; and three geometric granularities (spatial
representation): surface, line and point. Also this
dimension form a dynamic hierarchy, a static
hierarchy and three hybrid hierarchies. The “Plague
Evolution” basic factEntity contains the primary
keys inherited from the leaf level of the dimensions
(underlined in the diagram). The week level has two
relationships (start, final) with BfE. The fact under
consideration contains two fact measures: Expanse%
and Killed%. In the diagram, we can also observe
the functions used to create higher levels, of both the
geometric and semantic granularities, within the
spatial dimension. In figure 4, we observe how the
Basic FE model is completed with information
regarding the functions to be used for the analysis,
once the Rollup is made.
Figure 4: FE conceptual multidimensional model,
prepared for processing data by “Plagues Study DSS”.
Now and here we could have included the CU
models presented in Figure 2 and tables 1, 2 and 3,
adapted to our example. But, if we study these
models in detail, we note that it is necessary to
include anything new in the descriptions and
diagram of the VfE_CU. We observe that the CU
model proposed is valid to represent the required
minimum functionality required to process the
derived data in this example.
In this paper we have proposed a methodology,
which attempts to serve as a generalized guide for
the development of DSS following the Software
Engineering guidelines. Our proposal is framed
within the Analysis phase of the software
development process life cycle. We have used MM
data models and CU to lead the development. On the
one hand, we offer the foundations to build a DB
that collects MM semantics (to create the DW, main
part of DSS). On the other hand, we model the data
processing, defining the desired functionality
through a CU model. We explain our proposal in
three steps. First, we propose carrying out a
conceptual multidimensional data model with the
adequate structure required to store the basic or
starting data in a DW. The model takes into account
the analysis requirements. Second, the basic data
model obtained in the previous step is completed
with the operations and functions that we would
want to use in the data analysis. This new model
presents all the necessary elements needed for the
processing of the data, allowing us to obtain new
data structures for the derived data. Third, data
functionality processing is modeled by a CU. In
particular, it is defined and developed the Virtual
factEntity CU. The VfE_CU details the minimum
and necessary events sequence required for the basic
data processing. These VfE_CU use an algorithm
that interacts with data models, collecting the
information represented in them, to generate,
automatically and on-demand, all the possible VfE.
The steps above outlined, can be considered to have
a high level of abstraction and are independent of its
implementation. We believe that the proposed CU
can serve as a basic pattern in the development of
DSS; which later may be completed and adapted to
each particular situation, if necessary. Finally, we
have presented an example in which we develop a
case study using our own proposal.
Our future research is aimed at discovering other
general behavioral patterns, which could guide the
development of the DSS. In addition, we are
interested in developing a tool that would allow us to
describe and transform, automatically, the FE data
models and the VfE_CU, into real systems. The FE
model transformation will be made to implement the
models in commercial DB manager Systems, under
different paradigms: Relational, Object Relational or
Object Oriented. The VfE_CU transformation will
allow us to implement a basic interface, with the
features described in this proposal, while also
allowing for the possibility to choose programming
languages among the most popular ones.
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