Resource-oriented Consistency Analysis of Engineering Processes
Bernhard Bauer, Thomas Eisenbarth, Christoph Frenzel and Benjamin Honke
Programming Distributed Systems Lab, Institute of Computer Science, University of Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany
Ontologies, Method Engineering, Process Management, Enterprise Knowledge Management.
A number of popular engineering processes and methodologies emerged over the past years which attracted
interest in research and industry. For process enactment, enterprises have to match requirements of engineering
processes with existing resources. Therefore, it has to be analyzed if employees have sufficient skills or if
infrastructure has sufficient capabilities to match the requirements of a situational process. Both, maintaining
a skill and resource database and matching requirements against this database are an enormously challenging
and time-consuming task. Additionally, this matching has to be carried out regularly as employees join and
leave the company and skills change over time. Based upon a formal, logical base, we present an approach that
combines ontological and metamodeling technical spaces and enables an automatic analysis of engineering
processes regarding the existence of necessary resources.
Today, a reasonable number of standardized soft-
ware engineering methodologies, such as the V-
Model XT (Friedrich et al., 2008) or the automotive-
specific methodology of AUTOSAR (AUTOSAR
Consortium, 2011), and reference processes, such as
SPICE (Dorling, 2007) or CMMI (CMMI Product
Team, 2011), exist for various domains. They usually
define engineering methods by combining process
knowledge about input/output products and required
resources, such as technical infrastructure (e.g., tools
and laboratories) and human skills (e.g., roles and re-
sponsibilities). Usually, enterprises can choose from
a variety of skills and a large number of infrastructure
components providing lots of capabilities, which can
be used to fulfill project-specific requirements and to
put processes into action.
Matching the requirements of engineering pro-
cesses with existing enterprise resources is a people-
intensive and error-prone task. It is not only neces-
sary to have in-depth domain knowledge about skills,
which are necessary to fulfill certain roles and re-
sponsibilities, but also innovative methodologies of-
ten create new resource demands. Additionally, re-
sources and skills in a company change frequently due
to shifting business and IT requirements, staff fluctua-
Grateful acknowledgement is due to the DFG (German
Research Foundation) for their support of the project BU
809/7-2 SEMPRO
making this paper possible.
tion, and employee training. Therefore, matching the
necessary resources of a process with the available re-
sources in a company has become a regular task in or-
der to decide whether a development process can be
In this paper, we present an approach for the auto-
matic resource-oriented analysis of engineering pro-
cesses w.r.t. the required resources of a process and
available resources in a company. This is achieved
through the utilization of semantic technologies, es-
pecially logical reasoning. Therefore, we combine
two models, which are expressed in two separate
Technical Spaces (TSs): process models are normally
represented in the Metamodeling Technical Space
(MMTS), whereas a model of the existing resources is
expressed in the Ontological Technical Space (OTS).
Both models are linked via a bidirectional mapping
which translates between both TSs. In contrast to
complex resource planning approaches, our resource
analysis approach is supposed to offer a fast and
lightweight evaluation, if a company has, in princi-
ple, the necessary resources to execute a given pro-
cess. That is, instead of planning the execution of
process actions, our approach validates, that at least
one resource exists for each resource requirement of a
process. This means, that we neglect time constraints
induced by, e.g., concurrently executed process ac-
tions or processes. Additionally, this focus enables
the presented approach to be used with less detailed
processes, as well. The result of the resource analy-
Bauer B., Eisenbarth T., Frenzel C. and Honke B..
Resource-oriented Consistency Analysis of Engineering Processes.
DOI: 10.5220/0003984302060211
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 206-211
ISBN: 978-989-8565-12-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
sis is a set of non-executable process actions and the
according missing resources.
Using the presented approach, companies are ca-
pable of facing the following challenges:
1. Assurance of Consistency of Particular Project
Requirements with Internal (or External) Re-
sources. Even prior to project realization, project
managers must know, whether or not a project-
specific process can be realized based on existing
resources. By applying our resource-based analy-
sis, an automated and detailed consistency evalu-
ation becomes possible. Therefore, project teams
with fitting skills can be arranged more purpose-
2. Assurance of Standard Compliance According to
Existing Resources. Process improvement frame-
works, such as SPICE or CMMI, define the avail-
ability of particular artifacts and the execution of
dedicated activities. This often neglects that all
activities are enabled and executed by resources,
which must exist, too. By applying the automated
resources analysis, the feasibility (often also re-
ferred to as consistency) of all activities and the
artifacts can be ensured.
3. Provision of a Company- or Customer-specific
Resource Delta Analysis. By applying a
company-wide resource analysis, it is possible
to determine missing resources in a company to
reach a particular compliance level or some other
resource-related goal.
As Process Models (PMods) often lack semantical
knowledge, our approach combines benefits of the
MMTS and the OTS (cf. (Kurtev et al., 2002)) as in-
troduced in the following sections.
2.1 Ontological Technical Space
Originally designed for knowledge representation,
semantic technologies are built upon logical struc-
tures, which are used by specialized reasoning soft-
ware to check for consistency and to infer new facts.
These knowledge representations are called ontolo-
gies, which in turn describe entities and relations in
a specific domain (Uschold and Gruninger, 1996).
Accepted standards defined by the W3C include
Resource Description Framework (RDF), which is
used for conceptual description and modeling of in-
formation. Web Ontology Language (OWL) and
the subsequent version OWL 2 are languages for
more powerful knowledge description in ontologies
as well (Grau et al., 2008).
A number of popular modeling tools for ontolo-
gies such as Prot
e, NeOn Toolkit or KAON for in-
tuitive definition of information and relations within a
ontology exist. Subsequently such tools were heavily
used to build large ontologies. Related technologies,
standards, and tools for this knowledge representa-
tion quickly emerged, and established this branch of
research area as a well-recognized area of computer
science over the past years.
2.2 Method Engineering and the
Metamodeling Technical Space
In software engineering, Method Engineering (ME)
is a discipline, which concerns the design and man-
agement of product development from the inception
of a product to its maintenance. ME intends to pro-
vide contingent ways of thinking, i.e., methods, which
realize concrete products, artifacts, or other deliver-
ables, in an appropriate way (Henderson-Sellers and
e, 2010). Several methods and their outcomes
are combined in the course of an project-specific sit-
uational process, afterwards.
For structuring relevant facets of a method, au-
thors, such as Mirbel et al. (Mirbel and Ralyt, 2005),
introduced the term Method Chunk (MC). Ac-
cording to the meta model, which was proposed
by Henderson-Sellers et al. (Henderson-Sellers and
Gonzalez-Perez, 2008) (cf. 1 (a)), a MC aggregates
different types of method fragments. Originally, a
MC was defined to consist of a product fragment
to define relevant information objects, and a process
fragment to describe the steps for manipulating infor-
mation in a required manner. However, various au-
thors (cf. (Harmsen, 1997; IEEE Computer Society
Press, 2001)) have recognized the need for additional
fragments to detail a method considering its required
resources, such as roles (i.e., human-related factors)
and tools (i.e., infrastructure-related factors). For ex-
ample, in the well-known model definition language
Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) 2 (Ob-
ject Management Group, 2011), resources could be
expressed by using swimlanes. Although, this way to
model resource requirements is not capable of com-
plex skill definitions and lacks further semantics.
In a nutshell, our approach for analyzing the feasibil-
ity of processes is the following: given a model of
b) a)
Method Component
Resource FragmentProcess Fragment Product Fragment
Method Chunk Method Fragment
Resource Reference
Figure 1: Meta model for method components according to (Henderson-Sellers and Gonzalez-Perez, 2008) extended by
Resource Fragment.
the process and a semantic model of the available re-
sources within a company or department, we utilize
semantic technologies, especially logical reasoning,
in order to come up with infeasible MCs and the re-
spective missing resources. Therefore, both MMTS
and OTS need to be integrated via a mapping. 2 de-
picts an overview of the concept with its three build-
ing blocks: PMod, Resource Ontology (ROnt), and a
mapping between these two worlds.
3.1 Process Model
The metamodel of Henderson-Sellers et
al. (Henderson-Sellers and Gonzalez-Perez, 2008)
does not consider the definition of resource re-
quirements for MCs. Therefore, we extended the
metamodel with a Resource Fragment (RF) as shown
in 1 (b). The additional fragment indicates, that the
selection of a MC is affected by resource-related
factors, as well. Similar to product and process
fragments, the RF is a container that holds detailed
resource-related information, which in turn depend
on the applied process definition metamodel. Put
simply, an RF contains various resources, which are
necessary to support the realization of the assigned
MC. The information about resources is twofold:
on the one hand, the RF holds an Resource Refer-
ence (RR) which represent specific roles or tools,
and, on the other hand, an RR provides a cardinality
attribute to indicate the required quantity of the
respective resource. For example, a method such as
double-blind review needs two roles of the same type
to realize the four-eyes principle.
The left part of 2 shows the PMod, which repre-
sents a concrete process on a syntactical level in the
MMTS, in the context of our approach. The process
is realized using MCs, which are composed of three
types of method fragments. Because of space limi-
tations, we solely depict RRs, which are assigned to
the respective MC via a not shown RF using a re-
quires relation. The RR symbols show both, the car-
dinality as a hash symbol # on top and the name of
the resource below. Note that, for clarity reasons, we
are distinguishing between roles, i.e., employees with
specific skills, and tools, i.e., infrastructural capabil-
ities. However, since the approach presented here is
generic regarding the concrete method definition lan-
guage, this is not a requirement for a potential method
definition approach.
3.2 Resource Ontology
The right part of 2 depicts the ROnt, i.e., a model of
the resources within a company or department repre-
sented in the OTS. On the one hand, this model con-
ceptualizes company-internal resources, and builds up
a resource taxonomy of skills and infrastructural capa-
bilities. On the other hand, it also comprises the re-
source pool of the company, i.e., concrete employees
and infrastructure. By putting both in one ontology,
it is possible to assign each employee to the skills he
or she has and, respectively, assign each tool to the
capabilities it provides.
The resource taxonomy is a hierarchical definition
of the skills and capabilities that exist within a com-
pany. Thereby, skills refer to concrete knowledge, ca-
pabilities, or access rights an employee might have,
e.g., tax law knowledge, project management skills,
or access rights to personnel files. In order to come up
with a reasonable taxonomy of the skills, they should
be categorized and aggregated to umbrella terms. For
instance, the skills Java programming and C program-
ming are classified under the skill programming lan-
guages. The same ideas apply to the taxonomy of ca-
pabilities. A capability refers to a functionality of in-
frastructure components within the company. The in-
formation for building the resource taxonomy can be
gathered from experiences or knowledge of experts,
or from bodies of knowledge like (Abran et al., 2005).
The resource pool is a collection of concrete
Resource Taxonomy
Role A
Role B
Tool A
Role A
Role B
Metamodeling Technical Space Ontological Technical Space
Resource Pool
Skill A
Skill B
Cap A
Cap B
Skill A
Skill A Skill B
Cap A
Resource OntologyProcess Model
Tool A
Figure 2: Concept of the resource-oriented analysis of processes.
members of staff and instances of tools (depicted as
hexagons in 2) within the company or department.
For instance, there can be a representation of the real
employee Bob and the Laboratory X. Each member of
staff and tool is linked to the skills and capabilities it
provides via a hasSkill or hasCapability relationship,
respectively. This allows the concrete specification of
the abilities of the company’s resources. Furthermore,
there can be concepts, which define a specific set of
skills or capabilities, respectively. They are called
Predefined Property Sets (PPSs) and depicted as el-
lipses in 2. For instance, a concept software archi-
tect can define that an assigned employee has both a
programming language skill and project management
skill. This way, it is possible to represent company-
specific job titles. Actually, PPSs can be seen as short-
cuts for skill assignment by assigning a member of
staff to them instead of single skills.
All in all, the ROnt acts as a skill database for hu-
man resources and, additionally, contains equipment
and tools including their respective capabilities. This
knowledge base is developed for a company once, and
has to be kept up to date. Subsequently, it can be ex-
ploited in our approach to validate the feasibility of
processes from a resource-oriented point of view.
3.3 Mapping
In order to exploit the ROnt for a feasibility analy-
sis of a process, a translation between the RRs in the
PMod and the skills and capabilities in the resource
taxonomy is necessary. This is provided by the map-
ping depicted in the middle of 2. It is a separate on-
tology and, therefore, technically belongs to the OTS.
The basic idea of the mapping is to define a RR as an
aggregation of concepts from the resource taxonomy,
i.e., skills or capabilities.
A mapping between concrete RRs and concrete
skills or capabilities is represented as an ontological
equivalence. Each RR is represented as a distinct con-
cept in the mapping. Thereby, the matching between
RRs in the OTS and in the MMTS can be based on,
e.g., name equality. Now, the ontological RR is de-
fined to be equivalent to either an employee with a set
of skills or a tool with several capabilities. An exam-
ple of a mapping is:
software architect is equivalent to Staff
and hasSkill software
and hasSkill project management .
To enable the usage of the resource taxonomy in the
mapping, it imports the whole ROnt. Hence, no spe-
cific matching between skills and tools in the map-
ping, and in the resource taxonomy is necessary be-
cause both reside in the OTS.
In general, the set of skills and capabilities for a
RR is interpreted as a conjunction, i.e., the employee
or tool has to have all stated skills or capabilities.
However, depending on the expressiveness of the uti-
lized ontology language, this simple semantics can
be extended by more complex structures like disjunc-
tions. This allows to express a logic like a require-
ments engineer has a skill in use cases or user stories.
Note that the mapping defines a translation for RRs,
hence, the cardinalities for the RFs are neglected.
The mapping can be seen as the definition of a
matching between the RRs, i.e., RFs, of a specific
method definition language and the resource taxon-
omy of a company. Hence, the approach of decou-
pling both PMod, and ROnt allows reusing the com-
pany’s body of knowledge for analyzing the feasibil-
ity for processes independently from the used method
definition language. It is solely necessary to define the
mapping once for each combination of method def-
inition language and resource taxonomy. Note that,
however, it has to be ensured that the names of the
RRs in the language are unique, i.e., no two different
RRs have the same name.
3.4 Ontology-based Resource Analysis
Once the ROnt,i.e.existing resources within a com-
pany or department, and the mapping are defined as
outlined above, this knowledge can be exploited to
analyze the feasibility of a project-specific situational
PMod w.r.t. the required resources of contained MCs.
Thereby, the definition of the ROnt and the mapping
in the OTS turns out to be an enormous advantage
due to reasoning which enables the automation of this
The algorithm for computing feasibility of process
models works as follows: Given some PMod, it re-
turns the set of MC–RR pairs, which cannot be ful-
filled by any employee or tool from the resource pool.
In a nutshell, it checks whether each and every MC in
the process definition can be executed, i.e., whether
there are enough resources in the resource pool for
the RF assigned to the MC. Specifically, the feasi-
bility is analyzed by querying all resources from the
resource pool, i.e., staff or tools, which match the re-
quired RRs of the RF and comparing their count with
the cardinalities.
In order to gather the number of resources, which
match a RR, the algorithm queries the ROnt. Behind
the scenes, this query matches the RR in the MMTS
to the RR concept in the mapping, i.e., the OTS. As
outlined in 3.3, this can be done using name equality.
Subsequently, this concept can be translated via the
mapping into either an employee with a given set of
skills or a tool with a specific set of capabilities. Us-
ing logical reasoning, the resource pool can now be
queried for all resources, i.e., staff or tools, which ful-
fill this definition. The resulting resources are counted
and their number returned to the algorithm.
The result of the algorithm is, that all infeasible
MCs with the respective RRs, that cannot be fulfilled
by the resources in the resource pool, are marked as
infeasible in the given PMod. This information can
be utilized by the user to either redesign the process,
e.g., replacing the infeasible MCs, planning a train-
ing program for developing the missing skills, or pur-
chase new or improve the available tools. Note, that
the current algorithm does not provide the specific re-
sources from the resource pool, which can perform a
given MC. However, it is straightforward to exploit
the ROnt and mapping for this task, as well.
The need to conceptualize enterprise knowledge has
been identified some time ago (Fox and Gruninger,
1998). However, most of this work focuses on ei-
ther the MMTS or OTS only. On the one hand,
methodological frameworks were developed to ag-
gregate the particular interests of a company, such
as applied processes, resources, guidelines, or prod-
ucts, and to benefit from available information in
future projects. Some approaches are used to val-
idate new PMods, or to evaluate the feasibility of
projects by comparing company-specific capabilities
with project-specific needs (Gruhn, 1991; Hug et al.,
2008). They validate regarding deadlocks, availabil-
ity of artifacts, or the reachability of dedicated goals
based on the static structure of PMods. While those
approaches do validate the availability of human or in-
frastructural resources through simple structural syn-
tactical checks (e.g., comparing identifiers), most of
them neglect the advantages of incorporating seman-
tic knowledge and formal definition of such.
There has been work done presenting an interest-
ing possibility to advance ways to model resources
within graphical notation languages (BPMN 2 in
this case). Although, it covers humans resources
only (Cabanillas et al., 2011).
On the other hand, some approaches exclusively
focus on the need for managing company-internal or
-external resources using semantic technologies (cf.
(Fadel et al., 1994; Dorn et al., 2007; Hepp and Ro-
man, 2007)). Although, these approaches provide
frameworks for managing resources, to the best of our
knowledge, none of these relates engineering PMods
with ontological resource management.
Through loose coupling between MMTS and
OTS, existing PMods and ontologies can be used
without expensive modification or information loss.
Besides the definition of the mapping, efforts can be
reduced to a minimum, and well-known design prin-
ciples can be used in both TSs. The application of
reasoning techniques reduces the efforts to search for
particular resources manually. By determining the ca-
pabilities and skills of a specific resource concept in
the ontology, all available resources of a company can
be classified automatically, which provides project
managers with most recent information about avail-
able resources and bottlenecks regarding the needs of
some project. Even monitoring activities may bene-
fit from our approach: as the capabilities of particu-
lar resources can automatically be inferred, resource
fluctuations, i.e., changes in the resource pool, di-
rectly influence actual projects by propagating rele-
vant changes to project managers, which are respon-
sible for a respective mapped process fragment.
In this paper, we proposed an approach to analyze en-
gineering processes regarding their feasibility based
on a semantically-defined resource ontology. We suc-
cessfully evaluated our approach in a separate case
study, which we removed here due to space limita-
tions. Our approach demonstrated, that process mod-
els from the MMTS can be combined with seman-
tical knowledge from the OTS to assure, that pro-
cess resource demands are met. Furthermore, reason-
ing within a formal resource ontology reduces efforts,
which normally are necessary to manage highly fluc-
tuating company resources. We presented two pos-
sibilities of defining skills for resources and defined
a matching approach between the TSs. While most
similar approaches allow definition and consideration
of human resources only, our approach allows defini-
tion of all kinds of resources.
Our future research will focus on resource-
oriented planning and scheduling of engineering pro-
cess. Therefore, we plan to analyze control flow
mechanisms of workflows to provide more detailed
assertions about timing behavior or to optimize costs
based on existing resources. That way, more so-
phisticated analyses of the processes’ resource factors
should help to efficiently tailor processes not only re-
garding their application scenarios, but also consider-
ing available resources. By considering the average
processing time of MCs gathered from workflow en-
gine logfile analysis as well as resource existence, we
plan to expand our approach to provide sophisticated
resource scheduling functionalities.
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