Schools as Organizations
A Semiotic Approach towards Making Sense of Information Technology
Elaine C. S. Hayashi
, M. Cecília Martins
and M. Cecília C. Baranauskas
Institute of Computing, UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil
NIED, UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil
Keywords: Human-computer Interaction, Participatory Design, Organizational Semiotics, Educational Technology.
Abstract: Low cost educational laptops have the potential of transforming educational practices in the public schools
from developing and emerging countries. However, in order to be effectively incorporated into schools’
daily practices, technology has to make sense to the people that constitute these schools. This paper reports
on the initial activities with the members of an elementary public school in Brazil, facing the challenge of
constructing meaning for a new digital artefact. Concepts and practices from Organizational Semiotics (OS)
and Participatory Design (PD) were adapted as a methodological frame of reference for the analysis of
structure and context. Preliminary results indicate that, although originally designed for the business and
work domains, practices from OS and PD were suitable and revealed information that other approaches
would hardly reveal, regarding a prospective use of technology in educational contexts.
Technology is everywhere in our lives, mediating
our actions. Hence, the use of technology should be
a powerful tool to provide access and to promote the
construction of knowledge in the schools. This is
especially true in the context of developing
countries, where the opportunities of access to
digital technology at home are scarce. However, to
be incorporated into schools’ practices, it needs to
make sense to the community of users. Technology
use should be transparent, providing teachers and
students with learning opportunities, so that a digital
culture might be created at school and perhaps
disseminated to the schools’ physical surroundings.
According to a survey conducted by the
Brazilian’s National Institute for Educational Studies
Anísio Teixeira – INEP; and the Brazilian Ministry
of Education and Culture – MEC (MEC/INEP,
2010) roughly 31,700,000 students are enrolled in
the fundamental level, from which around
27,500,000 are in public schools. A survey
conducted by the Brazilian Internet Steering
Committee - CGI (CGI, 2010) indicated that while
81% of Brazilian public schools (including
fundamental level and high schools) have a
computer lab, only 4% of the public schools have a
computer in the classroom.
Recently, a program from the national
government has proposed the use of educational
laptops in a 1:1 model and has been incrementally
distributing the machines to public schools. The
mobility of the laptop allows students to take it to
their homes, extending the potentials of the laptop to
the students’ family. In a country where 55% of the
population in general have never used a computer
(UNESCO), that initiative might represent a relevant
step towards more access to information and
knowledge, i.e., a fairer society.
For a new digital technology to be effectively
incorporated in educational contexts, it must make
sense to all involved parties and it must consider
their habits, abilities and organizational culture. On
that ground, we believe that the process of bringing
this new artefact of technology to the school context
must happen under a socio-technical approach. This
situation presents the research challenge of
formalizing models and techniques to promote
understanding of the situated scenario towards
meaningful use of technology in schools.
In January 2009, 500 XO laptops were donated
by the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) organization
and are being used at a school in the suburban area
of the city of Campinas, in São Paulo. This project is
a research effort that runs in parallel and
independently to other government’s initiatives. In
C. S. Hayashi E., Martins M. and C. Baranauskas M..
Schools as Organizations - A Semiotic Approach towards Making Sense of Information Technology.
DOI: 10.5220/0003995900150024
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 15-24
ISBN: 978-989-8565-12-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the approach adopted by the government, to insert
the laptops at schools, a same methodology is
imposed to all the schools from different regions of
the country. Differently, our approach acknowledges
the situated character of the problem and constructs
a methodology based on a joint effort of the different
parties involved: researchers, designers, developers,
educators, school staff, and students.
Taken the school as a complex organization, the
frame of reference to our work is based on methods
and artefacts of the Organizational Semiotics (OS)
(Stamper, 1993 and 1993b), combined with
techniques inspired by Participatory Design (PD)
(Muller, 1993). Both OS and PD are articulated to
compose the collaborative practices of Semio-
participatory Workshops (SpW) (Baranauskas,
2009) conducted within the school.
This paper presents our findings from the initial
stages of the process of clarifying the problem of
technology embedding in a fundamental public
school in Brazil, on the grounds of OS. The paper
captures the impacts of the SpW based methodology
and discusses results of the first workshop. Five
other workshops were conducted in the school
during the year 2010 and four in 2011. The paper is
organized as follows: related approaches are
reviewed in Section 2. Theoretical and
methodological framework adopted by the project is
detailed in Section 3. Section 4 describes the
planning of the workshop. The workshop itself, with
its results and discussion, is detailed in Section 5.
Section 6 concludes.
Since the proposal of the XO laptop by the OLPC in
2005, many initiatives have taken place to
investigate its use at schools. Not only the XO
laptop is being target of studies, but also similar
technology that has been proposed after OLPC.
From a pure technical perspective, Moody and
Schmidt (2004) present the advantages of wireless
networks in education and numerate some concerns
to be addressed before the wireless networks are
implemented at schools.
From a socio-technical perspective, Cervantes et
al. (2011) analysed the social and technical
infrastructures that support the use of low cost
laptops at schools. That was done by observing the
activities that took place at elementary schools in
Mexico after the laptops were already distributed.
The authors described, based on what they saw in
the schools, how the available infrastructures (both
from technical and human perspectives) shaped the
use of the laptops.
Also describing the laptops use after its
implementation, Flores and Hourcade (2009) report
on the experience in Uruguay. The government in
Uruguay has distributed laptops to every child in the
public elementary school of grades 1-6 in the
country. The authors describe the first year with the
laptops at the schools.
In the Brazilian context, Corrêa et al. (2006)
conducted surveys similar to market researches.
Qualitative (interviews) and quantitative (forms)
approaches supported the investigation on the
acceptability of low cost laptops among teachers and
students before introducing the laptops to the
interviewees. This descriptive study collected and
reported on teachers’ and students’ beliefs on the
impacts of digital technology at school.
The important difference between the approach
of Corrêa et al. and ours lays on the role that
teachers and students play in the project. Instead of
passive informants, we take teachers, students and
other members of the social organization formed by
the school, as active partners. More than eliciting
participants’ concerns, our objective is to promote a
collective awareness, encouraging a collaborative
prospection of ideas and solutions, creating together
more meaningful uses of digital technology, even
before the arrival of that technology.
Expanding from the situated context of
educational laptops to the general use of Information
and Communication Technologies (ICT) in
educational settings, Lim (2002) also argued for the
importance of taking socio-technical perspectives.
Based on the Activity Theory, the author proposes a
theoretical framework that shows the connection of
ICT with learning and the sociocultural setting. The
garden-as-culture metaphor from Cole (apud Lim,
2002) is adopted to provide a broader view of the
school and educational system in the society at large.
Although OS is not mentioned, the author’s
(Lim, 2002) figure displays some ideas that are
similar to those present on OS artifacts: in the
framework from Lim, the garden metaphor with the
activity system is shown as embedded circles, with
the society as the outermost circle. Those more
formal structures are on inner circles; and the
activity system itself as the innermost circle.
Explicit reference to OS is made in the work of
Melo et al. (2008). Different design techniques and
artifacts are combined into the model that the
authors propose for the design centred in children’s
participation. The work of Melo et al. (2008) had its
focus on the process of design for and with children
towards interfaces that made more sense to the
Our work faces the challenge of providing more
meaningful appropriation of technology within a
school community. The simple injection of a foreign
technical device into a community’s life seems
easier but the adjustments demanded by this
approach might feel less natural. Our pursuit aims at
promoting a collective construction of meanings
towards more natural housing of the new
technological tool, having the entire community –
with teachers, students and other members – as
In this endeavour, we adopted a theoretical and
methodological reference based on Organizational
Semiotics (OS) and Participatory Design (PD). Even
though both OS and PD have origins in industrial
and business areas, we argue that they can be
successfully applied in educational contexts, guiding
the process of technology assimilation to more
meaningful results. The principles and some
instruments from OS and PD applied in this project
are detailed in the next section.
3.1 Organizational Semiotics
OS views information systems as organisations,
composed of socially established models of
behaviour, beliefs, perceptions and values (Stamper
et al., 2000). In this approach, the design of
technology starts with the understanding about the
sense that the community of users make of signs and
how the organisation is structured.
According to Stamper et al. (2000), any
organisation can be described in terms of the norms
that govern the behaviour of that social group. The
authors suggest that such norms are applicable to
different types of taxonomies. One possible
categorization is by the level of formality of the
norms. In this case, the categories are: technical,
formal and informal. Strictly precise norms that can
be expressed as instructions to be followed by, for
instance, a computer, comprise the technical norms.
The written norms (i.e., bureaucracy) are the formal
ones; and all other norms that people know and live
according to are the informal. These levels can be
represented as the layers of an onion, where the
technical systems are embedded inside the formal
and informal organisation. The Semiotic Onion
(Stamper, 1993b) comprise the technical, formal and
informal layers of real information systems.
Another possible way proposed by Stamper et al.
(2000) to classify norms is according to their role in
relation to signs and their functions, which can be
organized using the Semiotic Framework (Stamper,
1993). The authors indicate that this taxonomy helps
understanding the impact of information technology
when that technology is the cause of organisational
change. The Semiotic Framework from Stamper
organises the properties of the signs into six levels
(three more levels than the usual semiotic division of
syntax, semantics and pragmatics):
Social level: for a sign to be fully understood, as
argued by Stamper (1993), one needs to understand
its potential or actual social impacts. That includes
concerns about ways of behaving, sets of values,
shared models of reality, etc.
Pragmatic level: for a sign to have a use, it must
have an intention, shared by its creator and its
interpreters. This level involves the understanding of
context and forms of communication.
Semantic level: this level is related to the
meanings that are continuously constructed and
reconstructed while people use syntactic structures
to organize their actions.
Syntactic level: concerns formal structures that
maps or transforms symbolic forms. These are
mechanical transformations and they are proper of
software developers.
Empiric level: this level includes the aspects
related to telecommunication in general: noise,
patterns, redundancy, errors, channel capacity, etc.
Physical level: the physical properties of objects
or events: equipment, hardware, physical structures,
Together, the layers of the Semiotic Framework
(also Semiotic Ladder) guide the understanding of
how an organisation works. Moreover, it helps in
analysing factors that might contribute to more
successful processes (Liu, 2000; Stamper, 1993).
In the next sections we exemplify the use of the
Semiotic Onion and the Semiotic Framework for the
analysis of data collected from the activities in the
school. Next we briefly describe two other artefacts
that were explored collectively during the
encounters with the community of users.
3.1.1 Stakeholder Chart
The various methods that compose MEASUR
(Methods for Eliciting, Analysing and Specifying
Users’ Requirements), proposed by Stamper (1993),
provide tools for better understanding organizations.
Liu explains that, even when dealing with rather
chaotic problem situations, the methods allow
gradual and precise clarification, until a set of
technical solutions can be reached.
The Stakeholder Analysis Chart
(SC) is one of
the Problem Articulation Method techniques, from
MEASUR (Liu et al., 2007). The actions of
stakeholders, with their roles, interests and
responsibilities, usually impact the result of a
project. Because of that, it is important to clearly
identify who the stakeholders are so that they are
properly taken into account in the process.
3.1.2 Evaluation Framing
The Evaluation Framing (EF) (Baranauskas et al.,
2005), differently from the Valuation Framing (Liu,
2001), is a technique that aids in the process of
anticipating problems new technology might bring
to the organisation, and prospecting solutions for
them. The EF guides a reflection on issues and
possible ideas and solutions related to each category
of stakeholders raised through the SC. In the
workshops that we describe in this paper we have
used the EF to help the whole group in the
identification of the main issues related to this
specific context of new technology and educational
3.2 Participatory Design
The Participatory Design (PD) has its origins in
Scandinavia in the late '70s, appearing in the
workplace to promote more democratic insertion of
technology among those more affected by it (Schuler
and Namioka, 1993). Brought to the design context,
the involvement of the users in the design process
contributes to the motivation of participants and to
greater satisfaction with the outcome, since all are
co-authors of the resulting system.
Several techniques have been proposed to allow
this interaction between designers and end users, and
to allow the participation of users in all stages of the
design process. Among the techniques used in PD,
we can mention games, plays and different levels of
prototyping. Muller brought together and listed
several of these activities in (Muller, 1993).
3.3 Semio-participatory Workshops
The insertion of digital artifacts in the educational
environment demands a vision of its socio-cultural
context (Lim, 2002).
The articulation of methods from OS with
principles and practices from DP represents a
powerful tool for the process of understanding the
social context while involving the target community
in the course of actions. This articulation was
materialized in activities that were carefully tailored
for each community who joins the SpW
(Baranauskas, 2009).
OS was proposed in the context of information
systems and business organisations. PD has also its
origins in the work field contexts. However, the
combination of OS and PD has shown important
results in other knowledge domains and practice
areas. For example, Neris el al. (2011) report their
actions during the design of an inclusive social
network, involving a community of young adults
and seniors from a low-income neighbourhood.
Other successful examples include practices related
to the domains of critical systems (Guimarães and
Baranauskas, 2008), geographic information systems
(Schimiguel et al., 2005); (Escalona et al., 2008),
iDTV (Furtado et al., 2009), among others.
Those results encourage us to use the presented
methodological frame of reference to bring
awareness and collective discussion within an
educational organisation, involving school-age
children and their fellows (teachers, parents and
other members of the school). Together, we have
been engaged in the process of constructing a more
meaningful use of technology. The next section
describes how these methods and artefacts have been
collaboratively articulated in our scenario.
The first encounter with the school’s community
took place even before the arrival of the laptops at
the school. Researchers from different areas
(computer science, pedagogy, multimedia,
psychology, etc.) gathered with the members of the
school, which included teachers, students, parents
and other employees from the school (e.g., principal,
pedagogue, cook, janitor). Also representatives from
the secretary of education of the city hall were
present. This first SpW had 60 participants and the
composition of this group is represented in Figure 1.
The discussion on the new technology that was
about to be used at the school would be richer if the
participants could have a better idea about that
technology. Because of that, the SpW started with
what was called the “XO Mini Fair”.
The mini fair allowed participants to have their
first contact with the XO laptop. For this event, eight
XO laptops were distributed among four stands. In
the first stand, participants had the chance to
manipulate the laptop, finding out how to open it,
how to close it, use the antennas, rotate the screen.
Figure 1: Participants of the SpW and their roles.
At another stand, the features of XO’s webcam
were explored in activities where participants were
able to take pictures and make short videos. The
other two stands examined the chat activity and the
educational game SOO Brasileiro (Silva et al.,
2008). Figure 2(a) illustrates a moment of this
activity in one of the stands.
Each stand had at least one facilitator, i.e., one of
the researchers who would be available to assist
participants in their interactions with the XO
whenever needed.
After the XO Mini Fair, the whole group
gathered together again and videos were presented.
The first video was composed of extracts that
formed a shorter version from a video available on
This video showed the experience that a public
school in another State in Brazil was having with the
use of XO laptops. The second video presented some
of the initiatives from our research group related to
low cost laptops and the main features of the XO
After all participants were familiar with the
laptop and some of its possible uses, they were
invited to discuss, in smaller groups, about the
impacts of bringing that technology to the school.
Posters had been previously prepared, depicting the
empty artifacts of SC and EF. Due to the size of the
group (60 people), they were distributed in three
smaller groups. Each group had one poster of each
artifact; and participants expressed their thoughts
writing in post-it’s that would be fixed on the
posters. In each group, a facilitator led the activity,
eliciting responses and attaching the post-its on the
charts. Figure 2(b) illustrates a moment of this
After all charts were created, the entire group got
together again and the results were discussed; each
group summarized their results on the activities.
Towards the end of the SpW, participants were
invited to take a moment of introspection. They were
asked to write, individually and anonymously,
adjectives or complete sentences that reflected their
perceptions and expectation about the project. The
activity was not mandatory, but the majority
reported on their impressions.
The XO Mini Fair was an attempt to diminish
participant’s anxieties about the technology they
were going to receive in the school. Participants
visited all stands and learned how to manipulate the
laptop and how to use some of its main features.
After the SpW, researchers analyzed the material
produced during the workshop. The tables that were
filled separately by all three groups were combined
into one consolidated table.
The charts displayed participants concerns
related to varied subjects: safety issues (e.g.,
precaution and protection of children carrying a
laptop from home to school and vice-versa); training
(e.g., how to train teachers, students, parents and
other users); operational issues (e.g., how and where
to store all machines, how to distribute them among
the children, maintenance issues); among others.
Figure 3 illustrates the main issues discussed in the
groups, represented and sorted according to the
levels of the Semiotic Framework. By observing the
summarized general results of the SpW in Figure 3,
we can realize how the use of SC and EF helped the
group to become aware of issues ranging from the
physical to the social domains. Technology related
projects are usually directed mainly towards the IT
levels (physical, empirics and syntactic levels of the
Semiotic Framework). In the context of our project,
the concerns with human information functions (the
social, pragmatic and semantic levels) are of vital
importance. For the technology deployed to make
sense, and thus be incorporated into community
practices, it is necessary to address issues of higher
levels of the framework as well as the issues related
to the lower levels. For example, since the number
of students in the school exceeds the number of
machines, deciding how to distribute the laptops will
have an impact in the schools’ culture and habits.
The infrastructure of the schools (e.g., number of
sockets at a classroom, electric capacities, etc.) may
Figure 2: On the left, (a) participants of the SpW examining the XO at the mini fair; and (b) one of the groups constructing
the Evaluation Framing with post-it’s.
influence the daily uses of laptops.
Figure 3: The Semiotic Framework (Liu, 2000) organizing
the main ideas related to the project.
Figure 3 will be further discussed later in this
section. Following, more details on the results from
the workshop is presented.
5.1 Findings from the Artifacts
The SC was originally designed to be used by the
developers of informational systems themselves
(Kolkman, 1993). In our approach, the artifacts were
used collaboratively in a participatory practice
during the SpW, where researchers and the school’s
community interacted together. All participants
recognized themselves as protagonists in the action
of deploying low cost educational laptops at the
5.1.1 The Stakeholders Analysis Chart
The different groups presented similar results and
they are summarized in Figure 4. On the
background, the figure shows part of the model of
Stakeholders Analysis (Liu, 2001); and the table on
the foreground shows the main stakeholders elicited.
The contribution layer lists those directly
involved in the course of action. The core of the
analysis was the Project as a whole. Besides those
that are part of the this school’s community, also
other schools were listed on this layer. Those
schools that have already been experiencing with the
use of educational laptops were seen as possible
contributors, as a source for inspiration and example.
For the source layer, the list of possible suppliers
and clients elicited during the SpW was divided in
two categories: those who could be a source of
information for the project and those who would
provide the necessary material infrastructure.
Also the responses for the market layer were
grouped in two categories: the collaborators or
competitors from within the school’s walls, and
those from beyond the school’s walls. This
illustrates how participants are able to see beyond
their own and near environment, understanding that
the impact of the Project might extend beyond the
school itself.
Due to time limits, and also due to the rich
discussions raised on these first layers, some of the
groups were not able to discuss the outer layer
related to bystanders and community. Nonetheless,
the few responses concerned basically the possible
formal means of communication from the
community outside the school and other formal
organizational structures.
5.1.2 Evaluation Framing
After identifying who were the agents that either
would be involved in or affected by the project, the
same groups discussed the issues and possible ideas
related to each layer of stakeholders. The complete
transcription of the issues and ideas raised summed
Figure 4: Summary of the results constructed with the Stakeholders Analysis Chart.
Table 1: Examples of the ideas elicited by the use of the Evaluation Framing.
Stakeholders Issues Ideas and Solutions
Community What is the government’s role in the project?
Technical support from the Municipal Education
How to provide internet access to the laptops? Extend wireless network.
Publicity: how to spread the word about the project?
Write reports about the experience;
Use the school’s official blog.
How to provide training to staff for the usage of the
laptops in the school?
Student monitors as assistants.
Maintenance: how to fix software and/or hardware
Provide specific courses for teachers, students and
other interested in helping with the maintenance of
the laptops;
Search for agreements with partners from outside the
Distribution of the laptops: since the amount of
teachers/students is greater than the amount of
available laptops, who receives the laptops?
Share laptops among siblings; share laptops among
children from different shifts.
Children’s safety: is it safe for the children to go
home carrying a laptop? Would the parents allow it?
Parents signing a Terms of Conditions of Use;
Meeting with parents; Parents accompanying
children to and from school.
more than five pages of texts. Table 1 lists one
example of issue and possible solution related to
each layer of stakeholders.
The concern with the distribution of the laptops
among students and teachers prevailed in all groups.
The school has more than 500 students, plus more
than 30 teachers; and there were around 500 laptops
available to be shared among them. Different ideas
were discussed, including: sharing laptops among
siblings or among children from different shifts (at
this school, grades 1-5 attends the morning shift,
while grades 6-9, the afternoon’s).
Regarding the stakeholders from the source layer
– in this case, more specifically, source of
information – some participants discussed about the
learning curve and who would provide teachers with
the necessary training.
5.2 Expectation and Perceptions
The adjectives and sentences written at the end of
the workshop portray the beliefs, expectation and
perceptions that participants had about the project
and the XO laptop. The full transcript of participants'
expectations, as well as the transcription of all issues
and ideas elicited, shall be available on a technical
From the transcription of participants’
expectation and perceptions, a tag cloud was created.
Figure 5 illustrates the words and their occurrence
(how frequently the words appear in participants
As the project was at the core of the discussion,
the word “project” was the most mentioned one, and
it was taken away from the list so that all other less
mentioned words would be readable in the resulting
tag cloud. Positive adjectives were also frequently
mentioned, e.g., “great” and “good”. The general
opinions expressed revealed participants’ interest
and excitement for the new arrival, which was
denoted by terms like “interesting”, “innovative”,
“challenging”, “motivation, “cool”, “fantastic” and
Albeit naïve, one hoped for changes to “better
lives” simply by the presence of the laptop itself.
Others demonstrated being aware that the proper use
of the laptops might promote deep changes in the
school, changing paradigms and impacting the entire
school’s systems; and they were also aware that this
does not happen overnight, but instead, as a result of
a long process that demands conjoint actions
(“Innovative, however, a long path lays ahead before
being totally functional”; “(…) interesting, but
demands more detailed planning to work (…)”;
“(…) if well organized (…) a mechanism to promote
the involvement of the community with the school.”)
From the 60 participants, two questioned the
outcome or purpose of the project. One concern was
with the improper use of the internet. The other
made use of a metaphor from the bible, questioning
whether the project was not trying to “throw pearls
to pigs”.
5.3 Analysis Summary
The insertion of the laptops that was about to take
place at the school was an act that would take place
at the technical layer of the Semiotic Onion. This
occurrence would demand that norms be created at
the school to rule the use of the laptops at the six
levels of the Semiotic Framework, as summarized
earlier in this paper on Figure 3.
5.3.1 Social Level
From a social level perspective, one of the rules that
needed to be decided regarded sharing laptops: who
would share the laptops and how was it going to be
controlled. One idea that was positively taken by
most of the adult participants was sharing the laptop
among siblings. It seems feasible and practical that if
brothers and sisters attend the same school, in
different grades and shifts, they could perfectly
share one laptop. That idea, however, would not
work in practice. Students revealed that the
relationship they actually have with their brothers
and sisters is not always friendly enough to keep that
norm working well.
If the norm (formal layer) about sharing the
laptops among siblings were decided and
implemented without accounting children’s opinion,
conflicts might had led to a disruption at the social
level (the social level of the Semiotic Framework, in
this context, can also be seen as the informal layer of
the Semiotic Onion).
The involvement of the children in the decision
processes are important not only to guarantee that
aspects from real live practices are accounted, but
also because they – the children – are central to the
entire project. The meaning the children, together
with other members of the school, will make of the
laptops will have social consequences and might
determine the success or failure of the project.
As Liu (2000, p.111) argues: “Before
introducing an IT system, there should be clear
specifications of rules for business operations”.
These rules must make sense to those involved: “an
IT system presupposes a formal system, just as a
formal system relies on an informal system”.
5.3.2 Pragmatic Level
At a pragmatic level, the use of the laptops
should provide richer learning environment,
promoting improved education. Another issue raised
during the SpW regarded the lack of knowledge
teachers had on the laptop. One of the ideas
suggested that students who were more familiar with
digital technology could provide support to peers
and to the teachers. This approach might contribute
to an important change: moving away from the
instructional paradigm, towards more
constructivist/constructionist (Papert, 1993) ones.
Learning about specific features of the laptop
only for the purpose of learning about that
technology might make less sense than engaging on
the construction of knowledge supported by the use
of the technology.
5.3.3 Semantic Level
In this process, the meanings that will be constructed
(and reconstructed, in a continuous and iterative
process) have an important role. “The meaning of a
sign relates to the response the sign elicits in a given
social setting”; moreover, it “frequently suggests
mental and valuational processes as well” (Liu,
2000, p.30). Children might understand the laptops
Figure 5: Tag cloud formed with participants' adjectives and sentences about the project.
as a source of distraction and recreation. This can be
a powerful learning tool if teachers choose to take
advantage of what children most like doing at the
laptop in order to create learning opportunities. On
the other hand, recreational activities might be
considered harmful and forbidden
Some of the sentences written at the end of the
SpW suggested that it is important to discuss and
review pedagogical projects, policies and practices
of the school. Indeed the construction of meaning
from the uses of the laptop might promote changes
which will demand that norms be adjusted to the
new reality.
5.3.4 Syntactic, Empiric and Physical Levels
The lower levels of the Semiotic Ladder provide
support to the higher levels. The syntactic level
houses concerns on properly understanding the rules
(of interaction) that allows the use of the laptops.
The operational system and the activities
(applications) from the XO laptop have interaction
metaphors that differ from the ones we usually see in
personal computers or regular laptops. These
differences might confuse those who are familiar to
other computers’ interaction language, but will be
overcome as long as the activities are intended to a
practical and meaningful use.
The last two levels, physical and empirical, are
usually not the concern of users. However, they are
important concerns and they were discussed by all
groups. Although the XO laptop has the Mesh
network that supports communication among the
laptops even when no Internet connection is
available, participants were concerned with wireless
Internet access. Another concern was with the
availability of enough electrical sockets to recharge
all laptops in the classrooms. Such concerns were
easily addressed and solved.
Schools are complex social organizations that shape
the future of generations. The insertion of a
technological innovation within the school should
not happen with the deterministic belief that
technology develops autonomously and by its own
logic. The belief should be towards an environment
that is continually reconstructed in communicative
practices among participants (mediated by
technology). The Semio-Participatory approach,
grounded in the Organizational Semiotics concepts,
helped the group to face the challenge of changing
old concepts. One of them is the concept that the
school has to adapt itself to technological progress.
Instead, the school is an organization that is capable
of influencing the technological innovation, inside
and outside its walls.
In the initial phase of the XO Project, the first
Semio-participatory Workshop sought to clarify the
problem and handle with general expectation about
the project. The activities, guided by artifacts
inspired from OS and PD, allowed the group to line
up the different views (viewpoints of researchers,
students, teachers and school staff) on the
deployment of a new digital technology at an
elementary public school in Brazil.
The SpW helped participants to have a broader
view of the Project, and to articulate issues, ideas
and solutions. Taking a participatory approach to
this analysis was essential. This paper described the
process of conducting the SpW, illustrating its
planning, implementation, results and analysis.
The results indicated that the referential basis
and artifacts from OS and PD are appropriate tools
for guiding a collective construction of meanings
and norms regarding the introduction of a new
information technology at an educational
organization. Further work involves a reflection on
the impact of such approach after 2 years of the
project in the school.
We thank CNpQ (processes# 143487/2011,
475105/2010-9 and 560044/2010-0) for financial
support; our colleagues from UNICAMP and EMEF
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